THE CAVALIERS Thanks-giving.

Written by a Sober Cavalier, T. H.

LONDON, Printed by I. C. for the Author 1661.

THE CAVALIERS Thanksgiving.

Our Royal King Charls the Second's come home in peace
God blesse his Royal Grace,
And grant that we may thankfull be
in our succeeding Race.
The mighty force, his enemies all,
God did them over Rule;
And called a small Army out of the North
that soon their force did quell.
Let men therefore before the Lord
confesse his goodnesse then,
And shew the wonders he hath wrought
before the Sons of men.
Gods children of the Church of England,
did weep with many a tear,
And sent strong prayers up to Heaven,
and God their vo [...]ce did hear,
But would not grant them their request,
until his wisdom saw it good,
Then he res [...]or'd most joyfully
the Race of Royal blood.
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confesse his goodnesse then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the Sons of men.
King Charles the first, the greatest Martyr
that ever these Lands had bred,
The wicked Traytors and malicious men,
did take away his head.
Wise men and good did then fore-see
great wrong that they would do,
To all their neighbours every where
and to other Lands also.
Grave Reverend Bishops they disgraced,
and godly Doctors too,
They put them quite out of their place
and plundered them also.
The godly prayers of the Church of England,
they did soon put down,
And maintaind False teachers every where,
like Locusts on the ground,
And then they thought themselves most sure
Of Balaams wicked hire,
But the gates of Hell could not prevail
to set Gods Church a fire.
God will preserve his Church be sure, as he hath promise made
From lewd men and unjust,
If that we serve him faithfully,
and in him put our trust.
Let men therefore before the Lord
confesse his goodness then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the sons of men.
Great spoyl these Traytors here did make,
in England every where,
The Scottish Lords could not abide
but came away with fear,
They plundred many, and sequestred
like Villains void of grace,
The English Lords and Gentlemen,
were f [...]rct out of their place.
Stately houses and Castles strong
were pulld down to the ground,
They were forced for to fly,
with their true heart so sound.
Their loyal hearts God did regard
which they to the King did bear,
And at the last God brought him home again
to live in love without fear,
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confess his goodnesi then,
And shew his kindness that he doth,
For them the Sons of men.
A cruel war these Rebels then,
in England then did maintain,
Against all right and reason then
Like to blood-thirsty men.
They made such tumults every where.
through deceit, lying and fraud,
As did amaze men for to see,
their cousening lying trade.
Great Companys of armed men,
and rude youth to Lambeth house did come,
They forced the house in wicked sort,
till some were quite undone.
These wicked Rebels and Traytors used
Such tricks, that Citizens down did go,
Unto White-hall with Petitions as thick as moats in Sun
for to procure their own wo.
Such doings then my eyes did see,
I thought they all had been mad,
They kept Centry at every crosse way
alas it was too bad.
They so deluded plain simple men,
that thousands out did go,
With Spades and Shovels and Swords by their side
for to procure their own wo.
They went out with great Companys every day
with Drums sounding Dub a dub dub,
They carryed out Victuals and wrought for nothing
thinking themselves in fools Paradice sure as a club.
They made great ditches and cast up great Mounts,
to keep out their best friend,
Such blind zeale on them did grow,
being falsly usherred in,
And many a Knave grew out of this dust
which did shew their teeth and grin,
And say, if they knew who were Cavaliers,
they would strip them all to the skin.
Our Warres did very much encrease
in England every where,
The Rebels they did grow so proud
without any grace or fear.
Some Victories to the Cavaliers
God did them freely give,
At Branford and in Cornwell too,
Which did their hearts relieve.
Great mercy there our King did shew,
as did appear most plain,
Which made all them that had any grace
against themselves complain.
But the wicked Rebels still persue,
their malice, spight and wrong,
Untill such time that they deserved,
the hate of God and man.
The Nations they stood looking on,
and wondring at our wo,
They said we English-men were mad
and knew not what to do.
The factious people brought their Plat:
and made a mighty Masse,
As freely as the Idolatrous Jewes
did make a golden Calf;
But now the name of God be prays'd,
our people are wiser grown.
They will no more so cheated be
of that which is their own.
But now the hearts of most English men▪
is cleared from this thing.
Both Cavaliers and sober Presbytiers,
will say God save our KING.
The Noble men, Knights and Colonels,
and Citizens high and low,
Most joyfully proclaim'd our King,
in London in triumph did go.
And other Citys and Towns in these three Kingdoms all,
Great joy they did expresse,
With naked Swords within their hand
to shew their readinesse.
Great shouls of joy within the streets,
did eccho to the Sky,
Saying, God save our Royal King
and blesse his Majesty.
The Son and Heir of our beloved Martyr'd King
which dyed to do us good▪
With Faith, hope, and Patience he did fore-see
that God would do him good,
And receive his soul into Heaven,
and blesse his Royall seed also,
And that God would in his due time
All his enemies overthrow.
All thanks be unto God on high
which hath performed this great thing,
And sent home his Son to be our guide,
A wise and godly King.
By whom we may have great hopes of Peace
and I ove so to abound,
At home, abroad and every where
throughout the world so round.
The Nations they will say abroad,
God hath not England forsook,
For he hath sent them home their Royal King
For to do them all good.
Let men therefore before the Lord,
confesse his goodness then,
And shew the wonders that he doth
before the sons of men.
Let men whom God redeemed hath
give thanks unto his name,
And shew how they from foes were freed
and how God wrought the same.
That nine and twenty day of May;
which did the tydings bring
Of Peace, let all men keep and say
With me,

GOD save the KING.


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