The Ancient of dayes is come, the Iudgment is set, glad Tydings is proclaimed, To Iew and Gentile, to Bond and Free, to High and Low, to Rich and Poor, to Small and Great; Let him that will, come, and receive the offer of his Love freely, Isa. 55.1, 2.

ALL People, who stumble at the stumbling stone, Arise, and shine, for Light is come; Behold the bright and morning star is risen; the glorious day is dawned, the Sun doth shine, all eyes wax dimme, the wise and the prudent are turned into the dark, the night overtakes them, and being in the night they stumble, they grope at noon day, the glory of the Sun they cannot behold, the heat thereof they cannot bear, who are at ease in Zion; but the Lord doth reign, let the earth rejoyce, Ps. 47.1. his lightnings enlightned the world, vers. 4. yea, the Sun doth appear, clouds are expelled, darkness flyes away, and the sha­dows are not, the time of the singing of Birds is come, Hos. 14.7. plesant smells as of Lebanon sent forth; and doth the Inhabitants re­fresh, the fru [...]t appears which beautifies, and doth the trees adorne, come see and taste how good and sweet it is, it glads both God and man.

All sorts of People, come, buy wine and milk without price, freely you may take, and live, the love of the Lord is free, freely hath he sent his Son into the world, that the world through him might live and not die, poor hearts you have laboured in vain, and spent your strength to no profit, give ear and hear, and your Souls shall live.

You Professors, in what forme or in what profession soever you be in, or under what title soever you be called, all your profession will melt as dew before the Sun, who are not yet come to know the Son, nor the day of his appearance; In that day in which the Lord will judge the secrets of all hearts, remember you were forwarned to flye from that wrath which is to come; and you now put his day a far off from you, and his appearance is not loved by you, but are crying, Lo here, and lo there, in this forme, or in that forme, but know not the kingdom is within, the power is within, the glory of the Kings Daughter is within; know ye not that your bodies are the temple of the God of Light, and light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not, not all your gifts, and great parts, and wisdom you have, can comprehend the light which shines, but the light sees, knows, and comprehends where you are, therefore let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, nor the learned Rabbies in their great learning, telling the simple ones, that none can know the Scripture but such as have their learning which is earthly, but Father I thank thee, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to babes; yea, verily, verily I say unto you, ye that are wise must become fools that ye may be wise, for the Key of David shall open, and no man can shut; and that shall shut, and no man can open: he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear.

Now, to the Judgement come that you may not be judged, now is the Judgment set, the Ancient of dayes is coming and come, Jam. 5.9. the Judge stands at the door, receive him in, kiss the Son lest he be angry, and ye perish, Psal 2 12.

Now is the Son come to reign, and he will reign, and shall reign, and his enemies shall become his footstoole.

And all you that are covered with a Profession talking of the reign­ing of Christ with his Saints, ye be Jewes without, beware ye be not found in the path of your Forefathers, who put the Lamb of God to death, they had as large a Profession upon them as you have, and were as zealous as you are, and a zeal you have, but the vaile is not rent [Page 3]from bottom to top, and so your zeal is in the dark, clouded, and darkness covers that you cannot see nor behold the glory and power of that which you in words contend for, but as the Jewes, without, talked, and spoke, and Prophesied of a Messiah to come in glory and greatness, without, so do you poor hearts, and he came as a thief in the night, he was among them, with them, and they knew him not; him they saw not, in seeing they perceived not: Although they saw his temple, yea, [...]nd destroyed it, yet him they knew not who was in the temple, as it is written, whom none of the Princes of this world knew, for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory, 1 Cor. 2.8. he was daily with them, but themselves and their honour they loved, and him could not follow; they loved the honour and praise one of another as you do, and in him could not believe.

Now Jesus Christ, the Ancient of dayes, is come, he that was yester­day, is the same this day, the same for ever, he who was before Abra­ham was, I am: he is the same for ever. And what ground have you, who say, you would walk by Scripture-rule, what ground have you from Scripture that the Son will change his Glory, he is the perfection of holiness, he is the King of Salem, he is the Prince of peace, he is the Lamb of God, the Government is upon his shoulder, Isa. 9.6. He was dead, and is alive, and lives for evermore; though the glory of man change, he who made man doth not change, he is what he was, and he will never change his being, and whether the Lamb is gone, ye cannot come, and when the Lamb come ye cannot stand before h [...]s throne, but will flee for refuge, and refuge will flee from you.

I was daily with you in the temple, said the Lord Christ, the light in man, who hath lighted man: I was daily with you, poor hearts, the light shineth in darkness, the light is daily within the temple within you, and darkness cannot know him, but are stumbling and falling, and cannot stand in the judgement; and judgement pursues you, but you kick against the pricks, behold I stand at the door and knock, Oh the patience, love and long-suffering, tender bowels of pity, that is in the eternal King of Peace, who comes unto his own, and is not re­ceived; but as many as him receive, his motions of love and light own and imbrace, to them power is given, and he makes them Kings and Priests, and they reign on earth, they bind their Kings in chains, and their Nobles in fetters of iron, this honour hath all the Saints, Psal. 149.8. Poor hearts, who cry out and say, These things shall [Page 4]be, but yet they are not; ye are them that put the day afar off, there is the unbelieving Jew saying a Messiah shall come, but this is not the day, and at the same time were putting him to-death, ye are doing the same, confessing with all unbelievers and unclean persons there is such a day, but not yet, and so are found foolish virgins without oyl: and though you may have large lamps, yet having no oyl, are shut out: and what is your condition better than theirs that are common lyars, swearers, drunkards, and whoremongers, for they are shut out, and and so are you; they are tormented with Devils in utter darkness, and so are you: Oh that you could see the misery you lie in, though you may be Dives's here, great in pomp and glory for a moment, yet your misery will come upon you like an armed man, and you shall not scape; ye are crying out of Salvation and Redemption by Christ who suffer­ed at Jerusalem, in whom, I believe: but verily, verily, your hopes will sail you, and all your expectations of Salvation and redemption by him who there was put to death, will not avail any thing unto you, except you be born again; he that hath not the Son, hath not life, but is under wrath, and he that believe in the Son, hath the witness in him­self: and all your crying out of him who was crucified, and yet you not crucified is nothing to your souls peace, it is no more than crying out the Ark of the Lord, the Ark of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, his Temple will not save you, except you wit­ness him who was in that temple in you, Christ the pure light, wisdom, and power of God, ruling and reigning in your flesh, and so he that denies Christ the Emanuel God in us, with us, is the Antichrist which talks of the Emanuel, but knows not the Emanuel, talk of Christ, but knows not Christ, talks of a Saviour, but knows not where he is, you are foolish virgins, awake, awake, and haste to meet the bridegroom, for his day is nigh, arise ye that are in the earth sleeping in the dust, awake and come from the dead to the living, ye are dead and asleep in security, your habitation is in the earth, your food is dust, your clo­things raggs, your glory is in your shame, you are now calling the ap­pearance of Christ blasphemy, and as he by your forefathers was called a Blasphemer, a Samaritan, and had a Devil, and cast out Devils by De­vils, so the same seed is in you which was in them, the seed of enmity and bitterness which ever resisted the Lambs Appearance, and where he is manifest, you own him not, you believe him not, but he is come who will overturn, overturn, overturn all that stands in his way, all forms, be they never so high, bow they shall, no words can cover, no [Page 5]image shall stand, but he alone, all knees must bow before the Lamb. All Professions he is overturning, be they never so great; and though hand joyn in hand together against him who is come to reign, yet judgement is set, and justice shall enter, and the power and dominion of the Beast shall be taken away; and given into the hands of the Saints of the most high, and they shall bind in chains, Kings, and Nobles, for the power is put into their hand to execute the judgement written.

All you who are in the imatation of Truth, shall suffer loss, Herod heard John Baptist gladly, and did many things, but a day came that tryed him: many may hear gladly, and do many things, but the day will try them: Friends, the rod of God is in his hand, and if it comfort you, happy are you, Psal 23.4. but if you will not bow before him, it will break you as a potters vessel, & none can deliver out of his hand.

Friends, your outward washings will not serve, painted Sepulchres will not serve, whited Walls will not serve, you may come so far, as none in the world may lay evil to your charge; yea, you may come so far as to condemne and judge others, and yet no further than the Hypocrites that blamed Christ for eating with unwashed hands, or plucking ears of corn on their Sabbath: but dear hearts, first wash the cup within, wash the in-side, and as the day dawns, and the day star a­rise, the new earth will be witnessed, and the new heavens wherein righteousness shall dwell, where all contention shall wither, and all dross be burnt up: Ye may go far, and yet fall short, though ye may speak with the tongue of men and Angels, and have the Gift of Pro­phesie, and understand all Mysteries, and all knowledge, and have all faith, and bestow all your goods to the poor, which is farther than most have come, and give the body to the fire, and have not Charity, I am nothing, Rom. 1.13. Now to the love come which rejoyceth not in iniquity, but rejoyceth in the truth, and herein rejoyce; and again, I say, rejoyce; he that walk in the light, keep in his habitation, he stumbles not; in my Fathers house is many Mansions, Joh. 14 2. Now what the Father hath given, in it to dwell, and to mind your own g [...]ft, every member hath a proper gift: only be faithful in your gift, quench not the Spirit, despise not Prophecying, for ye may all Prophesie one by one, that all may learn; ye that are weak, if you have a word quench it not, ye may learn; for I know that your disobedience to the pure motion hath been your loss, and you shall know it will be hard for you to come to your first Love; but let the earth keep silence, and had the [Page 6]earth been silent from reasoning, then had God spoke forth in his Temple to his own praise in the mouth of Babes and Sucklings; abide in your Tent, and as you have received, act; and as perswaded from the Lord, so walk, and compare not your selves with your selves, nei­ther measure anothers measure by yours, mind the motion of Life and Love, and as the pure love in you moves, to it yield, and cease from judging one the other, and dwell as Lambs, and if in any thing any be otherwise minded, to your measure, know this, he that revealed it unto thee, shall reveal it unto thy Brother; so grudge not one a­gainst another, but let love be all in all: he that abides in his measure, non can harm him, although the heathen rage, and the Beast, and the false Prophet set themselves against him, he shall reign over all, and the lamb shall have dominion: So all, dear friends, into the pure fear come, let the lamb govern, take heed of a bitter root, let simplicity be head in you, that you may in the childs estate be preserved, and be found with oyl in your lamps, ready to enter.

But all you, who put the day of the Lord afar off, wo and misery is to you, you say God shall teach his Children, and mans teaching shall cease, but you say it is not yet; you say Christ shall reign, but not yet; he shall judge the quick and the dead, but not yet; the blind leads the blind and both falls into the ditch, and darkness is your dwelling place, you cannot see light from darkness, day from night, so you judge your selves not to be children of the day, but of the night; not chil­dren taught of God, but man: so are servants to man, free from righ­teousness being obedient to him who is the enemy of your Soul, the Prince of Darkness; you that are in envie, bitterness, wrath, evil-speaking, reproaching the innocent, and mocking at them who come in the name of the Lord, and though you have a Profession upon you, yet you are one with the Drunkard, and Swearer, and Lyar, and cursed speaker, they all put the day afar off, it is not yet, and so you with them judge your selves unworthy of eternal life.

Oh you foolish Virgins, haste and come away, the Bridegrome is come, the marriage of the lamb is come, the Ancient of dayes is come, Judgment is set, the Kingdoms and the Powers of this World is given and is a giving into the hands of the Saints of the most high, open War is proclaimed, and no peace to the wicked saith our God and King Jesus the Christ. But all you, my dear Brethren and Sisters, Sons and and Daughters of the most high God, who are in the light are come to the day, the night's departed, the shadows are gone, the summer is [Page 7]nigh, the buds doth spring, the Sun doth shine, the Virgins sing the song of the Lamb, joy is in our dwelling place, therefore rejoyce you Heavens, and you that dwell in them, and though our enemies be the Noble, Mighty, and Great of the earth, yet we reign above them, and over them do stand pure eternal praise to the Lamb, who is set upon the throne, and doth reign for ever and ever. So be it.

A Paper Written unto all Friends in Obedience to the Lord, By I. B.

THe Word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Write these things which I shall shew thee, unto my People which I have chosen this day; thus faith the Lord, If you will be faithful unto me, and stand in my Counsel, and be diligent in my Work, to whatsoever I shall put into you at any time, whether it be to go to any Meet­ing where I shall send any one of you; and when the Power arise in you, keep low in it, and see what you have to do in it, whether it be to speak, or sing, be obedient to my voice, and quench not the spirit, and when you have done, keep low in your habitations, and keep your watch diligently lest you get up in the Imaginations of your own head, and so get out of my fear, and lose the Power, and there you grieve my spirit, and you become loathsome in my sight, therefore keep low in your habitations, that you may know the Tent within you, and the Holy City, wherein nothing can enter that is defiled or maketh a Lye: and as you dwell and abide faithful here, [Page 8]nothing can come near you, nor hurt you; here dwell and be faithful, and I will be with you, and you shall not be ashamed.

But if any one of you should draw back from that which I shall give you, in thinking of the hardness of the Work, and so lose the drawing of the Power within you, the same spall be confounded and banished from my presence for ever; there­fore stand faithful in my Work, till I make my Enemies my footstoole.

And when you have overcome all, then shall Zion be raised out of the dust, and shall become the beauty of all Na­t [...]ons, and every one shall sit under his own Vine and Figg­tree, none shall make them afraid, and they shall dwell in peace, and shall sing praises to my Name for ever.

Wo, wo, unto the Inhabitants of the Earth,
by reason of the Voyces which are yet to sound;
But happy shall all you be upon whose forehead,
the Mark of the Lamb is found.

Bear all things patiently: Love all:
Do good to all: Love your Enemies.

This is given forth by the Will
of the Living God of Life
and Power, to all that are in
his Living Work,
By his Servant, J. B.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle, at the West-end of Pauls, 1657.

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