A TREATISE TOUCHING FALLING from GRACE. OR Thirteen Arguments tending to prove that Believers cannot fall from grace, as they were laid down at a Conference at Yald­ing in Kent, examined and answered; with many absurdities of that doctrine shewed. Whereunto is added thirteen Reasons to prove that Believers may fall totally and finally from Grace, and many profitable Uses flowing from that Doctrine.


Hold fast that thou hast, that no man take thy Crown. Rev. 3.11.
Well because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou stands by faith, be not high minded but fear: for if God spared not the naturall branches, take heed least he also spare not thee, Rom. 11.20, 21,

LONDON, Printed by H [...]n. Hills, and are to be sold by Richard Moon at the sign of the seven Stars in Pauls Church-yard, 1653.

To all the Elders and Deacons with all the faithfull Brethren in the County of Kent John Griffeth, an unworthy Servant of Christ, wish­eth the increase of Grace and stabillity through the knowledge of our dear Lord and precious Saviour Jesus Christ.

DEar and well beloved Brethren, to whose consideration and pious since­rity I chiefly desire to present this small Treatise, touching falling from Grace, as a token of my bounden love and respects unto you, whom I judge com­petent judges between truth and errour. I ther­fore seek not the patronage of any one in esteem of the world; no courting Lord, Rev. 1.6. 1 Pet. 2.5. Chap. 1 4. Rom. 8.17. Luke 12.32. Rom. 3.11. 1 Cor. 9.25. nor mincing La­dy: knowing none that are of greater birth or more nobly descended then you, who are Kings and high priests of the most high God, born unto an inheritance that fadeth not away, who are aires unto a Kingdome, unto a Crown, not a corruptible, but an incorruptible one▪ &c.

The reason of my appearing in this matter so publikely is onely and alone the glory of God, the love I bear to Religion, and the benifit of the Church of Christ.

That which occasioned my setting upon this work, was partly the importunity of some friends, [Page] who greatly desired it, together with an ingage­ment that lay upon me to do it, for the satisfact­ion (in this point) of some friends in your Coun­try.

But the first and primary occasion did arise as followeth; you may remember that I was provi­dentially cast amongst you at Cranbrook at your generall Assembling there July 21. 1652. where you did appoint me with some others, to endea­vour to give satisfaction touching some points in Religion that were questioned by some; to which end and purpose we did meet on the six and twen­tieth of the same moneth at Yalding about the mat­ter, which when we were assembled, amongst o­ther things, this fell in as the matter most in dif­ference, viz. falling from Grace: whereupon there was two Positions stated, the one by me, and the other by the other party: the position stated by me was, That Believers in Christ may fall away. The position stated by them was, That Justified persons cannot fall totally nor finally from the grace of union with the Lord Jesus: the proof was taken on their part in order to their affirmation: they framed thirteen Arguments, eight of which were answer­ed at the same time, but night coming on we brake up, with this conclusion, that I should answer them in writing and give the reasons of my conclusion: which I have endeavoured to do in this following Treatise, to the end that it might extend to the satisfaction of all who are doubtfull in it, and for the confirmation of those who have already re­ceived it: let it therefore intreat your loving en­tertainment [Page] and serious perusall, weigh it in the ballance of the Sanctuarie, if it prove weighty and satisfactory give God the glory. I had not been so forward but for these two reasons, first, because I see few write touching this point. Secondly, because I judge it is a point very usefull for Belie­vers to be acquainted with, that they may know by what they stand viz. faith, and what need they have, especially in these perilous times, to keep close unto God, in that way that he hath taught by his Son, sure it is, that God doth re­quire we should so doe: we see daily how many there are that do turn their backs upon the way of God, yea and tread his Son under foot, and hath counted the bloud of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done des­pite unto the Spirit of grace. What may be the rea­son that many so do, is it not as much in this as any one thing, that they suppose they cannot fall? and by that means grow carelesse and secure, high minded and the like, being puffed up with conceitednesse touching their own parts, strength and opinions, and so grow heedlesse, and slight the means, denying Ordinances, the word, yea, and Christ himself at last, as too too many have done in this age, I believe some not unknown to you: for I cannot see but that the doctrine of im­possibility to fall doth lead to the taking away of the very power of Religion, and godlinesse, yea and Church-government and discipline: for what shall we need any more religion then to get into Christ, if nothing, when we are once in [Page] him, can seperate us from him, no not sin, as is af­firmed; what shall we need to walk under the strict rule of Discipline if that doctrine be true?

But I hope you have otherwise learned Christ: therefore my dear Brethren be steadfast, unmova­ble, alwaies abounding in the work of the Lord, for your labour is not in vain in the Lord, hold fast that you have, that no man take your crown: now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepheard of the sheep, though the blood of the everlasting Covenant, make you perfit in every good work to doe his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever, amen.

Which is the hearty desire of your brother in the faith of our dear and precious Lord, who sub­cribeth himself willing to serve you and all the Churches of Christ, in all services of love,

John Griffith.

A word to the Reader.


WHosoever thou art let me tell thee one thing touching this small Treatise, it may be thou wilt scarce read it, because of the subject it treateth on, it sound­ing unpleasantly in thy ears: but let me in treat this one thing of thee, however it is to read it, seeing thou maiest try all things, but be sure cleave to that which is good: weigh it well, take it not upon trust, carry it to the Touchstone, that will tell thee whether it be gold or no; if thou find it speak according to the Law and Testament, then thou maiest not for thy life reject it; for if thou doest thou wilt be found to be a dispiser of the word, and who so dis­piseth the word shall be destroyed, Prov. 13.13.

I hope thou wilt find benefit in it, which if thou do, I have my end, thy profit is that I seek, if thou find it, give God the glory in obeying his voice, doing his will, and loving his righteous law and testimonies, which he hath ratified with the bloud of his deer Son, who died for thee.


REader, these few faults have escaped the Presse, and the Author desireth thee to mend them with thy pen.

ERRATA. PAge 7. line 11. read I will give thee a Crown of life: p. 21. l. 11. r. comforts of the spirit: in Epist. Dedic. p. 4. l. 10. r. through the blood of the Everlasting Cove­nant.

A TREATISE TOUCHING Falling from Grace. OR Thirteen Arguments tending to prove that Believers cannot fall from Grace, Examined and Answered.

THe Position: That Justified persons cannot totally nor finally, fall from the grace of Ʋnion with the Lord Jesus.

The first Argument is drawn from Matthew 24.24. thus.

If any could prevail upon the Elect, it is like they might be false Prophets that might do it.

But they cannot seduce them.

Therefore muchlesse can any totally draw them.

Answer. First consider that the Lord Jesus doth speak in the former part of this chapter ( Matthew 24.24.) touching the signs of his coming, it be­ing desired of him by his Disciples verse 3. our Lord in his answer (the beginning thereof) gives them (as an introduction unto his answer) this [Page 2] charge, viz. that they take heed that none de­ceive them verse 4. it seems then his Disciples might be deceived, and that by men to, or else needless was this caveat take heed: the reasons why they must is, because many false Prophets shall arise and deceive many v. 11. therfore take you heed; what Disciples of Christ must they take heed? they that are justified persons, or else lyable to be deceived? yea they must, for they onely that en­dure to the end the same shall be saved v. 13. it seems it is not impossible for false prophets to de­ceive justified persons, as appears in this chapter, and also in 2 Pet. 2.1, 2. But there were false Pro­phets also among the people, even as there shall be false Teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damna­ble heresies even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction, and ma­ny shall follow their pernicious waies by whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of, and through covetous­nesse shall they with fained words make merchandize of you: of who? why of justified persons, such as had obtained like precious faith, through the right­eousnesse of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Pet. 1.1.

Again, Paul in the 20. of Acts calleth the Elders of the Church at Ephesus together v. 17. and in the 28. v. he exhorteth them to take heed unto them­selves and to all the Flock &c. here the chosen or Elect Elders, chosen of God and purchased by his blood Eph. 1.4. are commanded to take heed to themselves, and to the Flock: why what is the matter? why after Pauls departure shall grievi­ous wolves enter in not sparing the Flock, and [Page 3] of their own selves men shall arise speaking perverse things to draw away Disciples after them, therefore they must watch, v. 29, 30, 31. or else they may be deceived or drawn away: therefore Christ saith▪ beware of false Prophets &c. Mat. 7 15. yea and Peter in his second Epistle 3.17. exhorteth them that have like precious faith, chap. 1.1. to beware saying, least ye also being led a­way with the errour of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastnesse: Justified persons may fall, and be de­ceived by false Prophets, else how uselesse were these sayings of Christ and his servants unto us in these and many more places of Scripture? this premised. Now to the Argument; and first let me inquire whether by the Elect is intended such as Paul, who had fought a good fight, who had fi­nished his course, who kept the faith? it such, I grant an impossibility of being seduced by false Prophets. But if by Elect be meant such as Paul in his warfare. The Minor proposition is denied, viz. that they cannot fall away nor be seduced: for Paul having kept the faith, could say, hence­forth is laid up for me a Crown of righteousnesse, &c. 2 Tim. 4.8. But in his warfare he saith other­wise, I therefore so run not as uncertainly: so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection, least that by any means when I have preached to others, I my self should be a castaway, 1 Cor. 26, 27. thus much to the Argument: now to the text from whence the ar­gument is drawn, I answer,

First, such as keep the faith are the Elect, that [Page 4] shall not be deceived by false Prophets and false Christs, although they should come with all de­ceiveablenesse of unrighteousnesse in them that perish, 2 Thes. 2.10. those that doe wickedly a­gainst the Covenant, shall be corrupt by flatteries: but the people that know their God, shall be strong, and do exploits. Dan. 1 [...].32. They that give diligence to make their calling and election sure, in so doing shall never fall, 2 Pet. 1.10.

Secondly, by the word Elect is sometimes meant Israel after the flesh; for they are called the chosen of God, Deut. 7.6. chap. 14.2. Exod. 19.5, 6. yet notwithstanding because of unbelief they were cut off, Rom. 11.20. yet not for ever; for he is able to graffe them in again v. 23. compared with v. 24. God will not forget the Covenant made with them. Jer. 31. v. 31. to 34. There shall come a deliverer out of Syon that shal turn ungodlinesse from Jacob, &c. Rom. 11.26. though as concerning the Gospel they are enemies for your sakes; yet as touching the election they are beloved for the Fathers sake, v. 28. although they are now deceived, yet then it shall be impos­sible to deceive them; for they shal see him whom they have pierced and mourn, &c. Zach. 12.10. Rev. 1.7. Mat. 24.30.

Thirdly, by Elect sometimes is meant Jesus Christ, for he is the very Elect: behold saith God my servant, mine elect in whom my soul delight­eth, Is. 42.1. he is the chief corner stone, Elect, precious, &c. 1 Pet, 2.6. Mat. 21.42. he saith the Lord shall not fail nor be discouraged, Isaiah [Page 5] 42.4. he is the beloved Ephes. 1.6 neither false Prophets, nor false Christs shall deceive him, it is impossible, for the Lord hath said he shall not fail nor be discouraged.

Now if by the Elect be meant either such as keep the faith, or Israel as to their future condi­on, or Christ; I grant an impossibility of their being deceived: but if by elect it be the sence of the Opponent that believers in their warfaring e­state cannot fall, and that to be the sence of this text, it is a thing I want proof of, which till I have I must deny as beforesaid.

The second Argument is taken from the un­changeable love of God towards his people Isa. 54.17. Psa. 1. Jer. 31.1.

2. Arg. Though there is unconstancy in the creature, yet in the first of Pet. 1.5. We are kept by the power of God: and least that keeping should be for a little while, he tells you it is an inheritance that fadeth not away, Rom. 8.30.

Ans. The strength of this Argument lyeth in two particulars.

First, Gods unchangeablenesse.

Secondly, in believers being kept by his po­wer.

First, Therefore to the unchangeablenesse of God, I grant that he changeth not, and yet it doth not follow but justified persons may fall totally and finally, For

Union and salvation are conditional.

First their entrance into it is conditional; he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, Mark [Page 6] 16.16. being justifyed by faith &c. Rom. 5.1. without faith it is impossible to please God, Heb. 11.6. if by faith they are justifyed then not with­out it, he that believeth not is condemned John 3.18, 19.

But some may say we are justified before in Gods account.

I answer, then we were his people in his account also, without or before believing, which to say were to contradict the Scripture 1 Pet. 2. which in time past were not a people, yet are now the peo­ple of God, which were not under mercy, but now have obtained mercy Rom. 9.25, 26. Hosea 2.23. the Apostle Paul saith that Andronicus and Junia were in Christ before him Rom. 16.7. the Apostle John saith if we say we have fellowship with him, and walk in darknesse we ly and do not the truth 1 John 1.6. and again, He that saith he knoweth him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a lyar and the truth is not in him ch. 7.4. by all which appears that we are not the justifyed ones, neither have we union with Christ, without be­lieving and doing his commandements, 1 John 1.7.

Secondly, we are continued in union with Christ on condition of believing and persevering in the doing the will of God and not without: this the word of God doth teach us in many pla­ces.

For we are made partakers of Christ: [ mark] if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence sted­fast to the end Heb. 3.14. Paul saith to the Colossi­ans [Page 7] that Christ hath reconciled them in the body of his flesh through death to present them holy, and unblameably and unreprovable in his sight, if ye continue in the faith, grounded and settled, and be not mov'd away from the hope of the Gos­pel which ye have heard Col. mark, they then shall be presented holy, unreprovable, unblameable: upon what terms? why if they con­tinue &c. and so saith the Spirit unto the Angells of the Church in Smyrna, be thou faithfull unto death, and I will give the Crown of life Rev. 2.10. and so unto the Church in Thyatira, he that over­cometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations, verse 25, 26.27. he that overcometh the same shall be clo­thed in white raiment, and I will not blot his name out of the book of life, but I will confesse his name before my father, and before his holy Angels, cha. 2 5. our Lord Christ saith in the fifteenth of John the second, every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: some branches in Christ may become fruitlesse and so taken away by the Father; so the Author to the Heb. saith, that which beareth thornes and bryers is rejected and is nigh unto cursing Heb. 6.8.

By this which hath been said it appears that we have no union with Christ but by believing and doing the will of God, and that union with Christ is continued by persevering in doing the will of God and not otherwise: God having promis­ed eternal life upon no other terms. Now this con­sidered we may plainly see that although persons [Page 8] which have union with Christ may fall from it by not holding fast unto the end: yet God never the more changeable because justification, union and salvation, are conditionall, as hath been shew­ed: God hath bound himself (as I may say) to give life to overcomming Saints: but if any man draw back his soul shall have no pleasure in him, Heb. 10.39. he hath promised his blessing unto fruitfull branches in Christ: but fruitlesse ones he will take away John 15.2.3.

So much to the Argument. Now to the Scri­ptures alleged.

The first is Isa. 54.17. the supposed strength which is in this text, lyeth in these words, No weapon formed against them shall prosper. Let us ex­amine now, who it shall not prosper against: why saith the Lord, this is the heritage of the Lords ser­vants: now the Lords servants are they that still overcome, against whom no weapon shall pros­per; not they that fight for a time and are over­come at last; let not him that girdeth on his armor, boast himself as he that putteth it off, 1 Kin. 20.11. in serving the Lord, we have a promise, as the Apostle saith, who is it that will harm you if you be followers of that which is good 1 Pet. 3.13. so that this doth not prove but that believers may fall and so cease to be what they were, and God not engaged in promise unto them, for he saith Ezek. 18.24. but when the righteous man turneth away from his righteousnesse and committeth in­iquity, and doth according to all the abomination [Page 9] that the wicked man doth, shall he live, all his righteousness that he hath done shall not be men­tioned, in his trespasse that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them he shall dy &c.

Again, this is a promise made unto Israel, of, and concerning their being established in righteous­nesse after their scattering and rejection for their not receiving Christ; for it relates to Gods per­forming Covenant with them, in which Covenant they shall all be taught of God, see verse 13. and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children (but not a promise made to any in the time of their warfare without the condition of standing fast, taking heed, overcoming, and the like, for otherwise there be weapons, viz the firy darts of Satan, and the like may and do prosper against many, and we no pro­mise to the contrary) which proves that God one day will look upon Israel, though now tossed and afflicted, and turn ungodlynesse from Jacob, in which day, or at which time, no weapon formed against him shall prosper, for the Lord will assu­redly establish Israel a people before him, therfore this text doth not so much as seem to prove the thing it is brought for.

The second place alleged is Psal. 125.1. they that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Sion, that cannot be moved, but abideth for ever, &c.

I grant as before that persons that trust in the Lord, shall be (as Mount Sion) unmovable, so long as they continue trusting in him: but some that [Page 10] trust in the Lord may let go their confidence, as hath been shewed: yea some have so done Jer. 2.5. compared with verse 12.13. thus saith the Lord what iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity: and are become vain: be astonished oh ye heavens at this: and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate saith the Lord, for my people have committed two evills, they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out Cisterns, broken Cisterns that will hold no wa­ter &c.

The last place is Jer. 31.1.

The strength of which place lyeth in these words, I will be a God of all the Families of Israel and they shall be my people.

We must have respect in this place to two things.

First to the persons Israel.

Secondly to the time when, that is after those daies, or the daies comming vers. 27.31. Heb.. 10 which is the time God will make a covenant with Israel, in the performance of which Covenant God will establish Israel in righteousness, although now they are seperated from him they are bran­ches cut off, but they shall be grafted in again, and then shall they be his people, and he will be their God, and he will make an everlasting covenant with them; that he will never turn away from them to do them good; but he will put his fear in their hearts that they shall not depart from him, Jer. 32., and let not any say, that although it be [Page 11] not yet performed to Israel, yet it is performed to believers.

I answer, then believers may not teach every man his neighbour, saying, know the Lord, for the covenant saith, they shall not teach them after those daies, so, they shall not depart from him after those daies, for then he will write his law in their hearts, they shall all know the Lord from the least unto the greatest of them: And moreover believers now may fall, as hath been shewed, which the spirit hath likewise expresse­ly said, that in the latter daies men shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits & doctrines of devils 1 Tim. 4.1. but then they shall not; and therefore those daies there spoken of are not yet come.

Thus these Scriptures which are here al­ledged: or rather the supposed strength in them tending to the proof of the affirmation, is taken away and removed.

The second thing is, Gods keeping Justifyed persons by his power: the places alledged is 1. Pet. 1.5. and Rom. 8.30.

Unto which place in Peter I thus answer, the A­postle takes an occasion to blesse God, for his a­bundant mercy by which they were begotten a­gain unto a lively hope, by the resurrection of Christ from the dead, in the fourth verse he tells them to what they were begotten, viz. to an in­heritance incorruptible, and undefiled, that fa­deth not away, reserved in the heavens, for you ver 5. who are kept by the power of God through [Page 12] faith to salvation; mark I pray, here are two things considerable.

First, the inheritance is for those who are kept by the power of God.

Secondly the power God keepeth, or beget­teth by, it is not a forcible or compulsive power, as some supposeth, but the powerful means that he useth as to both: therefore the Apostle saith, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, it is the power of God to salvation to every one that be­lieveth Rom. 1.16. but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jewes a stumbling stone, and unto the Greeks foolishnesse, but unto them that are called both Jew and Greeks we preach (for so it is impli'd) Christ the power of God & the wisdom of God 1 Cor. 1 23, 24. hence it is (saith Paul) my speech, and my preaching was not with inticing words of mens wisdome: but in the demonstration of the spirit, and power chap. 2.4. the word of God is powerful &c. Heb. 4.12. hence it is said, we are begotten with the word Jam. 1.18 being born a­gain not of corruptible seed, but by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever, 1 Pet. 1.23. so that the word or Gospel, is the powerful means by which we are begotten to a lively hope: so likewise is it the powerfull means by which they that are begotten are kept, and so are said to be kept by his power: for it is the word by which they must grow, as new born babes desiring the sincere milk of the word that they may grow thereby 1 Pet. 2.2. all Scripture is given by inspi­ration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for [Page 13] reproof, for correction, for instruction in righ­teousnesse [mark] that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto every good work, 2 Tim. 3. [...]6.17, this powerful word the Scripture saith is of this tendancy, as to the per­fecting of the man of God, Paul therefore labour­ed in the word Col. 28.29. David saith, thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee Psal. 119.11. and again, thy word is a lamp un­to my feet, and a light unto my pathes ver. 105. thus you see what it is by which we are kept, viz. his word, it is Gods power, or powerful means by which he keeps those that are kept. Now there is an inheritance reserved in the heavens for them that are kept by this word (by his power) and do not turn from his commandments, as some do 2 Pet. 2, 19.20.26. who so despiseth the word shall be destroyed, he that feareth the comman­dement shall be rewarded Prov. 13.13. therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be rotten­nesse, and their blossome sall go up as dust, be­cause they have cast away the law of the Lord of Hosts, and despised the word of the holy one of Israel, and therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people &c. Isa. 5.24.25. Mat. 10.33. Mark 8.38. men that despise the word, dispise the power of God. as hath been shewed, and ther­fore it is through faith, this power keepes us, as Peter there saith 1 Pet. 1. [...]. but some do not mix the word with faith, and so are not kept by the power of God, for it is through faith, and not without faith &c, now they that fall from the [Page 14] faith, (as hath been shewed some do) are not kept by the power of God (for unto us was the word preached as well as unto them; but the word preached, did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it Heb. 4.2.) and so consequently they may fall from the grace of u­nion with the Lord Jesus, buy dispising the growing word 1 Pe. 2.2. which is the power of God, by which he keepeth men through faith to salvation &c.

The third Argument followeth.

Arg. 3. The same persons that are predesstinated, the same are called, they that are called, the same are ju­stified, the same that are justified the same are glori­fied, therefore called persons cannot fall away because they shall be glorifyed.

Let us first (for answer to this Argument) con­sider the text with the coherence Rom. 8.30. in the twenty ninth verse, the spirit of God saith, whom he did foreknow he did also predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son &c.

Wherein take notice of two things,

First Gods foreknowledge,

Secondly, what they that are foreknown are predestinated unto.

Let us examine whether God doth not fore­know all men, yea sure no man nor no thing can be hid from his eyes: shall we conclude then that all men are predestinated, no, but rather that God did foreknow some men in Christ, by or through faith, and obedience, 1 Pet. 1.2.2. Thess, 2.13. Eph, 1.4. and these that are so known or foreknown in Christ by believing, he doth approve of, for so [Page 15] is the knowledge of God to be understood, if not he must of necessity be concluded, to foreknow all men even the wicked, with this foreknowledge mentioned in this text, and then it necessarily fol­loweth, that all men are predestinated (which will not be granted) for those he doth foreknow, in the sense of this text, even all of them he predesti­nated.

Again Christ at the last day is said not to know some Mat. 7.25. and then will I professe unto them I never knew you, depart from me ye workers of iniqui­ty, what did not Christ know them? what he that made them, not know them? John 1.7. O no! he knew them not, they were workers of iniqui­ty, he did not know them, i. e. he did not approve of them, nor their works, therfore faith he, depart from me, by this we may see who God foreknoweth, they are believers, workers of righ­teousnesse Isa. 64.5. and who he did never know (so as to approve of them) even workers of Ini­quity.

Believers then are the foreknown of God, in the sence of this text, and no others, as for others he knoweth not, Mat. 7.25. now whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate, viz. believ­ers to be conformable to the image of Christ Ephs 2.10. 1 John 2.6. moreover whom he did prede­stinate, them he also called to this conformity to Christs image, therefore saith Peter in his first E­pistle, first ch. and fifteenth ver. but as he that hath called you is holy, so be you holy in all manner of con­versation, I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech [Page 16] you that ye walk worthy of the vocation where with you are called, &c chap. 1.4. for God hath not called us (viz. believers) to uncleannesse: but to holinesse 1 Thes. 4.7.

Now those that are the called according to Gods purpose (that is such as walk worthy of his calling by making their calling and election sure, 2 Pet. 2.10.) he also justifies, and them he also glorifies: that is, such as indure to the end they shall be saved, and glorified, yea and they only, as hath been shewed.

But saith the Argument, Called persons cannot fall away, because they shall be glorified.

Sure this conclusion is to large, if by called per­sons be meant all called persons: for the Lord Christ saith, many are called, but few are chosen, Mat. 22.18. some that are called comes short of glory, for want of walking worthy of their cal­ling: for some turn the grace of God into wan­tonnesse; and some that are righteous or justified may be condemned, for their non-continuance in the workes of righteousnesse, as appears Ezek. 18.24. 2 Pet. 2.21 therefore all that are called are not glorified: but such onely who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory, and ho­nour, and immortality, eternall life, Rom. 2.7. So much for that argument. Now to the fourth.

Arg. Is stated thus: In the 4. John 14. he tels us it is a living fountain that can never be dryed up. Grace as it is a creature, might doe as others might doe; but because the fountain doth strive to maintain the streams, therefore it cannot be dried up. Therefore &c,

[Page 17] Answer, How little this is to the purpose may be easily seen, for our controversie is not about the fountain, whether that may be dryed, or no: but whether believers may not fal away from their fountain, unlesse it be concluded that they▪ viz believers be the fountain, which cannot be grant­ed for Christ is that fountain Jer. 2.5. Zack. 13.1. my people, saith the Lord, have committed two evils, they, have forsaken me the fountain of living water, &c.

But the text alleged saith, Whosoever drinketh of the water which I shall give him shall never thirst, Obj. but the water that I shall give him, shall be in him a well of water springing up unto everlasting life.

Christ must needs be understood to intend here continuing believers, Ans. such as continually drink in the spirit; for the spring ariseth not from them, but shall be in them (being received by them) believers are wells, but such wells as may be dry if they continue not drinking, ther­fore Christ saith, whosoever drinketh of this water that I shall give him shall never thirst &c. the Apo­stle Peter speaketh of some 2 Pet. 2.17. who are wells with­out water, clouds that are carried with a tempest: so doth Jude in his Epistle v. 12. Clouds, saith he, that are without water carried about of winds, trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit twice dead, plucked up by the roots, by which appears that there must be a continuation of drinking, viz. believing, or else they will prove but dry wells. Yet let it not be s [...]id that these were alwaies dry wells, for it may be as well said they were alwaies dead trees: which cannot be concluded, for then it [Page 18] could not be said they were twice dead, which plainly implies they were twice alive.

But saith the Argument, The fountain striveth to maintain the streams, therefore it cannot be dryed up &c.

I grant the fountain [ Christ] doth: but he saith Gen. 6.3. his spirit shall not alwaies strive with man. Men may forsake the fountain of living water Jer. 12.13 2 Chr. 15.2. Jer. 2.17. Es. 1.28. if ye forsake him, he will forsake you [ e] O Lord the hope of Israel, all they that forsake thee shall be asham­ed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord the fountain of living waters.

Wells may become dry that once had water in them by forsaking the fountain. And thus in this Argu­ment dissolved also.

Arg. 5.The fift Argument is stated upon the interces­sion of the Lord Jesus as appears in the 17. of John he making prayers that his father would keep them; and Christ was heard in the prayer that was made: therefore &c.

The strength of this Argument lyeth in this, viz. That Christ was heard in the prayer that he made.

Answ.Which is granted, and yet I deny that believers cannot fall totally for this reason.

Because Christ in his prayers hath respect to something or other, and doth not pray absolutely or positively that so it must be, and no otherwise, as for example.

Christ prayed that the cup should passe from him, but he prayed as having respect to his Fa­thers [Page 19] will, not my will, but thy will: now if we should conclude, that his prayer was possitive, that so it must be, then he was not heard; for the Cup did not passe from him: but he praying with respect and submission to his fathers will, he was heard, inasmuch as the Will of God concerning him was accomplished.

Again, Christ prayed for the world, that they might know him: Now, Joh. 17.21 23. if Christs prayer had been absolute, without respect to this or that, then they must know him, and believe in him, which to doe is life eternall. vers. 3. Christ therefore in his prayer had respect to the meanes, by which they should come to know him, which if the means were used by them, the end might be effected in them; for the meanes was of this ten­dance, and every way correspondent, as to the bringing them even all the world to the knowledg of Christ: in which Christ was heard: for such meanes God hath afforded the world, that would accomplish the end, did they not put it from them.

Thirdly, Christ prayed that the Jewes who crucified him should be forgiven. Luke 23.24.

Now, It Christ here had been absolute and po­sitive, viz. it must be so without respect to this or that, then it should have been so; viz. they should be forgiven, and then they could not have been cut off, for not receiving Christ, because their sinne was forgiven: Christ therefore in this prayer must be understood to have respect to the way, in which forgiveness was promised unto [Page 20] them, Act. 2.39. viz. repentance, faith and baptisme; in do­ing of which, they, to wit, so many as did repent of their sheding the innocent blood, and were ac­cordingly baptized, did receive forgiveness, as Christ had prayed they should; but as for the rest, all the blood that was shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel, Mat. 23.35. unto the blood of Zacharias shall be upon them, yea, and the in­nocent blood of Christ also, which they desired might be on them and their Children.

Mat. 27.25.Now to come close to the argument, Christ prayeth for his Disciples, that they should be kept from the evill of the world, in which he is heard. I grant, considering his prayer (as before) to have respect to their abiding in him, by keeping his commandements; for, he saith. If ye love me, keep my Commandements, Joh. 14.15.16. and I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that shall a­bide with you forever: Christ in this prayer there­fore is not absolute, that is to say, they are my Disciples, thou hast given them me, and now I pray thee to keep them although they doe not keep my Commandements; but this prayer is with respect to their abiding in him, which if they doe (as some have not done that were in him) they have the benefit of his prayer, but if otherwise, they have no benefit thereof, no more then they that doe never believe in him, have the benefit of his intercession, but are cut off as un­fruitfull branches from the Vine: therefore not­witstanding Christ doth pray for them, it doth not follow but that believers may fall totally and finally.

[Page 21] If neither sinne, nor suffering can seperate us from the Lord, then nothing can seperate us, Arg. 6. for sin Rom. 8.39. for suffering 35, 36. ve. and concluds the 38, 39. that nothing can seperate us.

Therefore nothing can. Only First, we grant that the Saints of God may fall away from the de­grees of Grace, from the strength of faith, to a weake faith, to some measure of hardnesse of heart.

Secondly, we grant they may fall from the com [...] of the Spirit, as in Psal.

Thirdly, From common gifts of the Spirit, as a Spirit of government as Saul did, &c.

This Argument hath a large latitude, Answ. and must in part be denyd viz. sin unrepented of may sepe­rate, unfruitfulnesse and such like, hath a cutting off following it. Therefore upon examination, we shall find that this will not prove the Asser­tion.

First, I suppose, that it will not be owned that Paul doth intend here denying Christ, or any sinne unrepented of, for that may seperate 2 Tim. 2.12 Mat. 10.33. If we suffer, we shall also reign with him, if we deny him, he will also deny us: [yea we] I Paul and thou Ti­mothy, if we deny him, he will also deny us; for so he himself said, Luke 12.8. chap. 9 26. Mar. 8.38. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Again, the Apostle doth not say, Rom. 8.39. that sin shall not seperate, and therefore the argument is stretched beyond what the Text will prove, I ra­ther think the 33. ver. had been more pertinent to [Page 22] the business, where the Apostle makes this holy challenge, Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect? &c. Now to know who are the Elect of God will be the solution of this matter (for which I refer you to my answer to the first argument) those that are called according to Gods purpose, ver. 28. who they are see my answer to the third Argu­ment? they that make their Calling and Election sure, by adding to their faith, virtue, &c. who shall lay any thing to their charge, it is God that justifies, &c.

Again, Who shall seperate them that so do? no thing, nor no man can Joh. 10.28. no nor none of these things, viz. tribulation or distress, or persecuti­on, or famine, or nakedness, or perill, or sword, nay, in all these things, they are more then Con­querours, through him that loved them; but this doth not prove, but that persons in Christ may fal and be seperated from Christ, by denying Christ, although none of these can, if they be not over­come by them, to forsake and deny him, &c.

Now the question is, whether persons in Christ may hot be overcome by these?

2 Pet. 2, 20.I Answer, the Scripture saith they may, for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world, through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again intangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse then the beginning Gal. 5.1. Therefore Paul exhorteth the Galathians, to stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free, and not to be intang­led again in the Yoak of bondage Rev. 17.26. chap Christ saith [Page 23] he that overcometh and keeps my words to the end, to him will I give power over the Nations Chap. 21.7. Chap. 2.10. he that overcometh the same shall be cloathed in white ray­ment: to him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne (g) he that overcometh shall inherit all things; I will be his God, and he shall be my Sonne. God will not disown us because of persecution, &c. but will reward us for our sufferings, if we are not overcome by them, be thou faithfull unto the death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life; so much for this Argument: now to to the next.

The seventh Argument from Joh. 10.28. my sheep heare my voyce, 7. Arg. &c. none are able to pluck the sheep of Christ out of the hands of Christ: therefore they cannot fall totally nor finally

This Argument being the same, Answ. or of the like import with the sixth, I shall say little to it, for if nothing can seperate them, then none can pluck them cut of his hands.

Only this, My sheep (saith Christ) heare my voyce, and I know them, and they follow me; such we grant cannot be plucked out of the hands of Christ, that hear his voyce, and follow him, and he gives them eternall life, and they shall never perish if they be [ever] followers of that which is good 1 Thess. 5 15. and follow the Lamb wheresoever he goes, Rev. 14.4. no man as the Text saith, can pluck them out of Christs hands: but the question is, whether Christs sheep may not refuse to hear Christs voyce? the time shall come, saith Paul, when they will not indure sound doctrine, but after their owne lusts, shall they heap to themselves Teachers having [Page 24] itching eares (i) therfore it doth not follow but those that are the sheep of Christ may cease to be his sheep, by refusing to heare his voyce, and by not following of him, and so as unfruitfull bran­ches, be cut off from Christ: so much as to that: now to the next.

Arg. 8. Because in the greatest temptation, the Lord is plea­sed to give such assistance, that they shall not be tempted above their abilities, 1 Co. 10.13. therefore.

Answ.The Apostle in the beginning of the Chapter puts the Corinthians in mind of mercies that were injoyed by the Jews, from the first vese to the fifth, but saith he, with many of them God was not well pleased, for they were overthrown in the Wil­derness v. 5. Now these things were our exam­ples, to the intent we should not lust after evill things, as they lusted, &c. Pray consider, was their overthrow our ensamples, and cannot we lust, be Idolaters, tempt Christ, murmour as they did, and so be overthrown as they were? yea, sure it is possible, for so the Apostle telleth the Hebrewes likewise, Heb. 41. Vers. 11. let us therefore fear, lest a promise be­ing left us of entring into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it: let us labour therefore to enter into that Rest, lest any man fall after the same ensample of unbelief, so that it is very possible we may lust, and be overthrown as they were; for all these things hapned unto them for ensamples, and they are written for our admo­nition, upon whom the ends of the world are come: 1 Cor. 10.11, 12. wherefore saith he, let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall, you that think [Page 25] you stand so as it is impossible you should fall, take heed, be not too high minded, but fear: for if God spared not the naturall branches, take heed least he spare not you.

Now least they should complain that their temptations were great, and so if they did fall they were something excusable, he tels them, that there hath no temptation taken them, but such as was common to man, and therefore they must look to it: and besides, God is faithfull who will not suffer you to be tempted above what you are a­ble to bear: but will with the temptation also make a­way to escape, that you may be able to bear it; wherefore (seeing it is so) my deerly beloved flee from Idolatry: for if you do not, God will over­throw you as he did them.

Thus may you see that this text is far from proving that Saints cannot fall: but doth plainly prove they may. Now to the Argument, the Consequence drawn from the Reason must needs be denyed to be naturally deducted, for Saints must make use of the means, viz. the way that God will make for them to escape, or else the means will not profit; for the tempter and his temptations must be resisted with stedfast faith, 1 Pet. 5.8.9. Jam. 5.7▪ ch. 1.2, 3, 4. resist the Divel and he will flee from you, therefore blessed are ye when ye endure temptation chap. 1.12. men must resist by faith, and endure temp­tation with patience, or else they may be over­come: thus is this argument too light also. Now to the next.

Arg. 9.The ninth argument is taken from the present [Page 26] joy that Saints have in believing, which they could never have, if they were not assured to per­severe for the future, as well as of their standing for the present. Therefore, &c.

The affirmitive part of this argument is denyed, viz. they could have no joy, Phil. 4.4. if they were not a­sured to persevere for the future as wel as of their standing for the present; for Saints ought to re­joice in the Lord, Rom. 11.20, 21. 1 Kin. 20.11. 2 Pet. 1.10. 1 Pet. 1.10. 1 Pet. 1.8, 9. yet it is a duty to fear, and not to boast as he that putteth off his armour, they are assured to stand, if they give dilligence to make their calling and election sure, in so doing they have assurance, and no other wayes, in which they may rejoice, receiving the end of their faith, the salvation of heir souls: what no joy for the present? I no consolation in Christ? no comfort of the Spirit? Rom. 3.11. what because we must hold out to the end, Rom. 2.7. or else lose our crown? Yea much joy in this, that if in patient continuance in well doing, we seek for glory, honour, and immortality we shal have eternall life: persons may have joy for the present, and yet that not hinder, but that they may have no assurance to stand for the future, but by taking heed &c. therefore this argument is too light to prove the affirmation. So much as to that: now to the next.

10. Argu. Present keeping from falling with presentment of unspottednesse at the coming of Jsus Christ goeth to­gether. Therefore, &c.

Answer.First let us examine the text, Secondly the Ar­gument.

Saith the text, Now unto him that is able to keep [Page 27] you from falling, and to present you faultlesse before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy: what doth this prove that present keeping from falling with presentment of unspottednesse goeth toge­ther? no sure, there is not such a conclusion to be drawn from the text. But this it proves (which we do not deny) that God is able to keep them that will be kept by him; and that those that will be kept by him, he is able to present faultless before his glory: I say, that will be kept by him; for some will not, Col. 1.22.23. Jer. 17. Esay 1.28. as hath been shewn: the argument therefore must be denyed even all of it as too light, and not true: he will present us unspotted in the presence of his glory, if we continue in the faith, and not else. So much to this argument. To the next.

The eleventh argument is taken from these words, Because in the greatest falls, Arg 11. the Lord is pleased to put unto his hand, that the Saints cannot fall to destruction, Psal. Job 17.9.

I grant that the Lord doth set to his hand to this end, that they, viz. believers, Ans. might not fall to destruction: but that he setteth to his hand so that they cannot fall to destruction, I deny.

Let us consider what is to be understood by the Lords hand, for the more clear understand­ing of this argument (although the text alledged doth not mention it) by the Lords hand is under­stood the Lords power: when Moses doubted in himself how so many thousands should be fed a moneth with flesh in the wildernesse, the Lords answeris, Is the Lords hand waxd short? as if he should [Page 28] say, Esay. is my power lessened, thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to passe unto thee, or not: now consider, the Lords hand being his power, whether he doth not set to his hand to those that do fall to this end, that they might not fall to destruction, see Jer., 13, 14. compared with Rom. 10.20, 21.

Again we have shewed what Gods power is, by which he keeps men to salvation through faith in the answer to the second Argument, to which I refer you for a more full answer to this; the power of God, 1 Pet. 1.5. Esay 51.2.2, 3, 4. as hath been shewed, by which he keepeth men, or his hand he sets to believers to the end they might not fall to destruction, is his word which is the powerfull means that he useth to that end, in which means he is not wanting to any that do fall: for the Reason of their fall is not because the Lord is wanting in the meanes, Jer. 17.23. Zach. 7.11.12. but [...]cause they reject his word.

Thus is this Argument found too light: now to the next.

Arg. 12.The 12th. Argument is taken from these words The path of Just men is still increasing and growing, therefore they cannot totally nor finally fall away Psal. 1. &c.

Answ.Men that are just and so continue are like unto a tree that is planted by the Rivers of waters, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, and they that do so I grant cannot fall totally and finally: but what is this to prove the assertion: doth it therfore follow that just men cannot become un­just, by their forgetting they were once purged [Page 29] from their old sins, and so become unfruitful men that are blind and cannot see; 2 Pet. 1.9. Psal. 1.2.3. Jos. 1.8. Psal. Jer. 17.8. but men that have their delight in the law of the Lord and in it do meditate day and night, will be fruitfull: This book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do all that is written therein, for then, if thou so doest, thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good successe, but if otherwise see Isa. 1.19, 20.

Thus is this Argument weighed in the ballance also, and found too light.

The thirteenth Argument is stated upon these words, Arg. 13. The gifts and calling of God being without repentance Rom. 11.29. therfore they cannot totally nor finally fall John 5.24. 1 John 2.19. 2 John 2. v.

The proposition I grant, Answ. viz the gifts and cal­lings of God are without repentance: but what doth this prove that believers cannot fall totally nor finally? no, the Apostle brings it for another end, viz. to prove that God wil perform cove­nant with Israel.

But lest this should not do it, Rom. 11.25 26, 27, 28, 29. you allege three places of Scripture to prove your conclusion: I shall therfore examine them in order and see whe­ther they are of that weight to this thing as to prove it. The first place is Joh. 5. [...]4. the words are these, Ʋerily, Ʋerily, I say unto you he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me hath ever­lasting life, and shall not come into condemation but is passed from death to life: what doth this prove [Page 30] that believers cannot fall, it is true they that be­lieve shall not come into condemnation if they continue believing, for so Christ is to be un­derstood, which as I suppose will not be deny­ed.

Obj.But it may be objected they shall continue be­cause Christ saith they shall not come into con­demnation.

Answ.They that do continue believing shall not come into condemnation I grant: but that this proves a necessity of continuing I deny, for we find that some that believed did not continue, as saith the Evangelist from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him, Joh. 6 66. 1 Tim. 1 20, ch. 5.15. 2 Tim. 1.15, ch. 2.18. see here that some that were Christs disciples, and thereby under the promise of everlasting life, yet they shall come unto condemnation because they do not continue: Hymeneus and Alexander belie­ved and thereby were under the promise, yet they made shipwrack of faith and a good conscience and so come under condemnation, for they were delivered to Satan that they might learn not to blaspheme, some are already turned aside after Satan, this thou knowest that all they that are in Asia be turned away from me, of whom is Phyle­tus and Hermogenes, who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already, and overthrow the faith of some, viz. Hymenues and Phyletus, but they that do believe and do continue according to the text shall not come into condemnation.

Your second place is 1 John 2.19. the words are [Page 31] these, They went out from us, but they were not of us for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us, but they went out from us that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

What doth this text prove that believers can­not fall away? or doth it prove that some have fallen away? sure it rather proves the latter then the former, for they were with them and they did go out from them.

But it may be objected, Obj. that they never were of them, and therefore they went out from them, so that they fell not from the faith but from a see­ming faith.

I answer, Answ. that they never were of them the text doth not say for then they would never have been with them.

Again, when they went out from them they were not of them I grant, but that they never were of them I deny, those that depart from the faith are not of those that keep the faith: they that go from the Churches are not of them that continue with the Churches, but they have received ano­ther spirit, viz the spirit of Antichrist, and ther­fore they go out from them that are of the spirit of Christ: but that they never were of them, is more then the text will prove: the Apostle telleth them in verse 18. that there are many Antichrists, they saith he went out from us▪ viz. those Antichrists, according to the Apostle Acts 20. also of your own selves shall men arise (mark well) of your own selves, those were of them, and they shall speak perverse things to draw disciples alter them, thus [Page 32] is this Scripture found not sufficient to prove that which it is brought for.

Your last place alleged is 2 John 2. the words are these, for the truths sake which abideth in us, and shall be in us for ever.

I answer, the truth will abide with those that do abide in it I grant, but some do erre from the truth, 2 Tim. 2.18 2 Pet. 3.17. Joh. 8.32. 2 Joh. 8.9. therefore Saints must beware least being lead away with the error of the wicked, they fall from their own stedfastnesse, but if they abide in the truth, the truth shall make them free: so that you may see that if they abide in that truth, that truth will abide with them for ever, and not o­therwise: and therefore the Apostle exhorts the elect Lady, looke to your selfe (saith he) that we loose not the things that we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward, who­soever transgresseth and abideth not in the do­ctrine of Christ hath not God; he that abides in the doctrine of Christ hath both the father and the Son, thus may we plainly see that the truths abi­ding with us, is upon condition of our abiding in it? Thus have you these Arguments all weighed in the ballance of the sanctuary, and found too light to prove the affirmation.

The absurdities that do naturally flow from the doctrine of impossibility, for believers to fall totally and finally from grace.

If believers cannot fall away then there is no use Absurd. 1 of feeding ministers, as Pastors, and Elders and Teachers, whose work is to take the oversight of the flock to feed them, to take heed of them; 1 Pet. 5.2. now this is altogether uselesse if they cannot fall away: Act. 20.28.30. if they must be fed, it imports they cannot live without feeding, but will starve and dy, if they must be overseen, and heed taken of them, it im­ports they may stray and be drawn away: they must feed the flock and take heed of it because of wolves, which are mortal enemies to sheep; now if sheep cannot be destroyed by wolves, that is, cannot be seduced, nor drawn away, nor fal, then there is no use of the Shepheard, he may be spa­red.

If believers cannot fall away, then as the feeder Absurd. 2 is useless, so is his food also, I mean the growing word, and Gospel ordinances, and duties, as breaking of bread, 1 Pet. 2.2. Church assembling, and com­munion, which we are commanded not to for­sake, but to desire after, Heb. 10.25. as new born babes desire [Page 34] the sincere milk of the word, that they may grow thereby, now if believers cannot fall what need is there or what use can we make of it, what serves it for? establish us it cannot, for we cannot fall, we are established from the beginning, dy we cannot, what use of food? overcome we cannot be, what use of strengthning? thus then may we say in vain have we served God: and what pro­fit is it that we have kept his ordinances, Mal. 3.14. and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of Hosts if believers cannot fall away?

Absurd. 3 If believers cannot fall away, then is a great part of the Scripture uselesse unto them, as take heed, stand fast, beware, and such like saying, which are very plentiful in the Scriptures: and so likewise the many exhortations used by Christ and his Apostles to watchfulnesse, see Mat. 24.4, 5. Act. 20.28. Heb. 3.17. Col. 2.8.17. &c. to sobriety, to prayer, to stability, which are very plentiful in the Scripture, what use are these and such like places to us? what should we take heed, watch beware, take care to stand fast in the faith? for 1 Cor. 16.13.14. if we cannot fall what do they serve for? why do we read them? what do they teach us, must we take heed and beware, and no danger neer us? nor can come to us? must we watch and no Enemy to approach us? must we arme our selves, when none can overcome us? if it be impossible to fal there is no need of all this, these duties are out of date, it is enough for them to do these things that may fall, but as for them that cannot they are uselesse unto them.

Absurd. 4 If believers cannot fall away, then is the ex­press [Page 35] sayings of the spirit contradicted, which saith in the latter daies some shall depart from the faith 1 Tim. 4.1.

If believers cannot fall away, it opens a gap Absurd. 5 to lukewarmnesse, to prophanenesse, to neglect of duty, as of hearing, reading, praying, close-walking, watchfulnesse, fruitfulnesse and the like: for if believers cannot fall, why should any of these things be done? for such as cannot possibly fall, need not pray, hear, need not read, nor watch &c. nor do any of these things, they are sure to stand: finne cannot seperate them, nor nothing, let them do what they will, delight in the law of God, or not delight in it all is alike case if it be true that believers cannot fall away

It hardens and incourages loose professors in Absurd. 6 their loose walking in the profession of the Gospel, for if they that once believed cannot fal away they will be hardned, and incouraged to go on, why say they, once in Christ and ever in Christ, it is im­possible that I, which once believed should fall a­way, let me do what I will, nothing can seperate me from Christ, God is not bound to ordinances, nor to this way, or that way, he will keep me al­though I do not walk so strictly as I have done, or as others do, and therefore what need I care for Church fellowship, or hearing, or any of these things? thus may loose professors be incouraged, and imboldn'd in their loose way by this doctrine of imposibility of falling away from grace.

It hardneth loose professors and disorderly Absurd. 7 walkers against reprehension, and admonitions of [Page 36] their Rulers, and their brethren, and hardens them against the danger laid before them for their so doing, Rom. 11.21. and the judgements and severity of God against them that so do: for if believers can­not fall from grace, then may they slight repre­hensions, and say, take no care for me, I know I shal never fal totally, and finally, therefore tell not me of the danger that is, I know none there is, no se­verity in God against me, for my sins are pardon'd and shall never be laid to my charge, God will not enter into judgement with me, say you what you will: thus may disorderly persons be hardned a­gainst reprehensions, if believers cannot fall from grace.

Absurd. 8 It hardeneth them also against Church censures that are sentenced for their impenitency, for what will they say, what need I matter your cen­sures? though you excommunicate me, and cast me out from you, yet I know God will not, for he will not forsake me, I shall not be seperated from him, for nothing can do that. Thus doth this doctrine of impossibility of falling from grace harden impenitent siners against Church censures which are ratifyed in heaven, Mat. 18.18. by Christ himself.

Absurd. 9 It gives Satan an advantage against believers, when he tempts them to sin he can back it with this encouragement, viz. it is impossible to fall, with this bait he deceived Eve, and the Serpent said un­to the woman ye shall not surely dy, and thus he deceived her; Gen. 3 4, 5. so it is impossible to fal, may he say, therefore eate, take delight, seek after pleasure [Page 37] and profit, take thy fill, walk not so precisely, sa­tisfie thy self with this lust, or that lust, for thou canst not fall from grace.

It rendereth believers uncapable of with­standing Absur. 10 Satan in his temptations, for who more uncapable of withstanding a potent enemy then he that supposes himself to be secure, and that he cannot be prevailed against? his enemy then will take him at unawares, and overcome him: so they that suppose that they cannot fall, may grow secure and so uncapable of withstanding Satan when he assaults them at unawares, and so may be overcome immediatly by him.

It renders them uncapable of suffering persecu­tion Absur. 11 likewise for the name of Christ, for what should they suffer reproaches, imprisonments or any such thing, for, seeing nothing can seperate them from Christ, no not sin (as is affirmed) what if I should (may some say) conform a little to men and so keep my self out of trouble? I know I shall not be seperated from Christ, that is impossible that I that have once believed should fall away. Thus may Satan get in a litle at first, and so by degrees take full possession.

It is a let to fruitfulnesse, for if believers can­not Absur. 12 fall from grace, what need they endeavour after fruitfulnesse or good works? what may the rich man say? I will keep my money, what need I be so rich in good works? 1 Tim. 6.17 I know I cannot fall away, nothing can seperate me from Christ: thus may it obstruct fruitfulnesse.

It opens a gap to all Licentiousnesse: for if Absur. 13 [Page 38] believers cannot fall away, what loosenesse is it they may not run into? what need they watch, pray, hear, or doe any thing? let us eat and Absurd. 13 drink for to morrow we shall die: what matter for following peace and holinesse? what matter for abstaining from fleshly lusts, or for cleansing our selves from filthinesse of flesh and spirit? they cannot fall, nothing can seperate them from Christ? no not sin, being once in Christ, if this doctrine of impossibility of falling from grace be true.

Thus may it be easily seen that this doctrine which is so contended for, with so much pretend­ed strength, is not Gods holy mind; but an opi­nion taken up and endeavoured to be maintained but cannot by written verity; let it therefore be weighed in the ballance and it will be found too light, Rom. 11.12 Phil. 2.12. Cor. 16.13. Heb. 10.36. Luk. 21.26. 1 Pet. 5.8. Heb, 3.12. Col. 2.8. Mat. 7.15. Cant. 2.15. Act. 20.29. how it can be cleared from these absurdi­ties laid down I know not, which are very dan­gerous, and is indeed that which will destroy and dissolve the very life of a Christians warfare and pilgrimage, which all that wil go to bliss must passe thorow with fear and trembling, with sted­fast faith, with patience, with watchfulnesse, with sobriety, with taking heed, with being be­ware of men, of false prophets, seducers, little Foxes, Wolves in sheeps cloathing, grievious wolves; perverse speakers, false teachers and such like; for sure we are fallen into the perilous times, when men shall be lovers of themselves more then lovers of God, therefore we have need to take to us the whole armour of God that we may be able to [Page 39] withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.

Now these arguments being answered, and the absurdities of that doctrine shewn, it remains for me to betake myself to my proposition as it was then stated by me: but denied by the other at our conference.

Thirteen Reasons by which its plain­ly proved that Believers in Christ may fall from Grace.

MY first reason is because they are command­ed to take heed.

The Apostles of Christ were truly believing Reason 1 men, and yet our Lord saith unto them, take heed that no man deceive you; and the reason is, because many false Christs shall come in his name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many, therefore take you heed that no man deceive you: Mat. 24.4, 5. Mark 13.33. Lu. 21.34. take yee heed, watch and pray, for ye know not when the time is: Take heed to your selves least at any time your hearts he overcharged with surfeting and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. These sayings doe plainly teach us that they might be deceived by false Christs, and [Page 40] be overcome by suffering, if they did not take heed unto themselves: or else needlesse were these sayings; for if they could not be deceived and so fall, they had no need to take heed? where there is no danger there needs no caution: these Scriptures with many others of like import, may be crossed out of our Bibles if there be no danger of falling from the faith; Christ tels his Disciples that they are the Salt of the earth, Mat. 5.13. Luk. 14.33, 34, 35. but if the salt have lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted, it is thence­forth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men. Now were it not an absolute contradicting of Christ to say, we cannot lose our favour, its impossible we should, and a making of his words impertinent, his cautions uselesse?

Again, the Apostle gives the like cautions to the Churches, Heb. 3:12, 23. Act. 20. Take heed brethren, least there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God: but exhorting one another daily while its called to day, least any of you be hardned through the deceitfulnesse of sin. They must take heed, or else there may be in them an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; and therefore they must exhort one another, least they be hard­ned &c. looking diligently least any man fail of the grace of God; least any root of bitternesse spring up and trouble you, and thereby many be defiled, least there should be any fornicators or prophane persons as Esau, Heb. 12.15, 16. who for one morsel of meat sold his birth-right. It seems Saints may fall from grace and become pro­phane persons, fell their birth-rights, &c. there­fore believers in Christ may fall away.

[Page 41]The second Reason is, because the Scripture Reason. 2 fore-telleth, that many shall be deceived, and drawn away by men speaking perverse things, Mat. 24.5. and made merchandize of by false teachers, Act. 10.29.30. 2 Pet. 2.1, 2 3.-1.1-3.17. Col. 2 8.18 Rev. 3.11. even those that have obtained like precious faith, and therefore saith he unto them, beware least also ye being led away by the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastnesse, again, beware least any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit, after the Traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ, let no man beguile you &c. and again, behold I come quickly, hold fast that which thou hast let no man take thy crown: all which teacheth us, that be­lievers may fall away if they do not take heed, beware and stand fast &c. and that the Scripture did fore-see that some should fall, be spoiled, and deceived, through their not taking heed, therefore believers in Christ may fall away.

The third reason is, because some have fallen Reason 3 away from the faith, Paul exhorts Timothy to war a good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience, 2 Tim. 2.15 17.18. 1 Tim. 5.15. Jer. 2.5. com. 11.12.13 27, 13.-18 14, 15, 16, 17. which some have put away, concerning faith, have made shipwrack, of whom is Hemeneus and Alexan­der.

But some may say, that faith they fell from was not a true faith but a seeming faith.

I answer if that were so, Paul did Hemeneus and Alexander great wrong, for he delivered them to Satan, now if they did but seem to have faith, but had no true faith, then when they fell they were better then when they stood, because when they [Page 42] stood they seemed to be what they were not, but when they fell they appeared to be what indeed they were, now if Paul delivered them to Satan for falling from a seeming faith, he surely did them wrong, viz. they were delivered to Satan for dea­ling plainly, which they did when they fell, but were dissemblers when they stood at the best, if they had but a seeming faith, which is none, & how they could make shipwrack of that they never had is a paradox to me.

Again, it was a true faith, no seeming faith, be­cause that which they made shipwrack of, the same he exhorts Timothy to hold, holding faith and a good conscience, which some having put away, &c. so that the same faith the one must hold (which cannot be denyed but it was a true faith) that the other put away: which if the same, it must needs be as true, therefore no seeming faith.

Again, they that fall from the faith, are said to depart from the living God: now it is contrary to all reason to say, they do depart from him, who never were with him: and that which brings persons to God can be no seeming faith but a true faith, see Heb. 10.22. therefore that faith that is fallen from in departing from the living God, must be a true faith.

Again, that faith which is accompanied with a good conscience is a true faith.

But the faith which Hemeneus and Alexander made shipwrack of was accompanied with a good conscience ( holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away, viz. faith and a good consci­ence.)

[Page 43]Therefore that faith which they put away was a true faith.

The fourth Reason is, because we are comman­ded, Reason 4 not to be high minded, but to fear (saith the spirit) because of unbelief they were broken off; and thou stands by faith, be not highminded, but fear, and the reason is, Ro. 11.20.21. because if God spared not the natural branches, take heed least he spare not thee, we must fear: why what is the matter? what need we fear if we cannot fall? what need we take heed if there be no danger? but there is need & therfore danger, for we stand by faith, and if we let go our faith, as we may, we let go all; God will spare us no more then he did the natural branches: Heb. 4.11. let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, least any man fall after the same example of unbelief; ther­fore believers in Christ may fall away

The fift Reason is because the spirit saith ex­pressely Reason 5 that in the Latter daies some shall depart from the faith, 1 Tim. 4.1.2. 2 Thes. 2.3. giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils, speaking lyes in hypo­crysie, have their conscience feared with a hot i­ron, therefore believers in Christ may fall away.

The sixth reason is, because perseverance hath Reason 6 the promise of the Crown as a condition of it, now if believers cannot fall, perseverance cannot be a condition of happinesse, Re. 2, 10.17. because that which is a condition by which we obtain the thing promis'd or do not obtain it: may be done or not done: now that it is a condition is plain in scripture, be thou faithful unto death, and I wil give thee a Crown of life, to him that overcomes will I give to eat of the [Page 44] hidden Manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it, v. 17.

Rev. 2.26.27, 28.3.5.And he that overcommeth and keeps my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of I­ron, as a vessel of a potter shall they be broken to shivers, even as I received of my father, and I will give him the morning star.

Heb. 3.12, 13, 14. Col. 1.22, 23. Ro. 11.22.Again further, it is a condition of happinesse, as these places prove: for we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast to the end, Christ will present us holy, un­blameable and unreproveable, if we continue in the faith, behold (saith the Apostle Paul) therefore the goodnesse and severity of God, to them as fell se­verity, but towards thee goodnesse if thou continue in his goodnesse, otherwise thou also shalt be cut off: (mark well) it is on condition of continuance, it is if we continue otherwise we also shall be cut off, God will be as severe to us, if we continue not, as he was to them, viz. Israel, who fell from him, ther­fore believers in Christ may fall away.

Reason. 7 The seventh Reason is, because the Lord threat­neth sore punishment in case of non-continuance, which if there were no such thing as falling from grace, how could punishment be threatned? for where there can be no offence there can be no pu­nishment, because punishments are threatned where there are offences committed, or at least may be: that punishments are threatned in this case consider these places, for if we sin willfully [Page 45] after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, their remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgement, Heb 10.26 27.-6.4, 5, 6. and firy indignation, which shal devour the Ad­versaries.

Again, Peter saith that the latter end (of men that are intangled and overcome of the world a­gain, that have once escaped, 2 Pet. 2.20.21. through the know­ledge of Jeus Christ) is worse with them then the begining. for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousnesse, then after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandments deli­vered unto them. Now if there be no possibility of comming to the worst estate by falling from the commandments, and being over come, then could not this be threatned as before: therefore believers in Christ may fall and become culpable of judgement, and firey indignation, and come in­to a worse estate then ever they would have been in, had they never known him.

The eighth Reason is, Jer. Rom. 3.4. because the Lord com­plains Reason 8 of his people for forsaking him the Foun­tain of living waters, now doth God take up a complaint because of this, and is there no such thing, did they not forsake him: and yet doth he say they did? shall we give God the ly? no God forbid [...] let God be true and ever man a lyar, ther­fore believers in Christ may fal away.

The ninth Reason is, Ephes. 2.1.2. Jude 12. Se 2 Pet. 2.17. because Trees may dy Reason 9 that had life, viz. men that were quickned by the Lord may become dead by turning the grace of God into wantonnesse, or Laciviousnesse, of [Page 46] these Jude speaks of, Jude 12 2 Pet. 2.17. these are spots in your feasts of Charity, they feast with you feeding themselves without fear, clouds they are without water, ca­ried about with winds, trees whose fruit wither­eth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, these were twice dead, and therfore twice alive, for it cannot be said that any thing can dy that vvas not alive, these therefore were dead in sinnes, and made alive in Christ, and dyed again, twice dead, and so fall totally and finally, for they are plucked up by the roots: now we know when Trees are plucked up by the roots they die, Heb. 6.7.8. and cannot have life in them again, but are fit for burning: therefore believers in Christ may fall away.

Reason 10 The tenth Reason is, because branches in the Vine may be taken away, John 15▪ 2.9.10. viz. men united to Christ, as the branches are to the Vine, may be ta­ken away or disunited, because they die or bear no fruit: I am the vine (saith Christ) and my fa­ther is the husbandman, every branch in me that bear­eth not fruit, he taketh away: therefore saith he, continue in my love, and least they should not know how, he saith, if ye keep my commandments ye shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my fathers com­mandments and abide in his love: therefore belie­vers in Christ may fall away, be cut off, die, bear no fruit, &c.

Reason 11 2 Pet. 1.1.10.The eleventh Reason is, because they that have obtained like precious faith, must give diligence to make their calling and election sure: it followes then, that believers may fall, even such as have preci­ous [Page 47] faith; and that their calling and election is not sure, without their giving dilligence to make it so: therefore believers in Christ may fall a­way.

The twelfth Reason is, because Believers, cho­sen Reason 12 persons, Eph. 1.4.— Cor. 16.13. are exhorted to put on the whole ar­mour of God, that they may be able to stand against the wiles of the Divel: Now we know that when men arme themselves, it is because of some ene­my, yea and such an enemy as may overcome them, slay them, spoile them, vanquish them, &c. therefore they must stand fast, quit them­selves like men, be strong: now if believers can­not fall from the faith, nor be overcome, they have no need of armour, if the Divels wiles cannot prevail they need not arm themselves: but they must take to them the whole armour of God: therefore believers in Christ may fall away.

The thirteenth reason is▪ because men that have their names written in the book of life and their Reason 13 part in the holy City, which none but believers have, may by transgression have their names blot­ted out, and their part taken away out of the Ci­ty: For I testifie unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall adde unto these things, God shall adde the plagues that are written in this book, Rev. 22.18. and if any man shall take away from the words: of the book of this Prophesie, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy City, and from the things that are written in this book: thus men whose names are written in the book of [Page 48] life may have their name blotted out, Exo. 32.32. Heb. [...]0.26. Rev. 3.5. and their part taken out of the holy City, that do sin wil­fully, but those that overcome, Christ will not blot their names out of the book of life, but will confesse them before his father, and before his Angels, therefore believers may fall away.

I leave these Reasons to the serious and unbia­sed Reader to weigh in the ballance of the sanctu­ary. I shal now come to shew the use and profita­blenesse of this doctrine of perseverance, or the possibility that Saints stand in to be deceived and so fall if they do not take heed, use the means, strive and labour after the obtaining the Crown, which they cannot have if they do not fight the good fight and finish their course, keep the faith to the end, as saith the spirit, be thou faithful un­to death, Rev. 2.10. 2 Tim. 4.8. and I will give thee the Crown of life, which God will give unto all them, that so do, and love his appearing.

The profitable uses that flow from this doctrine, that tis possible for the Saints to fall finally, if they take not heed.

IT teacheth the Saints to be watchfull over Ʋse 1 themselves, their words, thoughts and actions, Mat. 25.13. Mar. 13 33. Mat. 26 41. Eph 6.8. Col. 4.2. 1 Cor. 16.13. 1 Thes. 5.6. 2 Tim. 4.5. Hab. 2. 1. Psalm 130.6. Re. 16.15. least they should be over taken; this duty is much urged in Scripture, watch therefore, for you know not the day nor the hour wherein the son of man com­eth: watch and pray that you fall not into temptation: watch ye, stand fast in the faith, be strong: There­fore let us not sleep as do others, but watch and be so­ber. So Paul exhorteth Timothy: but watch thou, in all things indure affliction: in this duty were the Saints much exercised: the Prophet Habakkuk saith, I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer, when I am reproved: So was that gracious soul the Prophet David exerci­sed, when he said, My soul waiteth for the Lord, more then they that watch for the morning, I say, more then they that watch for the morning: there is a bles­sedness annexed to this duty of watchfulness, they are reckoned amongst the blessed ones that shall [Page 50] inherit the earth: Behold I come as a theef, blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked, and they see his shame: but in the neg­lect of this duty there may be great losse. Be watch­full, and strengthen the things that remain, that are ready to die, &c. If therefore thou wilt not watch, I will come on thee as a theef, and thou shalt not know what houre I will come upon thee: by this we may see how necessary this duty is, 1. Pet 5.8. and like­wise how it flowes from the aforesaid doctrine as a streame from the fountain: for we must watch, because we have an adversarie that seeks to de­vour us, be sober, be vigilent because your ad­versary the devil, as a roaring Lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

Lets consider what need the servants of Christ have to watch, to take heed, and to beware; their enemies are many and great, as the devil a potent adversarie, and his baits very deceiving, as the world, Mat. 4 9. and the pleasures thereof, when he temp­ted Christ our beloved Lord, what was his baits? why the world, all this will I give thee, saith he, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. If I should in­quire into the experience of the Servants of Christ, they would tell me, that the adversary of their peace layeth this bait before them also, suggesting unto them, and setting before them the glory, riches, greatnesse, and honor of the world saying, if thou forsake this way of Religion thou art in, which thou mayest do, and yet go to heaven, The devill oft times perswades men not­withstand­ing they for­sake the truth, they shall go to heaven. but beware of him for he is a lyar. saith he, then friends will cleave to thee, the world will love thee, whereas now they despise thee, [Page 51] then wilt thou be in the way of profiting thy self by thy trade, and make the best of it, though by lying and dissembling a little, Joh 15.19. saying to the Sell­ler it is nought, but when he is gone thou praiseth it, and by this means mayest thou become rich, Pro. 14.20. and so have many friends, and be in repute and in the way of preferment, and come to places of honour in the world, and be called of men Rabby; thou art a fool to dote upon this dispised way of Religion thus as thou doest, and be made a scorn and a derision of all: do not so, thou maiest delight thy self in pleasures, and fleshly lusts too, and spend thy time merily while thou art here &c. With these and such like temptations, doth Satan assault Christs servants, as he did him: what need then have they to stand upon their watch, and to set themselves upon their watch tower least they be catched by these baits, and so be overcome by him? therefore, saith the Apostle, Heb. 2.1. put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, and again, Eph. above all taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. What need have they then to pray alwaies, watching thereunto with all perseverance; seeing they have to deal with so potent an adversary, which otherwise may overcome them? what need have the servants of Christ to watch over their words and consider what they speak, 1 Cor. 15.33. Jam. 2.26. seeing evill communication cor­rupts good manners, and seeing likewise that he that bridleth not his tongue his Religion is vain? ther­fore David desired the Lord to set a watch before Psa. 144.3. [Page 52] his mouth, and to keep the door of his lips.

Again, what need have the servants of Christ to set a watch over their thoughts also, seeing lust when it is conceived it brings forth sin, Jam. 1.15. and sin when it is finished brings forth death? therfore saith David, Ps. 133.133 I hate vain thoughts; but I love thy law: suf­fer not thy thoughts then to runne after vanity, thou seest there is danger in it: but make this good use (thou knowing there is danger) of this truth, let it teach thee to stand upon thy watch, as our Lord saith, Marr 14.57. what I say unto you, I say unto all men, watch.

Ʋse. 2 Heb. 12.1.It teacheth us to run with patience the race that is set before us, because it is not for a time that we must run, or part of the way: but it must be the whole race to the end, Jam. 1.4. till death, and the like: therefore the Apostle saith, let patience have her perfect work; He. 6.11.12 we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurence of hope unto the end, that ye be not sloathfull, but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the promise: the many reproaches, temptations, afflictions, suf­ferings, 2 Tim. 3.12. persecutions, imprisonments, yea and death it self, which they that will live godly in Christ Jesus are liable to suffer, and to passe through here, for the testimony of Christ must be endued with patience, thou therefore endure hardnesse as a good Souldier of Jesus Christ, Mat. 24.13 these things must be indured if we will have the Crown, and that to the end too; for he that endureth to the end, shall be saved: if we faint in our minds and cast of our confidence and so cast of Christ because of the crosse, we shall [Page 53] not reap, let us not be weary of well doing, Gal. 6.9. for in due season we shall reap if we faint not; if we suffer for Christ with patience, and indure the Cross, Heb. 12.2. 2 Tim. 2.12 and despise the shame as he did, we shall be glorifyed with him, but if in our sufferings we are over­come and do deny him, he also will deny us, Heb. 12.3. ther­fore let us consider him that suffered such contradicti­ons of sinners, least we be wearied and faint in our minds, and take (as the Apostle of our Lord saith) my brethren, the Prophets, Jam. 5, 10. who have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of suffering, affliction, and of patience; if we do not add patience to our faith, we may faint under our burden: let this truth ther­fore teach the Servants of the Lord to suffer affli­ctions with patience, knowing that we shall not reap if we faint: it is not sufficient that we be faithful for a year nor years, it must be unto death, Rev. 2.10. if we will receive the Crown of life: Heb. 10 36. we have therefore need of patience that after we have done the will of God, we may receive the promise, but if we shall say in our hearts: the Lord delaies his comming, Luk. 12.45.46. and shall begin to beat the man servants and maydens, and to eat and drink and to be drunken, Jam. 5.8. the Lord will come in a day we look not for him, and at an hour when we are not aware, and will cut us a sunder, and appoint us our portion with unbelievers, therefore let us be patient stablished in our hearts, for the comming of the Lord draweth nigh.

It teaches the servants of the Lord to walk Ʋse 3 humbly with their God, fearing, and not high minded, they knowing that God resisteth the proud, 1 Pet. 5.6. but he gives grace to the humble: God will as it were [Page 54] set himself against the proud man whosoever he be, Jam. 4.6. Prov. 3.34 surely he scorneth the scorner: but he giveth grace to the lowly, we must not be high minded, but fear, for this cause, for he spared not the natural bran­ches, Rom. 11.20 Mat. 11.29. Col. 3.12. 1 Pet. 5.5. therefore take heed, lest he spare not thee: we must learn of Christ to be of a meek and low­ly spirit, put on humblenesse, of mind, meekness, long suffering & be clothed with humility as with a garment, therefore Paul, that faithful servant of the Lord, humbled himself: I saith he, keep under my body, 1 Cor. 9.27 and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I my self should be a cast away. This servant of the Lord knew full well if he did not keep himself low and humble, but give way to the flesh, and the justs thereof, he might miscarry, be a cast away: wherefore he▪ stirred up the servants of the Lord to cloth themselves with this comly ornament which be­comes believing men, let nothing be done through strife, Eph. 2.3. or vain glory, but in lowlinesse of mind, let each esteem others better then themselves: and this he strives to fasten upon them from the gracious­nesse and never to be forgotten example of our dear Lord, who though he was equall with God, yet he left that glory and humbled himself, for our sakes, and became obedient to death, that we might live: and therefore we must be humble, Isa. 57.15. else God will not exalt us, God will not dwel with a proud person, but he will dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit; he hath shewed thee oh man, what is good, Mich. 6.8. verse 4. and what the Lord requires of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.

[Page 55]It teaches the servants of the Lord to give dili­gence Ʋse 4 to make their calling and election sure, 2 Pet 2.10. and to work out their salvation with fear and trembling, be­cause otherwise they may become unfruitful and barren, and so be taken away from the vine; Phil. 2.12. Joh. 15.2. they must therefore give diligence to make their cal­ing and election sure, for if they so do they shall never fall; they must work, the Lord doth require it, and work out their salvation too with fear & trembling, Isa. 64.5. for to such the Lord hath promised his presence, thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousnesse, those that remember thee in thy wayes: God doth expect that his people should be a willing people: a people fruitful: a peo­ple giving all dilligence to add to their faith ver­tue: and to vertue knowledge, 2 Pet. 1.5.6 7.8. and to knowledge tem­perance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godlinesse, and to godlinesse brotherly kindnesse, and to brotherly kindnesse charity, thus doing, ye shall nei­ther be barren nor unfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ: but he that lacketh these things, is blind, and cannot see a far off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins: But let the servants of the Lord do so, and they shall never fall viz. give diligence to make their calling and election sure, by giving dilligence to add these to their faith, &c.

It teacheth them to esteem highly of the mini­stry Ʋse 5 of Christ, and so consequently of his mini­sters, who are set over them as their feeders, know­ing that without they are fed, they may pine and and so die, this is a duty that the Lord doth enjoin [Page 56] his people to do, 1 Thess. 5.12.13. and we beseech you brethren to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you, and esteem them very highly in love, for their works sake &c. this it teaches Saints to do, and joyfully to receive from them that food, that is appointed for their spiritual nourishment and growth, and not to slight their profitable admonitions, which tend to the taking away any infection that may arise in them; which if not prevented in time may grow to a consump­tion, and so instead of thriving under the mini­stry, they pine and wast, and so at last die, (not) for want of food, but because of an infection that may hinder the concoction, and so the food be­come unprofitable unto them; which may be oc­casioned by their slighting them that are over them in the Lord, Heb. 13.7. viz. by slighting their labour and admonitions, and therefore the Hebrew Saints were put upon this duty, remember them which have the rule over you who have spoke unto you the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation; and again, obey them that have the rule over you, and submit your selves, for they watch for your souls, as they that must give an ac­count, Heb. 13.17. that they may do it with joy, and not with grief; for that is unprofitable for you &c.

Ʋse 6 It teacheth the servants of the Lord to set a high estimation on the word of God▪ they knowing that to be sincere milk by which they must be fed and grow, 1 Pet. 2.2. the good servant of the Lord the Prophet David, did highly esteem of the word of the Lord: Psalm. 119 161.162. saith he, princes have persecuted me with­out [Page 57] cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word, ver. 148. I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil: again, mine eyes prevent the night watches, Jer. 15.16. that I might meditate in thy word: so likewise the Pro­phet Jeremiah, thy words were found, and I did eat them, Jam. 1.21 and thy words were unto me the joy and re­joicing of my heart &c. to this duty the Apostle of our Lord doth presse believers, wherefore laie a­part all filthinesse and superfluity of naughtinesse, 119.103. and receive with meeknesse the ingraffed word which is a­ble to save your souls; Prov. 13.13 how sweet are thy words unto my tast: saith David, thus to do doth this truth teach us, because whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed: Isa. 30.12. but he that feareth the commandements shall be rawarded; and again, wherefore thus saith the holy one of Israel, Isa. 66.2.5 because ye have dispised this word, and trust in oppression, and perversenesse, and stay thereon, therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking commeth suddenly at an instant, for all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is pure, and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my word: the Lord is pleased to make gracious promises to such as highly esteem of his word, but if we despise it we shall be destroyed: 1 Sam. 3.1. oh how precious is the word of the Lord? how should it then be disgested and received into our very hearts as our food, our councel, our light our lan­thorn lest it be despised, so we pine, starve, dy and be destroyed.

It teacheth the servants of Christ to esteem Ʋse 7 [Page 58] highly of Gospel ordinances of the precious insti­tutions of their precious lord, because they know that they are the conveyances in which God is pleased to convey himself unto them, and be­cause without their obedience unto and faithfull walking in them they are in unspeakable danger of falling to destruction, therefore saith the Apo­stle John, whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God, he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, 2 Joh. 9. Joh. 15.10.-14.21.24 hath both the father and the son: again Christ saith, if ye keep my commandements, ye shall abide in my love &c. he that hath my commandments and keepeth them, Psal. he it is that loveth me, he that keepeth my sayings, &c. the servants of Christ then must highly esteem of Christs sayings, doctrines, com­mandements &c. for so did they of old, the proud have forged a ly against me: but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart, their heart is as fat as grease, but I delight in thy law; the law of thy mouth is better to me then thousonds of gold and silver: and again, O how thy comman­dements have made me wiser then al my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditations: I under­stand more then the antients, because I keep thy precepts: here may we see how this servant of the lord did esteem of the precepts of the lord and likewise what profit he received by his so doing; what a sad estate, and condition are they in that set light by ordinances that cast them behind them and break the commandements of the Lord and teach men so to do! the lord Christ will make [Page 59] as little account of them one day, for he saith, why call you me lord lord and do not the things that I say? as if Christ should say you call me lord, Luke 6.46. but why do you so? how am I your lord, and you keep not my sayings? If I were your lord you would keep my words, my commandements, you would set an high esteem of my ordinances, and the like, how many is there at this day that call Christ lord, and yet have no love to his testimo­nies? how many that have owned Christ in his institutions, and yet have transgressed and abide not in his doctrine but slight his ordinances saying they are low things, as if they were too high to submit to them, or having submitted to them were grown too high to continue in them? and yet they call him Lord, the Apostle Paul prais'd the Corinthians for keeping the ordinances as he had delivered them unto them▪ 1 Cor. 11.2 2 Joh. 6.9. let this use be made therefore of this truth seeing if we trans­gresse and abide not in the doctrine of Christ we have not God.

It teacheth the servants of the Lord to continue Ʋse 8 instant in prayer praying fervently because other­wise they may enter into temptation and so be in danger of being overcome: Rom. 12.12 Jam. 5 16. Mat. 16 41. Mat. 6.13. Mar. 13 33. Mat. 24 42. 1 The. 5.17. Jam. 5.13. therefore saith Christ watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation; so Christ taught his disciples to pray, lead us not into temptation.

Again take ye heed watch and pray for ye know not when the time is, to this duty we are exhor­ted by the Apostles of Christ, to be instant in prayer, without ceasing, is any afflicted, let him [Page 60] pray, Col. 4.2. continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving, be ye therefore sober, watch unto prayer: and he spake a parable unto them to this end, Luke 18.1. that men ought alwais to pray, & not to faint, the good Lord will be sought unto for strength against temptations, prayer is one of the weapons which we must overcome temptations withall, Ephes. 6.18 and overcome Satan, yea and prevail with God, through bis dear Son, for supplies of grace, that we may be able to stand against our e­nemies in the day of tryal and adversity: let us therefore learn this good lessen, Psal. 65.2. to be instant in prayer: Dan. 9.21. for God is a God hearing prayer, and will answer while we are yet speaking, and what soe­ver we ask in his Sons name, Joh. 15.7. he will give it unto us, if we abide in him, and his word abide in us.

Ʋse 9 It teacheth the Servants of the Lord to be con­stant in hearing, and in reading the Scriptures, and to meditate in the law of the Lord they know­ing that it is a means by which they shal be streng­thned, fed and refreshed, and without which they may grow feeble, therefore saith the wisdome of God, Prov 8.32, 33, 34. now therefore hearken to me O ye children, for blessed are they that keep my waies: hear in­struction, and be wise and refuse it not, blessed is the man that heareth me, Prov. 1.5. watching dayly at my gates, waiting at the posts of my dores: a wise man will hear and increase learning, Eccles. 5.1. be more ready to hear then to give the sacrifice of fools, for they consider not that they do evil, Esa. 55.3. hear and your soul shall live: again, be swift to hear and slow to speak, slow to wrath: Jam. 1.19. thus doth this truth teach us to [Page 61] hear constantly, yea so to hear as to do what the the will of God is: Jam. 1.22. for otherwies we deceive our selves; it is not the hearer of the law which is ju­stifyed, but the doer, therefore saith Christ, Rom. 2.12. he that heareth these sayings of mine and doth them, Mat. 7.24. I will liken him to a wiseman &c. but if we refuse to hear, God will send a famine, Luke 6.47. not a famine of bread nor of thirst, but of hearing the word of the Lord: how doth it then behove the servants of Christ to be diligent hearers of the word in these daies of plenty, Amos. 8.11. and to walk thankfully towards God in all well pleasing, least he should deprive them of so great, rich and unspeakable a mer­cy?

It obligeth and incourageth the servants of the Ʋse 10 Lord to suffer persecution constantly for the te­stimony of Christ, 2 Tim. 2.12. they knowing that if they suffer they shall be glorifyed with him, but if they de­ny him; he will also deny them, this is that which the word of God doth much mind us of, viz. that they must suffer persecution, Rev. 2.10. fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer, behold the devill shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tryed, and ye shall have tribulation ten daies, be thou faithfull unto death, and I will give thee a Crown of life. The Lord, here gives a gracious encouragement, fear not, saith he, none of these things which thou shalt suffer, as if the Lord should say, suffer thou must, but be thou faithfull unto death, and I will give thee a Crown of life, thou shalt be rewarded with a sufficient recompence, for our light afflicti­on, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far [Page 62] more exceeding and eternall weight of glory, 2 Cor. 4 17 what an incouragement is this now, not to forsake nor deny Christ seeing there is a Crown, Luk. 12.13. 1 Co. 9.25. Mat. 16.26 an eter­nal weight of glory too, for them that are faith­ful unto death, and do not deny Christ; what would not a man suffer for a Crown, for glory, for a kingdome? who would forsake a Crown of glory, a Kingdome, an incorruptible one also, for the suffrings the light & momentary affliction that may be suffered here? what is it for a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his Soul? therefore he that will save his life shall lose it, that is, he that to save his life here will deny Christ, and not suffer for his sake, shall lose his life in that to come: therefore nothing will be our gain if we do not hold fast, but great will be our loss, viz. our souls our lives, a Crown, a kingdome of glory: oh how should the servants of the lord be filling their hearts with the considerati­on of the excellency and glory of that kingdom, Rev. 3.11— 28.-—21.7. that they may hold fast that no man take their Crown, knowing that the promise is to him that overcommeth.

Ʋse 11 It teacheth them to resist Satan stedfastly, they knowing that he goeth about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and that he is an enemy that must be resisted, other­wise he may prevaile against them and overcome them: this may teach the servants of the lord to stand upon their guard, Ephes. 4.27 and to resist every temp­tation wherewith he doth indeavour to surprize [Page 63] them, and narrowly to watch against his suggesti­ons, for they are to give no place to the devill, but to learn with the Apostle not to be ignorant of his devises, that so having on the whole armor of God they may be able to quench his fiery darts by resisting of him with stedfast faith, seeing else they may be overcome by him, and catched in his snares, like the silly bird, who is catched in the net of the fowler.

It teacheth them to mortifie the deeds of the Ʋse 12 flesh, they knowing that that is also an enemy to them, to which duty we are exhorted, Col. 3.5. mortifie your members that are upon the earth, Rom. 8.13. for if ye live after the flesh ye shall dy: but if ye through the spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body, 1 Cor. 9.27 ye shall live; the servants of Christ must not live af­ter the flesh, 1 Pet. 2.11. they wil then come under condemna­tion, vers. 1. therefore the Apostle Paul kept un­der his body, and brought it under subjection; and the reason was, lest he should be a cast away: the flesh and the lusts therof do make war against the soul, they must not be suffered to be predo­minant in the servants of Christ, for they are stout warriers and will slay, if they be not slayed.

It teacheth the servants of Christ to follow af­ter Ʋse 13 peace and holinesse, knowing that without it no man shall ever see the Lord, Heb. 12.14. Psal. 93.5 Luke 1.73. holyness becomming the house of the Lord for ever, to this end was their Redemption wrought that they should serve him in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of their life; even so now yield your members servants unto righteousnesse unto holi­nesse, [Page 64] but now being made free from sin, Ro. 6.19.22 and be­come servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holinesse, 1 Thes. 4.7. and the end everlasting life, for God hath not called us unto uncleannesse, Isay 6.3. but unto holinesse, without holinesse there is no sight of God, 1 Joh. 3.3. how then should the servants of Christ la­bour after holiness, 2 Cor. 7.1. otherwise they are unlike God he is holy, Rev. 22.14. holy, holy, holy is the Lord, therefore they must be holy as he is holy, and he that hath this hope in him purifieth himself even as he is pure: Joh. 2.6. Heb. 7.26. therefore having these promises let us clense our selves from all filthynesse, both of flesh and spirit, 2 Cor. 6.17. perfecting holinesse in the fear of God, Rev. 18.4. blessed are they that do his command­ment that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in thorow the gates into the City: Ephes. 5.11. he that saith he is in him ought to walk even as he walked: Rev. 3.2. now Christ was holy, for such an high Priest became us, Jude 0.21. who is holy, harmlesse▪ undefi­led, Isay 61.3. seperate from sinners, and made higher then the heavens, we must be holy, harmlesse, un­defiled, Rev. 6.16. seperate from sinners as he was, for we must walk as he walked; Heb. 12.14. therefore we are com­manded to come out from amongst them and be seperate and touch no unclean thing, 2 Pet. 1.10. and have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them: Heb. 2.1, 2. to follow holinesse will bring peace to the conscience, 1 Pet. 5.8. glory to God, adorn truth, Ephes. 6.13 keep Satan at a distance, strengthen the the things that remain, keep us in the love of God, He. 13.7.17 make us appear to be trees of righteous­nesse of the Lords planting, 1 Pet. 2.2. that he might be glori­fied, [Page 66] but if we be not followers after holinesse we shall never see the Lord in peace, Psal. 1.9.105. but rather be of that number that desire the rocks to fall on them to hide them from the face of the lamb; Eph. 6.17. let the servants of the most high God look about them, 2 Pet. 2.17. it will be worth their while to make their calling and election sure, Mat. 24 4.5▪ and to stand upon their watch tower, they have many enemies who Li­on-like go about seeking whom they may devour: 2 Pet. 2.1. what need have they to take to them the whole armour of God that they may be able to stand, and having done all to stand? how should they esteem of them that are set over them, in the Lord: and their faith follow considering the end of their conversion, how should they esteem of the word which is their milk, their light, their Lanthorn, their sword, with which they must fight, and con­tend against all oppositions both of the devil and the flesh, the world, pleasures, profits, and pre­ferments thereof, how should they make the word their councel in all their actions, and not dare to presume in any thing above what is writ­ten, least they be overtaken with the error of the wicked and so fall from their own stedfastnesse: how should they beware, and take heed of men, false Christs, false prophets, and false teachers, how should they try the spirits whether they be of God or no, seeing many false Christs, and pro­phets are already risen, 1 Joh. 4.1.-2.18. which deceive and be­guile the hearts of the simple: how should they meditate in the law of the Lord, Psa. 119.78 stand fast in the faith without wavering, remember God in his [Page 66] way, 1 Co. 16.13. Isa. 64.5. Mich. 6 8. Jam. 1.12. Mat. 10 38. 1 The. 5.17. Luk. 21.36. Mat. 26.41. 2 Pet., 8.9, 10.11. esteem of Christs institutions or Gospel or­dinances, they are Gods conveyances in which he doth convey himself unto them: how ought they to walk humbly with their God, and to in­dure affliction patiently, to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Christ, otherwise they cannot be his disciples: how should they be fervent in prayer without ceasing, least they en­ter into temptation; to conclude, how should they follow after fruitfulnesse, holinesse, faith, vertue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godlynesse, brotherly kindnesse, charity, for if these things be in them and abound, they will make them that they shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ: but he that lacketh these things, is blind and cannot see afarr off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins; wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure, for if ye do these things ye shall never fall, for so an entrance shall be ministred unto you abundan­tly into the everlasting kingdome of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.



ALbeit it is most undeniably evident that we are now fallen into those last and most perillous times, wherein it was foreseen and accordingly foreshewn ex­pressely by the spirit that some should depart from the faith 1 Tim. 4, 1. and we see it verified also by dayly ex­perience men, sometimes eminent in religion, becoming lovers of themselves, and lovers of pleasures more then lovers of God, and strangely mannered in every respect according as twas foretold they should in the latter a­ges by Paul 2 Tim. 2.1, 2. &c. yet I know this doctrine will not be received for truth by many: neverthelesse I have discharged my conscience as in the presence of God, that believers therby might be put in mind to hold fast that they have, the successe of which I leave to the Lord.

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