Mercurius Cambro-Britannicus. OR, NEVVS from WALES, TOUCHING The Glorious and Miraculous Propagation of the Gospel in those parts.

Being a clear DISCOVERY & MANIFESTATION Of the late invented Trade of TITH-GATHERING there, Intended by some Persons to be suddenly set on foot and established over all ENGLAND.

Well worthy the serious and timely consideration of the Parliament, Army and Nation, and every individual Member thereof.

MAL. 3.7, 8, 9, 10.

Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts: But ye said, Where shall we return? Will a man rob God? yet ye have robbed me: But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In Tythes and Offerings: Ye are cursed with a curse, for ye have rob­bed me, even this whole nation; bring ye all the Tythes into the store­house, that there may be meat in mine house; and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open the Windows of heaven, and powr you out a blessing, that there shal not be room enough to receive it.

London, Printed in the Year, 1652.

P. P. to the indifferent Reader.

THis sober honest Mercury coming to my hands, I thought it no great Error if I gave it that en­tertainment which I sometimes give even the Phrantick Bedlam Pamphlets: I must confesse it was to me a kind of Eye-salve, for I looked formerly at the wrong end of the Perspective, and the transgressions of our Welsh Itinerants, palliated with the name of Saints, seemed but small Atoms in a large Sun-shine. This Book is a new Telescope; it discovers what we could not see before; and the Spots in this Spiritual Moon, are Mountains.

1. These Saints have a certain pious Wawle in the Pulpit, but out of it they are all Clutch and Claw; they are as Lucian disco­vered poverty, full of Hooks; and they fish for this world, not for that which is to come: I did sometimes wonder why they were so busie with South-Wales, and was about to consult with the Map, if Mount Sion were not there: But I understand now there is a more present blessing in those parts; there is 20000 l. per annum, for all the learned Ministers are ejected; the Church is a meer Carcasse, which makes these Ravens flock towards it: and now they flutter and croak over the Inheritance of God. Certainly the Author of this discourse deserves the suffrages of all honest men, and even some Gratulatory returns and encouragements from the Patrones of the People; for in my opinion, the Parlia­ment is beholding to him for discovering the Obliquities, and dark carriages of the propagators, who being so remote from the Cog­nizance of the House, have made use of their Authority for their own private contrivances, to the dishonour of their Masters, and the Scandal of true Religion and piety.

2. The Army is beholding to him for discovering those that swallow up that Treasure which should either be employed for the end it was designed by Parliament, or else for the payment of their Arrears: Those men of War that now receive it, having [Page] scarce lost one drop of bloud in the late quarrels, nor had any greater enemy to contest withall then Black-coats, and the bridge of Rosse.

3. The Nation is indebted to him in making a timely discovery of the purpose of these Itenerants to procure the like Propagation in all England, hoping that the Parliament being made sensible of the sad Consequences of this Itinerary course in Wales, may not be so easily perswaded to passe the like Act for England, but rather to continue the publique Worship of God in setled Congregations.

4. All Wales are become Everlasting debtors to him; For a word spoken in season is like apples of Gold: and who knows not but the Lord may encline the hearts of the Parliament to pro­vide for their future supply of Godly Ministers and School-Ma­sters, by appointing some other Persons by whom the Lord will have his Work to be done. And perhaps some good men hearing of this Spiritual famine, may out of Charity come in, and offer themselves to labour in the Lords Vine-yard, for the Harvest is great, and the Labourers very few.

5. All the Ministers and Scholers in England are not a little beholding to him: For if this Itinerary way of Congregating per­sons, and Gathering of Churches should be once setled, or per­mitted here, there would be little use of Ministers or Scholers in that expedition.

6. The Lawyers of England ought to pay him Tribute: For Law and humane learning are inconsistent with the Itineraries Principles; and they hate all strifes and contentions, other then what arise out of their own Doctrine. If then, Reader, thou art one of those that would be undeceived Consider what thou readest: See how one Diurnal of Aug. 2. 52. (half whereof is filled up with some late news from Wales) is Stig­matized for an Imposture in the very front of another of the very same [...]ate. give me leave to invite thee to this Book with that Call in the Revelation, Come and see. It is a sight deserves thy best considerations, and the time thou dost spend about it cannot be lost: Here thou shalt see the Wolfe divested of the Fleece; thou shalt see him in his own Symmetry, in his own humours, without that Sheepish formallity, that fraudu­lent pretended Personated piety, which he holds forth as a blind between him and the world: Here the Whore is stript of her Fu­cus, not shee that sits on seven hills, but an other more impudent Whore that sits on seven score hills in South-walls: Here thou shalt see that Propagation of the Gospel, is a Propagation of Land and Money; for the Saints have advanced from 7. l. per annum to [Page] 1500. l. and he who had scarce Frize for his breech, struts it now in Holy lace and Scarlet. Had their valorous atchievements in the field gained these goodly things, as other gallant Commanders and Officers had done, they had been well worthy of honor and wealth: But the mighty men of Wales found a more easie and safe way to attain both, viz. by pretence of holinesse, and outward form of piety, which hath been no small advantage unto them: but I shall for­bear any further mention, because I will not detain thee from the book it self. Read thou the Truth and assist it; for if thou hast any interest in the Church of Christ, it concernes thee; but de­fraud not the Discoverer of his just Commendations. I have no more to trouble thee withall at present, unlesse thou art a Britan, if so, make true Ʋse and Application of the two lines under­written,

Da iw'r Kelwydd trâ i Koylîr
Ʋid. 1 Esdr. 4.38, 39, 40, 41.
Pen elir ym-hell gwell iw'r Gwîr.

The Authors Apologie.

Courteous Reader,

HAving been an eye-witness and spectator of the sad deplorable condition of Southwales, in relation to the Work of the Ministry, since the Commissioners for Propagation were impowred in those parts, I have not been a little troubled with thoughts of heart what to do, and how to act and demean my self towards the persons im­powred, who being many of them my friends and acquain­tance, from whom I received civil respects, craved a silence from my pen. Other considerations I had, that some preju­dice might befall them, by laying open these miscarriages, which might have some reflexion on those that have been least culpable therein, if at all; And the regard I have of those amongst them (who in the simplicity and integrity of their hearts, acted clearly for those ends they were intru­sted, receiving no worldly benefit thereby) hath much ob­structed my purpose; Especially, least this Treatise might any wayes give offense to those who are no titular Saints, but really godly, who count godliness gain, and not gain god­liness; But I do cordially profess, I have no design of pre­judice, nor do I bear the least ill will to those who are truly such, but wish their number may be daily increased: That which most of all troubled me, was the consideration I had of the use and advantage that the Malignants and Ill affe­cted persons to the present Government would make of this [Page] discovery, against those who attribute to themselves the names of Saints and people of God; Primam & perpetuam esse constat historiae legem, nihil falsi audere dicere nihil veri-non audere.; All which, toge­ther with self- interest and self- preservation were no small motives to blast the good intentions of the Author. Ne­vertheless finding no hopes of redress of the abuses herein complained of; but on the contrary, it being visible and apparent that their main design and purpose was to root out all the Ministers and Ministry, not only in Wales, but in England also; to leave the Churches empty, and with the fatness of the Tithes, and the fruits of other mens hard labours, to Propagate their Estates, not stumbling at Sa­criledge and Spirituall robbery, mentioned in Malach. 3.7, 8, 9, & 10. verses: And hating all persons with a perfect hatred, who in the spirit of love and meekness, have friend­ly rebuked them, and minded them of these things; It was more then time for some good man to arise and stand up in the gap; who although Eliah may be mistaken in con­ceiving he only was left, when the Lord had seven thousand that had not bowed their knee to Baal, 1 King. 19.14, 18. He cannot (as he hopes) in these subsequent passages, which are too well known to the inhabitants, and all the Judges publique Officers of State, and other unbiassed stran­gers, who have travelled those parts. And although this small Treatise may offend some, yet since it is the cause of God, who commands him to speak these things, least his people die for want of spiritual bread, whilest others sur­fet on the heavenly manna: he cannot, nor may not with­stand the dictates of his conscience, nor resist the motions of his holy Spirit, chusing rather to obey God then man, Act. 5.29. though to his own particular and private disadvantage, counting worldly gain but losse, in competition with the things of God, who doth with all humility acquiesce in his righteous judgement, hoping and waiting for a hap­py issue and successe, according to his omnipotent [...] [Page] pleasure, not doubting but the Lord will in his due time answer our expectations, in restoring the light of his Gospel to those that now sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death; and will preserve and continue the candlestick, where it is, and refresh his distressed, oppressed people, with his spirituall joy and comfort; Which is the hearty wishes, prayers, and endeavours, and the main and only end of this Treatise, and the Author thereof


Some Errata's have escaped the Printer in this hastened Impression, as Rogers for Roberts in many Copies at the end of the Marginall Notes, pag. 15. for winde r. come. pag. 16. l. 4. for expect r. exhibite. pag. 18. l. 24. &c. These and others may be easily corrected by the Pen of the candid Reader, at his largest leasure.

Mercurius Cambro-Britannicus.

MR. Cradock, M r Valvasor Powel, and others of their Tribe, having seriously considered of what great advantage it would prove unto them, in case they could obtain a power in themselves and Colleagues, for disposing of all Tythes, Glea [...]s, Impropriations, and Ecclesiastical Re­venues, in the thirteen Counties of Wales, conceived it the onely way to accomplish their desires,

1. To make the Parliament believe, that their Coun­trymen were Pagans and Infidels, and a People that un­derstood nothing of God, or of the Power of Godliness, and so had need to be converted to the faith.

2. That in order to this Conversion, they should per­swade the Parliament to pass an Act, called, The Pro­pagation of the Gospel in Wales: And that for the better effecting and carrying on of those ends proposed by these Priests themselves, and some others of their No­mination and Recommendation, subject to their com­mands, should be named with them in the said Act: And that to carry a greater countenance of Authority to the intended executioners thereof, several emminent and worthy Members of Parliament, Lawyers, and Comman­ders should be named in the Frontispiece thereof, well knowing, those Gentlemen could not disoblige their o­ther great Trusts and publique Imployments to act with these Priests and their Confederates; so that the [Page 4] whole game should be played by one intire party, which being acted so far distant from the cognizance of the Parliament, where the poor Inhabitants want Represen­tatives to stand for them, and represent their grievances to the Supreme Authority, they doubted not but to ma­nage their affairs in such a way, as nothing should there­after arise in judgement against them in this world. And after serious debate and consideration had, how incon­venient it was to continue the old Ministers in their re­spective benefices, which if admitted, would swallow up the Tythes, and hinder the pretended Saints from pro­pagating their Estates: It was Resolved upon the question:

1. That for the better Propagation of the Gospel in Wales, all the Ministers should be ejected and silenced, save only some of the most ignorant and illiterate of them, that would comply, and either farm their own Tythes, and accept of good bargains, or else accept of small inconsiderable stipends.

2. And for the more formal ejection of the Ministers, that certain blank Articles of course, should be drawn and applyed as an Engine to remove them from their re­spective charges and benefices. And for incourage­ment of Informers and Deponents, that the Sequestrators should offer good bargains of the Tythes to any that would come in, and help them to do the work of the Lord, for so they call the ruine and desolation of the Ministers and Ministry, and the extirpation of the Gospel: And that certain Journey-men Pedlers, or Itinerant Tobacco-mongers, and others of like quality, should perambu­late several of the Counties at 18 d per diem, to make feigned discoveries of the pretended obliquities of the Ministers, and return an accompt of their proceedings to the new Inquisitors, otherwise called Sequestrators of the Tythes, &c.

[Page 5]3. Resolved, That the same course should be used in the ejection of the School-Masters, and that some of the Commissioners Clerks and Servants, that were in a capacity to read English, and make a warrant, should be placed and stipended to spare charges, and the overplus of the moneys to go and relieve the poor distresse Saints. or the more needy number of the gathered Proselytes.

4. That in order to the letting and setting of the Tythes, &c. Resolved, That certain grand Farmers or Sequestrators, Receivers and Collectors should be appoint­ed in every County, chosen out of their Tribe of Gad, and that they should have power to let, set and dispose of the same to the pretended godly party, or any of those that have congregated themselves for that purpose, at half the value or lesser, and that none of the old Mi­nisters, or others of the Inhabitants, should farm their own Tythes &c. at any rate, though they offered double the value paid by the pretended godly party. It being also resolved, that none but those that call themselves Godly, should live by, and feed of the Altar, it being a grand Tenet held by them, That those onely who are out­wardly Righteous, ought to inherit the earth: And having taken into consideration the great charges they would put themselves unto, in case they should supply every County with a competent number of godly, able, ortho­dox preaching Ministers and Schoolmasters, whose parts deserving stipends accordingly, would leave too smal a remnant to relieve the pretended Saints of Wales, they Resolved:

5. That three or four Itinerary Teachers should be im­ployed in most of the Counties, to supply the same, and because it shall not seem too hard a work for sso few to supply a whole County, which some of them con­sist 120 Parishes, and the least of 50 or 60. Resolved [Page 6] also, That in their expedition, they should be supplyed with fresh Had they provided horses for their Audi­tors to, it had not been amiss horses at every stage, which commonly are 10 or 20 miles, and sometimes more, to ride post from place to place, to spread their Doctrine, which for the most part consists of these heads,

1. Invectives against all the old Ministers and School-Masters, and to perswade the people, that their calling and mission was Antichristian; and that all the Witness a bold universal challenge of M r Valvasor Powel, Iune 11 1652. sent to D r George Griffith, toge­ther with seve­ral letters thereupon, all published in print for pub­lique satisfaction of the people, and vindication of the truth, and true intent of these Iti­neraries. Mini­stry of England were in the same condition; and that none should be saved but Itineraries, or such as should list themselves under them; and to gain credit and be­lief to what they taught, they declared, that this was the sense of the Parliament, and that the same course should be settled all England over, and all Parochial set­tled Congregations should be quite abrogated.

2. To rail against the Lawyers and Professors of the Law, and that they were all damned and accursed, that would go to Law, either in the great Sessions, or at Westminster-Hall; and that the Propagators were the one­ly fit persons to decide all suits and differences: And M r Valvasor Powel by name, did, and usually doth in his invective Sermons, rail against and vilifie the Lawyers in general, more particularly at Llandsanferad in Elvel Pa­rish, in the County of Radnor, on the 25 of June last, when and where in his sermon amongst other railing expressions, he said, That all the Lawyers in England and Wales, were worse then Theeves or Pick-pursos, and that there were but two or three honest Lawyers in all the Nation, where he was so beset by some of his own Proselytes, and so whipt with arguments by those spirits which he himself first raised, who for three hours ob­jected [Page 7] against the doctrine then taught by him; in so much that M r Valvasor Methinks M r Valvasor you should have bred up your scholars to bet­ter manners; But the old Proverb is herein verified, Trim Tram, Like Master, like man. made a hard shift to get from them to his retirement, which made the Gentleman very sick next morning.

3. That all those that were not listed of their particu­lar Congregations, were little better then Pagans and Infidels, and persons that were out of the Pale of the Church.

4. That all those Ministers that did formerly preach and officiate, were only formall Teachers and Learned men; and therefore declared humane Learning to be the greatest obstructor of the work of Propagation, and that acquired Learning is an M r W. Cra­dock at Pre­steigne. essential part and limb of the king­dom of Antichrist.

5. That all those Ministers that should either Preach, Pray or speak any thing against this work of Propagation, were enemies to the godly party, and uncapable of en­joying their fifths, though allowed their wives by the said Act of Propagation.

6. That all those that were not listed of their particu­lar Congregations (or rather Martiall Troops and Com­panies to execute the commands of these stone-Priests, who ride them like Mules and Asses) were incapable of bearing any Office or place of Trust in Wales.

These and the like Transactions being the sad conse­quences of the work of Propagation in Wales, which now hath reigned nigh three years, I now behold Religion and Learning decaied, and the light of the Gospel almost quite extinguished there, the poor ejected Ministers with their wives and families ready to perish, particular persons enriched, and the pretended godly party in new Dresses and Attires, having changed their poor Friza­do, for rich Scarlet and Plush, that would make Satan himself to blush to see this sudden alteration. New [Page 8] sumptous, costly houses are built and erected, great purchases made; some that were born but to 7 a year, become puchasers of Lordships and Mannors of above 1000 l per annum; and all striving who shall outvy and outbid the other in their purchases; witness those hot incounters at the Box, in Worcester house, Drury house, Gurney house, and other places; some purchasing in their own names; others more subtle, in their friends and servants names. The Gentry and all the considerable persons of Wales dejected and oppressed, ready to sell the remnant of their estates to come and inhabit in England, being not able to live in this sad, dark, oppressed condi­tion their Country is brought unto: And if this Propa­gation be once setled in England, good Lord where shall we then fly for succour, but unto thee? Great thoughts of heart and heart-burnings amongst all sorts of people, who are sadly aggrieved to pay their Tithes more strictly then ever they did, and yet have neither Preaching, Praying, Christening, decent Burials, or other spiritual Rights or Comforts administred unto them; and finding no hopes of redresse or relief herein (all addresses to the Propagators, as in other cases, so in these, proving fruit­less.) The inhabitants of the six Counties of South- Wales, and County of Monmouth resolved to make their humble suit to the Supream Power of the Nation, the Par­liament, by Petition, setting forth the Heads and sub­stance of these their grievances, praying that great Coun­cell to take some course for the future supply of their Country with such a competent number of Godly, A­ble, Orthodox Ministers and School-Masters, such as the Parliament should approve of: And for an Account of the Profits of the Tithes, &c. received for the two last years, in the said seven Counties, charged to be worth 20000 l per annum and upwards. Whereupon [Page 9] the Parliament out of their pious inclination to advance Religion and Learning, and in order to a Redress of the said sad grievances complained of in the Petition, refer­red the same to the Honourable Committee of Plundered Ministers, with Power for them to send for Persons, Papers and Witnesses, and examine on Oath, and Issue forth Commissions to the Country (where the Wit­nesses and matters of fact do lye and arise) to examine Witnesses touching any of the matters contained in the Petition, and to return those Examinations to the said Committee, who were thereupon to state matter of fact, and Report the same to the Parliament. Which sad news coming to the knowledge of the pretended Godly party in Wales; It was resolved by the Itinerant Synod (nemine contradicente) as followeth,

6. That the Petitioning the Parliament without their leaves and permission, was a high breach of the Privi­ledges of the Godly party.

7. That the Petitioning the Parliament for supply of Godly, Able, Orthodox Ministers and School-Masters, such as the Parliament should approve of, was a high con­tempt against the Act of Propagation, and that such the Petitioners desires and intentions should be declared, construed and expounded, and so rendred by them to the Parliament, to be a petitioning for the restauration of Malignant, Drunken, Unpreaching, ejected Cu­rates Witnes those several speeches and expressions delivered at the Committee of Plundered Mi­nisters; March 16, May 18. & 21. where and when the ex­press words and true meaning of the Petition & Petitioners were most grossely misrepresented. Where M r Peters, uncalled, unsent for, and unconcerned, did voluntarily declare all the Ministers of Wales to be drunken, debauched, ignorant and illiterate, not fit to be trusted to keep a kennell of Hounds, or a dozen of Sheep. Are these words becoming a holy man, Archbishop and Metropolitan of England? or do they become a sober man and one that owns the Name of a Christian, to traduce his brethren in general, many whereof of he never saw, having only travelled Pembrokeshire, and sojourned at M r Lort's for a short time: and what good he did in those parts, with an answer to these his unchri­stian expressions, there will shortly come forth a Paper from one of those he traduced, to let M r Peters know they are not so illiterate and ignorant as he would render them..

[Page 10]8. That to call the pretended Godly party to account for any thing by them received, for which they ought to be accountable to the State, to be a sowing of sediti­on betwixt the Parliament of England sitting at Westmin­ster, and the moving Assembly of Wales. And that all the Contrivers, Subscribers and Promoters of the said Petition, and Agents therein imployed, should be de­clared against as disturbers of the peace of the pretented Saints, and obstructing them in their receiving the pub­lique Revenue of the Church in peace, and that they should be proceeded against as Malignants and Delin­quents, and disaffected persons to the proceedings of the pretended Godly party in Wales.

9. Resolved, That M r Valvasor Powell, M r Cradock, M r Jenkin Jones, and all the wandring Priests and Gospel Postmasters in South-Wales should ride Post from County to County, and Parish to Parish, to threaten all the Pe­titioners and their Agents with damnation, Sequestration and ruine. Nevertheless with this Salva Conscientia, that those that would repent by denying their hands, and disowning the Petition, should be taken into their consi­deration, and favourably entertained.

10. Resolved, That all the residue of the ancient Divines and unejected Ministers in South-Wales should be forth­with silenced, and neither to have liberty to Preach, Pray, Administer the Sacraments, Bury the dead, Mar­ry, or visit the sick, or Officiate or perform any other charitable and Christian work, least they should pro­mote or advance the Petition. And the better to pro­vide for the ejected Ministers wives and families, that they should be turned all out from their houses and ha­bitations, to travell into some other Forreign Plantation, to propagate there; and for their incouragement in their voyage, that the Fifths allowed their wives by the Act [Page 11] of Parliament, should thereafter be kept back from them, and that they should, as in the Primitive times, carry neither Scrip nor Wallett, but only live by the Alms and Charitable benevolence of the people.

Information being given by one of the gadly Scouts, that North-Wales were resolved to take good courage and example by South-Wales, and were preparing the like humble address to the Parliament, setting forth the work of propagation there.

11. Resolved, That M r Valvasor Powell do ride Post to North-Wales, to inform the inhabitants there, That the Parliament had declared the Petition of South-Wales, Scandalous and Seditious, and that all the subscribers and promoters thereof should be sequestred and proceeded against as enemies to the Parliament and present Go­vernment; and to threaten all those that should subscribe or promote the like Petition there, with Damnation, Sequestration and ruine, which false Allarum hath in some measure obstructed the inhabitants of North-Wales Nevertheless all North-Wales are very active and zea­lous in prepa­ring an humble addresse to the Parliament, setting forth the mystery of the Work of Propagation there, which will be sudden­ly presented by persons of emi­nency, and of known worth and integrity to the Parliament and present Government., from representing the Parliament with the true state of their Country, in relation to the propagation of the Gospel there, and made M r Valvasor Powell Print his Letter in the Frontispiece of a Diurnall come out very lately, to undertake to give the Parliament an exact account of North-Wales, and the propagation there, wherein he goes about to confute the Petition of South-Wales, and all that is there declared, he undertakes to make good upon the word of a Christian, and a Gospel Mi­nister. A bold and high presumption, and too hard a task for him to perform: And a sober man would count it little better then madness in a professed Christian Mini­ster to undertake to make good and justifie the actions of all those persons intrusted therein, which are many, a­mongst whom it is not very unlikely but some miscarri­ages [Page 12] I wish M r Pow­ell may be able to justifie him­self, and I shall make bold to minde him of his proceed­ings against old Hugh Lloid in Breckon in imprisoning & keeping him there without Bayl or Main­prise, untill he paid him 100 l, & this done on a bare Arrest, which proved to M r Powell an effectual ex­ecution, for none durst Bail him. And di­vers more of M r Powels pranks that might be instanced. may be; for there were but twelve Apostles, and yet amongst them one Judas. But this I observe by him, he hath dealt friendly with his Countreymen in North-Wales, who cals all their Ministers and Teachers, Such as have not the power of Godliness, and very few the form thereof, or that have been firm and faithfull to the Parliament, but most of them unpreaching Curats, scanda­lous in their lives, &c. Wherein he learns of the scolds at Billinsgate, to cry whore first: but I leave that Letter, or rather M r Powels Creed (for it runs all on beliefs and hearsaies) to be answered and unfolded by some of his own Countrymen Reade M r Griffiths Letters, and a sober Reply to M r Powels Paper against the Petition lately Printed.: But this i'le tell him by the way, that if he preacheth no more truth in his Pulpit, then he halth broached in Print, I should be sorry to ride Post with him up and down the Country to hear him Preach, for the best bargain that he hath procured to the holiest of his friends.

But the Gent, would fain make you believe that this Propagation in Wales will last long, and therefore recites next his Creed, certain Proposals, tending to bring in the like Propagation all England over. Well done M r Valva­sor, will not the Tithes of Wales serve you and your friends, but you must creep into England to share of the fruits of their labour also? But certainly M r Valvasor would be satisfied with the Tithes of Wales, if he were sure the Trade of Tithe-gathering would long continue there, but he thinks that the Act of Propagation in Wales hath but a short time to live, expiring the 25 th of March next, unless it be supported and continued, by procuring the like Act over all England; for his Countrymen are very angry that this way of Propagation of the Gospel [Page 13] should be practised only amongst them, and that Eng­land should be supplied with a competent number of Godly, Able, Orthodox Schoolmasters and Teachers. Surely Wales do conceive that the Parliament are as high­ly bound and concerned to provide for the supply of their spiritual necessities, as for England; especially if it be true what the promoters of the Act, and the persons that reap the benefit thereof did inform the Parliament, That their Country doth abound with ignorance and prophannesse. But hold M r Valvasor, they are not so ignorant but they can see who those Rats are that eat up their substance, and those Caterpillers that devour the fruit of their labours.

Information being given that that ever to be honour­ed Gent. Coll. Edward Freeman, Attorney Generall for the Commonwealth in South-Wales, and a Gentleman that hath hazarded his life and fortune to serve the Par­liament and Commonwealth of England, was intrusted as Counsellour for the Petitioners; It was Resolved, That all the Itineraries should publiquely Preach in all places against the Law, and all the professors thereof, es­pecially against Collonel Freeman; and that their ear­nest prayers should be to the Lord, to punish him in his person, power, and in his place Valvasor Pow­ell in his inve­ctive Sermon before the Jud­ges at Presteign Sessions last. It is no great wonder that he would rail a­gainst Collonel Freeman, when he durst call the States of Holland Em­bassadors, drunkards, and wish them to go home with this Answer, That Sion is built; besides other words by him used, tending to the scandal and dishonour of the Nation and civil Go­vernment. Well done Valvasor, to ingage two States in a bloudy, cruel War against one another, to the hazard of both Nations, which all the Holy-water wherein he dips his listed Con­gregators cannot appease, unless God in his mercy do it, maugre the endeavours of these Fire­brands. Factet se miles gloriosus oratorem potentem, quoad hoc saltem vix se praebuit prudentem, V.P.. And shortly after Collonel Freeman falling sick of a Fever and Plurasie, after a dinner made at Cardiff,

12. It was likewise Resolved, That publique thanks­giving should be given to the Lord in all the particular separated Congregation in Wales, for hearing the prayers of the Saints.

[Page 14]Information being also given, that M r Gunter and M r Roberts (persons of known integrity to the Parliament and present Government, and so had been from the very beginning of the late Wars to this day) were imp­loyed Agents by the Countrey, to agitate for them in their absence, in relation to the said Petition; and to use their utmost endeavors to give a right information to the Parliament and Committee of plundered Mi­nisters, of the state of the Countrey, whereby to draw it to an issue and examination, that the truth might ap­pear by testimonies of witnesses.

Resolved, That M r Watkins, M r Lewis, M r Creede, Shony Morgan, Hugh Rogers, and others of the best Beagles, should be imployed to hunt dryfoot, to finde some Articles against Col: Freeman, Witness those frivolous false, scandals Articles exhi­bited before the Lords Commission­ers, by that Spawn of Re­ligion, other­wise called vix credo, by dire­ction from the stony Gal­lory in White­hall. Mr Gunter, and M r Roberts, if possible, to cloud and eclipse them, and render them odious to the Parliament, hoping by this means to deter them from acting for the Petitioners, according to their consciences, and the trust reposed in them, or else to blemish the good intentions of the Pe­titioners: But the Gentlemen for their integrity are so well known to Members of Parliament, and all their Countrey in general, that their endeavors hitherto have proved fruitless, and their progress therein cannot pro­mise them success, if the Gentlemen have equal right and justice done them.

And for the better carrying on of this their design, Resolved also, That means be used as well by the Pul­pit knockers, as by the Dreadful Sequestrators, to force some of the Petitioners to deny their hands, and re­nounce the Petition: And that it should be spoken at the Committee, how easie it is for one Welshman to subscribe another Welshmans hand Witness a pa­per, intituled, An humble ac­knowledgement of the Inhabi­tants of South­wales, and coun­ty of Mon­mouth, for the blessed work of Propagation there, presented the Parliament in June, 1651. by the chief persons that reap the bene­fit of this great work of Pro­pagation, sup­posed to be sub­cribed by 19000. 18000. where­of never saw or heard of it. A pretty knack to blinde the eyes of the Parliament, and abuse the poor Countrey..

[Page 15] Resolved, That all possible means be used to inter­cept all Letters betwixt the Petitioners in the Countrey, and their Agents in London, to prevent a true informa­tion and representation to the Parliament, of the sad grievances of the Countrey; and to that purpose, orders were given at Witness the intercepting of the very or­ders and speci­al directions of the Com­missioners of Haberdashers Hall sent down to Mr. Harard, and Mr. Thomas, their sub-Com­missioners, and divers other papers of publique and private concernment, all letters being o­pened, and such onely intercepted, which made discoveries of the good proceedings of the godly party in Wales: A pretty way to prevent a true information to be given to the Parlia­ment of their blessed doings in Wales. Hereford, Monmouth, and all other places, insomuch that the Petitioners and their Agents could not with safety write any Letters to or fro, either by the Post or Carryer, or any private Messengers.

And whereas it was also informed, That the Petiti­oners did make a voluntary contribution to defray the charges of Counsellors Fees, and other necessary charges incident to the prosecution of so weighty and necessary a business, as a Petition from seven Counties, which concerned the salvation of their souls.

Resolved, That it should be construed and declared to be a raising of moneys to levy War against the Parlia­ment and present Government; and that Hugh Rogers a quondam arrant Cavalier in Arms for the late King, but lately converted, and others of the parties concerned, should exhibit an information Vide, The foolish, incon­siderate infor­mation exhi­bited before the Committee of plundered Ministers, wherein Mr. Gunter and his confederates (meaning the Petitioners, are charged with framing, contriving and subscribing the Petition, which he desires may be put in a way of examination: Good Mr. Rogers, you may spare this labor, for the Petitioners and Subscribers have, do and will own it, and Mr. Gunter, Mr. Rogers as their Sollicitors or Agents, with others intrusted therein, act publiquely, and will never deny the Petition, or renounce their honest, pious and Christian appearance, in their civil prosecution and mannagement thereof. in the name of the pre­tended godly party, against M r Hugh Gunter and his con­federates (for so he is pleased to call the Petitioners) of a dangerous design in all England and Wales, to obstruct the Trade of Tyth-gathering, which M r Rogers desires may be universall over all England, as well as Wales. [Page 16] Well done Hugo to complain first, lest your quondam Ca­valiering Trade, and your late Actions in your under Sherifft altry be ript up, to manifest your holiness, but all will not do, you must winde to it at last with the rest of your late converted Brethren, who finde Tyth-gathering a more safe beneficial and sweeter trade, then plundering of the Parliamenteers, and the well-affected party, from whom your noodle received sore knocks for your sawciness; and have since your pretended Conversion, gained more by your seeming ho­liness, then ever you did by pillage under the power of the late King. And whereas one of the pretended godly party had abused one Captain Jones, who is a Gentle­man, that was always faithful to the Parliament, and bore Arms for them in the first and second War, yet was by the procurement of one of the supposed Saints, and the assistance of some of the grand Cavaliers there (with other Gentlemen of quality well affected to the Parliament) cruelly imprisoned at Cardiff, without a Charge or Articles proved material to warrant the same, who desiring civil satisfaction for his wrongs suffered, and demanding a reason why he should be so dealt with­al, and so ill rewarded for his former good services to the Parliament.

17. Resolved, That the pretended godly party, were in danger of their lives; and that this was the beginning of levying War against the gadly. And because the Titular Saints could not sufficiently Tyrannize over the Inhabitants, nor carry on their gainful designs without Troops of Horse, and Companies of Foot in each Coun­ty, which would also bring good gain to the Officers and Souldiers Well done Jammy, this is a wel contrived plot to inlarge your pover and propagate your estates, by go­ing about to a­buse the Parli­ament, and op­press your poor Countrey, by drawing a needless charge and trouble upon them..

18. Resolved, That a Letter be written by the gadly party, and the particular Congregations in Southwales, [Page 17] directed to the stony Gallery in Whitehall, to move the Councel of State, that certain Gentlemen, Have you not already oppressed them sufficiently with false im­prisonments in Cardiff, and o­ther places, grounded on your own feigned sug­gestions and false informa­tions, first lay­ing the plot, then discover­ing it, and making the in­nocent suffer? have you more of these Devices in store in your Black Budget? who had subscribed the Petition, should be therefore brought up by special Messengers before them, to answer why they subscribed the Petition, and do go about to call the peo­ple of God to an accompt: And that for the future secu­rity of the gadly party in Wales, some Commissions should issue down to some of the gadly, to raise Horse and Foot to carry in the Tythes, &c. to their Barns and Store-houses, their own horses being unable to per­form so great a service, and the Parishioners so malig­nant, that they refuse to lend their assistance therein, since they cannot Farm their own Tythes at any rate, although they offer twice as much for the same as it is now let at. But the Councel of State had other affairs of greater concernment, and so adjourned the business till further time.

Resolved, That the like Letter be written to put all these Gentlement that had subscribed the Petition, out of the Commission of Peace, the Act of Assessments, and all other places of trust and imployment; the Ambulatory Assembly at Swanzy having declared them uncapable to bear any office or trust in the Commonwealth: Which Resolve was in part executed, and M r Gwin, M r Walbeith, M r Havard, and M r Lloyd (though persons well-affect­ed to the Parliament, and of considerable fortunes) im­mediately put out of the Commission of Peace in Breckon shire, and several other Gentlemen in other Counties, without Articles, Proofs or Examinations to shew any cause for it, except onely for subscribing the Petition; and that it was the desire of the pretended godly party it should be so, and divers other Gentlemen put out of [Page 18] Commissions in other Counties, and several inconside­rate inferior persons placed in their rooms, to the disho­nor of Authority, and apparent wrong and oppression of the Countrey. The Committee of Plundered Mini­sters, having read the Petition and Resolves of Parliament, did order the Propagators of Southwales to Answer the Petition, and bring in their Accompt by the 18 th of May last, which put the Welsh Saints to a pittiful cold swet, in riding up and down, and setting up day and night to patch up their broken accompts: And though they had several private and publique meetings for that pur­pose, all produced by the 18 of May but a sheet of paper, and a few general negatives Memoran­dum, there was a Book fairly written, with a hansom title to it, produced before the Committee of plundered Mi­nisters, pur­porting a par­ticular ac­compt, but ne­ver read nor lodged there, whereby copies thereof might be had, and the Petitioners enabled to sur­charge the same (as is usu­ally in all other cases relating to accompts). But the curtain was no sooner drawn to shew this fair picture but as soon withdrawn, it being unsafe to leave matters of that con­cernment to publique view: So that the Pe­titioners can­not get a copy thereof to this day, it being resolved by the Saints to make their Accompts at the last day of judgement. therein contained, with a confession of 20000 l or thereabouts, received for the two last years, but never say out of what received in particular, whether they made or received, or might have made or received more of the Tythes &c. nor do they express what is become of the 20000 l nor how they have disposed of the sum, &c. nor express any thing in paticular. It being Resolved at Swanzy, as the one­ly way to save their credit, to put in a few generals, stuffed up with a parcel of godly words, to make some pretence and shew to the world what good stewards they have been, it being dangerous and unsafe to ex­pect a particular Accompt, least there should come a particular surcharge, and after that, which is worse, a Commission to prove it: And though one of the Pro­pagators confessed there was a particular answer and accompt in Town, and in their absence shewed, yet the Petitioners could not obtain that favor as to have it brought in, nor so much as a Copy of that general ac­compt remaining with M r Phelps, until the 16 of July after their particulars put in; but instead thereof, the [Page 19] Petitioners required to bring in within two days after, such particulars contained in their Petition, upon which they did desire to examine witnesses: The Petitioners not conceiving that they should be required to exhibite any new charge, not required, ordered or directed by Par­liament, did accordingly insist on all the particular heads of the Petition, and offered to prove the same, and eve­ry particular and sillable thereof, so as they might have (according to the Resolves of Parliament) a Commission to the Countrey to examine where their witnesses, and matters of fact do lie, the nearest to Westminster being an 100 miles, and some 200 miles distant, which was all as they conceived was their duty to do, or could be required or expected according to those Resolves.

21. But it seems the goodly party have prayed they might not accompt, and so resolved at their general Meeting, whose prayers prevailed, in so much that the Petitioners cannot proceed to issue or prove their Peti­tion, unless they will follow the example of Coll: Lil­burn, in naming persons and crimes, and particular mis­demeanors, and make way for taking shipping to Am­sterdam, or to a worser place, for of necessity the Peti­tioners must needs do so by offending such as do not love to be told of their faults, or else confine themselves to a few particulars, beyond which they may not exa­mine, and so leave the whole truth of the Petition un­examined: And if it should be expected, that the Peti­tioners should name all those persons that have acted by vertue of the Act of Propagation, and received and dis­posed of the Tythes, &c. the qualities and parts of the present stipended Itineraries and Schoolmasters, with their number and stipends, and by whom paid, and where all the moneys and profits received are lodged, with all the particular misdemeanors, neglects and mis­carriages [Page 20] in their not executing, and undue executing of the powers given by the said Acts (as it seems the mean­ing of the particulars mentioned in the order of the 18 of May last was rendred by some persons concerned.) It would be in the first place a work of impossibility, espe­cially to be done in two days, as was ordered and re­quired. 2. A work of apparent danger to the Petiti­oners. 3. A clear advantage to the Propagators, and a means to avoid a true examination of the matters contain­ed in the Petition; wherefore the Petitioners are resolved to present the Parliament with another Petition, de­siring to know their pleasures, Whether truth may be made evident as against the Propagators & Tythe-gatherers? 2. Whether those that call themselves The godly party, are lyable to accompt? 3. Whether the Taxes and Im­positions, &c. now imposed on the Nation, especially poor, distressed, oppressed Wales, be so light and easie to be born, and the Countrey so well able to undergo them, and the publique Treasury so full, as that the Par­liament will suffer a Revenue of 20000 l per annum and more received for two years and upward, to go to the hands of particular private persons, to build new sum­ptuous houses, and buy lands without any enquiry af­ter the sum, or else will loose 20000 l per annum de fu­turo, for the Tythes &c. of the inhabitants, who are ready to give security for that purpose, if the Parliament will grant it within two years, comes to 20000 l more then the Propagators have accompted in their general answer for the two last years, which if once granted, will ease the Propagators and Tythe-gatherers of a great deal of pains; care and trouble; and leave them to their Divine Exercises, who have little leasure now to attend those Holy duties, performable by those that attribute to themselves the names of Saints, and People of God, and [Page 21] then it will appear to the whole world, whether they serve God for gain or godliness sake: and by this means the state cannot be defrauded, for it will be apparent what is paid out of the Tithes towards the Propagation of the Gospel, and maintenance of Schools, &c. accord­ing to the Act, when there are particular persons that are Farmers, and particular persons that are Propagators, whose several Accounts, paiments and disbursments, being com­pared, will soon discover how the State hath been dealt withall the two last years, which can never be done when the same persons are Farmors, Collectors, Tithe gatherers and Propagators; so that it is easie, without examination of the truth where matter of fact doth arise, and where all particulars have been acted, to blinde the eyes of the Parliament with a generall, plausible answer, made up of Godly words; as one of the Itineraries answered an In­keepers wife in Monmouthshire near Uske, After he and his company had drunk all her drink, she called for money for the reckoning, she was answered by the holy man, That the Saints carry neither silver nor gold, nor scrip nor wallet: but the poor woman replied, that she could not satisfie her Landlord for his Mault with a Scripture phrase: no more can godly words satisfie the defect of the Preaching of the Gospel, and want of Ministers and Schoolmasters, nor maintain Armies, and Navies, or ease the poor Country of their Taxations and Impositi­ons: It being a sad thing to see so great a Revenue real­ly intended by the Parliament, to be converted according to the Act to be so ill imployed, and no accompt rendered for it; when the Parishioners and Inhabitants cannot Farm their own Tithes at any reasonable rate, though they are ready to give double the rate, the same are let out to the chief Farmers. Their usuall course be­ing to grant one, two or more Churches to one of the gadly party, or other person that is listed of a particu­lar [Page 22] Congregation at lesse then half the value. This Grandfarmer, or holy man, hath severall Subfarmours and Subtenants under him, who let out the Tithes at the rack rent and utmost peny they can make of the same to the great oppression and discontent of the Inhabitants, and the apparent wrong and prejudice of the State. And because all these transactions herein before declared, may not seem to strangers for a Romanse or a false scanda­lous Libell, or Information (as undoubtedly the Goodly party will endeavour to render it) the Petitioners of the six Counties of South Wales and County of Monmouth, have prepared severall particulars of the true State of the said Counties, in relation to the work of Propagation of the Gospel there, grounded on their Petition, which on the 16 th of July instant, were offered and exhibited to the consideration of the Honourable Committee of Par­liament for Plundered Ministers, which they are ready to prove and make good, and much more, if enabled by Commissioners to be issued to the Country, where matter of fact ariseth, and witnesses, reside, according to the former Resolves of Parliament in that behalf, which Committee ordered the same should be Reported to the Parliament, whereby Commissions may issue out for a clear discovery of the truth thereof, in order to a Religious Reformation of all these abuses, the sequell whereof I do promise to give you in my next. And for the further satisfaction of the Parliament and Nation, how well the Inhabitants of South-Wales are dealt with­all by these goodly persons intrusted with the Military and Civil Government there; It is shortly intended to come forth an abstract of their late proceedings in rela­tion to the powers given them, as Committee of Indemp­nity. Arbitrary Commissioners. Commissioners of the monethly Assessment. Commissioners of Sequestration. Com­missioners of Militia and Justices of Peace, &c. which [Page 23] will be, not only averred but proved by those that desire to give the Parliament and Nation a true accompt of the sad Consequents that befell those parts of this Nation, since some persons have been intrusted there, with the execution of the severall powers aforesaid, to this end only, That some timely information may be given the Su­pream Authority of the Nation, the Parliament of the Com­monwealth of England, hereafter to be more wary and cautious who they trust, and with what Powers so farre distant from their Cognizance; The Inhabitants having so few Representatives in Parliament to speak for them; their main and only end therein being to prevent future mischiefs and inconveniences that may befall the present Government, and more particularly the Inhabitants of Wales, and universally the whole Nation, by the undue and indirect execution of these good and wholesome Powers and Authorities that are or shall be given by the Parliament, for the advancement of Gods glory, and the well Government of the Nation, that every one may in peace enjoy his own, and receive incouragement to wish well and cordially affect the present Government, and faithfully ingage for the defence thereof in the injoyment of true Religion, wholesome Laws, and just Liberties and Freedoms, which are the Birthright and Inheritance of the people: The Enlargement, Establishment and long Continuance thereof being the occasion of this Dis­course, and the hearty wishes and prayers of.

Englands, (but more particularly Wales) most faithfull and cordial Well-wisher M. C. B.

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