The coming of GOD IN MERCY, IN VENGEANCE; Beginning With fire, to Convert, or Consume, at this so sinful City London: Oh! London, London.

Amos the 3. verses 6, 7, 8. ‘Shall a Trumpet be blown in the City, and the people not be afraid? Surely the Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the Pro­phets. The Lion hath roared, who will not be afraid? the Lord hath spoken, who can but prophe­sie?’ (this to you I must or perish.)

Printed for the Authour WALTER GOSTELO, dwelling in Broad-street London. 1658.

To OLIVER CROMWELL Lord PROTECTOR; To this City LONDON; To the People of these three NATI­ONS, and CHRISTIAN WORLD, is this matter of so high concern­ment Dedicated.

AFter how Miraculous a manner God is Com­ing in mercy to his, in vengeance to E­vil-doers, this Book, made up of truth and good affection (as the [Page] Author ought to be for his Countries Good) will tell you, which being sent as an Herald to declare the Coming of God. It doth not Crave, but Command protection; And though I may not dedicate it, to any other then to whom God Al­mighty hath directed the matter of it; Primarily to you of this so sinful City London, subsequent­ly to all the people of the three Na­tions and Christian World, yet is it good manners fairly to intreat of you, Oliver Cromwell Pro­tector, that it suffer not by any prohibition of yours, in sale or o­therwise.

Indeed I do not doubt of that from your Lordship which I be­seech from all, its good acceptance. Especially if you did know or do re­member, [Page] those two so Considera­ble passages, both which not long since fel out at White-Hall.

A person well known to your Lordship, E. C. gives to one near you, (but purposely for your peru­sal) A paper, of which you were to take Cognisance. That paper he or they Burnt; Now to let you or them see clearly Gods dislike of that wicked act, his Fire of dis­pleasure not long after flamed out of the Chimney, twas near you; its rage frighted some, it was visi­ble to very many: in vision was it said to the party that gave the Pa­per, they have burnt thy Paper, but go forth, and thou shalt see their Chimney on Fire: the party did so, and saw it so on Fire.

At another time, the same party [Page] endevours to set a Paper on the Chap­pel doors of White-Hall; White-Hall still, the matter of that was, (as much of this Book is) what God would have speedily done, for his in­jured King, and despised Church: of all which your self, Chaplaines and others under that roof, were to take special notice, and conforme un­to. The Chappel Officer would needs hinder the setting up of that Paper, for some time he did so; in fine he boldly said, if ever it was set up, he would pull it down. He was then forewarned and charged not to do so, lest God took ven­geance on him; he slighted the coun­sel, and when it was set up, not fearing God but men, he puls it down. The next news heard and seen of him is, that very right [Page] hand of his, so misimployed as to pull it down, is suddenly bound up, becomes unuseful, and withers, a very few dayes after, some 15. or 20. himself dyes. These things are true, I can prove them. My Lord, it is very seasonable here to remind you of what so sadly befall Mr. Whaley Mayor of North­hampton in the very year of his Majoralty, on Tuesday Easter next it is but two since, marke it well I beseech you, for these things are clearly of God, yea clearly so.

That Presbyter Whaley, an Early Complyer with the worst times, most falsly and shamefully belyes me, he traduceth and En­deavours to suppress the so Mira­culous proceedings of God Al­mighty afforded in that Town of [Page] Northampton, on behalf of his own prophecy, my unworthy self, and what past the very night of my en­largement from prison there. Af­ter I had wrote to him, and followed him close to know his grounds or reasons of those his ugly practices, but could never receive any from him: at last I wrote to his fel­low-Iugler, and brother Presby­ter Ball Minister in that Town, Charged him that he should let Whaley know, if I received not speedily from him in writing, he should from me in print, yea both of them should; On Goodfriday I finished what I intended to print against them: The Tuesday fol­lovving God takes the business in­to his own hand, Whaley sinks down and dyes suddenly in his [Page] Clothes. Indeed I was unalterably resolved not to endure them or any to belye, endeavour to suppress, or op­pose the proceedings of my God, and his Prophecy (for so this is) if I could help it: and because I could not, God did it for me.

The Manuscript which your Lordship had of mine declaring their bad practises against Gods so wonderful proceedings in that place of Northampton, because I could not get Printed, I left it in the University Library of Ox­ford; My Lord, it is worthy your Remembrance for ever; I shall one day get most of it Printed, the world must know whats in it. For Ball his minister he is now become a Pul­pit-defender in Print, (the World hath too many such) not long known [Page] to be so; but he sees early and comes round with the first: I have desired him, Ball, by word of mouth, that his repentance be sincere, early, and publick, the rather because his aber­rations were publick and with the first. Oh Presbytery, Presby­tery! Thou hast not hitherto done Gods Church and this kingdom many good offices, mend for shame Presbytery.

Reader, I must therefore Print these Precedents of truth, that they may deter all Presbyters or others, from belying, or impeding, the Revealed Decrees of Hea­ven, in favour of Gods King and true Church; which decrees he is pleased now to have made publick, and by all are to be conformed unto.

But why complain I of ill offices [Page] done to me or others in these three Kingdoms, seeing I know very well (yea this Book tells you truly as much) that to remedy all this and more, God is coming? Whose Almighty fire sent out up on the Eight of April, is gone before him, Commissioned to begin at this so sinful City London, Converting or Consuming the Ene­mies of his King and Church. Believe it Reader, our appeal is heard in Heaven, and we shall shortly have a Court on Earth to remedy whats amiss: For God hath revealed from between the Cherubins, where he is said to dwell, That the Restoration of our King is of God: and then all those lesser devils, wait­ing upon this Kingdom of darkness [Page] will suddenly become invisible.

To conclude, why should I in a Preface tell thee what I have therefore made so very short in the book, on purpose, that it should be Read, be Believed, and practi­sed by all? all are infinitely con­cerned to do so; Certainly, happines will be had thereby.

Reader, distrust me not, there is a storm and change at hand, a greater, or any like it since our Saviors time, I firmly and warrantably believe hath not been on Earth: After which will ensue Golden times and dayes. A Church more con­spicuously glorious then ever: for the defence and Protection of which, God will afford his Nur­sing Kings and Queens, as promi­sed of Old, but in his wisdom re­served [Page] for the fittest time.

In Good Earnest I do pray for all men, duty binds me to it; yet can I not but fear A very Ge­neral Confusion of the most. This is what I must faithfully let you all know, and stand to when I have done. So help me O God, as I ever own, in all times and places, thy Prophecy I formerly printed, and this book I now pub­lish to the world, being both of thee; Witnessed and sealed unto by me VValter Gostelo dwelling in Broad-street London, at which Church officiated as our pa­stor, The so deservedly beloved Doctor Oldsworth. Men and Brethren, Divines learned, Good, and of holy life like him, ever taught their Auditors, to be peace­able [Page] sons of the true Church, so is faithfully to serve you of this City and his Country,

VValter Gostelo.

CIty London, the Protector whom God will ever direct and bless, hath now put the Militia into your own hands pur­posely, That if you will ruine, your judge­ment shall be of your selves. I wil likewise now send or put into your Mayor, She­riffes, Aldermen, every of your Mini­sters and Common Council mens hands one of these Books, for I do tell you truly, Gods Menace and Decree is gone forth against London for its de­struction; continue your Rebellions but a little longer against God and your King, who are both coming to you, and if you pe­rish not, cut off my head, as you have done your chief Magistrate and Ministers, God give you Repentance and Life.

W. G.

THE Unquestionable Restore of OUR KING Charles St. Is Revealed and assu­red by God Almighty.

C. R.

His restore is of God.

He hath Revealed it, he hath Assured it from between the Cherubims, he did it, where he is known to dwell. God save the King, and Oliver Cromwell Protector.

The Introduction.

SOber men know very well, that a­mongst us most sort of villanies have been committed by a Law, God com­ing as now he doth, to give deliverance to his people, commanding them to lift up their heads, for their Redemption draweth nigh; it remains, what will become of such wicked Law-makers as ours have been, in that day, whose sad fate being shewed me, and very short also, like their continuance, Read that first I beseech you, for so I recei­ved it, and the rather read it, for as much as I am to let you see and know clearly, that the sign by which my self and you are given to understand, when the deliverance and re­demption doth draw nigh, is their sudden dissipation, and trouble, yea perpetual re­jection, as to Law-makers, or Rulers, and that it is now come to pass in this place where it was shewed me.

In this City London, near two years since, particularly upon the eighth of March 1655. God shewed me with others this Vision, which I presently wrote to the Pro­tector; he that believes it not, may see my Manuscript, left near two years since in the [Page] University Library of Oxford assuring it, there left, because I could not get it printed. As for the Vision it self thus it was: I first saw the wicked Governours and mis-Rulers of these people met as in a Convocation or Par­liament-house: That wicked Council was no sooner set, but some of them hastily rose up, and bearded their fellow members, telling them you were for Presbytery: others upbraid them with lying, cheating, and wicked practises. They go on to wrangle and dis­contents, agree not at all, nothing but Ani­mosities amongst them. Indeed they there be­haved themselves just as our Glorified King prophesied it should come to pass: you that agreed in nothing more then to make me and this kingdom miserable, shall agree in nothing less then to make your selves hap­py; so his Majesty prophesied, and so God will certainly now fulfill.

In this wicked assembly of Black Saints and Justiciaries, (for I heard not a man a­mongst them, condem himself,) though guilty, and stunk at stake (their looks dis­covered as much, yet, see I beseech you, even to admiration, how God brought truth from their own mouthes, (they then charged themselves, to be most culpable) not the people: Oh the wayes of God are past finding out! God will one day set the [Page] saddle upon the right jade; when this disor­der was at the highest, in comes a person very hastily as sent of God, Oliver Cromwell is this person sent of God, and looking bold­ly upon them spake thus, Our Lord Iesus Christ is at hand: presently these Grandees startled, and looking pale as death, like Cowards and villains, fastened their gastly eyes and looks upon that messenger; the messenger reiterates the words, Our Lord Iesus Christ is at hand; he after added, he is at the very doore, I saw him, he comes with Flagons: when this was spoken and heard, those dirty fellows, and misgovernours of the people, hastily and confusedly broke up house, stayed not at all, disappeared imme­diately, whither they hasted to their own home, or their last home swallowed them quick, I cannot tell, but this I am most sure of, they were all made invisible in an instant. Oh wickedness, wickedness in Governors can not stand in the day of Gods coming, though it be acted by a law of their own; of which vile nature these mens wickedness was, and doubtless more should have been had not God so scattered them by his sent messenger Oliver Cromwell; I told you it was but short, God having done with them because they were Dirt. I have done with them also.

[Page] For a further confirmation of this thing, time, & persons, as Iam alive I shall declare truth unto you: Upon the first day of Ianuary last, being on a Friday and New-years day, my unworthy self then in retirement, (after I had passed my most infirme devotions of prayer and meditation that day by the side of the River Meade in Kent) I was thus wonderfully dealt with.

The Lord carried me in vision to this City London, set me down in the inner Chambers and places where the people of this City performed their devotion or sacri­fices, and being there I was shewed the Close hypocrisies, most irreverent and damna­ble irreligious practises of the ungodly peo­ple of this City and Nation, committed in those very places where they pretended to worship God; for which their great impiety and fornications, I then saw some of them carryed away and thrown into a Bed, but it was a Bed of destruction, for in it was a pit out of which they never rose nor appeared more, yet was it like a Bed. This terrible sight made me make haste from amongst them; Going into other Chambers I saw more, but nothing that pleased me, Earthen vessels, goodly to look on, Paintedboxes, but nothing in any of them; at which I being much troubled, some of them persecuted me [Page] from place to place, out they drove me into the street; Looking behind me to see if the Persecutors still followed me, I then saw them no more, but I did see a man making great haste, coming after me with a Mete-wand, rod, or rule in his hand, it was about the length of six foot; by his side came only a harmless little boy, very Beautiful, and in appearance very innocent. Being then in the streets of this City, I suddenly saw the peo­ple all of them wonderfully affrighted, and being so afraid, they run every man of them to my left hand, astonished at the sudden­ness of it; I asked what frighted the people, and why they run so to the left hand: I was forthwith answered by the man with the measuring Mete-wand in his hand, or rule, Their Sacrifices are dirt; or thus, they offer dirt for sacrifices.

In good earnest when I had heard the words I looked up to heaven, and I there saw such a Cloud of Blackness and Dirt, as could not possibly arise from any place but Hell, it was a Cloud made up of nothing but Devillish Dirt, and thick stinking Dark­ness; which Cloud almost totaly obscured a very great light, that was in the Heavens above it, so that there appeared no more of that great light, but as a Quarter Moon. So soon as the Lord had shewed, it me perfect­ly, [Page] he scattered that dirty cloud with a ven­geance, twas done immediately, and the place of it no more seen. What I saw after­wards of Beauty and wonder, as well in this vision as in the former, belongs not to these wicked ones, these were all to be first scat­tered and made invisible as well the wicked Okes chosen for their Law-makers or rul­ers, as the Briars and Thornes (being the people,) which sent them up, for so they are all termed in the word of God, and they must perish together. It is impossible in this depraved age of ours to have a good Par­liament, if the people must choose, who are now so generally Bad; and here is the Rea­son the Lord gives me, of this dirty Parlia­ments and this suitable peoples dissipation and scattering, for a signe and signal watch-word, by which we were to know when our Redemption did draw nigh, and when we were to lift up our heads, as in the next Secti­on I shall, and am to declare unto you.

And now tell me Reader, was there not such dirty wicked Law-makers as these in this last dissolved House? What think you, not to particularize any of that Rable, were not the most of them (too many at least) bad from the Beginning, and did they not so continue all along, did they not divide? which of them repented himself of his for­mer [Page] wickednesses? Find me the man that ever took the blame to himself; they sud­denly divided and fell to wrangling, they would have us believe, it is you, and you, him and him that committed the wicked­ness, none condemned himself; were there not the highest Animosities imaginable a­mongst them? I dare say they would have fi­red, and imbroyled the Kingdom in a New war, rather then some of that faction, should seem other then a true Saint, or White De­vil, (I still speak of the major part.) I be­seech you, what number of them ever a­greed to make themselves or the people happy, by returning to every man, or but to any man, his own inheritance? They spoke well of the covetous and deceitful person, whom God abhors; that they did, them­selves being so: is it not high time think you that such Miscreants as these be scattered? Thanks be to God, who sent Oliver Cromwell hastily in amongst them, as in the vision, to do so; in great haste he did come in upon them, yes he did so; so in the vision, so in thefulfil.

Reader, did not Oliver Cromwell come in upon them in haste? did he not then, or at their sitting down tell them plainly (most sure he did) That our Lord Jesus Christ was at hand, and now at the very doore, and that he saw him coming with Flagons also? [Page] as in the 85. Psalme, Namely to establish peace, to have mercy and truth meet together, that Righteousness and peace may now kiss each other, and that glory may dwell in our Land, did he not further say unto them, that he (our Lord) was coming to break in pieces all powers that were not of God, and for God, alluding to the leggs and feet of Ne­buchadnezzars Image, which being Iron for oppression, and dirt for irreligion, was now to have its end. Thus was his speech, thus were his words to them, he told them, that both these prophecies were now fulfilling, he advised them so, and so instructed them: to this end he did it also, that they might now apply themselves to be subservient thereunto, here is what he directed unto, also what they should have done; I told you before what they did, now see this very Pro­phesies fulfill; first, it must break in pieces the Powers that are not of God, I am sure it points out them to be broken (point Blanck) and more also if Principled like them; they and such as they broken to pieces, in comes that power and rule of Gods, under which we shall be blest, and our land happy for ever, as in the former pro­phecy, and other part of his speech taken from the 85. Psalm: here is what he said, heres what he did, broke them to pieces, [Page] they are both of God, he did it in haste al­so, so in the vision so in the fulfill.

O God, this thy signal signe given me, and then vision shewed me, having thus un­deniable, in all Circumsiances had its now fulfill, and being, as I may truly say, the very watch-word, and acting, by which I was to know when our Redemption should draw nigh, and when we were to lift up our heads, Our heads, to whom the vision was shewed with my self; your heads, your with an Em­phasis; none of theirs, theirs, are to be Broken; the words lift up your heads, were not spoken, nor heard by me and them, un­til those wicked ones were all dissipated and gone. Truly I had been blind and most un­faithful to you, if I had not thus proceeded for an introduction; I now see clearly the reason why I could not get this book prin­ted as I intended before Christmas, I pen­ned it early, as once I did the like, for the Good of the world, and a Parliament then ready to meet and sit, intitled it Charles St. and Oliver Cromwell united, so I have already printed, which I will ever stand to, and so will God certainly fulfill, let things seem to the world never so contra­ry, for it is of God. But I could never get that book forth, until those, as these, were turned out of Doors, because good for no­thing. [Page] Indeed the work of the Lord, as his secrets, is chiefly for those that fear him, and such the Lord will certainly now in mer­ey give us for rulers, for Law-makers: We have no reason at all to doubt it. You may well wonder and stand amazed to read what the Lord shewed me as to this last Parliament sitting, on purpose he did it, that I might know the approch of my signes ful­fill: the first of Ianuary it is shewed me, the 20. they sit, also, why the Lord would so dissipate and over-turne them, because there sacrifices were Dirt.

I must give you a short review of the whole, and then I get out of this dirty subject, in which dirt I am to stick untill I make you as clearly sensible as my self, that God hath fulfilled to a tittle, the signe given me for Assurances, when deliverance to his Church, King, and people, (the Israel of God) was to be afforded, also when commanded to lift up their heads, redemption and deliverance being come unto them.

On March the 8. 1655. this very signe and signal watch-word is given me. [That I then declared it to the Protector you have read, and he that doubts of it may read what I left almost two years ago in the University Library of Oxford.

Ianuary the first 1657. on Earth, and in [Page] Heaven, is it first shewed, then said unto me, their sacrifices are dirt, that very new Moon, year, and day, points out their New Moons and dirty sacrifices, both which God abhors.

Ianuary the 20. this Dirty house meets, and falls to wrangling immediately, so in the Vision, so in the fulfill.

With in 15. dayes after God sweeps away this Dirty house, by his sent messenger Oli­ver Cromwell coming to them in haste, so in the vision, so in the fulfill.

If all these visions prove not themselves to be real Visions of God, and that we have warrant and good occasion also now to lift up our heads, as the next section will fully shew you, then cut off my head, and reckon me a lyar for ever; I Beg not your favour, but your Repentance. These things I have wrote to the Protector presently after they were shewed me; you have them more exactly in print, make therefore the best use of it.

C. R.

HEAD and CROWN be lifted up, for deliverance is come to Carolus Rex, also to his good subjects the Servants of the Ever-living God.
Section the first assures it. Sect. I.

IMmediately after all those miscreants were swept away, my self with someothers plainly heard sung by most Angelical voices, [Page] these words, lift up your Heads, for your redem­ption draweth nigh: Our Lord Iesus Christ is at hand, he comes with Flagons; Those Celestial voyces continue singing, and reiterate the words, lift up your heads, still your, with an Emphasis, for your Redemption draweth nigh.

Ravished with the Excellency of the voyces and the matter, I turned my head towards those Heavenly Aires, (being faced about) I then saw many glorious Angels moving towards us in good order, two by two, they were all clothed in white, having on them Girdles of Gold, and in some of their hands were Flagons of silver. The place they so appeared in, Then seems a Church, up the middle of that Church they come, when advanced to the Table, which was co­vered with fine and clean Linen as them­selves, they there set down those silver Fla­gons; that done, they stand round about the Table, in a most reverent posture and comly beauty, fit for devotion, on which Table, neer those Flagons; on a silver plate was placed one Mauchet cut and prepared as at our best ordered Communions; this done, they alto­gether began and sung these words, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited and redeemed his people, and hath raised up a mighty salvation for them. This heard and seen, the vision and signe assuring deliverance [Page] upon their dissipation and rejection, as in the introduction upon the 8. of March, 1655. ended, the rest of New-years day follows.

After the man with the Mete-rod or rule in his hand had said unto me, their Sacri­fices are dirt, and God hath scattered with a Vengeance that dirty stinking hellish cloud, (gotten into the face of that great light) as in the Introduction and Vision of last New-years day, forthwith the Lord drew my eye to look again up into the Heavens, but it was more upon my right hand: I then per­fectly saw a wondrous high hill, upon which high hill was situate a very thick and high Wall, the wall was made all of divers Coloured stones, richly shining as painted Glass, the Morter or Cement which held those several coloured stones together, appeared rich al­so, as the dust of Gold. At the end or entrance into that wall, (for it was like the wall of a great City) yet I saw no house within it; without the wall I did see many houses, but the stood at good distance from that wall, and all those houses were New, the Foundation and building was raised some few yards above the ground, being all of perfect white stone, but not finished; indeed the man with the mete-wand or rule to measure with, that answered to me, they offer dirt for sacrifice, that man and innocent [Page] boy appeared unto me among those New foundations which were on both sides of a largestreet. At the end of that Rich wall, there stood a Tree or Trees, which were full as high, or higher then the Rich wall.

Within the wall, (and just over the place the wall surrounded) I did see a wonderful Great light, very Glorious it was, and of a Chrystaline Colour, for bigness it appeared ten times as big as the Moon. This light shewed me a Lamb, and divers other clean Creatures, as sheep and kids. What I saw af­terwards, when I had wept and prayed to God that he would be pleased I might un­derstand the whole Vision, I will not now tell you what that was, the obtaining of it cost me dear; I am sure I lay so long weep­ing and praying with a resolution I would have no denial, until the Lord was pleased to let me fully understand the Vision, that it is his unparalleld goodness to me I am alive at this time. But this I will tell you, serve you God, desire and endeavour from the bottom of your hearts, to live wholly to his Glory, and you may see it also; I pray you may, nothing is more Worthy to be desired. What think you now, is not this one good ground more to believe that our Redemption doth draw nigh, and that we are now comman­ded to lift up our heads? you will say and be­lieve [Page] as much presently; read what follows, for I have done with what was shewed me on New-years day as in the Introduction. The rest I told you concerned not those were scattered, but the Redeemed of God. As I am a live and a Christian, I continue to set forth truth unto you; I was at Oxford when the news came to me of the Pro­tectors dissolving that house of miscreants, he, Oliver Cromwell, was that very man the Lord sent in in haste upon them, as in the sign and introduction, now mark and well consider, what immediately succeeds upon their dissolution.

Tuesday night, which was February the 9. just 5. dayes after this house was swept, I came home to my own house from Oxford; Being come home, God then shewed me a very great and Glorious people, standing or­derly in the Heavens, they were a people richly shining; in the head of this so Glori­ous body after a short time, there comes slowly moving, but in very great state Prince­like, the most Transcendently Glorious person that ever my eyes beheld, he was clothed in a very Rich Coat or long vest, which Coat or Rich vest was girt about his Middle with a broad Girdle of Gold, in his hand there was an extraordinary long and Broad naked sword, which great sword he held upright; [Page] this Transcendent person had such A Head, face and countenance, for beauty, Majesty, power, and wonder, as I can never express or set forth unto you, the figure of his person be­ing of a Wonderful height, yet very straight, having no defection in any part, but Tale be­yond compare: this Rich, Glorious and won­derful person stood so long in the head of that beautiful and shining people, that I had a full view of him and them to my great contentment. The vision ended, my sinfull self fell a weeping, and praying that God would be pleased to afford me the under­standing of it; Reader, in good earnest, thus it was, and no otherwise: for clear satisfa­ction, I was referred unto the twelfth of Da­niel, at the beginning of which chapter, you also, as well as my self, may read and know the import of that so Great Princes standing up in the head of his people, now to be delivered, the Israel of God, be they here or throw the world: And thus in these several wayes and times (all agreeing to Gods word, and assured of God) I am instru­cted, and sent to assure you, that deliverance is come unto you, Gods, the Kings, and your Enemies are now to be scattered.

Upon so glorious Visions as these are, de­claring the coming of God in Mercy to the Redemption of his (for that is what I am up­on) [Page] and that he thus comes with Flagons also, what can the world expect I should say to all of it? The gift of Vision and Pro­phecy is given to one man, the gift of discern­ing and interpretation of them and Scriptures to another. (Friends) I have here dealt with you of this land and our times, as Za­chariah, and the Prophet Daniel dealt with the people of their land and times, Truly told you what I saw, Truly told you what I heard; wonder not I beseech you, if I cannot tell you what it all means, Or set you the very time and day for deliverance: I often trem­ble at the Visions shewed me, and words then spoken to me; I read not some places of holy Scriptures without amazement, though I do it for the better understanding of what is shewed me in Vision, unto and by which word of God, all prophecy must come for trial and Conformity, no thing thats Con­trary to it can possibly be true, yet for all This, I may not from them hastily conclude. I beseech you let this truly spoken by me, keep you, my self and all men from rash speaking, and determining of things or times, both which to my understanding have Gods appointment, if not limitation, upon our Repentance, but if we despise his premonitions, A swifter motion to execute vengeance. Prophecy is prophecy, and vision [Page] is truly shewed of the Lord to Zachariah, and Daniel, yet Zachariah confesseth in his fourth Chapter and fifth verse, That he saw, but he knew not the meaning or im­port of what was shewed him in that vision. Daniel in his 12. Chapter and 8. verse tells us, he heard, but he understood not what he heard, (in that his Prophecy, yet both Gods prophesies.)

Tell me, O now tell me, you Worthies of our Church of England, I speak to men of clean conversation, Wise, studious, and of holy life also, with such I may not doubt the secret of the Lord is, because they fear him; there are those that have forsaken all to keep God and a Good conscience, such as those are now to lift up their heads; for their Re­demption draweth nigh. I enquire not of, neither expect resolve from, the unsent and unblest number of Vagabond Bablers, who like unfaithful bowes in the day of Battel have started aside, to the scandal of the true Church, dishonor of our Nation and the Protestant Religion; from such villains as those I neither expect or seek for any true interpretation of the word or vision of God, their sacrifices being Dirt, a Mystery of ini­quity they shall carry on, but no true sense of Scripture, Wisdom and Counsel is not found with him that must perish.

[Page] Worthies sent of God, pray tell me, doth not these visions lively express and warrantably assure us, us I say, though hi­therto persecuted and despised, are not We now to be invested in what was promised of old by our Lord himself, as in the book of Canticles Chapter the 2. verse the 45. he brought me into his house of wine, Covered me with his Banner of love, and Comforted me with Flagons?

In the several Evangelists he likewise assures us, how for ever happily blest they shall be, that Eate bread, and drink the fruit of the Vine, when New, with him in his Fathers kingdom: certainly those very times are now at hand, who can doubt it, that hath trusted in the ever-living God, which hath now sent his so Blessed Angels, as Ministring Spirits to command us, that we lift up the head, with an Emphasis, your heads, Lift up your heads, for your Redemption draweth nigh: he further comforteth us, adding he is at the very door, and that he comes with Flagons. What think you Worthies, can we wish for more assu­rance of happiness, or could I see more and live? All this being true, What manner of per­sons ought we to be in all Godliness and holiness of conversation? Here I could be content to lye down in happiness; but I must go on to let you clearly see, how God is coming in ven­geance [Page] to evil doers; thats at hand also, and comes next to be considered, but for his Church, King and people, them he will deli­ver, their Enemies he will convert or confound, Michael that great Prince and Deliverer of his people is risen and now standeth up, ha­ving his sword in his hand, himself being in the head of those he will desiver, therefore King and people fail not to lift up your heads, Redemption being come to both.

THE Coming of GOD IN VENGEANCE To evill doers.
Sect. II.

AT that time when Michael the great Prince standeth up, which is the deli­verer of Gods people, as the foregoing Secti­on assures to that purpose he is now risen, And I have seen him: The next thing the world is to look for, is, what they may read in the same verse, of Daniel 12. Chapter, the words are these: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there began to be a nation: upon whom, and in what place, that day of trouble and ven­geance will fall, thats the Considerable Que­stion; to which I reply.

At Bridges in Flanders December 1656. the day Gloomy and darkish, the people surprised with fear, stood gazing and look­ing up into the Heavens; hastily they called to me, saying, Sir, come hither, and behold [Page] what we do, of wonder in the heavens; being pla­ced at more advantage to well observe, but still in that City Bridges, I then looked up, and plainly saw (at good distance) coming from the North or North-west, very many small bodies of horse, having on them the best appointed Riders. Those horse and Ri­ders Came towards the South and South-East; as they came nearer to me, they seemed to increase, so that very much of the Hemi­sphere was suddenly over-spread with them; that part of the Heavens they moved in was all over of a perfect Fire colour, since I came into the world, I never beheld such horse and Riders, for Strength, Courage, and Resolution; they came fiercely Trotting on, stamping also with their feet; their Hoofes and Shooes, which I perfectly saw, lookt like Flint, or something Harder then the nether Mill-stone; they were shod, for the Lord knows what service and Execution, I do not. Horse and Riders had un­paralleld strength in every part, Their heads all Lift up, not a Man or Horse of them that had any defect, or apprehension of dan­ger; what speak I of danger? there was no­thing could stand before them, so sure as the Lord lives, they were an Host that shall not fail to effect whatsoever the Lord of Hosts shall Commission them for, That is, to Exe­cute his vengeance on evil-doers.

[Page] Whilst with astonishment I looked upon all this, I prayed, and praying, besought the Lord that he would be pleased to let me know what all that force signified, forthwith I heard a very strong voice, coming direct­ly down from Heaven, before the Horse came up to me, which strong voice spake these words only, It is the coming of God, It is the coming of God. I neither saw more nor heard more, but I shall tell you what I Read more, and it is the word of God, which suites in all things very well with this vision of Gods, in the second Chapter of the Pro­phet Ioel you have these words: A day of Gloominess, Clouds, and thick darkness: A Great and strong people, There hath not been ever the like, the land is as the Garden of E­den before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness, nothing shall escape them; The ap­pearance of them is as the appearance of Hor­ses, and as horsemen, so shall they run to be avenged on his Enemies: this is in Ioel the se­cond, in the 11. verse of that Chapter you have these very words, and the Lord shall ut­ter his voyce before his host: so in the head of the Host was it said unto me, it is the com­ing of God: the verse concludes with these words, The day of the Lord is Great, and ve­ry terrible, who can abide it?

For that word which came to Ieremiah [Page] the Prophet with command then to him, as now here to me; That it be proclaimed to the people of his time then ripe, as now you, for vengeance and destruction; decline to Read it him that dares, I dare not but observe it to you, Make ready the Horses, let the Horse­men get up. Come up you horses, and rage you Chariots, for this is the day of the Lord God of Hosts, and a day of vengeance, in which he will be eased of his adversaries. To others, there follow these words of Comfort, But fear not then my servant Iacob, neither be thou afraid O Israel, none shall make you a­fraid, as you have it at large, in the 46. Chapter of the Prophet Ieremiah: but what is all this to Evil doers? Good things pro­fit us not in their being, but in our enjoying them: That happy Condition is not yours of London, for the very next thing shewed me, and I am to proclaim it also, assures you of this so sinful City London, That Gods judge­ments begin at London, therefore look you to it, God is in earnest with you, and I must not flatter you; Repent or Burn, you and your City London.

I have a few words to the Church of Rome, which I dare not but observe to them before I quit this Section. Church of Rome, deceive not your selves, but warrantably believe, and patiently provide for, your sad [Page] share of sufferance in this coming of God to take vengeance on Evil-doers; therefore Church of Rome Read, and well consider my Reasons, it highly concerns you, for with your Church all is at stake.

First, these Horses, and Host of the Lords, which came from the North, and North-west, moved so hastily as if they would be with your Church presently, having their faces directly set against the South and South-East, and so from thence, not onely Rome, but the proudest part of that Church lies (South and South East) is not onely the Eagles nest, but that Brood also of Vultures, now to be deplumed, dashed in pieces, and made invisible.

Secondly, not long before this was shew­ed me, I was also shewed the Altars of Rome, and the Priests of Rome, both of them in their Richest adorne and most suitable dress; at which time their Priests boasted of them­selves and Altars, Proudly saying to me; see, is not this to the Glory of God? In answer to which words, I presently heard a voyce which desended from above, and said, The Altars of Rome are not fitted for the worship of God. These words heard by her Priests also, the Priests Cryed out, this is Gostelo that hath Prophecied and Printed, Our Church shall fall; Away with him, Away with him: [Page] The multitude derided me, and strove who should be formost to have me out; the Priests in their Rich habits, followed and helped to drive me out, when forced out of their Churches; for out went multitude, my self, Priests and all. I then lookt behind me, and saw the Priests still in their Rich habits; but very strangely Metamorphosed, for all their heads were then as the heads of Wolves, Foxes, Dogs, and Swine; which whilst I stood wondering at, immediately in the twink­ling of an Eye all of them were struck down flat to the Ground, on which they helpless lay Grovelling and bleeding, wounded only on the heads; at which wounds, and at the snout of their unclean heads, (for they still retained them) they there and then, on the Ground, Expired and Bled to death; I saw not the hand that struck them down, nor a man of them that ever rose from the Earth again.

My third Reason is, in the Prophecy I printed; which Prophecy I give you for the word of God (agreeable thereunto cer­tainly it is) there it is said in that Prophecy the Church of Rome shall fall; and put me to death, if ever one word of that Prophecy go unfulfilled; Flatter not your selves you of the Church of Rome: to some of your more sober ones, men in Orders also, to such I have already imparted much that hath been [Page] shewed me of that Churches sad fate: those so­ber ones have replyed to me, that truly they had reason to expect and fear, God was com­ing to punish them and their Church also, but that she should fall, that could not be admitted; the Court of Rome possibly might fall, nay they believed, it should fall, but for the Church of Rome, they believed, it was built upon that Rock and foundation which could not fall; would to God they were so. The Court of Rome acknowledged (as well it may) to be infected, now sick, and may fall; certainly the body which al­ready totters can not stand long: hear the words again you of the Church of Rome, Men in Orders and others, for clearly there is many of you, that I love well, and there is too ma­ny of you that merit not to be beloved, the very words of the infallible Prophecy agree­able to the word of God also, are these, The Church of Rome shall fall; the words heard in the vision are these, The Altars of Rome are not fitted for the service of God; you have read what her priests suffered, sudden­ly struck down to the Ground, wounded on the heads only, as Prophecied of Old, the seed of the woman shall Break thy head, when a de­ceitful Serpent, on no part else is the wound visible, what those heads were all unclean; Wolves, Foxes, Dogs and Swine. Lastly how [Page] they bled at them untill they Expired. And now believe me you of the Church of Rome, if all the men on Earth keep your Church from falling, put me not only to death, but put me also into your Roman Ca­lender in Great Red letters, and let my name stand there as a son of Belial and a lyar for ever, if that I have Prophecied of your Church come not to pass, and I fear sud­denly also, I would you did the like: A few years will make it visible to all, that she is a Church may fall, shall fall, and never rise a­gain: and this not raising against you, but as a friend I early tell you, and will for ever stand to; I believe I shall shortly come a­mongst you, I intend so, and to this very purpose that you may turn from sin and do your first works, for what you do now is a­bominable and God abhors it, and you shall smoke for it. This digression made I return to my purposed method; To London, and a­gainst you of London God is coming also; but how think you? the manner follows; Repent or Burn, for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the Earth, and with righteousness to judge the world, and the people with his truth, Psal. the 96. 13.

C. R.

GODS FIRE Sent out on the eight of April shall Convert or Confound the enemies of God and our King CAROLUS REX.
Sect. III.

ARrived in Flanders, December 1656. I there finde the forces his Majesty was raising, full as glad that action was at hand, as those already sent by his enemies to keep him from the coast and Port-town: I [Page] parted last with Norfolk and Yarmouth. To be inriched by violence is that too many souldiers on both sides wait for; such fire­brands and delighters in war God there shews me in a Vision; wherein they deride any man that doth but speak to them of peace, they having made themselves ready for war, would have war, being impatient and inraged, they began to scuffle, would not be parted: Whilst this was so, and no perswasions of mine could prevail with them for quiet, a woman suddenly appears, and steps in between them; at which in­stant of time I heard these onely words, Waite until the eight of April. These words spoken, the Souldiers presently desisted, strove no more; the saying I kept to my self, knew not what it might import.

Christmas ended, I humbly took leave of his Majesty and most Heroick Brothers, with full resolution to go to the Court of France, to those four persons of Majesty and Royal birth, so highly concerned in this Prophecy of Gods; but with this full resolu­tion I parted, that I would be back again by the Eighth of April, firmly believing that Vision and those words (Waite until the Eighth of April) was shewed and spoken to me for his Majesties interest: To Flushing I came; the wind serves not; [Page] after long stay some shipping goes off, but by contrary windes are made to return, se­veral times they did so, my self never went off with them; God so over-ruled me, my Port-mantell, in which were my Papers, once did, at which I was wonderfully troubled, but suddenly I was quieted, believing in a day or little more, I should be repossessed of my papers again: the very next morning I met the Master of the vessell returned. Af­ter all these vicissitudes and changes March came on, and truly then I considered with my self, should I now go for France, I could not return by the Eighth of April, at which day I durst not be absent from my King; back I went, I could have no quiet until I did so; when come to Court, I most humbly besought his Majesty and Princely brother the Duke of York, that in private I might speak with them, and with them onely; be­ing in private I imparted to them much of Gods so miraculous proceeding with me at Flushing, as to the Kings interest: wonder upon wonder, you will read them in my last Section; at last this came from me, the chief occasion of my return was to attend the Eighth of Aprill, which until then I concealed: of this his Majesty and Heroick Brother took full notice; but what would fall out upon that Eighth of April, God [Page] onely knew, I did not, so I told them, wait I must untill then, I durst not depart till the Eighth of April was past.

At Bridges in the morning of the Eighth of Aprill Stylo novo, about day, I clearly saw our soveraign Lord the King sitting in Counsel with some six more, the Duke of York one of the Counsel, and whilst they so sate in Counsel, there came down from a­bove, into the midst of them, a very lively and wonderful bright Fire of Coles; Clear it was as the best Charcole fire when all of a Glow; No smoke about it, no ashes under it: this fire was no more in compass, then what might well be contained upon such a Cen­ser or plate of the Altar, as His Majesty and Heroick Brothers offered their Alms upon the Sabbath day before, being Easter day, on which they all received the Most Blessed Communion of our Lords Body and Blood, by them received with that due Reverence, holy fear, and apparent contrition for sin, that upon my very conscience I may most warrantably say' their prayers and Almes reached Heaven; and to witness acceptance, their God sends down the very next Sab­bath, That his fire in their behalf, to do what you shall presently read it commissioned for.

This fire so fallen in the midst of them, [Page] first moved round, discernable to all, next it comes to a stand at the feet of our Soveraign Lord the King, pointing him out to us, to be the servant and for ever beloved of God Almighty: after it had stood some short time there, I heard these words Commissioning it to go forth; Begin at London, and go throw all his dominions. Fear all that read it, and you that hear it, I say fear and Tremble, for they are the words of the Lord Almigh­ty, and his also is this sent-out fire. So soon as the words were spoken, Begin at London & go thorow all his dominions, the fire immedi­ately removed from between the Kings feet, to a distance some three yards from him, and there stood, but still kept in a right line before him; there and then, that fire suddenly became dilated, and forthwith was big as the Sun in appearance; when so dilated it had then ashes all under it, which ashes were of the thickness of a pocket- Bible, fire, ashes, and Bible are made up of the word and power of God, who so con­tems his word, his fire makes ashes of them; contemn God and the King, and you perish together.

Certainly on purpose is it thus shewed me with ashes under it, that I may let you all see and know its readiness to Execute Gods Command, first upon you of London, [Page] Begin at London, then his three Kingdoms and Christian world: Men and Brethren, either suffer your Corruptions and Rebellions of all sorts of which you are Horridly Guil­ty against God and his King Charles Stuart, (your Sacrifices are Dirt, your hypocrisies are the Greatest, your Rebellions have no compare) suffer all these things and what­ever more to be burnt up and consumed in you by his sent-out fire of mercy; which if you shall madly neglect to do, deceive not your selves, it shall suddenly do its other work commissioned, for to make ashes of you and all those mountains of opposition that men or Devils, have, can, or dare, raise up to obstruct the way and rule of Gods Vice-ge­rent, Charles Stuart, your only lawful King and Soveraign.

God is irritated, and you have done it, look to your selves, when the Almighty kindles and sends forth a fire as here he doth, read I beseech you to what purpose he doth it; The Prophet Amos assures evil doers, no less then six several times in his first Chapters, which are but very short, yet most admira­ble full to this very purpose, there he saith, That the Lord will send a fire, that the Lord will Commission a fire, That the Lord will kin­dle a fire. And to what purpose I beseech you is all this? even as here, it shall devour, it [Page] shall burn up, it shall consume, if not sin, then sinful persons: Do you ask me what it shall do? I answer, you and all for I fear no man; do? what shall it not do, when commis­siond and sent out by God as this is? what shall it do? why, it shall burn up his enemies on every side, if they repent not; Ps. the 97. 3 verse, There shall go a fire before him, and Burn up his Enemies round about: The Army of Horses went before, this fire comes next after, that nothing may escape.

I dare not yet leave this Commissioned fire of the Lords, sent out upon this particular day the Eighth of Aprill; what I have now to say in this so wonderful proceed of God Almighty, is to you Oliver Cromwell, Prote­ctor of these three Kingdoms (pro Tempore) Sir, well look about you; and best be­think your self, and know Sir, That for more then three months it was my continual me­ditation, and amaze to think why it was di­ctated, Waite until the Eighth of Aprill; why to that day, I could never give his Ma­jesty and Heroick Brother any clear or cer­tain reason for it, but having upon that day seen the vision, and then heard the words of Commission to the Almighties fire in our Kings behalf, I can now give His Majesty, his Brother, you and all such a certain and true reason for it, as will astonish the world; [Page] there is in it Wonder upon Wonder, it looks like the Children of Israel being brought out of Egypt upon the very day, both the Lords own doings: O that I were with you, your Lordship should find, I would speak to you as sent of God, not flatteringly; Exa­min your self, Sir, did not the Lord some two years since, Easter next it will be so, I again say, did he not then in mercy send to you Oliver Cromwell the wife of Thomas Chalener, a free-holder dwelling on the Edge of Sussex? whose Commission was to this very purpose:

First, to ask you whether or no the Vine­yard you yet gathered the fruit of, was yours or Gods; if it was yours, then to say so; if Gods, then your duty forthwith to give the fruit of it to his Steward, Charles Stuart, for God had given it unto him by inheritance; if you refused forthwith to sub­mit, or doubted his right of inheritance, she tells you that God had vouchsafed for the decision of his right three wayes; Chuse you either of them: God would appear for him, whose unquestionable right it was, for in the Court and justice of Heaven, the Father having paid the debt, the Son was to have the inheritance.

Her first offer to you is, to cast Lots, and by lot you should see on whom the Lord [Page] would resolve it: to that you wisely conside­red, and said, what if the lot should go a­gainst me? she truly told you it would: your answer was, that way of lot you would de­cline.

Her second offer was, would you fight personally with Charls Stuart, and so decide it? to that, as I have heard, you gave no an­swer; indeed God forbid that any such dam­nable thought or word, should ever be found in your heart or mouth: An impiety of that ugly nature, I print to the whole world will never be found in you, as ill as men gene­rally speak of you: who was most Culpable before, God knows, I do not.

The persons of Kings are sacred, Appoin­ted of God, and anointed by his Prophets, wise and honest men know it well, their persons are rarely to be exposed; Crowns, not to be worne by any but whom the Lord sets apart; with us it must be so, the law of God and our Land best directs in that par­ticular; and I firmely believe, That as you said nothing to that second offer of the Lords (for they are all his offers, not hers) so upon that very consideration, let the world say what they will, you have hitherto declined, and ever will do, to put on his Crown: they were fools that said, you were afraid of the Army when twas offered you; no no, you [Page] were afraid of God, and your King; do well and be so Ever: I commend your wisdom in that you put that Dirty assembly upon tryal what they would do with the Crown, whereby you might clearly see and disco­ver the Enemies of God and the King, also the haters of Monarchy; how could you a served your King better? you have out-wit­ted all those Arrant Good subjects. The Lord shewed me before their sitting, and told me when they were to sit, their sacri­fices were Dirt, you had it before, those were the very Men, that was the Dirty Parliament; his Crown, I say and print to the world, you will not touch it, nor med­dle with it upon any ill account, indeed upon no account, except it be to settle it upon the right head. I have heard of a King who being at Sea, and his Crown on his head, by some unhappy accident his Crown fell into the Sea; a most Excellent swimmer dives after it, recovers it, brings it above water; which being too proud of, he staid there and put it on his own head; at last the Crown came to the right hand and owner, the King Commands that the man should be Royally rewarded for his swimming so well, and recovering the Crown, but with­all strictly charged he should be forthwith Hanged, for putting the Crown upon his [Page] own head. I speak not this to deter you, you know very well that the Crown was none of those upright just dealing mens to give, nei­ther were you to take it, it is Gods only to give, and our lawful declared Kings Charls Stuarts only to receive; God and our Laws, have both pointed him out, during life, and prohibited all others to be Capable of it. God save the King, Even Ours Charls Stu­art, yea God will save him for Ever.

Her third offer was, (you having been so well advised as to refuse the two former) Whether or no you would set apart persons on both sides, and let them persons so pre­sented fight for the right of inheritance and future receit of the profits belonging there­unto; if you would so fight, that you then declared when you would fight: (here was a most merciful proceeding of the Lords.) Davids three offers for choice were of a­nother nature; To this last also you decline to answer. I am Glad to see now the power is in your own hand, that you are not for imbroyling the Kingdoms in a new war: Upon that very consideration it may fare much better with you, then it hath with those that set you to work; God assures us in his word (in this Prophecy of mine also) that he will scatter the men which delight in war; and I praise his name for it, he hath [Page] done very much by your hand and wisdom, to avoid the shedding of any more Inno­cent Blood. She tells you, she is not to quit you, untill you do answer to this last offer, following and importuning you for it. In fine, after some short demurre, These very words, or words to this purpose come from you; If fighting could not be avoided, and it must be so, then be it, upon Munday come twelvemoneth: other answer untill then she might not expect nor stay for, but be gone: To all which, as her self hath since told me, She then replyed, God certainly would fight or appear in the behalf of his and our King Charls Stuart, before that time, so sure as the Lord is in Heaven; there was Prophecy in these, her last words, and she knew it not.

My Lord, and all that read this, Now ob­serve very well and see what God doth.

The Munday come twelvemoneth you set for fighting or further answer, was with us of this Nation April the 6. 1657. and the very next day after Low-Sunday last; Where God shews me this Vision, at Bridges in Flanders, Low-Sunday last fell out to be upon the Eight of April 1657. just one day before that Munday come twelvemoneth. Oh all that read! see here, how miraculously doth this make good [Page] what she said and Prophesied, but knew not of, just as of old, to the children of Israel, whom the Lord wrought for, and by his mighty hand brought out of Egyptian Bon­dage, the very same day as promised, is not this our Eighth of April? so likewise, God lets it alone untill the very last day before that set Munday. Then he doth it, the ve­ry next day before, none betwixt, and on that very day he doth it; as I foretold his Majesty it should be done on the eighth of Aprill. Who sees not now clearly, we were all over-ruled of God, even you Oli­ver Cromwell also in your replyes? For my unworthy self, in good earnest I profess un­to you, I could never tell the King what he might expect on that day; I deal clearly with you, I did in a very great measure ex­pect, that some sudden judgement from Heaven would that day visibly have fallen in England upon incorrigible sinners; but see, and for ever praised be Gods holy name, it is the clean contrary for the present. This fire from Heaven must first burn up our corruptions, and make many of us true ser­vants of God and our King Charles Stuart, in whose behalf it is sent out. This is that I am to let you all know, and came hither for, I warrantably tell you, neither Men nor Devils shall be of power long to keep out [Page] Gods Anointed and our lawful King Charles Stuart: God will not longer be mocked, undeniably thus it is, none shall prosper that opposeth him or his King; he that but puld down her Paper from the Chappel doore, his arm withers; God indeed suffers him to live some 15. dayes after, but it is to carry about with him a withered Arm, that the judgements of God may appear the more publick, and sure to come upon evil doers, affording yet more time for him and us to repent, and amend for shame. In the Epistle you have read when Whaley of Northampton Belies, Traduceth, (and I fear) endevours much more, to suppress Gods so miraculous proceedings in that Town, on my behalf Prophecy and Book, he drops down and dies in his clothes immediately without any more a do. The Preface to the Reader tels you as much, he that fears man more then God, and to lose an estate on Earth more then Heaven, Certainly his impieties are of the worst nature and illest consequence: God would convert you, and you abuse his mercies, despise and persecute his sent Mes­sengers; Oh, mercy abused, leaves room for judgement, warning not taken is a cer­tain presage of destruction; if often we re­ceive pardon, as you have done, to expect it longer is desperate.

[Page] Look back a little and well consider, what this fire of mercy hath done amongst us, and the Kings Enemies, since sent out by God on his Majesties behalf, being but the Eighth of Aprill last; did it not be­fore or upon the fifteenth day of that very month of Aprill, defeat and bring to nought, that so bloody and damnable de­signe, of the Annabaptist fifth Monarchy men, and Levellers, all sworn Enemies to Monarchy, all mischievous brethren? in that intended Rebellion did it not do its work also at London, as Commissioned, Begin at London, after go through all his dominions? (So that visibly you shall know it) in stead of setting up their standard, and Arming of thousands, which they were provided of, and for, together with the spreading of their seditious Pamphlets for a new Rebellion, which the better to dispose others to joyn with them, they had well provided by spe­cious pretences, and sharing of other mens estates, not willing that any should be poor amongst those only Saints, which as they said and printed, were undonbredly the just ones that should now rule the world, us of this part of it, at the least; so that if Gods sent-out fire on the Eighth of Aprill had not prevented it, These Saints, Martin Web­b [...]rs, or Iohn of Leydens, all of them (call [Page] them what you will, are the most impla­cable haters of all Kings and Monarches in the whole world) had suddenly or in a short time molded and Gathered an Army of thirty or forty thousand, whose business cer­tainly was to have embroiled this kingdom in a new and most dangerous war; the principles of those men, with the now pover­ty of the most men, would a made mad work, had not this fire of Gods burnt up, and prevented the confusions.

As I am a Christian, God shewed me in a vision that whole Rebellion; Their con­trivances, their actings, and their ruine; he shewed it me in Flanders, the wednesday before Easter 1657. On Goodfriday I told the King, after that I wrote it, and set my hand and seal unto it, that it was a true vi­sion of Gods, Given by the Lord, for a signe that it should all so and so Come to pass by that day month, and this God did, to satisfie some that defired a signe of God, to the end belief might be created in the hearts of many that doubted. Nay I was so impowred of God, that after I had wrote it and sealed unto it, I laid it upon the Com­munion Table, and there received the Com­munion upon it, That this was Gods vision, and he would fulfill it that day month, when as I am alive, I knew nothing of it, [Page] but what the Lord shewed me of vision, from thence I wrote to the Protector here, that he should fear nothing, for God would disappoint the designes of wicked men who were working mischief, and that he would do it before the twentieth of April. Indeed I told the King the very day he would do it on, that wednesday moneth on which it was shewed me; for so was it said unto me, after the vision ended, this day month this vision shall have its fulfill; Eight dayes before that day month came, was it said unto me by vision also, what shall be done that day is not of man, but that God may be Glorified, God, my King, and His two Princely Bro­thers, are my witness, I told them of it long before; and all this I now see is Gods working fire, which on my Kings behalf, shall Convert, defeat, or Consume his Ene­mies. This is that stone cut out without hands which shall now do that Great work of the Lords, Break in peeces the powers that are not of God, Prophecied of old by Daniel, but now fulfilling: and thus by the power of God, these mens Arms, Ammunition, stan­dard, books, designe and persons, came all by that day month, (nay your own books tell you in print, that very morning, they came all) into and under the Protectors hand and power. Come I say he shall do the work of [Page] God and his King, he shall subdue the ene­mies of Monarchy, yea his Kings enemies he shall subdue, root out, and make them incapable to offend or hurt; and this he shall do, because his heart doth or shall fear God and the King: And this I will ever stand to, this I have related unto you was the initi­atory part and fulfill of that Great vision, but the latter, and completory part of it is and will be the wonder of the world; bur I must yet conceal that part of it from the non­concerned; a few shall know it, and but a few.

For a second work of this Fire sent forth in the behalf of our King, in May, the very next moneth after, six thousand men in arms are sent for France, a short time after them four thousand more, in all ten thousand men; pray tell me, are not these men, being so great a number, Converted or Consumed? how many of them now live the Kings Enemies? Adde to these, no small number sent, others blown back again from the cost of Swede­land, to let us see God is not pleased with these warriours of ours, if Gods and the Kings Enemies. I have heard some of them say, they repent themselves of their former dis­services against the King: many of them dead also; to-say nothing of the miscarriage [Page] by sea, wherein perished Colonel Reynolds, with others, Captains and Officers.

As for that blow at the Hermitage, and sudden burst by Gun-powder, was it not gi­ven you and me, as a warning-piece to look about us? it fell out so soon as ever I came over to Print unto you, that God had sent out his Fire in behalf of our King, to Con­vert or Consume: in good earnest I looked upon that Blow, though a judgement, yet a mercy, a few men killed, many houses much defaced; I viewed it well, and in so­ber judgement with neighbours and inhabi­tants there abouts; we allowed fifteen hundred houses to be torn and damaged by it: All this is shewed me, and you, what your City should be, if you repent not, an heap of Rubbish and Chaos of Confusion. For that so general sickness, which went almost through the whole kingdom the last summer, taking away very many, Truly it was no other to my understanding, then the merciful sha­king of Gods Rod over the whole land for a­mendment, for a Menace if they amended not; and look to it that you do Amend, or assure your selves sudden Death, Plagus, Sword, Fire, Violence, what not, shall in a very short time burst in upon you, to devour, to burn up, to consume, and to lay waste. And this brings me to the now sad fate of this so [Page] sinful City London.

Oh! London, London, Read and well consider it, its judgement with a witness, nay many witnesses agree in this thy sad fate: Thy Sacrificers, and Sacrifices are both Dirt, The first Generally, Canting dirty fellows, the lowest and worst of the people, (neither Scholars nor Honest men) the latter altoge­ther the abominations and horrid practises of this most sinful world. Thy Dirty Parlia­ment, Gods sent out Fire, did this very moneth scatter and bring to nothing; are not all these a very great number of mercies and warnings for one year? London, go on still in thy presumptuous wickednesses, Put the evil day far from thee, and Repent not, do so London, but if Fire make not ashes of thy City, and thy bones also, Conclude me a lyar for ever; stand out London against God and thy King but a little longer, and then it will be high time for me to have done with that Rebellions City and People, whose sins of all sorts unrepented of, have made them cease to be a City or a People. But I know you deride me; therefore read on.


Oh London, London, sin­ful as Sodom & Gomorrah, the Decree is gone out Repent or Burn, as Sodom, as Gomorrah.
Sect. IV.

AT Bridges in Flanders, upon Whitson Munday last, the morning of that day bright and clear, I saw my self placed [Page] on the North-fide of this so sinful City London, the people of this City then appeared before me very fine, very numerous, Bargaining also, and full of jollity, every man putting the evill day far from him, deriding to the purpose my self or any that durst tell them they should see Change or alteration: when all this jollity, se­curity, and trade was at the highest, on a sud­den the day over-cast, and became dark, that occasioned us to look up into the Heavens; looking up, I saw over the East part of this City London, in the Aire, many strange figures of furious Satyrs, as Executioners of Gods Wrath and Vengeance; they had all shapes like Devils, not like men. At this Horrible sight, the people suddenly looked Pale and Trembled; The day, that grew darker, and withall in an instant Soultry hot. Looking up again, the whole City then appeared to be surrounded with those furious Satyrs and Devils, so was it then surrounded by those Executioners of Gods Wrath and Vengeance, that there was no place left for escape, or to get out at. This sad and ugly appearance so possessed the Peo­ple with fear and amazement, that they stood Trembling, and bereft of all understanding, even as those that expected sudden destruction: when this was so, and the darkness become greater, I looked again upon the City, and then I saw Lights shining in most parts of [Page] it, which Lights clearly discovered to me the Ruinous condition of the Cathedral Church dedicated to Saint Paul; these lights were placed to so wonderful advantage, That they laid open to me, Close Corners, Ware-houses, Shops, dark places, places of Sacriledge, Theft, Murder, damnable uncleannesses, Hypocrisies as deep as Hell; indeed I cannot express all I saw, but so much was shewed me, that my heart smote me, and put me thus to reason.

O Lord, thought I, What art thou now sear­ching this City London, as once thou didst Ie­rusalem with Candels? must this so sad day be a day of Wrath, destruction, and desolation? shall this place now be devoured and Consumed by the fire of thy jealousie? While I thus sadly contemplated, there suddenly appeared, stand­ing by me on my right hand, a very great num­ber of Black and White Ensignes, which Ensignes had in every of them, Ten times as much Black as White. Here and there a Pearl or Diamond of White, as in the Flag: but a very few that shall finde deliverance, his Iewels shall, in that day of Vengeance. The place these Flags so ap­peared in, was the very place your Ensignes of Rebellion were held up in, against your King, Law, and good Conscience, when you usurped the Militia from his Majesties hand, The North-side of this City London, near the Winde-Mills, (which fitly resembles your [Page] empty turning pates) there were so many of these mourning Ensignes, that every Street, Alley, and close Corner of iniquity was provided for, whilst with admiration I looked upon them, first as being so vast a number, next as being all Black and White, and my Eye fastened on them, suddenly all of them were raised up from the Ground, to such a height were they raised, that they might go over the high­est Wall or Bulwark, observe with me if the Devil be gotten as high as Heaven, seeming an Angel of Light also, yet there Gods hand reach­eth him, and whirles him thence, I saw not any hand of Man raising those Ensignes, no mans hand touched any one of them; being raised they moved all of them towards this City London, and just as they moved, I also was ta­ken up from the ground, but my face was then turned towards the North (from the City) still I saw and beheld the Flags moving towards the City, and those Ensignes passing on by me they went the nearest way, at which time as they moved, I heard these words and no more, Now the King marcheth: When the words were spoken, Now the King marcheth, Imme­diately, I also by that power which took me up from the ground, was in that very instant of time carried away with my face from the Ci­ty, I neither heard more, nor saw more, what so sadly and in an instant followed me, is most [Page] Tragical and full of Lamentation, as to this so sinful City London. There presently overtook me such a Stink, yea such a damnable stink, of Fire and Brimstone, that truly I thought it would have choked me, certainly the stink of Hell can not exceed it; for my own part I was not suffered then to pity you, nor once to look behind me. What think you now, have not your sins exceeded those of Sodom? I would to God your non-repentance, together with your certain punishment, might not answer theirs also; But I have done with you.

This seen and heard, I could not be quiet until I privately imparted all to his Majesty and both his Heroick Brothers, Indeed whilst I weeping imparted it to my pious King, I was forced to beseech him, not to mournimmo­derately for them, to forgive them I told him it was his duty, and to pray for their souls, but certainly God would be glorified on them, whatsoever became of their Bodies or Estates, and that sinke of wickedness, Brothell City of all sin and Rebellion, now ripe for Iudgement. That done, I took leave of them, and hasted hither, whither I am come on purpose to let you of this so sinful City London, know these sad things, that if possible, you might Repent, Live, and finde Mercy.

It is very true, I saw no hand of man in the whole vision, nor do I think other of those one­ly [Page] words heard, Now the King marcheth, but that the workings against this City London, as well as the words, will be the workings of the Almighty King of Kings, he it is, The Lord of Hosts, that will so powerfully fulfil in the be­half of our King Charles Stuart. Alas our good King is not rightly known to you, nor owned of you, but God owns him, and that you shall suddenly know and finde, he is misrepresented to you, and you are pleased with it, you are wilfully blind, and how should you know him? you continue to injure him daily, beyond all compare, you traduce him still, as you did of old his glorified Father, too many of you would willingly rid the world of him, as you did of Charles the first; and to what purpose is all this mischief and villany? onely. That you might the better enjoy his inheritance, with those also which you have stollen from the Church and others; In this City London all this villany, with the Lord knows what more, hath been committed by a Law and Laws of your own making. Yet good▪ King for all this he mourns for you, he daily prayes for you, and on my Conscience he doth it from the very bottome of his heart, Praying for you in the Lords own words, That God would for­give him his Trespasses, as he forgives those that have trespassed against (his Father and him) he sees clearly judgement is hasting to you, and sorrows for it, you continue blinde, and [Page] will not so much as once see it moving towards you, by your non-repentance it appears so. Oh take your King for a better pattern.

His Majesties charity, and sweetness of soul, in imitation of the highest example and best of patterns, his ever blessed Saviour, and lately Glorified Father, according to both their pre­cepts, hath begot in him our King, such a well grounded confidence, in the unchangeable favour of God Almighty towards him, and to his just cause, notwithstanding, all those late inundations of Evil, and other improbabilities of his Restore, That in good earnest, when none present with his Majesty but my most unworthy self, He hath been pleased cheer­fully to tell me, several times, even to me hath his Majesty said it, That he doubts not at all, but firmly believes, The Lord will Restore him to his▪ Right of inheritance; indeed he needs not doubt of his Restore, nor any thing else thats best for him, God having given him a heart to refer all things, whether in matter of Re­store, or Revenge, Time or manner, to his merci­ful Father and Omnipotent God, most wisely considering that to God onely it belongs to take Vengeance, to us not at all. As for you of this City and three Nations, Were your Repentance what it should be, God would assure you of forgiveness in Heaven and Earth also, but Hy­pocrites cannot trust him, they have, So Irritated So dissembled with; your Sacrifices are Dirt, and your selves are not other.

C. R.

His restore is of God. UNQUESTIONABLY SO, The Lord hath Revealed and Assured it, from between the Cherubims, where he is known to dwell.
Sect. V.

SAint Peter writing to the men of his gene­ration concerning the coming of God, fore­warnes them of scoffers and deriders, letting them know they should meet with such in the last and worst days, Saying, Where is the pro­mise [Page] of his coming? surely such as those, we have amongst us now, who do not onely De­ride what I have already said as concerning the now coming of God, to take Vengeance on Evil doers, but are as ready, if not more ready, to scoff and deride at the Restore of our King, Seeing things continue as they were, Laws and Militia in their possession still; No God yet appears coming to avenge, no King as yet in any likely way of Restore, be it so, this startles me not, it may them; Gods unexpected com­ing brings to such mockers and deriders un­avoidable judgement.

At Flushing February last, God shews me such miscreants as those, mockers, deriders, and persecutors, met and Congregated in a Church, come thither to hear if any thing would be said in defence of him they had seemingly killed, which man had printed the Restore of the King, to which they were declared Enemies, as well as to him they had long since murthe­red, this Rabble of Evil doers, being come into the Church, the Church suddenly became much darker then formerly, by and by, in the upper part of that Church, which we call the Chancel, there shines forth a most glorious light, the colour perfect Aurora, or fire colour like the Sun when he riseth most gloriously; This light terrible to behold, shewes me all the upper parts of the Battlements, and Pillars [Page] in the Chancell, full beset with Cherubims, pla­ced all of them just one against the other face to face, but such was the transcendent Beauty of their faces, heads, and wings, that my eyes never beheld the like: this light also shewed me those mockers and deriders of the Kings re­store, standing afar off towards the lower end of the Church, my self with great admiration looking upon what then appeared, and my eyes fastened upon the Cherubims, suddenly there glides in a light wonderfully transcending the former; indeed that last light was so very glorious, and withall so beautiful piercing also, that I have often thought and said, a man could hardly look upon such a Visio. twice & live: whilst this so miraculous light appeared, all the Che­rubims, which still kept their places and po­stures of face to face, then softly moved, and Reverently bowed their so glorious heads, at the same time also they slowly shook and ho­vered their Seraphical and snow-white wings, heads and wings were fuller of beauty then I can express.

Oh the order of their worship, whilst that unexpressible light continued there, twas Hea­ven, so sure as I live it was The Vision of God, Gods Vision it was, that is undeniable, the words I then heard were onely these (it was of God:) all which those mockers and deriders of the Kings restore no sooner saw but they turned about, and [Page] immediately hasted out: Here is a Convicti­on of mockers, haters, and deriders of our Kings Restore, (astonished all of them) God here appeared for his and our King, as once he did on Mount Sinai, at the Promulgation of the Law, when he would have the incredulous and Rebellious Israelites know twas his, and obey it also, Then (on the Mount) the ap­pearance of the Lord was in the eyes of the children of Israel as Flaming Fire: I now cease to wonder any more, that your brother Re­bells the Iews desired Moses onely to go up and near, for they could not approach the place, nor twice see without danger of Life; for those Rebels as bold as they were at first, yet when it came to this Vision, God made you stand afar off, you were not onely ashamed, but then afraid, yea sore afraid also, your haste to be gone shews it, for not a man of you durst look behind him, or stay so long as I did; it will shortly be all or many of your portions, hastily to run away, or hide your selves: be gone, be gone, all you mockers, and deriders of the Kings restore, for God hath set you pack­ing, and rid me of you.

Now come near and rejoyce ye blessed of the Lord, lovers of God and your King, and be for ever comforted; first observe with me, Where doth God appear in behalf of your King? he appears as he did of old in the Holy of Ho­lies, [Page] now with us a Chancell: Next, why there? there his Mercy-seat, our Communion-Table stands. Thirdly, in view of whom? he that must declare it, and will ever stand to it, neither run away, nor hide himself, his most unworthy yet sent Messenger Walter Gostelo. What other witnesses? all the Cherubims: Lastly, how know you this to be an appearance and Vision of Gods, and that he will fulfill it? because it is shewed me between the Cherubims, and he hath spoken it that cannot lye, whose dwelling is between the Cherubims. From whence his Prophets formerly received, as here, the so lively Visions and Oracles of the Lord, in the behalf of his King, Church and People; In Exodus the 25. verse the 22. it is there said, From between the Cherubims I will declare my self unto thee, yea, I will there tell thee all things which I give thee in command unto the children of Israel.

In good earnest some Eight or Ten dayes after when I was at Middlebourough, and came to some better sight (for my eyes were much impaired) I there read those very words in Exodus, and if there be any truth in me, then considering again the Vision it self how it was shewed me, in what place, and before what witnesses, (the Cherubims) suddenly an over­joy took me, that I hardly knew where I was, or what to do. Therefore Reader expect [Page] not that I should say more of this and live.

Men, Women, and Children, of the Chri­stian World, if God restore not our King Charles Stuart, and make him not the greatest in the whole world, Then let my name for ever perish off the Earth. Now Men and Devils do your worst, Gods Vice-Roy, His Beloved Stan­dard-bearer on earth, our King, Charles Stuart comes, he comes to reign, I see him coming, and God comes with him, of whom his restore and strength is: Make your forces Ten Milli­ons, and take Twenty millions more into your assistance, God Converts, Scatters, or Confounds them all; I have for this time done with you: God prosper it to you.

CIty London, Therefore have I made all possible haste to publish this, That Repen­tance might come early into your hearts, and this Book at a very cheap rate into all your hands. To your Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffes, every of your Ministers, and Common-Councell men will I give one, to your Militia, to the Officers of the Army also will I give them, that you may return to your duty, Repent and Live.

I must yet Print what God hath shewed me, referring to the Jews, who shall now know the Lord, receive mercy, and go into their own land.

God save their and our King

The End.

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