GEORGE Lord GORING, Generall of all His Majesties Forces of Horse, that are, or shall be raised in the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, and Lieutenant-Generall to His Highnesse Prince Rupert of this Western Army.

VVHereas divers Inhabitants of this County, and the County of Sommerset, under a pretence of securing themselves from the Plundring of the Souldier have assembled themselves in a tu­multuous manner, and have not onely denyed all such Ayds, and Contributions as they have formerly paid, and as hath been of late necessary for the support of His Majesties Forces, but also have adhered unto the Enemy, some out of their own Disloyalty, and others being seduced by the cunning and ma­lignity of ill-affected persons; These are to declare unto all persons whatsoever, That if any such violence, or plundring hath been used by the Souldier, it hath neither been tolerated by the principall Officers, nor have any persons that offended in that kind scap't unpunisht with Death, when complaint and due proof hath been made thereof: And if any such injuries shall be done by any of this Army, to any persons whatsoever hereafter, severity of Justice shall passe upon them that appear to be guilty in the least degree▪ And to the end that the Army may be as well supplyed with Necessaries as the Countrey protected from violence; These are, in His Majesties Name, streightly to require all persons, that lately, under the name of Club­men, or otherwise, of their own accord, or by the perswasions, or compulsion of the Enemy, have taken up Arms▪ or have appeared at any tumultuous or rebellious As­semblies, in the Counties of Devon or Sommerset, or any wayes adhered to, or assisted the Enemy, or opposed His Majesties Forces in the levying of the usuall Rates, or Contributions, or Provisions for the supply of His Majesties Army, or Garrisons, forth with to desist from the same, and to render and submit themselves, and to bring in their Arms, either into this Army, or into any of His Majesties Forts, or Garrisons that are neerest to them, within two dayes after the publication hereof, in their severall Hundreds. And as I shall proceed against such persons as Enemies to the Good and Peace of these Counties, that shall either adhere openly to the Enemy, or assist them with any kind of Provisions or Supplyes, or refuse to obey all such Warrants as shall be sent them from the Commanders of His Majesties Armies, or Garrisons, for the necessary supply of both, or forsake any of their Houses upon the approach of His Majesties Forces; so I shall endeavour to protect these, to the uttermost of my power, against all force, or violence whatsoever, that appear ready to supply His Majesties Army, and joyn with it for the defence of their Counties.

God save the King.

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