THE BRAZEN SERPENT lifted up on high, OR Truth cleared and above the deceit exalted, and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wildernesse: even so must the son of man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have eternall life. Joh. 3.14.15. Here is also Laid down in this treatise something, concerning election and and predestination, which is so much spoken of, and how they may know their election, something concerning Christ being the way to the Father; and how, and concerning Christ, the Mediatour of the new Covenants, and the end of the old, and how tythes are ended. Also, Concerning Justification, Sanctification, and Redemption, and the condition of unregeneration and regeneration, the mystery of the Crosse, and how God will plead with all flesh, the resurrection of the just and unjust; with many pretious things for the good of the thirsting soul, as the understanding is open in the reading, for to read and not to understand is as if they did not read at all. Lastly, Here is part of a dispute, held between two chief Priests, and two men that came and met with them, and the people at Chadwitch in Worcestershire; the ground and man­ner of their meeting and most part of the dispute, with some demonstrations to clear the truth from accusations, held forth by those men that the world scornfully calleth Quakers.

Written in Worcestershire, the beginning of the first moneth called March. 1655.

LONDON. Printed for Giles Calvert at the Black spread-Eagle at the West end of Pauls. 1655.



In this little ensuing treatise, there is some pretious truths laid down, and as thy understanding is kept open, in the reading thou [...] [...]ee the som, having thy eye single, here is somthing concerning Electi­on, Redemption, Justification, and Sanctification, the change also and end of the first Covenant and Priesthood, so an end of tythes and how, as thou mayst see in the reading of this over, and the truth cleared from among slanderers, and exalted above over the deceits, somthing of Christ being the way to the Father and how, also the resurrection of the just and unjust, besides many other things which I shall not now name in particular, but I have written them for the clearing of the truth to the honest hearted, as in the reading thou mayst further see, & also a meeting of the men called Quakers scorn­fully by the word, two of them, and some Priests at Chadwitch in Worcestershire, and the manner of their meeting, and part of a dispute, & also how they ended, with some clear demonstrations to clear the truth from accusations that may falsly be occasioned against it by some, either in Bromsgrove or elsewhere, that are opposite against the truth, as such were, but I shall let that cease, seeing I writ to William Cook, & William Filt, and Humphrey Potter, and the opposers, as the writings to them will such things further clear, and the Queries that was sent to me I answered, but the Queries sent to William Cook, William Filt, opposers of the [Page]are yet by them unanswered, severall Queries also to Priest Trusterom, and some that was sent to the Priest Oasland, and severall other Priests and op­posers, which upon them doth remain, and the blazing star, if Rob [...] Gardler have a hand in it, in this treatise thou [...]yst also take notice of what he is, even an accuser of the brethren, and so re­mains, but I leave thee to the reading of this, and let truth clear it self, who am a servant of Iesus that suffers for the testimony of a good consci­ence, and rejoyceth with my fellow sufferers, for the testimony of Iesus, whom the world scornful­ly calleth Quakers.

R. F.

The Brazen serpent lifted up on high.

THe truth cleared and (above the deceit) ex­alted, that as Moses lifted up the brazen ser­pent in the wildernesse, for such as were bit and stung with the fiery serpents, to look upon it and live. Numb. 21.6, 7, 8, 9 ver­so shall the son of man be exalted, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life: as it is written and witnessed in Joh. 3.14, 15. and here (to be short) the truth of the gospel is, cleared to the single eye, and lifted up above, or exalted o­ver the deceits that some is ready to cast upon it, which is the wicked serpents work to lye, accuse falsely, slander, (reproach the truth also) and bite behind, seeking thereby to, stumble some that are possest with slavish fears, and doubts, and to wound the consciences of some that are weak, and so sting them with the sting in their tailes, by venting their venome and envy against the truth, shouting forth their sting, and biting at the heel behind, with lies, false reports, slanders, reproaches, and false accusations, but for a remedy to such as are so bitten and stung with such wicked spirits or fiery serpents in their bewildered condition, and to stay the minds of poor weak creatures out of such salse accusations (as proceeds from the serpents generation) and also to stay the minds of the honest hearted, the truth is here in brief clea­red, concerning the great battle, fought (with the sword of the mouth only) at Underwood hill, belonging to Chad­witch in Worcestershire, the 21 day of the 12 month 1654. Between two chief Priests (and their party) to wit; Priest Oasland, Pastor so called, to an independent company at a place called Bewdley, and one Andrew Trusterom Priest at Clent, the battle with the sword or the mouth or dispute the day aforesaid, was between them and the two men, that the world scornfully calleth Quakers. ( R. F, and F. G.) [Page 2]this battle was hot and sharp against the deceipt, and the man of sin; from midday, till towards night (or till towards the going down of the evening sun) yet the son of righteous­nesse were above and went not down but were exalted in (some) the hearts of saints, that day; praised be the Lord, and truth prevailed, against the deceipt at that battle, fought with the sword of the spirit which is the word of God, Eph. 6. 12. to the 18. that is sharp for the cutting down of errour and deceipt praised be the Lord, Heb. 4.12. and those that are offended at reports concercing that great publick meeting that were the fourth day of the week being the 21. day of the 12. month in Worcestersh [...]re; at underwood hill belonging to Chadwitch as aforesaid, let them return to view this little trea­tise, and weigh the truths of things in the ballance of equity, so will they be satisfied, concerning the same, that are honest minded, seeing the truth of things clearly demonstrated, to take away lies slanders evill reports and false accusations that some are ready to cast out against the truth; for the clearing thereof I shall first lay down a few particulars of the truths given forth from one of the men scornfully called Quakers.

And secondly, I shall lay down the ground and manner of that meeting, the priests and people there assembled that day and the too men called Quakers as aforesaid; And third­ly, the dispute held between the priests and the men they called Quakers, in the latter part of the day; and fourthly, I shall clear the accusations, to the honested hearted, that truth may stand pure in its place, as it is, and that it may stand a witnesse also, against lying spirits, and against errour, delu­sion and deceipt.

For the spirit of truth being come, teacheth (us) all things, and guideth (all such as obey it) into all truth, according to gospell discipline and promise, and bringeth all the things of Christ to our remembrance, according to the working of his divine power, and the good pleasure of his will, praised be the Lord for the riches of his love John 14.26. John 16.13.

First: Some particulars laid down, or declared, hear by one of the men, which the world scornfully calleth Quakers; which are as followeth hear set down for the honest mind, [Page 3]to consider of, & weigh in the ballance of equity, & so to enter into the allowance, through the good consent into the since­rity, that it may be stayed in the integrity out of the evill sur­misings grudgings and false reports and look at the truth above them, to walk in it, and be freed from them, &c.

Concerning Election; and Predestination.

Touching election; God sees not, as man ungenerated sees, for men in that state and condition sees naturally, and so discerns nor the things of the spirit of God, because they are spiritually discerned, 1. Cor. 2.14. but God sees spiritually; & with that spiritual eye, sees althings, as they are, whence they are & how they are, and those that he did & doth predesti­nate, he fore-knew and saw into the mistery, which was, and is in such revealed, and revealing in which mistery (in the creature) he did, (and doth) in that mistery with his all seeing eye, see something good, which afterwards in his due time were through Christ in them, and is in such revealed, (and re­vealing) according to the working of his divine power, and had not God foreseen that, how would it, as it was, (and is in such) have been manifested, and revealed, according to the working of his power, that through their love and obedience to the truth, according to choice in the royall acception, through their obedience to the truth upon manifestation through the spirit, & continuance therein, after that they were sealed, their souls was also purified, and that which so sealed and purified their souls, was revealed and known working within, in the mistery, and the pure love enjoyed through the unsealing or opening of the same within them, who were born again, and the seed of God was within them, and in that seed, were their souls, through the obedience to the light and truth, purified, and elected stablished and confirmed and they therein and by the working of the divine power joyned to the Lord, and so both Jew & Greek, Barbarian, Scythian bond and free, male and female, come into the unity, of all so [...]ts that obeyed the truth and walked in the way Christ Je­sus, the light of the world, they came thereby, to the father and so knew the ground where election stood, according to predestination and foresight of God, which were manifested [Page 4]according to the working of his divine power, and after the good pleasure of his will, and that in the dispensation of the fulnesse of times he might gather them into Christ, through their obedience to the light in the eternall truth, in whom al­so we have obtained an inheritances being predestinated ac­cording to the purpose of him, who worketh into unity and the election, joining the soul to the seed, after the counsell of his own will, that we (as they was) should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ, the foundation of choice and election, in the ordination, in whom we also trusted after that we heard the word of truth. Rom. 10.6, 7, 8. Eph. 1.9, 10, 11, 12. the gospel of our salvation. Rom. 1.16, 17. in whom after that we believed, we were sealed with that holy spirit of promise, Eph. 1.13. which God foresaw within in the mystery, and to be good which were in them revealed, and is in such revealed, who obey the light and walk in it. Col. 1.27, 28. 2 Cor. 4.5, 6, 7. and through the obedience to the same light and truth, what such enjoyed in and through the same way, light and obedi­ence to the truth, others may, and to have their souls purifi­ed, as such had and have, who are begotten and born again, as they was. 1 Pet. 1.22, 23. and saith Christ, other sheep I have which are not of this fould, them also I must bring in. Joh. 10.14, 15, 16. Rev. 22.17. 2 Heb. 9.10. Christ in dying for us is our example in sufferings and way to the Father.

For Christ in dying for sinners and ungodly died for all; for was not all sinners and ungodly guilty of Christs death, but it is by his Bloud that we are justified and by his Life that we are saved, in following his councell, the light manifested within; and obeying him the true light that lighteth every man that comes into the world, Joh. 1.9. and such as obey and follow him are led out of darknesse by him through their obedience and so into the light of life, Joh. 6.12. it is by Christs life that we are saved, in following his councell and obeying him, through the crosse with slayes the enmity, as he became obedient to the death of the crosse who is our leader, and example, & is the Author of eternall Salvation to all that obey him, but none else, and he that will follow Christ, must denie himself and take up his crosse dayly as he is required [Page 5]and through his obedience to the crosse which slayes the en­mitie, he comes to know life and peace to his soul in the e­ternall unity; Rom. 5.8.9. Luke 9.23. &c. Mat. 10.38. &c. 1 Pet. 4. 1 Cor. 1.17.18. Ephes. Heb. 5.8.9.

Justification by Christ alone, who died for our sins and rose again for our justification we are justified by faith in his bloud, or life through the obedience to the crosse, whereby the enmity is slain and the election witnessed in the reconci­liation through the crosse; which ministry in the crosse is the power of God to such as are saved, and witnesseth justifica­tion by faith in the bloud or life of Jesus, as such did Rom. 5.1. 1 Cor. 1.18. Rom. 5.8, 9. 1 Joh. 5.4. &c. and we bear about in our body the dying of the Lord Jesus, as such did, that the life of Jesus may more and more be manifested in our mortall flesh, who by his spirit quickeneth the mortall body, dwel­ling within us, so saving us by grace and maketh us to sit to­gether with him in heavenly places 2 Cor. 4.6.7. to the 12. Rom. 8.10.11. to the 20. Eph. therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom also we have accesse by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoyce in hope of the glory of God, and not onely so but we glory in tribulation also, knowing that tribulation maketh patience, and patience ex­perience, and experience hope, & hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shead abroad in all our hearts, and in some the glory shineth as Christ hath said, all mine are thine, and thine are mine, and I am glorified in them. Rom. 5.1.2. to the 6. Ioh. 17.10. and being dead with Christ we are dead to the world, and worldly honour, and to the fleshly worships and fleshly ordinances also, Col. 2.10, 11, 12. to the end, and such as are risen with Christ and hath a fellowship with him there, they seek not the things that are below, but hath their affections on things above. Col. 3.1, 2. Whose conversation is in heaven. Phil. 3.20. Luk. 17.21. Praised be the Lord, for the riches of his eter­nall love, which no man can take away. Rom. 8.32, 33. to the end. 1 Ioh. 4.16, 17.

Christ is the way to happinesse and the authour of eter­nall salvation, to all that obey and follow him, and is the [Page 6]light of the world, and doth lighten ever man that cometh into the world, Joh. 1.9. Joh. 8.12. Heb. 5.8, 9. happy for ever are all that obey and follow him, but wo from God is the reward of all that continue in their sins, and take pleasures in unrighteousnesse, and will not obey nor follow him, to be led out of darknesse, errour, and deceit, into the light of eternall life. Rom. 2.4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9. Ioh. 14.

Seeing that Christ is the way to happinesse, and the au­thour of eternall salvation to all that obey him, and the light of the world that doth lighten every man that cometh into the world, and they that follow him they shall not walk in darknesse, but have the light of eternall life, here Christ is the way to the Father, and to Election, Redemption, Justifica­tion, and Sanctification, and also to eternall salvation, to such as obey and follow him, then they that do not obey but refuse to follow him, such sleights mercy tendered in Christ, and their destruction is of themselves, therefore God is just in all his wayes, who hath given gifts unto the rebel­lious, Rom. 5.6, 7, 8. Isa. 42.6. and all that obey him finds mercy of him. Isa, 55.1, 2, 3. to the 9. Rom. 2.6, 7. and Christ he saith, he that comes unto him he will in no wise cast off, and he is perfectly able to save all that come unto God by him. Heb.7.25. Come to Christ poor souls, come out of your pride and vain glory poor creatures, for Christ is not there, come out of your self-love and self-righteous­nesse, and out of your will-worships he is not there, seek not the living amongst the dead, come out of your Idols, temples, and Idolatrous worships, and come out of confusion, cut of Babylon, least ye partake of her plunges, wherefore be sepa­rate and come out from amongst them, that the Lord may own you, and be your God. Rev. 18.4. 2 Cor. 6.15, 16.17, 18. Come out of self and self actings, life is not in the na­ture for your poor souls, come to Christ, poor souls and obey the light which shews you sin and evil checks and calls for purity, obey that call and come out of your wills all, come in at the door, the true light, Christ he is the door, and he is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Joh. 1.9. and they that come out of self, and follow him, the true light and way to saluation, they shall not loose their reward, nor walk in darknesse, but have the light of [Page 7]life. Rom. 2.6, 7. Joh. 8.12. therefore come all you that are weary with your will-worships, come out of it, to Christ the true light, and in him learn to worship within in the spirit, God who is a spirit and seeketh such to worship him. Ioh. 4.23, 24. Ph [...]lip. 3.3. 2 Cor. 3.17, 18. you that are weary of your Priests, and beggerly rudiments, come off from them, and touch not their unclean things, their unclean doctrine that stands in their wills, come and learn of Christ, you are called now to come, the light in your consciences shall answer, come learn doctrine, all ye children of the Lord shall be taught of the Lord, and they shall be stab­lished in righteousnesse. Isa. 54.13, 14. therefore obey the light within you, that shews you unrighteousnesse, and come out of it, and wait in the light to receive the pure righteous­nesse, which is the gift of God, Rom. 5.17. take heed you do not reject the counsell of God, obey that of God in your consciences which answers the call, and come off from your hireling and tything Priests, they have long deceived you for their own ends, and that in their consciences tells them so, and that they never was sent of God, but of old wicked Bishops which had their first rise from the Pope, your worship is the worship of the beast that stands in that nature turned from the light, and is out of the truth of Gods, like that spo­ken of in the Rev. 13. it will never redeem your souls, come out of it to Christs ministry in the spirit, and wait for the o­pening of the mystery within you. Col. 1.27. come and learn of God, Object. but you are ready to say, we cannot come of our selves, doth not Christ say, no man can come unto me except my Father which hath sent me draw him.

Answ. True, he said so to self-conceited Jews, take heed that you be not found in the selfish nature, and will worship, wor­shipping you know not what. Joh. 4.21, 22. let that in your consciences answer, and refuse not to obey it, now it is drawing and calling you to come out of sin, and out of your will worships, and wait upon God for teaching, as Christ hath said it is written in the Prophets, and ye shall all be taught of God, every man therefore that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me. Joh. 6.44, 45. there­fore incline your ears and heart within, your teacher is with­in you, if you obey, but if you refuse and disobey, then judge­ment [Page 8]followeth for your disobedience. Isa. 1.19, 20. and the light within you, that shews you sin, and evil deeds will teach you to forsake the evil and shew you the way to the Father and to salvation, if you love and follow it, but it will condemn you if you disobey and hate it, Col. 1.27. Joh. 3.19, 20. Now you are warn'd and all left without excuse, and that in your consciences is my answer, come out of your rebellion, the light in you lets you see it, follow the light and follow not your wicked thoughts, devises, nor rebellion, and wickednesses, you have served sin long, and so the De­vill, plead not for it, but forsake it and come out of it, his ser­vants ye are to whom ye obey, he that commits sin is the ser­vant of sin, and son of the Devill, read Rom. 6.16. Joh. 8.34. 1. Joh. 3.8. hearken to the light within you, that checks and reproves you for sin, and obey that that will not deceive you, but if you obey and follow it, it will teach you when such as doth draw you from the teachings or Christ within, such doth seduce you. 1 Joh. 2.26, 27. come to the light to be led into the holy life and into the pure worship of God in the spirit, obey the light, take up the crosse to your wills, and come to Christ, come out of your false churches, and of from your proud Priests, and off from your false Pastors, to Christ the true shepheard and bishop of the soul, and the true Pastor and feeder of his flock, and come to the church in God. 1 Thes. 1.1. Heb. 12.22, 23. and their overseers made by the holy Ghost. Act. 20.28. is known, and elders in Christ. 1 Pet. 5. and there is no constraint, nor for filthy lucre, and such as dwell in the power knowes the voice of the Father and the Son, to speak in the Church, and amongst such. Ioh. 10.4. Gal. 4.6. Luk. 12.12. Act. 2.4. Mat. 10.20.

Take heed to that which is pure of God in your conscien­ces, and obey it, that which calls for a pure conversation. 1 Pet. 1.13, 14, 15, 16. and let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good conversation, and come out of your sprinkling of infants, it is no ordinance of Christ, come follow the light and come out of your false baptisme all, that you may be buried with Christ, in the true baptisme. Rom. 6.1. in the suffering, and witnesse that through the crosse, and so a fellowship with him in the new life. ver. 3, 4. and be baptized into Christ, so put him on. Gal. 3.27. [Page 9]and by one spirit, witnesse that baptisme into one body 1 Cor. 12.11, 12, 13. where there is one Lord, one faith one baptisme, and so of such one God and one Father of them all, who are of the houshold of God, in that church which is the piller and ground of the truth. Eph. 4▪4, 5, 6, 7. 2 Tim. 2.19. 1 Tim. 3.15.

Come all you that are weary and heavy laden, Mat. 11.28. saith Christ, and I will give you rest, obey the light, and come out of your sins, take up the crosse and deny your wills, and forsake your iniquities, 2 Tim, 2.19. and Christ will receive you and elect you, he is the foundation of election, obey him that you may be laid on him, and builded up into the electi­on. 1 Pet. 2.4, 5. and give all diligence to have the assu­rance of calling and election. 2 Pet. 1.9, 10. Christ Jesus he is the light and the way to the Father, and the authour both of election and salvation; to all that obey him; Ephes. 1.10. Ephes. 2.7, 8, 18, 19. Ephes. 3.9, 10, 11. Heb. 5.8, 9.

Now Christ Jesus he is the true light, that lighteth every man that comes into the world, and with his light you see darknesse in you, and rebellion and wickednesse, and he the true light cal [...]s you by his light, to forsake darknesse, wick­ednesse, rebellion, sin, and evil, and he calls you with his light, to come out of darknesse, 1 Joh. 1.5. and follow him that gives you light, that with it you may be led on to him Christ Jesus to the Father of lights, and into the marvellous light. 1 Pet. 2.9.10. And now that you are called and perswaded by the light to obey and follow it, if you will not obey and fol­low the same, but continue in their wilfulnesse, sinfulnesse, and rebellion, taking pleasure in wickednesse, and so love darknesse rather then the light, and disobey the truth to take pleasure in unrighteousnesse, then great will your condemna­tion and damnation be, Ioh. 1.5, 9. Ioh. 8.12. Ioh. 14.6. Ioh. 3.19, 20. 2 Thes. 2.7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. and 2 Thessal. 1.8, 9. Romans 1.18. Revel. 20.10. Rev. 21.8, 27.

Election and Predestination stands in the counsell of God.

Those things concerning Election and Predestination [Page 10]stands in the counsell of God, and are hid from all the wise and prudent of the world, Isa. 29.10, 11, &c. 1 Cor. 1.20, 21. 1 Cor. 3.19, 20. Col. 1.26, 27. Isa. 29.16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24. Rev. 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1 Cor. 1.18. Eph, 2. 1 Cor. 6.17. Heb. 2.10, 11. yet the secrets of God are with them that fear him, and he is pleased to reveal his counsell, and such things to babes, and those babes are born again contrary to the will of man. Ioh. 3.6, 7. Ioh. 3.10, 11, 12. Ioh. 1, 22, 23. and such as witnessed election and predestination, were such as were born again of water and the spirit (that the Scriptures speaketh of) and knew the mysteries opened in them, and to them, and saw what God fore knew to predestinate, and what to reprobate, learn to deny your selves, and obey the light, that you may be taught of God to know the same, and to know the two seeds (with­in) and learn to see and know, that except you be born a­gain you cannot enter into the kingdom of God, nor wit­nesse assurance of the eternall inheritance nor of election, therefore busie not your minds about those things, in your wills and fleshly natures, for from such and the serpents seed are they hid, praised be the Lord, Mat. 11, 15, 26, 27. But ye have a light to the which ye do well to take heed unto, to obey and follow the light of Christ within in your consciences, which checks and reproves you in secret, for sin and evill, and if you love and obey that light, it will teach you and guide you to the sword, to know the power to cut and bruise the serpents head (within you) and so through the crosse to witnesse a suffering with Christ, in the mystery through the ministery in the crosse, and so know a bearing about in your bodies the dying of the Lord dayly, that the light of Christ may through the crosse, by slaying the enmity, be manifested to your souls and in your mortall flesh. 2 Cor. 4.6, 7. to the 12. that through the obedience to the light within, and the eternall truth through the spirit, your souls may be purified. 1 Pet. 1.22.23. and the seed rai­sed up by the power of God, which Christ taketh upon him, and not the nature of Angells, and so to witnesse the birth and bearing up over the world, and through the quickenings and working of the divine power, to know your souls join­ed to the seed, and so to God, by being changed from glory to glory, into the pure holy image, by the spirit of the eternall God, to know election in the ground, and truths as they are in life and power thereof enjoyed, through the obedi­ence [Page 11]to him and his light guide, Mat. 25.28, 29, 30. Mat. 25.41, to the end. 2 Thes. 1.8, 9. and spirit, to witnesse the salt seal savoury discerning, and holy unction which teach­eth all things. 2 Cor. 3.17, 18. 1 Ioh. 2.20. and 27. O­therwise if you rebell and reject the counsell and teachings of the light, and gift which should teach and guide you to God the good giver and father of lights, for your rebellion and sloathfulnesse, God can take his gift and light from you for your negligence and disobedience, rebellion and wick­ednesse, as the talent was taken from the unprofitable servant, and after cast soul and body into hell, to be tormented for ever, and then woe and misery: therefore all now while you have time, prize it. Matth. 25. The fear of the Lord is to depart from iniquity, pride, arrogancy, and every froward way, and the manifestation of the spirit is given to profit withall. Pro. 8. 1 Cor. 12. Rom. 1.19. then such as wil­lingly and knowingly after conviction, do continue in pride and envy, self-love, covetousnesse, oppression, vain glory, and wrath, malitiousnesse, self-love, arrogancy, frowardnesse, and wickednesse, and do not deny themselves of those things, and depart out of the iniquity, but continues in their unrigh­teousnesse, making covers and excuses for sins, such as are re­bellious children who do reject the counsell of the light of God in their consciences, which doth convince them of sin, and checks and reproves them for the same, and though they make many prayers, and offer sacrifice in that nature which departeth out of the true fear, and so continue in their pride, arrogancy, frowardnesse, and wickednesse, God doth not accept of them nor their service, no more then he did of such in their nature, which he sent to cry against, and said his soul loathed their sacrifices and services that stood in that nature, and they were abomination to him as the prophet then said, and so say I from the Lord the same to all such, and Christ Jesus doth say such as be workers of iniquity, though great in profession and shew, yet he will disown them, and say he knoweth them not, as may be read. Pro. 6.16, 17. Isa. 1.10. to the l6. Isa. 3.11, 12, and so on, Matth. 7.20, 21, 22, 23.

Neverthelesse the foundation of God standeth sure, and hath this seal, the Lord-knoweth them that are his, and let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from ini­quity. [Page 12]2 Tim. 2.19. they must either depart from iniquity, or else depart from Christ, that continue in the work of ini­quity, then it is the duty of every one that doth professe the Gospel of truth, and the name of the Lord Jesus in the Go­spel ministration, to depart from iniquity, and obey the light and truth of the Gospel, that they may be accepted of God, and builded upon the foundation of the prophets and Apo­stles, Christ Jesus being the chief corner stone, in whom the building fitly framed, groweth into an holy temple in the Lord, and that such may also be sealed with that holy spirit of promise, Isa. 1.16, 17, 18, 19. Matth. 7.21. and 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Ephes. 2.18, 19, 20, 11. Ephes. 1.11, 12, 13.

And seeing it is so, then those that continue in pride, co­vetousnesse, envie, maliciousnesse, lying, swearing, drun­kenesse, vain talking, foolish jesting, pleasures, and wan­tonnesse, consening, cheating, deceiving, and dissembling, wantonness, usurpation, vain glory, oppression, earthly-mind­edness, scorn and dssdain, these and the like of that nature, under what cover and pretence soever, being practised, de­lighted, and walked in, and not denyed, loathed, cast off, and forsaken, and declared against, else such hath not yet learned their duty towards God, and doth not forsake ini­quity, but continue in it, and pride, lust, and excess, dissimu­lation, and hypocrisie, and such are not builded upon the foundation, as aforesaid, nor sealed, but are under the woes, the curse, and the wrath, profess what they will, and except they repent and amend by forsaking their sins, they are all like to perish. Isa. 5. Luk. 6. Isa. 30.1. Isa. 28.1, 2, 3. Rom. 2.5, 6. Tit. 1.16. Rom. 1.18, 19, 22. and 28, 29. ver. Rev. 21.8, 27. 2 Thes. 1.8, 9. Rev. 9.12.

What repentance is, and how to be known. &c.

Repentance is a forsaking the evil, and turning from dark­ness to the light, to obey and follow it, out of sin and un­godliness, into grace, purity, and holyness, for the grace of God which bringeth salvation, being obeyed through the goodness and walked in, it teacheth to deny ungodliness, and wo [...]ldly lusts, and to live righteously, soberly, and god­lily [Page 13]in this present evill world, and such are the fruits of re­pentance, by turning from darknesse unto light to obey grace, and walk in the light of the Lord, and in a holy and pure conversation which he calleth unto. Rom. 2.4, 6, 7, and 10. Act. 26.16, 17, 18. Tit. 2, 11, 12. Eph. 5. 1 Pet. 1.13, 14, 15, 16, 17. But such as are convinced o, sin and evill by the light, and doth not obey the light that comes from the Lord Jesus to forsake the evill, and come out of darknesse, sin and iniquity, errour and deceit, such are unprofitable, and in the works of darknesse, loving the evill, and haters of the light, and this is their condemnation that light is come, and they love darknesse rather then the light, because their deeds are evill. Joh. 3.19, 20.

Some grounds of truth laid down as followeth, and duties.

1. duty That Christ Jesus is the true light, which doth enlight­en every man that cometh into the world, & they that follow him the true light, are by it led out of darknesse, errour and deceit, into the light of eternall life. Joh. 1.5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Joh. 8.12.

2. Then it is the duty of all that professe the gospel of truth, and desireth the knowledge in the injoyment of eternall life, and to be redeemed out of darknesse, errour and deceit, to take heed of sinning against the light, or disobeying the same after conviction and manifestation, least they be lest in dark­nesse, errour and deceit, and through their sloathfulnesse, neg­ligence and disobedience to the light, and truth manifested, they be cast with the unprofitable servant into utter dark­nesse, where is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth Mat. 25.28, 29.30.

3. That Christ Jesus is the way to the Father, and to salva­tion, and able to save to the uttermost all those that deny themselves, follow the light, take up the daily crosse, and so come unto God by him, and the [...]e is no other name to be sa­ved by under heaven, nor no other way to the Father but by the Lord Jesus, according to the declaration or the Scrip­tures, & the working of the spirit of truth, which spirit accor­ding to gospel discipline, doctrine and promise, is the perfect guide into all truth. Ioh. 16.13. Act 10.42, 43. Act. 4.11.12.

[Page 14]That the Lord is the teacher of his people in the new co­venant, according to his promise, made by his servants the prophets, who prophesied before of the coming and suffe­rings of Christ, as it is written and witnessed. Ier. 31. to the 35. Isa. 54.13, 14. and Christ when he came, confirmed what the prophets had said concerning the same, saving, no man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day, it is writ­ten in the prophets, and they shall all be taught of God, eve­ry man therefore that hath heard and learned of the Father, cometh unto me. Ioh. 6.44, 45. Heb. 8.10, 11. Heb. 10.14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 1 Pet. 1.10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Exek. 11. to the 17.

4. That Christ Jesus the anointed of God, is the saints high Priest and teacher in the new covenant and royall priest­hood, and he is the end of the first covenant, and that priest­hood which took tythes and offered sacrifices both for their own sins and the sins of the people, but could never make the people perfect thereby, but Christ Jesus is the end of that priesthood and law, by which they were made priests, and by which tythes were commanded for their service to them to be paid. Heb. 3.1. Heb. 2.17. Heb. 8.6.7, 8, 9, 10, 11. and he who through the eternall spirit offered himself to God the Father, hath by his own bloud put an end to the Leviticall priesthood, and the law (by which they were or­dained or made Priests) and by which tythes were comman­ded for their service to them to be paid, and he who through the eternall spirit, offered himself to God, the Father hath changed the Priesthood and law, and ended both law and priesthood, by which Priests were then ordained, and by which to them for their se [...]vice therein. Numb. 18. Tythes under that priesthood were paid. Numb. 18.20, 21. so the priesthood and service therein being ended, tythes are there ended also, for the priesthood being changed, and that cove­nant taken away, there was made of necessity a change of the law also, so an end of tythes, with the Sacrifices burnt offerings, and the things there spoken of, and Christ Jesus is the everlasting offering and saints high Priest, and the medi­atour of the new covenant, the end of the old, and sum of all the things and substance of all types, shaddows & figures of [Page 15]him, and tythes being a thing in the covenant and priest­hood which Christ hath ended; therefore tythes by him are ended, and for proof to confirm the same, read at large the 7, 8, 9, 10 chapters to the Hebrewes.

Those that take tythes, &c. are not in the new covenant.

Then such as profess faith in Christ, and acknowledge the new covenant and gospel ministration therein, which is up­on better promises. Heb. 8, and 10 chap. and in him dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Col. 2.9. Such as this do profess, and either take tythes or pay tythes, are out of the substance and out of the new covenant, that do not deny up­holding what Christ Jesus hath shed his bloud for to put an end unto, that he might bring in a better hope, and to be made perfect, pure, and compleat in him the substance and fulness. Heb. 7.11, to the 20. Heb. 7.22, 23, to the end. Col 1.26, 27, 28. 1 Ioh. 3.3. Col. 2.9, 10. Eph. 4, 11, 12, 13. But such as profess themselves to be Christs mini­sters in the new covenant or gospel ministration, and takes tythes, or compells people to pay them tythes, such are ene­mies to the gospel of Christ, and dishonours the Lord Jesus by so doing, for such are upholders, and causeth others to uphold that which Christ Jesus hath shed his bloud to put an end unto, with that priesthood and service. Numb. 18, 1, 2, to the 8. In which priesthood, and for which service the tythes were paid. Numb. 18.20, 21. and the priesthood and service for which the priests had tythes, is ended and done away (to christians) by Christ; and Christs priesthood is not of Aarons tribe that took tythes, but of the tribe of Judah, that took no tythes, nor had no command for the same, so not Christs ministers, for it is evident that the first priest­hood and covenant is changed and ended, and that our Lord sprung out of Iudah. Heb. 7.11, 12, to the 18. which had no command to take tythes, but in him they with that first priesthood ended. Heb. 7.22, 23, to the end. Heb. 8.1, 2, 3, to the 11. Heb. 9.11, 12, to the 18, and Heb. 10.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. to the 21. then such as take tythes, upholds the first priesthood, which Christ hath ended, and such as do so deny Christ come in the flesh. 1 Ioh. 4.1, 2. to put an end to those things in the Scriptures concerning the first priest­hood [Page 16]before-mentioned, spoken of, and in their works are against him. Tit. 1.16. and so Antichristians, but the Priests of the world that takes tythes are such, so enemies to the cross of Christ. Philip. 3.18, 19. and enemies to the gospel of Christ, therefore Antichristian ministers, and not the ministers of Christ nor the gospel,

5. That Christ Jesus is the mediatour of the new covenant, and the end of the old, for he hath taken away the first, that he might establish the second upon better promises, without sacrifices and burnt offerings, so without tythes, and this Je­sus who is the mediatour of the new covenant and end of the old, he is perfect [...]y able to save to the uttermost (without tythes and burnt offerings, or mans inventions) all those that come unto God by him, and he is the authour of eternall sal­vation to all that obey him. Heb. 12.24. Heb. 7.22. Heb. 9.15. Heb. 10.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, to the 19. Heb. 5.8, 9.

6. That the true worship of God in the new covenant, of which Jesus is the mediatour, and the saints high priest in the royall priesthood. Heb. 3.1. 1 Pet. 2, 5, and 9. Is in the spirit and the truth, as he hath said. Ioh. 4.23, 24. and God is that spirit which we worship, and beholding with open face as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed, according to the working of his divine power after the good pleasure of his will, from glory to glory into the same pure image as by the spirit of the Lord. Philip. 3. to the 3 verse. 2 Corinth. 3.17, 18.

7. That the ministers of Christ and the new covenant, are made able ministers thereof, not by man. Gal. 1.1. but by the Lord. Gal. 1.11, 12, and 15, 16. and such were able ministers of the new covenant, not of the later, but of the spi­rit. 2 Cor. 3.6. And the ministry of Christ in the new co­venant, (or gospel ministration) is for the perfecting of the saints, to build them up into the unity of the faith, and to lead chem from faith to faith into the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, and to a perfect man in Christ Jesus, as is witnessed in the Scriptures, both by Christs own do­ctrine declared of, and the declaration of the doctrine of Christs Apostles and ministers. Mat. 5.4, 8. Phil. 3. [Page 17] Eph. 4.11, 12, 13. Rom. 1.16, 17. Heb. 6.1. Heb. 12.22, 23. Rev. 14.3, 4, 5. 1 Ioh. 5.11, 12, 13. 1 Cor. 2, 6, 7. 1 Ioh. 4.16, 17.

The false ministry and ministers.

Then those ministers that are made by the will of man, and such as are ministers of the letter, and not of the spirit, such are not taught of God, neither are they the ministers of Christ, nor his gospel, and such as have a form of godliness, and wants the power, are to be denied and turned away from, and that ministry which doth not lead up to perfecti­on, but keepeth people ever learning, and never able to come to that perfect measure of the knowledge of the Son of God, and the eternall truth, & to a perfect man in Christ Je­sus, is none of Christs ministry, but the ministry of the world, and of Antichrist, therefore not the ministry of Christ, nor the gospel, but such a ministry as that which is spoken of, that keeps people laden with sins, and led away with divers lusts, and saying (under it) they cannot be freed from their sins whilst they live, that is such a ministry as Christ hath not ordained in the new covenant, but is shut out, therefore that ministry is a contrary ministry to Christ and his Apostles in the new covenant, and to be holden accursed, also the mi­nisters thereof as it is required. 2 Tim. 3.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Gal. 1.8, 9.

Who the false prophets are, and how to be known, even by their fruits as Christ hath said. Mat. 5.15, and 20.

The false prophets, idoll shepheards, and blind watch­men were, (and are such) as bears and bore rule by their means, and such as sought, and doth seek for their gain from their quarter, greedy dumb dogs, that never had (nor never) have enough, but were and are such as sought and seeketh for the fleece, and then made, and now maketh a prey upon the people, and preached, and doth preach for hire, and then went, and doth now go in the way of Cain, who received and doth receive the wages of unrighteousness, Balaam like, and such the Lord was, and such the Lord is against, and sent and doth send to cry out against them, but the priests of the world are such, and hath such fruites whereby they may be [Page 18]known to be the false prophets, idol-shepheards, blinde watchmen, and greedy dumb dogs that are never satisfied, but either petitioning, or crying to the people, and crying out to the magistrates, to help them with one thing or ano­ther, and if they might but have their wills, they would shew forth their cruelty, doggednesse, persecution and tyranny, as many of them have already done, so they are out of the example of all the true prophets and true Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, therefore to be cryed out of and declared against, and the wo is unto them for their reward, as it was to such. Jer. 23. Isa. 3.11. Ezek. 34. Jer. 5.30 31. Isa. 56.10, 11. Mic. 3.5, and 11. 2 Pet. 2. Iud. 11.

The Resurrection of the just and unjust.

That there is a resurrection of the just and unjust, and the saints shall be raised up to be glorified, and enter into the e­ternall joy of their Lord, but the wicked to be terrified, and the just hath boldnesse in the day of judgement, 1 Ioh. 4.17. and are accepted, but the wicked, and all the nations that forget God, are to be turned into hell. Psal. 9.17. and thi­ther goes the disobedient and cursed to be tormented eter­nally, from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. 1 Cor. 15.12, 13, 14, 15, to the 30. Matth. 27.52, 53. Rev. 20.6. Matth. 25.41. to the end. Rev. 20.10, 11, 12. to the end. Rev. 21.8, 27. 2 Thes. 1.8, 9.

The Lord will plead with all flesh.

That the Lord will plead with all flesh, by his sword, and by fire. Isa. 66.15, 16. and the terrours of the Lord is to be known to all flesh, and upon all the wicked and un­godly. Mala. 4.1. Zeph. 1.14, 15. therefore happy are they that obey the light which comes from the Lord Jesus, which light doth convince them of, and reprove for sin and evill, that through their obedience to the light, they may be led out of darknesse, and know judgement, and vengeance to consume the wickednesse and seed of the serpent in them, [Page 19]and know the power of life to work in them, that through their obedience to the light and truth, they may have their souls purified, as such had who obeyed the truth through the spirit, and have. 1 Pet. 1.22, 23. and bodies washed with the water of the word, through the sanctification of the spi­rit. 1 Cor. 6.11. and so know their souls joined to the di­vine life through the eternall spirit. 1 Cor. 6.17. and through their obedience to the light, and ministry in the crosse. 1 Cor. 1 18. that they may give all diligence (here) to make their calling and election sure, that so an entrance may be ministred abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 1 Joh. 1.9. Ioh. 8.12. Heb. 5.9. 2 Pet. 1.10, 11.

There is no place to be purged in betwixt heaven and here, therefore plead not for sin, &c.

No unclean thing shall enter, nor the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. Gal. 5.19.20. and there shall not in any wise enter into it any thing that defileth, nor that which worketh abomination, or maketh a lye. Rev. 21.27. then such as continue in sin unseparated, and are not purified from it here, their case is dangerous, for the unclean shall not enter into Gods king­dom, and there is no place betwixt heaven and here to be purged in, and the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God, therefore be not deceived, for such as dies in their sins and unrighteousnesse, coming so to the judgement, then wo and misery is their portion eternally, take warning be­times, and read. Rev. 14.9, 10, 11. Rev. 20.10, 11, to the end. Rev. 22.11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Rev. 21, 8, 27.

The difference between the naturall and spirituall estate, and condition: and how the soul comes to enjoy fel­lowship with God, and partake the sweet gospel, grace, and virtue.

Men naturally knows not the things of the spirit of God, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor. 2.14. And [Page 20]in a state of unregeneration, they are dead in trespasses and sins. Eph. 2.1. but alive in the evill pride and vain glory, serving divers lusts and pleasures. Eph. 2.2, 3. so in deaths reign, and all their actings, in their wills in that nature turn'd from the light, is out of a selfish principle and in that self-seeking nature, thinking thereby to merit something by their own self-actings in that nature turned from the light, so set­ting up their self-actings and performances that stands in their wills, thinking to get life and peace (or salvation) thereby, but all that is seen with the light, to be out of the true ground, and not in the life of truth, which stands out of the light in the mans will, and with the light which calls the mind within, and crosseth the will in the ground, is all that with the light discovered, reproved, and with the light judg­ed and condemned, and peace comes into the soul, as the light is submitted to and obeyed, and so through the obedi­ence to the light, the will and will-worship is denied, and with the light is the heart searched, and the reigns tryed, and so the light b [...]ing submitted unto it, judgeth the selfish principle, and cuts down the fleshly wisdom, which light reproveth and judgeth the ground of the deceits with its fruits and effects, which light being obeyed, openeth the under­standing, and also shutteth out the pride and vain glory, and the light crosseth the ground of self and self-actings, and judgeth all that is acted in the mans will and fleshly wis­dom, which light being submitted unto and contained in, it worketh into a reformation, and changeth the heart, beget­teth a love to the truth, and a hatred against the deceit, which light guideth out of self unto the power of light, which through the workings of the eternall spirit, putteth out of self, and begets a pure will, and an earnest desire after the goodnesse, and so working into the sincerity, the desire is re­all towards the Lord, to seek after him in his own way, con­trary to the will of man, and according to the pure mind and will of God, which light being obeyed, loved, and yielded wholly unto, it leads out of corruptions into purity, out of nature into grace, to witnesse the regeneration, and be made partaker of the divine nature, being led by the light out of the corruptions and corrupt nature, as before, and so out of dark­nesse into the marvellous light, and worketh into the pati­ence [Page 21]and pure zeal, the light being loved and followed, it leadeth to the power which through the eternall spirit work­eth through the understanding into the endlesse love, and so joynes the soul to the divine power, through the obedience in the spirit; whereby it receives eternall joy and comfort in the Lord: who teacheth such, to deny self, self-love, self-joy, self-praise, vain glory, and self acting; and to act in the love and joy of the Lord, from the light and grace received (against and contrary to the corrupt will and fleshly wis­dome of naturall man) in the power of life and love, from and according to the grace received, so to act from life in the quickenings and strength of the Lord, according to the working of his divine power, and the assurance of the fa­thers love, in the measure, according to the working of his divine power, and the enjoyment in that measure and mani­festation; so growing in the life of the eternall truth, and so perfecting holinesse in the fear of the Lord, and salvation by degrees, in obedience to the truth through the spirit; and there is the true understanding of it according to measure and manifestation: and the true knowledge of the degrees and passages in the inward man; working up also to the sence of the outward, or the creature man; through the Crosse by which the enmity is slain, and the enjoyment of the divine love known, and so the naturall members of the mans body is washed with the water of sanctification, and bodies clean­sed from corruptions, whereby the members are made instru­ments of righteousnesse unto holinesse, and bodies and souls offered up to the Lord as a reasonable sacrifice, to do him service, being bought with a price and redeemed to puri­ty again, through the working of the divine power into the enjoyment of the riches of the love of God, whereby there is a growing from grace to grace, from faith to faith, from glory to glory, into the eternall unity, and so into the fellowship with the father and the son; and to, be parta­kers of that sweet grace and vertue. Joh. 14.20. Joh. 17.9. Rom. 1.16.17. 1 Cor. 6.11. Rom. 6.11, 12, 13. Rom. 6.18.19, 20, 21, 22. Rom. 12. 1 Joh. 1.2.3. 1 Joh. 5.20. 2 Cor. 3.17.18. 2 Pet. 1.3. 1 Joh. 4.16.17.

Those that fellow Christ must take up a daily Crosse, and follow him through the sufferings.

All who follow Christ must follow him through the suf­ferings, for such as will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution 2 Timothy then they that are per­secutors are none of Christs followers, take notice of that, but such are the Priests of the world, and many of their members or hearers, therefore they are none of Christs fol­lowers: they that are such may read themselves in Isaiah the 59. and 2 Timo. 3.1.2, 3. to the 10. and likewise in the 13. verse. and Isa. 1. but thus faith the Lord to such; when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you, yea when ye make many prayers I will not hear: your hands are full of bloud; Isa. 1.15. and wo to you that are persecutors, and to the wicked, it shall go ill with you, Isa. 3.11. but blessed are they that are persecuted, and suffers for righteousnesse sake, their reward is great in heaven, read Math. 5.10, 11, 12. and Luk. 6.22.23. And as Christ hath suffered in the flesh, arm your selves likewise with the same mind, for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh the lusts of men but to the will of God, 1 Pet. 4.1.2, &c. And if ye be reproached for the name of Christ happy are ye, the spirit of grace and glory rests upon you: 1 Pet. 4.13.14. And all who followeth Christ must take up the daily crosse; and such as loves any thing more then Christ, he is not worthy of him: and saith Christ he that will be my disciple must deny himself, and take up his crosse dai­ly, and follow me, Luke 9.23.24. to the 28. Math. 10.37, 38, 39. No crown without the crosse.

The Crosse in the Mistery, and what it cuts down and raiseth up, as it is taken up daily &c.

The Crosse in the mistery, Colos. is known to such as obey the light which comes from the Lord Jesus Christ, which light doth convince of sin, and unbelief, self-love, self-righteousnesse, pride and vain glory, and all ini­quity, [Page 23]and reproves in the conscience for such, which light sheweth the lusts and evil of the heart, and the light is with­in that doth so; which light manifesteth corruptions, and the naturall estate: which light checks and reproves for sin and evil, and being obeyed, teacheth to forsake sin and the pride of the flesh, and all evil desires, lusts and devices of mischief, the light where it is obeyed crosseth them and judgeth them within, in the ground from whence they do a­rise; Which light that so convinceth of evil, and where it is submitted unto, crosseth the ground of enmity, and judgeth deceit in its appearance within; the same light moveth upon the conscience, and worketh men into the knowledge of sin: And such as encline to the light may know it calling them daily to come to repentance; which light being attended up­on perswadeth mans heart to turn from the evil to the good, & in perswading his heart, perswades him (to wit the creature man) against sin; and to turn from the iniquitie, and he joyning to the light: his lusts, naturall corruptions, and incli­nations to the evil, is thereby (to wit by the light) not onely discovered, but also crossed, judged and condemned. So the creature man obeying the light, and serving the good, he forsakes the evil and becomes a servant of righteousnesse, yielding up his members to the light, as instruments of righ­teousnesse unto that which is holy, that he may serve in the new life, and so witnesse the change and the new creature, as it is written Rom. 6.11.12. and the 17.18. to the 23 verse. 2 Cor. 5.17.

Which light as aforesaid, within in the conscience that re­proves for sin being obeyed, and upon the discovery and ma­nifestation to the view of the understanding, submitted whol­ly unto, it crosseth and crucifieth lusts and all evil of what sort soever, as it doth arise: so condemning sin in the flesh, and also quickens the soul, so easing it and redeeming it ac­cording to the working of the divine power, and thereby freeing the soul from the bondage of corruptions wherein it was held; which corruptions are purged out of the soul by the ministry in the crosse: 1 Cor. 1.18. throng the obedi­ence to the light and truth in the spirit, 1 Pet. 1.22.23. 1 Pet. 2.9.10. and so the soul is through the obedience to the light, and by the operation of the divine power raised up [Page 24]from under the bondage wherein it had been held, into a spi­rituall enjoyment of the fathers eternall love; and wrought through the obedience to the light and truth in the spirit, into the new life and spirituall worship, Rom. Ioh. 4.23.24. Rev. 22.17. Philip. 3.3. whereby the heart through the obedience to the light and the eternall spirit, is circumcised, the body of sin put off, and the soul baptized in­to the endlesse love: so into Christ the fulnesse: whereby it putteth him on, and so stands compleat in him the fulnesse; and being baptized by one spirit into unity in that one spi­rituall body, so into the new covenant entered, sealed, and confirmed, and there the soul sits under the vine receiving of the vertue from the fulnesse; and drinketh in that one spirit, where there is one covenant, one body, one bread of life, one spirituall reck for souls to be refreshed at, and in, one faith, one Lord, one baptisme (which is not carnall but spi­rituall) and so there is no confidence in the flesh, nor flesh­ly worships, but a rejoycing in Christ Jesus, and being of the spirituall seed, in the spirituall worship and covenant. There is a glorying in the Lord the justifier, and in the spi­rituall circumcision, baptisme, breaking of bread and prayer; and the glory communion and fellowship into the covenant and doctrine, is known by the preaching of the crosse, and the ministry of the spirit; through the crosse, which crucifieth the worlds nature, and the creature to the world, and there my glorying is where the old things are passed away, and the new things enjoyed, for if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, and behold, all things are become new; as it is written and know with such as en­joy the same. 2 Cor. 5.16.17. Rev. 21. and Colos. 2.9.10. Galat. 3.27.28. 1 Cor. Eph. Ioh. 1 Ioh. 5.20. 1. Cor.

Shaking, Quaking and trembling is no new thing, which is despised in this generation, but witnessed in the Scriptures amongst the people of God, then as the Scriptures declareth, &c.

And though the serpents seed do revile the people of God by names of reproch, yet thus saith the Lord, Hearken unto [Page 25]me ye that know righteousnesse, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproaches of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings, for the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool; but my righteousnesse shall be for ever, and my salvation from gene­ration to generation; read Isa. 51.7.8. And though we be reproached and called by the name of Quakers reproach­fully, yet the power we witnesse and the salvation: which power in other generations was witnessed amongst the people of God, that witnessed both shaking, trembling and quaking, according to the declaration left for a witnesse upon record in the scriptures. For Moses the servant of the Lord did exceedingly fear and quake, as for proof you may read Hebr. 12.21. and Act. 7.22. and it Moses had been here now and witnessed such a condition of quaking, the Priests and people of England many of them would have been ready to have reproached Moses and have called him a Quake, as they do reproach the people of God under the name of Quakers.

Secondly, Davids flesh trembled, Psalm 119.120. and he roared by reason of the disquietnesse of his heart, Psal. 38.8. Psal. 22.1.

Thirdly, Job saith that trembling took hold on his flesh, Job 21.5.6. And at this saith he, my heart trembleth, and is removed out of its place, Job 37.1.

Fourthly, The Lord sent Isaiah to the people to speak his word, saying, Hear the word of the Lord all ye that tremble at his word, Isaiah 66.5. and Isaiah and those trembling people, and such as the Lord had given him, were for signes and wonders in Israel; Isa. 8.16.17, 18.

And if any witnesse a trembling condition now, as such did then, they are reproached and hated, and are for signes and wonders in England, and (by them reproachfully and scornfully called Quakers.

And if Iob, David, and the people with Isaiah, Math. Luke 6.22.23. 1 Pet. 4.13.14. had been here now, and witnessed such conditions of shaking and trembling, the people in this generation and the Priests, might have had as good ground to have called such Quakers, as they have to call the people of God Quakers now, who witnesse the law of God written in their hearts, and the pow­er [Page 26]that worketh salvation, but such as so reproach and revile the people of God by the name of Quakers, are ignorant of the life of the Scripture, and the power which worketh out salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2.11, 12, 13.

5. Habakkuck the Prophet of the Lord, his belly shook, and his lips quivered. Hab. 3.16.

6. Ieremiah his heart within him was broken, and his bones did shake. Ier. 23.9. and see what he saith. Ier. 5.22. and Ier. 30.56.

7. The word of the Lord came to Ezek'ell the prophet, say­ing, son of man eat thy bread with quaking. Ezek'ell, 12.18.

Daniel he trembled, and the men that was with him, a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide them­selves. Dan 10.8, 11.

If Habakkuck, the Prophet of the Lord had been here now, and his belly had shook, and his lips quivered, as he saith they did, and had Ieremiah the Prophet of the Lord been here now, and his bones had shook, and he have been like a drunken man, and had Ezekiell, Daniel, and the men that were with him been here now, and done so, trembled and quaked, (as the Scripture witnesseth of them. Ier. 23.9. Ier. 5.22. Ier. 30.5, 6. Hab. 3.16. Ezek. 12, 18. Dan. 10.8, 9, 10, 11.) the Priests of England and their people would have been ready to have said these men had been deluded or mad, and have been ready to have reviled them, and to have called them Quakers.

Yet they can take such mens words to professe, and trade withall for mony, but despise their conditions, and magnify themselves against the people of God, that witnesseth their conditions, and that power which they did, and such are now by the Priests of England and their people reproachfully cal­led Quakers, but you that reproach the people of God, and magnify your selves against them, read what the Lord will do to you, Mat. 5.10, 11, 12. Luk. 6.22, 23. 1 Pet. 4 13.14. and such like as is spoken of in the prophesie of Zeph. 2.9, 10, 11.

And though we be reviled and reproached by the name of Quakers, yet we can gladly rejoyce that we are counted wor­thy to suffer reproach for the name of Christ, & to us reproaches [Page 27]are great riches for Christs sake, as they was to the holy men of God, and to Moses who did exceedingly fear and quake. Heb. 11.25, 26. Heb. 12.21.

The ground and manner of the meeting.

The meeting at Chadwitch in Worcestershire, on the 21 day of the 12 month, between the 2 men by the world scorn­fully called Quakers, and the 2 Priests, to wit one Priest Osland Pastor to an independent company as they say at Bewdley, and one Andrew Trusterom Priest at Clent.

To the 2 Priests that were at the meeting and others of their party the day aforesaid, some passages laid before them to look on and take into consideration, and the manner and ground of our meeting in brief as followeth.

The meeting at Chadwitch in Worcestershire the day a­foresaid, we) whom the world scornfully called Quakers) had appointed that day set apart to meet with the people there abouts, that used there to meet with others that might come into us that day, not knowing any thing of your being there, till we came at the place, where the meeting was ap­pointed, and when we came at the meeting house, we found you 2 Priests got peaking up Pharisee like, and had been la­bouring to incense the people against us, crying our against false prophets and seducers, and p oved to be those same your selves, whom some of the people had opposed before we came, & so finding you peark'c above them and jangling with them, (out of the envy and pride of your hearts) be­fore we came, so seeing that I pressed in amongst the people to get in to stand before your faces, as I was constrained, and moved, and with much pressing (the throng was so great) I pressed through the throng, until I came and stood before you the 2 Priests, whereupon you made a speech, that all the people would be silent, but I, that you and I might speak together, &c.

But I was not free in my spirit to have the spirits of others tyed up by my promise, therefore I opened my mouth to speak as I were guided by the spirit of my Father, Mat. 10, 20. and said unto you also, that the room was very throng so for the truthes sake, and for the good of the people there [Page 28]gathered together, and for conveniences sake also, it would be better to go forth of the doors upon the green hill, that all people might hear, and be kept cool, but that you refused, and then would not but said, if that I would ask you a question you would answer me, or if I would you would ask me a question and I would answer you, or if you not be interrup­ted you would speak, or to the effects, or if I would speak, you would hear me, &c.

Whereupon, to that I told you again, I had appointed that meeting with the people, and had something from the Lord to declare to that people there gathe­red together, so be silent till I have done, or declared what from the Lord I have here this day to declare to this peo­ple, and then if you would have me to ask you a question, that I shall do afterwards, if God permits, whereupon to that yon (2 Priests) granted and sat down, so by your pro­mise you were bound to hear me, and be silent till I had done, as aforesaid, if you had regarded your word, and also after that you were bound accordingly, from your own pro­position and by your promise to answer my question, which was to propound unto you.

So after that silent, I stood a while, and a woman bad me to speak and speak up aloud, but I to her answered and said, woman, I am not to be commanded by thee, but by the Lord, and as he pleaseth, so I shall speak, whose power I am sub­ject unto, and to be ordered by & also disposed of according to the good pleasure of his divine will, in whose counsell I now do stand.

Then after that, according to the good pleasure of the Lord, who had ordered and did order to his praise, and ac­cording to the assistance of his holy spirit, and the working of his divine power, I did declare the truth of God, as it were witnessed, to the witnesse of God in all consciences, that were present and heard, and shall be witnessed before the judgement seat of Christ, for my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of mans wisdom, but in demon­stration of the spirit, and of power, &c. 1 Cor. 2.3, 4. Rom. 2.16.

And blessed are they who continue with patience in the well doing. 2 Cor. 6. Rom. 2.7. that obey and follow the light, and [Page 29]counsell of the word of truth, answered within by the light of Christ in their consciences, through the mystery of godlinesse. Col. 1.27, 28. But such as are contentious and disobey the truth to obey unrighteousnesse, their portion will be grie­vous woe and misery: 2 Thes. 1.6.7, 8, 9. 2 Thes. then indigna­tion and wrath, tribulation and anguish, Rom. 2.8.9. whether Priest or people. But though the truth was that day declared in much power, and many (of your party) at the first, and others were pricked at the heart, and were much tendered and convinced, and many did secretly (and some openly confesse to the truth) and your selves confessed to that which you said I held forth concerning mortification of sin, and the resurrection, and other truths: till your practises were touched, and the worlds churches, tythes, preaching for hire▪ bearing rule by their means, seeking for their gain from their quarter, and such like things were declared against: at which you (the Priests) startled, who before were convinced of the truth declared, and had sighed, sobbed, and groned in your spirits very often; as many can witnesse: and as that in your consciences which is my witnesse for Gods truth de­clared, and answer (against your deceits) doth know.

Yet when you saw that the truth did prevail upon the spi­rits of many, and that you must either yield up to it and take your shame, or else to stand up contrary to that in your con­sciences to oppose it, and resist it, as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, 2 Tim. 3.8.9. and sought to harden the peoples hearts a­gainst him, lest they should have believed and obeyed the truth: so after I had spoken about an hour and a half or two houres, you sought to resist the truth, though clear truths ac­cording to scripture, as that in your consciences (and others of the servants of God) can witnesse, and you laboured much to have got me and the truth silent; and broke your own engagement by promise. But what are the words of Priests, but words of false-hearted self seeking and deceitfull men, as you and others do know: yet truth prevailed, and would not be silent: for flesh and deceit truce-breakers like your selves and such spoken of, in 2 Tim. 3 chap. That did not regard your own word and promise that time: you broke your own order (and word bond) or the present engage­ment, whereupon I told you the summe and commanded [Page 30]your silence for your words sake, and still spoke to the people (this is not self justication; but a witnessing to the truth against the deceits and deceivers,) and to clear it from lies and danders; and though you (the Priests) did so seek to resist the truth, contrary to that in your consciences, and so stirred up envy in the harts (of some of the ignorant people) against the truth of God, and the messenger of God, &c. yet the cause I commit to the Lord, who will car­ry it on against gainsayers and opposers, like you and such in your nature; and will also case himself of his enemies, and be avenged of his adversaries. Isa. 1.24. And the Lord will avenge himself of you? except ye repent, and acknowledge your fault, and to the people declare against your errour, own your condemnation thereupon, and take shame to your selves. And to this the light in your consciences is my wit­nesse, and answer the judgements upon you it wils to be just; and if you do not repent and give over deceiving the people, and cease your opposition against the truth, or else eternall vengeance you cannot escape: be silent all flesh, the light is my answer and witnesse, beyond and against your wills: Happy are you if you obey it in all things, but wo to you if you disobey it and act contrary to it. Now you have time prize it, remember D [...]ves end; and also take warning and re­member that in your life time you have been warned; as to you I said by the spirit of the Lord.

And when you (Priests) could not have your wills as you would, who had before in part, bound up your selves by your word and promise, but broke your bonds; whereupon I told you the same, and I was bound to clear my conscience be­fore you and the people, to lay open your deceits; and for the truths sake, because that yon (and others also of the Priests your brethren) had so much cried out against false prophets, and the like. I said towards the latter end of my speech, declared by the spirit of the Lord to the people that day at Chadwitch in Worcestershire as aforesaid: That you (the two priests) was bound by your word to hear me what I had to say, and after that to answer my question also: whereupon keeping you chained or tied up by your own word, then I proceeded, and went on to lay open before you and the people who the false prophets were, and how they [Page 31]might be known even by their fruits as Christ hath said, Matth. 7.15.16. and 20.

So by your fruits are you known, and all such, as the true Prophets of the Lord was sent to cry out against, as than I laid open by description and fruits: also proving the same by scripture, which now I shall not much mention because I laid you and such so open before your faces; and such like as speaks a divination of their own brain, stealing the true prophets and true Apostles words to trade with all for money and selfends; (which they spake forth freely as they were moved of the holy Ghost, and as the spirit gave them utter­ance, 2 Pet. Act. 24.) therefore such as steals their words to trade withall for money, are the thieves and false prophets spoken of in Jer. 23. but the Priests of the world are such, therefore thieves and false prophets as by their fruits they are known, and such as bear rule by their meanes, & seeks the fleece and makes a prey upon the people, and seeks fort heir gain from their quarter, Jer. 23. 23. Mic. 3.5.11. Isa. 56.10.11. 2 Pet. 2. such priests as preach for hire, like those that the true prophets were sent to crie against, such are the priests of the world, therefore false prophets, and to be cried against as such was; Jer. 5.30.31. Ezek. 34. And such proud, covetous, selt-seeking men, as agrees with a people beforehand, to pay them 20.30 or 300 pound per annum; faying they are ministers of Christ, sudh doth speak falsely and are lying false prophets never sent of the Lord, they cannot find their example in scripture, neither amongst the true Prophets nor true Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, Micah 3.5.11. but such are a­mongst the hirelings, and such as are greedy dumb dogs ne­ver satisfied, Isaiaeh. 56.10.11. but seeking for their gain from their quarter, and making a prey upon the people. Ezek. and amongst such (or under Tythmon­gers) tytheing Priests as thou Andrew Trusterom art, (and saidst thou wouldst prove it to be lawful, but did not, and the other would not meddle about tythes, so I bad him then cry them down.)

For thou, and such as takes tythes, professing your selves gospel ministers, (are lyers and deceivers as I told thee) and have not one example for so doing, amongst all the gospel ministers (nor Judahs tribe, which you can prove by plain [Page 32]scripture) to take tythes by command. Oh, shame, Andrew Trusterom, and all tything priests like thee, you dishonour the gospel, and are out of the gospel way and order: be a­shamed, and blush, and all hirelings, and also tything priests like thee, you that take tythes do not the work nor service that such did as bad the tythes, a peculiar gift for their service onely, during the legall ministration. You tything priests what are you Aaronitall and Leviticall, or Pharisaicall and hypocriticall; where are you, and where is your holy gar­ments, water of purification, your altars, fire and incence and burnt-offerings, and sacrifices: where is your circumcision, and where is all the service required under the Aaronitall and Leviticall priesthood, done and performed by you? Tithing Priests, that was done by Aaron and Levi, who had the tythes, a peculiar gift onely for their service under that priest­hood, Numb. 18.1.2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7. and Numb. 18.20.21. And you tything priests by the same Law are to do all the service required, as well as take tythes: else you are dissemblers with God and man, taking tythes and leaving the work undone, and there never was any gospel allow­ance, stop your mouthes. But seeing you do take tythes, where is vour store house, to put the tythes in, Malac. 3. Let that be known, and where it is: that the gates may be set open in every place of the nation, that the poor, the wi­dows, fatherlesse and strangers, may come thither to be fil­led and satisfied; (that is, to have out of them food and rai­ment) (that there may not be a beggar in England, but be relieved and satisfied, and have food and raiment out of the tythes:) as there was not to be a beggar in Israel but to be relieved, filled, and satisfied out of the tythes: as may be read, Deuir.

But do you not you tything priests in England, take tythe of the poor, the widows, fatherlesse, and a so strangers: if servants come and be shangers in a place, or sojourners do­ing service from one year to another, some of you take tythe out of their earnings or wages; here you manifest your cru­elty that so do, and are even binding, and have bound heavy burdens upon the poor: but woe is your portion that do so. Math. 23. Never such gospel ministers was known, that e­ver the scripture maketh mention of; but you are those [Page 33]thieves and robbers that Christ speaks of, which never came in by the door, as it is written Ioh. 10. chap. And you are robbers of the poor, and do not what the law requires of you, that commanded tythes to be paid to the Leviticall Priest­hood: but you are so farre from the gospel order, that you are transgressours of the law; & instead of keeping it, you break it, and take tythes contrary to the law of God in the first cove­nant, & priesthood; & take tythes contrary to the law in that covenant: for the poor the widows, the fatherlesse & strangers instead of paving tythes under the law, was to be filled & sa­t [...]sfied out of the tythes according to the law. Deut. but you that are tything priests in England, take tythes of the poor, and many widows, and fatherlesse, and strange [...]s, for in many places the priests tythe servants wages, taking a farthing at shilling, and as their errour is. Oh, wicked sedu­cers, deluders and deceivers! but woe to the wicked and to Gods adversaries for it shall go ill with them. Isaiah 3.11, Isaiah 1.24.

And you hold up that which Christ came to put an end to, who hath fulfilled that law and covenant, by which that, the first priesthood was ordained, and by which tythes were commanded to them to be paid; and the priesthood be­ing changed, so he changed the law by which the priests were made, and tythes paid: so an end of the priesthood that received tythes by a law, therefore an end of tythes the reward for your service; and Christ is the summe and sub­stance of all the things there spoken of, who is of the tribe of Iudah, that took no tithes; neither did he take any, nor his masters of the new covenant under the gospel; therefore stop your mouthes a bout your tythes, and also take shame to your selves, restore to whom you have wronged, by taking tythes, professing your selves ministers of the gospel; and restore four fold as Zaccheus who had been an oppressour, upon his conversion did; and also read Hebrews 7.8.9. and 10. chapters.

So in brief, I leave that, and come on to let you know by bringing things back to your remembrance, &c. That when your deceits (and the deceits of the priests of Eng­land) were declared against that day, and laid open to your understandings, and in your presence that it even cut [Page 34]you to the heart, who had so often that day sighed and groa­ned to the hearing of others, and then thou Andrew Tru­sterom Priest of Clent, went out of the room, being accused in thy conscience, and pricked with it, but that which did accuse thee doth accuse thee, and will be a swift witnesse a­gainst thee, thou cannot flee it, to the grave and the pit it will follow to witnesse a gainst thee, and upon thee; answer it will the judgements of God to be just, if it thou hate and still disobey, therefore be advised I warn thee, and give over deceiving the people for their own ends.

But to come on, having left thee without excuse as well as the rest, this is to bring to remembrance, and let thee and the rest know, that when thou was fled and going out of the room when the meeting was, I then ceased, declaring to take away slanders and prejudices, and otherwise might have been raised, and I turned me about towards the other Priest Osland Pastor to the independent company at Bewdley so called) that be might have some time to answer my questi­on, and object what he or others had to object, that truth might be cleared, and according to my promise, I propoun­ded to him a question after I had ended my speech to the people, and therein had laid open your deceits, and the de­ceits of the priests of the world to the people, which questi­on was this.

The beginning of the dispute.

What death it was that had reigned over those that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression, and what it was in mankind that such a death had reigned over, how he could witnesse in the inward ministrations, through deaths reign, through Moses or the judgements, and through the prophecyings to John in the wildernesse, and how in his burnings and shineings to the least in the kingdom, what the soul and spirit of man was, and how to be known asun­der, because the word of the Lord divideth asunder betwixt the soul and spirit, as it is written. Heb. 4.12.

But to this question, I received but only a shuffle in stead of an answer, and be said call in my brother, which was priest Trusterom, and thou coming in, seemed as though thou would answer it, but yet it is from you without its an­swer,

[Page 35]Then it followes, that you either could not answer the question propounded, and so acknowledged the same by your fleeing from it, and leaving it without its full answer, or else that you would not answer it, and so to further ma­nifested your lies & lying spirit, saying you would answer it, and did not, but left it, and yet it remains without its true and full answer, to manifest your lying false spirits, and hereby know we the spirit of truth, and your spirit of errour asunder, and that it is the last time, as John faith; Little children, it is the last time, and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time, Ioh. 4.1, to the 7. 1 Ioh. 2.18. and that you are of the Antichristian ministry and the Antichristian ministers.

Then you had a speech seeingly to justify, guard, or defend your pulpits of wood, but fled from the guard and left them for another to defend, your great plea or defence for your pulpit of wood was that Ezra had one, but you was to prove that any of the ministers of the gospel had one, and said you wou'd but did not, so further manifested your lies and Antichristian doct [...]ine, for lyars are Antichristian, and of old Antichrist their father. Ioh. 8.44. when you was put to read that place of Ezra's pulpit, spoken of in Nehem. Nehem. 8.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 8. it was proved that his pulpit was not in a steeple-house, but in the street, before the street called the water gate, and yours is in steep;e-houses, and not in streets, therefore not as Ezra's was. And secondly, Ezra's pulpit of wood was but only for the reading of the Law book from morne till mid-day, but yours is constant and in idols temples? not for the reading of the Law only, but for the preaching of the gospel, as you say, therefore Ezra's pulpit guards not yours, he was a priest under the Law in the first covenant and priesthood, and the Law is changed by which Ezra was or­dained priest, and legall preacher in his wooden pulpit, in the street that was before the water gate, and the Law and priesthood being changed and ended, so Ezra's pulpit, and you could not prove yours, by or from the example of any gospel ministers, but left it and would not plead for it so lost its guard, proved your selves lyars and unskilfull souldi­ers, or pulpit leaders and commanders, and let your pulpit be [Page 36]routed and disguarded, therefore to be guardlesse and now disregarded, not to be pleaded for, but to be proclaimed a­gainst, then we bad you own your condemnation, also upon that your errour, so you left that, and went on to another thing, even to prove your mastership.

Which ching you could not prove by gospel rule, and ex­ample of gospel ministers, but Scribes, Pharisees, and hypo­crites which Christ cryed wo against, and by command, said to his gospel ministers, be not ye called of men masters, for one is your master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren he that will be greatest let him be your servant, and they o­beyed his doct [...]ine given forth to them by command. Mat. 23.8, 10, 11.

And there was neither Master Peter, nor Master Stephen, nor Master Philip, nor Master Andrew, nor Master Barnabas, nor Master Paul, but he said he became servant to all, as may be read. 1 Cor. 9.18, 19.

Then such as disobeys Christs command, professing to be his ministers, Mark. and are called masters, abideth not in his do­ctrine, and so hath not God. 2 Ioh. 9. but are Antichristi­an, and the priests of the world are such, therefore Antichri­stian ministers, so one of you to wit priest Osland, would not plead for it, but said if men would call him so, he could not help it, or to that effect: he presently answered the thing and said, it was God that wrought both the will and the deed of his own good pleasure, so the first act of grace is of God, and then from him, so from grace received, and we bad him disclaim it, and declare against it, therefore you left that, and lost it, so your mastership is routed with your pulpit, and now Antichrists kingdom begins to fall and tumble down, praised be the Lord.

And when we bad you to acknowledge your errour, own your condemnation thereupon, and take shame to your selves, who like the Gentiles had exercised Lordship, and authority in your proud nature, (and such like) over others contrary to Christs counsell, commands, and gospel disci­pline and doctrine, Mat. 23 8.10. Mar. 10.42, 43, 44. But wo is to such. Mat. 23. ch. Mar. 12.38, 39, 40. as the Scripture and as Christ hath said, and the wo is to you that walk in such steps as those that Christ cryed wo against, at [Page 37]to you I said, then you fret, and were vexed, and said, I had had taught false doctrine, which then you said you would charge me withall, but could not prove it, which false do­ctrine you said was this, that I said men might not act for life, but from life or grace received, and sought to cover your selves with this, (saying you will not come unto me, that you might have life) and so said there might be acting for life, and then Andrew Trusterom Priest of Clent, to confute his saying, and answer himself to the accusation laid against me, therefore according to Andrew Trusteroms saying, that God wrought, both the will and the deed according to his own good pleasure, if he had seen that it was instead of confuting or contradicting my doctrine, a more confirmati­on of the same, and confuting himself to his shame, for God working both the will and the deed according to his own good pleasure, then he is the first mover and actor of grace and life in the soul, therefore the first motion to goodnesse, and the first act of grace is of God, working the soul into the obedience, and the creature to the performance of the same, so that he acts not for life and grace, but he is acted by the divine power according to the good pleasure of the Lord, and so acts of love, and performance of the same, is from life, through the quickenings to motion, and from grace and strength received, to proceed into action, and so grace and peace is multiplyed unto us, through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godlinesse, through the knowledge of him who hath called us to glory and virtue. 2 Pet. 1.2, 3. Ioh. 6.44, 45. 2 Corinth. 3.5, 6.

2. You (the Priests) said the light was not sufficient of it self without some other helps, to lead into all truth, &c.

I answered and said, that the light being obeyed with and through the spirit, was, and is sufficient to lead into all truth and to salvation, for Christ is the true light, that lighteth e­very man that cometh into the world, as Iohn and his record doth witnesse of him, who was sent so to do, and testifieth the same in the record that God gave of his Son which is true, and no ly. Ioh. 1.5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

And every man being lighted with this light, Christ Jesus [Page 38]he hath said, that such as obey the light, and follow the same, they shall not walk in darknesse, but shall have the light of life. Ioh. 8.12. and he spake true, and could not ly that so said, who is the light, and the authour of eternall salvation to all that obey him. Heb. 5.8, 9.

And his spirit is the guide to such as follow the light and obey it, from whence it comes, to lead them into all truth, as the Scriptures witnesseth, that bears record of Christ, and as he himself hath said, who is to be trusted and believed in, read Ioh. 14.26. Ioh. 16.13. which spirit speaketh with­in, and sheweth things to come, so teaching saints, and glo­rifieth the Son, and bringeth souls into the perfect know­ledge or enjoyment of the Father and the Son, Ioh. 14.20. in the holy unction. Iob. 2.29, and 27. which teacheth all things, to such as the light and spirit obey, and walks in, as it is written, and witnessed by such as knoweth and knew the holy unction in them, and the word abiding within them. 1 Ioh. 2.13, 14. and the heavenly treasure within 2. Cor. 4.6, 7. and we know that such as are guided by the spirit of God, are the sons of God. Rom. 8.14. 1 Ioh. 3.1. and God hath sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, whereby we cry Abba Father. Gal. 4.6. and we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ, this is true God and life eternall. 1 Ioh. 5.20.

And we preach not our selves but Christ Jesus the true light, and our Lord, for God who commanded the light to shine out of darknesse. hath shined (within) in our hearts, to give us the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus, and this treasure have we (within us as they had) in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us, and the message that we have to declare is this, that God is light, and in him is no darknesse at all, and Christ is the true light that lighteth every one that co­meth into the world, they that follow him, shall not walk in darknesse, but shall have the light of life, and he is the au­thour of eternall salvation to all that obey him, which is witnessed through the opening of the mystery within. Col. 1.27. and by obedience to the light in the eternall power of [Page 39]truth through the spirit, as it is written and witnessed, and according to the outward declaration of the Scripture, but enjoyed according to the inward manifestation of the spirit (the gift of God) which is given to profit withall in the spirits ministration and mystery, 2 Cor 12. to know the fellowship with Christ in the glory. 2 Cor. 4.6, 7. Ioh. 1.9. Ioh. 8.12. Heb. 5.9. 1 Ioh. 1.5. 2 Cor. 3.17, 18. Rom. 8.14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Gal. 4.6. 2 Thes. 1.10. Ioh. 17.10.

Then remember that you (the 2 Priests) would go out of the room towards the latter end of the day, it was so hot and throng (though you would not go before) so we went into plain upon a green hill, and most of the people stood below in the valley, and thou Andrew Trusterom Priest of Clent, and I stood together on the hill, where I begun to lay open the things as aforesaid concerning the light and Spirit, be­ing sufficient according to the working of the divine power of the Lord, and the good pleasure of his will, through theo­bedience to the light, & teachings of the spirit of grace, to lead to salvation and unto all truth, whereupon thou said that was granted, before we came out of the room: so for the better satisfaction of the people I would have laid it open to the people there, but thou yielded up to that truth, only I was to return to the people on proof concerning that the Scriptures fore saw that God would justify the heathen through faith, preach the gospel unto Abraham, saying, in thee shall all nations be blessed which Scripture is this. Gal. 3.8. which is witnessed in Christ. Gal. 3.18, 29. and according to the Scriptures, the declaration (of him and the word) Luk 1.1. Act. 1.1 Ioh. 1.3. the word is God, and eternall life. Ioh. 1.1. 1 Pet. 1.23. 1 Ioh. 5.6, 7, 11, 20. Heb. 4.12. Rom. 16.6, 7, 8. Rev. 19.13.

Then after that thou Andrew Trusterom Priest of Clent who was the mouth most for the Priests, that day thou would have maintained thy (call) being put upon it there on the hill, but could not prove it to be according to any gospel mi­nister, though thou had thy proof and witnesse without thee, written in a paper in the end of thy book as thou knowes, and could not remember thy call (nor thy proof and wit­nesse, without thy written paper in thy book end, to turn to [Page 40]other mens words, that thou were out of the life, as I then cold thee, and said also, that such as thou were made trades­men at Cambridge or Oxford, or from under such as had (yours and) their rise from the old (wicked) Bishops, and such Bishops from the Popes generation, and they from the Pope; and the Pope from old Antichrist, and so Antichristi­an ministers, and not the ministers of Christ, nor the gospel.

For I told thee the ministers of Christ and the gospel, was not made by the will of man, but of God were they ordain­ed, and was sent by Christ Jesus and the holy Ghost, and re­ceived not their gospel nor call of man but of God, neither was such that were so called, taught of man but of God, as it is certified to the Brethren, and left upon record in Scrip­ture, and such as were so called and taught, made not their gospel burdensom, but free. to be examples also for others that come after to follow, and such gospel ministers as were so called, ordained, gifted, and sent forth, they sold not their gift nor preaching the gospel for mony nor tythes, but preach­ed freely, 1 Cor. 9.16, 17, 18, 19. Act. 20.33. 1 Cor. 11. i. not for tythes as the priests of the world do now that follow not their example, neither had any gospel mi­nister 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, or 300 pound per Annum, as the priests of the world have now, but such gospel ministers as were ordained, called, and sent of God, went to turn people from the darknesse to the light, from the power of Satan unto God. Act. 26.14, 15, 16,17,18. Gal. 1.1, and 11,12,15,16. vers. and such coveted no mans silver, nor gold, nor apparell, but laboured with hands, and preached the gospel freely, who were made able mini­sters of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the spirit. 2 Cor. 3.6. Act. 20.28, and 3.3, 34,35. vers. Act. 13. Mat. 10. 1 Cor. 11.1. vers.

Then such as go to trades at Universities, and learns old Authours, mans inventions, to add a divination of their brain to the Scriptures, and are taught of proud, covetous, self-see­king men (of such Arts) and are called by such, and are called of men master, and hath tythes are called by them to great benefits, 20, 40, 100, 200, pound a year, such are not according to the gofpel minifters, but are Antichriftian. and deceivers, and such are the Priests of the world, therefore [Page 41]Antichristian ministers, seducers, and deceivers of the nations, then thou Andrew Trusterom the Priest as aforesaid, thou seemingly would have denyed thy call and ordination, from the old (wicked) Bishops, but could not, from that ground had thou thy rise, and upon it yet stands in the nature turned from the light, as such was, and arta proud man called of men master, takes tythes, and so art out of Christs doctrine, and such hath not God, as John saith, that abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, as in the 2 Ioh. 9. Math. 23. and such Christ bids beware of, and pronounceth great judgement upon them. Mar. 12.38, 39, 40.

I asked thee when the priesthood of England renounced their first ordaination from Bishops, and past an act a­gainst it: but to that thou gavest me no answer, but saidst, thou wast called to the ministry by Elders; but it is as I say by (Elders) such as are old in deceit, and the mystery of iniquity. For gospel Elders, and such in the eternall truth, they never called a tithe monger, as I told thee, for such, dishonour the gospel: neither did such Elders ever call any that sought for their gain from their quarter. Isaiah 56.10.11. nor a proud covetous self-seeking man called of men maister, like thee, and the priests of the world, who are con­strained, by tithes silver and gold, 20 40 100 or 200 pound by the year, as Englands priests are; so contrary to gospel call and Eldership, and none of those gospel la­bourers but vain deceivers, as thou and such art.

Such as were made Elders of the flock of Christ and over­seers thereof, were not called to that work by the will of man, but were called and made overseers by the holy Ghost, Act. 20.28. and such was to take the care of the flock, not by constraint, but of a ready mind, and not for filthy lucre. 1 Pet. 5.2. 3, &c. And they that were called by Elders in the power of truth, were to be blamelesse as the stewards of God, 1 Tim. 3.1.2. &c. Titus 1.7, 8. And such as were called by the Elders, and were Elders, they coveted no mans siver nor gold, Act. 20.33, &c. neither did such mans hay nor corn, lambs, nor wool, eggs, geese nor pigs, nor money neither for meares not foals, kine nor calves; nor money for gardens, bees, and smoke passing up peoples chimneys: never such as these did they chuse nor call, they are a scandall to the truth, and a burden to the gospel, there­fore [Page 42]fore stop thy mouth (& all hirelings) and tithing priests like thee. Such as were called, chosen, and set apart for the work of the ministry of the gospel, and appointed thereunto by the holy Ghost? and sent out by the laying on of hands, they preached freely, and were not chargeable, nor coveted no manssilver, nor gold, nor apparel; but were blamelesse as the stewards of God. Act. 20.28. and 33.34.35. Act. 13. 1 Pet. 5.2.3. 1. Tim. 3. Titus 1.

And when I read that place of scripture in the Acts to prove how Paul gospel minister, that was one that was appointed by the holy Ghost for that work? and sent out by the laying on of hands, as in Act. 13.1, 2, 3, 4, and that he coveted no manssilver, nor gold, nor apparell, but la­boured with his hands to be an example for others to walk by, and follow after. Act. 20.33, 34. then thou Andrew Trusterom Priest of Clent, said thou would confute me out of that same place (but thou was a lyar) I said do then if thou canst, then thou asked me what place it was, and where it was, and I said again therein thou shewed thy rashnesse and forwardnesse, speaking so unadvisedly, and how wouldst thou confute me out of that same place, and knew not where it was: so thou shewed thy forward rash minde, and to be without a bridle for thy tongue, therefore thy re­ligion is vain, as such that James speaketh of, and I bad thee search the place and prove thy saying, but thou did not, it remains for thee yet to do, it may be was, because thou had not that place written down in the leaf end; quicken thy memory if thou canst, and see what thou can do, it is in the Acts, the 20, and 33, 34, 35 vers.

For as concerning the same (besides many other things) thou yet lyest under the censure of a lyar, and such are of the Devill read Joh. 8.44. and so of such a society or fel­lowship, as are partake [...]s of the table of Devills, and in uni­on with those that drink of that cup, as in, and with that Scripture I left thee, when thou fled and went off from the hill, read it and judge your selves, both thou and such like as drink that cup, and are partakers of that table, spoken of, in 1 Cor. 10.20, 21, 22.

As for the other thou art yet to prove, as I said, that it was ever once acted or done (and the manner how also) [Page 43]by Paul according to thy saying, 1 Cor. 11. for thou did not prove it then, but left it without the proof therein, a­foresaid, and thou said the word was not damnation, where it is said, he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not descerning the Lords bo­dy. 1 Cor. 11.29. Thou said the word was not (damna­tion) but judgement and the Scripture saith in that place, not (judgement) but damnation, what a wretch art thou to ly so as thou did, but read what is thy portion for thy reward and all such. Rev. 21.8, and 27. Rev. 22.18, 19.

Thou shuffles and seeks to hide and cover, Eth. 5.3, 4, 5, 6. least thou be found guilty of that sin, in giving damnation to people that thou sets to eat and drink, not discerning the Lords body, for lyars, swearers, drunkards, proud ones, covetous ones, scorn­ers, malicious ones, vain tarkers, foolish jesters, back biters, slanderers, false accusers, reproachers, disdainers, couze­nours, cheaters, dogs, swine, such as those spoken of in 1 Cor. 6.9; 10. Pro. 6.16, 17, 18. Rev. 14.9, 10, 11. Gal. 5.19, 20, 21. Rom. 1.28, 29, 30, 31. 1 Ioh. 3.15. Rev. 21.8, and 27. Philip. 3.1, 2. Rev. 22.15.

Such as those before mentioned, and as those Scriptures speaketh of, such do net discern the Lords body, 1 Cor. 2.14. but are of the serperits seed, as such are spoken of. Mat. 23.33 and if such be not partakers of the table of Divells, and in that fellowship of Divells spoken of in Scripture, who are, and dost not thou and such as thou art feed, flatter, and nourish such serpents, but let me tell you this, you that do so, and are such, you cannot serve the Lords table, that serve the table of Divells, you cannot drink the Lords cup, and the cup of Divells, as to thee Andrew Trusterom (Priest of Clent) I said at parting, therefore repent (and all such as thou art, and as you are) of your idolls and idolatrous wayes of worship, as I said, and turn from your wickednesse, least you dy in your sins arid perish eternally, for the wicked and all that forget God shall be turned into hell, as you may read. Psal. 9.17. Rev. 20.10, and 15.

And the Independent Priest Osland of Bewdley, he said the Divell was guided by the holy spirit, to call Jesus Lord, this is witnessed by John Higgs, Tho. Good [...]r, Tho. Chanler, and others.

[Page 44]What wicked blasphemy is this, and a gap to profane­nesse? If so that the devil was guided by the holy Spirit to call Jesus Lord, then every drunkard, thief, whore monger, and profane person, may say they are guided by the holy Spi­rit if the devil was, for such are his servants, and he their ma­ster. But the devil was not guided by the holy Spirit to say so, to wit, as aforesaid, no more are they, therefore Oasland thou art a perverter of the right wayes of the Lord, as Elymas was, Acts the 13. and so full of all mischief, and a child of the devil, as he was, verse 8. and 10. and taught to blaspheme and lie by the spirit, of thy father the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, be­cause there is no truth in him, (then not the holy Spirit of truth for him to call Jesus Lord by, as thou saidst he did,) for he speaketh lies, and when he speaketh them he is the fa­ther of them, they are his own, read John 8.44. to be a wit­nesse against thee and all such. Elymas was not guided by the holy Ghost when he withstood the truth, but he was gui­ded by the spirit of the devil, as thou wast, when thou so bla­sphemously saidst: but Elymas was smitten by the holy Ghost for opposing the truth, and judgement came upon him for it: and Ananias and Sapphira were slain by the holy Ghost for lying against him. Acts 5.

And thy case is dangerous, but smitten thou art by the light in thy conscience, and this is a b [...]ot and stain to it, and to thy profession, and judgements will pursue thee and over­take thee, and vengeance from God for the same, except of it thou speedily repent, and openly declare against that thy blasphemy, own thy errour therein, and thy condemna­tion upon it, and take shame to thy self, stop thy mouth, and cover thy lips. Simon Magus was not guided by the holy Spirit when he would have bought it with money, but was in the gall of bitternesse, and bond of iniquity, as thou art, that so lies against the truth, Act. And as no man can call Jesus Lord but by the holy Ghost, then such as have not the holy Ghost guiding them, cannot by it so call him: but the devil and his angels have not the holy Ghost, therefore they that have it not, cannot (with it and by it) so call him. And Christ himself saith to some, Why call ye me Lord? Lord, and do not the things that I say. Luke 6.46. [Page 45]Such as disobey Christs counsell, doctrine, and commands, cannot by the holy Ghost call Jesus Lord, in truth: but the devil and devillish men disobey Christs counsell, doctrine, and commands, and keep not his sayings, therefore they are not guided by the holy Ghost, nor cannot by it and with it, call Jesus Lord; so the gap is hedged up by the holy Ghost. But the wicked and such as are deceived by the devil are to be with him cast into the lake of fire, to be tormented for ever and ever, Rev. 20.10. and such as have not their names written in the Lambes book of life, are to be cast into the lake of fire, Rev. 20.15. and such as those spoken of Rev. 21.8. and all such are shut out from God and to be punish­ed with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power, as are spoken of, Rev. 21.27. Rev. 22.15. 2 Thess. 1.8.9.

Thus hath your folly been made manifest, as the resisters of the truth before you, and as yours is that are resisters of the truth now, like such spoken of, 2 Tim. &c. vers. the 8. 9. And thus are your deceits discovered, your wic­kednesse also, but they are comprehended, chained, and with the light condemned, therefore silence deceivers.

But it is good that you have uttered your folly, that it may appear to your view, which hath lien hid in your old bottles and dock bottomes, which now is uncovered, and you seen to be painted harlots and serpents; like such spoken of Matth. 23. the 25.26. to the 34. read your hearts with the light, see also your lies and confusion, and stuff, of such sort: acknowledge your errours, own your condemnation to be just thereupon, give over deceiving the people, and take shame to your selves: though the dark see you not, yet the children of light doth you, and all such as you are both see and comprehend, and all your pernicious wayes, praised be the Lord, who hath raised up a light in his people, to see your nakednesse from the truth, (covered but not with the Spirit of the Lord) and so to uncover your skirts, your covers will not hide you, but leave you naked and bare, to the sin­gle eyed, or children of light; also read that commandment which is for you, oh Priests, it is in Malachy 2.1.2. to the 10.

Some short and clear demonstrations laid down concer­ning the light.

Some short and clear demonstrations laid down as fol­loweth, and proved by plain scripture, to shew the honest hearted, the truth of that pure light of the gospel of Christ, which is so stumbled at, with dark minds, which may also fur­ther serve to clear the accusations that were against the truth that day, and before in Worcestershire at Bramsgrave and other places, concerning the light that truth may also stand pure in its own place and pure being, and stand a witnesse against lying spirits, seducers and deceive s, who live in er­rour and deceit, 1 Pet. 2.6.7. that stumble at the light now, as the Jewes and chief Priests and their party did before.

Wherefore it is contained in scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious, and he that belie­veth on him shall not be confounded, unto you therefore which believe he is precious, but unto them which be disobe­dient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner. 1 Pet. 2.6.7.

First demonstration, &c. Christ he is the light of the world, and the true light that enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, and he hath said that such as follow him, (the true light) they shall not walk in darknesse, but shall have the light of life, as Christ himself hath said, see his own words of truth, and Johns words that bare record of him, for proof to demonstrate and shew, and also witnesse to the same grounded truth, which is so much stumbled at, read Joh. 1.9. Joh. 8.12.

Secondly, Seeing that Christ is the light of the world, as he himself hath said, who is to be beli ved and hath also said that such as follow him the light of the world, they shall not walk in darknesse, but shall have the light of life: and John that bare reco d of Christ the light of the world, he hath witnessed in his record of him, and said, that he is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world: then such as say every man is not lighted in some measure with the true light, they deny Johns record of Christ, and de­ny Christ to be the true light that lighteth every man that [Page 47]cometh into the world; and such as say every man hath not a light to lighten them, they deny the scripture, and would make John a liar. But such as say so, and would do so, they are enemies to the truth and the true light, so enemies to Christ and the gospel; and are false accusers of Iohn that bare record of Christ, and so lie against the record that God gave of his sonne; but Iohns words of truth and the record that God gave of his sonne, shall be witnesse against such to demonstrate, shew, and confute their lies by plain scripture, without consequence, read as aforesaid Ioh. 1.9. Ioh. 8.12. and 1 Cor. 12.7. T [...]tus 2.11.12. Isa. Act. 26.18. and Galat. 3.28.

Thirdly, Light shineth in darknesse, but darknesse com­prehenceth it not, as it comprehended it not then, Iohn 1.5. yet light is there where it is not walked in, nor obeyed. Such as hate the light, or sit and walk in darknesse, with the light they see darknesse, for whatsoever manifesteth darknesse is light, Eph. 5.13. And they do not walk in darknesse be­cause they have no light, but because they have the light checking and reproving them of evil: and they do not for­sake their sin by obeying and following the light, therefore do they walk in darknesse, for such as follow the light are are led out of darknesse into the light of eternall life, 1 Ioh. 5.6.7. and such as had been in darknesse and alienated from the life of truth, as the Romans and Ephesians were, it was not because they had not the light, but because they wal­ked not then in it, for that which may be known of God saith the Apostle to the Romanes, is manifest within; Rom. 1.19. and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to themselves; Rom. 1.28. &c. And such as had been alienated from the life of truth as the Ephesians were, whilst they walked in darknesse yet they had light, which did to them discover the darknesse, and the fruits of darknesse; but by obeying and following the light, such as so did, were led out of darknesse and out of the fruits of darknesse, and were led into the light of life; so that then they walked in the light of the Lord, as they have witnessed, and may be seen Ephes. 5.8. to the 14.

Fourthly, And such as were called out of darknesse, had the light when they were in darknesse, and by the light were [Page 48]they called out of darknesse into the light of the Lord, as the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Capado­cia, Asia, Bithinia, such as in time past had not been a peo­ple (for God,) after they were called out of darknesse into the marvellous light, were then the people of God, and such was to demonstrate, or shew forth the praise of him who was the true light. Ioh. 1.9. 1 Ioh. 1.5. and they by o­beying and following the light, were led into the marvellous light, and as they were, others by so obeying may, but they were therefore for proof read, 1 Pet. 2 Pet.

Fifthly, And this is the condemnation of the world, (not that light is not come into the world to shew men their evil deeds,) but because light is come into the world and men they loved darknesse rather then the light (not because they have it not to demonstrate or shew them their evil deeds, which is contrary to the light) but because they have it to de­monstrate, and shew them their evil deeds and they hate the light that discovereth their evil deeds; and do not obey it to forsake their evil deeds which is reproved by the light John 3.19.20. Eph. 5.13. therefore are they condemued by it.

Sixthly, But all such as love and obey the light doth truth, and cometh to the light, that their deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God, and this light is with­in which they do well to take heed unto, as unto a light which shineth in a dark place, untill the day dawn, and the day-starre doth arise (within them) in their hearts: by which light & spirit in the prophecyings, teachings, workings and counsellings, such as follow and obey the same, are led out of darknesse, (errour and deceit) into the light of life and so into all truth, according to gospel discipline and promise. Joh. 3.20. 2 Pet. 1.19, 20.21. Iohn. 14.20.26. Iohn 16.13.

Seventhly, Then such as say the light and spirit is not suffi­cient, (without some other help of mans wit or the like) to lead men to the knowledge of the truth; and to salvation through the obedience to the truth through the light and spirit of truth according to the fathers teachings only: such as say so shew not only their ignorance of the workings of the light of life, [Page 49]but their ignorance of the guidance of the spirit of truth, and the fathers teachings in the new covenant, and gospel mini­stration likewise, and they also seem to lie against the holy Ghost, and resist the truth, as such spoken of whose folly did appear, as theirs doth, therefore the case or condition of such is dangerous, as so do, like such spoken of, Rom. 1.18.19. and verses. 2 Tim. 3.8.9. Math. 12.31.

Eighthly, And seeing that Christ is the true light, and he said such as follow him shall not walk in darknesse, but shall have the light of life: and he hath▪ said also that the spirit shall reprove the world of sin, unbelief, &c. and that he shall guide and lead such as follow the guidance thereof into all truth; and such as so obey and walk in the spirit, should in that day know him in the Father, and he in them, and they in him. Iohn and 26. And this spirit (should not be a lying spirit nor an imperfect guide to the followers thereof, but the true spirit of truth, and) should dwell within, to guide and lead them into all truth. And he hath said also, that he the spirit of truth should not speak of himself, (but from him & his father) and Christ hath said of the spirit, that whatsoever he should hear, that he should speak, and he should also shew them things to come, and saith Christ, he shall glorifie me, for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you; and he shall teach you all things, (so be the saints teacher, and he shall bring all things to your remembrance concerning me, so the spirit is both the saints teacher, their guider, & remembrancer) about the things of God: and thus they come to know all truth, as Christ hath said; which truth (in the full knowledge and en­joyment of him and his father) doth make them free. Ioh. to the 16. Ioh. 14.20. Ioh. 17.10. 1 Iohn 2.20. and 27.

9. Then such as say the true light and the spirit accor­ding to the Fathers teachings only, is not able to teach all gospel truths, nor sufficient to lead to salvation, such as say so are lyars against the truth, the true light and the spirit of truth, therefore enemies to Christ and the gospel.

For the Lord Jesus hath said that he is the light of the world, and those that follow him shall not walk in dark­nesse, [Page 50]but have the light of life, eternall life, and so assurance of salvation, who is the authour of eternall salvation to all that obey him, the light and the way to the Father, and the true light of the world, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Ioh. 1.9. Ioh. 8.12. Ioh. 14.6. 1 Pet. 2.9.10. Heb. 5.9.

Tenthly, But such has say the light of the world which is the true light Christ Jesus, that lighteth every man that co­meth into the world, is not sufficient to salvation, being o­beyed and followed (without some other help) such as so say speak they know not what unadvisedly, and such questi­ons the power and authority of the true light Christ Jesus and knows not that he is perfectly able to save to the utter­most all those that come unto God by him, and the authour of eternall salvation to all that obey him only. Heb. 7.24, 25. Heb. 5.7, 8, 9.

Eleventhly, Such as say the light which is Christ by his spirit opening the mystery, is not able to teach all the perfect knowledge of the truth, such as say so are against Christs doctrine in the gospel ministration, and against him Anti­christian, for he who is the true light, and lighteth every man that cometh into the world, saith, that all that obey him the true light, shall be saved by him only, and that all that o­bey him the true light, shall not walk in darknesse, but be led out of darknesse into the light of life, and so into eternall life by him the true light, and perfect Saviour to all such, for he is perfectly able to save to the uttermost all that come un­to God by him, the true light Christ Jesus, and to such as obey him, he is the authour of eternall salvation, who is the true light, and lighteth every man that cometh into the world, but is the condemnation of such as after manifestation do wilfully sin against love tendered and mercy profered, who do hate the light and love their evill deeds, and darknesse rather then the light. Ioh. 3.19, 20. Heb. 10.25, 26. 2 Thessalonians 1.6, 7, 8, 9. Iude 4. 2 Thessalonians 1.12.

Twelfthly, Christ Jesus the light of the world hath said, who is the true light, and lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that the Spirit of truth coming to be mani­fested within, should guide them and teach them all things [Page 51]being obeyed, and bring all things to remembrance, and guide into all truth. Iohn 14.16, 17, and 26. Iohn. 16.13, 14.

Then such as say this spirit is not sufficient to teach all things being obeyed, and such as so say, and say it is not suf­ficient to guide into all truth, being come and walked in without some other help, such questions the authority of the spirit, and affronts the Lord Jesus by contradicting his own sweet gospel discipline, doctrine, and promise, but such as do so and b [...]ing a contrary doctrine, who love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let them be Anathema Maran-atha, accursed with a curse. 1 Cor. 16.22. Gal. 1.8, 9.

Therefore blessed are they that obey the true light, and fol­low the counsell and teachings of [...]he spirit of truth that they may know the spirit of the Father speaking in them, and through them, and so know the free love of the Lord wrought in their souls by the working of the divine power, accor­ding to the good pleasure of his will in the spirits teachings, and sweet gospel ministration through the riches of the Fa­thers love, sending the spirit of his son in their hearts, where­by they cry Abba Father, Luk. 12.12. Mat. 10.20. 2 Corinthians 6.16. 2 Peter 1.2, 3. Galatians 4.6, 7.

Such as aforetime did obey the light and the teachings of the spirit, were made able ministers of the gospel of Christ, Act. 2.4. 2 Cor. 3.6. Joh. 19.19, 20, 21, 22. Act. 4. ch. Act. 7. ch. Act. 1.22, 23, 24, &c. Heb. 8.10, 11. in the new covenant of grace, according to the Fathers teachings (though some of them outwardly were ignorant and unlearned men) so that they confounded the great Rabbies and Greek, Latine and Hebrew scholars, and the Jewish chief Priests, so that they cryed out to the magistrates, counsellours and governou s, to cause them to be persecuted, beaten and abused, imprisoned, and threatned to speak no more in the name of Jesus, and the great rabby, docto [...]s and chiefest of the English Priests, if they might have their wills, would do so now, to such as have been with Jesus, and they seek to quench the light and spirit, but shall not be a­ble to do it, for it will powerfully appear in sons and daugh­ters, in the spirits ministration and the teachings thereof, and so thereby they may take notice, that the schollars of Christ are brought up at Emanuels school, taught of the Lord ac­cording [Page 52]to his promise, Act. 4.12, 13. Isa. 2. 1 Cor. 14.24, 25. and have been with Jesus for coun­sell, the Emanuel, God with us and in us, the everlasting Father, and the mighty God wonderfull counsellour. Isa. 9.6. Joh. 6.45. Joh. 4.20. 2 Cor. 6.16. as he was in them that were taught by his spirit, though some were shep­heards, ploughmen, tradesmen, and some ignorant and un­learned in the great scholes of humane learning, and Paul denyed his learning that he had received of man, when he was made an able minister of the gospel which he preached, he had not received it of man, neither was he taught it of man, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ, as he hath certifi­ed to the brethren. Gal. 1.11, 12, and 15, 16. and now is the Lord teaching his, and now is the Lord sending the law forth of Sion, and making and sending forth ministers to declare his truth, and publish the gospel freely without the help of proud covetous self-seeking men, ever praised be the Lord, they that obeyed the light and walked therein, they witnessed that by it they were led out of darknesse, to walk in the light of the Lord, and as they did come out of darknesse through the obedience to the light, according to the doctrine of Christ, to walk in the light of the Lord by so doing others may, for Christ is the true light and the way to walk in, the way that leads out of darknesse into light, out of sin into grace, out of bondage into liberty, out of unbelief into the life and power of faith, out of errour and deceit into the life and power of truth, and so into the holy unction which teacheth all things without the help of faln man, or his fleshly wisdom, as it is Written: ye have an unction from the holy [...], and ye know all things. 1 Ioh. 2.20. and this is witnessed within, by obeying the light that leads to the unction and into the anointing, and so witnesse to the power, and in it the life of faith, hope and election, predestination and sanctification, by the teachings through the spirit, in the opening of the my­stery in the spirits ministration that leadeth to the unction and the anointing. Col. 1.26, 27, 28. 1 Joh. 2.20, and 27.

Lastly, they that obeyed the light, and followed the same according to the doctrine of Christ, and the ministry in the spirit, they were through the obedience thereunto, brought [Page 53]out of darknesse into the marvellous light and knowledge of the glory and eternall excellency, that though they had been in darknesse, yet through their obedience to the truth through the spirit, God who commanded the light to shine out of darknesse, did gloriously shine in their hearts, and was manifested within to break down darknesse through their obedience to the truth, the pure light led them to such a full attaintment or knowledge of God, in the enjoyment thereof, that they knew Gods glory and excellency revea­led in them, and they had the heavenly, treasure within them and they were changed from glory to glory, into the pure image, or divine being, in the glory and excellen­cy, so as by the spirit of the Lord, and as by the obedience to the light and truth, through the spirit they did attain to the assurance and knowledge of the divine glory and eter­nall excellency, according to the working of the divine power of God to salvation and the knowledge thereof by and through Christ the true light, others so may and no o­ther way, but they did so attain to the knowledge, there­fore harden not your hearts against the truth, and take heed, least there be not found in some of you that are re­sisters of the truth, an evill heart of unbelief, and so you be hardened through the deceitfulnesse of sin. Heb. 3.12, 13. 2 Tim. 3.8, 9. then wo and misery. Hebrewes 10.25, 26.

Something to clear the truth from some lyes, slanders, and false reports that may occasionally be cast falsely upon it, by Robert Gurdler post-master in Birmingham, or any that he maketh use of, to write, print, declare, or carry about any lyes, slanders, and false re­ports against the truth, held forth by those men that the world scorn­fully calleth Quakers.

For the said Robert Gurdler is full of envy against the truth, held forth by the servants of the Lord, and against them that are reproached under that name as aforesaid, but [Page 54]such as are honest hearted, will not be offended at his re­ports that knoweth what he is, although formerly he have been a teacher amongst the water baptized people, and now cause the truth by some to be evill spoken of, by reason that he is so full of pride and vain glory, and turned to the priests again, and is given over to lyes and falsely doth slander and cause the innocent to be slandered, but it were better that a a mill-stone were hanged about his neck then that he should offend one of the little ones that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.

But I shall be short, only let the honest hearted know that I write not this as an accusation against him nor against a­ny, but for the truthes sake that it may be kept clear, and withall that they may know that this said Robert Gurdler doth falsely accuse and slander the people of God, that are reproached under the name of Quakers; and I going into Birmingham heard of it, whereupon I sent a letter to him, either for him to come to me and some others with me, or to appoint a place for us to come to him, that he might either clear himself, or else bear about with him the badge of a backbiter, and false accuser of the innocent, and expect the judgement that is due to such, &c.

A copy of the letter sent to Robert Gurdler, post-master so calied in Birmingham is as followeth.

The letter to Robert Gurdler, I coming into this Town to visit some friends.

VVHereas I am informed that thou Captain Gurdler shouldst give out words, that the (people of God) whom the world and the wic­ked one doth scornfully and reproachfully call Quakers, should be deceivers, and guided by the spirit of the devil, or words to that effect; which can be proved by some inhabiting in this town. Which if thou did, it is not becoming any profes­sing Christ, to slander, accuse, and bite behind, serpent like: and if thou did not, clear thy self, and let shame cover the face of the liars, slander­ers, backbiters, and false accusers (of the innocent:) I being one that the world and wicked one doth in scorn reproachfully out of disdain call Quaker. So being one that suffers (with the people of God) under that name of reproach, I look upon my self to be concerned therein, and to be one, that thou, as I am given to understand, or the wicked one in thee, slanderest, backbitest, and falsely accusest, and takest upon thee to speak evil against, as the serpents seed ever did; and judgest of us with e­vil [Page 56]thoughts, and out of an evil heart. If so, then I demand of thee professing thy self a Christian, that thou come up unto us this day, and either clear thy self, or bear thy shame and guilt about upon thy breast. Come, and if thou canst con­vince us, and make it appear that we are deluders, and guided by the devils spirit, do, and let it be declared against at the market crosse, or else ac­knowledge thy errour therein, take shame to thy self, and own thy condemnation to be just upon thy false accusations, and false judgement, that thou censurest (the people of God withall,) and bear about with thee the badge of a backbiter, slanderer, and false accuser, and deny thy pro­fession lest the Lord be dishonoured by thee, and so take vengeance upon thee with the wicked and seed of evil doers.

Come to us either to Lieutenant Powels, or William Bayleys, or a convenient place where this day thou mayest appoint us to come to thee, and if thou be able to judge and try spirits, thou art permitted to lay open the ground of delusion, errour, and deceit, with its fruits and effects, how it enters, and by what to be prevent­ed: and also how the devil had his first begin­ning and entrance into mankind, and how thou canst make it appear that we carry his image, and by what (where it is) to be defaced, he dis­possessed, and trampled underfoot.

[Page 57]Send thy answer to Lieutenant Powels by this bearer at the white Bear in Birmingham, this thirteenth day of the twelfth moneth, 1654.

R. F.

The letter as aforesaid was sent, but the said Robert Gurd­ler did neither come to us nor appoint us a place where we might go to him, but writ a few words that were lies to us again: but no proof for his sayings neither by scripture, fruits, nor practise: Whereupon I writ a note back to him again, at that present by his bearer, also acquainting him in it, that there was to be a meeting of the Lords people that night, by the world scornfully called Quakers, acquainting him where also, very near at the end of Deritton, and with­all I urged him to come to the meeting, to prove before wit­nesse what he had falsely accused withall; but he would not come to bring to light what in darknesse he had acted, by lying against the truth, and the servants of Jesus whom the world doth scornfully call Quakers. Let all the chil­dren of light judge of this mans spirit. I also after that writ a large epistle or letter to him, which shall be a witnesse for the truth and against his deceit, and envie against the truth, and servants of the Lord Jesus. Which letter appears up­on record to witnesse for the truth, which truth seeks no cor­ners, and besides all that, I stayed a week in and about Bir­mingham, or some nine dayes: and was there three meetings at Derrittend, but the said false accuser, and slanderer Ro­bert Gurdler, as aforesaid, would not appear to clear him­self, but lies under the guilt as aforesaid, and must bear his own burden. And let all take warning that they do not appear like the false accuser as aforesaid, lest judgement be their reward. Now truth stands clear, and Robert Gurd­ler doth nakedly appear to be an enemy to the truth, and cannot clear himself of the lies slanders, and false accusati­tions, cast out by him, therefore upon him now they do re­main [Page 58]and into the liars generation, are they turned back from whence they came, and now, let him the said Robert Gurdler and his partakers in the envie against the truth stop their mouthes for speaking evil of those that they call Quakers.

Obj. An answer to that foolish objection of some who say, Sin is not a thing, nor things, because say they, that which is not to be seen, felt, or understood, is nothing, but so is sin (saith fools) therefore not a thing, nor things, and so nothing but a conceit or fancy, and not a being or substance, &c.

Answ. Then that which may be seen, felt, or understood, is a thing, and things: but sin is to be seen, felt, and understood, or known, therefore a thing, and things.

For proof, David he saw and felt his sins, when he said mine iniquities are gone over my head, Psal. 38.4. as a burden too hea­vy for me to bear. and he that hath a burden is not unsensi­ble of it, but feels and knowes it: when a man hath a sack of corn or a weight upon his back, he feels it and doth un­derstand or know the same: so do such as are burdened with sin, when Adam had sinned he saw his nakednesse, and knew what he had done, and his sin separated him from the Lord, and such as say God doth not take any no­tice of their sin, whom he once leaves, &c. I answer, he once loved Adam, but Adams sin caused God to take such notice of it, as that he put him out of Paradise for it, and re­member that you that sin, your sins makes a separation be­tween God and you, as Adam and such spoken of in Isaiah 59. did, and Cain when he had sinned he knew it, and said his punishment was greater then he could bear, and you that do evill remember that Cain is your way, and Iudas when he had sinned in betraying Christ, he knew afterward that he had sinned and done evill, and was accursed and se­parated from God, and destruction was his end, sin is such a thing, that it is the cause of wo, misery, eternall destruction, to such as continue in it. Rom. 7. Rom. 8. 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. Rev. 21.8, and 27. Paul he saw a body of sin, and so felt or understood [Page 59]the same that he cryed out and said, Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body (or substance) of sin! and he knew when he was delivered of the same, and thanked God, and Christ saith unto such as are weary and heavy laden, come unto me, Mat. 11.28. Rom. 3.19, 20. Rom. 7.6, 7. to the 13. Act. 3.13, 39. now such as are weary and la­den with sin feels the burden, therefore sin is to be seen, felt, and understood, or known to be sin, and so a thing, and such as are laden with sin, feels it as the Apostle speaks of. 2 Tim. 3.6, 7. But Christ to such as obeyes the light and comes to him, doth undo their heavy burdens and justifie them from all ungodlinesse, and those (things) or sins which the law of Moses could not justifie them from, and who shall lay any sin, or such like (thing) to the charge of Gods elect. Romans 8.32, 33, 34. 1 Iohn 34. Acts 13.39.


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