THE AXE, AGAINST SIN and ERROR; and the Truth Conquering.

A Sermon on Matthew 3. 10.

Now also the Ax is laid to the root of the trees, therefore every tree, that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

At which, a Christian confessed, she was converted; and because it did good to her, desired it might be preached again at her Funerall, that it might do good to others, (saying, they must be hewn down, before they can be converted, or builded up) which Satan (as he did Paul) hindred, which caused me the rather to write it out, and send it to the Presse, because the Enemy hate it, lest it should convert more, and en­damage his kingdome, which I have sent foth as John, a fore-runner, to make way for a more excellent Work of the counsell of Christ to England; wherein are shewed the causes of the sword upon England, and on the Lutherans, and the remedies that must be used, before the Judgements cease.

Written by John Eachard, M. A. of Trin. Col. Camb. and Pastor of Darsham in Suffolke.

Matthew 12. 33.

Either make the tree good, and the fruit good; or the tree evill, and the fruit evill.

Rev. 3. 5. & 12.

A white-rayment Christian, and a citizen of the new Jerusalem.

Published according to Order.

LONDON, Printed by Matthew Simmons, and are to be sold by John Hancock at his Shop in Popes-head Alley, 1646.

To all the friends of the Bridegroom, the White-rayment Christians, and citizens of the New Jerusalem.

DEare and faithfull Brethren, M r. Brightman fore-prophesied of a Church to arise, that should be the Woman clothed with the Sun, which should glitter on every side round about, with the most cleer light of the Scripture, of the Sun of righteousnesse, in the doctrine of justification (as you may see, on Rev. 19. 17. and chap. 12. 1.) with the cleer knowledge whereof, she being adorned, as it were, with a goodly garment, came forth abroad, and laid her self open to the view of the world. And Rest (saith hee) shall be the naturall daughter of the woman, clothed with the Sun, (meaning a spirituall rest) which are the most entire and chaste Congregation of all the rest, (yet no Sect) which above others shine with this glorious aray; And it seemeth, (saith he) that all the chief stresse and violence of the last battell in the West, shall be turned against that holy Congregation, which we said right now, to stand glittering in the Sun, which are the hill of precious fruits, and the mountain full of holy pleasures, of which God maketh more account then See 2 Esdr. 7. 26. 34, 35. See 2 Esdr. 6. 28. of all delight some things in the world. Now you white rayment Christians, are this woman, clothed with the Sun; for you all believe that you are clothed with the Sun of Righteousnesse, and stand in him before God: Here is an Ax for you; for the blessing of Joshua belongs to you, which he spake to the children of Joseph. Thou art a great people, and hast great power, therefore the mountain stall be thine, for it is a wood, and thou shalt cut it down, and the ends of it shall be thine, and thou shalt cast out the Canaanites, though they have iron Chariots, and though they be strong, J [...]sh 17. So here are moun­tains of sins, errors and false religions, in England and Ireland, it is a wood of Sects, Schismes and Heresies, but thou hast cut them down, for thou art a great people, and hast great power (with the Lord in prayer) and England shall be thine, and thou shalt cast out the Canaanites of sin, Idolatry, and false Religi­ons, though they have Ordnance of iron, and though they be strong, lay this Ax of the Law to the root of them; and shew them, that now also eve­ry tree, i. Religion, Church, Sect, or man, that bringeth forth sin before God, ( Isai. 1. 16.) is hewn down and cast into the fire of God wrath, for the wrath of God is now revealed from heaven against all unrighteousnesse of men, which withhold truth in unrighteousnesse ( Rom. 1. 18) for the hour of temptation is come, to try them that are upon the face of the earth, Rev. 2. 10. in which friends shall fight with friends, as with enemies, and the earth shalll fear with [Page] them, 2 Esdr. 6. 22. when there shall be seen an earth-quake in the world, and an up [...]ore of the people, that is, the time wherein the most High will begin to See 2 Esdras 15 [...]. 6. 14, 15, 16, 17, 8, 19. 22, 23, 24, 26, 26, 37. See 2 Esd 16. 10, 11. 14, 15. 19. 5. 33. 8. 46. visit the world which he made, 2 Esdra. 9. 4. & 3 hard it is for men to keep faith and a good conscience now, yea, the strongest faith shall finde it difficult. Would not you be glad to be delivered from this hour of temptation? and were it not labour worth the pains, to shew that you shall be delivered? And though all evill trees shall be cut down with the a [...] of the Law; yet that you are good trees of righteousnesse, of his own planting, that God may be glo­ri [...]ied, and shall be saved? Isai. 61. [...]. Come forth, come forth thou Kings daughter, all glorious within, all light in the Lord, the Sun of Righteousnesse, shew thy self to the world, thy garments are of broydered gold, Psal. 45. 13. that is, of the merits of Christ crucified, death and resurrection, given you freely in your Baptisme into Christs death, for remission of sins, Rom. 6. 3, 4, Acts 2. 38. and are made glorious in the Sun of Righteousnesse, that is risen upon you, Mal. 2. 4. shew your selves to the world, for the stress [...] of the ba [...]ell in the West (you heare) shall be against you, but you shall overcome by faith, 1 John 5 4. when the ax shall cut down the wicked, yet fear not; you are got into the Sun, and therefore are out of gun-shot for your souls, yet put on the whole armour of God, Eph. 6. 14. and gird up the loynes of your mindes, with the girdle of verity, and put on the brest-plate of Christs righteousnesse; and above all, take the shield of faith in your Baptisme, and in the blood of the Lamb, wherewith you may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the helm [...]t of salvation in Christ, that you are in him that is true, 1 John 5. 20. and the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God; and your feet thod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, that testi [...]ies of Jesus, that came by water▪ and blood, not by water only, but by water and blood; 'tis the Spirit that bea­reth witnesse, and that Spirit is truth, and shall conquer. Therefore stand fast, and pray, with all manner of pra [...]er, and supplications, in the Spirit that testi­fieth of the water and blood of Christ, for remission of your sins, and you shall overcome: For you have a strong city, (of the new Jerusalem) salvation shall All that get into this city are safe. God set for wa [...]ls and bulwarks, Isai. 26. 1. open ye the gates of it, Rev. 22. 14. that you the righteous nation, that keep the truth, ma [...] enter in; for by an as­sured purpose, will Christ preserve perfect peace for you, because you trusted in him vers. 3 O trust in the Lord Jesus for ever, for in the Lord (our righte­ousnesse, Jer. 23. 6.) is strength for evermore, vers. 4. for he will bring down them that dwell on high, that fight against you, the high city (of Rome) will he abase even unto the ground, and bring it unto the dust, v. 5. that your fee [...] shall tread it down, and all doctrine of infidelity. I call you White-rayment Christi­ans; if any ask my reasons, they are these:

First, because you are the few names in Laodicca, of England, (as well as in Sardis) that have not defiled your garments, ( [...] by a false faith, or raigning sin) therefore you shall walk with Christ in white. for you are worthy, Rev 3. 4. M [...]. Mi. Con. M [...]. Mi. Con.

Secondly, whosoever overcomes, shall be clo [...]hed with white rayment, saith Christ. Rev. 3. 5. but you have overcome, 1 John 4. 4. Ergo, you shall be clo­thed with i [...], and therefore shall be white-rayment Christians: for whomsoever Christ saith shall be clothed with white rayment, I may truly call a white-rayment Christian; but you overcommers are they, that Chist saith shall be clothed with white rayment, E [...]go, I may truly call you white-rayment Christians.

[Page]Thirdly, whosoever have bought of Christ white rayment, that he may be Ma. clothed, that the shame of his nakednesse may not appear, may be called a white-rayment Christian, because he hath bought it, Rev. [...]. 18. But you are Mi. Con. Ma. Mi. Con. Ma. they, Ergo. Again, whosoever watcheth, and keepeth Christs garments that are white, as ( Rev 3. 18.) lest hee walk naked, and they see his shame, is a blessed white-rayment Christian, as Rev. 16. 15. But you are such, Ergo, you are blessed white-rayment Christians.

Also you are citizens of the new Jerusalem; for on whomsoever Christ will write upon, the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which cometh down from my God out of heaven, Rev. 3. 12. shall rightly be called a citizen of the new Jerusalem; but on you that have overcome, Christ will write the Mi. Con. name of the new Jerusalem, Rev 3. 12. Ergo, you shall be called citizens of the new Jerusalem.

This was spoken to Philadelphia, not to us of Laodicea. I answer, whatsoever Object. was spoken to any one of the seven Churches, runs into the last: for let him that hath an eare, heare what the Spirit saith to the Churches, Rev. 3. it saith it to you, overcommers in Laodicea, in England, for, what I say to you, I say to all, Marke 13. Now concerning the Philadelphians, that were admonished by Christ, to hold fast that they had, that no man take their crown, Rev. 3. 11. I gather the Philadelphians being admonished, to hold it fast, should lose it, for if man must hold fast a crown, he will lose it, and that the La [...]d ceans should take it from them; for the white-rayment Christians that have overcome, and taken Christs counsell, Rev. 3. 18. shall take their crown from them, to be called, first citizens of the new Jerusalem; And you shall take the crown from the Lutheranes▪ (because they defiled their garments, and their works were not per­fect before God, Rev 3. 2, & 3.) and shall be called first White rayment Christians.

Secondly, whosoever is come to the celestiall Jerusalem, and to be citizens Ma. Mi. with the Saints, and of the houshold of God, are citizens of the new Jerusa­lem; but by the blood of Christ in Baptisme, and by faith, Eph. 2. 13. Rev. 1. 5. you are come to the celestiall Jerusalem, Heb 12. 22. and to be citizens with the Saints, and of the houshold of God, Ephes. 2. 19. Ergo, you are citizens of Con. the mew Jerusalem; therefore call your selves no more the Church of England, or of the Lu [...]herans, or the like, for they are shaken, and shall be removed, Heb. 12. 27. but call your selves White-rayment Christians, and citizens of the new Jerusalem, for you see God calls you so. Now your city is of pure gold, like cleer glasse, Rev. 21. 18. for your city of the new Jerusalem, is built of pure gold, that Christ hath counselled you to buy of him, Rev 3. 18. which is the lively faith, in the merit [...] of Christs death. in our baptisme, for remis­sion of sins, ( Acts 2. 38.) in the first love of Christ, (not of such as have taken a new baptisme, and so forsaken their first love of Christ, as the Church of Ephesus did, and therefore the candlestick of the Church was removed out of their place, Rev. 2. 5. because they tooke a second baptisme, and forsook their first, for which cause, the Councel of Nice made it an Article of their Creed ( I believe one Baptisme, for the remission of sins) and it is like cleer glasse, because through this golden glasse of your baptisme, wherein you were washed, sanctified, and justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, 1 Cor. 6. 1 [...]. you may see the face of God through it, what a reconciled, [Page] mercifull, and loving Father he is to you, that hath sealed a new Covenant to you, to become your father, and you his children, and that your sins and ini­quities shall be remembred no more, Heb. 8. 12. and you may see through this Hebr. 8. glasse of your baptisme, the face of Jesus, what a blessed, meek, and loving Sa­viour he is to you, that hath loved you, and gave himself for you, ( Gal. 2. 20.) and washed you from your sins, in his own blood, and made you Kings and Priests to God his Father, Ephes. 5. 25. Rev. 1. 5. and you may see as in a glasse, (1 Cor. 13. 12▪) what a blessed, holy, and sweet Comforter you have, that hath washed you in the new birth, and the renewing of the holy Ghost, Titus 3. 5. And the street of your city is of pure gold, like to transparent glasse, Rev. 21. 21. O walk in this golden street, for it is transparent, like perspective glasse; for, as he that hath a good perspective glasse may see far off, so may you, even your sins, set as far as the East is from the West, Psal. 103. 12. Peter com­plaineth 2 Pet. 1. 9. of many that are blind, and cannot see far off, because they have for­gotten their baptisme, wherein they were washed from their old sins; they have forgotten this transparent glasse. But all you citizens of the new Jerusa­lem, walk in this golden street of your baptisme, it is a perspective glasse; and as in a perspective glasse, men look through two glasses, so in this there are two glasses, the first is made of the pure river, of the water of life, cleer as Crystall, which is the pure water of baptisme, Heb. 10. 23. the second is the blood of the Rev. 22. 1. Lamb; both these meet in one, look through them both together, and anoint your eyes with eye-salve of the Spirit, and you shall see far off, even into heaven, and behold Christ to be your wisdome, righteousnesse, sanctification and redemption, 1 Cor. 1. 30. and your blessednesse, happinesse, holinesse, eter­nall life, everlasting glory, immortality; yea, thou may see thy name written in heaven: through this golden cleer glasse of thy baptisme, which thou re­ceivedst in thine Infancy, and now walk in this golden street by faith, you may be assured, and rejoyce, that your names are written in heaven, Luke 10. 20. Quest. How know you that? Answ. There be three which beare record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost, these three are one, and beare record in heaven, that he hath given you a new name, Rev. 2. 17. in baptisme, for all your names were Adam before, Gen. 5. 2. but they beare re­cord, that he hath given you a new name and his own new name, Rev. 3. 12. And there be three which bear record in earth, the Spirit, and water, and blood, these three agree in one, that your names are written in heaven; for to whom­soever Ma. Mi. Con. God hath given eternall life, which life is in his Son Jesus Christ, his name is written in heaven. But the three in heaven, and the three in earth, do bear witnesse, that he hath given you eternall life, 1 John 5. 7, 8. 11. Ergo, your names are written in heaven, that believe it on this ground, and you are let into Paradise again; for though Adam, and all his children, were shut out of it, and the Cherubim with a flaming sword, which turned every way, to keep the tree of life, Gen. 3. which signifieth this axe of the fiery Law, Deut. 33. 2▪ See 2 Esdra 8. 52, 53, 54, to 63. given by Angels ( Acts▪ 7. 53.) keepeth every man from the Paradise, of assu­rance of salvation; for this axe of the Law cuts men off, and shuts them out, every way, for originall or actuall sins, mans merits, or humane righteousnesse; whosoever hath but one sin is cut down by the Law. But by your baptisme in­to Christ, you are let into Paradise again, and have now right and title by [Page] your baptisme, and by faith, to eat of all the trees in the garden, i. title to all things to be yours, and you are Christs, 1 Cor. 3. And you may eate of the tree of life in the midst of the Paradise of God, Rev. 2. 7. that is, of Christ in the Supper, and be more sure of eternall life, then the tree of life could have made Adam, and shall be kept in the Paradise of Gods protection: For thus saith the Lord, Because you have kept the word of my patience, I will deli­ver thee from the hour of temptation, that is come upon all the world, to try them that are upon the face of the earth, Rev. 3. 10. Now, what is the word of Christs patience, but the faith of baptisme into Christ crucified, for the remission of our sins? for the word of Christs patience, is the faith in Christ crucified, which Paul desired only to know, 1 Cor. 2. Now what is a man the better, to 1 Cor. 2. 2. say, I believe Christ was crucified, dead and buried, except he keep the faith of it for remission of his sins? for the devills believe so much. But the word of Christs patience, which you keep, is this, that you say, and believe, that I am in him that is true, in that his Son Jesus Christ, 1 John 5. 20. in whom I am crucified, and dead, and buried, and risen again with Christ in my baptisme, into Christs death, for the remission of sins, and have put on Christ, Rom. 6. [...], 4 Col. 2. 12. Gal. 3. 27. That Church that keeps the word of Christs patience, i. faith in their baptisme into Christs death, for remission of sins (though they knew not what Christ did for them, when he washed them, as he told Peter, John 1 [...]. but know it afterward) shall be delivered from this houre of temptation; but all other religious plants, which my heavenly Fa­ther hath not planted, shall be rooted out. The axe of the Law cuts them off, for one sin before God; but he that is holy, and true (saith) be that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved, Mark 16. 16. (that is, he that believeth one bap­tisme into Christ, for remission of sins, shall be saved) but he that believeth not his one baptisme into Christ for remission of his sins, shall be damned, as Heathens, Turks, Jews, Witches and Apostates, that have denied it: For this Nicen Creed. Athanasius. is the Catholike faith, I believe one Baptisme for the remission of sins, which ex­cept a man believe faithfully, he cannot be saved, the axe cut them off. Now when men have lost this Paradise, then they must go till the earth, full of false religions, all serve an angry God. The Heathen run to Jupiter, the Turks to Mahumet, the Jewes to Moses ceremonies, the Papists to Saints, to Pilgrimage, a wildernesse and Purgatory: Lo, here is Christ, say the Papists, in the Popes chaire, and pardon: Lo, here is Christ, say the Luberans, in consubstantiation; and lo, here is Christ, say the Anabaptists, in our new Jordan, and yet it carries them into the lake Asphaltes, mare mortuum, the dead sea, for he that de­nieth his first baptisme, to take a second, it is a dead and damnable sin, as Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6. and Heb 10. 29. [...]5. 38. Lo, there, say all sects, in our Church way, and yet never a one of them have assurance of salvation, because they have not faith in one baptisme, for remission of sins, for no man can have the knowledge of salvation, but by the remission of sins, as Luke 1. 77. Well, you see the houre of temptation is come, a flood of judgements flow upon earth for sin. Here is an axe for you, to cut down sin, and an ark for you white-rayment Chri­stians, and citizens of the new Jerusalem, namely, the ark of our baptisme in­to Christs death, for remission of sins. It hath been building in England about an hundred yeeres, you only have God seen righteous in this generation, an [Page] end of all false religions is come, and God will destroy them with the earthly men: Enter you, your wives, and your children, into the faith of this Ark, Gen. 6. but leave not your children out of this Ark, nor take a new one; for that is cursed, Gal. 1. 8, 9. For, as the Ark saved Noah, so [...], the same Antitype which now saveth us, Baptisme, (the translators were to blame, to call it a figure, for there is as much difference between a figure and an anti­type, as between the brazen Serpent and Christ, 1 Pet. 3. 21.) meaning of the inward Baptisme. Now, as you know many before the flood might come into the A [...]k, and look upon it, and yet, because they did not abide in it, they all perished: So now a [...]lood of Gods judgements are come in this hour of tem­ptation, and many people have seen baptisme, and been within it sacramentally, but all that do not stay in it by faith, shall perish. Therefore little children, abide in him (that were shut or graffed into him by one baptisme) that when he shall appeare, we may be bold, (1 Iohn 2 28.) for behold, Christ standeth at the dore, and knocks, in Laodicca in England (and he will not leave knock­ing with judgements, till they take his counsell, Rev. 3. 18.) if any man will heare my voyce, (saith he) and open the dore, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me. You see Christ raps loud with the sword and cannons, and he will knock with an earth-quake, and with pestilence, Luke 21. 11. In England and Scotland, where are Saints, with the sword and pestilence, but in Ireland, where are most Idolaters, with sword and famine: reasons I give in a book to come out, in Christs knock at the dores of England. Now, is it not good letting of Christ in to sup with us, and we with him, when hee knocks, and calls to us to take his counsel? to buy of him gold to make us rich, in the lively faith of the merits of Christs death, in baptisme, for a perfect re­mission of sins, (for he likes not this lukewarm, lame remission of sins to halfes, which many professe) and white-rayment justification to cloath us, that the shame of our nakednesse may not appeare, and eye-salve of the Spi­rit that takes of Jesus, water and blood, to witnesse to your spirits, you are the children of God, Rom. 8. 17. that thou mayst see, Rev. 3. 18. Christ will not leave rebuking, and chastising England, and knocking, till they heare, and let him in. Now therefore, let the loynes (of your minds) be girt about (with verity) and your lamps (of faith) burning, Luke 12. 35. and ye your selves, like men that wait for their Master, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately: Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find wa­king, i. in the wedding garment; Verily I say unto you, he will gird him­self about, and will make them sit down at table, and will come forth, and serve them; and if he come at the second watch, or in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants, vers. 36, 37. Now, you blessed White-rayment Christians, understand, that Christ our Master, is now return­ing from the wedding; for I believe not any more Churches of the Gentiles, (before the marriage of the Lamb, to the Iews) shall be called, and the third watch is come, and the dawning of the day of the Iews is at hand, and our Master now knocketh, the dinner of the wedding of the Gentiles, hath lasted about 1623. for the marriage of the Gentiles, was called a dinner, Mat. 22. 4. and the marriage dinner was furnished with guests of good and bad, for all had [Page] not a wedding garment, and therefore bad. Now, as noble Bridegrooms often times will bid a multitude to dinner, but none but his speciall friends are bid­den to supper; So Christ, the most noble Bridegroom, hath bidden seven Churche [...] of the Gentiles to the dinner of the marriage, and now he is return­ing from the wedding of the Gentiles, and he knocks and calls, Rev. 3. 20. Rev. 3. 20. Blessed are you that let him in immediately, for he calls for you, his friends, the White rayment Christians, to come to supper. Give me leave to shew you, the friends of the Bridegroom, why Christ now knocks, and calls in England; it is to call you to supper, all that were bidden to the wedding-dinner: were not blessed: But now (he saith) write, Blessed are they that are bidden to the marriage supper of the Lamb; these are the true sayings of God, Rev. 19. 9. The wedding-dinner is past, and Christ is returning from the wedding, as Luke 12. 36. and behold, he standeth at the dore, and knocks in England, with the sword and pestilence, let him in; for it seems, some have not let him yet; say, it is the voyce of my well beloved that knocks, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled, for mine head is full of dew, and my locks with the drops of the night, Cant. 5. 2. for men that are let in, use not to knock, but those that are shut out. Christ is about to marry his wife, of the Iewes, that shall make her self ready by baptisme and faith, and he will grant to her to be clothed in fine linen, bright and pure, [...], the justifications of the Saints, Rev. 19. 8. And now Christ knocks at the dore in England. to call his friends, to go with him to the marriage-supper, with his wife, and will begin his supper in England, he will sup with them, Rev. 3. 20. The most rarest junkets are kept for the marriage-supper. Now therefore heark; hee sayes, I will sup with him (that lets me in) and he with me; see how Esdras prophesied of you, 2 Esdras 2. 38. Arise and stand up, and behold the number of those that are sealed for the feast of the Lord, which are departed from the shadow of the world, and have received glorious garments of the Lord: Take thy number, O Sion, and shut up them that are clothed in white, which have fulfilled the Law of the Lord. Here you see, he prophesied of you White-rayment Christians, sealed for the feast, as Christ doth, Rev. 3. 4. & 18. & 16. 15. Now therefore all you, that have put on Christ in infant-baptisme, Gal. 3. 27. and made your long robes white in the blood of the Lamb, as my Sermon of the blood of the Lamb declares, pre­pare a supper for Christ; the cheere must be prepared of hearts, My son, give me thy heart, and it must be broken, and contrite, for he loves no stones that will not break, for the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A br [...]ken and a centrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise, Psal. 51. 17. Secondly, these hearts must be served in at your supper, in gold, that he counselleth you to buy of him, Rev. 3. 18. which is the lively faith in the merits of Christs death, in one baptisme, for remission of sins; for thus Peter served in three thousand hearts that were pricked by the Law, in baptisme, in the name of the Lord Jesus, for the remission of sins, Acts 2. 38. Thirdly, you must serve it in, in the white-rayment justification, wherein no shame of nakednesse do appeare, for Christ cannot endure sin. Fourthly, you must buy eye-salve, of the Holy Ghost, to anoint your eyes, that you may▪ see, Rev. 3. 18. For Christ will not sup with blind sinners. Fifthly, the marriage-chamber must be paved with the [Page] love of the daughters of Ierusalem, Cant. 3. 10. i. with love to all the citizens of the new Ierusalem, and now invite him, saying, Arise thou North-wind, and come thou South, and blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out; let my well beloved come into his garden, and eat of his pleasant fruits, Cant. 4. Now Christ hath prepared a supper for you; for thus he saith, I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse, I have gathered my myrrbe, with my spice, I have eaten mine honey comb, with mine honey, I have drunk my wine, with my milke, eat, O friends, drink and make you merry, O well beloved, (Cant. 5. 1.) for the first dish that you shall have at my supper, saith Christ, is the tree of life; for, to him that [...]vercometh, will I give to eat of the tree of life in the midst of the Paradise of God, Rev. 2. 7. Eat of Christ therefore, the tree of life, at supper, and drink his blood, and make you merry. Secondly, you that are faithfull, shall have a crown of life, and not be hurt of the second death, Rev 2. 10, 11. Thirdly; you shall have the hidden Manna, this is good cheere indeed, Eat, O friends, and make you merry, for you shall have a white stone, with a new name writ­ten, that no man knoweth, save he that receiveth it, (yea, no man can under­stand these things that I write, but he that hath the white stone,) Fourthly, you that are bidden to the marriage-supper, shall be a conquering people; for you shall have power over nations, and rule them with a rod of iron, and break them in pieces like a Potters vessell, and shall have the morning Star, which is Jesus, the root and the generation of David, to be your light, Rev. 22. 16. and Rev 2. 26. Fifthly, be merry, for you you shall be clothed with white-rayment, and he will not blot out your names out of the book of life, Rev. 3. 5. True faith in the White-rayment, is an argument, your names are written in the book of life. Sixthly, be merry in the Lord, for he will make you a pillar in the Temple of God, and you shall go no more out; and I will write upon you the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is the new Jerusalem, which cometh down from my God, out of heaven, and my new name, the new Christian, a new creature, Gal. 6. 16. Seventhly, be merry, for you shall fit with Christ in his Throne, as he overcame, and fit with the Father in his Throne, Rev 3. 21. Eat therefore, O friends, drink and make you merry, O well beloved, much good do it you at this supper. You see therefore, that all the promises of the seven Churches, run into the last, which is ours, and to the supper of the Lamb. Therefore you see, that the most conquering and raigning Church that ever arose in Christendome, is now arising in England; for you White­rayment Christians, shall sit with Christ in his Throne, therefore you shall raigne: For Christ hath loved you, and washed you from your sins, in his own blood, and made you Kings and Priests, to God his Father, and you shall raign on earth, ( Rev. 5. 10.) for Christ will be clothed in a garment dipt in blood shortly, if he be not already, and you the hosts of heaven, shall follow him on white horses, for you are clothed in [...]ine linen, white and pure, Rev. 19. 13, 14. There be many religions now in England, and maay m [...]se, which shall prevail; some say the Papists, some the Prelate, some the Anabaptists, some say the Brownists, and every sect now think to prevail; but I say the White­rayment Christians are the Israel of God, that have not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with Christ in white, for they are worthy, Rev. 3. 4. Peace [Page] be upon that Israel of God, Gal. 6. 16. for they shall fit with Christ in his Throne, Rev. 3. 21. And therefore, because you can sing the song of Moses, and of the Lamb, Rev. 15. 2. therefore I set Moses blessing upon you, Deut. 33. Blessed are thou, O Israel, who is like unto thee? O people, saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and the sword of thy glory; therefore thine ene­mies shall be in subjection unto thee, and thou shalt tread upon their high places. Christ is now shaking the heavens of the Churches, and the earth of the Heathen now; and shaking of the Churches, sheweth the removing of those things that are shaken, that the things which are not shaken, may remain, Heb. 12. 26. But the Churches of the Lutherans and of England are now shaken, by a civill war, they are Churches divided against themselves, Ergo, they must not stand, but come to nought, as Christ saith, Mat. 12. 25. and Rome shall be shaken too, and come to destruction, Ergo, they shall be removed from be­ing Churches, that the things which are not shaken may remain, and that is the Church of the White-rayment Christians, and citizens of the new Jerusalem, which shall remain; for we receive the Kingdome which cannot be shaken, Heb. 12. 28. and are the pillars in the Temple of God, Rev. 3. 12. Therefore leave your wrangling for a Discipline, and heare Christs voyce, for behold, he knocketh, and will never leave rapping, untill you take his counsell in Eng­land, to buy gold, white-rayment and eye-salve: mark, he knocks to be let in for doctrine, for scarce one of a thousand have bought these three: say with the White-rayment Christians, Thou shalt guide me by thy counsell, and after re­ceive me to a glorious Throne, Psal. 73. 24. and city, for they shall enter in­to the gates of the city, and have right to the tree of life, R [...]v 22. 14. And now, deare friends, I have set before you in this Book, and in that of the blood of the Lamb, as it were, the two sides of Jacobs ladder, whose foot was on earth, but the top reached to Heaven, and the Angels of heaven ascended, and de­scended upon it, Gen. 28. [...]. The two sides of this ladder on earth, are Baptisme, and the blood of the Lamb, though the foot of it be on earth, 1 John 5. in visible signes, yet the top of it reacheth to heaven, for we are baptized into Christ in heaven, and by faith feed upon Christ, and are sprinkled with Christs blood in heaven: The Angels of heaven will ascend, and descend for your protection Heb. 1. You friends of the Bridegroom, and children of the marriage­chamber, that are clothed in white-raiment; make much of this ladder, for though the foot of it be on earth, in water and blood, yet it reacheth unto heaven, unto Jesus that came by water and blood, to send Angels down to you upon it: they that have no faith in their baptisme into Christ, and in the blood of the Lamb, cannot tell, whether the Angels of God descend or ascend for their protection, as Heathens, Jews, Turks, Devils, Witches, Papists, and all unbe­lievers. I have writ a little book of Good news for souldiers, or, the way to overcome the Devill, by the blood of the Lamb: I finde by Luke 21. 11. there is See 2 Esdras 13. 31. an earthquake, pestilence and famine coming; for thus saith my Lord, and my God, When ye heare of wars, and seditions, that nation rise against nation, and Ma. kingdome against kingdome, there shall be great earthquakes, [...], i. in, according to, or through those places, and famine, and pestilence, Luke 21. 11. Mark 13. 8. these are the beginnings of sorrows. But in England, Scot­land Mi. [Page] and Ireland, we heare of wars and seditions, that nation rise against na­tion, and kingdome against kingdome. Ergo, there shall be great earth-quakes, Con. [...], i. in, according to, or through those places, and famine and pesti­lence, these are the beginnings of sorrows; of which I have writ more fully in the Counsell of Christ to England. Now, as Moses, when a pestilence was comming, counselled the Israelites a way to escape the destroying Angel, by sprinking the blood of a Lamb, upon the two dore-posts, and the upper dore­post of their houses, that when God saw the blood, he said, he would passe over them, and the plague shall not be upon you, to destruction; so [...] counsell you, the Israel of God, buy one of them books, for every house, and sprinkle the faith of the blood of the Lamb upon your two dore-posts of your bodies and soules, and the upper dore-post of your spirits, that when the destroying pesti­lence shall come, God may see the blood of the Lamb upon your consciences, he may cause it to passe over your houses, where the Israelite of a good con­science is within; and whatsoever comes to your bodies, yet your souls shall be safe: for as the Angels of heaven went up and down on Jacobs ladder, so they shall ascend, and descend for your protection, that believe your bodies were washed with pure water in Baptisme, and your hearts sprinkled from an evill conscience, by the blood of the Lamb, you may keep your profession with­out wavering, (of deliverance) Heb. 10. 22, 23. For he that dwelleth in this secret of the Lord, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, Psal. 91. 1. and he shall give his Angels a charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy wayes, to beare thee in their arms, that thou dash not thy foot against a stone, v. 11. and peace shall be upon them, that walk according to this rule (of a new crea­ture) and upon the Israel of God, Gal 6. 16.

Thine in the Lord Jesus, JOHN EACHARD.

JUDGEMENT Denounced against Unfruitfulnesse in grace.


And now also is the ax put to the root of the tree, therefore every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewne down, and cast into the fire.

IOHN the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, was prophesied of, by two famous Prophets, Isaiah, and Malachi: For, this is he of whom it is spoken by the Prophet Isaiah, saying, The voyce Isaiah 40. of him that cryeth in the Wildernesse, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths streight: And Malachi calleth him the Prophet Eliah, that Mal. [...]. should turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and of the children to their fathers. He exhorteth them▪ to prepare a way Prepare away in their hearts, Joh. 1. 12. As Kings. (in their hearts) for Christ, that they may receive him; for so ma­ny as receive him, he gives them prerogative to become the sons of God: That as Princes and great Kings have forerunners, that prepare their wayes, and foretell of a kings coming, to prepare him lodging; so did John prepare the way for the Lord, by shewing their lost, miserable, and cursed condition by sin. The Vallies are Vallies. exalted, when men escape out of the mire of sin, and go to Christ: the Mountains and Hils are brought low, when men cast away all pride of their own righteousnesse, and trust in their merits, and imbrace Christs; and then crooked things are made streight, when [Page 2] men cast away hypocrisie and simulation, and receive the Gospel sincerely. And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, He shall turn the hearts as Elias did. i. as Elias did, when there was such a dissention in Religion, that some fathers were for Baal, and the children for God; so on the contrary; But Elias brought them all to acknowledge the true God: So John the Baptist seeing the dissention of so many sects, the fathers Sadduces, and the children Pharisees, or Esses, he by a He thundred out the Law. divine zeal, thundring out the Law, did convince them all of sin, that they were great and damnable sinners, and needed to be bap­tized, and confessed their sins, and were baptized in Jordan, and Was a poin­ter. was a true pointer, for he pointed out Jesus Christ to be the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world, that men should receive him; and this he was fore-prophesied he should do, lest the Lord should smite the earth with cursing, ( i.) to bring a destructi­on Lest he smile with a curse. upon the whole land for their dissention; for when one part of a Common-wealth opposeth another, Ipsa Salus non potest talem Rempublicam conservare, Salvation it self cannot preserve such a kingdome, for, a kingdome divided cannot stand. God hath smit­ten our land with this cursing, that the hearts of the fathers were not towards the children, nor the hearts of the children towards their fathers in the true Religion. Fathers are for an Episcopacie, and children for another way; fathers for one sect, and children for another, none of both for Christ. O that the Lord would Oh that the Lord would raise such an­other. raise up some prophet, or John the Baptist, that might thunder out the Law and Judgments of God against all the sects and divisi­ons, both of Cavilleers, and all others, to shew them they are all cur­sed and damnable sinners, the best of all but luke-warm Gospellers, and therefore wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind, and na­ked, that they may seek the remedie in Christ for their sins, and buy of him gold tried in the fire, that they may be rich, which is the live­ly faith in the merits of Christs death received in baptisme, which Rev. 3. 18. makes men rich members of Christ, children of God, and inheri­tors of the kingdome of Heaven, which would make them leave fighting, if they did believe it; and white rayment, that their filthy nakednesse might not appear; they would then leave stripping one another of their garments; and eye-salve, that they might see how the Papists set them together by the eares, and laugh at them, when they kill one another, they would then leave fightinng one with [Page 3] another, and both sides fight only against them, for murthering of their brethren in Ireland.

Now Christs testimony of John was this: that he was that Elias that was to come, and is come already and they knew him not, but have done to him whatsoever they would, Mat. 17. 12. (i.) many Mat. 17. 12. of the Jews knew not the Majesty and office of John the Baptist, but said he had a devill. Herod added this to his sins, that he cast John into prison, and beheaded him; his birth was foretold by an Angel, which appeared at the right hand of the Altar of incense, saying, Fear not Zacharias, for thy prayer is beard, (signifying, that he had prayed for a son) for thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John, which signifies the grace of God, Iohn signifies the grace of God, there­fore should be a Preacher of free Grace. signifying he should be a Preacher of the free grace of God to wretched sinners, pointing with the finger at the Lamb of God, for whose sake we are received into free grace and favour of God: And thou shalt have joy and gladnesse, and many shal rejoyce at his birth, because he shall have a new birth; for parents may have great joy Great, for he shall be a Baptist. and gladnesse at the new birth of their children: for he shall be great before the Lord, although the wicked world shall contemne him, and say he hath a devil, yet he shall be great, for he shall be a Baptist.

They are the greatest before the Lord, that preach most sound­ly of Baptisme; Paul the greatest of the Apostles, preached most of Baptisme, Luther was famous for Baptisme; and Calvin, the fourth Angel; and name any that ever was famous in the Church, that was not sound in the faith of his baptisme; for no Anabaptist, nor any other shall be great before the Lord in his Church, which is not sound in that point, that do not thunder out the Law to Filled with the Holy Ghost from the womb. men that may drive them to the faith of their Baptisme in Infan­cie. He shall be filled with the Holy Ghost from his mothers womb, which is not so to be understood, that all the elect do now receive the Holy Ghost in their mothers womb, but that all the elect should re­ceive the Holy Ghost in their mothers womb of the Church, which is baptisme in their Infancie; when their godly parents, i. all the true Church, pray for the holy Spirit to be given to their Infants. As Peter told the Iews, Be baptized eve­ry one in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, Acts 2. 38. For why should not the Lord give his holy Spirit to Infants at bap­tisme, as well as to John? And as Peter told the Jews, Be baptized, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost. He shall drink neither wine, nor [Page 4] strong drink, ( i.) he shall be no drunken Minister: the Holy Ghost shall teach him sobriety. And he shall convert many of the children of Israel unto the Lord God. The Baptist, and all that preach most soundly of Baptisme, convert most to Christ. I have observed that those men, and that those Ministers, that have preached the Law, and Baptisme most soundly amongst men, have converted most, and the reason, why so few are converted in these dayes, be­cause few preach the Law cleerly, in the spirituall breach, and Bap­tisme, as Luther prophesied Baptisme after his time, would be lost; so there be few preach Baptisme cleerly to make the tree good, and the fruit good, for the tree is evill, and the fruit evill by Adam. And here is the rule to know all Sermons to be good or bad, by The rule to know all Ser­mons by. converting, or not: if they make the tree good, and the fruit good, or the tree evill, and the fruit evill, as it is Christs own rule, Mat. 12. 33. This is the first main ground of a faithfull Minister, to prove all his Doctrine and Sermons by, if he misse this ground, he cast out his net on the wrong side, and catch no fish, convert no souls, though he labour all his life. This is the right side that Christ Make the tree good, and the fruit good, or the tree evill, and the fruit evill. bad Peter cast out the net on, ( i.) the net of the Gospel, to make the tree good, and the fruit good, or the tree evill, and the fruit evill; and this is the reason, why hearers get no assurance of sal­vation, because they do follow such Preachers, that make neither the tree good, nor the fruit good, nor the tree evill, nor the fruit evill, but partly good, and partly bad: We must do something to make our selves good before God, which is the greatest abomina­tion The abomi­nation of An­tichrist. that Antichrist can set up against God, to affirm that we can make our selves righteous in whole or in part, as the Homily of our Church, for then Christ died in vain.

Now, seeing John the Baptist was fore-prophesied of by so ma­ny Seing that there is such a testimony of Iohn Baptist. Prophets, and by so many Apostles, and by Christ himself, that a greater then John have not sprung up among them, that have been born of women; that he was a burning and a shining candle, and thus testified by an Angel from heaven; Let us believe his baptisme was from Heaven; let us know that those that are Baptists, that preach most of Baptisme, their doctrine is most heavenly, and Let us be Baptists. they shall convert▪ most to the Lord; for they point most to the Lamb of God, that hath taken away the sins of the world, who drew all his obedient hearers by preaching the Law, from the [Page 5] sundry sorts of sects; 1. to Baptisme, and then shewed them Christ He drew all sects, 1. to bap­tizing, then to Christ. the Lamb of God, that took away the sins of the world. Wherefore hearken to this Elias; Repent, and receive Christ, the Lamb of God by Baptisme, to take away your sins; for so many as received him, to them he hath given prerogative to become the sons of God, so many as believe in his name, which are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God: So he that would draw all the sects and divisions of England into one, he must first thunder out the Law, and shew how cursed they are, all be­cause He that gathe­reth not into Christs bap­tisme, scat­tereth. The cause of all the sects and divisions of England, for when men have lost bap­tisme, then to work for re­mission of their righte­ousnesse. they have not taken Christs counsell, Rev. 3. 18. Then he must bring them to the faith of their Baptisme, he must teach them there is one God, one Faith, one Baptisme, and he that does not gather with John and Christ too, into Baptisme, scatter; and here is the cause of all the sects and divisions in all the Churches in Chri­stendome; for when men have lost Baptisme, some will have justi­cation from all eternity; some from the crosse, all born, and un­born, some in the womb, some at faith, some at conversion; some at death, and some after death, and then they must go wash to get remission of sins: Thus he that gathers not into Christ, by Baptisme, scattereth abroad; for, except I wash thee, thou shalt have no part with me: so, except thou take thy part with Christ from thy Baptisme, thou canst have no assurance of salvation.

John▪ preached, saying, Repent, for the kingdome of heaven is at hand; this is not only to be understood that he preached nothing The Law the summe to bring them to repentance. else, but the summe of his doctrine was by the Law; he shewed them what horrible sinners they were, the generation of Vipers, detest your sins, and your own righteousnesse, believe in the Messias▪ he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: for all that are baptized into Christ, have put on Christ, for in our Baptisme we received remission of our sins, in the death of Christ, into which we were baptized and buried, and in Christ we received everlasting righteousnesse, in whom, by baptisme we are raised; and he prea­ched, The Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. In Christ, righteousness, and peace, and joy. the kingdome of heaven is hand, because Baptisme was at hand, for where Baptisme is truly preached, there the kingdome of hea­ven is at hand. Christ and his righteousnesse is at hand, in Bap­tisme peace is at hand, to them that believe their baptisme, they have peace with God, and assurance of salvation; and all the sects and professors of England, have no peace with God, nor assu­rance [Page 6] of salvation but they that believe they have peace with God, from their baptisme into Christ in infancy, and joy in the Holy Ghost is at hand by Baptisme, as the Eunuch found true, and the Jaylor and his houshold after Baptisme rejoyced. And I can testi­fie Acts 8. 39. that my God shall fill you full of joy and peace in believing, ( i.) that you are in him that is true, in that his Son Jesus Christ, the same is very God, and eternall life; and this I know by faith in my baptisme into that Jesus, that came by water and blood, not by water of Baptisme only, but by water and blood, 'tis that Spirit that beareth witnesse, ( i.) (unto our spirits, that we are the chil­dren of God, Rom. 8. 16.) that Spirit is true, and those Christians that hold the true faith in their baptisme, that by it and by the blood we know we are in him that is true, and by the Spirit that beareth witnesse by both these, they are the right joyfull Christians in all the world; the Devill and the world are mad at them for their joy, and are the citizens of the new Jerusalem, the street of it paved with pure gold, like transparent glasse, signifie the lively faith of our Baptisme.

And this John had his garment of Camels hair, he was no velvet 4. Garment. or silken Preacher, with long Camels hair on his head; no, his garment was hairy, like Elias, free from softnesse, or pride, and a lethern girdle about his loynes, not broydered with silver or gold, but like Elias in his lether girdle, 2 King. 1. and his meat was Lo­custs, and wilde Honey, to shew Humble-Bees honey, and Locusts could content him, as the Pulse did Daniel and the three children, Daniel, he did not desire delicate fare, but he was in his apparel and diet far from pride or luxury.

There went out to him Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region 5. Went out to see a Prophet sent of God. round about Jordan; and they were baptized of him in Jordan, con­fessing their sins. They went out into the Wildernesse to see a Pro­phet, he was not a Reed shaken with the wind, to run after every wind of doctrine, but he taught that doctrine and baptisme that he was sent to teach from God; for so he testified, he that sent me to baptize with water, said unto me, Joh. 1. 33. But when they Ioh. 1. 33. He so preach­ed the Law. came to see him, he so preached the Law, and the wrath of God to come upon them for sin, they confessed their sins, (i.) they humbly confessed they were sinners before God, by the Law, and had de­served eternall damnation, and prayed to God to forgive them [Page 7] their sins, and took the Sacrament of Baptisme unto repentance, for the remission of sins, and bad them believe in Christ, that should baptize them with the Holy Ghost, which Johns baptisme could not do, as the twelve men, Acts 19. For by our baptisme Acts 19. By baptisme we are made made clean. now we are made clean from all our sins before God, and regene­rate, that of the children of Adam, we might be made the sons of God; and as Ananias said to Paul, Arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, in calling on the name of the Lord, Acts 22. And Paul Acts 22. 16. testifieth, that Christ doth cleanse his Church in the laver of wa­ter through the Word, Eph. 5. and Christ saith, Except ye be rege­nerate Ephes. 5. of water, and the Holy Ghost, ye cannot enter into the King­dome of Heaven, Joh. 3. And Paul saith, that Baptisme is the laver Iohn 3. 5. of regeneration, Tit. 3. that we might have this ground of conso­lation Titus 3. 5. in all afflictions, that we are baptized, and so regenerate, and are adopted to be the sons of God. And seeing Baptisme is a means, saith the Expositor, whereby we obtain remission of sins, and the benefit of regeneration; let us beware of that doctrine of Devils, Doctrine of Devills. that through malice, or foolishnesse, we deprive not our children to come unto Christ, to obtain remission of sins, and the benefit of regeneration in infancy: For, if Christ say, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdome of hea­ven, then they must be baptized, for they can come no other way Iohn 13. 7. to Christ, but by Baptisme, nor any other way be of the kingdome of Heaven, as Joh. 3. 5. but by that of themselves, or of their pa­rents, if they die in the womb, for Baptisme is as the Ark for a man and his houshold, 1 Pet. 3. 21.

When he saw many of the Pharisees and of the Sadduces come to Vers. 7. Pharisees and Sadduces. his baptisme, he said unto them, O generation of Vipers, who hath forewarned you to flee from the wrath to come? What, you Pharisees? that think your selves good, and contemne others? you that trust to your own righteousnesse, you that say, stand apart, I am holier then thou, you that think your selves better then other folks; the Law doth declare you are a cursed generation, for you are a poy­sonable generation, and desirous of hurting; you are the genera­tion of Vipers, for your fathers slew the Prophets, and you are of the same viperous mind, to kill them that discover your hypocrisie, for all your plots are against them that discover you: And you Sadduces, What, are you come to my baptisme? What need you Sadduces. [Page 8] be baptized? as if he should say, you believe no resurrection, nor Angel, nor Spirit, you are all cursed by the Law, for you have not continued in all things, you shall go cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devill and his angels, you shall finde a Devill in Hell, that will not believe there are Angels in Heaven: Well, both of you are come to my baptisme, look you be both of one faith, to believe in the Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the Phari­sees, and the sins of the Sadduces, and of the whole world; and thus he reconciled these Sects to be all one in their baptisme: So the on­ly way to reconcile all the Sects in the world, is, to shew them their abominable estate by Adam, the generation of Vipers, and how cur­sed they are by the Law, and the wrath of God hangs over them, and bring them all to faith in baptisme, to obtain remission of all sins, past, present, and to come, and how they put on Christ in bap­tisme, to make them everlastingly righteous: For here is the cause The losse of Baptisme is the cause of all sects. of all the sects and divisions in Christendome; for when men have lost baptisme, then one sect will devise to get remission of sins one way, as by a Popes pardon, by pilgrimage, or in Purgatory. The Anabaptists by a new baptisme, and by a new Church-way, not ap­pointed by Christ, but invented of themselves, to make them more righteous, and holy, and clean then others, that are not of their way, and therfore will not communicate with others, for they think they are more holy then others, by strictnesse of their order; and thus all sects imagine, that in that way they walk in, they are lesse sinners then others, and more righteous then others, and therefore will not communicate with others, and you will be a Church by O ye sects, flee from the wrath to come. your selves: But I say unto you, O generation of Vipers, all you sects in Christendom, come home to the faith in your baptism into Christ, there is wrath coming upon all Christendome; Christ is come as a thief, by the judgement of a plundering, robbing, spoyling, stealing, Christ is come as a thiefe, Iohn 10. 10. pillaging, civill war, upon all sects: Here is an Ark for you to be saved in, come unto your baptisme; what foolery have you profes­sed? Can you get a better remission of sins then Christ hath pro­cured for you in his own blood in your baptisme? If you should wash your selves an hundred yeers, with all your tears and morti­fication, and holy walking, though these may give some satisfacti­on to the conscience, yet you cannot wash your selves more clean from sin before God, then Christ hath made you in baptisme, and [Page 9] by his blood: And seeing Christ hath made you everlastingly righteous in baptisme, by putting on of Christ, you cannot make Not make your selves more righ­teous then Christ. your selves more righteous before God, by all the works in the world, then the wedding garment hath made you already; and if you go about to make your selves more righteous by works before God, you defile his garments; you may make your selves more righteous before men, but you cannot make your selves more righ­teous, or more holy then Christ hath made you in baptisme; and therefore all you sects, come to your baptisme, into this Ark, and be saved from the blood of Gods wrath coming upon Christen­dome, for the contempt of Christs counsell. And all you Saddu­ces, that are prophane and loose livers, that believe not your resur­rection, for you purifie not your selves, as he is pure, 1 John 3. 3. Come home to believe your baptisme, and you shall have your part in the first resurrection: for, blessed and holy is he, which hath part in the first resurrection, and the second death shall have no power over you: The first resurrection before God, is in baptisme, as Col. 2. 12. though before men it be at conversion and faith.

Bring forth fruits worthy of amendment of life; (i.) bring forth Verse 8. fruits in Christ, believe you are in him that is true, in that his Son Jesus Christ, and let this faith cause you to bring forth fruits of piety and charity.

And think not to say, we have Abraham to our father; for I say un­to Verse 9. you, that God is able of these stones, to raise up children to Abraham. He told them of their thoughts: nourish not such proud thoughts as these, that you have Abraham to your father; you have a Church, you have the Word, and you have Sacraments, you are the children of the martyrs; for I tell you all, you are cursed by the Law for not continuing in all things written in the book of the Law to do them; and therefore come and believe your baptisme, or else you are cursed for ever: For God is able of these stones, yea, stony hearted people, by baptisme, to raise up children unto Abraham, and give them faith to believe it, Gal. 3. 9. and to take away the stony heart, and give them hearts of flesh, Ezek. 36. 26. For, Ezek. 36. 26.

Now the ax is laid to the root of the trees; every tree that bringeth Verse. 10. not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and cast into: he fire. Now Christ is come by baptisme and faith, to make you good trees, to bring forth none but good fruit; every tree, every church or sect, or particular [Page 10] man, that bringeth forth sin before God, is hewn down, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath: Every man or church, that will not believe his baptisme, that by it he is baptized into Christ, and in­graffed into him, and made a good tree in Christ, and bring forth good fruit before God, he is hewn down by the Law, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath; for he believeth not that he hath the Son, that he hath his blood, that hath washed him from all his sins before God, nor Christs righteousnesse to make him everlastingly righte­ous, therfore the wrath of God abideth upon him, John 3. vers. last.

What is meant by the Ax? It is taken materially for an [...]stru­ment, What the Ax signifies. to cut down trees: So Deut. 20. 19. Thou shalt not cut down the fruit trees with an ax, when thou besiegest a city, for thou mayest eat of them, for the tree of the field is mans life, but it is taken metapho­rically for Gods Decree and Judgement, as in this place. Now is the decree of God come forth, that every one that is not made a good tree by baptisme into Christ, is hewn down, and cast into wrath. In the time of the Law, there was sacrifice for wrath, but now baptisme for men to get into Christ, now no more sacrifice for wrath: So Dan. 4. 11. 14. 21. Hew him down, is the Decree of the most High: So Zeph. 2. 1, 2. Gather your selves together, gather your selves together, O nation not worthy to be beloved, before the decree come forth; for Gods decrees are never to be recalled. The ax at the root, is baptisme.

What is meant by trees? Metaphorically by trees, are meant What is meant by trees. men, as is plain by Jothams Parable, Judg. 9. 8. The trees went forth to anoint a king over them; and they said to the Olive, Come thou raigne over us, but the Olive said, Should I leave my fatnesse, whereby by me they honour God and man, and go to advance me above the trees? No, I am content with my estate, to honour God in that estate I am created, I will be content with my calling, to honour God and man, in that I must forsake my fatnesse, and by taking of an higher calling of a King, I may so dishonour God and man; and the Fig­tree would not forsake his sweetnesse and good fruit, to be a King, nor the Vine would not forsake his wine, whereby he cheered God and man, to be King, to which he was not called of God, he should displease God and man; but the Bramble would be King, though most unfit for it, that would do no good to them, but scratch and fire them: Also where the tree falleth, there it lieth, whether to­wards [Page 11] the South, or the North, Eccles. 11. 3. ( i.) in what estate men die, whether in a good estate, or bad, to heaven­ward, or to hell, so they lie: So the persecutors of Jeremiah said, Let us destroy the tree with the fruit, i. let us destory Jeremiah, and his Prophesie, Let us destroy the Preacher, and his preaching, but thou, Lord God of Sabaoth, that judgest right, let me see thy ven­geance upon them, Jer. 11. 19. declaring the destiny of all such as plot to destroy a faithfull Pastor; and the tree to be hewn down, was Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 4. 21. So Jude 12. Corrupt trees, whose fruit withereth, twice dead, and plucked up by the roots, are men that are dead by originall sin, and then dead by actuall sin. Reprobates that cannot repent, are cast into the fire of Gods wrath, and then heap up wrath against the day of wrath, and of the declaration of the just judgement of God, Rom. 2. 5.

What is meant by hewn down? i. They are cut down before What meant by hewn down. God, that refuse, or will not believe baptisme, by Gods Law and Decree; for as Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal, 1 Sam. 15. 33. so are all men that will not receive Christ by baptisme hewn down, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath, Joh. 3. 36. as Jews, Turks, and Heathens. Sometimes it is taken for hewing by degrees, as Exod. 31. 4. Hew thee two tables of stone. Me­taphorically it is taken for the preaching of the Law by the Pro­phets: So Hos. 6. 5. Therefore I have hewn them by my Prophets, and slain them with the words of my mouth; by punishments and plagues, and curses of the Law, for their sins. Therefore the Law and the Prophets indured untill John (i. hewing them, and slaying them, (as in Hosea) for their sins;) and since that time, the kingdome of Luke 16. 16. Heaven is preached, and every man presseth unto it.

How is the Kingdome of Heaven to be preached?

By faith and baptisme; for remission of sins is preached by bap­tisme, Answ. and the righteousnesse of Christ, without which, no king­dome of Heaven; but by baptisme we come into the large heaven of remission of sins, as Luther calls it, in which we have remission of all sins, past, present, and to come; for the doctrine and work of Baptisme, it came down from heaven: as Christ posed the Pha­risees, The baptisme of John, was it from heaven, or of men? inti­mating it was from Heaven: But why did he call it the baptisme of John, not the doctrine or ministery of John? Answ. To [Page 12] shew, that his baptisme was the most heavenly thing: For, there was a man sent from God, whose name was John, Job. 1. 6. And what was he sent to do? Answ. To baptize: He that sent me to baptize with water, said unto me, Ʋpon whom thou seest the Spirit of God come down, and tarrying still upon him, that is he which baptizeth with the Joh. 1. 33. Holy Ghost. By all which, you see that where baptisme is truly preached and administred, there the Kingdome of Heaven is prea­ched, and is at hand; and in it the Kingdome of Heaven is set open to all the elect, and according to the established doctrine of the Church of England, which all that have taken the Protestation, are sworn to maintain; that in my baptisme I was made a member of Ephes. 5. 30. Christ, a childe of God, and an inheritor of the Kingdome of Hea­ven; Gal 3. 26▪ 27. Joh 1. 12. Rom. 8. 17. which is a heavenly point of doctrine, that agrees with the reformed Churches and Scriptures; for if any be made an inheri­tor of that Kingdome, it must be by baptisme: For, Verily, verily I s [...]y unto thee, (saith Christ) Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot see the Kingdome of God, Joh. 3. 5. For, that which is born of the flesh, is flesh; and unclean, and unfit for the Kingdome of heaven, untill it be new born.

What is meant by good fruit? All the fruit that man brings forth What is meant by fruit. before God, is sin, or righteousnesse: every evill man brings forth evill fruit of sin, and every good man bringeth forth good fruits of righteousnesse; A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit, neither can a bad▪ tree bring forth good fruit, namely before God, Matth. 7. 17. So that every man, Church or Nation, that will not now receive baptisme, or believe, by baptisme into Christ, he is made a good tree, and brings forth nothing but good fruit before God, through remission of sins and Christs righteousnesse, he is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

What is meant by fire? By fire in this place, is not meant hell fire, though they shall go afterward into hell fire, that do not escape, but they are cast into the fire of Gods wrath; signifying, that every man that bringeth forth evill fruit of sin, before God, that believes not by baptisme his sins are all forgiven, and that in Christ he bringeth forth fruit of righteousnesse before God, he is hewn down, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath, as is plain, Joh. 3. 36. He that believeth in the Son, (which none can do, before he be baptized into him) bath everlasting life: he that obeyeth not [Page 13] the Son ( i. to let him wash him) Joh. 13. 8. shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him; For fire is kindled in my wrath, and it shall burn to the bottome of hell, and set on fire the foundation of the mountains, Deut. 32▪ 22.

Now, in that he saith, Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, Doctr. That all men are good trees or bad trees. we gather, that all men, now baptisme is offered, are good trees, or bad, there are none indifferent; or partly good, and partly bad. This is proved, Matth. 12. 33. Either make the tree good, and his fruit good, or the tree evill, and the fruit evill. Augustine saith, he com­manded Augustine, 12. Serm▪ de ver­bis [...]om. Mat. 12▪ 33. the Jews, that they should be good trees, and to bring forth good fruit; and in that he saith, make the tree evill, he admo­nisheth them, that they should not be evill; for the Pharisees de­clared themselves to be evill trees, by their evill fruit. Others take it, that Christ spake of himself, as of a tree. Thus, the tree is known by the fruit, and the fruit is like the tree. The casting out devills is a good fruit, as you grant in your children; therefore, if you in your words and judgements make the fruit good, then also make the tree good, for an evill tree cannot bring forth good fruit, Mat. 7. 18. Say of him that cast out devils, he is a good tree, not the prince of devils; but if you make the tree evill, and say, I am an evill man, and have the devill, Beelzebub, do not attribute the casting out of devils, which is good fruit, to an evill tree; for an evill tree, as Beel­zebub Chrysost. Emth. Hieron▪ Theoph. is, cannot bring forth good fruit; nor an evill man by Adam, cannot bring forth good fruit before God.

This you may see, Matth. 7. 17. So every good tree that is made good by baptisme into Christ, bringeth forth good fruit before God, and a corrupt tree by Adam (as all are by generation) brin­geth forth evill fruit, i. before God. Calvin noteth, that this was Opinion of the Pharisees. the opinion of the Pharisees, that they were partly good trees, and partly bad, and that they brought forth some good fruit before God, and some bad, for which they did sacrifice, as some say now, they are partly flesh, and partly spirit, and therefore do bring forth some fruits good, and some bad; and this was the opinion of the old Pharisees, for their fained sanctimony was such, that the people perceived them not. Now Christ puts away this vizird, and un­caseth all Hypocrites, and tels them, that all men are good, or bad before God; a good tree bringeth nothing but good fruit before God, and a bad tree nothing but bad, as Matth. 7. 18. for there is [Page 14] nothing such an enemy to true Christianity, as to counterfeit a man in a twofold estate before God; but they do in vain think them­selves righteous, that are not made good trees by baptisme into Christ, for such justifie themselves before men, and think to make themselves righteous in whole, or in part, which is the abomina­tion of Antichrist, but God knows their hearts, i. to be evill trees, Luke 16. 15. Now they bear themselves in hand, that they were good and righteous men, though they brought forth some fruit that was evill before God, they should sacrifice for that, and take it away well enough, but they were deceived; for John telleth them, now baptisme is instituted to wash away all sins; now you must make the tree good, and the fruit good, i. the person and the actions all good through the remission of sins in baptisme, or the tree evill, and the fruit evill, i. the person evill by Adam; for, every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, i. if it bring forth any evill fruit (before God, now baptisme is administred) it is hewn down, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath, Christ hath done nothing for them.

For all men now that baptisme is administred, are in Adam, or in Reason 1. Christ; either they are regenerate of water and the Spirit, or else they are not; either they are ingraffed into Christ by baptisme, and made good trees, or else they are not ingraffed, but are stil in Adam. This the Lord shewed in a vision to Jeremiah, by the two baskets of Figs, the one had exceeding good Figs, even like the first, that are Jerem. 24. first ripe, the other had exceeding naughty Figs, they were so evill, the Lord in this place, saith the Expositor, hath respect unto the Kingdome of Christ, in which both Jews and Gentiles being in­graffed by faith and baptisme, they are made good trees of the ce­lestiall Paradise, to bring forth good fruit, and the other that are evill by Adam, should have all the curses and plagues of God to seise upon them, and be under wrath; For, thus saith the Lord, of the men of Jerusalem, that have obeyed me, I will know them to be good, but the evill, I will give them for a terrible plague; So, now the ax is laid to the root of the trees, every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Erasmus, in the old Latine translation, It is hewn down, in this present time, 'tis laid to the root of all bad trees, that bear evill fruit, and of such as bear no fruit, as the un­profitable Fig-tree, that bare nothing but leaves, was cursed; and [Page 15] the tree, the Lord came three yeers, seeking for fruit, and finding none, he saith, Hew it down, why combreth it the ground? it hath been digged by the Law, and dunged these three yeers of Q. Elizabeths, King James, and King Charles, and I find no fruits of faith, in this lukewarm Hierarchie and people, the sword is come to cut thee down that combred the ground.

For seeing now Christ is come, and appointed Baptisme, which Reason 2. is the righteous branch of the root of David, every one that is not by baptisme and faith ingraffed into him, and made a good tree, bear­ing good fruit, is hewne downe by the Law, and cursed of God, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath, that will burne to the bottome of hell: but to so many as received him, he gave prerogative to become the sonnes of God: So many as beleeve in his Name. And what are they? Ans. Such as are borne of God, Joh. 1. 12. Whereby we see how men are made good trees, by receiving Christ by baptisme, and by be­leeving: but all others have the wrath of God abiding upon them, because they are evill trees, and the axe of the curses of the Law, will cut them downe, or the sword, or famine, or pestilence.

For though God let many trees alone in the time of the Law, Reason 3. that bare some fruit good, and some bad, as Moses, Miriam, Da­vid, Jehosaphat, for which they did sacrifice, and God was appea­sed: and some branches of the Israelites were hewne off by the axe of the Law, because they bare bad fruits before God, of Idolatry; as the Danites, and the Ephraimites; yet Judah bare good fruit, as Hosea 11. 12. Ephraim compasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit; but Judah yet ruleth with God, and is faithfull with the Saints. But now seeing Christ is come, and appointed baptisme to graff all men into Christ, to be made branches of the vine Christ. .i. to be taken out of Adam, and of the Law, to be graffed into Christ. Now if any man abide not in me, (or will not be graffed in­to me, by baptisme, and faith; for baptisme is the foundation of the lively faith; baptisme, that is the worke of the Father, Sonne, and the holy Ghost: wherein is not onely water, but water and bloud; 1 Joh. 5. 6. Tit. 3. 5. and the washing of the new birth; and the renewing of the holy Ghost) if any branch of man abide not in Christ, by faith, in his baptisme into Christ, that he is made a good tree of righteousnesse, to beare good fruit before God; he is cast forth as a branch, and withereth, .i. in the assurance of salvation, and bring forth no fruits of righte­ousnesse [Page 16] before God, and men gather them, and by Excommunica­tion, or in the judgement of men, are judged none of the Church, and they cast them into the fire of Gods wrath, and they burne. Now men are cut off from Christ three wayes. Joh. 15. 6. As the confes­sion of witches

First, When a man forsakes his baptisme, and turnes Turke, and will be circumcised, or turnes Witch, that will make a Covenant with the Devill to deny her baptisme, and deny God and Christ; or turne Anabaptist, to be rebaptized, he doth not abide in his bap­tisme Ephes. 4. 5. into Christ; these will have a new baptisme, which is not of God, for he hath but one, the second must be of the Devill; these are gathered in the judgement of all Churches, and justly excom­municated, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath. Such as turne Turkes, Witches, or Anabaptists, have denied their first baptisme, because they have trod underfoot the bloud wherewith they were sancti­fied, and done despight to the Spirit of Grace, and withdrawne themselves By hypocri­sie. to perdition, Heb. 10.

Secondly, Men are cut off, that by hypocrisie fall from Grace, given of God in baptisme, to seek for remission of sinnes, in whole or in part, or to make himselfe righteous, in whole, or in part, before God, and will not beleeve he hath free remission of all his sinnes by the bloud of Christ in baptisme, and an everlasting righ­teousnesse, given of God freely in his baptisme, when he puts on Christ, that man is cut off to his faith, that he does not abide in Gal. 3. 27. Christ, and then seekes for remission of sinnes, and righteousnesse in some of mans invention, these abide not in Christ.

Thirdly, Men wither in this faith, and are cut off to their ap­prehension, which have forgotten they were washed from their old sinnes. i. in baptisme, 2 Pet. 1. 9. and fall to a beastly life, and Epicurisme; which by repentance and faith in their Baptisme, may get out of this snare of the Devill, of whom they are taken priso­ners, to doe his will, 2 Tim. 2. 26. Now such as doe not abide in Christ indeed, such saith Bullenger, not onely shall be, but are cast out already from the societie, and inheritance of Christ, and his Saints; as he saith of the faithfull, not that they shall have eternall life, but they have it already, as Joh. 3. 36. because Christ is pos­sessed, which brings with him righteousnesse, and the fruit of eter­nall life; as Calvin, and Bullenger, that he saith, not he shall have eternall life, for now as his own he possesseth it already, and hath [Page 17] it, and by hope expecting that which he knoweth most certainly shall be. i. He is freed from death, from malediction, and condem­nation, and hath justification, absolution, felicitie, and eternall happinesse. And so he saith of the incredulous, that beleeve not The Devill likes a second Baptisme well enough, for he never perswa­ded any to de­nie their se­cond Bap­tisme. they are in the Sonne; he saith not, they shall have the wrath of God upon them hereafter when they die, but the wrath of God abideth upon them, ( i. now) for all men by the sin of Adam, are fallen under the wrath of God, as Augustine, and Eph. 2. 3. They have with them by naturall birth, the wrath of God upon them, and that for the sin of Adam; But the Sonne of God came not ha­ving sin, and clad with flesh, that he might turne away the wrath of God; if men receive the Sonne of God in Baptisme, as all the Elect, and grace offered by him, otherwise wrath abides upon them. I heare the Anabaptists brag they have a Church, but I would know of them, whether the witches of England can make a Church? No; why, because they have denied their Baptisme; no more can Anabaptists, because they have denied their baptisme, that made them of the Church.

Because where Baptisme is refused, there grace is refused; as is Reason 4. Where Bap­tisme is refu­sed, grace is refused, as in Jewes, Turks, & Heathens, and Anabap­tists to their children. plaine Luk. 7. 30. The Pharisees, and the Expounders of the Law, despised the counsell of God against themselves, and were not bap­tized of him, but the people that heard, and the Publicans justified God, being baptized with the baptisme of John, ver. 29. for the re­mission of sinnes. So that you see, that they that despise baptisme, for their Infants, despise the counsell of God, against their owne children, that will not suffer little children to come to him. And all they justifie God, that receive and beleeve baptisme, for the re­mission of sins, and put on Christ to make them everlastingly righ­teous before God, Gal. 3. 27. they which believe it not, are as with an ax cut down by the roots before God; as all Heathens, all Jews, all Turks and Tartars, and all Anabaptists, and all Papists, and Pro­testants, that do not justifie God by baptisme for the remission of sins, and righteousnesse, are cut down in conscience, and have no assurance of their salvation, because they will have remission of sins and free righteousnesse, by some other way then God hath appoin­ted. This is the most mournfull and lamentable thing in the world, as our Saviour wept over Jerusalem, saying, O if thou hadst even known, at least in this thy day, the things that concern thy peace; [Page 18] how often would I have gathered thy children together, as the Hen gathe­reth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not? I would have ga­thered your children by baptisme and faith in me, under the wing [...] of the Father, and of the sun of righteousnes, and of the holy Ghost. [...] 23. 37. Behold, your habitation shall be left unto you desolate. Here is the cause, why many places shall be left desolate, now Christ is come as a thiefe by the judgement of a civill war, because they believe not their baptisme; the axe is laid to the root of the trees, they bring forth sin, they are hewn down, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath.

Now this will appear more plain by the second Doctrine, which Doct. 2. That all men by nature are evil trees, and can bring forth none but ill fruit. is this: That all men by nature are evill trees, and can bring forth nothing but evill fruit; all men now that baptisme is preached and administred, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; that are now out of Christ, and bring forth evill fruits before God of sin; he is hewn down by the ax of Gods De­cree, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath, that is, every man that will not receive, or believe his baptisme into Christ, that he hath an eternall redemption through Christs blood, the forgivenesse of his sins, and in him he hath everlasting righteousnesse, his person, or his conscience, is hewn down, and cast into the fire of Gods wrath. This is proved▪ not only by the doctrine of John, by the Text, but [...]at. 7. 17, [...] 19. also by our Saviour Christ himself, Mat. 7. 17, 18. So every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, i. that is made good by baptisme, and faith in Christ before God; and a corrupt tree bringeth forth evill fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evill▪ fruit, neither can a corrupt tree, (as all that are in Adam are) bring forth good fruit: Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and cast in­to the fire: So Luke 6▪ 43, 44. For it is not a good tree that brin­geth forth evill fruit, i. of sin before God; 'tis not in Christ by baptisme, it hath no benefit of Christs blood, or righteousnesse, that brings forth sin before God; neither is it an evill tree that bringeth forth good fruit; i. before God: For every tree is known by his own Luk [...] 6. 43, 44. fruit; if it say, it bringeth forth before God righteousnesse by faith in his baptisme, it is a good tree; but if it bring forth sin be­fore God, it is an evill tree; for neither of Thorns gather men figs, nor of bushes, or Thistles gather they grapes; neither doth God of naturall men, which are but▪ Thornes and Thistles, gather any fruits of righ­teousnesse, [Page 19] for they that are servants of sin, are freed from righte­ousnesse: Rom. 6. 20. i. they are evill trees that are out of Christ, Rom. 6. 20. that can bring forth no righteousnesse before God, but being made free from sin, i. by baptisme, and faith, they are made servants of righteousnesse, and to bring forth fruits of holinesse before God; for he that is made an holy tree, shall bring forth holy fruit.

Reasons why: For, all men are evill trees by generation, all Reason [...]. For all men are evill by generation. conceived in sin, and born in iniquity, all the parts of soul and body are corrupted by that sin of Adam; so that their throat is become an open sepulchre, which sends forth stinking smels before God; their feet are bloody, yea, swift to shed blood, their tongues are deceitfull, their lips poysonable, for the poyson of Aspes is under them, their lips, their mouths are full of cursing and bitter­nesse, destruction and calamity are in their wayes, and the way of peace have they not known, there is no fear of God before their eyes: thus all have sinned, and are deprived of the glory of God, Rom. 3. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 23. and so all men by genera­tion Rom. 3. 13▪ to 19. Crab-trees. Serpents. are evill trees, bearing nothing but evill fruit: A Crab-tree bears nothing but Crabs, and as the generation of Serpents and Vipers do not bring forth Nightingals, but a serpentine, viperous, and a poysonable brood; so all men, that are all evill trees by ge­neration, can bring forth nothing but evill fruit.

A second reason, why all men are evill trees by nature, and Reason 2. For he hath an evill trea­sure. bring forth nothing but evill fruit, because he hath an evill trea­sure of sin and wickednesse in his heart, which cause him to bring forth sin before God, that defile the man; as our Saviour speaketh plainly, an evill tree out of the treasure of his heart, bringeth forth evill Luke 6. 45. Mar. 27. things; and what are they? see Mar. 7. 21. Out of the heart pro­ceedeth evill thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murthers, thefts, cove­tousnesse, wickedesse, deceit, uncleannesse, a wicked eye, backbiting, pride, foolishnesse, all these things come from within, and defile a man. What an evill treasure is here? there is not some fruit evill, and some good; for the thoughts of his heart are evill continually: Gen. 6. Gen. 6. 15. For, the very thoughts of the foolish are sin, and an abomination to the Lord, Prov. 15. 26. And so for their words, they are evill conti­nually, for the prayers of the wicked are all sin, and are turned in­to Pro [...]. 15. 26. sin, and shall be a wickednesse against them; for what hast thou to do, to take my covenant in thy mouth, or my name, when [Page 20] thou hatest to be reformed by baptisme and faith, which would have brought forth reformed words? And as for their works, they are all evill before God; for as Thornes and Thistles cannot bring forth Figs, or Grapes, so cannot these cursed trees bring forth good fruit, but cursed, whose end is to be burned; The works and sacrifices Prov. 15. 8. of the wicked, are an abomination to the Lord.

Why all are such evill trees, because sin is of such a defiling na­ture, Reason 3. For one sin is of such a de­filing nature, that it defiles the person and actions. Heb. 11. that it defileth the person, and all his actions; as one sin in the Angels, and one sin in Adam, and sin in Cain, defiled his sacrifice; so that God had no respect to Cains person, nor his sacrifice, Heb. 11. for sin had defiled him from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, that there was nothing but blains, and sores, and pu­trifying wounds, which had made his person so evill, and abomi­nable before God, that it could bring forth nothing but evill and abominable fruit: Thus all men by originall sin are deprived of the glory of God, and are deprived of power to bring forth good fruit, for there is none that doth good, no not one, all are corrupt trees, and can bring forth nothing but corrupt fruit, and an evill tree, saith Christ, cannot bring forth good fruit.

Cannot an evill man do any good works? Do we not see, that Ob. they give almes, build churches, mend high wayes; are not these Almes. good works?

An evill man may do good works before men, as the Pharisees Answ. did, they justified themselves by works before men, but God knew their hearts, i. that they were abominable, Luke 16. 15. and Luke 16. 15. not justified before God; therefore he sayes to such, that which is highly esteemed before men, as great almes, building of Temples, and the like, yet are abomination in the eyes of God, because their persons are not in Christ, neither are their consciences justified by faith in the blood of Christ, therefore impure, Tit. 1. 15. Titus 1. 15. Ʋse. Bewail thy generation.

Is it so, that all men are evill trees by generation, conceived in sin, and born in iniquity? learn to bewail thy generation, and see how wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked thou art by the same; what an evill tree art thou by the same? Rev. 3. 17. think not to say, you have godly professors to your parents, we are Gentlemen born, or of Noble blood, for all you that boast of such things, are no better then the Pharisees, which boasted they had Say not Abra­ham. Abraham to their father, and yet being not in Christ, God was not [Page 21] their Father, but they were the generation of Vipers before God, so are you that are not born of water and the Spirit, and will not believe it, you are by nature children of wrath, and by generation as abominable before God, as the generation of Vipers before men, Generation of Vipers. a deadly and poysonable generation, for the she▪ Viper in copula­tion, biteth off the head of the fire, and kils him, and when she hath conceived, the young Vipers gnaw out the bowels of their dam, and kill her, and therefore a most cursed generation; so art thou so poysoned with sin, that thou wilt destroy thy father that begat The Anabap­tists against Luher at Munster, shew what genera­tion they are of. Flie to Bap­tisme, to be washed as David. thee in the faith, and mother Church, as the Anabaptists, and the people of it by persecuting the children of God. Let this be a means to teach thee to bewail thy old birth, with David, saying, I was conceived in sin, and born in iniquity, and so to be cast down for thy old birth, that thou mayest flie to thy baptisme, as David de­sired it, Wash me with Hyssop, and I shall be clean, purge me, and I shall be whiter then snow; desire the Lord to manifest thy baptisme unto thee, for no man can truly desire the new birth, untill he see how miserable he was by the old; for if thou couldest see how many sins thou hast brought forth, by reason of the old birth, it would be a means greatly to move thee to desire the new birth for your chil­dren, and desire to understand your baptisme which Christ promi­sed to Peter, that knew not what Christ did, when he washed him, Peter knew not. but he told him he should know it afterward: So it would make us to desire to know afterward what Christ did for us at our baptism. When David saw that he had committed adultery and murther, he cryed out of his old birth; but thou hast committed adultery be­fore God; for he or she that looketh on a woman or man, to lust after them, hath committed adultery in his heart; and thou which Mat. 5. hatest thy brother, art a murtherer before God; and he that saith to his brother, Thou fool, is worthy to be punished with hell fire, and art in debt ten thousand talents of sins, hast committed them; O flie to Christ for to reveal thy new birth, or else thou must be damned with the Devill and his angels, because they are not born of water and the Spirit, they cannot see the kingdome of God, and no more shalt thou, if thou be not of that faith.

Is it so, that all men by nature are evill trees, bearing evill fruit? Ʋse. 2. An evill trea­sure in the heart. because they have an evill treasure of their heart, that bringeth forth evill things? As evill thoughts, which defile a man before [Page 22] God? Then consider what an evill treasure thou hast in thy heart, all this while thou hast been ready to boast of it, and to say thou hast a good heart to God-ward, though thou canst not speak so Foolishnes to boast of a good heart. much, or pray as others, yet thou meanst well, and serve God, and say the Creed, the Lords Prayer, and ten Commandements every day. But I tell thee, thou hast an evill treasure in thy evill heart, that hath brought forth evill things to God-ward; as evill thoughts, evill words, and evill works, and these are they that have defiled thee. Doth your heart that is so good to God-ward, as you say, bring forth such bad fruit, which defile the man before God? I tell thee thy heart is naught; for how many thousand naughty thoughts hath it brought forth before God? How many idle words to be accounted for at the day of judgement? and how ma­ny How many thousand naughty thoughts. evill actions hath it brought forth? If thou hast not a new birth, and therein remission of all these sins, it had been better for thee, that thou hadst never been born; therefore learn to see the naugh­tinesse of thy heart, and pray for a new heart with David, Create in Pray for a new heart. Psal. 51. me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. For they that think they have a good heart to God-ward, never saw them­selves to have a bad heart, such are in a wofull condition, poor, and blinde, and naked; but they that see themselves to have a bad heart, and cry to the Lord for a new one, and by faith wash his heart, with the Hyssop of Christs blood, by receiving the other sacrament of the blood of Christ, to sprinkle his heart. That man that cry­eth unto the Lord against the corruption of his old heart, and prayeth unto the Lord to create in him a new heart, and goeth unto the Lords Supper, that man hath a new birth, and hath a new heart, though he cannot feel it so new as he would.

Did not the good trees in the time of the Law bring forth bad Ob. fruit before God? as David, Moses, Miriam, Jehosaphat, and yet they were not cut down, and cast into the fire? And so why may not good trees now do so? bring forth some fruit good, and some bad before God?

I answer, in the time of the Law, the axe was not laid to the Answ. root of the trees, it was laid to the boughs and branches; for God said, I hewed them by my Prophets, Hos. 6. 5. And you see how David for his ill fruit, had four branches cut off, the childe conceived in adultery was smitten of the Lord, and died, and the Lord said, [Page 23] The sword shall not depart from thy house; three other of his sons were cut off by the sword. And Hiel the Bethulite had two sons cut off by the axe of the Law, as you may see, Josh. 6. 26. Joshua said▪ Cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth up, and buildeth Jericho, he shall lay the foundation thereof in his eldest son, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates thereof; i. his eldest son shall die by this curse, when he begins to build, and his youngest shall die when he set up the gates thereof. This curse seemed to lie asleep many hundred yeers, and forgotten, and therefore in Ahabs dayes, Hiel the Bethulite, builded Jercho, he laid the founda­tion thereof in Abiram, his eldest son, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son, Segub, (i. they dyed) according to the word of the Lord, that he spake by Joshua; and thus many Tribes of Israel Hos. 11. Iohn 3. 5▪ were cut off by the Law, though Judah remained still. But now Christ is come, preaching the kingdome of heaven by Baptisme in­to Christ, to put on Christ: now the ax is laid to the root of the trees of all Nations, Churches and particular men, to shew that all men now must be made good trees in Christ, to bring forth none but good fruit before God, or else the ax of the Law and Gods De­cree, and sword, or judgements of curses, is laid to their roots, and are hewn down and cast into the fire of Gods wrath, as Christs No more sa­crifice. own words declare, Mat. 7. 19. for there is no more sacrifice for sin. Christ hath now set open such a fountain in Baptisme, that doth more then all the sacrifices of the Law: with one offering, he Ephes. 5. 26. Heb. 10. 14. h [...]th perfected for ever, all them▪ that are sanctified, Heb. 11. 14. i. in Baptisme: For, every person that will not heare that Prophet, ( i. Christ) to be washed in Christs blood, (in baptisme) shall be Acts 3. 23▪ destroyed out of the people, Acts 3. 23▪ i. he that will not let Christ wash him he may have part in him, without which he shall have none, Joh. 13. 8. as the Pharises, i. he that will not be graffed John 13. 8. into Christ, to bring forth none but good fruit before God, he is 1 Ioh. [...]. 20 [...] hewn down by the Word of God; he that will not believe, shall be damned, i. he that will not believe he is in him, that is true, in that Ioh. 3. 5. his Son Jesus Christ, which no man can believe▪ but by his baptisme, as Joh. 3. 5. Every person that will not make the tree good and the Make the trees▪ good and the fruit good▪ fruit good by baptisme and saith, or the tree evill, and the fruit evil by Adam, and infidelity, shall be destroyed out of the people. O this civill war, wherein Christ is come as a thiefe, or with a judgement, [Page 24] like thieves, shall destroy multitudes of people, because they will not obey Christ, to let him wash them, because they will not believe their Christ is come as a thiefe. Baptisme into Christ in infancy; for evill trees bring not forth good fruit, for some bring forth none, as the Civilian, Hew him Civilian. down, why combreth he the ground? some bring forth lukewarmnesse, some infidelity, some ignorance, some drunkennesse, swearing, ly­ing, banning and cursing, all these are bad fruit, such are hewn down, and cast into the fire; howsoever, they are hewn down in conscience; and that remaineth under wrath, without any assu­rance of salvation, though the person, if it be elect, may be under mercy, graffed into Christ, and all these sins forgiven in his bap­tisme, which he knows not till he repent and believe.

Is it so, that all men by nature are evill trees, bringing forth Ʋse. evill fruit, because sin within them is of such a defiling nature, that Is sin of such a defiling na­ture. it hath made both person and actions filthy and unclean? Consi­der the horrible filthinesse of sin, how it hath polluted and defiled the heavens and the earth; for they shall wax old as doth a vesture, and as a garment shalt thou change them; they shall be burned, be­cause they be subject to vanity, for the sin of man, they groan and travell in pain for the pollution of sin, so are thy person and acti­ons become unclean, by the defilement of sin. O bewail thy sin, make haste out of thy miserable and wretched condition by sin, make haste to Christ by saith, who came to take away our sins, for thy sins have made thee subject to burning. The heavens and the Heavens. earth, and all things therein shall be burnt, because they are subject to vanity for the bondage of corruption. The Angels that are pol­luted Rom. 8. 20, 21. with sin, shall be burned in hell, for ever burning, and never consumed: The wicked that are not graffed into Christ, shall be burned with the Devill and his angels, where the worm dyeth not, and the fire never goeth out, and yet darest thou remain in sin, and pollute thy self more and more? Well, make haste to believe thy baptisme, for the world will not hold thee long, nor God indure thee to behold the light of this Son, that will walk in darknesse of infidelity out of Christ; for, the ax is laid to the root of the trees, every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and cast into the fire; but thou dost bring forth bad fruit of sin, Ergo, thou art hewn down, and cast into the fire.

[Page 25]In the second place we gather, that all that are made good trees Doct. 3. All that are made good trees by Bap­tisme into Christ, shall be saved. by Baptism into Christ, to bring forth fruit before God, shall be sa­ved, and not be cut down and cast into the fire: All men have now the ax of Baptism laid to their roots (except Jews, and Heathens, and Anabaptists, which despise the counsell of God to their damnati­on) to cut them out of the old Adam, to graffe them into the new; for it is certain, that in Baptisme, we put off the old man, and put on the new; for thereby the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, do Gal. 3. 27. graffe us into Christ, and make us trees of righteousnesse, trees of his own planting, that the Lord may be glorified, Isai. 61. 3. Now, Isai. 61. 3. should Gods good trees of righteousnesse bring forth bad fruit of sin before God? He saith, no, Mat. 7. 17. Every good tree bringeth Matth▪ 7. 17. forth good fruit, a good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit; for, by the remission of all sins in the blood of Christ in Baptisme, the actions are made good, by the eternall redemption, and the everlasting righteousnesse, which few men understand; for by an eternall re­demption by Christs blood in Baptisme, we have remission of all sins, past, present, and to come, for ever, before the Throne of God, though we cannot yet believe it; and we have an everlasting righteousnesse given unto us freely, which makes us righteous for ever before God. Hence, saith Calvin, is to be noted, that men can­not Calvin. do well before they be made good; and therefore Christ saith to the Pharisees, O generation of Vipers, how can you speak good things, when your selves are evill? i. not graffed in Christ by Baptisme and Faith in him: For, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speak­eth; i. from the abundance of good or evill in the heart; and in Luke 6. 44. for, every tree is known by his fruit, for it is not a good Luke 6. 44. tree that bringeth forth evill fruit, i. of sin before God, neither an evill tree that bringeth forth good fruit, signifying, that the good tree cannot but bring forth good fruit: and hereupon the trees of the Lord are said to be full of sap, i. full of the Spirit of Christ, which cause them to bring forth good fruit; for, the seed remaineth in him, saith S t. John, for whosoever is born of God, sinneth Psal. 104. 1 John 3. 9. not, for his seed remaineth in him, neither can he sin, because he is born of God, i. though he do sin before men, yet he cannot fall out of Christs blood and righteousnesse, that he need a new sacri­fice before God, For with one sacrifice he is made perfect (before God) for ever, Heb. 10. 14. For Davids blessed man, is campared [Page 26] to the tree planted by the rivers of water in infancy (yea, into Jesus Psal. 1. that came by water and blood) not by water only, but by water and blood, 'tis that Spirit that beareth witnesse, and that Spirit is trtuh, 1 John 5. 6. that bringeth forth fruit in due season; for they 1 Ioh. 5. 6. that are planted in the House of God in their youth or infancy, planted into Christ by Baptisme, shall bring forth much fruit in their age; for, herein is my Father glorified, that you bring forth much fruit, and be made my Disciples. And how shall any bring forth Ioh. 15. 8. Psal. 19. much fruit before God? except the words of his mouth, and the meditations of his heart, and all the works of his hands be made acceptable unto God, but through Christs work in Baptisme; for we cannot make them good, by all the devices, that mans brain can imagine: but Christ must make them all good by his blood and righteousnesse freely, without any works of man, and give us faith to believe it.

But how is any man made a good tree before God, that were all Quest. such evill trees by Adam?

First, as trees are made good before men, by planting or graffing, Answ. before they can bring forth good fruit before men, so must all men 1 By graffing. be planted or graffed into Jesus Christ by Baptisme, before they can bring forth good fruit before God; this is plain, Rom. 11. 17. Rom. 11. 17. 24. and 24. and though some of the branches be broken off, and thou being a wilde Olive tree, wast graffed in for them, and made par­taker of the root and fatnesse of the Olive tree; for if thou wast cut out of the Olive tree, which was wilde by nature, ( i. by Bap­tisme wast cut out of Adam) and wast graffed contrary to nature in the right Olive tree, how much more shall they which are by nature be graffed in their own Olive tree? for if we be planted with him into the similitude of his death, even so shall we be to the similitude of his resurrection, Rom. 6. 5. And how is that; that Rom. 6. 5. we are graffed or planted into the similitude of his death? The Answer is in the 4 th verse, We are buried with him by baptisme into his death; that as they buried a man in the Sepulchre of Elisha, that when the man was down, and touched the bones of Elisha, he re­vived, and stood upon his feet, 2 King. 13. 21. so the elect that were dead in sins, in trespasses, when they are cast into the grave of Christ, when they are down, and touch the vertue of Christs death by Baptism, they revive, and stand upon their feet before God.

[Page 27]We are made good trees, because we are made branches of the 2. For we are made bran­ches of the Vine. John 15. 5. Two trees. Vine Christ: as John 15. 5. I am the Vine, ye are the branches; Adam and Christ are compared to two trees, Adam a wilde Olive, the root of all men by nature, Christ a sweet Olive, or a Vine, the root of all men by grace, that are graffed into Christ by baptisme; he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for with­out me ye can do nothing, i. he that abideth by faith in Christ, by baptisme, he bringeth forth much fruit of righteousnesse before God; but he that abideth not in Christ to bring forth good fruit, but in such a dead faith, that he bringeth forth sin, he is cast forth as a branch, i. unprofitable, by the judgement of God, and wi­thereth in the assurance of salvation, and men gather them and cast into the fire of Gods wrath, and they burn; as they that turn Jews, Turks, Heathens, Papists, Witches, and Anabaptists, all these are justly excommunicated out of the true Church of God, and judged to be under wrath, because they have denied or forsa­ken, or forgotten their Baptisme into Christ.

Why because by Baptisme, we are made members of his body, of his Reason 3. For we are made mem­bers of his body. flesh, and of his bone, i. spirituall members, straitly coupled to­gether unto him; for, seeing Christ hath loved his Church, and sanctified it, and cleansed it through the washing of the water, through the Word, Ephes. 5. 26. he so made us to himself a glori­ous Church, without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blame, vers. 27. and by that Bap­tisme are we made members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones, as vers. 30. And therefore Christ doth feed us with his bo­dy Ephes. 5. 30. and blood, by faith, that we might dwell in Christ, and Christ in us, that we might be certain that we are incorporated into him by Baptisme. Therefore he took flesh of the Virgine, to testifie that he acknowledgeth us for his members; for Christ may as truly say (of his elect, that are baptized into Christ, and have put on Christ) as Adam said of Evah when she was married to him, She is now bone Gen. 2. of my bone, and flesh of my flesh; so Christ may say of all the elect that are married to him by Baptisme, They are members of my body, of my flesh, and of my bones.

And by this means, i. by Baptisme, and by faith, is the heart How is the heart made good. Ezek. 36. [...]5. made a good treasure; for God said, I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean from all your filthinesse: and a new heart, [Page 28] and a new spirit will I put within you; I will take away the stony heart, and give you an heart of flesh, Ezek. 36. 25, 26. and this heart is puri­fied by faith, Acts 15. 9. for when the heart is made pure, it is made a good treasure, for all things are pure to it; so that as it is said on the one side of them that are not sanctified, that the unbe­lieving and impure, they are defiled, Tit. 1. 15, 16. But also as the Prophet Hagg [...]i crieth out, so are all the works of these peoples hands, and that which they offer in the Temple is unclean, Hag. 2. 15. signifying all comes from an unclean treasure: So on the other side, to the pure, that is, to them that are washed and sancti­fied, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and the Spirit of our God in Baptisme, and their hearts purified from their sins by faith in the blood of the Lamb, all things are pure, and all the 1 Cor. 6. 11. works of their hands; what they offer in the Temple is made good fruit, in the Spirit of God freely, and thereby acceptable in the sight of God, whom nothing can please, but that which is pure; and hereupon David giveth this answer to his own question, Who shall dwell in the Tabernacle of the Lord; and who shall rest in his holy hill? even he that hath innocent hands, which no man can have, but by remission of sins in Baptisme, wherein a mans hands are washed in Christs innocency, and a pure heart, which Christians obtain by faith in the blood of Christ. Thus having our hearts John 1. 7. sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water, we may keep our profession without wavering, Heb. 10. 22, 23. with innocent hands and a pure heart, which shall see God, Mat. 5.

Men are made good trees by putting on Christs white rayment, 4. By planting on Christ. righteousnesse, as a garment: as Gal. 3. 27. Now if a man had such a garment, that would make all his thoughts, words, and works good, it would make him a good tree. Adam, you know, hath so clothed all naturall men, that he hath made all their thoughts, words, and actions evill; shall we not grant as much to Christ? to make the tree good, and the fruit good? If a man can bring a green tree to grow over a drie, the green tree will make the drie green also, and finde sap enough, and make it bring forth much fruit; as we have seen in a part of a tree, being green, grow­ing over a dead and drie part, it makes it fruitfull. So Christ is a green tree, and we drie, as he saith, If they have done thus to t [...] green L [...]ke 23. 31. tree, what shall be done to the drie? Answ. Truly, if Christ do [Page 29] not grow over it, and over the fruit of it, it shall burne.

Men are made good trees by his Spirit; for by one Spirit, we are 5. By his Spirit. 1 Cor. 12. 13. baptized into one body, and made all to drink into one Spirit, i. in Baptisme we are regenerate, and new born of water and the Spirit, that we might be one spirituall body, whereof Christ is the head; and he that hath not the Spirit of Christ, is none of his. Therefore in the Supper we drink the blood of Christ, that we might be made partakers more and more of the Spirit of Christ, to be all of one minde and spirit. Now he that bringeth forth fruit before God, in the Spirit of Christ, shall be saved, otherwise he is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

What, are none made good trees but those that are graffed and Quest. baptized into Christ, to bring forth good fruit before God? Was not Cornelius his prayer and almes good fruit before God, which came up to God before Baptisme? Acts 10. And what say you of Infants dying before Baptisme?

I answer, that Cornelius did pray in faith, that Christ was to Answ. come, as the Jews did before his coming, which brought forth some fruits of faith, that Christ should come, and take away their sins; and they brought forth some bad fruits of transgression of the Law, as David, for which they sacrificed: Now therefore Cor­nelius Psal. 130. 8. being an elect vessell, that he might not stand in a twofold estate before God, to bring forth some fruit good, and some bad, God sent an Angel from Heaven to him, and bade him send for Peter, and he shall shew thee what thou oughtest to do, i. to be made a good tree, to bring forth nothing but good fruit; signi­fying, Acts 10. 6, he shall shew thee by faith, in the death and resurrection of Christ, and by baptisme into Christ, the tree shall be made good and fruit good, Matth. 12. 33. For by the Law they were under the heavy yoak, that we nor our fathers were able to beare, which bare some good fruits, and some cursed, as Jehosaphat, 2 Chro. 19. 2. and Hezekiah, 2 Chron. 23. 25.

Now, if a twofold estate had been good enough for Cornelius, what needed an Angel be sent from Heaven, to send for Peter to bring him into a better estate before God then he was in? which shews that we have now a better estate before God by Baptisme in­to Christ, then the Fathers had under the Law, as the Apostle saith, God providing a better thing for us, Heb. 11. 40. we have a [Page 30] perfect remission of sins, and no more sacrifice for sin, are with one offering made perfect for ever that are sanctified; and how is that? Heb. 10. 14. by Baptisme, Ephes. 5. 26. and by Faith, Acts 26. 18. by Baptisme to the person, and by faith to the conscience; as Heb. 10. 22, 23.

And concerning Infants dying before Baptisme, if either of the parents be faithfull, they are said to be holy, 1 Cor. 7. 14. that is, within the holy covenant of Baptisme: for Baptisme is the Anti­type of the Ark; that as Noah prepared the Ark, not only to save himself, but also his houshold; so the same signe which now saveth 1 Pet. 3. 22. us, baptisme, I mean the inward Baptisme, is received to save a mans self and his houshold, that die before they can come unto it, as Peter and Paul told the Jaylor, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, and thy houshold, Acts 16. which he could not do without baptisme; and therefore it is said, that when he was bap­tized, Acts 16. 34. he rejoyced that he and his houshold believed in God; for no man can believe in Christ before he be baptized into him; for if he should say, he believes he is in Christ, he should believe a lie, for no man can truly say he is in Christ, before he is baptized into him; and this caused Paul to say, Andronicus and Junius his cousins, and fellow-prisoners, that were notable among the Apostles, and were in Christ before me, i. they were baptized before me, pro­fessors and believers before me, they were ingraffed into Christ be­fore me, when I was without Christ, Ephes. 2. 12. and a mur­therer.

If all be done in Baptisme, that men be made good trees to bring Ob. forth none but good fruit, and have perfect remission of all sins, and an everlasting righteousnesse freely, what need men repent, or mor­tifie sin, or pray for remission?

I answer, though God hath sealed such a free covenant with us Answ. on his part, yet we cannot know it, untill we repent, and believe, and mortifie sin, and pray for remission; for these are to us-ward signes, that the covenant of Grace was sealed upon us in bap­tisme to God-ward; as that we were made so to himself, a glori­ous Church, not having spot, to be holy, and without blame, Ephes. 5. 26. And as Athanasius, that Champion of the truth, Ephes. 5. 27. saith, that as a woman with childe by the springing of the Babe in her womb, knoweth for certainty, that she hath conceived fruit, so the soul of a true believer knowes by the springs of his heart, and [Page 31] by the inward joyes, that he received the Holy Ghost in Baptisme. Mark the word, springs in the heart, they are repentance, mortifi­cation, praying for remission, mourning, hungring and thirsting after righteousnesse, love to Christ, these would never have come up, if no seed had been sown in Baptisme; therefore he that is 1 John. born of God, is said to have seed remain in him, which comes up afterward.

What? Are the elect justified in Baptisme before God, and re­ceive Quest. the Holy Ghost there, and are made Temples for the Holy Ghost to dwell in? How can we believe this, when we see many live loosly, and walk in all kinde of sins, a long time after? I will not believe it, except I could see some workings of the Holy Ghost in them.

I answer, thou art a faithlesse Thomas that would not believe, ex­cept Answ. he might see and feel; did not Christ say to him, and so to thee, Be not faithlesse, but believing; blessed is he that believeth, and hath not seen. The Temple of Jerusalem was made you know for an holy house of prayer, but if you had gone in Christs time, you might have seen, that they had brought in Oxen, and Sheep, and there was tables of the money-changers, and seats of them that sold Doves, and such a multitude of buyers, and sellers, that they had made the Temple of God a Den of thieves, but they did not un­temple it, but it was a Temple still; but Christ made a scourge of small cords, and drove all the buyers and sellers out of the Temple: So the elect by Baptisme, are made the Temple of God; for the Temple of God is holy, which are ye, 1 Cor. 3. 17. and they buy and sell Oxen, and Sheep, and Doves, and bring in the tables of money­changers, covetousnesse and usury, and make the conscience a Den As Arminians and Papists. of thieves, yet the man is not untempled; therefore Christ will come to his Temple with a scourge of small cords of the Law, and drive them sins out of the conscience; and the Temple of God shall be­come a house of prayer, that was made a Den of thieves; there­fore such Antinomians that will not have the Law preached, will be wiser then Christ, for Christ made a scourge of small cords, i. of the Law, for small sins, saying thus, He that is angry with his bro­ther unadvisedly, is culpable of judgement; he hath broken the Law, is accursed by the Law [...] he is of the Devill that loves not his brother, 1 Iohn 3. 10. 1 John 3. 10. all the curses of the Law belong to him; for he [Page 32] that breaketh the Law in one point, is guilty of all, James 2. James [...]. 10.

A second cord, but he that saith unto his brother, Rac [...]h, i. gives a taunting speech to his brother in anger, that is, unadvised, he is a greater sinner, he is worthy to be condemned of a Councel; he loves not his brother, is of the Devill, is cursed by the Law; what will become of mockers and scoffers of their brethren?

A third small cord, but he that saith unto his brother, Thou fool, is worthy to be punished with hell fire; he is of Cain that hateth his brother, and is a murtherer, and you know, that no murtherer [...] John 3. 5. hath eternall life abiding in him; thou art a railer, thou art cursed by the Law, for not continuing in all things written in the Book of the Law to do the same; Wo unto thee, thou railer, thou art shut out of the Kingdome of Heaven, 1 Cor. 6. 10. What will be­come of you that practise railing against your brethren? calling some Rogue, Rascall, Knave, Villain, Drab, Puritain; yea, the most godly, by one grosse name or other? wo unto thee, the Law tels thee thou art cursed, and all crosses and calamities are punish­ments and plagues for thy sins. Now, if a spirituall murther be so great, what is actuall killing?

A fourth small cord, he that looketh upon a woman to lust af­ter her, hath committed adultery with her in his heart, (or the wo­man on a man) he hath broken the holy and pure Law of God, is a damnable adulterer, and accursed by the Law of God, that saith, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things, written in the book of the Law to do them: Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge, Heb. 13. 4. But thou continuest not, as thy conscience tells thee; Ergo, thou art cursed by the Law. Let these whip sin out of thy conscience, and whip thee to Christ.

A fifth small cord, Thou hast been an usurer, or a seller, that hast defrauded, or cozened thy brother of a peny; he or his wife, or some of his children, or childrens children, or childrens chil­drens children, to the end of the world, may want that peny, and starve and die for want of a peny-worth of bread, or drink, thou art guilty of his death; for he that taketh away a mans living, killeth him: Thou that hast oppressed or defrauded thy brother, in any thing, God is the avenger of all such things, thou hast slain thy brother, wo unto thee, thou manslayer, as Luther saith to the objection of the Usurer, that said he lent his money to usury, not [Page 33] to the poor, but only to the rich; I thank you, Master man-slayer, you will kill no poor men, but only those that are rich; but you will make them poor by usury, and so kill them: if a peny be so much, what shall become of you that have defrauded, cozened, spoyled, and plundred your brethren of many shillings and pounds, wo unto you, let this scourge of small cords, or sins driye out all these sins out of thy conscience by contrition, confession, morti­fication, vivification, prayer against sin, love of righteousnesse, that Christ may dwell in the Temple that was made good by Bap­tisme, but you have made it a den of thieves by your sins, and it will remain an house of Prayer, for which it was built of God; for the Temple of God is holy, which are ye. And for you that will not believe it is so, because you cannot see it, it shewes you are not dead unto reason, you have not slain the beast reason, you are nor re­solved to believe whatsoever God sayes, though it be never so con­trary to reason, you will believe no more then you can mould up with sight and reason, you are but Dunses in Christs School. Do not you know that the Kingdome of God is as if a man should cast seed into the ground, and should sleep, and rise up night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he not knowing how? for the earth bringeth forth fruit of it self, first the blade, then the eare, and after the full corn in the eare; and as soon as the fruit sheweth it self, anon he putteth in his sickle, because the harvest is come: What, will you say there was no seed sown, because you see none for many dayes? The Kingdome of heaven is sown in Mar. 4. 2 [...] ▪ to 29. Baptisme, wherein the seed is sown into the ground, and men sleep, and rise up night and day, and walk in their calling; the seed grow and spring downward first, with a feare of hell, and grow to some knowledge of a way of salvation, he not knowing how, yet by thundring and lightening, hail the law, and rain of the Gospel, the ground of mans heart bringeth forth fruit of it self, by the Sun of righteousnesse: first, the blade of godly sorrow, then the eare of faith, after the full corne in the eare, fruits of righte­ousnesse and holinesse, and anon he putteth in the sickle, and reaps men unto Heaven because the harvest of such a man is come.

Are we graffed into Christ by Baptisme, and made good trees, Ʋse 2. because we are made partakers of the fatnesse of the stock? See that ye abide in Christ; for though ye be wilde Olive branches [Page 34] by Adam, yet such is the nature of the sweet Olive Christ, as Psal. 52. Christ is this true Olive tree, that is both fat and sweet, and we are graffed into him by Baptisme to bring forth fruit in the stock Psal. 52. 8. Christ; know that it is the nature of a fat, and sweet Olive stock, to change the nature of a wild Olive branch, and contrary to our manner of graffing, to make it bring forth sweet Olives: So Christ the sweet Olive, will change the nature of thy person and actions before God, and make them all good, that abide in him by this faith in thy Baptisme.

Is it so, Christ is a Vine, and are we the branches? and how were Ʋse 2. you made branches, but by Baptisme? look you bring not forth evill fruit before God, for he that bringeth not forth fruit in Christ, but evill fruit of sin, God taketh it away, cuts it off, it withers in faith, and men gather them together, and they burn, such are hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Are we members of his body, flesh and bones? For he can say Ʋse 3. as Adam did to Evab, and so may we say, Ephes. 5. 30. Then are any of Christs members in a twofold estate before God; partly Adam, and partly Christ; what do any of Christs members, hands, feet, legs, arms, fingers, toes, bring forth good fruit, and bad too, be­fore God? no, all Christs members are good trees, and a good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit before God: here is comfort for thee, if thou abide in this faith, no man shall take thy joy from thee; many lose their joy, by believing they are in a twofold estate before God.

Again, are you members of Christ by Baptisme? where is your love to the members of Christ, that are baptized into Christ, as well as you? Here is the reason of all the sects▪ and divisions, and wars in Christendome, and no more love, because they have for­gotten their Baptisme: as 2 Pet. 1. 9. they have forgotten they are members of Christ, and children of God, and inheritors of the Kingdome of heaven; they say not, why do we wrong one to an­other, for we are brethren? they have forgotten they were washed Acts 7. from their sins, (saith Peter) and therefore, if they have not put off the old man, must needs live in old hatred, malice, envie and lying; wherefore labour to bring all men to the faith of their Bap­tisme, that in it they were made members of Christ; for this faith would teach them to say, Should one hand fight with another? [Page 35] though the children of the Devill fight, and could never agree, should not the members of Christ love one another? O quam ini­quum est, ut ii dissideant in terris, qui in omnem aeternitatem una victuri sunt in coelis! O! how unfit is it, for those to disagree, fight, and hate one another on earth, which shall live together for ever in heaven? So that he that forgets his baptisme, i. his washing from his old sins, i. from originall and actuall sins, that man cannot make his calling and election sure, that hath forgot his Baptisme, for he hath forgot the true faith, i. that he is in him that Joh. 5. 20. is true, and he hath forgot to adde to faith vertue, i. of Christs death and resurrection, and he hath forgot to adde to vertue, knowledge, i. of salvation, by the remission of sins, which was in baptisme; and he hath forgot to adde to knowledge, temperance, for want of the knowledge of salvation by remission of sin, cause men to fall to intemperance; and he hath forgot to adde to tem­perance, patience, and thus they wrangle and fight with his co­members; and he hath forgot to adde brotherly kindnesse; he believes not his own sins are forgiven; he forgives not his brother, and he addes not love, for he hath forgot Christ hath loved him, and washed him from his sins in his own blood, he covers not a multitude of offences in his brother; so that you see, the forget­ting of a mans Baptisme into Christ, is the cause of all the divisi­ons, sects, wars, and mischieves that are in the world, and of the damnation of so many thousands; for he that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that will not believe his baptisme into Christ, shall be damned; for he cannot believe he is in Christ, or hath remission of sins, or an everlasting righteousnesse, for he that will not believe he is baptized into Christ, and hath put on Christ, shall be damned, if he never will be baptized.

What, Do you hold that Baptisme do conferre grace ex opere operato?

I answer no; for then all the reprobate that are baptized, should receive grace at it, but Judas and Simon Magus did not. But I be­lieve that all the elect do ordinarily receive grace at baptisme, as many Scriptures, Fathers and Churches declare, Acts 2. 38. Joh. 3. 5. Gal. 3. 27. Tit. 3. 5. And Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Athana­sius, Chrysostom, Basil, Jerome, Ambrose, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Beza, Bucer, Zanche, Mourton, Marlorat, Hooker: the confession of [Page 36] Helvetia of Scotland, Belgick, France, Argentine, Augustan, Saxon, Wittenberg, Palatine, and our Church of England; in all which ten Churches, the grosse and damnable heresie of the Anabap­tists is condemned; and of all such as hold that grace is not given to the elect Infants at baptisme. And here is the reason, when the Jews are called, they shall never scatter more into sundrie opini­ons and sects, and fight one with another, because they shall be so soundly grounded on the faith of their baptisme into Christ, that they are in him that is true, and so are members and children of God, that they shall love one another so in Christ, as they shall ne­ver fight one with another more; and then shall the seventh Vial be powred out on the air, which is the kingdome of the Devill; for he shall never have any power to set them together by the ears, as he doth now: Heathens against Heathens, Turks against Christians, Papists against Protestants, and Protestants one with another; for herein consists the subtilty of the Devill and the Pope, to set Chri­stians together by the ears, that he may get both; for he gets more by their killing one another, then by any other way, but after that the seventh Vial be powred out on the kingdome of the Devill, by the preaching of Baptisme, and Faith that we are in him that is true, the Devill shall never have any power to set them at variance any more, for all the true Church shall by the faith of their bap­tisme into Christ, believe they are members, and love as brethren, and then the Prophesie of Micah, Mic. 4. 2, 3. for the Law Thorah, signifies in generall, doctrine, and so may be taken for Baptisme, as Johns Baptisme was from heaven, shall go forth of Sion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, i. that men are clean by the word that Christ hath spoken in Baptisme: And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke mighty nations a far off of sin, of righteousnesse, and of judgement, John 16. because they believe not in Christ that believe not their baptisme, he shall bring them to it, and then they shall break their swords into mattocks, and their spears into sithes, nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn to fight any more, but they shall sit every man under his vine, and under his fig-tree, and none shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it, i. between Jews and Gentiles, which shall be truly graffed into Christ by Bap­tisme, there shall be no dissention, as there is now under the corrupt [Page 37] state of the Church, for under that pure state of the Church, they shall strive to shew all offices of love, as they do now practices of hatred, which is not so to be understood, as if it were not lawfull now for Protestants to take up arms, as the Anabaptists have held ab­surdly, for so long as Antichrist fight against Christ, they must de­fend See Brightman on that place. themselves against him; for the Church is terrible, as an ar­mie with banners, she must fight: But in the elect justified Church by baptisme into Christ, and faith in the same, among the right Olive branch, Christians shall show such love, peace and concord, that they shall fight no more; there is such love already to be seen among the white-raiment Christians, that they had rather die then fight one against another. And this is for the comfort of you the ci­tizens of the new Jerusalem, that are no Anabaptists, nor Antinomians, though the world may falsly call you by some grosse name, for you hold the Law is to be preached in the killingest manner that can be; and believe your baptisme in infancy, and are sound in the faith of your baptisme, you are the people that God will deliver in this bloody civill war: For thus saith the Lord Jesus, Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, therefore I will deliver thee from the hour of temptation, which will come upon all the world, to try them that dwell up­on earth. Now the word of Christs patience, is the true faith in our Rev. 3. 10. baptisme, wherein we are baptized into Christ his death, Rom. 6. 3. and buried with him, and crucified with him, and raised with him; for the word of Christs patience is the faith of Christ crucified (as Meyer) dead and buried, and risen again, which are all included in the faith of our baptisme, that we are in him crucified, dead and buried to sin before God in him, and risen again in him by bap­tisme, which belongs not only to the Church of Philadelphia, but to all other Churches, that hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches, I will deliver thee from the hour of temptation, i. from the last persecuti­on of Antichrist, which is now come upon all the Christian world, in these our dayes, which is like to last till the Pope be destroyed. Ʋse.

Are we made good trees by putting on of Christ as a garment? for if a man had such a garment as would make all his thoughts, words and actions good, it would make him a good tree. Now Christ is such a garment of righteousness, that is put on at baptism, and by faith, that it makes the tree good, and the fruit good: Be­hold, Christ is come as a thief, and the last persecution of Antichrist [Page 38] is begun; blessed is he that keepeth his garments unto him, i. which were put on at baptisme, Gal. 2. 27. lest he walk naked, and there see his filthinesse, what an evill tree he is by Adam, to bring forth sin before God, in thoughts, words and actions, which should have been all covered, if he had kept his garments that he put on at baptisme; they are all cursed trees, that keep not Christs garments.

Again, are men made good trees by baptisme and faith, because Ʋse. they are made to drink into one Spirit? Then the way to bring all men to be of one Religion, and to cease all wars in Christendome, is to teach them, how they have all received one Spirit in Baptisme, and baptized into one body, that is, a loving Spirit, a peaceable, 1 Cor. 12. 13. meek, and quiet Spirit, that takes of Christs water, and shews unto us, and of Christs blood, and shews unto us, and of Christs righte­ousnesse, and shews unto us, Joh. 16. 14. But hast thou an hatefull spirit, a wrangling, angry fighting spirit, that do not take of Christs water, but of the Popes holy-water, and shew to thee, not of Christs blood, and shews unto thee, for remission of sins, but of S t. Frances his blood, or some works of man for remission of sins, or not Christs righteousnesse in Baptisme, but mans righteousnesse, and shew unto thee, this is not the Spirit of Christ that the Saints are made to drink into at baptisme, but thou hast forgot thy baptisme, and so lost the Spirit of Christ; for as the Spirit of God moved upon the waters, i. as it were, hatching and nourishing the cr [...]atures in the Gen. 1. creation: So doth the Spirit of Christ still move upon the waters of baptisme, i. on the preaching of the faith of the same, regenera­ting, converting and nourishing these trees, to make them bring forth fruit unto eternall life. And therefore the Preachers of Bap­tisme shall convert most unto Christ, because his Spirit will move upon the waters. M r. Perkins rule is this, If a man would be a Stu­dent On Gal. 2. 27. page 265. in Divinity, let him learn and practise his baptisme; Commen­taries are needfull to the study of the Scriptures, and the best Com­mentary to a mans own self, is his own baptisme; for if a man hath learned to practise his own baptisme, he shall be the better able to understand the whole, and without this help, the Scriptures them­selves shall be but a riddle unto us: I desire to prize this rule, and to make as much use of it, as ever any Christian man did; for untill men understand by this rule, what is meant by this counsell of Christ to England, under the type of Laodicea, (for it now ap­peareth [Page 39] to all the Churches, what Christ wrote to Laodicea, he would spue out him and his Hierarchy out of his mouth) untill this counsell of Christ be taken: I counsell thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayst be made rich, Rev. 3. 18. that is, the lively faith in the merits of Christs death, in our baptisme into Christ, which makes us rich sons of God, Gal. 3. 26, 27. and white raiment, justification, wherein no shame of nakednesse of sin ap­peare, and eye-salve of the Spirit of Christ, that takes of Jesus, and shews unto us, that came by water and blood, not by water of Bap­tisme only, but by water and blood, 'tis that Spirit beareth wit­nesse, and that Spirit is truth, 1 John 5. 6. Untill this counsell of Christ be taken in England, and of the Lutherans, the sword shall not cease, 1. For, as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; Christ will not leave rebuking and chastening, untill they be zealous of this counsell, and repent of luke warmnesse, Rev. 3. 19. 2. For, behold, I stand at the dore, and knock; Ergo, he will not be gone, nor leave rapping with sword, famine, and pestilence, untill they heare his voyce to buy gold, white raiment, and eye-salve, and let Christ in to sup with them, and they with him, Rev. 3. 20. Then there shall arise in England, the most conquering and raigning Church that ever arose in Chrstendome; for to him that overcometh will I give to sit with me in my Throne, as I overcame, and sit with my Father in his Throne, i. I raign and conquer, and so shall my Church of Eng­land, that take my counsell; they shall conquer the Throne of the Beast, and the false Prophet, they are the woman clothed with the Rev. 12. 1. Sun, white raiment, Christians, and citizens of the new Jerusalem. Rev. 3. 4. Of this I have written at large, and of the causes why this sword is upon the Land, and what remedies must be used, before it will Rev. 3. 12. cease. O thou sword of the Lord! How long will it be ere thou be quiet? Turn again into scabberd; rest, and be still; how can it be quiet, seeing the Lord hath given it a charge against Askelon in England, Scotland & Ireland, and against the Sea-shore? There hath he appointed it, Jer. 47. 6, & 7. He hath appointed the sword in Ger­many and England, untill Christs counsell be taken, Rev. 3. 18. For when they wil be guided by his counsel, they shall be received to the glory of his Throne to conquer and raign upon earth, Rev. 5. 10.


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