THE CHARGE Delivered at the LORDS BARRE BY Sir JOHN EVELIN, from the HOVSE of COMMONS OF High Treason against three Earls, foure Lords, and others of the House of Com­mons committed to the TOWER.

WITH The Particulars of their Examinations, And the Orders of the House of Peers for bring­ing the seven Lords to Tryall.

The Protestation of the Earle of Pembrooke.

And an Order for Sir Robert Harlow, M. Stephens and Mr. Guen, to be summoned to appeare be­fore the House of COMMONS.

⟨7 ber London printed for V, V. and are to be sold at the Exchange, Anno Dom. MDCXLVII.


Die Martis 7 Septem. 1647.

MR. Glynn Recorder of London was cal­led into the House of Commons, where he was charged for countenancing the Cities last Declaration, and giving thanks to some of the late Riotous people for their [Page 2]Petition, and for being often at the new Committee of the Militia, and at that Com­mittee of the Safety, in which the parti­culars were reade. To which when he had made Answer, he went out of the House, and then the House considered what to do in it, who after much debate, ordered that Mr. Glyn Recorder of London shall be discharged from being a Member of their House, the House being devided. And ordered that Mr. Glyn the said Recorder shall be sent to the Tower during the pleasure of the House.

Die Martis 7 Septem. 1647.

Sir John Maynard was called into the House and the report being read against him, he was charged with subscribing of warrants for raising of Horses, which warrants for rais­ing of Horses were shewed to him; And be­ing asked whether that was his hand: he answerd that his hand was counterfitted, and that he signed none of those warrants. Be­sids those warrants he was charged for ha­ving acted with great zeale, and activity in endeavouring to raise a new warre, which [Page 3]was fully proved by three witnesses. After this he being commanded to withdraw, The House debated his crime, and after some consideration had of it, ordered to discharge him out of the House, and to send him to the Tower: And that an Impeachment of high Treason be brought in against him.

Die Mercurii, 8 . 1647.

Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, That Sir John Evelin of Wilts, doe goe up to the Lords, and Impeach the Earle of Lincoln, Earle of Suffolke, Earle of Middlesex: Lord Hunsdone, Lord Willoughby of Parham, Lord Bartlet, and Lord Maynard of high Treason, in the, in name of all the Commons of Eng­land, for levying Warre against the King, Par­liament, and Kingdome, And to desire their Lordships to sequester them from their House, and to commit them; and they would make good the Charge of high Treason a­gainst them; Sir John Evelin carried up the said message and Impeached them at the Lords Barre.

Die Mercurii 8 Septem. 1647.

Ordered that the report concern­ing the Earle of Pembrookes case shall be made the fifteenth day of this in­stant September: His Lordship hath entred his Protestation against the sit­ting of the Members in the absence of the Speakers, and that what was then done, was forced; which his Lordship caused to be entred into the Journall book of the House of Peers.

Die Mercurii 8 Septem. 1647.

Ordered that Sir Robert Harlow, Mr. Edward Stephens, and Mr. Guen, shall be summoned to appeare at this House the thirtieth day of this Month, to answer such things as shall be ob­jected against them.

Die Jovis Sep. 9. 1647.

The Lords Debated the Charge of the House of Commons against the Earle of Lincolne, the Earle of Suffolk and the Earl of Middlesex; The Lord Hunsdon, Lord Willoughbey of Par­ham, Lord Bartlet, and Lord May­nard, and Ordered that the Gentle­man Usher of their House, seize, and bring before their Lordships, the said Earle of Lincolne, Earle of Suffolk; and Earle of Middlesex: The Lord Hunsdon, Lord Willoughbey of Par­ham, Lord Bartlet, and Lord May­nard, to Answer the Impeachment of High Treason brought up against them by the House of Commons.

Die Jovis Septem. 9. 1647.

Ordered by the Commons assem­bled in Parliament, that Collonell Capley, who joyned with the Commit­tee for raising of Forces, and approved of the proceedings of the Members in the Speakers absence, be expelled the House, and sent prisoner to the Tower.

Ordered by the Commons Assem­bled in Parliament, that Captaine Musgrave be sent prisoner to New­gate.


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