THE ADDRESS OF THE Lords Spiritual & Temporal, In Parliament Assembled: PRESENTED TO HIS MAJESTY the 23d of this instant February 1692.


ORdered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Par­liament Assembled, That the ADDRESS Pre­sented to His MAJESTY yesterday by this House, and His MAJESTY's ANSWER thereunto, shall be Printed and Published,

Math. Johnson, Cler' Parliamentor'

In the SAVOY: Printed by Edward Jones. M.DC.XCIII.

The Address of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament As­sembled, &c.

WE the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled, Conceiving it to be Our Duty to Your Majesty, and the Kingdom, to Offer Our Opinion and Ad­vice, upon Occasions of Importance Relating to the Pub­lick, and especially in this Conjuncture, Do Humbly lay before Your Majesty, for the present, these following Resolutions of the House, which We conceive are highly Necessary to the Safety and Honor of Your Majesties Person and Government.

That the Chief Commander of the English Forces un­der Your Majesty, shall be a Subject born in Your Maje­sties Dominions.

That a Capitulation having been made in the Year 1678, by which it was Agreed, That the English Com­mander, and Officer in every Degree, is to Command any other Confederate-Officer of the same Rank, except those of Crown'd Heads, without any Regard to the Date of their Respective Commissions, It is the Humble Advice of this House, That the same Preference may be still Continued to Your Majesties Officers, the contrary Practice in this last War, being, as we Conceive, to the [Page 4]Diminution of the Honor that belongeth to the Crown of England, and to the general Dissatisfaction of Your Majesties Subjects.

That Twenty Thousand English Soldiers should Remain in England, during the Year 1693, and be under the Command of One of Your Majesties Subjects, born in this Kingdom.

That no Foreigner shall be of the Board of Ordnance, or Keeper of the Stores in the Tower of London.

That for Incouragement of the English, there may not be so many Strangers Imployed in the Office of the Ordnance.

There having been many Abuses of late, under pre­tence of Pressing Men for the Fleet, It is the Humble Advice of this House, That Your Majesty will be pleased to give effectual Order, That all those who have Com­mitted any Offences of that kind, or shall Commit them for the future, may be immediately Cashiered, and Prose­cuted with the utmost Rigor of the Law.

24. Febr. 1692.

THE Speaker Reported His Majesties An­swer to the Address Yesterday. That His Majesty said, He would take it into Con­sideration.

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