SEVERAL VOTES OF The COMMONS assembled in PARLIAMENT, Concerning such Members of the House as have any ways Ayded or Assisted the King in the VVar against the Parliament.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That no person that hath been in actual VVar against the Parliament, or hath acted by the Commission of Array, or voluntarily ayded the King in this VVar against the Parliament, or that since the Twentieth of May, in the year 1642. hath sued for, or voluntarily acce­pted a Pardon from the King, or hath directed, advised, assisted, signed or consented unto the Cessation of Ireland, or otherwise assisted the Rebellion of Ireland, or as stand seque­stred by Authority of Parliament for Delinquency, shall presume to sit in this House.

That the persons that shall be comprehended within this Order, shall incur the penal­ty of being put into the second Branch of the fourth Qualification in the Propositions, concerning such Members as deserted the Parliament, and sate in the unlawful Assem­bly at Oxon.

That such Members as are in Town, or within Ten miles of the City of London, as shall conceive themselves concerned in this Order, shall have liberty to present their Case to the House, under their Hand in writing, before Thursday next.

That the space of Twenty days shall be given to such Members as are not within Ten miles distance of London, that shall conceive themselves concerned in this Order, to pre­sent their Case to the House under their Hand in writing.

That if any of the Members to whom the liberty of Twenty days is granted, shall come to the House within the said space of Twenty days, shall have Four days liberty onely within the said former Twenty days, to present their Case under their Hand in writing to the House.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That these Orders be forthwith Printed and Published:

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, Iuly 10. 1647.

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