Several ORDERS of the Commons assembled in Parliament; viz. • I. For receiving Complaints against such Members, their Clerks or Servants, as have received any Bribes. , • II. That the Members absent, forthwith attend the service of the House. , and • III. That no person that hath been actual against the Parliament, or acted by the Com­mission of Array, shall presume to sit in the House. 

Die Jovis, 3 Junii, 1647.

ORdered (upon the Question) by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Committee formerly appointed for receiving the Complaints against such Members as shall be complained of to receive any Bribes or Rewards for any business done in Parliament, be revived; and that they do sit to morrow at two post merid' in the Star-Chamber, and so de die in diem: And farther, they are to consider and receive the Complaints of all Fees, Moneys or Rewards taken by any Servant of any Members, or by any Clerks or Officers, or other persons attending upon or imployed by any of the Committees: They have farther power to consider of and enquire into any matter of Bribery, Corruption, Alowance or Reward, committed or taken in any business that hath relation to the Affairs done or agitated in Parliament, or by any of their Committees.

Mr. Bulkley, Mr. Reynolds, Sir Iohn Evelyn of Wilts, Mr. Dove, Sir Thomas Dacres, Colonel Strode, are added to this Committee, and the care of this business is more particularly referred unto Mr. Bulkley.

Die Sabbathi, 5 Junii, 1647.

IT is this day Ordered upon the Question by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That all the Members of the House be hereby injoyned forthwith to attend the service of the House, notwith­standing any former or particular leave or order to be absent. It is farther Ordered, That this Order be forthwith Printed; And that the Knights and Burgesses of the several Counties and places do forth­with send this Order to the particular and respective Sheriffs, requiring them to give particular notice of this Order to the respective Members within their several Counties.

Die Lunae, primo Septembr. 1645.
VOTES of the Commons assembled in Parliament.

ORdered (upon the Question) by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That no person, that hath been in actual War against this Parliament, shal be admitted to sit as a Member in this Parliament.

Die Jovis, 10 Junii, 1647.

ORdered (upon the Question) by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That no person, that hath been in actual War against the Parliament, or hath acted by the Commission of Array, or volun­tarily, either directly or indirectly, ayded the King in this War against the Parliament, shall presume to sit in this House.

Resolved, &c.

That this Vote concerning Members, and the former Vote concerning Members to be Elected, of primo Septembr. 1645. be forthwith printed together, and sent into the several Counties.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That these Orders be forthwith printed and published:

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, Iune 22. 1647.

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