
Instructions for Deputy Lieutenants, which are Members of the House of Commons, and other Lieutenants of severall Counties, concerning the last Propositions.
Together with THE NAMES OF THE COMMISSARIES, who are to inroll and value the Horses and Arms, according to the Propositions.

THat the Deputy Lieutenants of each County, which are Members of the House, shall have Authority to tender the Propositions to the other Deputy Lieutenants of the same County; and take their subscriptions, and all such Deputy Lieutenants, or any two of them as shall subscribe according to the Propositions, shall have Authority to assemble and call together all such Persons as they shall think fit, and to tender those Propositions to all such Persons as shall be present, or to any Persons within their Counties respectively, and receive their subscriptions: And the said Deputy Lieutenants, or any two of them, shall have Authority to name such, and so many Persons, as they shall think fit to assemble and call together every Person, or to repair to their severall houses or dwellings within their respective Counties, and to take their subscriptions, which subscriptions are by them to be returned to such Persons as shall be appointed Receivers in the respe­ctive Counties, who shall from time to time certifie the sums, values, or proportions of such subscriptions to the Treasurers of London.

The said Deputy Lieutenants, or the greater part of them shall have power to name Receivers in their severall Counties, and all such as shall either before or after their subscriptions, pay or bring in any Money or Plate, shall deliver the same to such Person or Persons as shall be appointed by the said Deputy Lieutenants, or the greater part of them, under their hands to be Re­ceivers, which the said Persons so appointed shall cause to be delivered to the Treasurers in London, named in the said Propo­sitions; and shall receive Acquittances from the said Treasurers, in the name, and to the use of the severall Persons from whom they shall receive such Money or Plate, and shall deliver such Acquittances to the severall Persons to whom they do belong: And all such as make such returns of Money or Plate, shall receive reasonable allowance from the Treasurers for the same, according to their discretions.

All that finde Horses, shall presently send them up to London, according to the Propositions.

In those Counties where no Commissions are issued to those that were nominated for Deputy Lieutenants, or none have been nominated, there the same Authority to be given to such Iustices of Peace, or other Gentlemen of those Counties, which shall be named by the Knights, and Burgesses of those Counties, and approved by both Houses, as is to the Deputy Lieutenants in the first Instruction.

5. That the time of notice shall be taken, to be from the time that every man hears the Propositions first read by the Au­thority aforesaid.

6. It is Ordered, That Captain Burrell Master Lloyd, John Smith of London, Gent', and Francis Dowsett of London, Gent', be Comm [...]naries to Inroll and value the Horses and Arms, to be raised according to the Propositions.

Ordered that this be forthwith Printed:

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed by L. N. and J. F. for Edward Husbands and Iohn Franck▪ Iune 17. 1642.

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