
The Copie of an Order agreed up­on in the House of Commons, Vpon Friday the eighteenth of Iune, wherein every man is rated according to his estate for the Kings use.

DVkes, 100 pounds.
Marquesses 80 pounds.
Earles 60 pounds.
Viscounts 50 pounds.
Lords, 40 pounds.
Baronets and Knights of the Bath, thirty pounds.
Knights, 20 pounds.
Esquires ten pounds.
Gentlemen of 100 pounds per annum, five pounds.
Recusants of all degrees to double Prote­stants.
Lord Maior, 40 pounds.
Aldermen Knights, 20 pounds.
Citizens fined for Sheriffes, 20 pounds.
Deputy Aldermen, 15 pounds.
Merchant strangers, Knights, 40 pounds.
Common counsell men, five pounds.
Livery men of the first twelve Compa­nies, and those that fined for it, ten pounds.
Livery men of other companies, 50 shil.
Masters and Wardens of those other companies, five pounds.
Every one free of those Companies, one pound.
Every freeman of other Companies, ten shillings.
Everie Merchant that trades by Sea, in­habiting in London, ten pound.
Every Merchant stranger that trades within Land, five pounds.
Every English Merchant residing in the City of London, and not free, five pound.
Every English factor that dwells in Lon­don, and is not free of the City, forty shillings.
Every stranger Protestant, handy-crafts, trade and Artificer two shillings.
Every Papist stranger, and handy-crafts, four shillings.
Every widow a third part, according to her husbands degree.
Every Judge a Knight, 20 pounds.
Every Kings Sergeant 25 pounds.
Every Sergeant at Law, 20 pounds.
Every one of the Kings, Queens, and Princes Counsell, 20 pounds.
Every Doctor of Civill Law, and Do­ctor of Physicke, 10 pounds.
Every Bishop 60 pounds.
Every Deane 40 pounds.
Every Cannon 20 pounds.
Every Prebend 20 pounds.
Every Arch-Deacon 15 pounds.
Every Chancellor and every Commis­sary, 15 pounds.
Every Parson or Vicar at 100. pound per Annum, five pounds.
Every office worth above 100 pound per Annum, to be referred to a Commit­tee, to be rated every man that may spend 50 pounds per Annum, thirty shillings.
Every man that may spend 20. pound per Annum, 5 shillings.
Every person that is above 16 yeares of age and doth not receive almes, and is not formerly rated, shall pay 6 pence per Pole.

Printed in the yeare 1641.

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