The 21. of August. 1643.

WHereas the Committee for the Militia in the City of London by vertue of an Ordinance of both-houses of Parliament, Dated the seventeenth day of this instant moneth of Au­gust, have power to command the shutting up of all shops within the lines of Communication to the end the Inhabitants there­of may the better fit themselves for the defence of the said City and parts adjacent, and forasmuch as the said Committee have been mo­ved, as well by a Committee of Lords and Commons in Parliament, as from his Excellency the Earle of Essex, to send forth of this City some speedy aide for the relieving of the City of Glocester, now in great distresse by reason of the enemies Army, wherewith they are besieged: And the said Committee conceiving that the City of London and parts adjacent cannot be long in safety, if that City be lost, they have thereupon resolved forthwith to send out a Force both of Horse and Foote, for the reliefe of the said City of Glocester. And for the better furtherance of that service, the said Committee of the Mili­tia, doe hereby require all persons inhabiting within the Lines of Communication, immediately to shut up their shops, and to conti­nue them so shut up untill Glocester be relieved, or untill further or­der shal be given by both Houses of Parliament, or this Committee, and to apply themselves to the furthering of this so necessary a ser­vice, and the Officers of the Regiments of Trayned Bands and Aux­illiary Forces, which by lot are appointed to goe in this Expedition, are required to returne to the said Committee, as well the names of such persons of the said Regiments, as shall neither March with the rest, nor appoint other sufficient men to goe in their roome, and of such as shall in any sort hinder this Expedition, to the end such course may be taken with them; as this discovery of their ill affection to the safety of this City and parts adjacent deserveth, as also the names of such Voluntiers not Listed in the said Regiments, as shall goe in this Expedition; to the end they may receive the like pay which the rest doe, and also be taken notice of as persons well affected to the City, Parliament, and Kingdome.

Printed at London by Richard Cotes. 1643.

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