
SEVERAL VOTES OF The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, Concerning such as take up Arms against the Parliament of England, or assist in such a WAR.

VVHereas the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled did upon the Twentieth of May, 1642. for [Page 4] the preventing of the late VVar, pass these three Votes:

  • I. That it appears, That the King (seduced by wicked Counsel) intends to make War against the Parliament, who in all their Consultations and Actions, have proposed no other end unto them­selves, but the care of the Kingdoms, and the performance of all Duty and Loyalty to His Person.
  • II. That whensoever the King maketh War upon the Parliament, it is a Breach of the Trust reposed in Him by His People, contrary to His Oath, and tending to the Dissolution of this Government.
  • [Page 5]III. That whosoever shall serve or as­sist Him in such Wars, are Traytors, by the Fundamental Laws of this Kingdom, and have been so adjudged by two Acts of Parliament, and ought to suffer as Traytors, 11 Richard. 2. 1 Hen. 4.

And whereas there are now at this time divers persons in Arms, who endeavor to raise war against the Par­liament; The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for better enforming of the Subjects of this Kingdom in their Duty, do now at this time Declare, That it doth ap­pear, That divers who have as­sisted the King in the late war a­gainst [Page 6] the Parliament, as also di­vers others do endeavor to seduce the people, and do actually Levy VVar against the Parliament.

That whosoever shall make war against the Parliament of England, or assist in such war, are Traytors, by the Fundamental Laws of this Kingdom, and have been so ad­judged by two Acts of Parliament, and ought to suffer as Traytors, 11 Ric. 2. 1 Hen. 4.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

20 Junii, 1648.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That these Votes be forthwith Printed, and Published by the Sheriffs in every Market Town in several Counties, at the next Market days after the receipt hereof; And that the Judges do deliver them in their se­veral Circuits.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

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