Severall Votes and Orders of the House of Parliament.

REsolved by the Parliament, that after the charges now on the Publique Receipts at Goldsmiths-Hall, shall be satisfied and taken off, the whole Revenue to be raised out of, and by the Regulation of the Sequestrations and Compositions of Delinquents, and the Confiscations of their Estates, shall be applyed towards the maintenance of the Army, and other publique charges, towards the abatement of the Assessements.

Hen. Scobell. Cleric. Parliament.

REsolved by the Parliament, That the Committee of Goldsmiths-Hall, have power to receive from any person, or persons, who shall present the same to them, any Ordinance, Act, or Orders of Par­liament, whereby any charge is imposed on the Sequestrations of Delinquents Estates, and to exa­mine the grounds and nature of them, and present the state of those severall ingagements to the House.

Resolved, &c.

THat it be referred to the same Committee to take into consideration▪ the severall penalties incur­red by Delinquents, by any Act or Ordinance of Parliament, for not paying in their first or se­cond payments, and to report the state thereof to this House; And what effectuall way may be taken, for bringing in those Compositions, and penalties; And likewise to consider what Delinquents Estates (who have not compounded) or neglected to pay in their monies, are fit to be Confiscated, and sold to the use of the Common-wealth, and report it to the House.

ORdered by the Parliament, That all Treasurers, Sub-Collectors, Committees, and other Offi­cers of Sequestrations in the severall Counties, be enjoyned from henceforth, not to make pay­ment of any Rents, Issues, or Profits, of sequestred Estates by them received, or to be received, to any other person or persons, save unto the Treasurers of Goldsmiths-Hall, or such as those Treasurers there, shall appoint; upon penalty of making good and answering out of their owne Estates, to the use of the Common-wealth, such summes of money, as they or any of them respectively, shall so pay contrary to this order.

ORdered by the Parliament, That it be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths-Hall, to consider of a way how the Rents and Profits of all sequestred Estates in the hands of any Collectors, Te­nants, or other persons, may be brought in to the use of the Common-wealth, and present the same to the House.

Eodem die.
Hen. Scobell, Cleric. Parliament.
Resolved, &c.

THat the whole Revenue of the Sequestrations, in the severall Counties of the Common-wealth, be brought into the publique Treasury of Goldsmiths-Hall, there to be disposed of for the main­tenance of the Army, and for other publique uses, in order to abate the charges of Assessements for ease of the people.

Hen. Scobell, Cleric. Parliament.

London, Printed by Richard Cotes, 1649.

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