[blazon or coat of arms]

Resolved by the Parliament,

THat all Officers who were in Commission on the eleventh of October 1659. and all other Officers and Souldiers in the late Defection and Rebellion who have already Submitted, and such as shall hereafter submit themĀ­selves, and have returned, or shall return to their Duty and Obedience to the Parliament before the ninth day of this instant January, shall be and are hereby Pardoned and Indemnified for Life and Estate; Provided that this Vote shall not extend to the pardoning of Wilfull Murder. And it is Ordered that all such of the said Officers and Souldiers who shall so return to their Duty and Obedience to the Parliament, shall be disposed of by the Councill of State, Commissioners for management of the Army, or Generall Monck.

THat John Lambert Esq shall be included in this Vote.

THat it be referred to the Councill of State to see that this Vote be put in Execution.

Resolved, That this Vote be forthwith Printed and Published.

THOMAS S t NICHOLAS, Clerk of the Parliament.

LONDON, Printed by John Streater, and John Macock, Printers to the Parliament, 1659.

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