Instructions agreed upon by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, to be observed in taking, examining, and determining the Accompts of all Officers and Souldiers, who have actually and faithfully served under their command in the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales from or since the beginning of these Wars.
I THat all Officers of Horse, Foot, and Dragoones, who have served under the Command and Pay of the Committee of any Association, County, or Garrison, shall have all the Accompts for their pay certified according to Muster, by every such Committee, or any three of them, under their hands respectively, (viz.) How long every such Officer hath actuall served with a Regiment, Troope, or Company, under his Command; And what number, to his knowledge, that Regiment, Troope, or Company, did consist of, during that time, by what Commission, under whose Command, in what quality, and what Money, to their knowledge, every Officer hath received for or toward his Pay; and what he hath received in Horse, Armes, or other goods, for which he may be charged by and accomptable to the State. And in case the Committee for any Association, County, or Garrison, shall give notice to the Committee, or Sub-Committee, appointed for this service, that they are unable to certifie on the behalfe of such an Officer, or that such an Officer, hath not served under their Command, Then the Commander in chiefe of every such Garrison, Regiment, or Regiments under whom such an Officer hath served, and the next in chiefe under him, that shall then survive respectively, with the Captaine, if then living, who shall be concerned in any such Certificate, to be given on the behalfe of his Officers, shall certifie the same according to Musters as aforesaid, under their owne Hands and Seales; which they are to doe with such care, as they and every of them may deliver the same upon their Oathes, if required, before the Committee for this Service, or their Sub-Committees; which Accompts so certified by the Committees or Officers, as aforesaid, shall be returned to the Sub-Committee appointed by the Committee for the Accompts of the Kingdome, for taking the Accompts of that County where such Officer hath served, and from them to be transmitted to the Committee appointed for this service, to receive such further charge as they shall be able to give, and afterwards to be by them determined according to these Instructions, and speedily returned to the said Sub-Committee, who are to deliver the same to the severall Officers, and other persons who are concerned therein.
II. That all Officers whatsoever, who doe or have served in the Grand Armies of the Kingdome, and have not had relation at the same time to particular Counties or Garrisons, shall according to Muster have such and the like Certificates from the two Superiour Officers (which shall be surviving) of the Regiment wherein they have actually served; And in case the Certificate concerne any Officer under the degree of a Captaine, then that Captaine, if living who is concerned in that Certificate, on the behalfe of his Officer, shall joyne in certifying the same accordingly; and from them transmitted to the Committee for this Service.
III. That no Certificate shall be taken, where the parties that give it have not made it first to appeare to the Committee appointed for this Service, or their Sub-Committee, that they have not been cashiered from their command for any misdemeanour: And shall likewise have given in to the aforesaid Commmittee, or Sub-Committees, their Hands, Seales, and Qualities, with which addition they shall afterwards certifie and no other waies.
IIII. That in case any Committee of both Houses of Parliament, or any Generall, have heretofore granted any Warrants by Authority from the Parliament for payment of any Arrears due to any Officer for his Service; And that the same, or any part thereof, doth still remaine unpaid, Then in every such case the Committee appointed for this purpose, shall make deduction upon evety Warrant, according to the directions herein exprest; and the remainder appearing due thereupon shall be accompted to every such Officer a just debt from the State.
V. That all Officers and Souldiers who have already received any summe of Money in full satisfaction from the respective Counties where they served, though it was not agreeable hereunto, shall not by vertue of this Ordinance (any Clause herein contained) claim any such pretended Arrears.
VI. That all Governours of Cities, Castles, Townes, or Forts, unto whom any allowance is due, either as Governour, or for Pay, Spies, Intelligence Fortifications, or Monies necessarily laid out for Horses Arms, Ammunition, or otherwise for the service of the State and hath not received the same shall have the Accompts of such Pay and Charges examined, allowed, and determined, by the Committee appointed for this purpose, as an Arreare to them due.
Provided alwaies, that the Governour aforesaid shall take his Corporall Oath that neither in Mony, Horse Armes, or other Goods appertaining, or belonging to the State, he hath received any part of the Money which he accounts as due unto himselfe; And shall upon the same Oath deliver in an Accompt of what ever remaineth in his hands belonging to the State.
VII That no Officer of what quality soever (who hath received any Mony or Goods from the State, or other waies for which he is to be accomptable) shall have his Accompts determined by the Committee appointed for the same, before he hath delivered in an Accompt thereof to the Committee for the Accompts of the whole Kingdom or their Sub-Committees respectively. And in case it shall appeare at any time within two years after determination of any such Accompt, that any such Officer is further chargeable, he shall for default herein forfeit to the State double the summe which shall appeare he hath not formerly acknowledged upon his Accompt.
VIII That no Officer of Horse, or Dragoones in Commission shall receive Pay for any Horses in order to their respective qualities, other then he shall make to appeare by the Musters, he kept for the service of the Parliament, and for such time onely, as it shall so appeare he kept them.
IX And forasmuch as the greatnesse of the debt due to the whole Souldiery, who have served faithfully in this Warre, hath occasioned heretofore part of the Pay to them so due to be respited on the Publique-Faith for a present ease; Yet considering the same debt will at length become payable from the Common-wealth, of whom the Souldery of this Kingdome have beene necessitated to take free-Quarter when Monies could not be provided for them; And when they have received Monies for their Pay, they have many times left their Quarters undischarged, so that the Publique will be in danger to suffer in both; It is therefore ordered that no summe of Mony due to any Officer, or Souldier, shall be so respited, But the Committee appointed for this service shall have power, and are hereby authorized and required to deduct respectively out of the whole sum demanded for pay by any Officer, or Souldier for their service in this Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, the severall and respective proportions of Moneys hereafter expressed, for their Quarters due to the Common-wealth,
X From all Foot Souldiers, and Officers of Foot, whose pay is seven shillings a weeke, or under, three shillings a week for their Quarters.
XI From all Serjeants of Foot, foure shillings and six pence a week for their Quarters.
XII From all Officers of Foot in Commission, of what quality soever, one fourth part of their respective payes for their Quarters.
XIII From all Officers belonging to the Traine of Artillery, one fourth part of the respective pay to them due.
XIV From all Officers of Horse or Dragoones of what quality soever, one third part of the pay to them due for themselves and Horses.
XV From all private Troopers eight shillings a weeke for their Quarters, Provided that this extend not to such Officers in Commission that have served in any Garrison, County, or Grand Army and shall make it appeare by sufficient testimonies to the Committee for this purpose, or their Sub-Committees, they have discharged their Quarters, during the time for which they crave allowance.
XVI That all private Souldiers, as well of Horse as Foot disbanded, or to be disbanded, who have not received satisfaction for their service in the Armies, or Counties where they have served, shall receive the same from the Committees of the severall Armies or Counties, where they have done, or now doe the service; For the evidencing whereof, every such Souldier shall bring to the respective Committees a Note under the hands and seales of his Officer that he is so many weekes in Arreare, who are to deduct out of such Arreares for his Quarters, according to the rate hereby Ordered both for Horse and Foot. Provided, that this extend not to any private Souldier, whether of Horse or Foot, who hath left the service of that Army, Garrison, or County, without lawfull discharge, although he hath forthwith Listed himselfe in some other place for the service of the Parliament, or that hath not, or hereafter shall not, deliver in to the respective Committees aforesaid, such Horse and Armes with which he hath served, or a Certificate under the hand of his superior Officer, that such Horse and Armes with which he hath served did not appertaine to the State, or was lost in actuall service, whose accompts cast up as is exprest, upon Certificate from the Committees for the respective Armties and Counties aforesaid, of such a debt due to the private Souldier of that Army or County, they shall forthwith be enabled to discharge the same,
XVII That all Accompts that have heretofore been stated by Order of Parliament, or any Committee thereof, shall be regulated according to the Instructions herein contained by the Committee appointed for this service, except such who have received the summes of money so certified, or some part thereof in full of their whole demand.
XVIII That all Officers, who were in actuall service the 25 day of March Anno 1647. shall have their Accompts made up to that time, and all others disbanded to the time of their dismission, Provided that this extend not to any Officer of what quality soever, who hath had a Commission for a Regiment, Troop, or Company, and with the same hath not beene for the time he craveth allowance in actuall service, neither shall any Certificate be made for longer time then any such Officer hath had such a Regiment, Troope, or Company, actually under his command, upon penality of the losse of their whole Arreares, who shall certifie the same, Provided that this exception shall not any way debarre from payment, that Regiment of Reformadoes under the command of Colonel Saunderson, but they and every of them abating for their Quarters, one third part of their respective payes, shall have their Accompts made up according to the agreement made then with them, as Reformadoes, and what money remaines due to them for that service, shall be accompted as a debt from the State; And it is further Provided, That where it shall appeare any Officer hath had a Regiment, Troope, or Company under his command, for which he craveth allowance, which did not consist of above the number hereafter specified, that is to say, in a Regiment of Foot three hundred, in a Regiment of Horse one hundred and fiftie, in a Troope of Horse or Dragoones five and twenty, in a Comp [...]ny of Foot forty, all Officers included, That he or they shall have his and their Accompts made up, after the proportion of a third part of the full allowance of pay hereafter exprest, and not otherwise.
XIX That the Accompt of all Officers, who have served in such Garrisons, for which there hath beene establishments made for a smaller pay then the allowance for Horse and Foot before the twentieth of March 1643. made to the late Lord, Generall the Earle of Essex, shall have their Accompts made up no otherwaies then by the allowance of pay established for that Garrison but shall have no part of what resteth due unto them deducted for free Quarter; But every such Officer shall bring to the Committee appointed for this service, or their Sub Committee, a Certificate under the hand and seal of the Major, Bayliffe, or the Supreame Civill Officer of that Citie or Town that he hath paid for his Quarters the time of his command in that Garrison, which Certificate so brought shall sufficiently assure the Committee for this service, that such an Officer hath paid his Quarter.
XX That all Accompts, except of the Officers of the Garrisons, for which there hath beene particular establishments, and of the Reformadoes before mentioned, shall be determined according to the allowance of pay made to the late Lord Generall the Earle of Effex his Army, before the twentieth day of March 1643.
XXI And lastly, It is ordered and ordained, that all, and singular sum and sums of Mony that shall appeare to be remaining due upon the severall Accompts which shall be taken, examined allowed and determined by the Committee appointed for this service, according to the Instructions herein exprest, shall be accompted as a just debt from the State.
ORdered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that these Instructions be forthwith Printed and published.
London Printed for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old Bayley,