The Seventh Classis to containe:
  • Alhallowes by the Wall,
  • Bartholmew Exchange,
  • Bennet Fynck,
  • Buttolph Bishopsgate,
  • Christophers,
  • Margaret Lothbury,
  • Michael Bashinshaw,
  • Peter Poore,
  • Stevens Colemanstreet.
The Eight Classis to containe:
  • Andrew Ʋndershaft,
  • Buttolph Algate,
  • Ethelburge,
  • Hackney,
  • Hellens,
  • Iames Dukes-place,
  • Katherine Creechurch,
  • Leonard Shoreditch,
  • Martins Oteswich vulgo Outwich.
  • Mary Newingtonalias soke Newington,
The Ninth Classis to containe:
  • Alhallowes Barkin,
  • Alhallowes Stanings,
  • Dunstons in the East,
  • Gabriel Fenchurch,
  • Catherine Coleman,
  • Katherine Tower,
  • Margaret Pattons,
  • Olaves Hartstreet,
  • Peters in the Tower.
  • Stepney,
  • Trinity Minories,
  • Wapping,
  • White Chappell.
The Tenth Classis to containe.
  • George Southwarke,
  • Lambeth,
  • Mary Magdalen Bermondsey,
  • Mary Overs,
  • Newington Butts,
  • Olives Southwarke,
  • Rotherhithe vulgo Redriff
  • Thomas Hospitall,
  • Thomas Southwark.
The Eleventh Classis to containe:
  • Clements Danes,
  • Giles in the Fields,
  • Knights bridge,
  • Margrets Westminster,
  • Martias in the Fields,
  • Newchurch,
  • Peters Westminster,
  • Paules chappell in covent Garden.
The Twelfth Classis to containe:
  • Andrew Holburne,
  • Bartholmew the greater,
  • Bartholmew the lesse,
  • Charterhouse,
  • Dunstones in the West,
  • Iames Clarkenwell,
  • Mary Islington,
  • Sepulchers.

9. That all the Severall Parishes and Places within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the parts adjacent, according as they are distinguished into twelve severall Classis, shall [Page 8] be the exrent and bounds of the Province of London.

Concerning the members of the Classicall and Congre­gationall Assemblies in the severall counties.

THat in the severall Counties certaine per­sons, Ministers and others, shall be appoin­ted by Authority of Parliament, who shall con­sider how their severall Counties respectively may be most conveniently divided into distinct classicall Presbyteries, and what Ministers and o­thers are fit to be of each Classis. And they shall accordingly make such division and nomination of persons for each classicall Presbytery, which Divisions, and persons so named for every Divi­sion shall be certified up to the Parliament. That the Chancellors, Vice-chancellors, and heads of the Universities shall consider how the Col­ledges may be most conveniently put into clas­sicall Presbyteries, and doe certifie the same up unto the Parliament.

And the said severall Classes respectively be­ing approved by Parliament within their seve­rall Precincts shall have power to constitute Congregationall Elderships where a competent number of persons so qualified for Elders, as a­foresaid, [Page 9] shall be found. And where no persons shall be found fit to be Elders, as aforesaid, then that Congregation shall be immediately under the Classicall Presbytery, untill that congrega­tion shall be enabled with members fit to be El­ders, as aforesaid.

The congregationall Assembly shal meet once every weeke, and oftner if occasion shall serve.

The classicall Assembly shall meet once every moneth.

Concerning Members of the Provinciall Assembly.

THe Provinciall Assembly shall be constitu­ted of members sent from every Classis within the Province,

The number of the members sent from each Classes shall be so proportioned, as that the Pro­vinciall Assembly may be more in number then any Classicall Presbytery within that Province. And to that end there shall be at least two Mi­nisters, and foure Ruling-Elders out of every Classis. And that where there shall be need, the number may be increased, as to the persons ap­pointed for the bounding of the Provinciall Assembly shall seem meet. Provided, that the [Page 10] number doe not exceed nine of each, Ministers and Ruling-Elders, from any one Classis. And that there be alwaies two Ruling-Elders to one Minister. That the Provinciall Assembly being constituted, shall meet twice every yeere, the first meeting shall be determined by the persons ap­pointed for the bounding of the Provinciall and Classicall Assemblies.

Concerning the Nationall Assembly.

THat the Nationall Assembly shall be con­stituted of members sent from the severall Provinces aforesaid, the number of the members from each Province to the Nationall Assembly shall be two Ministers, and foure Ruling-Elders. The Nationall Assembly is to meet when they shall be summoned by Parliament, and to sit and continue as the Parliament shall order, and not otherwise.


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