At the Committee of Lords and Commons for Advance of Money and other Necessaries for the ARMY.

IT is Ordered, that the Collectors, lately added to the Collectors for the weekly assessement with­in the City of London, and the Liberties thereof, doe forthwith Levy and receive all the Monies assessed upon the Ordinance for that assesse­ment, and that they have the two pence in the pound, appointed by the said Ordinance, for all such monies as is now uncollected, And the Collectors formerly appointed are to be assistant to them, and goe along with them with their rolls, and give them direction who are behind, and how much, and the Monies by them collected, to pay forthwith after collection, to the Collectors formerly appointed, who are instantly to pay it to the Treasurers at Guild-hall. And that the goods Distrained for satisfaction of the said assessements, be brought to Guild-hall, to be there sold by Samuel Gosse, or his Deputies, and what shall arise by such sale, to be delivered by the said Samuel Gosse, to the Trea­surers upon the Propositions for Plate and Money at Guild-hall, as upon the accompt of the weekly assessements. And it is further Ordered, that whosoever shall not satisfie and pay his said week­ly assessement within ten dayes after publication hereof, that then the said persons shall bee againe assessed for two monethes over and above the said three monethes, according to a late Ordi­nance for continuance of a weekly assessement, for two moneths. And the Collectors for this service, are hereby appointed to give accompt hereof to this Committee, every Thursday in the after­noone.

Martin Dallison Clerke to the said Committee.

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