THE ADDRES OF THE LORDS Spiritual and Temporal, and COMMONS, to the KING 's Most Excellent Majesty, for Maintaining the CHURCH of ENGLAND, as by Law Established; With HIS MAJESTIES Most Gracious ANSWER therunto.

May it please Your Majesty,

YOur Majesties most Loyal and Obedient Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Tempo­ral, and Commons in Parliament Assembled, do with utmost Duty and Affection, render to Your Majesty Our most Humble and Hearty Thanks for Your Gracious Declaration, and repeated Assurances, that You will maintain the Church of England, Esta­blished by Law, which Your Majesty hath been pleased to rescue from that dangerous Con­spiracy that was laid for her Destruction, with the Hazard of your Royal Person.

And Her Zeal against Popery, having appeared at all times, and more especially of late, beyond the Contradiction of Her most malicious Enemies; it being likewise evident, that her Loyalty hath alwayes been unquestionable, and that the Misfortunes of the Last Reign can be attributed to nothing more than the Endeavours that were used to subvert it.

We therefore humbly pray Your Majesty will be graciously pleased to continue Your Care for the Preservation of the same, whereby You wiil effectually Establish Your Throne, by securing the Hearts of your Majesties Subjects within these Your Realms, who can no way better shew their Zeal for Your Service, than by a firm Adherence to that Church, whose Constitution is best suited to the support of this Monarchy.

We likewise humbly pray, That according to the Ancient Practice and Usage of this King­dom in time of Parliament, your Majesty will be graciously pleased to issue forth Writs, as soon as conveniently may be, for calling a Convocation of the Clergy of this Kingdom; to be advised with in Ecclesiastical Matters, assuring your Majesty, it is our intention forthwith to proceed to the consideration of giving Ease to Protestant Dissenters.


THough I have had many occasions of assuring you, That I will maintain the Church of England as by Law Established; yet I am well pleased with every Opportunity of repeating those Promises, which I am resolved to perform, by Supporting this Church, whose Loyalty I doubt not will enable me to answer your just Expectations.

And as My Design in coming hither was to rescue you from the Miseries you laboured under; so it is a great Satisfaction to Me, that by the Success GOD has given me, I am in a Station of Defending this Church, which has effectually shewn her Zeal against Popery, and shall always be my peculiar care. And I do hope the Ease you design to Dissenters, will contribute very much to the Establishment of this Church, which therefore I do earnestly recommend to you, that the Occasions of Differences and mutual Animosities may be removed; and as soon as conveniently may be, I will summon a Convocation.

ORdered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled, That the Address of Both Houses, presented to His Majesty yesterday, and His Majesties most Gracious An­swer thereunto, be forthwith Printed and Published.

Jo. Browne, Cleric. Parliamentor.

Edinburgh, Re-Printed in the Year, 1689.

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