Short Meditations on, with a briefe Description of the Life and Death of Oliver Cromwell.

SEtlement in a Kingdome whose Foundations are out of order, is as truly desirable, as a Propitious Harbour to the Marriners that have been long wearied with the furious Rage of Tempestious windes, and the proud swel­ling waves of a troubled Sea. To none [except it be to him qui vivitur ex raptu] arguments needs be used, when the land of his nativity groans under the burden of unnatu­ral war, and the heavy loads of Tyrannical oppression, to make use of this short prayer, ‘Da pacem Domine, pacem te poscimus omnes.’ Whence that general fire of Contention which lately broke forth in these, before that time, most happy & glo­rious kingdomes took its first fewell: I shall forbear now to enquire into, the flames thereof being kindled e'r I hardly attained ad etate [...] virilem; but this is evident, that the force thereof was no sooner blown up, but it found sufficient matter to feed on, and its violence could not be stopt untill the wise disposer of all things heard the Cry [Page 2]of the Captives, and let the oppressed go free; causing the wrath of man to turn to his praise, but restraining the remainder thereof.

Prosperity and Successe in unwarrantable actions, na­turally heightens up the depraved Spirits of men to more unlawfull attempts; yet still there is a guilt that stings the Conscience, and a fear that possesseth the spirits of those, who are thus animated to make a progresse, à malo ad pe­jus, least one time or other vindictive justice should draw them before the bar of its Tribunal, which to prevent, they consult with Gateline, and make this their Oracle. The ills that we have done cannot be safe without attem­pting greater.

Simulatae Sanctitas duplex iniquitas. To make religion a Cloak for Villany, hath been a practise, that hath had too long footing in the world, and it is too usuall, Quod bonum pretenditur cum malum intenditur. Ahab proclaims a Fast before he kils, enters and takes possession. Absalom when he aspires the Crown, pretends the good of the people. Judas that betrayed his Master, and was a Thief, re­pines at the costly Ointment bestowed on our Saviour, under colour of taking care for the poore. But the dogs lick the bloud of Ahab: Absolom in his Rebellion is staid under an Oake, by the beautifull Ornament of his Head, till by the hands of Joab he receives a just recompence of his Rebellion: Judas hangs himself. And divine Justice that not often suffers such vildenesse to go unpunished, will at length bring every secret thing to light, and heap vengeance on such painted sepulchers according to the evill of their doings.

To establish iniquity by a law, is to make Justice the mother of Injustice, and Violence the daughter of that which should be sacred: Legu [...] quaedam veneranda pote­stas! [Page 3]Words may well be wanting to expresse the horrid impiety of those who having broken the laws, make a law for their own impunity in their most detestable actions, allowing themselves to give to other reason for their en­ormities but this, Sic volo sic jubeo scat pro ratione volantas. when there was no king in Israel, every man did what was right in his own eys, and the legallity of every mans action was by him judged according to the prompt of his own will, and then as Tot homines tot sententiae, so many men as there were, so many laws there wore for every man to go­vern himself by, which jarring against the common utili­ty and peace, what confusion it brought forth, what strange and unheard of impieties it fostered, Sacred Writ hath left us a sufficient Record; Lust then was taken for law, non hospes ab hospite tutus, and men were grown to that impudence, as without the least remorse in publique view to commit these very acts which nature abhors, yea, to justifie the offenders, and so far to engage for their im­munity as to hazard the perpetual ruin of a famous tribe.

The Devill oft transforms himself into an Angel of light, Christians had need be wise as Serpents, Latet anguis in herba; the biting Serpent lieth under the sweetest herbs, and the most prevailing temptations under the most see­ming appearances of piety, whereby Dovelike innocency may be for a time misled, Humanum esterrare be [...]uinum im­mo diaboli [...]um perseverare. Mists may for a time darken the sight, but when they are once removed, there is none so blinde as he that can but will not see.

Justice may seem to have slow feet, but yet it hath lea­den hands, and because vengeance is not speedily execu­ted on the evill doer, he thinks he may still go on and prosper, judging his actions by the present event, yet soo­ner or later vengeance will overtake him, Licet pede lenta, [Page 4]sed pede certa, and my prayer is involved in that of the Poet.

—careat successibus opto
Quisquis ab eventu facta notanda putat.

Ambition carrieth men beyond all bounds, yet no man ordinarily steps but by degrees into the heighth he desires, and that he may in time accomplish his intended end, for a time, he conceals his intentioned purposes, till an op­portune season profer, that he may safely land himself on that Harbor, towards which he hath been long sayling in the ship of his affectation; he that used policy with his Ambition, is not much unlike the Water-man that looks one way, but rows another. Sometimes that is actived by subtilty, which could never have been obtained by force, and very oft it is seen, that he that is underminde in pol­licy will make use of force to procure what he desires, not caring how he attain it, so as he have it per fas aut nefas: What though kingdoms be subverted, Commonwealths confounded, Cities be destroyed, and Countries wasted, this sticks not on the Ambitious mans heart, the Crown is that this Nimrod is hunting after.

He that Hunts but for Recreation, is so intent on his sport, that he cares not, he fears not; though he break down the fences, it troubles him not, though his poore neighbours corn be trode down with the swift motion of his pranderfed galopers, he is no way moved at it, though the turnings and windings of his yelping kennel make a threshing in the corn ere it come to be cut, what is that to him? Gates, Bars, or Stiles keeps him not in, he leaps them all over, and he accompts both hills and ditches to be as levell ground, and venters to leap, where at another time he scarce dust to craule. The course ended or the game gotten, his carreres are stopt; and after some short pause had, he bethinks himself of the injury he hath done, and [Page 5]findes more trouble for that than content in the purchase obtained; what are the hideous Correres of an ambitious spirit: when once he hath seated himself in that to which God and Nature never designed him, but he stept into by Violence and Rapine! Then he crys out a Kingdome for a quiet spirit, Oh the Crown for a good Conscience; the one I have parted with all, but I shall never enjoy it again: the other I would part withall, it is aburden to me now; It is not honos but Onus; I have it indeed, but it vexeth me, it torments me, horrours in the night affright me; but hinc illae lachrymae, to those that are under his tyranny, then he arms himself with fury, and more feirce Resolu­tions, taking the Councel of Reaboams wilde ones, con­cluding to make his little finger, heavier then the loyns of any of his Predecessors.

Not to rake up the ashes of the late extinguished flame, and by Chymistry or other art, to finde out their original to our intended purpose, it shall suffice to give you this short accompt; that the fiery-headed & fiery faced Oliver, whose face was the Index of his mind, before these un­happy distractions, having as to the generallity of the kingdom liv'd obscurely, in the sadly to be lamented late Domestique Wars, got into some command, and by de­grees obtained to be Lievtenant General of the Parlia­ments Army; at which time his ambitious spirit put him upon consultation, how he having but one step to be head of the Army, might in short time become head of the Kingdome, to which afterwards he arrives, though with the casting of the whole kingdome into confusion; being animated to make his progress therein by his often prosperous successes in the wars, endearing himself into the hearts of his souldiers, pretending to them Religion and Reformation, when nothing lesse was intended, [Page 6]whereby he so far ingratiated himself into their affecti­ons, that being backt with their power, none scarce durst say to him what dost thou.

The first apparent essay he makes to his reign was when an happy conclusion of all misunderstandings be­tween the King and his Parliament, was very likely to have been, Then did his Ambition by the assistance of Pride, discard the Members, whose reall intentions, and endeavours then were for obtaining a firm and lasting peace; having removed them, as the first obstacle that stood in his way, and left none other, but such as were of his own faction, or Phanatiques, or low spirited persons; he beats on them for Justice against our most Gracious Soveraign [whose sacred memory must be Glorious to eternity, maugre the malice of his most in placable adver­saries] making then Justice the mother of Injustice, and these that had no power to administer an Oath, contrary to their own Oaths of Allegiance, to make an Act for tri­all of their dread Lord, O Scelus infandum! oh that blood thirsty ambition! here the bounds were broken; here was Iniquity established by a law: Oh the cursed effect of that pernicious act. It brought an Innocent Prince to the Butcherly block. It extinguished his life, and dark­ned the glory of England. Oh where were then our spi­rits, what became of the English valour, that we could en­dure that miscreant with the assistance of his guards thus to violate the faith of Subjects: and not to rescue so pi­ous a Prince from such bloody Vilains, surely a spirit of Cowardize or slumber did then overwhelm us.

This unparalleld Regicidium being acted, he then for­ceth an Act for taking away Kingly Government, thereby intending the perpetual disinhersion of his most gracious Majestie that now is (whom God long preserve;) yet one [Page 7]obstacle more stood in his way to be removed, he must un­commissionate his General, this was not long effecting, but the Generalissimo ship soon procured to be conferred on him, then had he liberty and opportunity, like Caesar, from a General to be made an Emperor, which by taking all Authority from them, that gave him Commission, he thought the best way to accomplish; yet acts politiquely, not willing his designe should be forthwith publiquely known. But after their Dissolution conveens a few to sit as a Parliament, who in a few moneths resign, and gratifie him for their short command, with the Title of a Protect­or; and now he reigns as Dominus fac totum. But had Zimrie peace who slew his master; his hasty motions, his furious and sometime ghastly looks, well shewed the hor­rour of his affrighted Conscience, whilest he tyrannized, the three Kingdomes satisfied not his humour, but he as­pires after others, as if he would have given this for his motto, non sufficit Orbis. To tell of his inhumanity in his rule would ask a Volume, and it is conceived that at his death, his most execrable treasons so affrighted his spirits, that his heart within him died first, when in others, the heart is Primum moriens & ultimum vivens. And in his death-bed, certainly Saul was amongst the Prophets, for then he fortells, that in few moneths, his ashes should be trampled upon. It might have fared better with him, had he understood the intent of that omen, which befell him upon his first marching in arms out of Cambridge, wherein his Horse threw him directly under the Gallows. But the Corps of him whose aspiring minde, could never be satisfied, hath now no other Tombe but a Turf under Tyburn, and no other Trophie but the Scituation of the common place of Execution circumfering him. So let all the Kings Enemies perish O God.

After his death, what labours were there for a Settle­ment, his way, that way was tryed, and every stone was turned, England groaning under more Changes of Go­vernments, than there are changes of the Moon in one year, but could finde no rest.

The Needle toutcht with the loadstone, turn it to what point you will, yet will it never be at rest till it come to the North point; England having for above five hundred years enjoyed the happy blessings of the prudent and gracious Government of our most Sacred Kings most Royal Progenitors, in all those Changes it lately suffered could never be setled, untill God out of his infinite good­nesse miraculously restored our most Gracious Soveraign to the peaceable possession of his lawfull and undoubted Right in his Imperial Crown and Dignities, Giving him to fit upon the Throne of his Fathers, where God grant he may ever be established in Peace and Happinesse, and that his Subjects may render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars, Tribute to whom Tribute is due, Honour to whom Honour is due; Obedience, Loyalty and Allegi­ance to him that of right it appertaineth, that they may still fear God and the King, and not meddle with them that are subject to change: Let shame cover the heads and faces of all his Adversaries, but let his Crown flour­ish; Let the Girdle of Righteousnesse be about his Loyns, let Prosperity be in all his Palaces, let Divine Mercy com­passe him about, let Angells be his Guard, let him be cloa­thed with Salvation, and let all his Subjects continually pray, GOD SAVE THE KING.

London, Printed by T. M. for Robert Clavel at the Stags­head in St. Pauls Church Yard, 1661.

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