THE BRIDES Preparation.

By the Lady ELEANOR: ⟨DAVIS⟩

For it is the day of the Lords vengeance: and the yeare of recompence for the con­troveosie of Sion: (Isaiah 34.

Printed in the year March ⟨21 th 1644.

Of the Signification and Meaning of that Celestiall foure-square Citie: measur'd 144 Cubits.

Revelation, 21.

AS most clearly shews: the Yeare of GOD 1644: VVith our Lady-Dayes descrip­tion. & of the Worlds Creation, and the things therein made in the Spring: to whose beauty, all the glory of the Jndies Not to bee compar'd, which [Page 4]quickens and revives every Creature: So unto Nothing againe disolv'd, to be at the same season even seasonable, for the quick and dead their meeting. Even then the blessed glorious Resurrection, as the great Master-builder, saying, it is done. J am ALPHA and OME­GA, The beginning and the end; The yeare finished, as much to say.

And so when fruit in perfection at the fall then fell Adam: But proceeding with this HOLY-DAY partly why pre­ferrd because this secreet disclosed to one of that SEX. Besides a day observd of payment, like the doy of judgement every ones service which rewards even the appointed time then: when the Day and Night wayes equall houres the precious Spring.

Revelation. XXI. ‘And J saw a New heaven, and a New earth, for the first were passed a­way.’

And I John (Joh: annes) saw the holy Citie, comming downe from Hea­ven as a Bride prepared, &c. shew'd by one of the seven Angels (to wit) Win­ged time (the 1700. yeare) which had the seven Vials full of the seven last plagues, saying, J will shew Thee the bride the Lambes wife; Even this vxorem Agni: The spring in her variety of Colours, the Earth in all her riches, who begins with; it: for Times farwell, shewed or signified. His last houre glasse run out.

But to bee briefe herein, as every Moneth of the Yeare shews, Named severally, by the Tribes and Apostles Names, written on those Gates and Foundations twelve in number: where Juda for January and the like, and the Wall answerable thereto twelve thou­sand furlongs all bidding time a thousand times farwell: So by the measure of the Angel, Time so swiftly fleeing a father of many generations, even the Yeare a­foresaid 1644: is measured by those Cubits 144. With the foure quarters of the Yeare, three moneths alotted each: Of such even Length and Breadth, all foure-square: Three to the East, and three to the West, as it were, &c. where the equall Day and Night put into the reckoning or ballance. And so every Gate of one pearle, one and thirty dayes a peice: The most of these Vni­ons, so going on with this vaile of misery en­ded.

And farther for the very place thus figuring aged time: the Tower of Londons si­tuation represented, the Cities safety, that great store house even shew'd St. John then newly done: unreparable now not worth your beholding to what then was: turned in­to a prison, a place of teares and death, toge­ther with the street of this Citie not un­known of pure Gold like transparet glasse: the mint on both sides lettic'd. VVith that Christall Spring proceeding out of the Throne of God and the Lambe, as Agnus for Anno Dom: and Mensura for Men­ses, and Tempus for Templum, &c. And so the tree of life significant also which yeelds it monthly fruit for the healing of Nati­ons whose evill incureable without it. to wit, The last day reveale their only remedy: like that water of life, free for every one to come and take it, so farre from being for­bidden or within the compasse of any curse [Page 8]or point of curiosity that it is become a blessing, no lesse then one of the commande­ment to doe it. As the second death appoin­ted to be their portion the fearfull and un­beleevers which shall add or deminish from the words of this book and faithfull prophesie shewing the Lords second comming.

Seconded thus in the 7. Chap. and Chap. 14. Where concerning the great blow in such a yeare all going upon that great number. And I saw foure Angels standing on the foure corners of the earth hol­ding the foure winds, that the wind should not blow, till a hundred forty and foure sealed, As it were our great Army: For so no question to be made of what Nation that company. Cap. 7, verse 14. In Albion Array St. Iohns reply to that Elder, in plaine Eng­lish makes it knowne: Saying SIR, thou knowest and whence they came, If thou art one of the 24. Elders since the Conquest your Majestie knowes them as much to say whose reign concluding i [...] with his Corownation, thus Mat. 25. Where the Kingdome of Heaven likend to five wise Virgins and five foolish, no doubt pointes at the blessed Virgins feast not to be unprepared then. So make no tar­ying O my God.


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