The Names of the RUMPS Twelve Chaplains extraordinary.
  • Doctor John Owen
  • Mr. Peter Sterry
  • Mr. Lockier
  • Mr. W. Sedwick
  • Mr. John Cann
  • Mr. Ironmonger Walker
  • Mr. John Goodwin
  • Mr. Dell
  • Mr. Philip Nye
  • Mr. Feak
  • Mr. John Rogers
  • Vavasour Powel.
Hugh Peters:

WE here present to your view, the grand Canale or common-shore of all Phanatical principles, Geneva's Calvinisme, Munsters Revelations, Amsterdams Toleration, New-Englands Precisenesse, all bound up in one volume, and abridged in this Epitome.

He ha's had the luck to out-run all his companions that started with him, he ha's left Mr. Case but just in sight, which is as much as he desires or deserves. Roaring Marshal he quite out-breathed, and to say the truth was the better Bul of the two, for he could low the full udder'd pursed Kine, the zealous women, into Guildhall mint, while Marshal rambled up and down the large field of Rebellion, with strain'd and wrench'd Divinity, not minding the fruitfulnesse of the Parliaments Cattle, nor could make uses and Applications from Votes of the Houses.

It were impossible to match him. Peter Sterry can blaspheme, and aver it on his Knowledge, that Oliver was on the right hand &c. when Peters by his Familiar was ascertained he dwelt at the sign of the Left handed Goat, and sung a Dirge to Old Nick for his Patrons requiem; Saltmarsh had also an excellent faculty of princi­pling and perswading the Army, and rose to a very great Credit and Authority among them, even to be taken for a Prophet, but when the time of Olivers appea­rance came, he made room, and gave place to this venerable Emissary the Apostle St. Peters.

This Reverend Gentleman, ha's been a great fundamental maker, a Searcher of the rubbish of the three ruined Kingdomes, to which his immense parts made him very useful, as did his other large geer commend him, and qualifie him for the holy Zealous sisters.

He quarrelled with the Presbyters, first, because they were madder then himself, and knew not what they would have, when his bent was to have no Government, and yet every good thing beside; and secondly, because they had no more plate, nor rings, nor jewels, to sacrifice to Bell and the Dragon, the Good old cause, that his Priesthood might be maintained, and the Parliament Gospel and Ministry propagated.

Mr. Foxely of Sepulchres Parish, was his most bosome Friend for they two would lye and tell Stories by one and the same instinct, and the one was second to the o­ther in all their juggles and impostures, if the one Romanced of a Victory a Sunday, at 40. miles distance, the other would give you the particulars at a repetition that night, and so a lying Spirit was put into the mouth of Civicus the Scout, Dove, Post, all the Mercuries, the puny Chroniclers of the times, which did highly advance the credit and reputation of the Armes and strength of the Rebellion.

Certainly he was the bravest Ambodexter of his time, and this blinded age, or that ever was among us dull Northern people; and among the multitude of his Tricks, I shall commend to the Hocusses of Bartholomew Fair, for their information and edification, this Legerdemain (for it is supposed it will hardly be practicable any more in the Pulpit;) That's this, His great mission from the Parliament, (when he had done his utmost here with the Londoners) was to stir up all the godly and well affe­cted in the several Countries, to a liberal contribution for the defence and support of their cause; to compass and effect his errand, he see there was no better way then by provoking them (by way of emulation) with other places large and sig­nal gifts and loanes: To which purpose, when he preached, which was alwayes on that Subject of matter of money, he wore a pair of Breeches without Pockets, onely the holes were cut in them, (and his Auditory being most women, after he had thundered at the Cavaleirs, and frighted them with the terrible characters he gave them) out at length comes a whole bunch of rings, which he had hung on his cod-peice button, and my beloved quoth he, these Rings the Women of such a Town gave me, and after he had shaked them a while in one hand, then pretending he put them up, standing upright in the Pulpit, he took them through his Breeches in the other, and dearly beloved Sisters quoth he, these the godly zealous Women of a­nother Town gave me, to subdue the wicked ungodly Cavaliers: and this Country cheat brought in a great deal of grist to his Mill. Such a thorow paced shaver too, that he never fell into any disgust with any of the usurped powers, all the time of his late horrid Anarchy, but what was meerly pretended and out of design, viz. when Oliver had a pique at any of the swarm of Sects, that multiplied during his time, and were the right hand of his power; for then Hugh was to be in disgrace; and his disfavour at that barbarous Court, was trust enough with any of the prickeard Brethren, to admit him into their Counsels,

He went (for the Character of his Religion) under the general notion of an Independent, a Neuter betwixt Feake and Simpson, and Philip Nye and Sterry, while the aforesaid Feak began to bandy against Oliver, for then he screwed himself into high favour with fiding with his Highnesses Nose, and was made Chaplain Errant or in Ordinary to him.

He was one of the pretended Judges for probate of Wills, and granting admi­nistrations, at the same time the greatest Sollicitor at Whitehall, and upon the businesse of Hispaniola and Dunkirk, was employed to preach Courage into the Sol­diery. A most indefatigable maker of Addresses to Snout from the Army and other well affected people, which were well repaid him in several grants to Petitions which he managed, so that he lickt his fingers sweetly, and if he did any thing for the Female Sex, which were often his clients, he would be sure to have a fee­ling.

He was an absolute Ubiquitary before his late Confinement, a fellow of a very capacious intellect, and by his Travels, and the help of a good memory, well ver­sed in any thing but Honesty and Conscience.

His Caprichio's and Whimseys in the Pulpit where he plaid Presto with the Bi­ble, were certainly out of design to scandalize Learning, and make that sacred place of the Oracle a la mode to Stage-play, He was the first that ever made a Ser­mon out of a Newes Book.

He had also an extraordinary Faculty of modelling, and was very much for that manner of Government, which the Jews used under the Law (and He and Philip Nye were great Sticklers by Commission from Cromwell for the readmission of them into England, as being excellent Spunges for Nolls Necessities.) To which purpose he writ a Book called Good Work for a good Magistrate, ful of Chimera's and strange in­vention, but the main drift is the Suppression and abolition of all manner of Learn­ing, as in p. 33. (This being done (saith he) it is very adviseable to burn all old Records, yea even those in the Tower, the Monuments of Tyranny:) no doubt this Gimcrack maker, would willingly all the late Records were burnt also, wherein his good name ha's had such often occasion to be mentioned and registred.

That sixth of December 1648. when Pride secluded 40. Members of the House of Commons, and carryed them into Hell at Westminster, where they lay upon, the bare boards, Hugh Peters took a List of them standing by the Door, as they past into the Room, with a Sword under his Arm. And the next Lords Day, in a place in Northampton-shire (for he flew up and down like wildfire to promote the murder of the King) to vilifie the Honest Patriots of the Parliament, who opposed that de­testable Design, in one of his Freakes diving into the Pulpit, he told the people he had been in Hell, and there was a number of Parliament men there, and that they might beleive it to be as true as this Gospel, shewing a Table Book, bound up like a Testament.

It is impossible to recite or remember half of his feats of Activity, had they been harmless ones, and not polluted with blood, they had out-done Scogan or Cottington. Such a Mercurial piece of Mischief our Annals afford not. There is not a place of note in the Three Kingdomes, where this Preist Errant hath not been; as for Wales, Vavasour Powel and he, had measur'd it out in two halfes for themselves, only an Ecclesiastical Tribute reserved to Major General Harrison the Deputy to the fifth Monarch, out of those Mountains of Moab.

He is now run to the end of his rope, he hath trampled so long upon the Crown while the thorns of it (of his and his Complices grafting) have prickt his feet to the quick. So desperate a thing it is, to kick against the pricks. So e'n take him Derrick, and set up his whimsical head for a Weather-Cock upon London-Bridge.

London, Printed for T. Smith 1660.

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