Wherein the holy Spirit of Truth manifesteth the Glory of GOD in CHRIST, Exalting CHRIST, a spirituall CHRIST, and All-saving JESUS; shewing that Christ is a sure Foundation, and Chief Corner-Stone, for all Spirituall building, unto the raising up lively hopes for all People to proceed in Beleeving the great Mercies, and loving kindnesses of our GOD in CHRIST, in whom God hath Redeemed us his Saints, and All; having wrought all things for us, and all in CHRIST, wherein wee are made perfect.
Sent forth by the Minister of the Lord JESƲS, whom He hath Appointed his Servant for the Good of All:
In bringing Glad Tidings of Good Things unto the whole Creation.
And Hee said, it is a Light thing, that thou shouldest be my Servant, to raise up the Tribes of Jacob, And to restore the Preserved of Israel. I will give thee also for a Light to the Gentiles; That thou maist be my Salvation unto the ends of the Earth.
The LORD will worke for the manifestation of his Truth, in this his due time.
Printed in the Year. 1646.
BY these the Spirit maintaineth, and discovereth the Antichrist, Apostate Arians, Egyptians, Ezek. 16.26. Sodomites and Drunkards of Ephraim, the Devills in-carnate, which are, or shall be found to denie the Covenant of Generall Redemption; Isa. 1.10. chap. 28.1, 2, 3. And so denie God and Christ, and their owne Salvation. These are the Antichristi From these Antichristi Apostate Arians, that denie the holy Covenant of Generall. Redemption, all other Heresies and Schisme proceed to the denying God, Christ, and their owne Salvation, under faire pretenses, as their Father the Devill: Sophistry teacheth them too much in their acting of wickednesse, In their Hipocrisies, in denying God and his Truth, of perfecting all in CHRIST; wherein they Blaspheam his Name, as also deny their own Salvation. Esai. 52.5. & Joh. 8.43, 44. 1 Pet. 2.1, 2. Apostate Arians in chief, who by the spirit of the Grand Devill Mallice, Rev. 18.2. Sophisticall Mallice, the very Devill, and old Serpent that deceived Eve, and brought in Transgression, hath caused curse and torment to the afflicting in the Pit, wherein there is no water, the disobedient soules and spirits which have trespassed against God and CHRIST, and their owne Perfection, by the Abomination of Antichristi Apostate Arianisme. This Antichristi Apostate Arianisme, being that Dragon, that Old Serent, called [Page]the Devill and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world, by denying the Power of God in the perfecting his Creation in CHRIST, in that be denieth the holy Covenant of Generall Redemption: but this Dragon, and Grand Devill, ANTICHRISTI APOSTATE ARIANISME, must be cast out of heaven, (The Church,) and all his Angels, (The false Ministers, and Tyrannous Magistrates,) must be cast out with him. Then shall the Heavens Rejoyce, and the Earth shall Sing with Triumph, for the fall of BABILON.
Jere. 51.47, 28, 53. Rev. 18.2, 3.
THerefore by this our Epistle, we Defie the Great Antichrist, and all Antichristians, who denie the Covenant of Generall Redemption, and so denie their owne Salvation, but to the comfort of the Christian Spirit, who draweth neer to seek God aright; Wee Proclaime, the Riches and Grace of Our God, through JESUS CHRIST; yea to all, as hee is a Spirituall Christ, and All-saving JESUS; therefore let the Christian Triumph in Joy, and hope in Faith; but let the Enemies of Christ, and their owne salvation, be cloathed with shame,Psal. 35.2.6. Psal. 38. Esai. 66.24. confounded, and cut off from their wicked workes, and become a vile Carkesse, and Reproach, amongst the dead for ever: being destroyed by the Power of Christ's Spirit; that they may not be able to stand against the Glory of God, and their owne Salvation, so that being taken off from their wickednesses, they may be Converted, and arise from the Antichristian Death; by a Spirituall, supernaturall Resurrection, and Everlasting Life; In Faith through JESUS CHRIST. This we desire; for the worst of Antichristian Heathens, those Devills in-carnate; the Sectarian Antichrist Apostate Arians; who deny the whole CHRIST, and God, by denying the Covenant of Generall Redemption. Let them be confounded, and Perish for ever in their wickednesse; Make them like a Wheele O LORD, and as stubble before the winde of thy Holy Spirit; fill their Faces with shame, that they may seek thy Name, O Lord, for their Salvation, and may know that thou alone, whose Name is JEHOVAH, art the Perfect Sanctity, and strength unto all the Earth, and that with thy Church, they may live, and Praise thy Name.
REjoyce in the Glorious Gospel of Christ, and know that now the time is come; that he will bring in his Publique Monarchiall, Kingdome, for the Restitution of all things, as hee hath Promised; Of whom the Prophets and Apostles witnesseth: they, both the Patriarkes, Prophets and Apostles, longed for this Kingdome, and all the strength of their Ministrations, and riches of their grace in the Private Kingdome, was of this Publike Kingdome apart, untill this was revealed, and brought fortth, the Patriarches, Prophets and Apostles still testifying and maintaining Christ the Generall Redeemer, crying out against the world of Opposers, as wicked Adulterers, Abominable Sodomites, spirituall Fornitaoutours, worthy to be condemned for their Reprobate workes, in denying Gods love in Christ, in refusing their own Salvation, turning away to Lyes and crooked pathes of Wickednesse, also opposing a Spirituall CHRIST, disobeying his Gospel of Order, as it calls to Love, Faith, Mercy, Meeknesse, Righteousnesse, and spirituall walking, in the Grace of Faith: therefore denyers of the Covenant of Generall Redemption, and all bruit Beasts, and Hpoycrites, have approved themselves Devills in-carnate; their wickednesse must be destroyed, but their Souls; and Persons shall bee Saved. Amen.
It is desired that the Reader would favourably look at a mistake of a word in the title Page of this Book; and for Appointted his Servant, read Annointed his Servant.
IN the Spirit of the LORD, wee send unto all Saints, and with them unto all People, for their Illumination in the true Christian Faith, which is for Comfort unto Salvation, through Christ our All-saving JESUS, desiring that our God will enlarge your souls unto beleeving, by his JEHOVAH Power of the Holy Ghost, opening your soules to see and receive the glorious Goodnesse of our JEHOVAH,Isai. 12.2, 3, 4. in his Love, and Perfect righteousnesse in Christ Jesus, which is for us his Saints, and for All, and the whole Creation, now in due time to be manifested; to the Glory of our Heavenly Father,Col. 1.2, 3. 2 Cor. 5.18, 19, 21. and onely Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to the comfort of every Creature; and deliverance of the whole Creation, through the Power and Love of our God, Jehovah, who in Christ hath, reconciled the World unto himself; by suffering in CHRIST, and meriting [Page 2]for the Transgressions of his Creation, Angels, and Mankind, and all Immortall Spirits. God so loving the World, as not being willing it should perish for ever,Joh. 3.14 16, 17. 1 Ioh. 4.9. therefore hee set himself in Christ, to Redeem Us, and to create us anew unto lively Hopes of his love; and everlasting Salvation. Therefore our God, by his JEHO [...]AH, Power of Love and strength,2 Cor. 5.5.14, 15.17, 18, 19. 1 Pet. 1.3 5.19, 20, 21, 25. wrought in Christ, his Passionate worke of his owne holy sufferings, to merit our Salvation, and to recover us from our damned condition, wherein we had inthralled our selves, by departing from the Living God, and obeying the Sophisticall serpent, Called the Devill and Satan, in seeking in our selves for Righteousnesse, wisedome and strengh, In that abominable trangression of our First Parents Adam and Eve, wee their Children transgressing in the same Line of Rebellion, by Eating of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evill, Gen. 3.4, 5, 6.1. Rev. 12.9. Gen. 3.3, 6, 7.17, 16. Gen. 3.10 11.13. Isai. 66.17. Isa. 12 1, 2, 3, 4, chap. 26.4.12. Col. 2.9. 13, 14. Hob. 2.10, 14, 15. Rom. 1 Pet. 1.19.21. that is, seeking in our selves for Righteousnesse, thinking to bee wise, and making Our selves like unto God, wee became naked, foolish, blinde and desperately wicked; but our God, comes unto us in Christ, pittieth us in the Coole of his Love; the Heate of his wrath, and Anger, being Pacified by his owne Passionate sufferings; In that Heavenly conflict which the Deity & Trinity of Persons had in Christs humanity, when our God lovingly set himself to worke our Salvation, to Redeem us, and all from Sinne, Curse, Bondage, and Torment. Infinite is the love of our Jehovah, and his Power of Love unresistable, who made his love to overcome his Justice so, as yet to satisfie his Justice meritoriously superabundant, paying the Price of our Transgression, and the Transgression of all, Angels, Spirits, and Mankind, sealing the Pardon of all with the Blood of Christ, the Holy Covenant, of Generall Redemption, our God so Loving the world, as to Perfect his Love unto Manifestation, by the Offering up CHRIST, his Sonne,After the Seal of Generall Resurrection, shall be no Inquisition for sing Elijah comes before that dreadfull day unto Natur [...], Elijah's Ministry is to Proclaime the good Tydings, and to remove the Curse, and tread down Antichrist. once for All, a Token of his Love, making Christ so Perfect a Sacrifice Propitiatory, that is, Perfect for satisfaction and Mediation, and Advocation, in Propitiation unto the End of Esau [...], [Page 3]World, and comming in of Jacobs, against the Evill and Filth of sinnes uncleanness, not onely working the Redemption of Us the Elect; but which is wonderfull, making Christ perfect, A Sacrifice, as that hee should seale Testimoniall the Love or God not only to us the Elect;Hebr. 10.5.10, 12, 13, 16, 17. 1 Joh. 2.1, 2. 1 I [...]h. 3.1, 2. but as Perfect for the Sinnes of the whole world: It is t ue, that he hath magnified his Love wonderfully unto his E [...]ect: as the holy Spirit by Iohn noteth, saying, B [...]hold what manner of Love the Father hath Loved us. That we should bee called the sonnes of God, as the Spirit by Ezekiell noteth, That wee should be made such a blessed seed, somes and Daughters unto God, to hold forth and manif [...]st the Glory of his Love, to the Praise of his Free-Grace, shining forth to Enlighten, and Enliven the Dead, Darke and blind world;Ezek. 14.22, 23. Isai. 61.9. cap. 1.9. Ro. 9.29. this is wonderfull in the workings of our God, which made the Prophets and Apostles to admire, and to long for the comming of this Zion, this Mount Zion, these sonnes and Daughters of God, who should manifest the Glory of Gods love in Christ unto their fellow Creatures, even the whole Creation, specially the Poore and needy in Reprobate Condition,Isai. 40.9. Psal. 53.6. Rom. 8.18, 19, 21, 23. Ephe. 1.3, 4, 5, 6.12. 1 Ioh. 4.8.16. Ioh. 2.2. 1 Pet. 3.18, 19.20. Zac. 9.11. who being a long time out of Grace, were grinded with the Curse, and Confusion, unto horrour and torment; wee Confirme, that Gods Love unto his Elect Sonnes and Daughters, is great in such Particularity, making them so blessed: A Fi [...]st-fruits m [...]st Glorious of the Workes of Redemption unto him, through CHRIST.
But in a generall case, and consideration, how wonderfull is the Love and Power of our JEHOVAH, the Blessed Trinity, in the sealing Ministry of Generall Redemption, wrought through the Passionate worke of God in Christ, It is true, as the Spirit saith, Our God is LOVE; and this JEHOVAH, God Love, smote the Power of Darknesse, and triumphed over Justice and Wrath, so gloriously, that he obtained in Christ Salvation for All, not onely for us the Elect, but for the whole World; therefore this is most wonderfull, as John saith in such Case. That Jesus Christ, the Righteous, is not onely a Sacrifice Propitiatory, that is, Testimoniall, and Mediating, advocatory for the sinnes of the Elect, but as perfect, for the sinnes of the whole World, to the destroying of Death and Hell, to the delivering of the whole Creation, to the Consumation of Antichrist, and all Lyars, and all their Lying Vanities, because [Page 4]our God will now manifest, that he gave Christ to lay downe his life A Ransome for All, 1 Tim. 2.6. Joh. 3.16 God so loved the World, and Christ came delighting to do the Will of his Father in this, and therefore Christ laid downe his life A Ransome for All, as he witnesseth, saying, No man taketh my life from me; but I lay downe my life of my self; I (saith Christ,chap. 10.15, 17, 18.) have Power to lay it downe, and have Power to take it againe, therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life for the sheep.
'Tis true, when Christ nameth the sheep, hee speaketh chiefly of his Elect, because the Elect were to be made from all Eternity in Esaus world of the Curse,The Elect and Reprobate in their severall cases in Esaus world, which is the world of Curse, have suffered with God; and Christ onely suffered meritoriously. For all the Saints suffer to witnesse God and Christ's sufferings; the Wicked suffer for a time, because they obey not the Gospel, but all sufferings came on all, by the meanes of sinne and the Curse. of the suffering Body of Christ; for although God Redeemed us and all in Christ, from the totall and Everlasting stroake of Damnation, yet sinnes Transgression was so great, that untill the comming of Jacobs world, The whole Creation in an Externall case of suffering, have tasted of the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evill, so as to suffer with God, but no Creature suffereth meritorious for satisfaction, but onely they suffer to taste the Fruit of Rebellion, not so as to be damned for ever, but that wee may see what the Evill of him brought in, that wee departed from the perfect Righteousnesse of God, which was acted in that Transgression of our First Parents Adam and Eve.
Therefore know, that all Salvation for All, now in due time to be manifested, was perfectly wrought of God in his owne Power of Love, strength and good will, through JEHOVAH mercies in Christ; God setting himself in his lost Creatures stead,Christ in his humane Nature, feared when the Godhead and Trinity of Persons came namely the whole Creation, God the Blessed Trinity, the Three Persons in unity, in their Jehovah Power, in the Spirit of the Deity, setting themselves in Christs humanity, the 3. Persons in mity, making one God, & Great [Page 5] downe in him, JEHOVAH, full of Love, God Love, in fullnesse of all Charity, Exercising Love and Mercies unto the worst of Enemies, for wee were all Enemies to God by our Transgression. in their Ʋnction, their spirituall Power of strength, Wisedome and Love to suffer; therefore Christ in his Humane Nature fearing, Prayed, Father, if if it be possible, let this Cup passe from me. Mat. 26.38, 39, 42.
Therefore God in his Unction; that is to say, the fulnesse of his Unction not a part of his Unction, for there are three kindes of saving Power working the salvation of all in his Unction: Namely, Saving-Strength, Wisedome, and Love, in the fulnesse of his spirituallity and Power of the Deity in the Trinity of Persons; Father, Son, and holy Ghost, the whole God-head set it selfe bodily in Christ, to suffer for their Transgressing Creature, to perfect us by Redemption, and new Creating us, because wee had spoiled our selves in our First Creation in Blessed Condition.
Therefore Jehovah, strength of the whole Trinity were forced to assume the whole Power of the Godhead, in the fulnesse of their Essence and Unction in Holy Workings, to suffer that Passionate sufferings which was due to our sinnes transgressions, and the Transgressions of the whole Creation; This was the Passionate worke and sufferings of the Godhead, placed in Christs Humanity, to perfect Redemption for All, which caused that Bloody sweat from the browes of our suffering Saviour,Luke 22.42.44. when the Godhead entered the Passionate worke in him in the Garden;Heb. 2.9, 10, 14. Eph. 1.10. 2 Cor. 5.17, 18, 19, 21. Ephes. 3, 9, 10, 12. Thus God was in Christ, reconciling the World to himself, by not imputing our sinnes unto us, for then we had been totally damned, but God love, in his JEHOVAH strength, takes our distressed and damned Cause in Consideration, and not willing that we should perish for ever, and seeing that his Justice must be satisfyed, and our Ransome paid, and we were not able to satisfie his justice, his infinite justice, because we were but lost creatures, accursed and damned Transgressours, wholly lost in our selves, having no strength, or worth to pay the price of our Redemption, nor to suffer for the least sinne.
Therefore our God was forced to set himself in the lost Creatures stead, to act those Sufferings which were due to sinnes transgressions, which his Justice did require, and would not be dispensed with, not satisfyed, except there were a Suffering Satisfactory for the Transgressours; therefore God set himself in Christ's Humanity, in his Unction and Essence of his Deity, to worke out our Salvation,2 Cor. 5.17.18, 19 21.14. chap. 1.5. Eph. 1.7. Phil. 2.8 Eph. 2.4, 5, 13, 14 16. 1 Pet. 3.18. Isa. 53.3, 4, 5, 6. Heb. 9.12 ch. 10.5.10, 12, 14. Iohn 12.32. ch. 3.14. 1 Pet. 3 21. 1 Joh. 4.8. Isai. 26.4. ch. 12.2, 3. Ephe. 1.5.10. Rom. 8.18, 19, 22 Zach. 9.12. setting his Love against his Justice, and suff [...]ring in Christ, for the Transgression of Angels, Spirits, and Mankind, hee made his JEHOVAH, Power of Love, to triumph in his Mercies against his Justice; Therefore the Passion of God in Christ, is the seale of Salvation and Redemption unto All, most perfect. God in Christ Reconciling the World unto himself; for in the Passionate Worke of the Godhead in Christ, Christ's Humanity was afficted for all Men, and Angels, for all Transgressours, Angels, Spirits, and mankind; for God set Christ in the place for all Transgressours, making Christ, by the Passionate worke of God in him, a Sanctified All-sufficient Sacrifice, by once being offered by the Eternall Spirit; that is, the efficacy of the God-head, in their Love offering up Christ in his Humanity, to satisfie their Justice, and to be the Testimony of seal; by the powring forth his heart-blood, the life of his Humane Nature, for the washing away the sinnes of the whole World; Thus God was in Christ; Thus Christ Suffered, and offered up himself by the Eternall Spirit, to cut off the Accusations of Satan, in an accusing Conscience, and to Convince the unbeleeving, and blind World, and all Hipocrites, calling them to have hope in God Love, who gave his only begotten Sonne, to take away the sinnes of the whole World; A token that God loved the world, so as to Redeem it, and deliver it in due time, which now draweth nigh.
Therefore thou that sentest unto us; trust in the LORD JEHOVAH, for in the LORD Jehovah is everlasting strength, That is to say, Everlasting increasing superaboundant overflowing in strength of Love, and Jehovah Mercies unto all, specially his Elect, more particularly his Predestinated Sonnes and Daughters, the chief part of his Election, in and by whom, hee hath appointed to reveale himself in the great glory of his Jehovah Mercies unto those in Reprobate Condition, unto whom also hee will reward [Page 7]double, for all their Torment and Losses in Grace and Glory, wherein they were spoyled in Esaus world of the Curse, now almost passed away, but in the world of Iacobs blessednesse, now entring in. The Reprobate condition of men and Angels, shall be regained, cursednesse shall be taken away, death and Hell shall be destroyed,Isai. 25.6, 7, 8. chap. 26.19. Hos. 13.14. 1 Cor. 15.54, 55.57. Zac. 9.11 1 Pet. 3.18, 19, 20, 21. the Grave shall deliver up her dead, all shall be created anew to life and Immortallity; The damned Prisoners shall be sent forth out of the Pit, wherein there is no water, by the Power of the holy Ghost, who will maintains, and make use of the Blood of Christ, shewing it to be the holy Covenant of Generall Redemption; As for thee also, by the bl [...]ed of thy Covenant, saith the holy Ghost, speaking to Christ, I have sent forth thy Prisoners cut of the Pitt, wherein there is no water.
So glorious will our God be seene for the Restitution of all things. Therefore let your soulesLet the choice Elect, and Predestinated, with all other the People of the LORD; Rejoyce to beleeve, trusting in the LORD, resting with confidence, hoping for his great mercies, for this is most blessed. Psal. 130.5, 6, 7, 8. Psal. 147.11. Isai. 12.1, 2, 3. Isai. 26.3, 4 Phil. 2.8, 9, 10, 11. Ephe. chap. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16. chap. 3.9, 10, 11, 12. Heb. 1.2, 3, 4, 5. chap. 2.6. rest upon the Arke of God, and his Truth, his holy Covenants of Promise in Christ, through Christ; for God will be seen in his Love unto all in Christ, because the Godhead wrought their Passionate worke in Christ, conjoyning Christ's Humanity with them, to suffer for all Angels, Spirits and Mankind; Therefore God hath given Christ in his Manhood, glory above all; making Christ the Captaine of Salvation unto all, That all things in heaven, and in earth, and hell, may bow before him, because the Father hath made him Lord over all, the Father, and the Holy Ghost, rejoycing to receive all their Glory in him, and by him to themselves, for the whole Godhead will be seene in their Glory in CHRIST, and will gather all things unto themselves, in everlasting blessednesse in CHRIST, as CHRIST is now to appeare a Spirituall CHRIST, and All-saving JESUS: That is, being cloathed with the full power of Jehovah, the Holy Ghost; For although the whole [Page 8]Trinity be called Jehovah by a Conjunction in unity of the Three Persons, yet the Father and the Sonne, doe admit, and commit all their strength for the Restituting and delivering the whole Creation unto the ministration of the holy Ghost, the Third Person in the Trinity; And therefore the holy Ghost is called JEHOVAH by an Emphasis of speech, and therefore it is, that those that have been damned in Esaus world of the Curse, could not be delivered, untill the Holy Ghost come in full Power of Jehovah strength, in the fulnesse of all Charitable mercies unto every Creature, of Angells, Spirits, and Mankind; likewise because all Power is committed to the Holy Ghost, to Exhoist and manifest Christ a Spirituall Christ, and All-saving JESUS: Therefore the Holy Ghost saith, speaking to Christ, as just Judge, condemning, damning and Tormenting a part of his Creation; As for thee, saith the Holy Ghost, speaking unto Christ,Zac. 9.11, 12. I have sent forth thy Prisoners out of the Pit, wherein is no water; Therefore turne unto the strong hould, yee Prisoners of hope, of all sorts, for though you have no hope in your selves, there is hope in God.
Therefore look unto him all you ends of the Earth, and be ye saved, for now the Curse hasteneth to depart away, Esai. 45.21, 22. and everlasting Righteousnesse shall be established.
The glory of the LORD shall be revealed unto all flesh, and the Time hasteneth, that all Eyes shall see it together,Wee call them Reprobates but only for Distinction; the better to manifest what Paul meant also to confound Antichrist with his owne weapon; that Antichristians may be brought to see, that the damned shall be saved, for Christ descended into Hell, to break their hands, Preaching Peace unto them. 1 Pet. 3.18, 19. Ephes. 4.9, 10. Zac. 9.11. and all the ends of Esaus world shall see the Salvation of our God, and it shall be known unto all, that the Terestriall part of the Creation, shall live Immortally by the Power Celestiall; The Celestiall is Christ and his Elect, God and his holy Angels; the Terrestiall is that part of the Creation, which Paul calleth the Reprobate part, yet neither Prophet, nor Apostle, nor Patriarke else, durst ever call them Reprobates; onely wee use Pauls Expression, to satisfie those Devills Hypocrites, the [Page 9]Antichristian People, who because Paul calls them Reprobates, think they should not be saved, they being ignorant that they themselves are some of them, which their wicked workes doe manifest, seeing that they denie the Lord that bought them; in that they deny Christ to be the the Generall Redemer; Those are the Denyers of God and Christ, who doe not beleeve that all things are perfected of God himselfe in Christ, in the Passionate worke of the Trinity in Christ, and the offering up of Christ, an All-sufficient Sacrifice for the sinnes of the whole world; there are many degrees of denyere of God and Christ, but all issue forth in their wickednesse, by two cheif Heads and Gates of Idolatry.
The first pretend to perfect themselves for God and Christ, by selfe Sanctifications, by works of the Law, which they call Preparations to come unto God and Christ, being made fit, as they say; In this Range of Errours, with lying vanities, the Papists, Turkes and Protestants come in thick, working all their Treasons against God and Christ.
TheThese are such which Seperate themselves, sensuall, having not the Spirit. Of trus Faith; These thinke none shall be saved, but such as sanctifie themselves by a forme of faith: these abuse the case of Election and Predestination, teaching that none, shall be saved but onely as they call themselves Beleevers. These know not, that Christ laid downe hie life to Ransom all in due time. 1 Tim. 2.4, 6. 1 Joh. 2.2. Zack. 9. li. Rom. 8.18.19, 21, 22. Rom. 11.32, 33, 34, 36. Act. 3.21. Second are the Idolaters of Formall Faith, who misconstructing the right and true Faith, raise up their formall Faith to be a merit-monging Faith,Jude 19. under a Rule of worke from the Law of self-sanctification, likewise these be the sort of unilluminated People, who thinke, yea Proclaime and Preach, that none can be saved, but by such their merit-monging Faith, which is no true Faith, because it is not Christian, vocall or working Faith, for the least graine of true Christian [Page 10]Faith, removes the mountaines of sinnes, not onely for our selves, but for others; and this Christian vocall Faith,The meritmongers are as arch Papists as Belarmine; though not in the same cause of working to deny Christ. is the true Faith, but the meritmonging faith of Schismaticks, is but a Formall Faith, most Papisticill, and enthralleth the Creation, and is the same work of merit-monging with the Morall Law, only it hath more shew of Gospel in the eyes of the Ignorant, then the Externall Rule of working in the Law hath, because it forms its self a Faith, and talks much of Christ, but it is the very mystery of Iniquity in one sense, for it alwayes leanes upon a work; also in the formall Faith of Scismaticks there is a Positive denyall of the work of Generall Redemption, and so it Proclaimes openly against Gods Love and Perfection unto his whole Creation in Christ, and therefore it hath caused so many to goe downe into damnation since the Reigne of Antichrist, which Reigne of Antichrist hath been ever since the First Adam, but chiefly exalted in Cain and Judas, and since the descease of the Apostles, it hath exalted it selfe unto these times, and now the Mystery of Iniquity is a sealing up by the River of Sedom, in the Land of Egypt in the North; In the Great waters Ephrates, whose great streames of selfe Righteousnesse hasteneth now to be dryed up by the hot Sunne-shine of the Everlasting Gospel of GODS Love in CHRIST unto every Creature;Jere. 46.6, 7, 10. Rev. 10.12. A way shall be made for the Kings of the East, namely, the true Beleevers who doe see themselves, and the whole Creation to bee most Perfect in God through Christ,Rev. 16.12. Col. 1.23. being sanctified, Justifyed and Redeemed from the Evill of sinne and Curse, because God hath made CHRIST our Wisedome,1 Cor. 1.30, 31. Righteousnesse, Sanctification and Redemption.
The true Faith, the Christian vocall or working Faith, which the Holy Ghost, Christ, the Patriarkes,Joh. 1 Joh. 5.10. Mal. 2.10. Gal. 3.6.8. 1 Tim. 2.6. 1 Joh. 2.2. Prophets and Apostles, doe so much commend unto all in Scripture and called for at our hands, in case of Salvation, receiving it, or damnation in refusing it. This true Christian vocall Faith is, to beleeve the Covenant of Generall Redemption, according to the Doctrine of the Patriarkes, Prophets and Apostles, and as the Spirit by the Apostle Paul and Iohn affirmeth.
That Christ laid downe his life a Ransome for All, yea for the sinnes of the whole world, as also in Chief for his Elect.
This Christian Faith leaneth only upon God in Christ; all the Damned that did not, or doe not receive it, must be saved by this Faith; this Faith is Perfect unto all,These the Patriarks, Prophets and Apostles, and Saints, which belove and maintaine the Covenant of Generall Redemption, are onely the true Church of whom CHRIST is the Head. through God himself in Christ.
Christ in his Church houlds this Faith for his whole Creation in due time to be manifested, with the blessed Fruits thereof unto life and Salvation for All.
Christ calls for this Faith at the hands of all, but they would not obey.Matth. 16.18. chap. 21.21.
Therefore a time millions of Thousands were damned by their Antichristian workes: yet not damned to perish for ever; for there is none can be damned Totally, but onely in their owne account they are damned, totally and wholly lost in themselves for a time, but the Power of God in CHRIST,Note well Matth. 16.18. chap, 17.20. and his Church namely those Sonnes and Daughters of GOD, in whom the Spirit keepeth Vocall Faith, so that the Gates of Hell shall not prevaile against it.
These shall hold forth the Glory of God in true faith; and all that ever dyed in Infidelity,Rom. 8.19.21. or what sinne soever, shall returne into the liberty of these Sonnes of God, for the whole Creation, in respect of the multitudes of the Creation, have ever in Esaus world of the Curse, been shutRom. 11.32. Gal. 3.22, 23. 1 Pet. 1.10, 11, 12. up from this true Faith; but not that they should perish for ever, but rather that God might shew the Glory of his Love and JEHOVAH Power, as also for a time correcting the blood-thirsty and cruell Caines and Judas, and the Unbeleever, as also the Naturall Bruits of the Heathen whatsoever; yet including all in unbelief;Rom. 11.32. Gal. 3.22. not for their totall damnation, but rather to set forth the Glory of his JEHOVAH Love, in having mercy on all.
Oh the Deeps of the riches, Rom. 11.33. both of the Wisedome and Knowledge of God in his love and JEHOVAH workings, how unsearchable are his Judgements! and his waies past finding out: by Drunkards of Ephraim, and vaine Antichristians,Isai. 21.1, 7, 12, 13. chap. 55.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Psal. 25.12, 14. Dan. 2.19, 20, 21.22. Ephes. 3.3, 4, 5, 9. Psalm., 2, 3. Psal. 22.27, 30, 31. who doe not seek after the minde of God in his Love, in his wayes and workes of mercy unto his whole Creation; but the Lord will reveale his secrets unto his Saints, and unto his People, which have sought him in his Love, and delighted to wait on him in his wayes of mercies; they shall set forth his Glory, and declare his Righteousnesse unto the Generations that are to come: henceforth, and for ever; and all the Generations that are deceased in the old world of Esau, Revel. 21.1, 2, 9, 10, 11. shall arise by glorious Resurrections, after the generall Resurrection,Heb. 12.25, 26, 27. chap. 1.10, 11.12. and shall see the loving kindnesses of the Lord, in the land of the living, the new Heavens, and new Earth; The Church, the Saints, the New Jerusalem, and Holy City, now preparing, by the Spirit to be manifested for the blessing and comfort of the whole Creation.
The true Christian vocall Faith alwayes maintaineth the Covenant of Generall Redemption, and that Christ laid downe his life a Ransome for all, to take away in due time the sinnes of the whole world, in manifestation, that all shall see, feele, and possesse the Blessednesse of it to their everlasting salvation and comfort. This Christian vocall Faith worketh to receive all things from Gods free Love, and Great Jehovah Mercies: Seeing and beleeving, that although there were but Three Persons Beleevers in the Earth with Christ, yet God will have his whole Creation, although not any else did beleeve but these three, in and with Christ; but there hath been Millions of Thousands in all ages, in the worst of times, that have had the lively Power of these feeds of Faith in them internally, though not manifested to themselves and the world; also there hath been some in all Ages, which had the seeling of this Faith, and openly professed it: There were Three that gave themselves to the Fiery Furnace in Nebuchadnezers dayes, for this Faith,Dan. 3.12.16, 17, 18, 23, 25, 27, 28. and in this worst of Ages; now there is a seed, although they be but few in visible appearance, like the gleaning Grapes, when the vintage is done.
These make a noise, as through wine, in the Profession of this Faith; these cry aloud from the Sea's, Zac. 9.15, 16.17. Isai. 24.13, 14, 15. chap. 61.9. chap. 65.8, 9. listing up their voice, singing and rejoycing in their souls, for the Majestie of the LORD on High.
These are the Sonnes and Daughters of God; these are the seed of Blessednesse, maintaining the Christian Faith, That Christ laid downe his life a Ransome for all, and that every Immortall Creature is made Perfect by God himself in Christ; these are those Beleevers in whom all Nations shall be blessed through Christ; The King of Righteousnesses, and King of such his Saints, for their glory and defence.
These Beleevers are that seed of Blessednesse unto all the Creation, with them, in them, and by them; the whole Creation shall receive Blessednesses through the mighty Power of God in Christ, which as the Prophets and Apostles witnes in the behalf of all the Rebellious unbeleevers, [Page 14]saying, Except the Lord of Hosts, and God of Sabbath had left us a seed, Jsai. 1.9. Rom. 9.29. speaking in the behalfe of the world, wee had been as Sodoms, and should have been made like unto Gomerab.
Oh Infinite is the blessednesse of such a People, such Sonnes and Daughters of God, who are made Instrumentall meanes of God through Christ, only by beleeving, and declaring his Goodnesse, and in their Spirits, contesting with God for his JEHOVAH mercies towards the Rebellious, in such their spirituall worship, they are made Instruments of Blessing unto the whole Creation, although there should be but Three in the whole Earth; but there are many in the earth, and they are the Power of the Kingdom of God, Ch ist's Publique Monarchiall Kingdom now appearing.Christ in his private Kingdome s [...]e judge over the quick and dead, to condemne, and execute Torments on the Rebellious, whom he held as Prisoners for a time, Zac. 9.11. But Christ in his publike Kingdome, by the Power of the Holy Ghost, shall reigne for ever, to bring up all to life and Immortallity: the Holy Ghost, for the Father, and Christ shall execute the judgement of Love & Mercies unto all, to the destroying of Death, and Hell, and delivering of all forts of Prisoners. Zac. 9.11. Hos. 13, 14. Isai. 25.8. 1 Cor. 15.55.
Therefore let all the sc [...]les and Spirits of the People of our God rest on our JEHOVAH. For now the waters of troubles are abated, and in the New Heavens, and New earth of Christs Publike Kingdome: there shall be no more Sea of Antichristian Mysteries, nor of the Spirits contention with the Creation: for God will manifest Himselfe in his love unto every Creature; onely the old Heavens and earth of Antichrists wickednesses, must be burnt up with the fire of Gods Spirit; yea, all things naturall, and supernaturall [Page]must be changed at these Resurrections now comming.
The Private Kingdome of Christs Justice must passe away to give place to the publike Kingdome of God the Father, in his Jehovah Mercies unto all; And the Father will glorifie Christ, to give him the ruling of it for ever; who shall commit it to the holy Ghost, to enliven all things, to regulate and comfort, enlarging all things in blessednesse, renewing all things, and stablishing all things for ever unmooveable; so that the Heavens and the Earth in their fourefold considerations, shall be changed from Corruption to incorruption; from sinne and curse, to blessednesse; from effeminacy and bondage, to strength and Freedome in blessednesses; and the Heavens and the Earth shall not be destroyed, as drowly drunken Ephraemites, and blinde Egyptians doe imagine, out of their owne evill hearts, by misconstructing the Scriptures.
Marke, when the holy Ghost speaketh of entring Christs Publike Kingdome, which wee call the Kingdome of the Father, given unto Christ; and the holy Ghost, for to exalt the Glory of the Father in.
The holy Ghost speaking unto Christ, as Judge in his private Kingdome.
The Spirit rejoyceth, saying; As for thee, by the blood of thy Covenant; I, that is to say, the Holy Ghost, have sent forth thy Prisoners out of the Pits, wherein is no water.
Therefore although it was formerly said, the Arke of the Covenant, of saving but a part of the Creation, must be sought unto;
Yet now the Lord willeth not that wee should seek unto those minors and lesser things of Christs Private Kingdom, but that wee should seek unto him for his Jehovah Power, and glory of his publike Kingdome, in his mercies unto All; for his mercies are spread over all his Workes, and hee willeth that wee should speake of the Glory of this Kingdome, and calke of such his Power, declaring such his Noble Acts, in that hee hath Triumphed ever Death, and [Page 16]hath led captivity captive for All, Psal. 145.1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Act. 3.21. Jere. 3.16.17. Isai. 40.3. chap. 52.10. Isai. 40.9. cha. 42.7.10, 11.16. chap. 52.7. chap. 61.9, 10, 11. chap. 63.7. to the Restituting of all things in due time.
Therefore our God will not that wee shall say any more, the Arke of Particular Redemption, for that must passe away, and shall not come into our mindes, because now the People of God, the new Jerusalem shall be called the Throne of the LORD; and all Nations shall be gathered to it; and the Glory of the LORD shall appeare in his loving Kindnesses unto all Flesh, and all eyes shall see it together, for the Lord will shew Christ a Spirituall Christ, and All-saving Jesus; But this his Glory shall be seene on the House of Israel, and shall shine forth from the House of Israel and Judah spirituall;Joel. 2.28, 29.32. chap. 3.17, 18. his Mount Sion, namely the Sonnes and Daughters of God now appearing,Amos. 9.11.13. Obad. 21. who shall be strengthened by the Power of the Holy Ghost, and an Elijah Ministry, to declare the loving Kindnesses of the Lord unto All;Isai. 25.6. Isai. 55.1, 2. that good tydings; those comfortable new Vines, and Water of Life which commeth from this New Jerusalem, for from those the Saints, the Sonnes and Daughters of God, which the holy Ghost calleth Sion, and New Jerusalem, shall flow those streames of Living water, by their Doctrine and Profession of God and Christ, which the Spirit calleth new wine, milke, Honey, and a feast of fat things, of wine upon the lees, well refined; thus in a spirituall sense, the Holy Ghost laboureth to set out the glory of God in his love unto All, by the comming of the Sonnes and Daughters of GOD, and Glorious Mount Sion, Ezek. 14.22, 23. Heb. 12.22, 23, 24. Isai. 51.16. ch. 52.1, 2. chap. 40.9. Psal. 87.2.3. Psal. 5.2. the Church of the Living God, unto whom the Generall [Page 17]Assembly of Saints, and all * Nations and Generations must be gathered, as the Patriarks, Prophets,Isai. 2.2, 3, 4. Psal. 138.4.5. Psal. 22.27. and Apostles, by the Holy Spirit have testified, theyPsal. 53.6. Rom. 8.23. Heb. 11.39, 40. Psal. 102.13.15, 16, 2. Esdras. 13.35, 36. Rev. 14.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. themselves longing, groaning and waiting with the whole Creation, for the comming of these most mighty Sonnes and Daughters of God, these true Beleevers, for they without us could not be made perfect, untill this Sion appeare in it's Glory, which now hasteneth to * come; it must be noted, that the Arke of the Covenant is taken in Scripture in a two-sold consideration in one speciall Case; First, as it hath Relation unto the Covenant of the Morall Law, for self-sanct fication, by worke of Formall Faith, manifesting unto the world but a particular Election, or a part thereof to be saved; Yet in this manifesting Christ, and so it hath the Title Acke from Christ, and thus it stood in the Private Kingdom of Christ, yet so as to shaddow, Typifying in and under a darke Figure, manifesting Christ the Generall Redeemer, yet so as by Legall Covenant with it's serimoniall shadowing worship, including and keeping all under bondage; because it would teach Christ no farther a Generall Redeemer, then black Mount Sinai mysteries would admit, and therefore in this sense, the Spirits reprehends it, and calls all people to come off from it in those dayes, saying, Ye shall not seek unto the Arke of such selfe-sanctifying Covenant, neither shall they remember it, saith the Lord;Iere. 3.16. neither shall it come to minde; neither shall they visite it, saith the Lord; neither shall that be done any more, because it is contrary to the Covenant of Generall Redemption, and contrary to the perfecting the whole Creation. No, it never perfected any one,Jere. 31, 32. Heb. 8.9. although God took them by the hand, strengthened them as a Father, or nourishing them as a Husband; yet none could stand therein, but break it, and in the Issue of all their services, the whole Creation is forced to turne from Mount Sinai, unto Mount Sion; for Mount Sinai, Covenant of selfe-sanctification, enthralled,Gal. 4.24, 25. and damned the best of it's Disciples; Therefore it is the Covenant of Generall Redemption, which is called, The New [Page 18]Covenant, Joy, Liberty, Sanctification & strength comes from this Covenant, unto Glory and Triumph. Jere. 31.31, 33, 34. Heb. 8.8.10, 11, 12, 13. and this Covenant, this Mount Sion of the New Testament of Christ's Blood, saveth all, and makes all perfect, by taking away the sinnes of all; and this Covenant of Free-Grace, and Generall Redemption, delivereth the damned Prisoners, which the First Covenant enthralled. Secondly, the Arke, as exclusive from the Covenant of selfe-sanctification, was a figure of Christ in the best sense, pointing out by a figure the Publike Gospel Kingdome, that now is to appeare; and so the Arke was a Testimony and supporter of the Covenant of Generall Redemption in Christs Private Kingdome,Deu. 32.43. Rom. 15, 11, 12. Psal. 117.1, 2. calling upon all to behold the Glory of God in Christ, and so as the Ceremonies were used in the best sense to shadow out Christ as a Type and Figure of his Publike Kingdome now to appeare.
Thus the Arke was joyned with the Law Divine, and held the Covenant of the Law Divine, which did witnesse the Covenant of God's Free-grace, in the Covenant of Generall Redemption; and thus being a Testimony of God's Love in Christ, unto the whole Creation. The Arke in such sense is commended by the Holy Ghost, and accounted the Glory of 1 Sam. 4.3, 4, 5, 6.21. chap. 5.2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Rev. 11.19.11, 12. ch. 6.1, 2, 3, 6, 13.19, 20, 21. 1 Chro 14.3.7, 8, 14. 2 Sam. 6.2, 4 5.12, 13, 14, 15 21, 22. Israel; and in such spirituall sense, and Gospel Consideration, by a speech Figurative, the Holy Ghost commendeth the Arke of the Covenant, now as a Testament of his Love, and in such sense, as a Spirituall Arke: Now CHRIST in his Church supporteth the Covenant of Generall Redemption, and the Saints Professing and maintaining against the Covenant of selfe-righteousnesse, and selfe-sanctification, and the Spirituall Power of Christ in his Church, supporting, Professing and manifesting the Covenant of Generall Redemption, and Gods Free-Grace and Love unto All in CHRIST, this Arke of GOD, the Church, the Sonnes and Daughters of God, by the Professing of the true Faith.
Therefore Blessed are those that seek the Lord in Truth, in his Gospel, of his Love and Mercies unto his whole Creation, The which his Love he hath Sealed unto All, with the Blood of CHRIST, thereby taking away the sinnes of the whole World; Thou that desirest to know the minde of the LORD, his minde is this, That all men should be saved; That is, that all should know, both mankind,1 Tim. 2.4. Angels and Spirits, That God in Christ hath made us his Elect, and with us, all perfect to himself in CHRIST; GOD in CHRIST Reconciling the world unto himselfe, by Reconciling himselfe unto the World,2 Cor. 5.14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21. God in CHRIST, suffering for his lost Creature, yea his whole Creation, Paying the Price of our Ransome, with the blood of Christ, God in Christ having wrought the Passionate worke of all sufferings due unto our sinnes, and satisfying his owne Justice by himself, in his passionate sufferings, in Christs Humanity, scourging Christ for all;Isai. 53.4.6, 7. Heb. 9.14. chap. 2.9, 14. cha. 10.5, 9, 10.13, 14. 1 Tim. 2.6. hee sanctified the Humane Person of Christ to be a Sacrifice satisfactory for the sinnes of the whole world.
And so Christ is said in one sense, to lay downe his Life a ransome for All: but Heathen, and Hypocrites, Antichristians and Devills, wouldJude 5.6. not beleeve, nor receive this Truth in Obedience to the Gospel, and therefore for a time they have damned themselves, being by Christ justly condemned for their unbeliefe and Disobedience, in not obeying the Gospel of Peace, Righteousnesse and Love, to God, and our fellow Creatures.
Therefore for a time, many Thousands have been imprisoned in the Pit wherein there is no water; But JEHOVAH, the Power of Love,Zac. 9.11, in fulnesse of Charity in the Blessed Trinity, in the Unity of their Unction and Essence in the Spirit of the Deity, in the working Power of Omnipotent [Page 20]Faith, God, Love, and Great JEHOVAH, who is rich in mercy unto all,1 Job. 4.8.16. Psal. 145.9.21. and hath spread his mercy over all his workes, nee, in the Ministry of the Holy Ghost, in due time now comming by the blood of Christ, which he hath made the Covenant of Generall Redemption; The Everlasting Coven [...]nt; by this our God will deliver the Prisoners out of the Pit wherein is no water, Z [...]c. 9.11, 12 which out of Question is the Pit of Hell, which Dives complained of, when he cryed to Abraham for a drop of water, to coole his Blaspheming tongue, which had denyed Christ to be the Generall Redeemer, Luke. 16.19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. and had denyed to shew mercy to the hungry Lazarus, the poore Ignorant, lame and diseased souls, of whom Lazarus was a Figure; therefore the Lord sets it out by that Parable in the Gospel, to Reprehend the Hypocrites, and Antichristians, the spirituall prowd diseases, and drowsie Drunken Sheepheards, who denie the chiefe Corner-Stone, Isai. 28.1, 7, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20. the Doctrine of Generall Redemption, and having framed an Antichristian forme of Religion, misconstering the case Elective, and wresting the Doctrine of Predestination; they shut out the soules of the ignorant from hope of mercy; and therefore God for a time hath punished many thousands of such Heathen, that did no [...] beleeve his holy Covenant of Generall Redemption; such Diveses, and earthy rich in their Pharisismes in Hypocrisies, God hath afflicted after Death, because in this life they walked Prowdly, not obeying his Gospel, and faith of Abraham, the Patriarkes, Prophets and Apostles, who made a Covenant with their Families, that their Children should maintaine and hold forth the Covenant of Generall Redemption, which is called the Covenant of our Fathers. Mal. 2.10. and the Children like Pharisees Rebelling,Heb. 3.10, 11, 17, 18, 19. 1 Tim. 2.4, 6. 1 Joh. 2.2. the Holy Ghost by Malachy reproveth them for it, and bids the Hypocrites and Transgressours Remember, that though they were so wilfully blinde, as not to look and behold Christ to be the Generall Redeemer of all. Rom. 1.17, 18, 20, 21. Jer. 17.12, 13. chap. 2.4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13. Mal. 2.10. Babylon is fallen, Rev. 18.1, 2, 3, 4. Esay. 8.19. Ier. 23.21, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32.
Yet Malachy noteth, they could not be so ignorant, but they must know the mystery of Gods Love in Christ in the Creation; for saith Malachy, we have all one Father, one God hath created us all, and so he reprehends the Hypocrites and Devills, the Judases of our times, who with false Prophesying, Peepings and Mutterings, denie Christ to be the Generall Redeemer of his whole Creation: And so they denie the Doctrine of Restitution of all things,Act. 3.21. which God hath promised, and which is sealed, because CHRIST laid downe his life a Ransome for all; Therefore Antichrist, Rev. 18. [...]. and all his Disciples are Lyars. A habitation of Devills; a Cage of uncleane and hatefull Birds; a hould of fowle Lying Spirits, manifested, in that they denie the Covenant of Generall Redemption; God is truth, his Word is Truth: which maintaineth, That Christ laid downe his life a Ransome for all; and least the Lyars and Flatters should seduce his People,1 Tim. 2, 4, 6. and passe away unknowne in their Mystery of Iniquity. God and his Word maintaineth, That Christ laid downe his life not onely for us his Elect, but as certaine, for the sinnes of the whole world, though not in the same case, nor indeed not fully to be manifested untill these times.1 Joh. 2.2. And now in due time it is to be manifested to the Tryumph of the People of God: to the bringing in Salvation unto all,1 Tim. 2.6. with Power in our Christ,Rev. 12.10. to the Exaltation of his Spirituall Monarchiall Kingdome of Life over All, to the destroying of Death and hell for all, by destroying the Power of the Grave, Isai. 25.8. Hos. 13, 14. Rev. 14.8. chap. 18.2. chap. 11.8. Phil. 3.2. Rev. 22.15. Rev. 19.4. Col. 1.23. 1 Tim. 2.6. 1 Job. 2.2, 1. Heb. [...]0.32. to the overthrow and fall of great Babylon, and destroying of all Devills therein; to the destroying of Egypt and Sodome, and raising up the glory of Israel, to the turning of Black-coates white, destroying the Power of the Dogges of Antichrist, the casting downe of fa se Ministry, and raising up the 24. Elders, to the comfort of the whole Creation, and Restitution of all things, and bringing in Gospel Perfection to every Creature through Christ, Who laid downe his life a Ransom for ALL, which the blessed Apo [...]tles, John and Paul, will maintaine to the face of the proudest Priest, or new Lord Popes of England. The Spirit of God calleth to draw neer with a true heart, in fulnesse of Faith: [Page 22]and so to draw neere, as to drinke of the Fountaine of Gods Love, and as Sonnes and Daughters of God, to beleeve for the unbeleever,Cant. 5.1. Esai. 12.2, 3. Rev. 23.17. Isai. 55.1. and to rejoyce in our Beleeving, seeking in truth of Heart, and in the fulnesse of Charity, the good of all, not fearing the Reproach of the wicked and Unbeleever: And seeking the way of the Gospel: Is to set out Gods Love in CHRIST unto All, and every Creature in the fulnesse of Love and Charity,Col. 1.23. in Purity and Righteousnesse, of Godlinesse in the way of Faith, and that truth, which in Christ's Publick Kingdome sanctifieth the whole Creation, through the Blood of the Holy Covenant of Generall Redemption. Isai. 51.7, 8. 1 Pet. 4.13, 14.
Therefore the Christian must not be ashamed, nor moved from the Gospel, but must rejoyce, seeing their way is Righteousnesse and Truth, in Love unto all: Holding forth the great and wonderfull Glory of God in Christ, which was appointed to be Revealed in and throughRom. 8.18. Eph. 3.9, 10. Col. 1.23.25. Acts. 3.19, 20, 21, 22. us, in these times, which are the times for the beginning of Restitution in some Degree.
It is the minde and will of the Lord, that wee should wait on him, so as to walke with him in his Truth, with a good Courage, standing fast unto the Faith, and Trusting in our JEHOVAH, so as to looke for his Great and unexpressible Mercies, and Tokens of his Love, unto our selves his Saints in speciall, as also, and as perfect unto every Immortall Creature with us.Ps [...]l. 147.11.
The Lord rejoyceth in a mercy-expecting People, but especially in those that trust in him, and hold fast upon his Love, and wrestle with him in Spirit, for his JEHOVAH strength, and Loving Kindnesses unto all; for in such sense and Gospel Rule, Mark. 12.30, 31, 32, 33, 34. wee must Love our Neighbour as our selfe.
That is, desiring, and seeking their Salvation as Perfect as [...]ur owne, so farre as it is in our strength to doe them good.
Oh wicked Antichrist thou art, whosoever that teache [...] against this Doctrine of Love unto all. And this,Condemnation to reprehend the world, not to damne for ever. Joh. Oh Antichrist thou doest, when thou denyest the Covenant of Generall Redemption, which God hath sealed with the Blood of Christ in Love and perfect Charity.
God so loving the world, that hee gave his onely begotten Sonne, that whosoever beleeveth in him, should not Perish, but have everlasting life, for God sent his Sonne into the World, not to condemne the world, but that the World through him should be saved, and therefore Christ laid downe his Life a Ransome for All, for the sinnes of the whole world, and every immortall Creature therein contained. It is true, God tied it in the first world of Esau, unto Faith, as also in this second world of Jacob, but it is vocall Faith, Abrahams Faith, Esaus world was not able to beare it, but onely in some, the State Predestinated; but now the Lord will make that Vocall Faith of Abraham, to flourish in Jacobs world, for he will perfect his Promises, to restitute all things. This Christian Faith is of Power to bring all things to life: If there were but three Persons in the whole world, that had it in Possession, it receiveth all things from God in Christ, and works through God himself; it is perfect unto all in Christ from God; in due time the Lord will bring it unto its full Birth, to the breaking up the Gates of Hell,Gal. 3.16. and meeting Christ in the generall Resurrection, shall receive life and Power to immortallize all things. In the mean while, the Power of this Faith, in its proper workings, is in the Sonnes and Daughters of God, to make them the Church of the Living God, in one degree, and blessed seed, for the good of the whole Creation.Ephes. 1.21, 22, 23. chap. 3.9, 10, 11, 12.
Concerning the Gospel affaires, let the Christian soule rest waiting upon God, not regarding the Distractions in the Earth; for Antichrist must be shaken out of the earth; and there are many Antichrists, some are willing to set out Christ so farre as they know;1 Joh. 2.18. chap. 4.3. yet it must alwayes bring some vaine-glory, and this makes them little Antichrists.
Other Antichrists are Deadly malicious against Christ, and these are the Arch-Antichristians; these regard not the true God, neither true Doctrine, nor true Church Discipline, such as may set out the glory of GOD, and his CHRIST, these labour to set up Forms of Religion, and forms of Doctrine, such as may serve to uphold their Antichristian Kingdome,2 Pet. 2.1, 2. Iude 4. and harden People in their Heathenismes; these labour to denie GOD and CHRIST, and their owne Salvation, under cunning pretences; wresting the whole Scriptures, falsefying and misconstructing the Case of Election and Predestination, making as though none should ever be saved but the Elect and Predestinated; It is in Case dictinctive betweene the Choice Elect, and Predestinated; the Royall Church, and the World; for the World and the Church are to be considered with distinction. Ezek. 14.22, 23. It is true, in Case Distinctive, none shall ever be saved with such Glorious Salvation as the Predestinated, and Elect; For the Royall part of the Three degrees of Election, are The Church of CHRIST, The Sonnes and Daughters of GOD, The Elect, that it is impossible for Antichrist to Deceive them.
The Case of Predestination in particular, is that Condition, wherein by Gods fore-knowledge, or which is more perfect,Ephe. 1.3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14. Rom. 8.17, 18, 19, 21. his owne Decree, before the Worlds began: Hee sealed up in great Love and Mercies, a Part of his Creation, to be made Co-heires, joyn theirs with Christ, in all his Glory, in the greatest of his Glory. So as to become visible unto him; A Church, his body mysticall, as hee is a Spirituall CHRIST; wherein, and by his Church, the Predestinated having Christ their Head conjoyned with them in full Spirituallity: In his second comming, these Predestinated and Elect, Isai. 61.9. chap. 1.9. Rom. 9.29. the Church should be so gathered by the Spirit out of the word, by the Power of Faith, as to become a Blessed seed unto the whole Creation, for the salvation of the whole Creation, through the Power of God in Christ.
This is that Seed which the Prophets and Apostles witnessed of, and longed for their comming, when ever this seed did appear visible in any age, the age was blessed in them,Gene. 3.15. Gal. 3.14. but they were not fully to be manifested,The Saints by maintaining the Covenant of Generall Redemption with Christ, and for Christ, Prevaile. Rom. 8.19. nor come in their full strength untill now, And now they must grow up by the strength of JEHOVAH, by Degrees, as the Spirit is pleased to Elevate and lift up it self in them. Therefore the State of Predestination and Election, 1 Ioh. 3.1, 2. Ev. John. 7.38. De [...]. 18.15. Act. 3.21. Isay. 52.5. Ezek. 36.20, 22, 24. Rev. 16.9, 10, 11. 1. Cor. 2.12, 14, 15. Ezek. 14.4. Esai. 40.20 chap. 45.26.20. although it be particular unto some of the Creation: to save them with such a Glorious Salvation, as to make them Instruments of Salvation unto the whole Creation.
Yet this doth not in the Truth of the Doctrine of Predestination and Election, reach such damned Lessons, as the Heathen doe straine it to, when they Preach none shall be saved but the Elect and Predestinated, they are notable Lyars, as the Spirit noteth. The Priests, and their Disciples must study the Gospel better, for they Blaspheme the LORD, in denying his Covenant of Generall Redemption, and have misconst [...]red the Case of Election and Predestination. And it is not Calvin, not all the Papisticall Bookes of Romanists, though never so Refined, that can hide their Hypocrisies; The Spirit of CHRIST will sire their stubble, and consume their G [...]uld and Silver, Formes, and all their Graven Images, of Formall Religion, shall be burnt up.
Blessed be the GOD of
To the Blessed Trinity.
According to the English
Account, 1646.
For Record, from the
20. of January
1645. or