The CASE of your Hmmble Petitioner, Anne Dennis.

YEt as a free born Subject of England claim the Privilidge of being heard, and having my Petition presented, and as the Daughter of a Magestrate humbly hope all in this House being so Peculierly Chosen by, there­fore in behalf of the People will also have that Respect to (Children of the Magestracy who have a place in this Honorable House, and not being Plac'd with the Commonalty in their Fathers life time) will also Mantain them in their Right and Privilige of Birth, therefore allow my just Complaint and answer me to my Content.

That my Father Alderman Thomas Dennis was Mayor of the City of Oxford in the year 1643, who with a Loyal and true heart served his Majesty King Charles the first in the Publick and also furnished with some Cloath­ing for his own Royal Person as Velvet Cloath, Silk, Gold & silver lace, &c and his Highness Prince Charles and Royall Duke of York all the time of their Residence in Oxford, who as Heir Presumptive and King in the Throne in 86 when I Petition'd, Conscience and Honer oblige paments of to prove which Debt appear an account stated by his Majestes order as by Reference on the Petition to the Lord Treasurer appears who caused an Auditor to state the same in March 46 who certifies, that there was then owing 1900 which mean use comes to 6000 (my Just due) that he was under sequestration by order of both Houses of Parliament in 46 so that by charges & losses sustain by Crediting the Court he was utterly Ruind that your Petitioners Father in conscience is not in­debted since the Year 1666, or supposing he were Honour and pity would have prefer'd my interest and bestowd a favour upon me that have lost a fortune of 10000 by the Court,

That the abovesaid Premices disabled my Father from making any other Provision for my Portion so livelyhood which acation my so lawfull Solicitiog at Court for hope a Fathers Estate will never be to old for a Child to mannage nor that a child should be put of from what a Father is able to Leave, for not being in the Grand Seignors dominions who when the Bashaw dyes takes all & gives the Child what he thinks fit but in a Christian Countrey so Civilised Court as should be, tho far from, as I may say, whose Honour should not return it as almesgivers but apear as Guardian to the Child so left by the Parent who hath served the King, and with the Childs Portion.

Tho it is rather a Heathenish Custom also then fitting an English Court that Petitions shall not be ansewerd if to none but acquaintance Kindred or servants, then where is the doing of Justice which ought to be indifferantly ad-Ministred to all, not regarding acquaintance else how should Loyal Citizens or persons remote be paid Debts that have no Interest with Lords, and if by any Accident or tedious Court waiting the persons consern'd are dead the hands of such as receiv'd the money or wares and those that state Debts should be sufficent testimony, else why [...] hands put to sign any thing to attest the truth if of no Validity,

That your Petitioner Soliciting at Treasury, in pursuance of her abovesaid Portion, has been disgrac'd this [...] last Years beyond all president, and ranked in disgrace to the Magistracy as the meanest of Persons, defam'd in words, and when I complained, all the Redress was to bid me fly from it, which I despise as an Innocent. and go home to my own Country, therefore I make my Application to the Honourable House of Commons to const­ler my Grievances, and pay this Debt of the Crown to me.

For I have not been quietly permitted to prefent a Petition to King William, and when I have had no Redress, and often thrust out by the Yeomen for a Mad-body, on the 17th of June last our of the House on the Lords Day, that I was forced to give my Petition on the High-way in the Coach, nor suffer to attend: but contrary to [Page] [...] all common Civility or Morality, Honour from the Court, or Conscience to me, cause their Door-keepers to af­ [...]ront me daily, and using such Speeches that surely Sodom and Gomorrah would come short of, and 6 times impri­soned, dragg'd through the two Courts in VVhite-Hall from the Treasury, by Mr. John Taylor's Order, the 30th of July 98 coming from the Chappel, but that respect I wil show to Children of Mahistrates, if pulled in pieces, not to go to a Prison appointed for Porters and Foot-men, if that be a place for a Magistrate's Daughter and civil Maiden, indebted to none, about her business, or coming from Church, let all vindicate or intail that disgrace up­on their Posterity, but I was provoked to swear, I would not eat till I had satisfaction, as had not in 2 Years only Bread, and since on the 30th of June last was halled from the Treasury in the Name of the Bishop of Can­terbury also, as on the 30th of July, to my disgrace, and so great hurt; but had they gone a little father I had sounded, and to spit in my Face, endeavoured to break my Arms, tear my Head-cloths, fling me about to dash my Head to the Wall is sport, &c. that I go in danger of my Life.

All upon the Account of a private Person, the abovesaid Mr. Taylor, Clark and the Treasury, but the Lords appearing a­gainst me, in countenancing, so causing Affronts to spoil my Marriage, which true Honour and Piety would have promoted, considered my Father's Services, but I was denied the Freedom of an Irishwoman, Pe [...]sioner, whose pretensions could not stand in competition with mine, nor would Conscience put me off in that rude manoer without payment to my utter Ruine, and it is as lawful and proper for a Maiden to go a woing as to do any other business abroad that have neither Fathers, or Brothers to do it for them. And I have a priviledge which I must stand upon my Honour as a Maiden, which no Law, Divine or Humane allows infringment of, and which what could repair but that satisfaction I did, as had so much Reason to petition K. William concerning, as being his Servant that had so disgraced me in the House, to cause him to marry your Petitioner so ruined, who sit­ [...]ing on the Royal Seat of K. Charles the First, the 2d. and K James, all 3 my Debters, but having the abovesaid Us [...]ge at Court, therefore present my Case here, your selves also appointing, and keeping a day of remembrance for the Royal Martyr, which Civility you will contradict, not paying a piece of such particular service to him, or any Majesty, the Use of which prin­cipal comes to 100 l per Anum therefore not to be put in a List of disgrace as uncertainty, Not are the Children of the Kingdom to be thrust out and introduce Strange, Therefore as Gentlemen afford your help▪ and appoint some Member to re­ceive my Petition as one friendless though born in the Kingdom, whose Piety, if Citizens of Heaven will not desert, but effectu­ally consider the Grievances, and pay the Debt to me a Treasury Martyr, Therefere your Humble Petitioner.

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