The CASE of several of His Majesties Loyal Subjects, very much oppressed, contrary to the Laws of this Land as they are advised, humbly represented to the Honoura­ble the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, in Par­liament assembled.

1. BY Act of Parliament, in the Year 1663. 400 Hackney Coachmen were Li­censed to ply in and about the Cities of London and Westminster during that Parliament, and untill the first Sessions of the next Parliament and no longer ex­cept continued.

2. The said Parliament being Dissolved, and another Called and also Dissolved, and nothing done in that Affair, the Act expired.

3. We, the number of 100 Ancient Coachmen, who have served persons of Honour, and Gentlemen of Quality, all of us Loyal Subjects, and many of us suf­ferers for our Loyalty and Affections to King Charles the First of ever Blessed Me­mory, presented our Petition to the then next Parliament, praying for the reasons following to be added to the 400 formerly Lycenced.

Reasons. 1. That the Buildings and the Inhabitants were so much increased that there was more occasion for 500 then for 400 when the Act was made.

2. That we being Ancient Coachmen bred up only to that Imploy, and had no other way to get Bread for our selves and poor Families.

3. That we supposing that after the expiration of the aforesaid Act of Parliament the same liberty might extend to us that all other Coachmen had, did lay out all our little Substance in buying Coach, Horses, and other Conveniencies for our Calling, and accordingly followed our Calling, untill about May 1683, we were by an Act of Common-Council prohibited from letting our Coaches to Hire in the Ci­ty and Liberties of London, and had several of our Coaches seized and carried to the Green-yard, and forced to redeem them with Fines, sometimes 20 s others 40 s and some 50 s and some have paid 5 l. in ten days time: Others have been sold by them both Coach and Horses, according to the will and pleasure of those Arbitrary Law-makers: Some of our persons imprisoned, and there kept for the space of three months; others till they could get Bail, and then put Fines upon them as they please.

4. And by the exercise of this cruelty upon us, the Coachmen pretended to be Licensed by the Common-Councel, did joyn together, and appoint 27 of their number to meet, and hold Consults for raising of money amongst themselves, to suppress and ruine us in our Calling in the City, and Liberty of Westminster also, and did with money hire men, and keep us from our Imploy, until we did make our Agrievance known by our humble Petition to his most Gracious Majesty King Charles II. of ever-blessed Memory; and the better to effect their design to ruine us, they have raised at several times 3200 l. and upwards.

5. and lastly, We the oppressed have to our ruins stood several Suits with the said 400, and in all the said Suits cast them: but now our small Substance being spent, and they having a great Stock of Money, we must suffer under their Prosecution, unless prevented by the Goodness of this Parliament.

Wherefore we most humbly beseech your Honours to take the premisses into your se­rious consideration, that when our Petition shall be presented unto your consideration, to vouchsafe us relief according as to your Wisdoms shall seem meet; and we and all the rest, as in duty bound, shall ever pray.

  • Tho. Cadman,
  • Tho. Whittle,
  • Peter Welch,
  • Lewis Morris.
  • Tho. Genings.

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