The CASE of John Lord Lovelace Baron of Hurley.

RICHARD late Lord Lovelace his Grandfather was seized in Fee of the Manor of Hurley in the County of Berks, and divers other Lands in Berks and Wilts; and of the Manor of Water-Eaton in Com. Oxon. and sells the same to John late Lord Lovelace his Father for life, with

Remainder to his 1st. 2d. 3d. and every other Son successively entail, which Son the now Lord Lovelace is.
Remainder to his own right Heirs in Fee.
And gives a power to John his Son the late Lord Lovelace deceased, to make a Jointure of Water-Eaton, which he did accordingly execute; and Anne Lady Dowager Lovelace his Widow now enjoys it.

And also left a power in him to charge the same Manor of Water-Eaton, and some Farms in Hurley, with Portions for younger children; which he accordingly did: but these Portions are all paid, but only part of the Portion of Dorothy now wife of Henry Drax Esq

John now Lord Lovelace Marries with Martha the eldest Daughter and one of the Co-Heirs of Sir Edmund Pye Knight and Baronet deceased; And before Marriage by Articles, his Father agrees to settle the Manors of Hurley, and Water-Eaton on his issue Male entail, and in Michaelmas Term 1663 his Father levied a Fine, and in Hillary Term following 1663 John now Lord Lovelace Levied a Fine, and suffered a common Recovery, and so barred all the Estates tail and Remainder before that time.

And by Indenture dated 1st. of February 1663 between the now Lord Lovelace, and his wife of the 1st. part, John late Lord Lovelace his Father of the 2d. part, Sir Edmund Pye and Sir William Walter of the 3d. part, and Christopher Cratford and George Shipwey Gent. of the 4th. part, declare the use of the said Fines and Recovery to be as to part of Hurley, to the use of John now Lord Lovelace for life.

Remainder to Sir Edmund Pye and Sir William Walter and their Heirs, during the life of John now Lord Lovelace to support contingent uses.

Remainder to Martha his wife for Joynture.

Remainder to his 1st. 2d. 3d. and every other Son by Martha his wife successively entail.

Remainder to the right Heirs of John now Lord Lovelace in Fee, chargeable with 10000 l. fo [...] [...]aughters Portions, in case of failer of issue Males; And as to the residue of [...] and all Water-Eaton, to John late Lord Lovelace for life.

Remaind [...] [...] John now Lord Lovelace for life.

Remaind [...] [...] Edmumd Pye and Sir Walter and their Heirs, during the life [...]ow Lor [...] Lovelace to support contingent uses.

Remainder to [...] is 1st. 2d. 3d. and every other Son by Martha his wife successively [...].

Remainder to the Heirs of John now Lord Lovelace in Fee.

John late Lord Lovelace his Father, in the late Rebellion being only Tenant for life, was under sequestratien, and contracted very many great Debts to the value of 20000 l. and upwards by his sufferings for his Loyalty.

John now Lord Lovelace joyns with his Father in the Sale of Bluntsdon in Wilts of the value of 800 l. per annum, and divers other Lands in Berks, to the value of 20000 l. and up­wards, in the whole, and joyned with his Father in other reall securities of the Land settled upon him entail.

The Manor of Water-Eaton above 1200 l. per annum almost a Moiety of his paternal Estate, [...] now in Joynture to his Mother.

The Manor of Bradenham the greatest part of his Wives Fortune, is in Joynture to the Lady Pye her Mother.

John now Lord Lovelace made an absolute agreement by Indenture with Henry Drax Esq for the Remainder of his Sisters Portion unpaid, to accept 3000 l. by 500 l. per annum after his Mothers death, to be paid out of Water-Eaton in six years, that his Mother might enjoy his Joynture peaceably.

John now Lord Lovelace hath no Son living; but only three Daughters, and hath had no child in seven years last past, and having contracted several Debts to the value of 5000 l. prays an Act.

To confirm the Deed of the 1st. of February 1663 for his Wives Joynture, and to charge the Lands charged with 10000 l. for his Daughters Portions, with 5000 l. more for advance of his Daughters Portions, in case of failer of issue Male by his now wife.

To [...]ble him to raise 5000 l. fo [...] payment of his just Debts contracted, out of those Lands not in joynture to his wife; nor chargeable with his Daughters Portions in Hurley, and out of the reversion of Water-Eaton expectant after his Mothers Death, nevertheless subject to the payment of his Sisters Portions by annual payments as aforesaid, and that the same security given for the same Portion to Mr. Drax, may be confirmed according to his agreement mentioned in the Indenture of the 12th. of October 1671.

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