S [...] [...] present condition of the [...] the whole Prote­stant Interest by the conjunction of France and Spain abroad, and a a more horrid combination of several at home, must needs affect with the most melancholy Reflections all true English Hearts, all such as have any real love or zeal for their Religion, or their native Country. I cannot think it amiss to present a short and impartial View to such as have not considered the same.

In the beginning of the last Age, the Protestant Interest in Europe was more than a Match for the Roman Catholick: the Kingdom of Bohemia was alm [...]st all Protestant; near half the Subjects of Hungary, of Austria and Mor [...]via, were Protestant (and did many times defend themselves by force against the Emperor himself, when oppress'd by him for the sake of their Religion.) That in Germany, the Houses of Newburgh were Protestant, the Palatina [...]s for the most part of them Protestant, of the strictest sort; the Saxons e [...]tirely Protestant, and being hearty unanimous, and seated in the midst o [...] Germany, were a Bulwark and Defence to the Protestants of many other le [...]r States as often as they were oppress'd for their Religion, by their own or the [...] neighbouring Princes: That many of the Subjects of Bava­ria, Bamburgh, Colo [...], Wurtzburgh and Worms were Protestants. Besides these, [Page 2] that the Protestants of France were so powerful, as to maintain 8 or 9 Civil Wars in defence of their Religion, and always came off with ad­vantage. The Vaudois in Italy were all of them Protestant, and great num­bers of the Inhabitants of the Spanish Low Countries were of the Reform'd Religion. Besides, England and Holland, and the Northern Kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden, and Dutchy of Brandenburgh, were entirely Prote­stant. B [...]t now instead of this, is not the Protestant Power destroyed almost ov [...] Europe? The whole Kingdom of Bohemia entirely Popish? Are not the Protestants of Poland, Austria, Moravia utterly destroyed? Is not their destruction now carrying on, and almost finish'd in Hungary? In Germany, the Newburghers of Protestants are become fierce Enemies of the Protestant Religion. The Protestants of Bavaria, Bamburgh, Cologn, Wurtz­burgh and Worms are all destroyed. In France, the Spanish Low Countries, Savoy and Vaudois, after long and mighty Struggles, the Religion is utterly extinguished. Against the poor Palatinates the Persecution is now carrying on with its usual barbarity, and their Neighbours the Saxons are so far from being able to help them, that they are under the fearful Apprehensi­ons of suffering the like from their own Prince (lately turned Roman Ca­tholick to obtain the Kingdom of Poland) so soon as his Wars with Swe­den, and other troubles created him by his Polish and Lithuanian Subjects will give him leave. Besides this, two Northern Princes have given great cause to suspect their conversion to the Romish Religion: That Sweden by its separation from the rest of Europe by the Baltick, is unable to give assistance to the Protestants in any part of Europe, without the consent of the German Princes bor [...]ering on the [...] granted by Papists in favour of the Protestants.

Thus the Protestant Religion which had spread it self over almost all Europe, which had gain'd the entire possession of some Countrys, the greater part of others, and mighty Interest in most, has through the restless malice and endeavours of its Enemies, been subverted and destroyed in Country after County, till it is at last reduced to a little Corner of what it once possest ( England and Holland) And do we think our Enemies will not accomplish (what they have thus prosperously carried on so far) our utter Destruction? Is it not high time then to think our selves in dan­ger, to look about us to enquire what it is hath thus weakend us brought us so near our ruin, what measures will certainly accomplis [...] it, and what we must take for the prevention of it?

The Romish Methods of converting the Protestants have leen in all Countries the same, viz. Confiscation of their Estates, Goals and Impri­sonments, Fire, and Sword, dragooning and massacring, and inflicting the most inhuman torments that rage and fury cou'd inve [...]t upon such, whose resolution and zeal for their Religion cou'd not b [...] moved by the former means.

If this be the title case of England, and [...]e Protestant Religion, then what is wanting to give the f [...]ishing [...]roke to our destruction, but only an ability in the King of Fra [...] [...]o break the Powers of England and Hol­land. And when we consider how in the year 1672. the King of France marched his Army through the midst of Flanders, fell directly upon Hol­land, then unprovided, enter'd their strongest Towns like open Villages; some without defence, or almost denial, most of them without any blows at all, and all of them with very few, and made himself Master of three parts of Holland in 2 months time; for which Sir W. T. K. C. II's Ambassador (then in Holland) tells us the reason was, That the Dutch then not suspecting such a thing, had no Field-Army sufficient to encounter their Enemies, or succour any Town: That walled Towns will not de­fend the men within, unless the hearts of the Men will defend their Walls: That no Garison will make any resolute defence, without the prospect or hopes at least of relief. 'Tis true, that the French King having then all Flanders on his back, garison'd with Spanish Troops (then his implacable Enemies) a powerfull Army of the German Princes marching upon him down the Rhine; Spain and England (alarm'd by his successes) preparing to attack him on all quarters, was glad to vomit up all again, and return home with as much precipitancy, as he had invaded them, least the Pro­visions and retreat of his Army through Flanders should be cut off. But now the case is otherwise, he has possess'd himself of Flanders, extended his Dominion to the very Frontiers of Holland; Spain is all united to him, some German Princes (then his Enemies) are now become his Friends; others [...] [...]ditions of [...] with him. And should he now by a [...]atal Battle (which God of his infinite mercy forbid) break the Dutch Army, which they have with infinite Charge and matchless Vigour, gather'd up from Denmark, Brandenburgh, and other remote Countries of Germany, might he not enter the heart of their Country? And whence then can their strong Cities and Towns depend upon relief? May he not as former­ly enter 'em like open Villages? May he not as formerly possess himself of their whole Country in less than one Campaign? It was the opinion of that great Statesman, Sir W. T. That Holland wou'd make a stout resi­stance in any quarrel remote from their own doors; but that which ena­bles them (their Wealth) to carry on a foreign War with Vigour, wou'd in a War at home render 'em defenceless: Rich and populous Towns are not fit for [...]ieges, or were ever known to make any long and resolute de­fence. If his be our case, if the whole power of the Protestant Religi­on rests now in a manner in England and Holland; if the destruction of England, as well as of our holy Religion, must inevitably follow the loss of Holland. If Holland by one unfortunate Battle might happen to be lost in one Campa [...]gn or less, Are we not in a most sad and deplorable Con­dition? [Page 4] and if some Men a [...] without their Fears, Have we not the greater reason to fear for our s [...]lves, our Religion, and our Country. What shou'd we judg of those who tell [...], 'tis too early yet for England to declare? The Enemy has raise [...] his Armies, furnish'd his Magazines; and 'tis too early for us to think of raising a Man. The Enemy is before our Outworks, and 'tis too soon for us to prepare our selves to be on our guard: Will not those Men tell us, when Holland is lost, 'twill then be too late? To what purpose (will they say) now do you think of raising Forces? Is not the French King Master of Holland? Possess'd of all their Ports? Where will you land 'em? To what use will you put 'em? Does not such Language as this plainly shew the intention of the Authors? Is it not plainly to deliver us blindfold, bound hand and foot into the Ene­mies hand? Is not their design now so visible as not to be disguised? Do not some of the Party begin to throw off the Mask, and tell us, 'Twill not be well with us till our old Master returns, till the Government returns to its natural Channel. And are not those that were the very Tools and In­struments of Popery and Arbitrary Power in former Reigns, and that owe their Lives to Acts of Indempnity in this, industriously represented by some as the Patriots of their Country; and by a strange kind of Paradox those that have been always hearty for the Church, and were for defending of it when others were for pulling it down; that were hearty for the King's Accession to the Throne, and to his Person and Government ever since, are represented as betrayers of us, as having sold us to France: Would it not be a piece of rare refin'd Policy, if France could hang up her great­est Enemies, under the Notio [...] [...] Friends, and give Encou­ragement to her antient Friends, under the Notion of being her Enemies?

Let us therefore while it is yet in our power (as we tender our Religion and our Country) use our utmost Endeavours by all legal ways to assist his Majesty and his Government, against all his and our Enemies both at home and abroad; and in the wo [...]ds of our Liturgy, let us offer up our most fervent Prayers to God Almighty, Give peace in our time, O Lord! because there is none other that fighteth for us but only thou, O God!


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