THE CASE Of Elizabeth, the Wife of Charles Stuteville Esq and of their Five Children.

THat the said Charles Stuteville the 23th. of June 1687, Married Elizabeth the Daughter of John Becher Esq his Estate being greatly Incumbred by divers Mortgages, which afterwards became Vested in the Lady Glenham, who in 1682, brought her Bill in Chancery for Mr. Stuteville to Redeem, or be Fore-closed, and he was Decreed Foreclosed accordingly.

The Estate and Title to the Premisses, is by several Assignments, become Vested in Gil­ [...]t Dolben Esq as Executor of Sr. William Dolben Deceased, the Assign of the said Lady [...]ham.

[...] July 1689, Judith Stuteville Widow, Mother of the said Charles, preferred her [...] in Chancery against him, and obtained a Decree by Consent for 5800 l. 29 Years Ar­ [...]s of her Joynture, and 200 l. per ann. for the future, according to her Marriage­ [...]dement, made by his Father in the Ninth Year of King Charles the First.

[...] 1695. The said Judith Assigned all her Estate and Interest to John and Charles [...]er, to such Uses as by her Will in 1690 was by her declared; of which Will the John and Charles Becher and John Bridger, are Executors in Trust for the Child or [...]ldren of her said Son Charles and Elizabeth his Wife, Begotten, or to be Begotten.

[...]me Attorneys contriving his Ruine, he was kept at the House of one of them, who [...]red a Conveyance of the Estate to himself and others, who were to pay Mr. Dolben; [...]here was no Provision made for his Wife or Children: And to force him to Execute Deed, Thomas Stuteville and his Wife Threatned him, Beat him, and Locked him [...]ellar, Broke his Arm, and Arrested him, and sent for a Tip-staff belonging to the [...] who carried him behind him on Horse-back into the Fleet Rules as a Prisoner, at [...]uit of the said Thomas Stuteville, although [...] Roger Stuteville, Father of the said [...] obtained a Warrant of Attorney to confess a Judgment of 1000 l. on the same [...]ces.

[...] Hillary Vacation 1697. Mr. Becher preferred his Bill in Chancery against Mr. Stuteville others his Confederates, Mr. Stuteville was served with Process, but never appeared [...] said Bill.

[...] 1698. The Parish finding Mr. Stuteville would neither take care of his Children, nor [...]t that any other person should, delivered the Children to Mr. Becher, their Grand­ [...]ion in 1697. The same being occasioned by those persons (being six of them Attor­ [...] and Solicitors, and most of them of Kin one to another.)

[...] Stuteville preferred his Bill in Chancery against Mr. Dolben, to Redeem the said Estate, [...]ich Bill Mr. Dolben pleaded the Foreclosure by the Lady Glenham in 1682. in Barr, [...] Plea was several times Argued and Allowed to be a good Plea, and the Bill there­ [...] was dismissed.

[...] Stuteville in 1697. Conveyed his Equity of Redemption to John and Charles Becher; Dolben is content to accept of 8000 l. due to him: But by reason Mr. Stuteville hath [...]ate in the Premisses, no person will Purchase the same without the Aid of an Act [...]liament, and there being 8000 l. due to Mr. Dolben, and about 11000 l. to Mr. [...]illes Children, in the whole about 19000 l. though the said Estate will sell but for [...] more, if so much. It is designed that Mr. Stuteville may be provided for during [...]te, out of the Interest of the Money Decreed to his Children. But if the said Act [...]epending should not pass, neither Mr. Stuteville, his Wife or Children, can have [...]enefit from the said Estate, but Ruine must inevitably befall the whole Family.


THE CASE Of Elizabeth, the Wife of Charles Stuteville Esq and of their Five Children.

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