The CASE of Edward Douglas, Deputy Muster-Master to the Two Old Marine Regiments.

THE said Edward Douglas having been appoint­ed Deputy Muster-Master to the Two Old Marine Regiments, pursuant to his Majesty's Establishment; And having served as such, till the said Regiments were broke, viz. till the First of October 1698. And there having been a sufficient Provi­sion made by this Honourable House for the Payment of the said Regiments, as appears by the Votes of the Tenth of March 1697, wherein this Honourable House hath given for the Pay of the said Two Marine Regi­ments, the Sum of Fifty five thousand Five hundred and Twenty Pounds, which Sum is more than His Ma­jesty's Establishment, by Thirteen hundred and Sixteen Pounds and Ten Shillings: Notwithstanding which, the said Edward Douglas is neither admitted into Half-Pay, nor paid his Arrears.

And further, That one Mr. Aylmer (a Boy of about Thirteen Years of Age) was appointed Deputy Muster-Master to the Four Marine Regiments, altho' wholly Incapable of performing the Duty of the said Employ­ment; And is at this time upon the Establishment for Half-Pay.

The said Edward Douglas therefore Humbly desires, he may be admitted into Half-pay, (as the Commissary and the other Deputy are;) Or that he may be paid his Arrears out of the Sum of Fifty five thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Pounds, Provided by this Honou­rable House, as aforesaid.

THE CASE OF Edward Douglas, Deputy Mu­ster-Master to the Two Old Marine Regiments.

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