[blazon or coat of arms incorporating the Commonwealth Flag (1649-1651)]

INSTRUCTIONS To be observed touching the Collection appointed by the Declaration of his Highness and the Council hereunto annexed, inviting the people of England and Wales to a day of Solemn Fasting and Humiliation.

I. THat the Ministers and Church-wardens of the respective Cities, Towns, Parishes, and other Congrega­tions, as well within the privileged places, as without, by themselves, or with such others whose hearts the Lord shall ingage in so charitable and pious a work, do the next Lords day after the publication of this Declaration, go from House to House within such City, Town or Parish, and ask and receive what each House-keeper and others will freely give, and in the presence of the party giving, set down his or her name, with the sum by him or her given, fairly written in a Schedule to be by them annexed to this Declaration, and the total sum thereof to endorse upon the said Declaration, sub­scribed by the said Minister, Church-wardens, and others, who shall assist in the said Collection; That all the moneys so collected, together with the said Schedule, and Declaration so indorsed, be returned and paid by the said Minister and Church-wardens, within four daies then next following, unto the Maior, or other Head Officer of such City or Town, or to the next Justice of the Peace to the Parish where such collection shall be made, who is hereby im­powred and required to receive the same, and to give his acquittance to such person so paying the same, and within twenty daies after, or sooner, if it may be, to return the sum and sums so received, unto Christopher Pack, the present Lord Maior of the City of London, and Sir Thomas Vyner Knight Alderman of the said City, or either of them, who are hereby appointed Treasurers for receiving the whole sum which shall be gathered upon this Collection, whose acquittance shall be a sufficient Discharge fur such sum so paid in. And that the said Minister and Church-wardens do within six daies after such Collection certify unto Henry Scobell Esq Clerk of the Council, the sum so collected, in such City, Town or Parish, to the end an exact accompt may be taken thereof.

II.That Sir Gilbert Gerard, Baronet, Sir John Trevor, Knight, Edward Cresset, Esquire, Mr. Philip Nye, Mr. Edmund Calamy, Mr. Joseph Caryl, Mr. William Kiffen, Mr. William Jenkins, and Mr. Thomas Harrison, or any five or more of them, be, and are hereby appointed a Committee to have the care of this business, that the sums so collected be paid into the said Treasurers, and to consider of the best waies and means how the same may be disposed of, for the relief of the said poor Protestants, and to give an accompt thereof to the Council, to the end the Charity afotesaid may be speedily and effectually imployed to the best advantage of the said poor Protestants, and according to the intention of the Givers.

London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to his Highness, MDCLV.

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