THE CONCLUSION OF Lieuten: Generall Cromwells Letter to the House of Commons, concerning the taking of BRISTOLL: Which vvas contained in the Originall, (signed by himselfe) but omit­ted in the Printed Copy, which is Authorized by the House of Commons, (though there was a whole Page left blanke in that sheete): Whereby the World may know, how both Truth it selfe, and that worthy Gen­tleman are wronged (as well as other men,) either by the Printer or some others.

PResbiterians, Independents▪ all had here the same Spirit of Faith and prayer, the same presence and answer, they agree here, know no names of difference; pitty it is, it should be othervvise any where: All that beleeve have the reall Vnity which is most glorious, because inward and spirituall in the body and to the head. As for being united in formes (commonly called u­niformity) every Christian vvill for Peace sake, study and doe as far as Conscience will permit; And from brethren in things of the mind, vve looke for no cumpulsion, but that of Light and reason.

In other things God hath put the sword into the Parliaments hands, for the terrour of Evill dooers, and the praise of them that doe vvell; if any plead exemption from it, he knowes not the Gospel. If any would vvring it out of your hands, or steale it from you, under what pretence so ever, I hope they shall doe it without effect, That God vvill maintaine it in your hands and direct you in the use thereof, is the prayer of

Your humble servant, Oliver Cromwell.

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