[blazon or coat of arms]

The Articles signed by his Highness OLIVER CROMWEL, Lord Protector of the Common­wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on Friday the 16. of December, 1653. in presence of the Judges, Barons of the Exchequer, and the Lord Major and Court of Aldermen, in the Chancery Court in WESTMINSTER-HALL.

FIrst, That his Excellency be chief Protector of the three Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

II. That He will call to His assistance Councellors, not under the number of 13. nor above 21.

III. That He shall not act without the advice of his Councel.

IV. That there shall be every three years a Parliament called freely chosen to begin in September next, viz▪ four hundred, and the number for every County proportionable.

V. That no Parliament shall adjorn till they have sate above five Moneths.

VI. When ever any Bill is passed in Parliament, the Lord Protector shall have twenty dayes to advise with his Councel; if he sign it not in twenty dayes, it shall passe without, unlesse contrary to these Articles.

VII. That no Parliament be dissolved by the Protector, but end every three years, and the Protector to issue out War­rants.

VIII. All the Crown Reve [...]es left to go to the maintainance of the Lord Protector.

IX. To make Peace or War as He pleaseth, with the Advice of his Councel, in the intervale of Parliaments; but not to raise money without the Parliament, unlesse in extraordinary Causes.

X. Whatsoever goes out in the Name of the Keepers of the Liberties of England, to go out in the Name of the Lord Pro­tector.

XI. That it is Treason to speak against the present Government.

XII. That all forfeited and confiscated Estates go to the maintainance of the Lord Protector.

XIII. That all Acts of Parliament made and Estates sold, stand good and be enjoyed.

XIV. That the Lord Protector have Power to confer Titles of Honour, and to dispose of the great places of Trust.

XV. That in the intervale of Parliaments, the Lord Protector▪ with his Council, do order the Affairs of the Nation.

XVI. That all Articles of War be kept

XVII. That the known Lawes of the Common-Wealth be continued.

XVIII. That a standing Army be maintained of ten thousand Horse, and twenty thousand Foot.

XIX That Christian Religion be maintained, such as is contained in the Word of God.

XX. That all persons shall have liberty of conscience; provided, that they disturbe not the Civil Government, except the Popish and Prelatical party.

XXI. That no Papist of Delinquent in Armes since the year 1649. Elect, or be Elected a Parliament man, under penalty of forfeiture of one years Revenue, and the Moity of his personal Estate.

XXII. That the Lord Protector have power to pardon all Offenders, except Murther.

XXIII. That Writs be issued out in July next for summoning the Parliament, either by the Protector, or in Course.

XXIV. That when the Protector dies, the Council then sitting shall summon all the Members of the Council, the major part to elect one to be Protector before they stir out of the Council Chamber; and the Person so chosen, not to be under the Age of 21 years; Nor of the Family of the Stewards.

LONDON, Printed for G. HORTON, and are to be sold at the Royal Exchange in Corn-hill▪ and in St. PAUL'S Church-yard, MDCLIIL.

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