Dagons-Downfall; OR, The great IDOL digged up Root and Branch.

MATTH. 7.19.

Every Tree that bringeth not forth good Fruit, is hewn down and cast into the Fire.

Printed in the Yeer, 1657:

THE English HERMITES Spade AT THE Ground and root of IDOLATRY.

THE notorious Whore-Ma­ster of this Age, who hath been in open Rebellion this fifteene or sixteene yeares against the old Whore his Mother, under whose Dominion he was begotten, and brought forth in the South-West of England, and Chri­stened (as she calls it) by one of her Pimps, and three of her Pondors, two Males and a Female; and she taught usto call them Godfathers and Godmothers. Thus was I begotten, & brought forth far worse then the spawn of a Tode, and more ugly in the sight of God then the worst of creatures, and wi­der from the course of pure nature in Generation, and all through the corruption of the Parents mindes, which were desired by the Spirit of Lust and Covetousness, and the [Page 2]Spirit of Ambition, which had the predominate power in them both, and doth now more frequently regign through­out all the old Whores Dominion, even as it did then: For had not my natural Mother had twenty pounds a yeer, my Father and his Parents had not swopt; neither would they have agreed that they should have come together for gene­ration: So we see the love of money, which is the root of all evil, was their chief God wherein they trusted, for it had power over their mindes; and where it hath povver, it keeps alive and nourishes these three Spirits, Covetousness, the Lust of the Flesh, and the Pride of Life; and these lets in all the Whores Abominations. And with these was my Parents furnished when I was begotten, yet the secret Mystery of God kept it self in its Chamber, and in a Mystery brought forth this form of mine which now is awakened; and gives me a discerning eye to see and be a weary of the abominati­ons of the Whore, and to imbrace the innocency of Christ. And therefore I shall endeavour to give a Description of her to others, whereby they may all clearly see her from the crovvn of her head to the sole of her foot: There is such a great difference betwixt her designes and the designes of the Lamb of God; betwixt her Righteousness, and the Righte­ousness of the Lamb of God. Her Pimps divine for money, and say the Lord sent them, when he never spoke to them: But the Apostles of the Lamb were not to take a penny in their Purse; her Pimps and her Ponders divine for both, and Shows and long Robes, and high Seats in the Synagogues, and the honorable Places at Feasts; but the Lambs Servants were forbade to have a penny in their purses, or Shooes on their free; or two coats; and where they found peace they were to take such food as was set before them; but the Ser­vants of the Whore are quite contrary in action; for if they finde Peace they create War, & go to Law with their neigh­bors for money, and continually scolding and railing vvith their Neighbours for the things of this life; you may easily know them, for they see with the Whores great eyes, which eyes are Oxford and Cambridge; and they buy their sight with [Page 3]silver and gold, the love of which is the root of all evil: And the most of the old Whores children can make of it but an external price for an external commodity; for it is impossible that the spiritual gifts of God be bought or sold for money.

Again, you may observe the Whores houses in every Pa­rish where her Pimps comes to vent their Traffick to the Merchants and Beast; which Merchants and Beasts made her a Market-Day of their own invention, without order from God or Christ, and perswaded the ignorant that God commanded it, for they all called it Gods Sabbath in Word and Tongue, but never one of them keep it in practise of ser­ving the pure God; they draw the Ignorant to commit all manner of Abomination; so that which they can get by fraud and deceit in Markets and Cities, dissembling and ly­ing, for the buyer neither believe the seller, nor the seller the buyer; but they rather believe the contrary; that they are both lyars; but if the Light of the Lamb breaks forth in any, that they cannot dispence with lying and dissembling, but rather lose the glory of this World, her Pimps and her Pon­ders will muster up all her dark Spirits, or rather Spirits of Darkness, to rail and revile such ones, calling them Witches or Devils because they speak the Truth; for whilest I kept ly­ing and dissembling, amongst her children I was in respect, and the old Whore gave me her Title, Master CRAB; but when God gave me any Light, and made me scruple lying and deceit for gain; and speak nothing but what I knew to be Truth, her children railed and reviled against me, calling me Witch and Devill; and this old JADE would at no rate be medigated, unless I would submit and do as the rest of her children, to observe her Market-Day, and to have a sute of Clothes kept purposely for that Market-day, hanged, and set vainly, as Hat-Band, or Laces, silver Buttons, Ribans, Poynts, Schoo-tyes, and for my natural food flesh Spices, and many of her other Merchandises: At my scrupling these her delicates, she is filled with inveterate hatred against me and makes use of ther Father the Devil in all her Pimps to [Page 4]vent their fury against me often in that Bawdy-house where she vomits her Fornication; What sayest thou Reader? Dost thou know what House I mean? or shall I make a plainer Description? Canst thou consider the secret members of a Beast where the Seed for Generation comes forth? I mean the Beast called the Stone-House, which hath secret Members in form like unto this House; this is that House of the Whores Merchandise, that Spiritual Whore-House where my natural Father and Mother were married, by her Offi­cers before Witness, many other children, before whom they all avouched this Marriage to be an Ordinance of God, calling God to Witness; and in their marriage they engage the man to endow his Wife with all his Worldly Goods, and to Worship her with his body; yet as soon as they come home to their Habitation, if the Woman disposes of any of his Goods, they have another Law to fetch it again, and the VVomans Power stands in no force vvithout the man; but the Man may dispose of it by Law without the VVoman: but her Pimp, her Priest prayes devoutly, That this young cou­ple may go together, and bring forth children in the order of God: So you shall see this blinde unnatural Couple goes on in acti­ons for Generation, more corrupt then the loathsom beasts that treads on the earth; for after their VVives have concei­ved, and visibly appear to be with child, they make use of them as they did before conception: VVhat sayest thou Reader? Can there be any thing in this more or less, but to fulfil the ugly Lust of the flesh, which the Apostle Paul de­clares to be death? Canst thou paralel this corrupt Action with any Beast of the field, or Fowls of the Heavens, or fi­shes in the sea; I know no such amongst all these, neither male nor female, except by accident there may be some pomper'd Stone-Horse, who hath Members as I told you before, in form like this Spiritual Bawdy-House, this beast being pom­per'd with the increase of Corn of the other Horses Labors, such a one will run on the top of any Mare or Gilding. And were it not an unreasonable thing for a Husband-man to sow of the same Grain in the Field where the Crap is almost [Page 5]half ripe, and come like to be a sufficient crap in bulk, yea more then the ground can well carry. Nay, if thou seest the very Dog go into the Bitch when she is with Poppy, wilt thou not set the very Boyes to stone them.

Oh man! what are thou come to? how notorious and corrupt in the sight of God? how unfit is thy body for the pure God to dwell in? Turn thee, turn thee from all the old VVhores Abominations; deny thy self, and follow the Lamb, or else thou perish; for the most high God is coming forth to take Vengeance on her, by pouring forth the Vails of his Wrath, the very Plagues and Fire-Balls of his Fury hath al­ready seised on her, and hath disfigured her, so that her abo­minations are seen: O hearken thou to Iohn in the Revelati­on! where he calls upon you, saying, Come forth of her my people, partake not of her sins, lest her Plagues come upon you: Oh! be you changed by renewing of your minde.

Thus much for thou that readest: I shall return to the couple newly married in the Whore House.

And the Woman being with childe which I told you be­fore, this Woman bringeth forth her childe, brings it to the Bawdy-house to be Christened by the Pimps and Pondors, witnessing as I told you before, they there ingage for the child in the presence of the Almighty God, and without blushing, they promise to God, That this childe shall forsake the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and all the sinful Lusts of the flesh: Thus they perswade the Mother That they are Heirs in Christs King­dem, and make it an Inheritor of Heaven; and they condemn all for Hereticks that holds falling from Grace; yet at most Sizes and Sessions in this Nation, many of these Christians and Heirs of Heaven are brought forth to be hanged at the Gallows by their Brethren and fellow-Christians, then the Whores Priests and Hirelings comes forth, and goes to the Gallows with them which they before Christened, and must still be Christians upon their own account. If none can fall away from Grace, yet notwithstanding the Hireling prayes devontly for him to God at the Galows, intreating God [Page 6] that he out of his infinite mercy would pass by his Offences, and accept of him in Christ; exhorting the Prisoner to make con­fession of his sins, giving him strong assurance, That upon his Confession God will make good his Promise, and pass by the Offence; yet they themselves will hang him for it.

What sayest thou Reader? canst thou finde out the Whore and her Hirelings yet? surely if thou canst not see her by all these her actious so apparent, thou must needs be one of them that hath eyes, and cannot see; ears, and cannot hear, a heart, and cannot understand.

Look to thy self, least thou art hardned against the day of slaughter: Look into thy conscience if it be not seared; it will clearly tell thee that these things are Truth: Rouse it up by the Life and Light of Christ, for he enlightneth every man that cometh into the World; for every man shall be left clearly without excuse before that great and terrible day cometh: These very Scriptures that we have here shall wit­ness to thy understanding in that day, That the gifts of God cannot be bought with money, and therefore Christ can­not own a Hireling: And the Scriptures tell thee, That the Hireling is not the Shepherd of Christ, neither will his Sheep hear his voice.

Therefore I pray thee consider with thy self, enter into the secret Chamber of thy heart; see if there be no Witness that will close with the Scriptures; seareh the Scriptures, and see whether Christ and his Disciples ever hanged one ano­ther, or hanged any one at the Gallows.

Wo be unto them that throw disobedience to that pure Law of God, and are become the destroyers of their fellow creatures, and are guilty of all the blood of those that are slaughtered for Thieving; for if they did to othets even as they would be done unto, and so fulfil that great command wherein all the Law and the Prophets are comprehended, which is, To love God above all, and to love thy neighbor as thy self, which is impossible for any man to do whilest he encroa­cheth to himself more Land, or finer Houses, or better cloa­thing or dyet then his nelghbor.

What sayest thou Reader? Can this be said to love thy Neighbor as thy self, if thou hast a thousand Acres of Land, and many Houses, and all fulness of varieties brought forth of the Earth by thy Neighbors Labour, and he that labour­eth hath not a foot of Land nor a House to pur his head in, how can such a one in the presence of God, without blush­ing and Terror to his conscience, say he is a Christian! How dare any impudent Wretch blast the Fame of Christ, which left one example from his own bodily presence on earth, and would not have any Land nor House of his own property to put his head in; but to the contary left his Commands to all those that would follow him, To forsake their Livings, Lands, Wives, Children, & take up his Cross and followhim.

But Wo, Wo, Wo be unto them that have neglected this Command, and thus rebelled against their Maker, and by this Rebellion hath caused the Murderer to kill; and the Thief to steal, and the Deceitful Lyar to lye; and are become guil­ty of the whole Lavv of God, and therefore all the Plagues that are threatned upon the Rebellious, are novv coming forth upon us in this generation; for Iudgement is already be­gun in the house of God according to his Promise; I do not mean the Steeplehouse, or rather the Idolaters Whore-House, I mean the House made vvithout hands, the sanctifi­ed body of men and vvomen, these are the Temples indeed for the Holy Ghost to dvvell in, vnhich love not the World, nor the things of the World; for the Scripture saith, That these three Governors, or rather dark Spirits, are nourished thereby, covetousness, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, such Trees we ought to know them by their fruits: Then let us consider all sorts of people, & all Sects, & see what fruits they bear. What saist thou Reader? I shall leave it to thy conscience to judge the fruits of all these Trees according to the Scrip­tures; for Christ is come in the flesh, & judgment is already be­gun; for Christ cannot be out of his Saints, nor his Saints out of him; but where they are, he is; & where he is, the Father is also; therefore think not in thy heart, saith the Scripture, who shall go into the deep to fetch Christ up; or who shal ascend on high to fetch him down; for the Word is even near thee, even in thine heart.

I mean this Word which Iohn saith Without it was nothing made; yea, this VVord which took a caseof Flesh and dwelt amongst men; that which enlightneth every man that cometh in­to the world; yea, that which will leave every man without ex­cuse at the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

Now Reader canst thou tell me which of all these sorts of People or Trees that beare Fruits nearest like unto this VVord, without the lust of the flesh, and the covetousness of the minde, and Lordly ambition over their fellow-crea­tures? which of all these Sects sheweth most pride in visible appearance; for by visible appearance the Fruits are known, and the Tree by the Fruits; for Christ himself saith, By their Fruits ye shall know them; men gather not Figs of Thistles, nor Grapes of Thorns; although the Priests and Pimps of the VVhore will deny it, to cover their wickedness and their a­bomination, they will say, A bad Tree may bring forth good fruit; the VVhores children will argue, That a man may be proud, and yet be without the glorious things of the spirit of this world, and deny them in his heart; but none with reason or un­derstanding can believe them; for how is it possible that a spirit of Pride can live in that body that gives it no nourish­ment; for the Spirit of Pride, Covetousness, Lust and Ambi­tion belongs to the soul of this VVorld, and cannot live un­less you feed them, with satisfying the lustful humors belong­ing to the body of flesh, so that if thou beest not wilfully blinde, thou mayest clearly see that Christs words are true, therefore be no longer deluded by blind men, nor the whores Hirelings; but it may be thou wilt still question, Whether the Hirelings in England belongeth to the Whores or no, because they have perswaded thee that all the Whore belongs to Rome and the Pope. If so, Prethee Reader consider, VVhence came our Bishops? Came not their discent from Rome? Did not all these Hirelings here take their Commission from their pow­er to preach the Letter of the Gospel for their Hire, and their Tythes? Hast thou considered how that when the King and the Parliament fell out, how these very Hirelings prea­ched against the Bishops, and yet they stood by vertue of [Page 9]their power, and to this day they take Tythes which the Bi­shops had confirmed upon them; yet they devoutly preach­ed and prayed against them, calling them Popish-Bishops; telling the people they had brought in Popery, and Cere­monies of Rome, and at length cut off some of their Heads; but when they see they could not get into their places, and write themselves Iure dyvina, they grew so made, that they contrived and wrought Treachery to involve the Nation in blood again; witness LOVE, the Head-Traytor, and many others.

What sayest thou Reader? canst thou see what fruits these are yet? Dost thou remember where these Hirelings preach­ed up the COMMON-PRAYER for pure Divinity, and frightned their poor Parishioners to the Whores shops to buy them a fine white Surpless, and Hood, and Tippat of Silks and Sattin, and good Divinity too; surely we cannot for­get the Holy Dayes that the Bishops and Hirelings set apart for the Worship of the unknown God: And in these holy Dayes their Worshippers committed all manner of Abomi­nation, Whoring, Drunkenness, Gluttony, Ryoting, and the great devillish Idol that the Pope and the Whore set up, was a time or a day called the Mars day of Christ; or, Christ Mars day; wherein all manner of Feasting and Wickedness that the Devil and the VVhore could invent, they at that time made use of, and they father it upon Christs birth-day, which signifieth unto the Saints a living in newness of life; but his was the Policy of the Devil and the VVhore to cor­rupt this glorious Birth of Christ, with all those abominati­ons, they have set apart twelve dayes to make to make their Idol with; and the Sacrifices that are offered hereunto are so abhorr'd by reason of the abominations that are acted in that time, it will be too tedious to number them; and there is none except Hirelings or Dogs that hath not tasted of the Childrens Bread, all others without question see the Hellish Oppression of this Idol, for there is more spent of VVines and Beer, Flesh and VVheat, and all other Varieties in them twelve dayes, then will keep the whole Nation twelve weeks [Page 10]if disereetly used; so that this must needs make all manner of Food the scarcer; and this scarcity must needs oppress the poor; but God willing to hear the cryes and prayers of the oppressed fatherless and widow, and now coming forth to take vengeance upon the Oppressor, the Tythemonger, Extortioner and Encroacher, and all other that hath a hand therein; another Spiritual Idol which the VVhore with her Prelates hath set up, and strive with all their Power to force the people to worship it, namely, the first day of the VVeek, which is Sols Day; I speak as a Heathen, or as one of the VVhores children; for she hath taught us to call all the dayes of the week by the Names of the seven Planets interpreted in English; for Saturns day we call Saturday, which was the Sabbath commanded of God to the Iews; and the first day is Sols day, or Sunday; the second is the Moons day, which we call Monday, and so forward; every day the Planets name given them by the Heathen; and so the twelve Months accor­dingly; and our Pimps and Prelates followeth the heathens steps, and calls themselves Christians, crying out against the heathens ignorance.

Thus they conjure and juggle with their witchcrafts and wicked notorious deceits to cheat and cozen the people, not onely of their Goods and Estates, but leads their poor souls into pertual darkness, making themselves rich, pomper'd with pride and ambition throughout the Generation of Hire­lings, by taking from their poor Neighbors, which are fain to go to Day-labor for their living, and having no Estate of their own chase, they perswade the people to keep this day for a Sabbath, endeavouring by their Lyes to make the peo­ple believe that God commands it; so they have brought all the Swearers, Diunkards, Thieves, Cut-Purses, and Goal­birds, to stand for this Idol, with their Tongues and their Oathes, so they think if they rest from their Day-labor, they serve the pure God in this Idol; for indeed these sorts of per­sons stands most devoutly with their tongues and their sury for this day; and these be their chief Disciples; yet they will ship into blinde Ale-honses, in Towns, Cities, and Coun­treys, [Page 11]with Cards and Dice, Whoring and Drunkenness; and some of their Masters they call Gentlemen, will set their Ser­vants to work, their Groom to dress their Horses, and to Harness them, and their Horses to work to draw the Coach in their Harness, even as the Husbandmans Horses draws the Cart or the Plow; and their Maid-servants are at work, and their Skullions and Cooks; in Towns and Cities they do more Work of that day then any day int eh Week besides; and this Work attends to the destruction of Food and Cloath­ing, and Firing, more of that day then any other, and never a good deed done, neither to God, nor the increase of food to the Nation; and the Priests themselves finisheth their whole Weeks Work of that day, and preacheth against chea­ting, and cozening, and witchcraft, and deceit; and yet he at this time is the greatest Witch, and notorious Juglar in the Parish where he lives for he cryeth against deceit, when he at the same time is a deceiving; he speaketh against Witch­craft, whilest he is a bewitching; and all this done upon the Sabbath, which is of their own inventing, without command of God, or Precept from Christ or the Apostles; the Apostle saith, That he is afraid of them that observe Dayes, New-Moons and Sabbaths, because this is the Spiritual Market-Day for the Whores Hirelingsj to vent their Merchandises, and with their lyes frightens the people into an evil consci­ence, that they may be fit to worship this devillish Idol; and this some of their Traffick, which is to perswade all that follow them, That all others that follow them not are Sects and Schisms, Heathens, and Baptists, Quakers and Ranters; bidding them be mighty carefull that they keep out of the company of such, for fear they are deluded; as if it were pos­sible to follow a greater delution then the Whore in her Hirelings, or the Devil in his covetous Juglings; for I my self have heard them in their Praying and Preaching, declare that God in Christ had chosen one Esect number unto him­self, and that it was impossible that any of them should fall away and be destroyed; and that others were left to Repro­bation; and that this was done before the Foundation of the [Page 12]world; so at the hearing thereof I did put some Queries to them: My first query was this, because I would not mis­understand them, I asked, Whether God had absolute chosens as many as he intended to save, before the world was? or, Whether it were possible that any of those that were not chosen might be sa­ved through Christ? Their answer was and is still, That it was impossible. My second query was, Whether they could never convert any soul to salvation except they were elected before? They answer, No. My third query was, Whether God sent forth men to be hird against the peoples consent that they take hire of, and so make themselves rich with that which they take by force and violence from the people, and yet can save never a soul, but them which God had elected before, which they say could never be destroyed?

What sayest thee Reader, dost thou think that God is tur­ned an Extortioner? Canst thou think that this jugling is of the pure God? And such Traffick as this they usually ut­ter in the Idol-Temple on the Whores Market-Day, which they callj Gods Sabbath; and amongst their Traffick they en­deavour to prove it by Gods resting from all his Labour when he created the World; therefore I pray thee consider what Work it was that God did in the six dayes, did he any more then speak the word, and it was so? it is evident that God wrought no other way but speaking words, and it was so: And if this be their example, it will prove quite con­trary; for almost all the Priests Work inp that nature which God wrought in, speaking words in the old creation, is to do on that day; for the Priests speaketh more words for the new creation, as they pretend, then God did in all the six, that we read of.

Again, let me tell thee, God was a perfect Creator, and made man perfect in his own Image; but he obeyed the sub­tilty of the Serpent, and brought himself into a posture for propriety, for he had gained of more materials then God before had created him, for it seems they had need of cloath­ing; and God made them cloaths to cover them; so that they were beholding to other breathing creatures to uphold their [Page 13]bodies; and thus entred the curse; for it is evident that God could create man and woman as perfectly cloathed, and as well provided with all necessaries, as we see all other crea­tures are, the Fowls, and the Fishes, and the Beasts of the Field, are created in a posture fit to live without care.

Therefore it is clear, That all our proprieties are but the fruits of Gods curse; therefore the greatness of propriety, and the more we encroach the things of this Life, the grea­ter is Gods Curse, and nearest in conjunction with the old Serpent.

Therefore look to it ye children of men, the finer thou art in cloathes, Silver and Gold, fine Houses and Lands more then thy fellows or thy neighbors, so much the more hath the Curse of God power over thee; for all that thou gettest more then any other of thy fellow-creatures, be it Beasts or Birds, it is Serpents meat, and is gotten upon the Serpents account; for all corruptible things are but dust in the sight of God, which dust is the Serpents food; for he was to go upon his belly, and to live on the dust of the earth.

So by this thou mayest know whether the life of the Ser­pent remaineth in thee, or the life of the Lamb; for if thou findest any life within thee, or rejoycing at the encrease of thy propriety of the thing of this life, thou mayest assure they self the life of the Serpent liveth in thee; but if thou findest a denial of all these things, then Michael and the Dragon begins a War within thee.

Therefore try thy self, and look within thee, and remem­ber what the Prophet David did, how he cryed & called upon the Lord, that he would awake out of sleepe, not that he thought that God was up in the clouds, or asleep in a bed; but he knew that there was a Talent of God hid in a Nap­kin, or in the Eatrh within him, which Talent must be raised up or discovered by throwing off the corruptions of his minde that is to undo himself, and throw away all his own Works, that his Grain of Mustard-seed may grow, and come to be a Day-Star in the heart, and make up the conjunction [Page 14]in God the Father, through the Life and Light of Christ, and by no means give heed to the Serpents children, which set up these abominable Idols, to the end that they may en­crease their Serpents meat, namely, the Whores Market­day, which I told thee before; for their pretence of it to be of God, hath fathered many lyes upon Christ and his Pro­phets; for God by the Prophet Esay cryeth against their Sab­baths, their Feasts, and solemn Assemblies, and tells them plain­ly, That they are a burthen to him, and that he is a weary to bear them; yet these frothy Bores, which have made themselves and the people blinde with the froth of their mouths, conti­nually strugleth to prove the first day a Sabbath; some of them raiseth an Argument of Iohn in the Revelations, where he saith, he was in the spirit in the Lords day in the Isle of Pots­mouth; as if the Lords Day to Iohn had been but an artifici­al day of twelve hours long here in England; so they looke with their natural eyes, and artificial hours to measure the Day of the Lord to Iohn in the Spirit. they have not eyes to see the Day of the Lord from mortal or earthly Darkness: Is there any other Day besides the Day of the Lord where Gods spirit is? CAn Gods Spirit be tyed to dayes or hours, or seasons, or meats, or drinks, or any other composed forms? muchless to any Idol that man inventeth or setteth up for self-ends, as other wicked Hirelings have done, and fathered much of their wickedness upon God and his peo­ple: See what a notorious cheat they have made to the peo­ple, by calling their Steeplehouse a Church, as if Christ had shed his blood for a Church made with Bricklayers, with Lime and Brick, or dead Stones, so making the people be­ileve that this is a Church, they condemn Paul and all the Churches of God at Ierusalem, by Timothy's Epistle, where he saith, They creep into Houses, leading silly women captive, fil­led with Lust, who were ever learning, and never attain to truth; for Paul dwelt two yeers in his own hired house, and prea­ched the Gosped to all that came in; and in his Epistles he sa­luted the Churches in the Disciples Houses, and at Jerusalem the Disciples sold their Estates, Lands and Houses, and kept [Page 15]the Command of God in loving their Neighbors as their selves; so they had all alike, and none wanted or went a beg­ing to the rich; for there was none poor nor rich; and they went from House to House, and eat their bread with single­ness of heart; but the Tythe-Priests, and Pharisees, Publi­cans and Lyars, railed and reviled against them for so doing, as these do now in England; and brings Timothy's Epistles, there Stone-Church to confute Paul and his Disciples; and fills their Hearers full of envy, and against Paul and all Christs Disciples that preach in houses now, as they did then; and all this is done by setting up that devillish Idol, by calling it a Church.

What sayest thou Reader? Art thou convinced in thy conscience that this is not the Church that Christ shed his bolld for, and it is but a House made with the same Materi­als that another House is? If so, then I shall clearly convince thee; of this it is that Timothy writeth to, where he sayes, Silly women are led away; filled with Lust; now then let us con­sider the actions that are acted by those that come to this House, betwixt the Hireling and his Hearers: First, He preacheth or Divines for hire, contrary to Christ, he admi­nisters the Ordinance of Marriage, which he calleth of God, although they bargain and swop like Horse-Coursers; this Ordinance is onely made with covetousness, or lust, and sometimes both, or worse, if it may be, and taketh money for doing of it; yet he saith it is an Ordinance of God; and to please and delude the Woman, he will make her Husband buy her a Glod Ring, or silver at least; and make the man promise to iudue her with all his Worldly Goods, and to worship her with his body, as I have told you before; and when they have children, they perswade the Women that God will save their children the sooner for their cozening them with a little Water sprinkling on their faces, and with deceitful lying Promises made to God in the childrens be­half, as if God would accept of an Engagement made from the Wicked, to save the Infant.

So here by their deceitful cheating, and abomination, they get a Christening-Feast, buying the best of the Food in the Market, and strong Drinks, and Wines, which superfluous­ness breeds a scarcity in the Nation, and thereby oppresseth the poor Widow and Fatherless, whilest they see many of those which they have Christened, and had feast with, goeth up and down for a Mess of Pottage.

Again, you shall see Timothy's Scripture made more ma­nifest; for when they come to be Churched, as they call it, the Priest devoutly prayes for her, and endeavours to per­swade the Woman, That the Sun shall not burn her by day, nor the Moon by night, and other wickedlyes they make use of to uphold the Womens glory, pretending to preserve her beauty from Sun-burn.

Thus they freely fulfil all the Spirits and desires of the Flesh; they make their own Wives the chief pattern of pride and ambition in things in this life; for if we rightly consider in our own consciences, and learn of God to know the Tree by his Fruits, and judge without respect of persons; in which sort of people of all sorts should we judge to have the most grossest fruits of pride and covetousness; would not these fruits appear most amongst the Clergy?

Another of Timothy's Letters some of the hirelings hath made use of to confute Paul, and me his weak Brother, be­cause I abstain from flesh; and because I am not married, they make that one Argument, that I forbid marriage; but Paul was more guilty of this their Argument, for Paul was not married, and wished that all others were even as he; and tells us, That it is not good to touch a Woman; and again he saith, he that giveth not his Daughter in Marriage, doth bet­ter then he that giveth her. And as for Meats he saith, That eating of it may destroy the Work of God; and giveth a command, That no man should judge him that eateth not, nor him that eateth; yet the hirelings and their Disciples take upon them to judge me, quite contrary to Pauls order; for he saith himself, That he would never eat flesh while he li­ved rather then he would offend his weak Brother.

But whither shall I go? or where shall I finde any one a­mongst all those Sects that are yet in England, that will for­bear Flesh for my conscience sake, as Paul did declare he would do concerning his weak Brother? But this I shall tell ye, The Kingdom of God consisteth not in Meats and Drinks, nor in Apparel, nor Houses, nor Lands, but in Truth, and Righ­teousnesse, and Peace. But he that liveth righteously, without oppressing his fellows by lying and deceitful Designs, will scarcely have Food, or Raiment, or House to put his head in, as this Generation now standeth, so that his Food can be but low, and his Drink but Water at the best; and to such a one may be discovered more Marriages then one or two; thefore I will offer three to his consideration; First, The Marriage of the Lamb. Secondly, The pure Marriage of Nature only for Generations sake, purely ordered of God, as you may see and read in the Book of the Creation, the Beasts of the field, the Fowls of the heaven, the Fishes of the sea. The third is, the Marriage of the Serpent and his Seed, which marrieth for the sake of corruptible things, which is but Dust, the Serpents Food, according to Gods Curse; for all the Serpents childrens lives are hid in Silver and Gold, and dusty things; they all provide for their posterity from Generation to Generation, so that the life of the Serpent, or Serpine, is hid in a Mystery, and creepeth through the Ser­pents, rejoycing in the Dust wherein their lives are hid, and shall be sealed up in the Gulf of Darkness to Eternity. Wo unto you Serpents Seed, Inhabiters of the Earth, or Earth­ly Inhabiters, to set up Earthly Idols to serve the pure God, and with your Serpents Power would force earthly bodies to obey Serpents Commands. O you blinde Hypocrites! have you professed Christ, and bought his Divinity with Serpents Food all this while, and hath not got enough of his Light in your understanding to see that god calleth for the heart or monde to worship him? Cannot you see that God abhorreth hypocrisie? Can any be forced to worship God against their will? O you blinde hypocrits! what God is this you serve, that you force bodies of flesh to serve him? Wo unto thee [Page 18]Jamy hard-heart, is this thy God that would be served only in fine Houses, and with the Whores Emplyments, and on the Whores Martket-Day, and by the Whores Merchants, which are the greatest cheats of all Trades? for her Spiritu­al Hirelings will sell one Commodity for many hundred pounds, and yet have it still to sell; for they will write down a Sermon, and sell it for four or five pounds, so they sell their Commodity, and yet keep it still to sell; and if this be not a Cheat, the whole world is honest & free from sin; but the pure God will not be mocked, he is breaking through the Clouds of Darkness, and is a discovering by his marvelous Light the Whores abomination, and the Serpents children, and is fil­ling her cup double, which is due to her according to Gods Promise.

Therefore rejoice all ye Saints that suffer in Light, which is hte Name of Christ; sing, sing out Praises unto this Name; blessed, holy, and true is the great God of this Light and Life, Praises and Honor be unto thy Name, for thy Judgements are just, holy, and true; for thy Judgements is begun upon this great Whord, and the Serpent discovered, feeding in the Dust; the Abominations committed on her Market-Day is come before God.

Now all the Serpents children, and the Whores worship­pers have joyned together to deceive the simple and perse­cute the Righteous for denying the deceitful wickedness on her Idol Market-Day, where her Juglers cheat the people by setting up the high terms upon her two Idols, by calling the Stone House a Church; and the first day a Sabbath: And this day which they call Gods Sabbath, they give themselves up wholly to serve the Devil or the old Serpent in fulfilling, and with greediness endeavours fully to satisfie the Spirit of Lust of the Flesh, and the Pride of their Eye, and the Pride of Life: Will they not in that day adorn and set forth the bo­dy of Flesh with all new Fashions and Ornament of the De­vils invention, will some by lying, some by going to Law with their Neighbors, some by entertaining of Drunkards into their Taverns and Alehouses, some starching their [Page 19]clothes and laces with Starch made of good white Flower, by which the poor suffereth; and burning the firing, and in that oppresseth the poor also, implying their wits and pre­cious time, and all to please the Spirit of Pride; and many others imploying themselves and their Servants to get more then ordinary Food to dress it to feed the Serpents King­dom, or the body of flesh in its desires. The Abominations of this day in number, are beyond the reach of my weak ca­pacity, that I shall come short if I strive to number them all, and therefore I shall leave them and the rest of my discourse to the Readers construction, only this I would have thee do, present these few lines in this Book to the Parson or Hireling or thy Parish, or any other that thou thinkest convenient, and perswade him to read with patience, and not to tear his hair, nor brand my Book, because the Light of Christ hath made him naked, but rather repent, and put from him all these abominations, or else he shall perish, the Lord hath spoken it, and there is no help for him without repentance: But if he will answer thee, That he is able to confute it, or disprove any thing that is here laid to his charge, bid him ap­point the time and place, and send me word, and I shall come; for God hath promised me in the Life and Light of Christ never to forsake me, but to make me a strong witness against all Abominations, this I shall leave to thy discretion, my Name is called upon the Whores account, Roger Crab, or Mr. Crab, or sometimes Devil, Rogue, or Witch; but my Name in the Book of Life is without Letter or form; and so I sing.

REader, this is to let the understand, when I was in my Earthly Garden a digging with my Spade, with my face to the East side of the Garden, I saw into the Paradise of God from whence my Father Adam was cast forth; this sight drave me oftener into the Garden, so that I saw in a Mysterie the Tree of Life, and also the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, which I a long time had lived in, was more plainly discovered to me by a glance given me from the Tree of Life; but the Serpent having before hid my desires in the Tree of Knowledge, and thought I had been safe enough in his Kingdom of Dust, one of the Serpents children passing by my Garden having a jealousie that the Tree of Light or Life had some motion in me, came in to try me, and exhort­ed me to take again of the Tree of Knowledge, using many Arguments comcerning his Kingdom of Dust or Dirt, and he would know of me how I should live, and how we should preserve our Nation from a forraign Enemy if every one should do as I do, but I being single, and had conquered my left side, withtood the Serpent, and took a sustenance from the Tree of Life; but the flaming Sword turning every way, striking at the corruption in me, that I could not have free recourse to the Tree of Life, only the Cherrubins gave me some countenance, and as it were through a glass or a cre­vice, some glances of the Tree of Light or Life were admi­nistred to me, but my bodie and my soul being made up and governed by seven predominant Spirits, stood at a distance, and was accursed from God by the fall and practice of my forefathers, which brought me sorth in the same likeness; so that the Serpents soul which lived in me, which was made up of the seven Ruling-Spirits, mu [...]be conquered and de­nied in their operation, and cast d [...]n under humility in this body before the Spirit of Light, which is the Tree of Life, could be received for my Spiritual Food; and the seven Spi­rits hath predomination and assistance from every son of A­dam that knoweth good and evil; and these seven spirits have their Ruling Power in the soul of the World, as well with­out [Page 21]thee as within thee; so that there is no kind of Spirits without thee, but there are some of the same nature or in­fluence within thee; so that there is nothing within thee that is not without thee; nor nothing without thee that is not of the same kinde within thee,

Now I shall in some measure discover the Work and Of­fice of these seven Spirits, which maketh up a Serpents soul, which dwelleth in every Son of the first Adam since he fell and dyed to God the death which was threatned in the curse; so that all the Sons of men that taketh delight, and hide their lives in the things of this world, and revive themselves in the increase or glory thereof, which the second Adam re­fused, they are the Sons of the first Adam, and fallen with the Serpent, and lives in the Serpents Kingdom, and their inward man feeds in the Dust with the Serpent, which are the mortal things of this life, wherein these seven Spirits loves to inbody themselves.

First, There is the Spirit of FURY, or ANGER, whose Office is to increase Collor, or Fire, you may know him by his Fruits, for his Work is quarrelling, and fighting, and killing, and many other Marshal Motions.

The second is the Spirit of LUST, and its Work and De­signs is for Venery, minding Women, Musick, fine Clothes, and fine Bits to increase his Lust, and them to be satisfied therein, but that can never be, for Magical SPIRITS cannot be satisfied whilest they are in any Form of body.

The third Spirit is inclining to Lyes and subtil De­ceit, and Thieving, with Eloquent and Cunning Arts and Whimsies.

The fourth Spirit and its Designes is for Honor and Glory of this World, and external righteousness in outward Reli­gion in publike Prayer, and publike Ordinances, as giving Alms to be seen of men, and its rewards is the present Praise of men; for it is a fleshly Spirit, and it can have no reward but from its own likeness.

The fifth Spirit is the Father of Covetousness, and its Work is to cheat, strong desires to purchase Land and Hou­ses, and to settle his Generation in the Food of the Serpent, which are dusty things of this World: If this Spirit hath the predominant Rule in any man, he shall never be satisfi­ed, for it alwaies works in his own time, and keepe the body of Flesh alwaies unsatisfied, except it be doing something to feed this Spirit of Covetousness; these five Spirits are places in such order by the eternal Wisdom in this body of Flesh, that although they are every one for their ends designs, yet one cannot have a being in this body to uphold it without the other, so that every one equally ballanced in their own order, as they were first perfectly set, upholds the body in good order, though every one of them in their own kinde and designs, if they could predominate, wholly would ex­clude all the other, and so the body fall to the Dust: But the Wisdom of the Most High is such, That he hath limited them, and designed every one his Work, all depending one upon another, and by this means keeps the natural body up in its natural life, even as Cities or Markets, which vve behold vvith our natural eyes, are kept up in being by every ones own end in buying and selling for gain, which hath a dependence up­on their meeting or making up a body of People at the Mar­ket; for there is not any that go to Market could have their design, were there not others to meet them there; so that Experience tells us (without us) that we are in a posture not contented one without the other; yet most of us could easily consent for our own gain or revenge to have one another destroyed.

I have yet other two Spirits to discover, the one is a Mini­string Spirit, and is set to govern the blood, carrying it to relieve every part of the body. The other is the supream Spirit in Nature, Ministring Fire or Life to all the o­ther.

These seven Spirits are set all their work to keep the body in good Tillage, and keep alive the five Sences; not that these seven Spirits or five Sences, should predominate, and inslave [Page 23]the body to the External World; but they are to be kept in their own Centure, doing only their Office in which they are set; and therefore there is Faculty brought forth to birth by the Clashings of all these Motions, which if we stoop to it, it will lead us to the secret Worker, who is now a disco­vering the secrets of all hearts in many Nations, and is ma­king his Power known in, and upon a soul in particular, and Nations in general, by marvelous signes and wonders, both in Heaven and in Earth; yea, both the Life and Light of Christ is come in the Clouds, and begins to shine as flashes of Light­ning from the EasT to the West, and now discovereth the motions and works of the Spirits of Hell and Darkness, and maketh manifest the life of peace and eternal joy in everlast­ing Light; the fruits of the Spirits of Hell and Darkness are easily discovered, and the Habitations where they dwelt; and the admirable Wisdom of God is made manifest therein, for he hath ordered them whilest I live on Earth, to binde one another in Chains by Bonds and Bills, Leases and Indentures, Goals, Prisons, Bridewells, Gallows, Burnings, Whippings, and shootings to death, with many other tortures they lay on each other when they fall out about the Serpents Food; and all those were Christened Christians, and Christian Ma­gistrates.

Thus you may see clearly the motions and fruits of the spi­rit of Hell and Death quite contrary to the Spirit of Christ, for that redeemeth by Light and Life, and freely sets the soul at Liberty, by changing and renewing the mind from all his own Works and all the old World, righteousness of the the flesh; he that is filled with this is freed from all the Com­mandments and Traditions of men, and is enabled thereby to lay down the Life of the old man; and in and by this shall every man be left without Excuse when the Day of the Lord cometh.

Therefore Reader let me exhort thee to look in to the Light of thine own heart narrowly, and be watchful, and thou shalt find that it vvill beget a conscience there, to which if thou give diligence, and obey it, it will lead thee to Life [Page 24]and Light of Christ, wherein thou mayest find full and clear redemption; wherein is prepared that bread that came down from Heaven for the food of thy soul: Therefore be perswa­ded, and run no longer after Inventions and Traditions of men without thee; flee from all these abominable Idols, Times and Seasons, New-Moons and Sabbaths, invented of men to worship God; especially this notorious Idol which they have set up in our Nation, I mean the Priests Market-Day, wherein they are hired as Hirelings to vent their Ware, and they call it the Lords Day, or Sabbath; thus as the Devil and the Whore usually do father their Roguery upon the Lord and Christ to uphold their spiritual Whoredom; and upon this Idols account, and my denying it to be of God, the Lord was pleased to lengthen the devils Chains, that they might fall upon me in way of persecution for breaking the Devils Sabbath, and so prest out this pre­sent intended paper, of, or from within me, and some seaven or eight verses more that I indicted when I sate in the Stocks, which are as followeth.

Now I see thee blinde,
In motion free,
Bring forth fruit in kinde
According to the Tre.
The Thief in the Hose,
The man in the Coach
Will venture his soul
To bring my reproach.
The Parliaments Treasure
Hath blinded his Eye,
He cannot see to measure
The truth from a lye.
He lets Land at an exact hand,
And will devoutly pray;
Yet he will cut the throats
Of the poor solks
That labor for him by the day break
Yet he doth more Religion
To make God a Sabbath
By one Parliament Act,
Though God in his Soul doth it hate,
All Traditions of men are but a cheat.
When I was a digging Pasnips for my Meals
Then I discover'd these cheats,
For which I sate six hours by the heels
At Itnam Whore-house Gate.
My body is but Serpents meat,
And that thou wouldstdestroy;
Thy honour and glory's but a cheat,
For all must vanish away.
Now Jamy take thy Hireling home,
And bid him to thy Feast;
The Varges now is purely come
Which thou so long has prest.

BUt now Reader if thou hast any thoughts that this Sab­bath is of God, or this their keeping of it, in adorning and feeding the flesh in Pride and Idolatry, is upon Gods ac­count, as they say it is, and father it upon the Scriptures, be­cause it saith, God wrought six daies, and restede the seventh, and hallowed it; I shall put a few Oueries to thee.

First, Whether it be meant six artificial daies as we use to call them, when the Earth hides the Sun from us in our Hor­rizon, and so it beeomes night to God? I hope thou art not so simple, to think that the want of the Sun-shine upon one side of the Earth can make it night to God.

My second Query is, Whether thou thinks that God did all these Works in six dayes past, according as they un­derstand the Scriptures, and so Gods Sabbath hath lasted ever [...]nce the Creation? or, Whether God keeps a Sabbath once [...] Week still?

My third query is, If God did all his Works on the six dayes past and we believe it, Whether it will not be a vain babling, and a cheat for any to take money to pray and beg of God to do any thing for us now, feeing he hath left Work, and is at rest, if it be so as they say?

the fourth is, VVhether it be not as justifiable in the sight of God for one to buy a Bible on that day at the Sta­tioners shop, as to give three times the worth of it to hear a Priest make one hours Discourse out of it?

The fift is, VVhether that Sabbath or Idol made by the inventions of men to please the flesh and fleshly desires, be not of the Devil.

The fixth is, VVhether we do not please the flesh in Dyet extraordinary, and superfluous Clothes, and vain Toys to hang about us on that day above all the rest of the VVeek, contrary to the Scripture, which saith, Make no provision for the flesh, whcih is death; but mortifie the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit, which is life.

These fleshly desires and pleasures of the old man in the flesh, according to the course of the old VVorld, hath the Lord in Light drawn me forth to witness against, by my practise in working on that day above any other, because I had formerly in my blind ignorance Idollized it above ano­ther, and therefore am I become a stranger to my Kinsmen according to the flesh; and the wild Bares, Lyons and Dogs bark and howle at me day and night; and for this my obedi­ence to the pure God in light, the Rabbies of the Earth hath fallen upon my body of Flesh, and beaten it with Clubs, and four times brought before the Magistracy, called by the name of Justices of the Peace, twice in the Country, and twice at Hicks's-Hall near London; but it will be too tedious to re­hearse the tryals of all, being of one nature; but I shall re­hearse my last tryal at the General Sessions at Hicks's-Hall, which is this:

At my first coming in to the Bar, I came in with my head covered and stood at the Bar, and I seeing no name publike­ly disturb, nor commanding me to put off my Hat, I put it off of my own accord, and answered for my self; and some of the Bench informed the rest that I was a Sabbath-break­er, and that I had forfeited my occullices in working on the third Sabbath Day, contrary to their act of Parliament; and I questioned, whether my sin was against God or man? they answered, Against men, the Magistrate, Parliament and Powers; then I replved, that the Countrey might take no­tice [Page 27]that my sin was not against God; then they replied a­gain, It was against God no doubt. Then I said, If it were against God, I must have spiritual men of God to be tried by, and a spiritual Court Then they questioned me whether I would be tried by the Scriptures, and the Word of God? And I answered, Yea, with all my heart. Then I rehearsed what the Parson preached from the Scriptures that day that I sate six hours by the heels; he told the people That in Pauls Epistle he found one man keep a Sabbath, & another thought every day alike, and charged them not one to judge the o­ther: Again, I told them what the Scripture said in the Col­lossians about their observing of New-Moons, and Sabbath-Days, which were but shadows of things to come; and if you will make me still live in shadows, then I must deny the sub­stance, which is Christ; and if I should deny him, he would deny me before his Father which is in Heaven. And they brought this Scripture, which saith, Submit your selves to the Higher Powers; then I replyed to them again, That I with them have stood with my sword in my hand against the Highest Powers in England, namely, the King and Bishops, upon which account ye sit here. Then they would have per­swaded me to forbear wprlomg pm tje Sabbath-day for my weak Brethrens account, but I denyed it to be a Sabbath-day, and told them it was the Priests Market-Day wherein they cheated the people; then they said they profest I deserved to be punished. Then they asked me vvhat comfort I could have in it to suffer for so doing. I ansvvered, No doubt but I should be inabled to suffer death if it vvere to morrovv, or to dispute the cause vvith them or any other when they would appoint; but to these there was no answer; but they replied, That when I did transgress again I should be set still in the Stocks till I left it. Then I said again, that neither Stocks nor whipping should cause me to forbear; but to deal saithfully with you, I look upon this sabbath-day to be an a­bominable idol; and to tell you the truth, I could have been pardoned by the Constable before I sate in the stocks, for five shillings, and twice more in the Countrey before the Justices [Page 28]I could have been pardoned for five shillings; and I would have had an Assurance from one of the Justices that God should not punish me hereafter, if I gave five shillings for my Pardon, yet he said my sin was against both God and man; so I would not give half a crown in vain, but told them, Here was the old man's Heels, if he would punish him he might for both half Crowns, one for God, and the other for man

What sayest thou to this Reader? Canst thou not smell the very excrement of the Pope and the Devil? and all this is done by those who all themselves Christians, and hath made to themselves this Christian Sabbath, wherein they pre­tend to worship God in spirit, and the Priest and his Hear­ers talk both in Pulpit, and at Feasts, and in Prayer against the old man, and the World, and the Devil; and yet at this very time and day wherein they pretend to worship God in Spirit, and to fight against the old World; and the Temptati­ons thereof, they prove themselves notorious Hypocrites, for while they talk with their tongues against sin, they com­mit all manner of Abominations, and especially on that day that they call their Lords Day; for instead of curcifying the Pride of the fleshly eye, they endeavour to satisfie it with the beautifying and setting forth the fleshly bodie with all man­ner of superfluous and cursed inventions of men and in like manner their Food; and this House is rubbed and swept; and thus they please all the sences of the flesh on that day more then any other day of the Week. O abhorr'd Hypocrifie! this did those filthy Hypocrites do that put Christ to death; they pretended to serve the pure God in spirit, as far as lip and tongue, self-will-worship, with complement could do it; but if any in simplicitie of heart come forth in reallitie, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance, in denying the spirits of the flesh, in circumcising the desires thereof, and deny the old Worlds glory both in food and raiment, as Christ and his disciples did before them, then these, as their fathers before them, get their thieving, lying, swearing, Priest-made-Christi­ans to swear against them, that they might accuse them for [Page 29]blasphemy, as they did Christ and his disciples before; for the same spirit lives in these now as was in the Hypocrites of old when Christ then suffered by them; for now they will have us call God father, but they are terriblie tormented if any own himself to be Gods son, or the son of God; therefore I see, that he that will profess in reallity the name of the son­ship, shall undergo persecution, therefore he must put from him and forsake the old Worlds glory, Father and Mother, Wife and Children, and all, even to the very life of the old man I my self for above these three years have been through the power of the eternal Creator exercised in the new Light, coming forth in the new Birth, and now living in the new Life, wherein I know that the Lord is my Father, and there­fore shall not be ashamed in the spite of the Devil and all his Angels of silver, and Crowns of Gold; yea, I say, I am not ashamed to confess and profess my self to be Gods son, or son to the Eternal God, who hath begotten me in the Light of this day wherein I have had my new Birth, and wherein I have slightede my old man, and prepared him for the Wil­derness, a prey for the Lyons and Bares, and a wonder to the Mungril Dogs to bark at, for it is their custom to bark at strangers, and it is my joy that the Lord hath made me a stranger to them.


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