INTRIGUES OF LOVE: OR, THE AMOURS AND GALLANTRIES OF THE FRENCH Court, During the Reign of that Amorous and Warlike Prince HENRY IV. (Surnamed the Great.) Being a true and pleasant History.

Newly made English from the French, By Sir Edwine Sadleyr Baronet.

London, Printed for R. G. and sold by Benj. Crayle at the Peacock and Bible, at the West end of St. Pauls. 1689.

To his Belov'd Consort THE LADY, S—In return for the Ori­ginal from Her re­ceiv'd.

THE first Fruits of my Pen (My Dear) are at thy Feet, The Hi­story of the Amours of King [Page] HENRY the Fourth, (Sur­nam'd the Great) of France, as in an English dress, (so far they being properly and genuinely my own) and I hope not unfaithfully render'd from their native French, wherein it is pitty (tho so Ele­gant a Language) that the Beau­ties they contain should have so long lain hid; (from such at least who are unseen in that Tongue.) Whether now I have perform'd with an equi­valent success, and made my Author speak English with the same advantage as he doth his French, I must leave Thee and [Page] my Readers to judge. I know, I have endeavour'd to do him Justice, and so to Copy from the fair Original, as not to leave so much as one good Lineament behind; and if I have fail'd in this Attempt, I shall yet have this honour, to fall a Sacrifice to Thy Self, and the better Sex, (for whom the following Leaves are prin­cipally intended) and it shall be my Boast that I am such a Sacrifice. But may Thy Self and those Created Dèities, but smile upon this first Essay, and the Encouragement may pro­duce [Page] some better Services from Thine and Theirs eternally obsequious.

E. S.

The Author's Address to the Reader.

REader, 'tis not the Epidemick itch,
That oft so many does bewitch,
That odd fantastick strange Disease,
That makes men lust so much for Praise;
No such Capricio prompt me on
To undertake what here is done.
Let then the Learn'd contest the Bays,
Whilst I [...]
Although the free commodity of Wit,
Was ne're Monopolized yet,
Ʋnvail'd th'ensuing Hist'ry lies,
Seeking alone the ambition'd Prize,
The blessing of the Ladies Eyes;
Before whose Altars 'tis a Sacrifice.

A l'Autheur sur son Ingeniuse Traducti­on Epigramme.

AUtantque dureront les Intrigues d'Amour,
Tandisque sur des Coeurs Cupid aura l'Empire,
Les Hommes si long temps, & les Dames de Cour,
Cette Traduction prendront plaisir à lire.
Elle est douce, elle est mâle, elle est pleine d'attrais,
certainement elle est fidelle;
Si le Francois est bon, meilleur en est l'Anglois,
Si l'Autheur ne paroist, c est, qu il vole fort haut
Parmy les Traducteurs il vole, comme l'Aigle
Au dessus des autres cyseaux
Lors qu'elle prend l'Essort, & vole à tire d'ailes
P. B.

To the Author on his Ingenious Translation.

AS the skill'd Gard'ner doth, by kind remove
The growth and beauty of rich Plants im­prove
With no less my stick skill, kind Sir, you here
Transplant, and better from the Gallick Air;
Lo here an instance, of its choicest Fruit,
Whilst richer Juices feed th'impov'rish'd Root.
'Twould please (methinks) Great HENRY's Shade to see
This noble Task so well perform'd by thee.
Smiling, the Story of his Loves he'd read,
And bless the Hand that rais'd him from the Dead;
That Hand that gives him hopes to live as long
And great in'th' English as the Gallick Tongue.
France then no more thy nobler Climate boast,
Since we perform as well, and with less cost:
The naked Matter, true, we do receive,
Yet Life and Spirit to that Matter give,
Th'unpollish'd Lump invests it self anew,
Casts off its old, and takes a nobler Hue.
Ev'n as the Snake its tatter'd skin lays by,
And through that means grows fairer to the eye.
Since then, Dear Sir, here in few vacant hours,
With such success you can Transplant these Flowers,
Let some fresh Subject flow from your soft Pen.
Charm the fair Sex, and gain the praise of Men.
B. C.

THE AMOURS OF King HENRY the Fourth, &c.

KIng Henry the Great arriving in histurn to his Succession, in the Kingdom of his Ancestors; found no little difficulty in putting him­self into Possession, for as much as he was of the new Religion, and for the Rancounters which he upon that ac­count met with from many of the Greatest of his Subjects, that would not acknowledge him, (the most part also of the principal Cities and wall'd Towns holding of their Party) it behoved him in good earnest to labour for so brave, and honourable an interest.

The first Arms that he took up was [Page 2] Normandy: But that which there pass' (both at Arques and at Diepe) being Re­corded by most Historians of th [...] Times, I shall here praetermit, and con­tent my self with the Relation only [...] what I have both learnt and seen in his Court.

In the time of the Royal Henry th [...] Third, there was a countess i [...] Guienne of whom he was very much enamour'd the Countese o [...] Guise, who appear'd to be the sole and unrival'd Monarch of his Will [...] those being the only Favorites whom she recommended, and amongst the rest the Marquess of Parabere, whose Sister was at that time with this Lady. But he meets another Lady in his passage to­wards the Frontiers of Normandy [...] to whose new Conquest the firs [...] must resign. * A Widow young and of so amiable an appearance in the Eyes of this Great Prince, that [Page 3] with ease he forgot her to whom he had made so many contrary Protesta­tions. And in truth, she had those Charms that were not to be found in the first. Both being of equal Qua­lity, and the * Marchioness of Guer­cheville (such was the Name of the latter) being Educated in the fairest and best govern'd Court of those times, that I mean of the deceased King Henry the Third, a Prince, than whom none knew better to play the King and rule his Honours, and all things that be­long'd to Majesty.

To her therefore this new Captive Prince gave himself wholly up; and In such sort forgot the Countess of Guise, as that nothing remain'd of her in his memory but her very Name. And the Marquess of Parabere, who had been the Confident of that Amour, could do no less than tell him, that [Page 4] he ought at least to conserve a Friendship that he had all his Life-time profess'd▪ Tho transported by his new Amour no other thoughts could possess him, but those of motioning a Marriage to the Marchioness of Guercheville, whom he knew would not harken to him up­on any other terms.

His Love-affair being in this po­sture, he advances towards his Ene­mies, whom the main concern, the prosecution of his Imperial Right, which so unjustly they would extort from him, doth necessitate him to attend; and is by so many good Successes en­courag'd, that he undertakes the Siege of Paris. Sed cedant iterum arma Cu­pidini, But Love, an unseasonable God, must revel again, though in the midst of Arms; A young and Beautiful * Abess of Montmartre of the House of Clairemont, strikes him at this siege, and so infatuates the Royal Lover, that the Siege being yet dubious, he takes [Page 5] her away from Montmartre, and cau­sing her to be conducted to Senlis (a Town under his Obedience,) she reigns the Mistress of his heart for some lit­tle time.

In the mean time, the Marchioness of Guercheville, that his Honour may not be too much blotted by her desertion) is to be some Eminent * Lord of his Court, and the King Me­diates the Match, soliciting her as much now, in favour of her new Lover, as before he had done of himself. Hi­therto therefore yielding a modest Ear to the King, she is periwaded to the Match; receiving the Royal Testimo­ny (as shall afterwards be related) that she continued still in his Favour. After the accomplishment of this design, the King taking his rounds to confirm and establish his Authority, comes in the end to Mantes, whither the Ladies having resorted, had made some figure of a Court, so fair a concourse of Beau­ties, [Page 6] and particularly those of Quality, whose Brothers and Husbands heknew, and who had been so much at his Ser­vice, gave no small pleasure to the King. The rest, who in his younger age he had known in the Courts of his Pre­decessors, he treated likewise with all Civility, and receiv'd from them no less than an answerable respect.

Some time before his arrival to this place, the Duke of Bellgard (an old Favourite of the deceased King Henry's) had Characteris'd to him the Beauty of a young Lady (a proper Entertain­ment for so amorous a Prince) with whom he was very much inamour'd, and as she was to admiration Fair, so he could not forbear to Commend her; She was not at that time at Mantes, and the Relation of the Duke of Bell­gard had excited in the King a Curiosity to see her; but his affairs would not suffer him for this time, though soon after when he departed thence for Senlis, he obtain'd the desire he had of seeing Madam D'Estree (such was the Name [Page 7] of Bellgard's Mistress) and at Senlis entertains her with all the possible Gallantries, that his time would give him leave to perform; which done, and departing from thence, after the seeing of many other places, he returns to Mantes, where the unfortunate Bellgard asking his leave to go see his Mistress, too late discovers that his own Tongue had betray'd him to the loss of her, and that the King had been too much taken with the sight of her at Senlis; thus prov'd the poor lover the Author of his own misfor­tune; and indeed we are all too often more obnoxious to hurt from our selves than others. By this view doth he loose not only the permission of seeing of his Mistress, but hazard the Friend­ship of his Master and the good hour of his Fortune.

Some time before, he had stay'd long at Mantes, and had been extream­ly ill; the Ladies that was there, ren­dring Him all the conrtesie and assis­tance that they could, and amongst [Page 8] the rest the young and beautious Madam de Humieres, who was resolv'd to approve herself to him by her Ser­vices, not only for the reputation that he had of being one of the greatest Gallants of the Age, but also for that particular esteem she had for his Per­son. This accident gave a fair opper­tunity to express her respects to the fair Madam d'Humieres, and to the afflicted Duke to receive them, who was so happy as by this to find an oc­casion, which he might otherways have long sought for and in vain. But not so great are the Lover's long, for Bellgard upon a visit to the * Lord of Estree, falls passionately in Love with his fair Daughter the aforesaid Madam d'Estree; Who tho at first she with some reluctancy received, (Loving and being belov'd of the Ad­miral d'Villars, a person, most amia­ble and deserving,) yet was she not [Page 9] long cruel; being also passionately in Love with her new Lover, to whom the Admiral (seeing clearly what was most for her interest) offers a thousand reproaches, which serv'd only to ad­vance his Rival in his Affairs, and so began to neglect her, that instead of reclaiming her from her other Lover, he threw her into an utter desponden­cy of his Affection.

It was now that the King became inamour'd of Madam d'Estree the Mistress of Bell'gard, tho through the importancy of his Affairs inevita­bly diverting him another way, he could see her but once [...] Voiage; however in his Heart [...] the kindled Fires, and is of nothing more thoughtful during the Voiage than of her, which is long enough.

In the mean time the * Duke of Lan­gueville (no more proof against the Ar­rows [Page 10] of the blind God than her other Lovers,) at Mantes commenceth Captive to the All-conqu'ring Ma­dam d'Estree, a Lady so universally effectual by her Charms upon all that beheld her, that to love and look upon her, was only Sy­nonimous Terms, or terms expres­sive of the self same thing.

This Prince had before lov'd Madam d'Humieres, the late beautious Subject of our Pen, who having lost her first Lover, had now imbarq'd herself a fresh. And indeed so little constant was he always to his choice, that he lov'd [...] present best, whilst Madam [...] [...] on the other side, who thought to too insufferable a de­traction from her Excellences to be without an admirer, had likewise fur­nish'd herself afresh.

This intreague continu'd during the Voiage of the King; but he resents it so strongly at his return, that he be­comes most furiously jealous, insomuch that he began to remit of his favour [Page 11] to Bellgard, giving him to understand that he would no more of a Compa­nion in his Amours, than in that of his Kingdome, and that his passion was dearer to him than any thing else. Bellgard was troubled at this Language and more especially at the tone and action with which it was delivered, and promised the King all he desired; whilst Madamoisell d'Estree, who lov'd not the King, and had bestow'd all her Affections upon another, was so inve­terately inrag'd, that she protested she could not love him, and ceast not to reproach him with the hindrance of her Marriage to the Duke of Bellgar'd that made his Court to that end, and immediatly departed Mantes, and re­tir'd herself to her Fathers House.

The King, to whom his Enemies never gave any astonishment, conceiv'd so great an impression from this Action of his Mistress, that he knew not what to resolve upon. Sometimes he fan­cy's with himself that seeing her the [Page 12] next day might reduce her to her for­mer clemency. But this pleas'd him not in Company, and to go alone was matter of the extreamist hazard, War being of all sides of him, and two Garrisons of his Enemies in his way which must lie through the great and wast Forrest; so that he could not de­vise with himself what Counsel to take but his passion surmounting all, causeth him not withstanding, to undertake the Journey; four Leagues of which he rides on Horseback, accompany'd by five of the most Trusty of his Ser­vants; And being come within three leagues of the Ladies House, he As­sumes the habit of a Peasant, puts a sack of Chaff upon his Back, and goes thither on foot, (having in­telligence it seems the day before where he should see her) and find her in a Gallery, with only her Siste [...] with her, who was espous'd to th [...] Marquess of Villar's

She was so surpriz'd to find the King * in such an Equipage, and so ill sa­tisfied with a Change that appear'd so ridiculous in him, that she gave him but an ill Reception, yet this rather for the Cloaths that he had on than for himself, and staid but just long enough with him to let him know that they misbecom'd him so much she could not look upon him, and so left him.

Her Sister more civil, excuseth her coldness, and perswaded him that it was the fear only of her Father that caus'd her to retire, and did all that she could to qualifie such a discontent­ment; which indeed was a thing not difficult for her to do, he being a Prince so effectually captivated that nothing could loose him from his chains. Now [Page 14] as this Voiage was not only perilous, but to very little purpose, so it put the people into an equal astonishment to think what should become of the King.

He reduceth them to their former Temper at his return, and to the end, that he might no more be rack'd by so ungrateful a thing as a disappoint­ment in this case, he invents this stra­tagem to remove the cause; the Fa­ther of this Lady to whom the hinted absence was imputed under colour therefore of his service, (the old Gen­tleman being under some Provincial Trust,) he causeth him to come and live at Mantes, (not a little pleas'd with the happy acquest of his desire,) the means of seeing his Mistress as often as he should have thought fit, if the necessity of his occasions had not de­termin'd him another way.

In the interim, we must not pass ver the adventure of the * Marquess [Page 15] d'Humieres, who at the Age of two and twenty years defended the Town of Senlis, during the rigour of a great Siege, running the very utmost hazard of his life, and susteining two such great Assaults, that it was contrary to the opinion of all those that was with him in the Garrison and even of the Governour himself; not yeilding the least to Capitulate, but bravely and stoutly maintaining it, till such time as he gave oppertunity to the King's Servants to relieve the place, who hasten'd in their relief as soon as possi­ble, the chiefest being related to the Marquess, not insensible of his dan­ger and unwilling he should be lost where he also gain'd a * most memora­ble Battle, and much advanced the affairs of the King on that side the River Loire.

This young Warrier in so green an Age, had rendred a thousand Proofs [Page 16] of his Vallour, and had thought of no­thing hitherto but his Honour. But after this so brave and Masculine an Action, having not only rais'd the Siege and discomfited the Enemy, but also trayl'd in the greatest part of their Cannon into the Town, and nail'd down the rest, he begins to bethink himself of some diversion. And at Mantes, whether he went for that purpose, the Hero that before had smil'd at the reports of Cannon, and frustrated the improsperous aims of his adversaries at Senlis Siege, is by the resistless powers of Love and Beau­ty wounded and incaptiv'd; the fair Object was Madam d'Simie, whom seeing there he fell most passionately in Love with. This Lady besides her beauty, was so agreeable, and had so many Charms, that she put him into such a condition that he had neither Eyes nor Thoughts but what was hers; this continued wholly unperceiv'd for some time, and the Husband of this [Page 17] Lady was the last of those that disco­ver'd it, the Husband I mean of Ma­dam d'Simie.

But no sooner came it to his know­ledg, but all over enrag'd, and in a jealous and brutish fury he conveys her away to a Castle more fit for Lions than for her, yet notwithstanding is careful neither to say nor do any thing that might enrage the Marquess d'Hu­mieres, having no desire to grapple with so rude and potent an Enimy; but during this Treatment of the Lady, the Marquess however contrives with himself to releive her, and to apply a remedy, with which the pre­sent state of Affairs doth furnish him; indeed he did not esteem it the best, yet it was such as serv'd at the least to the main purpose, to redeem his Mis­tress from her Prison.

Now the King being return'd back from his Voiage to Mantes, Besieges and takes the Town of Diepe, commit­ing the Government of it to Simie who [Page 18] retir'd thither with his Wife. This fair and commodious place ministers an op­pertunity to the Marquess d'Humieres, of having some intelligence of his Mistress, who us'd all imaginable means to continue his amour. To this pur­pose therefore ho causeth a Christning to be made, to which Madam d'Simie and her Husband are invited; who could not fail to come since they were persons of such Quality that invited them, and their Company likewise so much solicited by their own Relations, but the Marquess d'Humiere and Ma­dam d'Simie could not here be discreet enough, perhaps through a little too much rapture with the interview, to prevent the Jealousie of her Husband from breaking out, and almost expres­sing it self in the horrid Murther of his own Wife, whom he brings back to his own Habitation, takes away all her Servants and claps her up close in a Chamber.

D'Humieres, inform'd of this ill [Page 19] usage, sought all possible means to redress it, but could not openly attempt it, least it might justifie the conceived [...]ealousies of Simie, who would certainly upon this have kill'd his Wife. The next recourse therefore that he made, was the seeking some occasion to die, to which end he thoughtfully retires himself to one of his * Castles, where all the Nobility and Gentry coming to visit him, and observing so many of them together, he proposeth an Adventure of Storming an adjacent Castle of the Enemies in open day; which Motion, though all at the first resisted, (such an-Enterprize appearing to be too hazardous in the day-time,) yet in fine, overcome by his perswa­sions, they unanimously consent, ta­king therefore along with him some of his Infantry, he comes at so lucky an hour to the Castle, that applying his Petards he blew open one of the Gates, [Page 20] the Guards of the Castle being then gone off; but the Inhabitants reco­vering, let fly a Volley of Musquets, and so ruffly saluted the head of this young Generous Warrier, that at once it put an end to his growing Lawrels and his Love; having scarce yet at­tain'd the Age of 22 Years. When the King heard this, he infinitely re­sented it, not only for those Services which he had already receiv'd from him, but also for those which he might very probably have expected from so much Vertue if he had liv'd. And I think I am oblig'd to give him the Character, of being one of the generous­est of Men, and one of the Valiantest perhaps of the Age.

Madam d'Simie, bore this Death very impatiently for a little while, but no sooner did she something re­cover her self, but she solaceth with the thoughts of a new Amour. Thus far Madam d'Humieres and her Lo­ver.

During all this interval, Madam d'Estree continues her Affection to the Duke of Bellgard, notwithstanding her Amour with the King. And like­wise gives incouragement to the Duke of Longueville, both writing to him and receiving Letters from him; But Bellgard resolves to desist, and not hazard his Good grace with the King, for the loss of a Mistress which he might so easily regain. And Lon­gueville too, seeing his Prince return, Entreats back the Letters she had re­ceiv'd from him, promising to do her the same Justice without discontinu­ing of his Affection to her. In brief, he manag'd the business so well, that the time and place are appointed this action, but in Contradiction to to his Promise, deceives her of the most Important part of what he had receiv'd from her, thinking to Influence her by this politick Reserve, and to aw and oblige her to his Will. But so mortally provoked is Madam [Page 22] d'Estree with this Gullery, that in the end it cost no less than the Life of this Prince.

For ceasing not from this time to render him all the ill offices to the King; and the Duke not induring the Displeasure which he receiv'd from the King upon it, becomes a Party against him, and at his entrance into the Town of Daurlens, finished his Life by the receit of a Musquet shot upon his Head. People generally believing that Madam d'Estree had now obtain'd her desire in his dispatch. Thus end­ed the Duke of Longueville for having been too politick.

In the mean time the Lord of Estree the Father of this Lady, much troubled to see the Royal Amour each minute so much advancing, was wil­ling to rid himself of this Tyranny. The most probable and equitable ex­pedient for which, seem'd to be to [Page 23] Marry her; And a * Person of Qua­ [...]ity in the Country offering himself [...]o this end, of an Estate not incom­ [...]etent for the allyance, (though of [...] Body as much deform'd as his Mind) Madam d'Estree consents, yet Swares [...]he King not only to be present at the [...]ay of her Nuptials, but that he [...]hould so emphatically conveigh her [...]way thence from the sight of [...]er Husband, that she should never [...]ee him again, or at least, not other­ [...]ise than by the King's permission, [...]erswading him that she could never [...]onsent to any that should make her [...]nfaithful to him.

But the Day passing, and the King [...]ot being there, (who was now ingag'd [...] an enterprise of importance,) she [...]wears a hundred Oaths to be reveng'd [...]f the King, and yet that she would [...]ot lye with her Husband who think­ing [Page 24] his Authority over her, would be greater in his own House than in the Town he Married her in, over which the Lord of Estree was Governour, carries her away thither, who not­withstanding caused herself to be so well accompany'd by the Ladies her Kinswomen that were at the Wedding, that he durst not attempt any thing upon her, but what was pleasing; and the King arriving in the interim at the next Town, commands back his Mis­tress who was thus conducted at least upon some hopes of advantage by it at the Court. And conveys her away with him, Accompany'd by her Cosen, and her Sister, presently going on to Attaque the Town of Carthens, which Siege held so long that it gave time enough to an * Aunt of Madammoise [...] d'Estree to bestow a Visit upon her Neice, a subtle and discreet Woman, by whom she was so well instructed [Page 25] that she wholly submitted the Royal Captive to her Devotion. And the Marquess of Sourdre, her Uncle was Created Governour of this Town as soon as taken by the King.

The King thus in Love with Ma­dam d'Estree, is now essaying to dis­anul his Marriage with the * Queen of Navarr, a Princess not only of Ex­traction from, but Sister to a King, yet alas! to Crown whose other Ver­tues the valuable one of the Chaste Luoretia, was too much wanting, for which they had been long since sepa­rated, and the Royal Sinner betaken her self to one of her * Castles; a place not only by its Fortifications render'd Impregnable, but also by the advantages of its situation upon a high Mountain, and in a very cragged [Page 26] Country. This Queen gave out that she was willing to comply with the King upon Terms, upon which they had agreed had not this new Amour not only interrupted the Treaty, but put an utter barr to any further pro­ceeding in it; the King fearing least the dissolution of this Marriage once effected, those of his Servants that affected him, might be urgent with him to Marry again, which he could by no means endure; Being one that neither could nor would love any thing but his Mistress, whom this would have much offended, her self being (as before was intimated,) con­tracted.

During this, was depending the Match between * Catherine d'Bour­bon the King's Sister and the Count of Soisons, to whom the King had pro­pos'd her, but changing his mind, he [Page 27] resolves to bestow her upon * the Duke of Monpensier, a Prince though young, yet in truth far submitting to the other in point of Amiableness, and so very disagreeable to the Hu­mour and Fancy of the Princess, that she could not forbare upon the sight of him, to let him audibly understand, that she could not love him; the Duke is not discourag'd with this, but perceiving the King of his side, cea­seth not to render her all the Endear­ments that he could; and o [...] the o­ther side, the * Duke of Soissons of­fended at this Sute, in which his Ri­val was Patroniz'd and encourag'd by the King, withdraws himself to his House.

In the interim came Madam d'Bour­bon to the Town of Diepe, wherein she finds Madam d'Gabrielle, (who is the late Madam d'Estree, thus styl'd [Page 28] after her Marriage,) and consesseth she Esteems her for the greatness of her Beauty not to be unworthy the Affection of her Brother; a thing for which she had so much detested her before, and envy'd her, that if she beheld her with a pleasant look, it was with a visible force put upon her self. And Madam d'Gabrielle on the other side, not being able to dispence with so insufferable a Grandure in the Prin­cess to whom she must always bare so profound a deference, often reproach'd the King with her coming. Whose only remedy was to be moving, (as his Affairs frequently call'd upon him to do) to another place, and to carry his Mistress along with him; who now began in good earnest to interest her self in all Affairs; which indeed was not difficult for her to do, by the fore-mentioned Instrument her Aunt, with whom the Chancellour * Chi­verney [Page 29] is in Love. See hence the effi­cacy of so Great a Masters example! how strange is it that so Sage and Emi­nent a Man as this, should not be able to resist his Passion! but so it is, and the King willing that all the World should be as much in Love as himself, was glad to see him fetter'd in the common Lott. At this time dy'd very Tragycally Madam d'Estree, Mother to Madam d'Gabrielle, who as she had Infamously lived, so was she justly inflicted with such a Punish­ment.

Still continu'd the Love betwixt Bellgard and Madam d'Gabrielle; of which the King had some suspicion; but so slight as yet, that the least shew of Kindness from her, made him con­demn it as Criminal. But there hap­pened an Accident, had like to have made it much more visible. For be­ing at one of his Houses, in order to a certain Enterprize on that side, and being gone the space of three or four [Page 30] leagues to that effect, Madam d'Ga­brielle stays by the way, pretending that she was ill, whilst Bellgard coun­terfeited a Journey to Mantes, which was not far off. But no sooner was the King gone, but Arphure, the chief Confident amongst the women of Madam d'Gabrielle, (being one tht she intrusted upon all occasions) gave entrance to Bellgard into a little Clo­set of which she only had the Key, who had also admittance into the Chamber, as soon as her Mistress had dispos'd it into that order as she thought fit. As they were together, came back the King, who though he could not find what he had sought for, had like now to have found what he did not seek; All that could be done to prevent it, was to shut up Bellgard in the Closet of Arphure, which was at the Beds-head of Madam d'Gabri­elle, a Window from which lookt in­to the Garden; no sooner did the King come in (having possibly some [Page 31] item giv'n him of this business) but he call'd for Arphure for some of those Sweetmeats, that she kept in this Closet. But was answered by Madam d'Gabrielle, that she was not at home, and that she had given her leave to go see some Relations of hers that was in the Town; notwithstanding the King still insisted that he resolv'd to eat some of them, and that if Arphure was not to be found, or some other Person to open it, he would break o­pen the Door, and forthwith strikes it with his Feet. The surprize sure is inexpressible these two Lovers must be in, to find themselves so near a dis­covery! But Madam d'Gabrielle, if possible, will prevent it, and therefore feigns so great an illness in her Head, that noise would very much disturb her, which yet doth not at all dis­swade the King from his resolution. And Bellgard seeing there was no other remedy, leaps out of the Win­dow into the Garden, from whence [Page 32] though it was very high, he had the fortune to do himself little hurt by the fall.

Now Arphure (who had only hid her self that she might not open the Door) came in very hot (as if upon some hasty Summons she had posted from her Friends out of the Town, whom Madam Gabrielle had pretended she had given her leave to go see) and satisfies the King with what he with so much impatiency demanded. Upon which Bellgard, (as before was hinted) having so fortunately made his escape, and the intreague being un­discovered, the subtile Gabrielle a thousand times reproaches the King with the unkindness of his action which she tells him, she believes was only to find some plausible occasion to break with her, as (his Humour changing,) he had done with those that he had loved before, but that she would prevent him by returning a­gain to her Husband, whom his Au­thority [Page 33] had caus'd her to abandon. I confess (saith she) through that ex­tream Passion which for you, I have entertain'd, I have forgot both my Ho­nour and my Duty, whilst you have re­paid me with most innumerable Incon­sstancies under colour of Suspicion, for which I have not given you grown'd for so much as a Thought; and with this the Tears flow'd down her Cheeks. Upon which, so great was the disorder of the Royal Lover, that he begg'd her Pardon not only for what he had done, but the false deluding Passion also prov'd so much the cure of his Jealousie, that it was long before he entertain'd it again.

During all this, the Enemies of the King was in possession of the Town of Paris; In which so great and nume­rous was the Quality, that they com­posed a Court in which several things passed that are worthy of our no­tice.

The * Dutchese of Montpensier a Wi­dow to one of the Princes of the Blood, and Sister to the Duke of Mayen (Chief of that party which held the first rank against the King) omitted nothing that might tend to the advancement of the affairs of her Brother, or rather of his eldest Son (her Nephew) of the same Party, of whom she had a very good opinion. This Lady loved a Gentleman of the King's Party, that was really as well, as in Repute, a gallant Man; yet shewing him all the kindness that the best assurance (with any reserve of Modesty) could admit of, still he could not return it, having a Passion for her Neice (the Daughter of her eldest Brother) * Ma­damoiselle d'Guise, a Lady under the [Page 35] Character of one of the Handsomest of those times. But being one to whom the King (as in the entrance of this History is signifi'd) had gi­ven some hopes of Marriage as soon as he should be free, out of a prospect of thus preferring her self to the Roy­al Bed, she contemn'd all her other Lovers. Amongst whom * Guiry (such was the afore-nam'd Gentle­man) was the first that perceiv'd it. For having done all that he could think of to oblige her, even so far as to supply them with Provisions in Pa­ris, in the time of its greatest necessi­ties, he receiv'd from her so angry and apparently disdainful a look, as gave an utter stop to his any-farther Vanity in aspiring.

Indeed all the more brisk Gentlemen [...]f the Army of the part of the Duke of [...]ayen, as well as the King's, had no [Page 36] less than a Passion for this Lady. For though her Mother and her self had, as they thought, withdrawn them­selves to a very private recess, yet so great a confluence of Admirers was there even to this place (through the attraction of this Beauty) that it might properly enough be styl'd the Court of that Party; yet after all, not so much was her Beauty, but her Envy was more at her Competiton Madam d'Gabrielle, not only because she really exceeded her in Beauty, but also in that her far more envy'd hap­piness, her favour with the King; and therefore sought all possible means to be reveng'd upon her.

Now when the King (as befor [...] hinted, had laid such close siege t [...] Paris, where assaults were often mad [...] on both sides, with such frequent in­terchanges of Sallies and Repulses, Madam d'Guise appeared sometimes o [...] the Walls. At such times it was the su [...] ­tle Guiry always took his occasions [...] [Page 37] insinuate something or other that should signifie his Passion, though she as often with an assumed state, especi­ally at this time, appeared not to understand him, the King having now sent for her Picture, (who was not yet so wholly embarqu'd in Ma­dam d'Estree,) and it was likewise believ'd that the Peace, and this Match would have been concluded together. So that (flush'd with these hopes) she not only despis'd Guiry, but all her other Lovers.

Excepting the happy Bellgard, for a Truce being made upon some Oc­casion for six hours, and the Ladies diverting themselves upon the Ram­perts to which the Gentlemen of the Army came up to confer with their Acquaintance, and more par­ticularly to contemplate the famed Beauties of Madam d'Guise, and Bell­gard amongst the rest: The scorn­ful Dame that before had made pro­fession of defying all the World, per­ceiv'd [Page 38] upon the sight of this Cheva­lier, that she could love something else besides a King. And Bellgard himself was so much ensnar'd and ra­vish'd by her Charmes, that he for­got Madam d'Estree, and all the sa­cred Oaths he had made of loving nothing but her, and wholly devoted himself to the present Object; and from that time forth, they began to love one another. How strange are the effects of resistless Passions? Bell­gard being (as it is said) only come hither to justifie himself to Madam­moiselle and the Dutchess, concerning the imputation he was under of be­ing guilty of the death of the Duke of Guise, (which the Dutchess had believ'd him to have a share in, and had vow'd him revenge for) the Mo­ther falls in love with him, and he with the Daughter, who was not wholly obdurate to him, yet both kept their Fires secret enough, the one that she might not give cause of sus­picion [Page 39] to her Mother; and the other that he might not offend Madam d'Gabrielle, who was too much the present prop and buttress of his For­tune, for him to be willing to lose. All that he could do in this little time, was by his Friends, to inform and satisfie the Dutchess of his inno­cence in this Case; whose justifica­tion was so well receiv'd, that it con­vinc'd the Dutchess (who could not but believe those his execrable Im­precations he made upon himself) and caus'd her to relinquish her for­mer Opinion; and to command Ma­damoiselle d'Guise no more to accuse him, who was not difficult to be per­swaded so to do; because, sup­posing him to be Guilty, yet not being now free to condemn him, she thought it more suit­able to her present Circumstances to be credulous. Heu! Quid non pos­sis amor? Omnipotent Love! What is it thou canst not do, even to the [Page 40] justifying of the greatest Crimes?

Every one return'd after the Truce was expir'd, and Bellgard amongst the rest, toss'd with ten thousand various Cogitations; he could not nor would not quit Madam d'Gabri­elle, and his new Passion gave him a most resistless Inquietude. In fine, he resolves to love them both, to conserve the one and not to relin­quish the other, and from this time seeks out means to please the Dutchess of Guise, who receiv'd his Letters and Messages so well, that there was soon a fair Intelligence betwixt them.

At this time came the young Duke of Guise out of Prison, in which he had been ever since the death of his Father; and Bellgard knowing him, takes an occasion to send a Trumpet to visit him, with Letters for the Dutchess; who was cunning enough privately to conveigh as much into the hands of the young Princess. [Page 41] His Letters was receiv'd by the Dutchess her self very well; and the Princess, though she had not an opportunity of speaking to him now, yet intimated by Signs, that any thing of this nature was not Ungrateful to her from this Knight; with which the expecting Bellgard was not a little pleas'd.

In the mean time the War conti­nu'd, and the Dutchess of Guise desi­rous of a Pass-port to one of her Houses, the King not only grants it, but likewise that she may pass through the same place where he himself was with all his Court; where the young Lady (pleas'd with this Voyage) hoped both that Bell­gard might now find some means to speak to her, and that she might also have an opportunity to see whe­ther the envy'd Beauty of her Rival, answer'd that Character that was given of it: And Bellgard (a Con­voy for them to the Court; being [Page 42] but a due Respect to Persons of this Quality) takes occasion to beg one of the King, (who was himself of too courteous a disposition not to grant it) and of which, (by ver­tue of that Rank which he held in the Court) he had the Commission himself.

Arriv'd, both the Dutchess and the young Princess, receiv'd a thou­sand Caresses from the King, of which the former, could not refrain from commending the Beauty of Madam d'Gabrielle, who yet thought she found Madamoiselle d'Guise too handsome for her liking, and Ma­damoiselle d'Guise on the other side was surpris'd with the Beauty of her Rival; yet both concealing the opi­nion which they mutual had of each other, receiv'd one another with all the coldness that was consistent with a due civility; and Madamoi­selle d'Guise, as soon as she had seen Madam d'Gabrielle, turn'd her self towards Bellgard, and said, Truly I [Page 43] thought she had been more handsom, to which Bellgard answered nothing, being too much taken with this Lady. Now the King, who knew well all Passions, and likewise those of the Dutchess of Guise (not unpractis'd in the affairs of Love) did not doubt but that this Chevalier, (as indeed it was true enough) only amuz'd and blinded the Dutchess, and us'd his pretended Addresses to her, on­ly to facilitate his Access to the young Princess, with whom he judg'd he was in Love: This Opi­nion had these two effects; It re­press'd the King's suspicion that he had entertain'd of his being in Love with Madam d'Gabrielle, and caus'd him to put an end to all farther de­signs upon Madam d'Guise.

But Madam d'Gabrielle, who a­bove all her little Interests, esteem'd the affection of her Lover the Duke of Bellgard, took so narrow a scrutiny of his actions, that she knew that [Page 44] he lov'd Madamoiselle d'Guise, and that he also was not hated by her; at which she conceiv'd so strong a jealousie of Madam d'Guise, that she was under no small pain to suppress it. With which the Princess (still pushing her on) was (not ill pleas'd) proposing to her self this Advantage by it, That if upon her departure from the Court, she could not boast her self of gaining any thing upon the King, yet she might at least triumph over his Mistress.

The next day they departed, the Dutchess having obtain'd of the King a Neutrality for the House she was to go to, to which Bellgard, (so much inflam'd by the attractions of the fair Madamoiselle d'Guise) did not a little contribute; the King making no scruple to grant him all that in this nature he could desire, as a Bait to lure him from his Mi­stress Madam d'Gabrielle, who was [Page 45] so excessively enrag'd by her jealousie of Madamoiselle d'Guise, that she would not so much as bid adieu to either the Mother or the Daughter, feigning her self ill, and not suffer­ing her self to be seen all that day by any Person whatsoever.

Bellgard and all the Court con­ducted these Ladies on their way so far as that they return'd not till the next day, when the incensed Gabri­elle beheld her Lover with so much fury in her Eyes, that it began to trouble him; And seeing the beloved Princess no more, the present Ob­ject retook him again, to whom (in­clin'd by his Interest, as well as by losing the fair Ideas of the absent Beauty) he resettled himself; cursing his former inconstancy and indiscre­tion.

In the mean time the Dutchess of Guise, to whom her Life was of less value than her Love, and especi­ally with this Knight, contrives a [Page 46] means to continue it by instating her Son in a Treaty with the King, (for which she might easily per­swade her self, the Favourite Bell­gard would not be left out of the Commission) and to make way for it, sends advice of it to the King. Who desirous that all his Subjects might return to their Allegian [...] particular a Prince that was one of the Chiefs of the Adverse Party, and of whom he had so great an Opinion, dispatch'd Bellgard immediately to­wards her.

To which Madam d'Gabrielle op­pos'd as much as possible, averring that Bellgard was not a Man of Bu­siness, and that the Mother (inti­mating the Passion that she had for Bellgard, and probably suspecting some contrivance now of the Dut­chesses in relation to it) might be more pleas'd with his Mediation than the Son; But in the end, the Duke of Neverrs, in kindness to [Page 47] Bellgard, (a Person then amongst the first of the King's Favourites) prevail'd upon her (to do pleasure to Bellgard, whom he lov'd most extreamly) no longer to oppose it; And did no small favour by this to the Duke of Guise; For this Treaty not quickly concluding, and Paris soon afterwards being surrendred into the King's hands, the Love of Bell­gard to his Sister was of no small import, (this Surrender so much infeebling the Enemy.) A kindness he had never receiv'd, unless from the Benevolent hands of the Duke of Nevers, who did all that this Knight desir'd, and with so great a zeal (and this seconded by the active and co-operating heat of the Duke himself) that he put an end to an Affair, that all the World stood astonish'd to see so soon and so ad­vantagiously accomplish'd.

Behold how the Affairs of this Court are carried on, and directed to such ends as was the least thought of by all, by very few known to be certainly in persuit, only there was some discourse of it indeed in the Court. The Duke upon his coming was very graciously receiv'd by the King, and likewise so well from his Sister, that he commenced Servant to her from this time.

At this time it was (the King being now gone to besiege a Town that was yet on the Party of the Duke of Mayen) that Madam d'Ga­brielle was brought to Bed of a * Son; At which the King conceives so great a Joy, that he causeth her to quit her Name, and assume the Title of Marchioness of Beaufort. And began not to love her more because his love was before so ex­tream [Page 49] it could receive no augmenta­tion, but more to Esteem her, Ho­nour, and Respect her.

Seeing her self in this condition, she began to search out all means to hinder her Marriage, and to assume to her self higher Expecta­tions; Her Councellour, her Aunt, Madam d'Sourdis, insinuating into her, that she might arrive to bet­ter Fortunes. And her Gallant the old Chancellour of Chiverney, gave her likewise useful Councels to­wards this end, which she began in good earnest to execute, making Friends for her support, and esta­blishing, and preferring those that depended upon her, and endeavour­ing by her Friends to perswade the Queen to break a Marriage, from which she could expect nothing but much uneasiness and mistrust; But for this time could gain no­thing upon her Spirits: In the mean time there is a Reconciliation [Page 50] twixt Bellgard and his Mistress, (who had so strong an inclinati­on to Love him, and be Beloved of him, that she help'd to deceive her self even when she knew he flattered her, for which cause he was the more industrious, seeing her now more Puissant than ever.

The Sister of the King, and the Duke of Guise, hid now no more their Passion, and the Duke began to take ill Bellgard's often Visits to his Lodgings; (who notwith­standing his Service for the new Marchioness of Beaufort, could not wholly relinquish his Amour with Madamoiselle d'Guise his Sister) the Duke taking notice of his frequent Visits at his Lodgings, resents it, and began to examine the cause, in so much that Madamoiselle d'-Guise, who feared her Brother might make some Rumour of it abroad; gives Advertisement of it to Bellgard, who a little pausing upon it with [Page 51] himself, had recourse to the Duke of Nevers for Advice. The Duke informs him of the most proper Expedient that in his present Cir­cumstances he could use; which was, That some distant Service might be allotted, in order to his remove from the King, to the Duke of Guise; which (he advises) may be the Government of Province; and engageth himself to employ his Interest towards the accom­plishment of it, if it should not be opposed by the Marchioness of Beau­fort. Bellgard therefore (assured of his Friend) speaketh of it to her, taking occasion from the Af­fection she bore to this Prince, to tell her it was now so publick­ly known, that it was even come to the King's Ear, to which it gave such offence, that in her own Justification she ought at least to sollicite his remove to some di­stant Service, which his Courage [Page 52] rendred him so capable of for the King, and propos'd the Government of Province. In short, he manag'd his Business with so good a Con­duct, that the Duke of Guise was soon dispatch'd for Province. But for what happen'd there, I must refer you to the Historians.

The King's Sister infested with this Accident, recurrs to another Ob­ject the Duke of Espernon, a Man brave, though in his Age, and had acquir'd the Favour of the last King, being by him preferr'd to great Ho­nours and Dignities. This lasted till her Marriage with the Duke of Barr, to whom she was soon after actually married, and conducted in­to his own Country. The Mar­chioness of Beaufort remaining for this time the sole Mistress of the Court.

Now the Duke of Bellgard fear­ing least his love to the Dutchess of Guise should occasion him to lose [Page 53] his first Mistress, resolves to intro­duce a good Correspondency be­twixt them, and seeing he could do what he pleas'd with the Mar­chioness, he perswades her since she was likely to be Queen, it might advance him to a Station in which he might be more Serviceable to her, if he could espouse Madamoi­selle d'Guise; However, if she could not approve of the Marriage it self, yet the pretext of it would be a plausible means to remove the King's Suspicion, which he had already entertain'd, and into which it was more than probable he might again relaspe; and farther told her, that the Suspicion of the King was a great stop to his Preferment, and that whatsoever in appearance he might do, yet she knew that his Heart was still with her. In brief, he knew so well how to Cajole her, that she resolv'd to give Counte­nance to Madamoiselle d'Guise, who [Page 54] Was glad to obtain a good Under­standing with a Person of her Quality, and so Engagingly deport­ed her self, that she indear'd the Marchioness to so extraordinary a Kindness for her, that they not only dress'd every day alike, but was as it were, knit like Joynt-Twins inseperably together.

This blinded for a while the King, and diverted the Suspicion that he began to have. But one of his Va­le d'Chambers having seen a Letter which Bellgard writ to the Mar­chioness, which he had found one morning when she was ill, upon her Twy-light, where Arphure had left it, not believing that any one should have to do so early in the Room; he commanded him to have an Eye upon them; Which doing, (and believing like a good Servant, that his Master was espous'd to this La­dy,) and imagining that he saw Bellgard one night entring in with [Page 55] her, he gives advice immediately of it to the King, who presently sends Praslin, (the afterwards Mar­shall of France,) one of the Captains of his Guard, to Sacrifice him in the Chamber.

Praslin was much surpriz'd at this Command, and the Love he had for them both, made it very ungrateful; but however he must go; He takes with him such a number of the Guards as he thought fit that was walking in the Hall, takes so far a way about, and makes so much noise, that he found no body at his entrance into the Room, but Madam Beaufort alone, to whom he delivers his Message. Who see­ing him so unwilling to surprize them, promises never to forget so great a Kindness; and the Dutchess of Guise that was also privy to this action, conceiv'd so good an Opi­nion of him for it, that she assisted him in his progress to those signal [Page 56] Preferments, which he afterwards enjoy'd till his Death.

Madam d'Beaufort in the interim, complains mightily of the Jealousies of the King; at which the King, seem­ing to be sensible of, and relent her wrong, promiseth her that it should be never the worse with her for it. But ceases not a little to Reproach her with Bellgard's Let­ter, which she swore she had not read, and justifi'd her self (which was not very difficult to do) very well to the King. Though Bellgard himself found so ill a Treatment upon it, that he was forc'd to ab­sent himself from the Court; and with no less a Condition, than that he should never presume to return again till he was Marry'd, and brought his Wife with him to the Court. The Duke of Nevers, his supporting Friend, was dead, and Madam d Beaufort, found it too ill taken when she spoke for him, [Page 57] that his shortest and best course was to Obey what was Command­ed, though it was with the greatest Regret.

During this Voyage, a * Wife of the Constable of Montmorancy's, whom he had lately Marry'd, came to the Court, a Lady who by the Excel­lency, or perhaps rather novelty of her Beauty, attracted the Eyes and Hearts of the Men, and by so do­ing the Envy of the Ladies, though (perhaps) through the natural height of her Temper, as well as of the exalted pre-eminency of her Place, regardless of both, she as much un­dervalu'd the hatred of the Ladies, as the addresses of the Men.

The King also himself was a little touch'd, (for which I suppose the Marchioness will not pardon him) [Page 58] However it hinders him not from taking all the occasions of mani­festing his Affection to this new Beauty. Sacred and Inviolable is the Prerogative of Kings, and Unli­mited, (especially in that of Lov­ing whom they please) and the Marchioness must not oppose it. Though Madam de Montmorancy suffers it more to excite Envy from the Ladies, than for any Pleasure that she could take in it, being not only lov'd, but ador'd by the Marquess of Biron, a Son of Mars, who had ac­quir'd the greatest Reputation for Arms of any one of his time. But oh Unhappy Fortune! the admired Beau­ty doth no sooner, (as it were) show her self to the World, but she goes out of it again in one of her Child­beds; yet leaving two such fair Co­pies of her Excellencies behind her, [Page 59] a * Son and a Daughter, made the World some competent Amends for the loss of so incomparable a Person. But these I shall speak more of else­where, being desirous now to finish the History of the Marchioness of Beaufort.

Who during this interval had a * Daughter, and not long after a Son, but the last of these, after the nullifying of her Marriage. Which so much elevated the Marchioness, [Page 60] that she left no stone unturn'd to bring to pass her Marriage with the King. Who now more Amourous than ever, upon the Birth of these two Sons, gratifi'd her in all that she could desire, removing one of the Greatest of his Council, who endea­voured to thwart this design. Know­ing that he could obtain the Consent of his Queen, and that there wanted nothing more but the Concurrence of the Pope to ratifie the dissolution of his former Marriage, which was the only Obstacle of this. To which purpose Hilery is dispatch'd to Rome, the ablest Man of his Council, and desiring nothing more than to Oblige both the King and his Mistress.

A little before this, the King had made her Dutchess; in which Dig­nity and Place she so well behav'd her self, that though she could not be by all belov'd, yet she was hated by none; and growing Big again, demean'd her self with so much Gra­vity, [Page 61] Circumspection, and so abso­lute a Chastity, that she consorted only with the Vestals, and in both Dress and Actions demonstrated so perfect a Modesty, that the King remembred with regret that ever he had suspected her; and was mel­ted down into the most invincible resolution to make her his Wife.

At this time Bussy Lamet, an old Courtier of no small Account and Esteem with the King, (both to Oblige the Marchioness, and to Incite the King by his Example) Marries a Mistress of his by whom he had had several Children; which was of no small moment to the Marchioness, for we are all not ill pleas'd with-parallel Instances, (to render them the less culpable) when our Actions are otherwise not so justifiable in themselves.

Commands were now given to the Ambassadour at Rome, to pur­sue the Dissolution of the Marriage, [Page 62] and to solicite the Consent of the Queen, which was rendred the more Urgent by the Marchioness, because being with Child, and near her pro­duction, she was very unwilling that the Birth she went with should be Illegitimate; Who to make publick profession of her Faith, Celebrates her Easter at Paris, Lodging in the Cloister of St. Germain L'Auxerrois; On Holy Wednesday, she was at Service, at a Church in the end of the Town, call'd the Tenebris, which they perform'd very Harmoniously; she went her self in a Litter, attend­ed by a Captain of the Guards, but the Princesses in Coaches; and least she might be either too much crowd­ed or observ'd, her Chapel was like­wise cleared by the Captain of the Guards. Where during the time of the Office, she entertain'd her self, and Madamoiselle d'Guise, who was with her, with Letters from Rome, by which she was satisfi'd that her [Page 63] Desires should soon be accomplish'd, and also from the King himself, intimating him so impatient to see her Queen, that he had remanded du Frosne, one of his Secretaries of State (a Person who because related to her in Marriage, must needs be wholly devoted to her Interest) to Rome; to urge and press his Holiness to a permission of what he was so much resolved to do; and in such Prayers as these was the time of Devotion spent, But ended, the Marchioness, (who had gave Ma­damoiselle d'Guise to Understand that she was going to Bed, and had desir'd the diversion of her Company,) immediately betakes her self to her Litter; and Madamoiselle d'Guise to her Coach, causing her self to be set down at the Dutchesses.

Whom (arriv'd) she found not only undress'd, but in great affli­ction with her Head; and soon after she falls into a strong Convulsion, [Page 64] yet out of which by strength of Remedies she was recover'd; and upon this would have writ to the King, had she not been reattack'd and prevented by a second Fit, af­ter which receiving a Letter from the King, she attempted also to read it, and was again retaken by a third, so that in the end encreasing mightily upon her, and overpower­ing the unequal strength of her Na­ture, they put too certain a period to her Life. On Wednesdey night this Illness first took her, and on Fri­day, deliver'd by the force of Me­dicine, she Dy'd on Saturday in the Evening, devoid of all Sense, as far as any body could perceive.

The King who was now at one of his Houses, was early enough advertis'd of this Sickness, but imagining it to be only the result and disorder of Breeding, was not much mov'd with it at the first. But the Third­day-Messenger bringing him News [Page 65] both of its Danger and Continu­ance, he caus'd him to make to­wards Paris; who coming within six leagues of it. (where he found all the Lords of his Court) they gave him to understand by the sad­ness of their Countenances, that his Mistress was dead; who after he had read the too fatal certainty of it in their looks and gestures, was mightily Troubled, and required solitude, dis­missing all his Attendance, except­ing Bussy Lamet, (the Person before spoken of) and the Duke of Retz, who had the Character of being extream good Company; the last of these (giving him first a little time to vent his Passion) told the King, almost smiling, that (in his Opinion) he was very happy, and that weighing of his present Cir­cumstances, must needs induce him to believe it; and that the Gods had favour'd him by her death: The Royal concern was too great [Page 66] at first to be laid by such Expres­sions, but the King a little reviving, and calling to mind the Important Business he was about, (which was intimated by the Duke) he confess'd what he had said to be true, and lifting up, his Eyes to Heaven (not insensible both of this and all his other Mercies) makes suitable Re­turns to that Beneficent Hand from which he had receiv'd them, and so well contented himself, that within the space of seaven weeks he became Enamour'd of Madam * d'Antragues, (the afterwards Marchioness of Ver­neail) both very Young and Hand­some, and of a good House, and if not equalling the other in Beauty, yet exceeding her in Gayety, and so [Page 67] well supplying her absence, that she (at the least) strook out all his Me­lancholly Reflections upon her death.

The Ministers of State now see­ing the Ambitious Marchioness thus stopp'd and controwl'd by Fate in her pursuit after Majesty and the iminent danger that in this respect they was deliver'd from, by her death, was re­solv'd to prevent the same danger from this new Beauty, (whose height of Spirit they knew not to be inferi­our to the others) and therefore ex­peditiously push'd on the King to Marriage, and he that was at Rome to mediate for it with the Marchio­ness of Beaufort, now mediates for it with the Princess of * Florence. To whom the Pope not only gave all his necessary consent, but likewise the Queen Margaret all that Was de­sired [Page 68] from her; insomuch that the business was soon concluded that so it anticipated both the Imagination of the King, and knowledg of the Mar­chioness, who was now big, and conveigh'd in order to her lying down, to one of the Houses of the King, towards which he conducted her with very good hopes, but get­ing some hurt by the way she prov'd Abortive and was very ill; though through the assistance of the King, and the concurrance of all imaginable Remedies, she came again to her health. It was at this time that she heard that the Match was agreed upon betwixt the King and the Prin­cess of Florence, upon which she so impetuously taunted at the Amorous Prince that he had much adoe to re­duce her to a good humour. And Bellgard (whom she suspected to be the cause of all this) for her not having given him that reception which he had formerly had with [Page 69] the Marchioness of Beaufort, (and would have had with her) she is resolv'd to be reveng'd upon by the Prince of Joinville, (the afterwards Duke of Chevreus) a Prince Hand­some and Young, and of a good Grace, and one of her Admirers, whom she causeth to attempt his Life one night at his entrance into the House of one Sebastien Zamet (with whom the King then Supp'd) there encountering him with his Sword. Bellgard was wounded, and his Ser­vants seeing it, pursu'd the Prince of Joinville, whom they had certain­ly kill'd had it not been for the interposing of Rambouillett, a young Chevalier of a good House, who was so much wounded in the En­counter, that it was believ'd he would have dy'd.

So o'erflow'd the King with Cho­ler at this Action, that he would [Page 70] not only have punish'd the Prince, but have permitted the other to dye on his Wounds. Notwithstanding he was so well lookt to by stealth, that he escap'd, and the Dutchess of Guise (Mother to the Prince) and his Sister; obteyn'd his reconciliation with the King, tho both (much offen­ded at this action,) suspected that the Prince had no other cause to treat Belgard in this fashion but on­ly for his love to the Marchioness of Vernucil; thus all was soon appeas'd, and a motion of War made upon the Duke of Savoy, on the account of the Marquisate of Salusses; which he had treacherously seiz'd upon and taken during the diversion of the last King at Blois. For the King who by dint of Battle had recover'd all the rest of his Kingdom, and instated himself in the hereditary seat of his Royal Ancestors, could not bear that the Duke of Savoy, in competition [Page 71] with him so petty a Prince, should pretend to exclude him from a Country that was his own due, and proper inheritance, which he had often demanded, and which the Duke of Savoy stood possess'd of, by no o­ther means but that of a most un­neighbourly and unjust surprise and fraudulent usurpation. And the Duke of Savoy was now come, in order to some accommodation betwixt the King and himself, thinking possibly to render his designs more effectual, by being present in his own person. But indeed his chief dependence was upon the intelligence he had with the deceased Dutchess, in whose life-time he had assur'd the King of his intention to wait upon him, and had so much ingag'd him­self by both what he writ and what he said, that there was now no room for a retreat. At his coming there was nothing but feasting and [Page 72] gallantry in the Court, and such as was argumentative of a general satisfac­tion, he makes Presents to all the handsome and principal Ladies of the Court, and it may be a little more than was for the benefit of some of them; and now the La­dies (as upon such occasions) con­testing for Precedency, and the King not determining the point, there oc­cur'd a most pleasant Diversion both to the King and the Marchioness.

The Duke of Savoy return'd with­out doing any thing, and the King resolved to make War upon him; which, as he goes to receive his Queen, the Princess of Florence Ma­ria d'Medicis, (that Country lying in his way) he performed. Which (and which was soon) being sub­du'd, the Pope intermediates for an Ac­commodation, and the King receives his Queen, whom he had before Es­pous'd by his deputed Proxy, his Uncle [Page 73] (having before sent to him his Pro­curation by Bellgard, which much augmented the hatred of the Mar­chioness;) And thus his Majesty obtain'd his desire.

In the mean time the Marri'd Queen, was come as far as Marseille to meet the King, thither conducted by his Aunt the Dutchess (of the House of the Ʋrsins,) and the Dutchess of Mantoue her Sister, and Eleonor d'­Medicis her Cousin German, a Per­son much esteem'd in the Court of France, (and who had been much enamour'd of this Princess before she was Queen) and there [...]ceiv'd by two Cardinals, the Constable, Chan­cellour, and the Duke of Guise that was Governour of the Province. By the Princesses Dowagers of Nemours and Guise, and many other Ladies, the Marchioness of Guercheville a­mongst the rest, whom the King had lov'd, and (finding perhaps more [Page 74] Vertuous than he desir'd) had pro­mis'd to make Maid of Honour to his Queen; keeping his Word with her after the end of ten Years, it being so long since he first lov'd her.

The Queen was brought on with all sorts of Magnificence to the Town of Lyons, where she was expected by the King; and the Nuptial Ceremo­nies perform'd: The two Daugh­ters of the Constable, the Dutchess of Vantadour, and the Countess of Auvergne, the afterwards Dutchess of Angoulesme, being here; both very Handsom [...] [...]nd the first belov'd of Eleonor d'Medicis, who (as before said) was under the Repute of such a Gallant Man; but his Love as vo­latile as he, stay'd no longer with him than he at the Court.

Though it is otherways with the Duke of Guise, and Espernon, betwixt whom the quarrel was so great, that [Page 75] it divided the whole Court; though at last reconcil'd by the King, and without doubt not without some in­tention himself upon the Dutchess of Vantadour; yet notwithstanding he relinquisheth not his Amour with the Marchioness of Verneuile, comman­ding daily his Messengers to her; who now ceasetho not to treat the Queen even after her own inventions, and there wanted not those that made Report of it to the Queen, which made so great a broil, that it almost embaras'd in it the whole Court; some reporting things to the Queen; others to the Marchioness; the first, that they might insinuate themselves into the favour of the Queen; and the latter, that they might engage the Marchioness; and how many others there might be (He only knows that knows all things) that only to render the breach so much [Page 76] the more wide and incurable, might act on both sides.

These Feuds did not presently ap­pear, but during the Queens Voyage to Paris, there was another Intreague that amused the Court; the King having sent, with Madamoiselle, to the Queen, the Dutchess of Nemours, as Governess of her Houshold, the Marchioness of Guercheville, as Maid of Honour, and Madam d'Ritchelieu as Lady of the Attire; the Queen refus'd the last, saying, that she had Leonora already in the Place, who had not only all along serv'd her, but whom she had now brought Over on purpose for that Place; to which the King reply'd, that having given it to Madam d'Ritchelieu, she was desirous of that Office; in so much that this made an absolute Rupture betwixt the Marchioness and the Queen, and the whole Retinue that was sent her was remanded back [Page 77] again to the King. The Sagacious Madamoiselle d'Guise, soon knew what Profit she might reap from this occasion, and takes part incontinent­ly with the Queen, gaining by it a particular account and favour with her: The same day she arriv'd at Paris, the King Commanded the Dutchess of Nemours to fetch the Marchioness of Verneuil, and present her to the Queen, which the wary Princess declining, would fain have excus'd her self from, saying, That by so doing, she should lose all her Credit with her Mistress; but the King, contrary to his Custom, (which was always to be Courteous) Com­manding her something ruffly to do it, she Obey'd. But the Queen astonisht at such a surprize, receiv'd the Marchio­ness very coldly, who notwithstand­ing being of a Nature well assur'd, address'd her so familiarly, and with such freedom and talkativeness, that [Page 78] she compell'd her in the end to en­tertain her. The Dutchess in the interim that introduc'd her, received little satisfaction upon it from the King, and a very bad Countenance from the Queen, who was so much irritated by this action, as never after to forget it; and Leonora per­ceiving by this, that she was not secure in her Place, without the Approbation of the King, sollicited the Marchioness to be her Friend, promising her, that if she could ac­quire the Royal Approbation, she would put her into a capacity of doing what she pleas'd with the Queen. Which the Marchioness un­dertaking, so well effected, that the smiles of Majesty attended it, it much mittigating the former dis­placency of the Queen, which the King observing, and being weary of his Stages to the Marchioness two or three times in the day, caused [Page 79] Lodgings to be prepar'd for her in the Louvre, and brings her thither, which after some little time rekin­d'led again the jealousie of the Queen, she being ever and anon entertain'd by several hands, with the discourses of the Marchioness, which favour'd of so little respect, that it began to make a breach of that Intelligence that was betwixt them; Both these was Big together, and it was no small difficulty for the King so to accommodate himself to them both, that neither might be disoblig'd, the Queen he was to treat with all the respect due to her Quality, and he delighted more in the company of the Marchioness. Every one also that would not displease the King, resorted to her, which the Queen took very ill, and indeed, so near were their Lodgings, and so much within each others inspection, that it prov'd the cause of perpetual dif­ferences [Page 80] betwixt them. In the mean time Leonora, by Presents; kept her correspondence with the Marchioness, not questioning but it might consist with a good un­derstanding with her Mistress, the Charm only of whose favour (it seems) having very few other Al­lurements, had procured her a Lo­ver, a certain Gentleman of Flo­rence, that came along with the Queen, who now made his court, and was so fortunate to be approv'd; His Name was Conchini, of good Extraction, and therefore Leonora, who her self proceeded from the scum of the People, thought him no ill Choice; but yet there was some difficulty before this Marriage could come to pass, for the King did not love him, and those of the House of the Queen hated him, and the Queen her self fear'd to speak of it, left it should be refus'd. In [Page 81] fine, consulting together, they made recourse to her Omnipotency the Marchioness of Beaufort, and suc­ceeded so well in it, that he obtain'd the freedom of being with her as often as he pleas'd. With which the Marchioness her self was not ill satisfi'd, knowing that by this she oblig'd Leonora, and through her the Queen, whose favour, though she did not so much respect, yet she valu'd her Resent ments.

After Conchini had had this access to Leonora, he makes his Applica­tions, that he might Marry her. The Dutchess makes some difficulty of it at the first, knowing the A­version of the King to these two Persons, but in the end, through the Intercession likewise of Leonora, who engag'd that the Queen should speak of it too, she took up a resolu­tion of causing this Marriage to succeed; the Queen sends daily to [Page 82] her Lodgings, to know the News, makes her half the Presents she receives, and treats her better than either of the Princesses. But before this Match is accomplish'd, the Queen and Marchioness are to be in the Straw.

The Queen is first, and presents the World with the most Illustri­ous and Happy Prince Louis, Dau­phin the Thirteenth; and a Month after the Marchioness brings to light Prince Henry of Bourbon, (afterwards Bishop of Matz) both of which are welcom'd into the World with the greatest Joy, which continu'd all the Winter; and Perparations are made by the Queen, for the space of three months, for a Ball, in which the Marchioness had a part, which so pleas'd the King, that he consent­ed to the Marriage of Conchini and Leonora; and that the Queen might not only bestow her in Marriage, [Page 83] but that she might also give her such fortune, as might comport with the quality of her place. The good intelligence lasted all the Win­ter and part of the next Summer, but the Court is impatient of too long a Calm, and every one pro­miseth himself some advantage from change and competitions.

The King a little before, had ta­ken notice of * Madam d'Villars Si­ster to the Dutchess of Beaufort, who indeed had no other Beauty but that of her Youth and her Haire. This Lady envy'd the Marchioness ex­treamly, in that she had (as she thought) ravish'd from her the fa­vour of the King, and as she was malicious, so she began to put her [Page 84] Malice into practice; revealing to the Queen her intentions, whom she knew to be grown weary of the audaciousness of the Marchioness, and not unlikely to favour her designs, which she did, and neither Leonora, nor Conchini, discover'd any thing of the intreague; the first of these being but seldom with the Queen, and the last sitting down by his present fortune was not inquisitive into the affair. I have otherwhere said, that the Prince of Joynville, was a long time in Love with the Marchioness of Vernuielle, and now he becomes enamour'd of Madam d'Villers, who was so subtle and knew so well how to perswade him, that she got from him the Letters the Marchioness had writ to him, during that Amour, in which she had fawn'd officiously upon him, and con­temptuously treated both the King and the Queen, who upon the sight [Page 85] of them, (though she beheld them with the disdain they deserv'd) could not refrain from letting her know she was pleas'd, and perswaded her to show them to the King, At first she could not consent knowing the great credit of the Marchioness with the King, and fearing her spirit, but in the end is prevail'd upon by the perswasions of the Queen. Whilst Madamoiselle d'Guise that introduc'd her to the Queen (not withstanding the vivacity of her Wit) could not discover at the first what should be the eause that she should be in so particular a grace with the Queen that carried it so coldly to all the rest of the World; being a thing (she thought) too intricate to salve. And indeed they industriously hid the matter from her, because it tended so much towards the dis­advantage of her Brother. After the Train had been laid for some [Page 86] days, and contriv'd so well, that the ill, malicious Work, might be done with some security, and the plotted mischief effectually accom­plish'd; Fire is to be given, and the Marchioness, if possible, to be blown up, taking then the King at an advantage, Madam d'Villars shows him, perhaps, what he was not wil­ling to see, the aforesaid Testimo­nies of the Marchionesses Infidelity and Despight, and thus the soft­mouth'd Syren accosted him; ‘Royal Sir, The Obligations I am under to Your [...]nty, and the Affecti­on I always entertain'd for so ex­cellent a Personage as your Self, would not suffer me any longer to conceal the Indignities offered You: You, who are, or ought to be, the Master of others, and not sure, their Scorn and Contempt, and one of the most deserving Men in the World.’

This good Prince, who easily ad­mitted himself to be flatter'd, and gave no unwilling Ear when they insisted, especially, upon his merit, (which I suppose) the subtle Para­site well enough understood, thank'd her for her Intelligence she had gi­ven him, and so unutterably sto­machs the unworthy usage he has had, that he sends immediately one of his Confidents to Reproach the Marchioness with her unfaithfulness, protesting that she should never see his Face again.

She was not at this time at her Lodgings in the Louvre, but in the Town, where she was much sur­pris'd with this News; but in the midst of this Disorder so well com­manded her self, and conserv'd so much respect for the Person that sent it, that she reply'd after this manner, with much temper. ‘As [Page 88] I have never done any thing yet, (I am assur'd) to offend the King, so I cannot divine the Reasons for which he should thus use me, and I hope the Truth coming to light, will sufficiently revenge me of those that have made these false Impres­sions upon him.’ And with this retir'd into her Closser, where she gave that scope to the excessive trou­ble upon her Spirits, which she thought was not discreet to do be­fore them.

In the mean time Bellgard having learn'd this Intreague, gives notice of it to Madamoiselle d'Guise, who though she did not love the Prince, yet he foresaw the displeasure it would give to his Sister, if it should not be remedy'd, and therefore con­trives a way, which was this.

A Secretary of the Duke of Guise's [Page 89] counterfeiting in perfection all sorts of Hands, it is resolv'd that the Prince of Joynville, (amourous of Madam d'Villars as before) should affirm that the Secretary by his Art having got some Writings of the Marchionesses, imitated them so well, that the Prince himself and Madam d'Villars, with whom he was in Love, and who mortally hated the Marchioness, combin'd together by his skill, to counterfeit those Letters on purpose to undermine her, which the Marchioness understanding se­conded so well, that she reingra­tiated her self with the King, and rendred him such reasons for the Credibility of this Assertion, that she totally proselited him to its Be­lief; and though his Prejudice at the first was not so easie to allay, yet at last he yielded himself van­quish'd; as much possibly by his own inclination to think well [Page 90] her, as by the smooth coercion of her Tongue.

But the Prince of Joinville how­ever (not withstanding the Subtlety of this evasion) is commanded away into Hungary; where the Turk was making War; Madam d'Villars to her House, and the Secretary to Prison; see hence the consequence of intermedling, Madam d'Villars meets the due reward of her Actions, and is dismist with shame to her House, and hath created to herself a great and powerful Enemy.

During these bickerings and hur­leburlies, the Queen's hatred to the Marchioness was more conspicuous, for thinking her now to be almost ruin'd she doth her utmost to ruin her quite, and is daily huing at what she thinks is already declining, her Fortune, to which the ill offices still [Page 91] daily render'd her by the Marchio­ness, do more exasperate her, who is always pecking at the Favourites of the Queen, and the Queen on the other side detesting those that are her Creatures; but behold another occurrence.

The King is advis'd of the Mar­chionesses keeping a Correspondence with Spain, and it went so far that she was Arrested for it, and the Earl of Auvergne her Brother; but since you have a farther relation of these Things amongst the Historians, I shall say no more but that Madam Villars and her Lover was again re­call'd upon it.

It hap'ned now at this time that the King became enamour'd of a fair Lady whom he Marry'd quickly after, the Countess of Estanges, and a little after this, another far more [Page 92] beautiful, whom he also Marry'd to draw her from the place in which she was, agreeing with her Consort that Marry'd her, that he should a­bandon her the same Night after the Cerimony was perform'd.

In the mean time the Marchioness obtain'd the Royal Grace, being re­mitted from her Prison, to her House at Vernueil, the King was pleas'd with his new Mistress, and it was very calm Weather with the Court; the King also at this time Marryed Madamoiselle d'Guise to a Prince of the Blood Royal, with whom the Queen gave, what was neither beneath her own Quality to give or the others to receive.

The King seeing again the Mar­chioness of Vernueil, had a great In­clination to her, yet kept it so se­cretly, that it was long before it [Page 93] came to the Queens knowledg, but as soon as she knew it she was strang­ly troubled, and absolutely forbid all such Persons any access to her, that should at any time visit the Marchioness, under the pain of be­ing driven from her presence; which the King took ill, but yet was forc'd to bare with it, a little after the King (a never failing Gallant) becomes Enamour'd of the Dutchess of Nevers, a Princess of great Ver­tue, that very much honour'd his person, but had no great esteem for his passion. This season hapned commodiously for the Kings designs, for the King intending to Christen the young Prince's his Sons, had invited the Dutchess of Mantoue to be Godmother to the Eldest.

This Princess was Sister to the Queen, and her Husband a near Re­lation to the Duke of Neverrs, inso­much that he obliged the Dutchess of Nevers to stay longer than usual at the Court, (to give oppertunity to the King to pursue his Amour) the King seeking all occasions to speak to her, whilst she on the other hand avoided it as much as possible, waving it to the very utmost limits of a due respect; in the end the Ce­remonies being perform'd, the Duke and Dutchess of Nevers without so much as bidding adieu retir'd them­selves from the Court, the latter re­solving never again to return; the Duke, being soon after employ'd as Envoy to Rome, went herself along with him thither, and oblig'd the King to dispossess himself of a fancy, that not only prov'd fruitless, but very troublesome to him; being not [Page 95] accustom'd to the difficulties he found in this Amour. This Voyage endur'd above a Year; and the Dut­chess at her return came to do reve­rence to the Queen, the King being then with her. Upon which the King beholding her with a bended brow, let her know aloud that he thought she was extreamly chang'd; but the Dutchess taking no notice at all of it, continu'd still to deport herself in the same manner, and to spend the rest of her life, in all the modesty that could become, or was requisite in an excellent and ver­tuous Woman.

The King by this was again re­concil'd to the Marchioness, d'Ver­nueil, which the Queen so impa­tiently bore, that notwithstanding all the endeavours of the Council to prevent them, and to show how disagreeable they was to Majesty, [Page 96] it fomented most extream differences betwixt them: And now there hap­pen'd a very surprising accident, that made much noise, and indeed was very strange, the King and Queen going to a house of theirs near Pa­ris, on the other side the River Sein, they was obliged to pass it in the * Ferry, the Coach with these two in it, accompany'd only with the Princess de Conty, and the Duke of Montpensier, by some accident or other, was overturn'd before it came to the Shore; the King and Duke escaping very well, leaping soon enough out of the Coach; but the Ladies ran some hazard, and drank a little more than they desir'd, or ra­ther the ambitious Element squench'd its thirst a little too much upon the [Page 97] Ladies. Some few days after the King going to Visit the Marchioness of Vernueil, she con­doles him for the unhappy chance, and tells him she was in great pain for him, but if she had been present, and had seen the King leaping safe out of the Coach, she should have had the civility to have said let the Queen drink, (a saying it seems us'd upon the Ceremony of choosing King and Queen, which she wittily made use of upon this occasion) which when the Queen came to hear, she flew out into so great and implacable a rage, that she was fifteen days without changing so much as one word with the King, so that Persons of great Figure and Quality was forc'd to interpose to qualifie her Resentments; in the end the accord was made, [Page 98] and there must be a Ball to at­test it, wherein the Queen re­solv'd to give her self the plea­sure of having a part. But it is unhappily interrupted, for the King insisting upon the reception of the Countess of Morett also into it, and the Queen opposing and refusing it, it made such a rup­ture betwixt them, that it broke off the Ball; (This Countess of Morett is the Lady that I before said, was quitted of her Hus­band.)

Who was now lov'd by the Prince d'Joinville, whom she did not ill entertain, but the unhap­piness is, it comes to the Kings ear, who immediately going to her, upbraids her with Perfidi­ousness; who having nothing else to say in her own vindication, [Page 99] tells him that the Prince intend­ed to marry her. The King with this returns with all the speed that a Jealous Fury could supply, and causes the Mother of this Prince to come before him, to whom he Complains, and threa­tens that the Prince, (who he said was too often guilty of such faults to be pardon'd) should be rigorously punish'd; Telling her, ‘that he expected on the pain of his severest displeasure, that he should perform what he had promis'd to the Countess, which was to marry her; and that though he could suffer that his Mistresses should be espoused, yet not that they should other ways be enjoy'd, and that it was for the alone sake of the Mother (her self) that he Pardon'd the Son.’ The Princess being in a station, [Page 100] she thought, above such Treat­ments from the King, answer'd with so much Indignation, and rais'd the King into so high a Paroxisme, that he sent his Guards immediately to seize him, and all the favour that could be ob­tain'd for him by his Friends was that he should relinquish the Realm never to return to it again, and he was not recall'd again till the death of the King.

The Duke of Montpensier a lit­tle before these things was dead, and the King, whose unfix'd and wandering Apetite induc'd him still to the persuit of new Mi­stresses, and to gratifie himself in all Varieties of his Inclination, resolv'd to make Love to his Wid­dow, wisely pensitating, that it would more become his Quality [Page 101] to Love, and be beloved of a Princess, than such that was of a meaner Extraction, and indeed no better than fair Imposters that did only banter and deceive him.

And resolv'd to serve himself upon this occasion, of a Lord of his Court, equip'd with all the possible Accomplishments of his Quality, (his Name was Count de Craimail, making known this design to him. He judg'd it a dif­ficult thing to bring to effect, but however promiseth the King to tell her the news.

The Neighbourhood of his House to that of the Dutchesses, and the excellency of his Address was the reason of the King's employing of him in this affair, which he re­solv'd [Page 102] to undertake, if the Dut­chess would hearken, which yet he could not believe. He acted so well in the business that he prevail'd with the Dutchess to come to the Court, where the King soon discover'd the impreg­nableness of her Vertue, and re­solv'd no more to attempt it.

The Duke of Guise, was now so much in Love with the Mar­chioness of Vernueil, that he pro­miseth to Marry her; and the Marchioness willing to make use of his Passion, either to inflame the King that began to neglect her, to a greater observance, or to oblige the Duke irrevertibly to his Promise, causes in the name of some other Persons (reserving that due respect to their Quality, not to do it in their own) the [Page 103] Bains to be published betwixt them. Which the King hearing of, was greatly enrag'd with them both, and especially with the Duke of Guise; But his Rela­tions knowing him to be in­nocent, grew so clamorous upon the Marchioness, as the only Au­thor of this action, on purpose to render him odious to the King, that it went no farther, the Duke only retiring to his Government till the rumour was a little ceas'd.

The Queen having again taken up her design of making the Ball before hinted; amongst the Ladies that was engag'd in it, the incom­parable Madam of Montmorency, was one; a Lady so young, that she had but just as it were left to be Child, and so Beautiful, that she was miraculous, and in her actions so agreeable, that she was a Marvail throughout, insomuch [Page 104] that the King seeing her dance with a Dart in her Hand, representing one of the Nymphs of Diana, found his Heart so throughly pier­ced with it, that the wound ac­company'd him to his Grave.

It would fill a Volume should I recount all the Accidents of this Amour, from which at last the Royal Lover ravish'd by Death, left such Subjects behind him, as could not so properly be said to Love, as Adore him.


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