CONSIDERATIONS Upon the late transactions and proceedings of the ARMY, In reference to the DISSOLUTION of the PARLIAMENT:

TIs evident to unbiassed men, that the Parliament had a design to break and spoil the good interest of the Army (which hath been as the bulwark of the Cause of God and his People) and to form it up to an interest to serve the wills and lusts of their Ma­sters, endeavouring to put many into commands who are persons of loose and profligate principles, and of a mercenary spirit, voting of the Commander in chief, a person of most approved godliness, tenderness to all the People of God, and fidelity to the Cause he hath been engaged in, casting out several eminent and faithfull Commanders, who have been as Pillars in the Army, being such who had specially engaged against the common Enemy in the late insurrection, falling up­on them at their return (taking occasion from a modest Petition) with great animosity and severity, when the Prisoners they took in Arms against them were all let alone.

2. Tis easily observed, that they were under the same spirit and designs as they were before their first interruption, which was to perpetuate themselves, there not appearing upon them a spirit to doe any thing effectually for promoting the good work of God, and Re­formation in the Nation, according to their professions and engagements.

3. This Parliament was specially to be considered as the Trustees of the good and well-affected people of the Nation, (having been deserted and opposed in Arms by others) to assert the good interest of the Nation and the people of God therein, who called forth the said good people to stand by them with their lives in their hands in the asserting their own interest, upon which call, the Army upon principles of conscience, and not as the servants of men, offerd themselves, and this Army in special manner was modelld by the Parliament for those good ends, and have been eminently owned by the Lord in their undertakings in the three Nations, and the hearts of the people of the Lord have been knit to them, (unlesse such who turned back to the Royal Interest) and have still an adherency to them, looking upon them as entrusted with this Cause they have been honoured of God in; Now when the Parliament shall be found going about to pervert their trust (so comitted to them by the good people) to the ruine of the good interest of the Army, and with that, the cause that hath been contended for, as is the judgment of most of the sober-minded people upon their late actings, It is then justifiable in the Army, yea duty and faithfulnesse, to withstand them as they have done, and are justified in the consciences of their friends in so doing; It being a received Maxim (and that with such as are no very good friends to the Army) as suitable to all ends of Government, that when a Community of people shall commit a trust to a few of themselves (which is the present case) upon ends declared and professed by both, that such a Community may revoke that trust, by calling off their Trustees, when they shall go about to make void those ends for which they themselvs have professed to be entrusted, (and yet not be found under any undue resistance of Powers) that trust being not irrevocable by any law of God, Nature, or Nations.

4. When the Officers of the Army called this Parliament to sit again, after their long interruption (or rather former dissolution, for so indeed it was, upon a righteous account, though now some of late in Print condemn the former General of the Army in so doing, when themselves inces­santly prest him to it, as is notoriously known) the said Officers did it, as conceiving it the best expedient to cast off the Government of a single person, which they found and acknowledge to have been a snare to them; but in so doing, the Officers proposals were as a Compact and Covenant, on their part with them, in behalf of themselves and the good people that owned them; and several eminent members of the House before their sitting, being treated with by some of the Army, promised an amicable closure with them on those grounds, which were also so accepted after their sitting, which in their late actings they have even wholly cast off; but the Officers of the Army thereby peremptorily obliged themselves to consist to the same with a full and fixed resolution, (as to the substance of them) as they should be found subservient to the promoting of the Cause of God.

5. That many of the good People, who any ways assented to the late calling together of the Parliament, professed in their applications to the Council of Officers of the Army, that they looked upon their calling together as a meet expedient to serve the present exigency, and they sailing the expectations of most sober people, they are equally satisfied with their removal.

6. That this very Parliament at their first dissolution, declared in one of their papers, That it was justifiable for the Army to keep out the major part of the House, when they were designing to give back the cause into the hands of the King at the Isle of Wight Treaty, when there would have been no­thing left but a Paper to secure it; And if justifiable so to deal with a major part, there is the same reason of dealing so with those that remained, if they shall be found (though in another way) doing the same thing, which is clearly our present case.

Upon all which it will appear there was a true and real necessity, upon righteous principles, leading the faithfull Officers of the Army to what they have done, professing it the great grief of their Souls, that they should be necessitated to such an extremity, and hope it shall not be judged fickleness, lightness, or inconstancy, that they are put upon such overturnings in which they have been of late engaged, but rather a consistency to an unwearied pursute of that Good Cause of the Lord Jesus Christ, which out of all these confusions and shakings, will arise in its own beauty and glory in the best season of the Lord; and the said Officers hope, if the Lord will take pleasure in them, to make it appear, that their Hearts are still towards the exaltation of the said Cause, to the refreshment of the Hearts of all good people; professing also they have no other interest but wherein the people of God are equally concerned, and are begging a share in their prayers to the Father of Lights for them.

By one that is no Member of the Army.

LONDON, Printed for Isaac Pridmore.

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