THE CONCURRENT TESTIMONY OF THE MINISTERS In the County of VVILTES, With their Reverend Brethren the Ministers of the Province of London, TO THE Truth of JESƲS CHRIST, And to the solemn League and Covenant: As also, Against the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these Times, and the Toleration of them.

LONDON, Printed by R. Cotes for Stephen Bowtell at the Bible in Popeshead-Alley, June 26. 1648.

To our Reverend and Dear Brethren the MINISTERS in the Province of LONDON, Subscribers to the fore-mentioned TESTIMONY.

Reverend and Beloved Brethren,

IN this time of Jacobs trouble, wherein the great red Dragon hath watched the woman cloathed with the Sun, to devour the man-child as soon as it should be borne, and wherein the serpent hath cast out of his mouth a flood of Heresies and Errors, to carry a­way the woman and the child; wee are much comforted to see that God hath raised up any help for the Woman in the earth, and that there is a remnant of her seed which keep the Com­mandements of God, and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, and who are resolved earnestly to con­tend for the faith, which was once for all given [Page 2] unto the saints. We look upon your Testimony as a forerunner of Truths resurrection, w ch is lately fallen in the street, & as the returning of the spi­rit of life into the two Witnesses which were to be slain. Blessed be God that hath stirred up your hearts to witnesse a good confession, and so ef­fectually to conform your selves to Jesus Christ, who for this end came into the world that hee might beare witnesse to the truth Since the day we first saw your zeal for the truth of Jesus Christ, our hearts affectionately joyned with you in the Testimony; and now we doe most rea­dily with our hands also (which we lifted up unto the Most High God with you, in taking the Solemne League and Covenant) subscribe and set our seals to the Testimony with you, To the Truth of Jesus Christ, and to the Solemne League and Covenant; as also against the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these times, and the Toleration of them. God forbid that we should be ashamed of Christ and of his Word, in this adulterous and sinfull gene­ration, lest the Son of man should be ashamed of us, when he commeth in the glory of his Fa­ther. We resolve rather through the grace of [Page 3] God to discharge our consciences with you, though we should be slain for the word of God, and for the Testimony of Jesus Christ, Neither shal we count our lives dear to us, that so we may finish our course with joy, and the Ministry which we have received of the Lord, to testify the Gospel of the grace of God. Be you en­couraged therefore (Deare Brethen) with an holy zeale and in vincible resolution to persist in pleading Gods cause, and opposing the enemies of the truth and Kingdome of Jesus Christ, who wil not be unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which you have shewed toward his name; but be assured if ye suffer with him, ye shall also reigne with him, and receive the crown of righteousnesse, which is laid up for all them that fight the good fight, and finish their course, and keep the faith. We commend you to the grace of God, and rest

Your Brethren and fellow-labourers in the work of the Gospel.
  • DOuglas Castilian Pastor of Stratford Tony
  • Faithfull Teate of the Close of Sarum, D. D.
  • Richard Stevens Pastor of Stanton Bernard
  • Robert Richards Rector de Bromeham
  • Tho. Hotchkis Minister of Stanton by Highworth
  • [Page 4] Robert Whitfield Minister at Lydiard Millicent
  • Philip Pinckney Pastor of Bimmorton wee subscribe with the re­servation of our brethren of the Assem­bly
  • John Conant Pastor of Thomas Parish in Sarum wee subscribe with the re­servation of our brethren of the Assem­bly
  • John Strickland Pastor of Edmonds Parish in Sarum wee subscribe with the re­servation of our brethren of the Assem­bly
  • Nathan Noyes Pastor of West Choldrington
  • Richard Chaundelour Minister of Wilton
  • William Clifford Minister of East Knoyle
  • Gabriel Sanger Minister of Chilmarke
  • John Stevens Minister of Chisleton
  • Roberr Bab Minister of Englisham
  • Timothy Dewell Minister at Lydiard Tregose
  • George Baylie Pastor of Fisherton Anger
  • Iohn Grayle Minister of Tudworth
  • Iohn Priaulx Minister of Fovent
  • Iohn VVats Minister of Newton Tony
  • VVill. Warriner Pastor of Grimsted
  • Iohn Massy Minister of Patnee
  • Henry Combe Minister of Tollard Royall
  • Peter In [...]e Pastor of Dunhead Maryes
  • Iohn Leg Minister of Dunhead Andrews
  • Samuel Coxe Minister of Dounton
  • Robert Parker Minister of VVishford magna
  • Henry Colepeper Minister of Enford
  • Iohn Ring Minister of Netherhaven
  • [Page 5] Humphrey Wall Pastor of Stapleford
  • Iohn Pewde Minister of Sutton
  • Thomas Sprat Minister of VVinterborne Dancy
  • Iohn Sloper Minister of Broadchalke
  • Ieffry Simpkins Minister of Alcannings
  • Henry Richards Minister of Cheverill parva
  • Thomas Rashleyghe Minister of Barford
  • Edward Carpenter Minister of VVeltsham
  • Richard VVall Vic. de Erchfounte
  • Iohn Barcoft Rector de Broughton Gyfford
  • Timothy Richards Minister of Rowde
  • Iohn Sheppard Minister at the Divizis
  • Abraham Richards Minister of Choulston
  • Iohn Bradishe Minister of Ʋpton Louell
  • Iohn Smith Minister of Brigmiston
  • Matthew Hinde Minister of Fitleton
  • Simon Croker Minister of Bishopston
  • Edward Fawconer Minister of Britford
  • Henry Cusse Minister of Lurgarshall
  • Henry Carpenter Minister of Combe
  • Ʋriah Bankes Minister of Amesbury
  • Iohn Carter Minister of VVinterslow
  • Anthony Hillary Minister of VVinterborne Gunner
  • Walter Norman Minister of VVintenborne Erle
  • Leonard Maton Minister of Durrington
  • Francis Bushell Minister of Laverstocke
  • Thomas Bisson Minister of Landford
  • [Page 6] George Hadfeild Minister of Roulson
  • Leonard Dickenson Minister of South Newton
  • Roger Powell Minister of Barwicke Iames
  • Roger Maton Minister of VVinterborne Stoke
  • Robert Hewlat Minister of Hummington
  • Iohn Newham Minister of VVest Deane
  • Iohn Phippe Minister of Teffont
  • Matthew Towgood Minister of Semly
  • Iohn Noake Minister of Anstey
  • VVilliam Baylie Minister of Meere
  • Richard Eburne Minister of Cold Barwicke
  • George Ienkins Minister of Hindon
  • Robert Olden Minister of Bishops Funtell
  • Iames Eburne Minister of Kingston Deverill
  • Samuel Norrington Minister of Stoppe
  • George Swaine Minister of Sedghall
  • Daniel Burges Minister of Veny Sutton
  • Robert Dyar Pastor of Sherington
  • Samuel Wright Minister of Stockton
  • William Hunt Schoolemaster of Sarum
  • Richard Hayter Master of Arts
  • Thomas Stubbs Minister of Wraughton
  • Robert Harpur Minister of Highworth
  • Iohn Stubbs Minister of Hannington
  • Iohn Millet Minister of Auborne
  • Iohn Sharpe Minister of Idmiston.

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