The COMPLEAT Book of Knowledge: Treating of the Wisdom of the ANTIENTS; And shewing The various and wonderful Operations of the Signs and Planets, and other Celestial Constellations, on the Bodies of Men, Wo­men and Children; and the mighty Influ­ences they have upon those that are born under them.

Compiled by the Learned Albubetes, Benesa­phan, Erra Pater, and other of the Antients.

To which is added, The Country Man's Kalendar; with his Daily Practice, and Perpetual Prognostica­tion for Weather, according to Albumazar, Ptolomy, and Others.

Together with a CATALOGUE of all the Market-towns, Fairs, and Roads in England and Wales.

All those who will peruse this Book, must own,
That it the Knowledge gives of Things unknown.

London: Printed by W. Onley; and are to be sold by H. Nelme, at the Leg and Star in Cornhil. 1698.


TO THE Reader desirous of Knowledge.

Courteous Reader,

THe Soul of Man being a Spark of Immortality, and the infused Breath of its Almighty Maker, does even, while 'tis clogg'd with Flesh and Blood, retain so great a rel­lish of its first Original, that it is extream­ly covetous of Knowledge, above all other things; not confining its Speculations to this Terrestrial Globe, but tow'ring up to Heaven, from whence it first came down, it searches out the Stars, and all their va­rious Influences, and rifles all the heavenly Constellations, unlocking the secret Cabi­nets of Futurity, and diving into the vast A­biss of Things Unknown: For,

All Animals that be, do grov'ling lie,
Or in the Earth, the Water, or the Sky;
But Man consists of Soul and Body link't,
Of Counsels capable, of Voice distinct:
He into Natural Causes doth inspect;
He knows how to advise, what to direct:
Into the World he Arts and Science bring [...],
And searcheth out the hidden birth of things:
The Ʋnplow'd Earth he to his Will subdues;
And all it brings forth, he knows how to use:
The untam'd Beasts he doth at pleasure bind,
And in the Seas untrodden Paths does find:
He only stands with an erected Breast,
As the sole Victor over all the rest:
He seeks out Jove, his thoughts will not be ty'd;
In vain from him the Sta [...]s themselves do hide;
And not content alone to view their Faces,
Ransacks their Houses, their most secret Places;
This is the Scope of Man's all-prying Mind;
Himself he hopes amongst the Stars to find.

To satisfie in some measure this inquisi­tive Nature of the Soul of Man, is the Design of this Book of the Knowledge of Things Ʋn­known, which I have therefore call'd, Compleat, because I am satisfy'd it will both Answer its Title, and the Reader's Expection, and gra­tifie his Understanding with the Knowledge of the most abstruse and hidden Secrets of Art and Nature; which the Wisdom of the Antients have hitherto conceal'd, but now are made plain to the meanest Capacities. And because the Reader should not be im­pos'd upon by some Books in the World, that under a Pretence of Knowledge, (which Title they bear in their front) do suf­ficiently betray their own Ignorance; I have been encourag'd to make this publick.


  • 1. ALbumazer' s Judgment of what shall befal Men, Women and Children, by New-years Day falling upon any of the several Days of the Week, viz. Sunday▪ Monday, &c. page 1
  • 2 A Prognostication of what shall come to pass from the Day of the VVeek on which Christmass Day shall sall. p. 4
  • 3. A Prognostication concerning Children, born in any of the several Days of the Week. p. 7
  • 4. Of the Birth of Children, &c. with respect to the Age of the Moon, shewing which are good, and which are bad. p. 8
  • 5. Of Astrology, what it is, and how it differs from Astronomy. p. 18
  • 6. A Description of the 12 Signs in Verse. p. 19
  • 7. The Names & Characters of the 12 Signs, &c. p. 20
  • 8. Of the Triplicities of the 12 Signs p. 22
  • 9. Of the Twelve Houses and their Significations, &c. p. 23
  • 10 How Persons may know under which of the Twelve Signs they are born. p. 25
  • 11. Of the Seven Planets, their Characters, Names and Natures, and in what time they make their Revolu­tions. p. 29
  • 12. Of the Five Aspects, &c. p. 31
  • 13. An Expilcation of the Circles of the Sphere, and some other Terms in Astronomy, for the easier Ʋnderstanding of this Book, and further Information of the Reader. p. 22
  • 14. Of the Sun's Revolu [...]ign through the 12 Signs of the Zod [...]ack, with an Astrological Judgment of those that shall be born when the Sun is in any of those Signs. p. 4 [...]
  • 15. Of the evil or perillous Days in every Month of the
  • [Page] Year, according to Erra Pater, a Jewish Doctor in Astro­nomy and Physick. p. 52
  • 16. Of the Planetary Days and Hours, and how to know under what Planet a Man is born, p. 54
  • 17. A Table of the Planetary Hours for every Day in the Week. p. 57
  • 18. Of the signification of the Planetary Hours, and what it portends to those that are born under them. p. 61
  • 19. An Abstract of the A [...]t of Phisiognomy, being a Judgment upon the several parts of Man's Body, and there­by shewing his Nature, Disposition and Fortune: Accord­ing to Gater, Arcaphan, and Albuas p. 64
  • 20. Of the Four Prime Qualities, and Four Complexi­ons. p. 72
  • 21. The Signification of Moles. p. 75
  • 22. The Wisdom of the Antients in the Interpretation of Dreams. p. 77
  • 23. Examples of Dreams. p. 98
  • 24. A Catalogue of Proverbs. p. 102
  • 25. Some General Proverbs. p. 113
The Contents of the Country-man's Kalendar.
  • 1. THe Country-man's daily Practice and perpetual Prognostication for Weather. p. 1
  • 2. Of the four Quarters of the Year. p. 10
  • 3. The Country-man's Observations on every Month in the Year. p. 12.
  • 4. The Names of the Market-towns in every County throughout England and Wales. p. 17
  • 5. A Catalogue of the Names of the principal Fairs in England and Wales, together with the Month, Day and Place where they are kept. p. 38
  • 6. A plain Description of the High ways in England and Wales. p. 48
  • 7. Fixed Feasts and R [...]markable Days. p. 51
  • 8. A Reduction of [...] Measures, and Coins, with a Table for the Assize of [...] for Bakers that live in Corporations. p. 54
THE Compleat BOOK OF …

THE Compleat BOOK OF The Knowledge of Things Unknown; Treating of The Wisdom of the Ancients.

ONE part of the Wisdom of the Ancients consisted in their Ob­servations of several Days and Times, and from thence fore­ [...]elling such good or bad Events, as from [...]ong Experience they found always to fol­ [...]ow: Thus ancient Astrologers, and among [...]hem, Albumazer especially made an exact Judgment of what should befal to Men, Women and Children, by the Day of the Week on which the first Day of the Year happened to fall: As, If it happened to fall on a

Sunday,] The Winter following shall be pleasant, the Summer seasonable; there shall be plenty of Corn, tho' the Weather in Harvest will prove but indifferent; Fruit shall very much abound; and there will be a very good Seed-time follow the Harvest: Flocks of Sheep, and great Cattle shall en­crease and prosper; but there shall be Rob­beries in most Places, and perhaps War be­fore the end of the Year: Also it denotes the Death of Prelates and Princes, and Dis­sention and Discord amongst Men, but no [...] of long continuance.

Monday.] If New-year's Day fall on a Monday, expect a hard and cold Winter and a wet Summer; and as a Consequen [...] of that, many Diseases; the Fruits of the Earth very indifferent, which will produce great Scarcity in some Places. It also de­notes the Downfal of the Gentry, and ma­ny Marriages among the common People.

Tuesday.] If on Tuesday, the Winte [...] will be wet, and the Summer very dry Hay will be scarce, but Corn indifferen [...] plenty. Many Factions and Divisions a­mongst those that sit at the Helm; and [...] great Mortality both of Men and Beasts.

Wednesday.] If on Wednesday, it de notes the first part of the Winter very har [...] [Page 3] and severe, but the last part very mild and gentle: a seasonable Spring, and plenty of Fruit; but great Sickness, and many Di­stempers about Autumn: Many Fables and false News shall be spread abroad, and much Discontent amongst the common People.

Thursday.] If on a Thursday, you may look for a hard Winter, but a seasonable and moderate Spring; and a great encrease of the Fruits of the Earth: Sheep and great Cattle shall also prosper much. But to­wards Autumn, expect to hear News of War and Blood-shed Abroad, and Troubles at Home, occasion'd by Contests and Di­visions among the Clergy.

Friday.] If on a Friday, look for an extream hard Winter, a late Spring, and a dry Summer; Corn very dear, and Fruit very scarce: Very high Winds, occasion­ing Shipwracks: Cattel shall die general­ly; Women shall have very hard Labours; and most others very loose and licentious. Thunder and Lightning shall be very fre­quent, and do much Mischief.

Saturday.] If on a Saturday, the Win­ter shall be moderate, the Spring very win­dy, but the Summer shall be both seasona­ble and Fruitful: Corn shall be cheap, and Fruits plentiful. The Nobility shall flou­rish, [Page 4] and the Commons be industrious: but ancient People shall generally die; and Malignant Fevers and Tertian Agues shall be very rife.

II. A Prognostication from the Day of the Week on which Christmas- day shall fall; according to Afla and Arcaphan.

Sunday.] IF the Nativity of our Lord shall fall on a Sunday, then shall the Winter be moderate, the Spring seasonable, the Fruits of the Earth flourish; and Peace shall grow up and encrease on the Earth. He that is born on that Day shall be fortunate, and shall thrive by all that he takes in hand; but let him beware of letting Blood on that Day.

Monday.] If it fall on a Monday, Win­ter shall be dry, and Summer shall be moist, the Air shall be rainy and tempestuous, and the Fruits of the Earth shall suffer there­by. He that is born on that Day shall be of a strong Constitution; and whoever at­tempts an unlawful Thing on that Day, shall be found out, and brought to Punish­ment.

Tuesday.] If Christmas-day fall on a Tuesday, the Winter shall be mild, and the [Page 5] Spring seasonable; the Summer shall be hot, mix'd with pleasant Showers, and the Fruits of the Earth shall abound exceedingly. He that is born on that Day shall live long, and enjoy Plenty all his Days: Whatever Work shall be begun on that Day, throughout the Year, shall prosper; and he that falls sick on that Day shall surely recover.

Wednesday.] If it falls on a Wednesday, the Winter will be very cold and the Sum­mer extream hot; Corn will be but indiffe­rent, and Fruit not over plenty: Many will desire to travel, who shall never return again: He that is born on this Day shall be but short liv'd, and of a sickly Constitution: But to begin a Work on any Wednesday that Year, shall be good.

Thursday.] If it fall on a Thursday, the Year shall be generally prosperous; the Winter shall be mild, the Spring moderate, and the Summer fruitful. Truth and Ju­stice shall flourish in the World, and Tyranny and Oppression shall be brought down and depress'd; and he that is born on this Day, shall come to Honour: Marriages shall be fortunate and happy; and to begin any Work on a Thursday, throughout the Year, shall be prosperous.

Friday.] If it fall on a Friday, the Win­ter [Page] shall be full of Storms and high Winds, and in the Summer the Air disturbed by Thunder and Lightning: There shall be plenty of Fruit and Corn; but Sheep and Bees shall suffer greatly: He that is born on this Day, shall be strong and lusty, but much given to Women: And he that begins a Work on this Day, shall meet but with in­different Success.

Saturday.] If Christmas-day shall fall on a Saturday, look for a dark and cloudy Winter, thick, foggy and unwholesome; the Spring tempestuous, and the Summer very moist and wet. Fruit shall be scarce, and Corn dear, and Sickness, and Death of many, is much to be fear'd. He that is born on this Day, shall be poor, and in Dis­grace, tho' at last he may get Riches, and over-come it. If a Man fall Sick on this Day, he seldom recovereth. And he that begins his Work on a Saturday this Year, shall repent before his Work be done.

II. A short Prognostication concerning Children born every Day of the Week; according to Hali, and others.

A Child born on Sunday shall be of long Life, and obtain great Riches.

A Child born on Monday shall be weak [...]nd of an effeminate Temper, and seldom [...]ome to Honour.

A Child born on Tuesday, shall be given [...]p to the inordinate Desire of Riches, and [...]s in danger of dying by Violence.

A Child born on Wednesday shall be given [...]o the Study of Learning, and shall profit thereby.

A Child born of Thursday shall arrive to great Honour and Dignity.

A Child born on Friday, shall be of a [...]trong Constitution, but very Letcherous; [...]nd if it be a Female, is in great danger of [...]urning Whore.

A Child born on Saturday shall be dull and [...]eavy, of a dogged Disposition, and sel­ [...]lom come to good.

IV. Of the Birth of Children, with respect to the Age of the Moon.

TO be born on the first Day of the New Moon, is very fortunate: For to such all things shall succeed well; their Sleep shall be sweet, and their Dreams pleasant; they shall have a long Life, and increase in Riches.

A Child born the second Day of the new Moon, shall grow apace, but will be much inclin'd to Lust, whether it be Male or Fe­male. This day is also proper to go on Messages, to trade by Land, or to sail on the Sea; as also to put Seed into the Ground, that it may thrive. On this Day also thy Dreams shall quickly come to pass, whether they be good or bad. It is also good on this day to open a Vein, if there be occasion.

A Child born on the third Day of the Moon, shall dye quickly; or at least be short liv'd: On this day to begin any Work of moment, is very unfortunate; for it seldom comes to a good Conclusion. If Theft be committed on this day, it will be soon discover'd: And on this day a Man that falls Sick, will hardly recover.

On the fourth Day of the Moon, the [Page 9] Child that is born shall prosper in the World, and be of good Repute. On this day it is good to begin any Enterprize, provided it be done with good Advice, and with Dependance upon Heaven for a Bles­sing. A Man that falls sick this day, shall either recover or dye in a little time. They that will may also on this day use Phlebo­tomy.

The fifth Day of the Moon is unfortu­nate, and the Child that is born therein shall dye in its Infancy: On this day let no Man do any thing of moment, for it will have no Success: He that is in danger, and seeks to escape this day, shall certainly be taken; he had better therefore lie still as he is: If good Counsel be given thee to day, take it, but execute it to Morrow. He that falls sick, and takes his Bed this day, has reason to fear, he may never rise out of it again: Yet this day you may let Blood with good success.

The sixth Day of the Moon the Child that is born shall be of long Life, but very sickly: To send Children to School this day is very fortunate, and denotes they shall increase in Learning. Hunting on this day will also be successful: But if a Man fall sick, he shall hardly recover.

On the seventh Day the Child that is born, may live many Years; but he that falls sick will never recover: On this day it is good to shave the Head, to tame wild Beasts, and to buy Hogs, for he that does so, shall gain much by them. If he that has been long sick, takes Physick, this day, he is likely to recover.

On the eighth Day, a Child born shall be in danger of dying young; but if he outlive his first Sickness, he shall live long, and arrive to a great Estate. Whatever Business a Man undertakes on this day shall prosper; but it is especially good to buy Cattel, and to begin Buildings: And he that dreams a Dream shall quickly have it come to pass. He that falls sick on this day shall recover; and a thing that's lost shall be found.

On the ninth Day, the Child that shall be born, shall be very Fortunate; enjoying a long Life, and arriving to great Riches. This also is a fortunate day for Business, for what thou undertakest this day, shall come to a good Issue: He that is pursued shall escape; and he that groans under the Burden of Oppression, shall be opportunely relieved. But have a care thou let not Blood this day, for it is dangerous.

On the tenth Day the Child that is born, [Page 11] shall be a great Traveller, pass through many Kingdoms and Nations, and at last dye at Home in his old Age. Do nothing on this day but what thou would'st have known, for all secret things shall be brought to light. She that falls into Labour this day, shall be delivered without Danger; but he that being sick, takes his Bed this day, shall lie by it a long time. Blood­letting may be used this day with good success.

On the eleventh Day of the Moon, the Child that is born shall be of a good Con­stitution, and be mightily devoted to Re­ligion; shall be long liv'd, and of a lovely Countenance, and shall have some particular Mole on his Fore-head: But if it be a Fe­male, she shall be much addicted to Wisdom and Learning. On this day it is good to begin a Journey, for it shall be prosperous; and also to Marry, for the married Couple shall be happy all their lives, and be blessed with many Children. It is likewise good for Shepherds to change their Sheepfolds.

The twelfth day of the Moon's Age, in Allusion to the Twelfth House of the Zo­diack, betokens nothing but Sorrow and Woe; and the Child born on this Day, shall be given to Wrathfulness, and subject to [Page 12] many Afflictions. He that falls sick on this day, his Sickness, after a long time of lan­guishing, shall end in Death: If there be occasion to let Blood this day, let it be toward the Evening, and then it may do no harm.

On the thirteenth Day of the Moon, the Child that is born shall be of a short Life, and subject to much Misery whilst it lives, by reason of peevish Crosness, so that it can never be pleas'd: To plant Vines, or to ga­ther Grapes, and eat the Fruits this day, is very good: He that on this day was sent to Prison, shall be quickly set at Liberty; and whatever has been lost on this day, shall quickly be found. To wed a Wife on this day, is good, for she shall be both loving and obedient to her Husband.

On the fourteenth Day, the Child that is then born, shall be an Enemy to his Coun­try, and seek the Destruction of his Prince, which shall bring him to his deserved End: On this day if thou askest a Kindness either of a Friend or an Enemy, yet it shall be granted thee. Give to a sick Man Physick, and it shall restore him to his former Health.

On the fifteenth day, the Child that is born, shall quickly dye: On this day begin [Page 13] no Work, it is unfortunate; yet he that falls sick this day, may recover, but it will be after long sickness; that which was lost yesterday, may be found again this day.

On the sixteenth Day, the Child born shall be of ill Manners, and very Unfortu­nate; insomuch that tho' he may live long, yet his Life will be a burden to him. Yet this is a good day for Buying, Selling and Merchandizing; and also to deal in great Cattel; but it is not good to dream in, for Dreams on this day are commonly hurtful, and such as come to pass long after. If a Man be sick, and on this day change his Ha­bitation, he may recover, and do well a­gain.

On the seventeenth Day, the Child that shall be born will be foolish, to that degree, that it shall be almost a Natural; and there­by become a great Affliction to his Parents. To go on Messages this day is unfortunate▪ Yet to contract Matrimony, to compound Physical Preparations, and to take Physick, is very good: but by no means to let Blood.

On the eighteenth Day, the Child that shall be born, if a Male, will be Valiant, Couragious and Eloquent; but if a Female, Chaste, Industrious, and Painful; and shall come to Honour in her old Age. It is good [Page 14] this day to begin Buildings, and to put out your Children in order to be brought up in Learning. Have a ca [...]e of being let Blood this day, for it is very dangerous.

On the nineteenth Day, the Child then born, if a Male, shall be renowned for Wisdom and Vertue, and thereby arrive to great Honours; but if it be a Female, she will be of a weak and sickly Constitution; yet she shall live to be married. This day they may Bleed that have occasion.

On the twentieth Day of the Moon's Age, the Child that shall be born shall be stubborn, quar [...]ilsome and a great Fighter, yet shall he arrive to Riches, and get store of Money. This is a good day to purchase Servants on, or to begin any manner of Business.

On the one and twentieth Day of the Moon, the Child that is born shall be un­happy; for tho' he shall be witty and inge­nious, yet he shall be addicted to stealing, which may bring him to the Gallows; or if he escape that, yet he will [...]e stirring up Plots and Rebellions against the Govern­ment, which in the end will be fatal to him. He that is minded to keep his Mony, ought on this day to abstain from Gamin [...], or else he may happen to lose it all. Abstain from Bleeding this day at your own pe [...]il.

On the two and twentieth Day, the Child born shall be very fortunate, and purchase a good Estate; he shall also be of a very chearful Countenance, comely and religi­ous; and shall be well belov'd. Avoid go­ing of any Message this day, for they will not be fortunate. It is good this day to remove Bees from one place to another, in order to their increase. Blood-letting this day may be profitable.

On the three and twentieth Day the Child born, shall be of an ungovernable Spirit, and shall give up himself to wander­ing abroad in the World, and seeking of his Fortuen in Forreign Parts, and in the end shall dye miserably▪ This is a good day to wed with a good Wife; for he that meets with such a one, ought to marry her while he can have her. It is also generally a prosperous day to all that begin Business thereon.

On the twenty fourth Day of the Moon, a Child born then shall be a Prodigy▪ in the World, and make all Men admire at his sur­prizing and wonderful Actions, which shall exceed those of the ordinary sort of Men.

On the five and twentieth Day of the Moon, the Child then born shall be wicked; he shall encounter with many Dangers, and [Page 16] at last shall perish by them. This is an un­fortunate day, and threatens Dangers and Disappointment to those that begin any En­terprize of moment thereon. A Man that falls sick on this day, shall hardly recover.

On the six and twentieth Day of the Moon's Age, that Child that shall be then born, shall be very beautiful and amiable, but yet but of an indifferent Station in the World, if it be a Male; but if it be a Fe­male, a rich Man marries her for her Beau­ty. He that on this day falls sick of a Dropsie, shall hardly recover. Let those that Travel on this day, beware of meet­ing with those they don't care for, and that yet may ease them of their Burthens.

The twenty seventh Day, the Child that shall be born, shall be of that sweet and affable Temper and Disposition, that it shall attract the Love of every one with whom it shall converse; and yet, if a Man, shall ne­ver rise to any great height in the World: But if a Maiden, the sweetness of her Dispo­sition may advance her; for such a one is to be esteemed above Rubies. If a Man fall sick on this day, tho' he may endure much misery, yet he shall at last recover.

On the twenty eight Day of the Moon, the Child that is born shall be the Delight [Page 17] of its Parents, but yet subject to much Sick­ness, and many Distempers, which shall take it away before it arrives to a perfect Age.

On the twenty ninth Day, the Child that shall be born, shall be fortunate and happy; bless'd with long Life, and attain to an eminent degree of Holiness, Wisdom and Virtue. To marry a good Wife is al­ways good, and such will his be, that shall marry this day. Fishing and Hunting are both good Recreations, and on this day will prove very successful.

On the thirtieth Day, the Child that shall be born will be fortunate and happy, and well skill'd in Arts and Sciences.

These and divers other the like things, happen to Mankind, according to the dif­ferent Age and Course of the Moon, which has a mighty influence upon all Humane Bodies.

And as the Moon, so all the rest of the Signs and Planets have their various and re­spective Influences upon Subluminary Bodies, according to which Man is govern'd, and his Nature inclin'd this way or that way, according to the Nature of the Sign or Pla­ [...]et Ruling him; tho' all in Subordination [...]o the will of our Supream Creator; which [...]ccasioned that memorable saying,

Regunt Astra Homines;
Sed Regit Astra Deus.
That is,
The Stars rules Man;
But GOD rules the Stars.

I will therefore for the Advantage and Benefit of my Reader, treat a little more distinctly of the Powers and Influences of the Celestial Bodies, as they are laid down by Ancient and Modern Astrologers, who have written upon that Subject more large­ly.

V. Of Astrology, what it is.

AStrology is that Art which teacheth us the Influences and Effect of the Celesti­al Planets upon the Bodies of Men, Women and Children, which by their Various As­pects, Positions, and Configurations, do fore­shew the Changes and Mutations both of Particular Bodies, and also of Kingdoms and States.

Some would confound Astrology and Astronomy together, which are in truth dif­ferent things: And both have their peculi­ar


The sixth is ☿ Mercury, whose Nature is cold and dry, variable; he is situated very near the Sun, and is rarely seen: He makes his Revolution in the same time as the Sun and Venus.

The seventh is ☽ Luna, or the Moon, which is the last or lowest; and whose Na­ture is cold and moist; every one knows she is of a pale Colour; and she maketh her Revolution in twenty seven Days and eight Hours.

Having thus giving you a brief Account of the Names and Natures of the seven Pla­nets, I shall here add an Account of the five Aspects also, which are these:

XII. Of the Five Aspects.

1. ♂ COnjunction, which is when two Planets are in one Sign and De­gree.

2. Sextile, which is, when two Pla­nets are distant two Signs, or sixty De­grees.

3. □ Qartile, which is, when two Pla­nets are distant three Signs, or ninety De­grees.

4. △ Trine, which is, when two Planets are distant four Signs, or one hundred and twenty Degrees.

[Page 32]5. ☍ Opposition, which is, when two Pla­nets are distant six Signs, or one hundred and eighty Degrees.

There are also two opposite Points in the Eccliptick Line, called Nodes, which we commonly call the Dragon's Head, and Tail, thus Characteriz'd:

  • Dragon's Head.
  • Dragon's Tail.

I should now shew you the various Effects and Operations of the seven Planets, as they are posited in the several Houses; but I think it first most necessary to give you an Explanation of several Terms us'd in the Astronomical and Astrological Science.

XIII. An Explication of the Circles of the Sphere, and some other Terms in Astronomy, for the easier Ʋnderstanding of this Book, and fur­ther Information of the Reader.

THe Equinoctial Circle, Equator, or Equi­nox, is a great Circle or Line, equally distant from the two Poles of the World, dividing the Sphere in the midst.

Zodiack is a broad Oblique Circle crossing the Eq [...]noctial in two opposite Places, viz. in the beginning of Aries, and the beginning [...] Libra; so that one half declines towards [Page 33] the North, the other towards the South; [...]nd in this Circle is comprehended the [...]welve Constellations or Signs, every Sign containing thirty Degrees in length, and [...]welve in breadth. Note also that the first [...]ix are Northern Signs, and the six last Southern Signs.

The Ecliptick Line is a line imagined to go [...]long the midst of the Zodiack, as a Girdle, [...]ut of which the Sun never goeth; but the Moon and other Planets are sometimes on [...]ne side, and sometimes on the other side, [...]hich is called their Latitudes; only the [...]xed Stars alter not their Latitude, whether [...]reat or small; but the Longitude of a Star, [...] the Arch or part of the Ecleptick in De­ [...]rees, between the beginning of Aries, and [...]e Circle which passeth through the Poles [...]f the Zodiack, and also through the Body [...]f the Star; where note that all Circles of [...]e Sphere or Heavens, whether they are [...]rge or small, have three hundred and sixty degrees allowed to each of them.

Colures are said to be two great moveable [...]ircles, crossing each other at the Poles of [...]e World, one cutting the Equinox at the [...]eginning of Aries, and at the beginning of [...]ibra, and the other cutting the Ecleptick, the beginning of Cancer, and at the begin­ning [Page 34] of Capricorn; and so dividing the Globe into four equal parts.

Horizon is a great Circle which divideth the upper Hemisphere (that is the uppe [...] Hall of the World) from the lower, we be­ing always supposed to be in the midst.

Meridian is a great Circle passing throug [...] the Poles of the World, and the Poles of th [...] Horizon, called the Zenith and the Nardi [...] (which are two Points, one directly ove [...] our Heads, the other directly under our Feet) on which the Sun always is just at Noon; an [...] to go directly North and South, the Meri­dian is not changed; but to go East or West it is changed; so sixty Miles either way maketh one Degree, or four minutes of Tim [...] difference under the Equinox, viz. sixt [...] miles Eastward, it is Noon four minute sooner, and sixty miles Westward fou [...] minutes later.

Tropicks are supposed to be two lesse Circles parallel with the Equinoctial, an [...] distant from it on either side twenty thre [...] degrees, thirty one minutes each; the Eclip­tick Line toucheth the Tropick of Cancer [...] on the North side of the Equinal; and i [...] toucheth the Tropick of Capricorn on th [...] South side thereof; so that the Sun ha [...] his motion between these two Circles.

The Arctick Circle is equally distant from the North Pole, as the Tropicks are distant from the Equinox, twenty three degrees thirty one minuets.

The Antarctick Circle is the same distance from the South Pole.

Zones, so called, are five in Number, two cold, two Temperate, and one Hot, which are divided by the two Tropicks, and Poler Circles from each other; the hot Zone is counted between the▪ two Tropicks; that is, extended from one to the other, being about forty seven degrees two minutes broad; the Temperate, Zones are Extended from the Tropicks on either side, to about forty two degrees fifty eight minutes; that is, Northward, to the Arctick Circle, and Southward to the Antarctick Circle: And the two cold Zones are each within those two small Circles, having the Poles for their Center.

The Poles of the World, two Points ex­actly oppose to each other in the Heavens, one in the North, the other in the South, the Earth being in the midst; so that it seems to turn about, as if it were born up by them; therefore by some it is termed the Axle-tree of the World, as if there were a Line sup­posed to be drawn from one Pole, through [Page 36] the Center of the Earth to the other, and the Earth turning thereon; tho' holy Writ tells us, The Lord hangeth the Earth upon Nothing, it being upholden by his Mighty Power. The Pole Arctick, or North Pole, is elevated above our Horizon fifty one Degrees; and those Stars within that distance from it, never set with us, but keep their Course round it daily; so likewise those that are at that distance from the South Pole, never rise with us, but per­form their Course in the like order.

Azimuths are supposed Lines or Circles of Distance from the Meridian, drawn from the Zenith to any Degree, or two Degrees of the Horizon, or according to the thirty two Points of the Marriners Compass, so that in Traveling or failing any way, sup­posing a Circle to go from our Zenith di­rectly before us to the Horizon, is the Azimuth, called the Vertical Point, as well as the Zenith.

Almicantharats, or Almadarats, or Circles of Altitude, are imagin'd Circles, passing through the Meridian, parallel with the Horizon.

The Sphere is a round Body, representing the Frame of the whole World, as the Cir­cles of the Heavens and the Earth: This is sometimes called a material Sphere, for the [Page 37] Orbs of the Pianets are called their Spheres, that is, the Circles in which they move.

Ascention is the Rising of any Star, or of any part of the Ecliptick above the Ho­rizon: Descention is its going down.

Right Ascention of a Star, is that part of the Equinox that riseth or setteth with the Star in a Right Sphere; but in an Oblique Sphere, it is that part of the Equinoctial in degrees contained between the first Point of Aries, and that place of the Equinoctial which passeth by the Meridian, with the Center of the Star

Oblique Ascention is a part of the Equino­ [...]tial in degrees, contained betwixt the be­ginning of Aries, and that of the Equinox; which riseth with any Star or part of the Ecliptick, in an Oblique Sphere.

Ascentional Difference is the Difference be­ [...]wixt the Right and Oblique Ascention, or he number of Degrees contained between [...]hat place and the Equinox, that riseth with [...]he Center of a Star, and that place of the [...]quinox that cometh to the Meridian with [...]he same Star.

Solstice is in the Summer, when the Sun in the beginning of Cancer; and in the [...]inter, when the Sun enters into Capri­ [...]rn; because then the Days seem to stand [Page 38] still, and neither seem to increase nor de­crease above two minuites in ten or twelve Days.

Constellation is a certain number of Stars, supposed to be limited within some form or likeness, as Aries the Ram is said to have thireen Stars, Taurus the Bull, thirty three Stars. Arcturus, Orion and the Pleides, men­tioned Job 9. 9. are said to be Constella­tions.

Perihelium is the Point wherein the Earth, (or any Planet) is nearest the Sun.

Aphelium is the Point wherein the Earth (or any Planet) is farthest from the Sun.

Planets, are the seven erratique or wan­dering Stars, called Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, (or the Sun) Venus, Mercury, and Luna (or the Moon) whose Characters, Names and Natures we have mentioned before, and whose Influences we shall by and by give you a farther Account of. These Planets have also their several Motions, as,

Direct, is a Planets moving in its natural Course, which is forward.

Retrograde is their moving backward, contrary to their direct Motion.

Combust is their being under the Sun­beams, or within eight Degrees of him.

Oriental is when a Planet riseth before the Sun; Occidental, after him.

Latitude of the Earth, is the distance or breadth on either side of the Equinox to­wards the Poles; and they that are under the Equinox have no Latitude, but the Poles of the World are in their Horizon; this is a right Sphere, and every sixty Miles directly North or South, are said to make one Degree or Latitude, and the heigth of either Pole above the Horizon, is answera­ble to the degree of Latitude in an Oblique Sphere; as London is counted to be in La­titude of fifty one Degrees thirty two Mi­nuits, the Pole there being elevated as much. The like is to be observed in any other place or Region.

Longitude of the Earth, is the out-side thereof, extended from West to East, cros­sing the Latitude at right Angles, the begin­ning thereof (according to some Astrono­mers) is the Canary Isles, so going East­ward quite round the World, unto the same place again, which is three hundred and sixty degrees, and under the Equinoctial is reputed to be two Millions one Thousand six Hundred Miles, re [...]koning sixty Miles to a degree; but the farther off the Equi­noctial, the fewer Miles are in a degree; for at London about thirty seven make a de­gree of Longitude; so these degrees grows [Page 40] less and less, until they all meet in the Lati­tude of Ninety, that is, under the Poles.

Parallels are Lines straight or circular, equally distant from each other, as the E­quinox, Tropicks, and Degrees of Lati­tude, &c.

Climate, or Clime, is such a space of Earth comprehended between two Parellels, in which space there is half an Hour's differ­ence in the Sun-dials, and length of the Days.

Antipodes are those whose Feet are direct­ly against ours, as if a Line were drawn from one, through the Center of the Earth, to the other.

And this shall suffice as to the Explanati­on of things, which I have done as briefly as I could, for the Advantage of the Rea­der, to whom possibly these things (so ne­cessary to be known) may have hitherto been concealed.

XIV. Of the Sun's Revolution through the Twelve Signs of the Zodiack, with an Astro­logical Judgment of those that shall be born when the Sun is in any of those Signs.

THo' there be seven Planets (as we have before shewed) yet the Sun and Moon being the two great Luminaries of the World, have greater Influence upon our Bodies than all the rest; and the Sun shi­ning by his own Light, and being the Foun­tain both of Light and Life, has greater Power than the Moon, and his Influence is more in any of the twelve Houses; I shall therefore here, because I affect Brevity, give the Reader an Astrological Judgment of the Sun's Power and Influence, being in any of the twelve Houses: After I have first ac­quainted my Reader what a House is, and signifies in Astrology:

A House is a certain Space in the Firma­ment, which is parted or separated by seve­ral Degrees, by which the Planets have their Motion, Metaphorically called Hou­ses; for as in a House there be many Man­sions; so every Planet has a peculiar or pro­per place in the Firmament, by which it moves, and in which it is resident, contain­ing [Page 42] thirty Degrees, by which one House is differenced from another; and these are pla­ced by Astrologers in the following order,


The Sun being in Aries,

Makes the Person born under it of a fro­ward and peevish Disposition, quickly angry, but as soon pleas'd; given to study, and very Eloquent, but proud, lying and luxu­rious; promising all things, but perform­ing nothing; not beloved among his Kin­dred, and obnoxious to danger from his Enemies: he shall be in danger of receiving harm from four-footed Beasts, as being [Page 43] thrown from a Horse, and the like; so that he ought to avoid all Hawking, Hunting and other Exercises to be performed on Horse­back, which are like to be fatal to him: But in other things he may be more fortu­nate. If the Person born be a Female, tho' she may be fair, and fruitful in Children, yet she will be given to lying, and of so bad a Temper and Disposition, that her Husband will live but uneasily with her. Note this also, That those born in the Day-time, the Sun being in Aries, will be fortunate and happy; but those that are born in the Night, will be unfortunate and come to disgrace.

The Sun being in Taurus,

Makes the Native bold and fortunate in attempting hard and difficult Affairs; it shews him also victorious over his Enemies, and a great Traveller, but banish'd from his native Country. It also shews one ser­vile, familiar and angry; but in his old Age only; for in his Youth he shall obtain Rich­es by Marriage, which shall make him bet­ter humour'd. But when Age comes, it brings Sickness with it, and that makes Men peevish. It makes Females wanton, yet painful and obedient; but full of tittle­tattel, [Page 44] it also shews 'em inclin'd to Whore­dom; which will wear off by degrees. She shall have many Husbands and divers Chil­dren.

The Sun being in Gemini,

Denotes a fair Child, also one that is wise, liberal, merciful; also a Boaster, and and one that runs up and down without a­ny regard to his Business, whereby he shall obtain but little Riches of his own; but shall be of that Fidelity and Truth, that he shall have the command of the Publick Trea­sure: It also denotes one to be of a com­plaisant Behaviour, a good Understanding, and acceptable to those with whom he shall have to do It shews him also to be well vers'd in the Mathematical Sciences, and Arithmetick; and that he shall be in great danger about twenty three Years of Age, either to be hurt by Fire, or bitten by a mad Dog.

The Sun being in Cancer,

Shews a Person to be of a good wit, hu­mility, and wisdom; but one inclin'd to Pleasure, and the love of Women. It also shews one attempting many things, and es­pecially on the Seas, and thereby often in [Page 45] danger, and vexed with many Incommodi­ties, and with much Poverty and Misery; and that tho' he may get much, yet he shall be never the richer; he shall dig for Trea­sure, and find that which he looked not for. But if it be a Maid, she shall be witty, shame­fac'd, civil, wise, diligent, nimble and beautiful; soon pleased, yet deceitful and crafty, saying one thing, and doing ano­ther; subject to many Dangers, by Water, by falling, by Child-bearing, and the Chol­lick. And after the Age of twenty six, whe­ther the Native be Male or Female, it pro­miseth good success. It denotes also a Per­son to be painful, faithful, acquainted with great Men, and fortunate in Husbandry.

The Sun being in Leo,

Denotes a Man proud and arrogant, bold and stout; a Mocker, a Scorner, unmerci­ful, cruel, and hard to be entreated, beset with many Enemies, and subject to many miseries; also a Captain or other Comman­der, looking for Promotion from Great Men; unfortunate in Children, and meet­ing with many Afflictions by their means, putting himself into many Dangers; he shall be also in danger of Fire, Sword, and violence of Beasts, by whom he shall be in [Page 46] danger of Death; but with prudence he may escape all threatned Danger. But if the Native be of the Female Sex, she shall be bold, have great and large Breasts, and slen­per Legs, which are Tokens of stoutness and boldness, anger, slanders, and babling; tho' the softness natural to Women do alle­viate the excess thereof. she ought howe­ver to be especially careful of hot waters and fire, by which she will be in great dan­ger: She shall also be much inclin'd to the Sickness, or gnawing of the Stomack. But after the Age of one and twenty Years she shall be fortunate in Riches, which she shall obtain by the help of great Men, and the use of other Mens Goods; also by House­keeping, Beauty, and Love.

The Sun being in Virgo,

Makes Men fortunate and successful in Houshold-affairs, wise and faithful, stout and ambitious; his Wife shall die suddenly in his absence; he shall have many things stolen from him, but shall be revenged on his Enemies. He shall be so much given to talk, that he cann't keep his own secrets: It also shews one fair of Face, of genteel Be­haviour, a Lover of Women, and delight­ing to be in the Courts of Princes and No­blemen. [Page 47] It also denotes one wise, just, and honourable, a Patron and Defender of his Friends, also Religious and temperate, of a comely Personage, and well-featured. If the Native be a Maiden, she shall be witty, honest and modest; of a willing mind, di­ligent and circumspect; and shall be marri­ed about the Age of fifteen Years. But whether Male or Female, they shall be lia­ble to meet with many Afflctions.

The Sun being in Libra,

Denotes the Person to be fortunate in all Maritine-affairs, and that he shall gain by trading in Spices and precious Stones: It also shews a comely Body, and a voluble pleasant Tongue, a good Name, and one curious of understanding Secrets; but not very careful to perform what he promises; how much soever he may pretend to it: It shews also that he shall have several Wives, and that he shall quickly bury his first: He shall also be a Gainer by dead Men, who will leave him large Legacies: He shall be a great Lover of Women, and entertain unlawful Familiarities with them. He shall be also a good Interpreter of Dreams whether he be born by Day or Night. If the Native be of the Female Sex she shall be free and de­bonair [Page 49] and of a jocund Humour, taking much delight in Herbs, loving the Fields, and wandering into strange Places: About twenty three years of Age, she shall have a Husband, and be happily married, for her Beauty, pleasantness of Conversation, and good Behaviour, shall much promote her. Likewise the Children of Libra are such as are Studious, and Lovers of Learning; but without special care be taken, they may receive prejudice by Fire, or Scalding-wa­ter.

The Sun being in Scorpio,

Encreases the Natives Inheritance, and gives them boldness and stoutness, inclining them likewise to flattery; by which means those they deal withal are often deceiv'd; and when they expect Bread, may meet with nothing but a Scopion. It likewise denotes a Person full of Mirth, given to jesting, and easie of belief, and at the same time a Conque­ror of his Enemies. It makes a Woman to be full of [...]raft and Wit; and yet her first Hus­band shall deceive her. She shall likewise be subject to the pain of the Spleen, and have some extraordinary Mark, either in the Head, Shoulder, or brawn of the Arm. It makes both Sexes bold [...]d rash, given to [Page 49] thieving and to search out hidden things; al­so it makes them wanton Fornicators, and full of evil Thoughts, and given to too much Talking.

The Sun being in Sagittary,

Gives fortune, and boldness to take in hand any Enterprize; inclining a Person [...]o travel, and take voyages by Sea, and jour­ [...]ies by Land, and not without considerable advantage: It also gives access into the Courts of Princes, where the Native shall [...]e advan [...]'d to some honourable Post. It also shews a Person given to riding, hawk­ [...]ng, hunting, leaping, fighting, and such manly Exercises; at which he always comes off with Honour, by which means he is en­ [...]ied and has many Enemies, whom yet he [...]hall vanquish and overcome. It also shews [...]e shall possess the Inheritance of his Father, and that he shall be just, ingenious, faithful, [...]earty, a sure Friend, and a generous Ene­ [...]y. If the Native be a Woman, it like­wise betokens the same; she shall be in­ [...]ustrious and of an excellent temper; she [...]hall be envied of her Enemies, but shall o­ [...]ercome them: She shall be married about [...]eventeen, and have many Children.

The Sun being in Capricorn,

Shews the Native shall meet with many Afflictions and Adversities, which he shall sustain with much Resolution: Yet it also shews him a [...]gry and fretful, and one that keeps naughty Company. It also makes him merry and chearful; yet he may fall in love to that degree, that he may be ready to die for his Mistress; but if the Nativity be by Night; he shall be Unconstant: It also shews that in Age he shall grow covetous: He shall thrive by Navigation, especially if he Trade toward the East; for from thence his Fortune shall arise. If the Native be a Women, she shall be modest and bashful, of a fearful disposition, and very much addict­ed to travel.

The Sun being in Aquarius,

Maketh the Native of a friendly Dis­position, fearful of Waters, and in dan­ger of receiving prejudice thereby: He shall be subject to Sickness and Quotidian A­gues, until about the fifteenth Year of his Age; after whihc he shall be more fortu­nate, for by travelling through divers Countries, he shall gather Riches, which with a liberal hand he shall distribute; he [Page 51] shall meet with sundry Losses and Afflictions, especially by means of his Wife and other Women; and shall live for a long time without any enjoyment of her: But she be­ing dead, his Affairs will be more fortunate. If the Native be a Woman, she shall be comely of Body, and of a faithful and con­stant Mind; she shall be enriched with other Mens Goods, but her Children shall be a great Affliction to her, and she shall receive much damage by them. She shall not attain to any great fortune till the two and twen­tieth Year of her Age, and then she shall ar­rive to a competent Estate.

The Sun being in Pisces,

Denotes a Man to be quick, of a voluble and ready Tongue, bold and conceited; but fortunate in finding out hidden Trea­sures; for this is peculiar to those who are born when the Sun is in Pisces, that they shall find something unlooked for, and shall be also enriched with other Mens Goods: It also shews them to be merry and jocose, of a good disposition, and loving the com­pany of good Men: They seldom live long; but if they reach to thirty five Years, they may live to old Age. They shall never be very Rich, except in their own Opinions; [Page 52] always full of troublesome thoughts; and are in danger of being brought into Cap­tivity, by means of Women. They have commonly some mark either in the Elbow or Foot, and their fortune will come from the South. If the Native be a Woman, she will be hot, bold, of an insolent Tongue, contumelious, a notorious Scold; and some­thing worse; for she will forsake her own Husband, and cleave to an Adulterer.

Thus I have given you an Account of the Influences of the Sun, being in any of the Coelestial Signs; by which any Person may know in what Sign the Sun was, at the time of his Birth.

XV. Of the Evil or Perillous Days in every Month of the Year, according to Erra Pater, a Jewish Doctor in Astronomy and Physick.

THat Great Doctor, Erra Pater, who is so famous for his Prognostications, assures us, that there are certain Days in the Year, which it concerns all Persons to know, because they are so perillous and danger­ous: For on these Days, as he saith, if a­ny Man or Woman shall be let Blood, they shall die within twenty one Days following; or whoso falleth Sick on any of these Days, [Page 53] they shall certainly die: And whoso begin­neth a Journy on any of these Days, he shall be in danger of Death, before he return: Also he that Marrieth a Wife on any of these Days, they shall either be quickly parted, or else live together with much Sorrow and Discontent. And lastly, Whosoever on any of these Days, beginneth any great Business, it will never prosper, nor come to its desired Perfection. Now since these Days, accord­ing to Erra Pater, are so unfortunate, it highly concerns every one both to know and take notice of them; which the Reader may do, I have here set them down in the following Order:

Ʋnfortunate Days in each Month.

In January are eight Days; that is to say, the 1st, 2d, 4th, 5th, 10th, 15th, 17th, and 19th.

In February are three Days; that is, the 8th, 17th, and 19th.

In March are three Days; that is, the 15th, 16th, and 21th.

In April are two Days; the 15th, and the 21th.

In May are three Days; that is, the 15th, 17th, and 20th.

In June are two Days, the 4th, and the 7th.

In July are two Days, the 15th and 20th.

In August are two Days, the 19th and the 20th.

In September are two Days, the 6th and 7th.

In October is one Day, the 6th.

In November are two Days, the 5th and the 19th.

In December are three Days, the 6th, the 7th, and the 11th: And others say, the 15th and the 16th.

But besides these, there are also the Ca­nicular, or Dog-days, which are Days of great Danger and Peril; and they begin the 19th day of July, and end the 27th day of A [...]gust; during which time, it is very dan­gerous to fall Sick, to take Physick, or to be let Blood; but if Necessity call for it, it is best to be done before the midst of the Day.

XVI. Of the Planetary Days and Hours, and how to know under what Planet a Man is born.

THe Planetary Hours are these Hours in which each Planet Reigns, and has the chief Dominion: Of which Erra Pater, Al­bamazer, and others of the Ancient Learn­ed Doctors give the following Account:

  • [Page 55] Saturn is Lord on Saturday.
  • Jupiter is Lord on Thursday.
  • Mars is Lord on Tuesday.
  • Sol is Lord on Sunday.
  • Venus Reigns on Friday.
  • Mercury on Wednesday.
  • Luna on Munday.

On Saturday the first Hour after Mid­night, Saturn reigns, the Second Jupiter, the third Mars, the fourth hour Sol reigns, the fifth hour Venus, the sixth Mercury, and the seventh hour Luna; and then again Sa­turn the eighth hour, Jupiter the ninth hour, Mars the tenth hour, Sol the eleventh hour, Venus the twelfth hour, Mercury the thir­teenth, Luna the fourteenth; and then the third time Saturn the fifteenth, Jupiter the sixteenth, Mars the seventeenth, Sol the eigh­teenth, Venus the nineteenth, Mercury the twentieth, and Luna the one and twentieth [...]our: Then in the fourth place, Saturn the two and twentieth hour, Jupiter the three and twentieth, and Mars the four and twentieth: And then Sol beginneth the first hour after Midnight on Sunday, Venus the second hour, Mercury the third, and so to 24, which is the hour of Mercury, and then Luna begins the first hour after Midnight on Monday, Saturn the second, Jupiter the [Page 56] third, and so to 24 again, which is the hour of Jupiter; and then Mars begins the first hour after Midnight on Tuesday; and Sol the second, and so forward hour by hour, and Planet by Planet, according to their Order, by which every Planet reigns the first Hour of his own Day: And so likewise the 8th, the 15th, and the 22d: As for In­stance, Saturn reigns the first hour, the 8th, the 15th, and the 22d on Saturday; Sol the same hours on Sunday, Luna the same on Monday, Mars the same on Tuesday, Mer­cury the same on Wednesday, Jupiter the same on Thursday, and so Venus on Friday. Which for the readier and easier finding out, I have thus set down:

XVII. A Table of the Planetary Hours for every Day in the Week.

Sunday Mond. Tuesd. Wedn. Thursd. Friday Saturd.
Pl. H. Pl. H. Pl. H. Pl. H. Pl. H. Pl. H. Pl. H.
[...] [...] [...] 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 [...] 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 [...] 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 [...] 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
11 11 [...] 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 [...] 12 12 12
13 13 13 13 [...] 13 13 13
14 14 14 14 14 14 14
15 15 15 [...] 15 15 15 15
16 16 16 16 16 16 16
17 [...] 17 17 17 17 17
18 18 18 18 18 18 18
19 19 [...] 19 19 [...] 19 19 19
20 20 20 20 20 20 [...] 20
21 21 21 [...] 21 21 21 21
22 22 22 22 22 22 22
23 23 23 23 23 23 23
24 24 24 24 24 24 24

This Table is so easie, it needs little Ex­planation: Its use is to find what Planet rules any Hour of the Day, every Day in the Week. For Example: I desire to know what Planet rules on Wednesday at seven a Clock at Night, under the Tilts of Wednes­day I look for 19, which answers to seven a clock at night, for the Natural Day consist­ing of 24 hours begins after Midnight, so that from 12 at noon, you begin to reckon 13, 14, 15, &c. you will find that the 19th hour from Midnight, answers to seven a clock at night, over against which you will find ☉, which shews that to be the hour of the Sun. And if you would know what Pla­net rules at seven in the morning that Day, you will find against 7 ♀, which shews that Venus rules that hour; and so of any other hour in any Day.

But I shall now come to speak of the Signi­fications of the Planetary Hours of each Pla­net, and what it portends to those that are born in them:

The Hour of Saturn is strong, and is good to do all things that require strength; such as fighting, or bearing of burdens, or the like: But for other things it is very evil. He that is born in the hour of Saturn, is slow, dull and melancholly, of a dogged temper [Page 59] and disposition; black and swarthy of com­plexion, he is quarrelsome, wrathful, and very malicious.

The Hour of Jupiter is in all things good, and denotes, Peace, Love and Concord: He that is born in the hour of Jupiter, is of a ruddy and sanguine Complexion; fair Hair, well proportion'd Body, and of a lovely Countenance, his Face rather broad than long; well-spoken and courteous, and of a very affable Carriage, Sober, Just, and Religious.

The Hour of Mars is evil, and denotes the Person born in it to be of a hot cholle­rick Constitution, of a robust strong Body, soon angry, and hard to be reconcil'd: his face red, and his eyes sparkling and fiery: Much addicted to fighting, and ready to quarrel with every Man he meets, which oftentimes brings him to an untimely end.

The Hour of the Sun signifies great strength; and is very fortunate for Kings and Princes. He that is born in this hour, hath sharp eyes, brown hair, and a round face; and denotes one that is a great Pro­jecter, aims at high things, but is often disappointed, and seldom brings his Designs to pass.

The Hour of Venus is very propitious and fortunate, but it is better by night than day; especially Mid-day, for then the Sun covers it: He that is born in this hour hath fair hair, soft eyes, a little forehead, and round beard; very complaisant in his car­riage, mighty amorous, and a great Admi­rer of Women, much addicted to singing and gaming; and spends his Mony in court­ing and treating of the Female Sex.

The Hour of Mercury is very good, but chiefly from the beginning to the middle: He that is born in th [...]s hour has a stature in­clining to tallness, a sharp long face, long eyes, and a long nose, his forehead narrow, l [...]ng beard, and thin hair, long arms, and l [...]ng fingers; of a good disposition, and an obliging temper; much given to reading, and very desi [...]ous of Knowledge, delight­ing to be among Books. Very eloquent in his speech; and yet addicted to lying; and if he be poor, he is commonly light finger'd.

The Hour of the Moon is both good and evil, according to the Day: For from the four [...]h to the 17th it is good to those that are born under it; but from the 17th to the 20th, it is counted unfortunate to be born under it; and from the 20th to the 27th, very unhappy: He that is born in the [Page 61] hour of the Moon, (especially upon her own Day) shall be pale fac'd, of a thin meager visage, with hollow eyes, and of a middle statu [...]e: He appears very courte­ous and obliging, but is very crafty and deceitful; se [...]ing about many things, but so incon [...]aut and variable in his humour, that he is presently off them again, and set­ting about something else; insomuch that what he c [...]ies up one bour, he shall as much cry down again the next: He is also very malicious, and will never forget an affront once offer'd him: His Constitution is Phleg­matick.

Thus have I given the Reader the Judg­ment of the Ancients upon the Planetary Hours; and what they portend to those that are born under them; by which a Per­son comparing himself with what is here se [...] down, may easily know under what Planet he was born.

XVIII. Of the Signification of the Seven Pla­nets with respect to Man's Body.

BEfore I conclude my Discourse of the Seven Planets, their Nature and Influ­ences, I shall give you an Ac [...]ount of the Sig­nification of them, as they respect the seve­ral [Page 62] Parts of Man's Body, and the Diseases that they govern, that proper Remedies may be apply'd accordingly:

Saturn governs the right Ear, the Blad­der and the Bones; and the Diseases he go­verns are Quartan Agues, Cancers, Black Choller, Rhumes, Coughs, Palsies, Loos­ness of the Body, &c.

Jupiter governs the Lungs, Ribs, Liver, Seeds, Arteries, and the left Ear; and the Diseases incident to them, are Pleurisies, Appoplexes, and such as proceed from too great a quantity of Blood, or from Wind in any part of the Body.

Mars governs the Gall, the Veins, and the Reins, and their Distempers; which are Fevers, Yellow-jaundice, Madness, Chol­ler, Carbuncles; Mars also governs the Stones and Privy-members of Man and Wo­man in part.

The Sun governs the Eyes, Heart, and the right Side; and the Diseases relating to them; such as Colds, especially in the Sto­mack and Liver, Fluxes in the Eyes, Cramp, Head-ach, &c.

Venus governs the Liver, Loins, Matrix Paps and Throat; the Diseases whereof are weakness in the Body and Members, Ca­tarrhs, French-pox, &c.

Mercury governs the Brains, Thoughts, Memory, Speech, and Tongue; and also the Distempers incident thereto, as Falling­sickness, Madness, Coughs, Hoarsness, Stammering, Pthisick and Rheumes.

The Moon governs the left Eye of a Man, and the right Eye of a Woman, also the Stomach, Belly, and the left Side; and the Diseases proper to them, which are Drop­sies, Palsies, Rotten Coughs, Surfeits, Worms in Children; King's Evil, Falling­sickness, Convulsion-fits, Dimness of Sight, Small-pox and Measles.

Here note, That in all Distempers, before you apply any thing to the Patient, it is pro­per and necessary to consult the Motions and Positions of the Planets; and when by the Table of Planetary Hours before recited, you know what Planet rules; you must in the next place consider the nature of that Planet, as whether it be fierce and cruel, as Mars; or friendly and benevo­lent, as Jupiter; also whether it be cold and moist, or hot and dry; and what is the predominant Complexion, whether San­guine, Chollar, Flegm, or Melancholly; as also what Member of the Body it governs, and what Disease is under its Power: these things being diligently [...]eigh'd and con­sider'd, [Page 64] will furnish the Ingenious Physician with ground sufficient to make a Judgment of the true Nature of the Disease, where­by he may apply those Suitable and Proper Remedies, that shall best conflict with, and be most prevalent against the Distemper: Whereas the want of a due Consideration of these Matters, causes the Physitian often­times to administer those Medicines that rather kill then cure; tho' those very Me­dicines may be good against the same Di­sease, to a Patient under other Circumstan­ces, and falling Sick under a different Posi­tion of the Signs and Planets.

XIX. An Abstract of the Art of Physiognomy; being a Judgment upon the several Parts of Man's Body; and thereby shewing, his Na­ture, Disposition, and Fortune; according to Gater, Arcaphan, and Albuas.

First, Of the Head.

THe Head is the principal Part of Man, being the Receptacle of the Brain, which is the Seat of Wisdom and Under­standing; and the Ancients have made a Judgment of a Man's Wit or Wisdom, ac­cording to the Form or Figure of the Head; As thus: A large Head signifies a Person [Page 65] [...]tupid and dull of Apprehension; also a very [...]mall Head signifies the same; but a Head [...]f a Man being neither great nor small, is [...]he Prognostick of a Wiseman; for all Ex­ [...]reams are irregular, and a Deviation from Nature; and Experience has made it mani­ [...]est, that a great Head and small Members, do [...]lways produce much Indiscretion and Fol­ [...]y, either in Man or Woman: But we must [...]lso consider the several parts of the Head.

Of the Hair.

The Hair is only the Excrescence of a [...]oist Brain; yet the Ancients observe se­ [...]eral things from it: As, if the Hair be [...]hin, it shews a Man to be of a cold Consti­ [...]ution; if curled and thick, it shews the [...]erson to be of a hot Complexion: If the [...]air be stiff, and stand upright, either up­ [...]n the Head, or any other part of the Body, [...] shews a Person extreamly subject to Fear, [...]nd very apt to be frighted. If the Hair be [...]hick and lank, it shews the Party to be [...]eek and humble, and his Constitution in­ [...]ining to cold.

Of the Forehead.

A large Forehead, shews a liberal Man; [...]ut the Forehead narrow, denotes a foolish [Page 66] Person; a long Forehead shews one apt to learn; a high Forehead, swelling and round, is a sign of a crafty Man, and a Coward; a Forehead full of wrinkles, shews a Man to be envious and crafty.

Of the Eyes.

There is nothing the Ancients observ [...] more in the Art of Physiognomy, than th [...] Eyes: And the great Variety there is i [...] them both as to colour, bigness, sharpness, &c. render it very reasonable so to do The Eyes being moist and clear, shew mirth [...] good manners, and an honest Life: But i [...] the Eyes be declining, and looking down [...] ward, or red and very great, it betoken [...] eth giuttony and fleshly lust. Small hol­low Eyes signifie Covetousness: Gray Eyes, an evil Man: Hollow Eyes, a crafty Man; Rowling Eyes, a vicious and wicked Man▪ Black Eyes does denote a sharp and piercing Wit, but one lustful and incontinent. Great Eyes denote Sloth; trembling Eyes, slug­gishness; glittering Eyes, betoken Drun­kenness; smiling and twinkling. Eyes shew [...] merry Life: Eyes divers colours and small, denotes one crafty and flattering: Eyes turning towards the Nose, shew a Man given to Women Great dropping Eyes, with an [Page 67] unstable Countenance, shew a Man mad: The Circle of the Ball green, declares a crafty wicked Man, and a Thief: Moist Eyes denote stoutness of Stomack, perfect Speech, and good Counsel. Great glister­ing Eyes shew a Man mad, and gluttonous. High Eyes, large, clear, pure, and moist, are Tokens of circumspect, diligent Persons, and Lovers. Eyes always running, with­out Sickness cause it, shews foolishness. Small and hollow Eyes, shews covetous, de­ceitful, wrathful and angry Men. Chear­ful Eyes, betoken just Men, of a pleasant disposition, kind, and holy. Winking Eyes, shew a Thief, and one lays wait to catch and ensnare Men. Blear Eyes signifie a Whoremaster.

Of the Eye-brows.

Upright Eye-brows are amiable, but the Eye-brows hanging over shew an effeminate Person. The Brows very hairy, denote an Impediment in a Man's Speech: And the Brows being extended to the Temples, shew a Man to be a Sloven, and uncleanly.

Of the Ears.

Open Ears shews a Man to be without rea­son and understanding; great Ears an un­wise [Page 68] Man, and small Ears a Fool: Square Ears, and of a middle size, shew a learned and wise Man.

Of the Nose.

A great Nose, shews a good Man; a lit­tle Nose, a deceitful Person. A sharp Nose, denotes an angry Person, and a Scold: Thick and low, a Person of bad manners. The Nose stretching to the mouth, denotes honesty, strength, and an aptness to Learn­ing. A Nose like an Ape, betokens a libi­dinous and riotous Person.

Of the Nostrils.

The Nostrils thick and strong, betoken­eth Strength; if round, fair; drawn in length, merry and couragious. The No­strils narrow and round, are Tokens of a foolish Person.

Of the Mouth.

A very big Mouth, with the Upper-lip hanging over, signifies a Man foolish and unsteadfast; also a rash Man, a Babler, a glutton, and an ungodly Man. An indif­ferent large Mouth, sheweth a bold and cou­ragious Man, and a Warriour

Of the Lips.

Thin Lips with a little Mouth, shew an effeminate Person. Slender, thin and fine Lips, betoken Eloquence. Fleshy and great Lips, a Fool. And those whose Teeth bear out their Lips, are generally contumelious Slanderers, and unfaithful, also addicted the love of Women.

Of the Face.

A lean Face, is a token of a wise Man; the Face plain and flat, denotes a Man full of debate and strife: The Face without a­ny rising or swelling, denotes a Person in­jurious and unclean: A fleshly Face shews a Man apt to learn: A sad Face sometimes denotes Foolishness, and sometimes Wis­dom. A fat Face shews a Man to be a Liar, and foolish. A round Face signifies folly. A great Face shews a Man dull and slow a­bout any Business. A well-proportion'd Face shews a Person to have vertuous Qua­lities, and to live a commendable Life, whether they be rich or poor.

Of the Voice.

A shrill Voice denotes a Person to be chol­erick and hasty: A great and hoarse Voice, [Page 70] shews a Person to be injurious, and of a merciless temper. A weak and low Voice, shews a Man to be fearful and cowardly: A grave and slow Voice, shews a Man to be of a sedate and quiet temper, and one of great strength.

Of the Neck.

A Neck inclining to the right side, shews a temperate Man; but turning to the left side, a Fool, and a Man given to unlawful love. A crooked Neck shews a covetous Man: A thick Neck, denotes a rude, bar­barous, and ill-natur'd Man. A long slen­der Neck, shews a Man to be a Coward: A thick and long Neck, a furious and stub­born Person: A mean Neck, a strong and vertuous Man, and one inclin'd to Learn­ing.

Of the Breast.

A large Breast is always very good, and represents Magnanimity, Boldness, Honesty, and Courage. A narrow Breast denotes Imbecility or Weakness both of Body and Mind. A pursie or gross Breast, shews a Man to be morofe, cruel, and void of Pity. The Paps or Dugs hanging down from the Breast, shews a violent chollerick Man.

Of the Back.

A broad Back is a Sign of strength; but the mean proportion of both Back and Brest, is always commendable. A crooked or hump Back, is generally a Token of a nig­gardly and covetous Person.

Of the Belly.

A lank Belly, with a big Breast, denotes a Man of Understanding, Courage, and Counsel: But a great Belly shews an indis­creet, foolish, proud Man, and given to Luxury.

Of the Arms.

Very long Arms, are a sign of Boldness, Strength and Honesty. Short Arms denote a Tormenter of Discord and Strife, among Friends.

Of the Hands.

The Hands very short, denote a clow­nish, rude, ill-bred Person: And if fat and [...]leshy, with the Fingers so also, it shews [...]hey are inclin'd to Theft. Small Hands and long Fingers, denote Persons of a gen­ [...]eel Carriage, but very crafty.

Of the Legs.

Large and well-set Legs, denote Bold­ness; large Legs, and full of Sinnews, shew Fortitude and Strength. Slender Legs, de­note ignorance: Short and fat Legs, Cru­elty. Legs crooked, and hollowed inward­ly, is a sign of very ill Men. Soft and swelling Legs, shew a Man to be of ill man­ners. The Shin gross and short, with a sharp Heel, and fat Thighs, do denote Madness, or Frensie to happen to that Par­ty.

Of the Feet.

Small and slender Feet, denote hardness; but the Feet full of Flesh declare foolishness.

XX. Of the Eour Prime Qualities, and Four Complexions.

AS there are in Nature four prime Qua­lities, which are Cold, and Heat, Dryness and Moisture; and tho' these are all contrary to each other, yet the right and healthful state of the Body consists in a due mixture and temperament of them all: For as the Cold would destroy Life, with­out a due mixture of Heat, so likewise the [Page 73] Heat would burn us up, without a mixture of Cold to allay it. And Moisture and Dryness are the Cement of Heat and Cold, and bind them together. These Four Prime Qualities in their Combination together, make the four Elements, which consists of the Nature of these Prime Qualities: For Air, is moist and hot; the Fire, hot and dry; the Earth, dry and cold; and the Water, cold and moist.

Now as there are in Nature four prime Qualities, and four Elements, so is there also four Complexions, one of which is predominant in every Man and Woman; and the four Complexions are called San­guine, Choller, Melancholly and Flegm.

The first of these is Sanguine, that is, Blood, and this is gendered in the Liver and Limbs; this Complexion is like to Air, be­ing hot and moist; and is the best and pu­rest of them all. Those that are of this Complexion, are of ruddy colour, very lovely and amiable; of a merry and chear­ful Disposition and Countenance, delight­ing in singing, laughing and pleasure, cour­teous and affable in their Conversation, and gentle and peaceable in their Demeaner, being of a mild and quiet Spirit, without Guile or Deceit, just and honest in all their [Page 74] Actions: And as the Ancients say, he hath his Wine of the Ape, for the more he drinks, the merrier he is.

The second is Choller, which is engen­dred in the Gall, and is like thereto, having the Nature of Fire, which is hot and dry: A chollerick Man is naturally lean and slen­der, revengeful, hasty, and malicious; de­ceitful and subtile, covetous, traiterous, false, wrathful, brainless and foolish, tran­sported with Passion and Anger, beyond the bounds of Reason: And according to the Ancients, he hath his Wine of the Lion; that [...]s to say, he fighteth with every one when he is drunk.

The third is Flegm, engendred in the Lungs like to Gall; and is of the nature of Water, cold and moist: A flegmatick Man is dull, heavy, slow, and sleepy, and rheu­matick; also somewhat ingenious: His Vi­sage of a white pale colour▪ He common­ly spitteth when he is moved: And as the Ancients say, hath his Wine of the Sheep, for when he is drunk, he esteems himself most Wise.

The fourth is Melancholly, engendred in the Milt, and like the Dregs of Blood; It hath the Nature of the Earth, and is cold and dry: A melancholly Man is sloth­ful, [Page 75] envious and malicious, covetous, false, a Back-biter, spiteful, and slow: And as the Ancients say, hath his Wine of the Hog; for as soon as he is drunk, he desires sleep.

XX. The Significations of Moles, in any Part of the Body, according to the Judgment of the Ancients.

A Mole in the Forehead of Man or Wo­man, denotes they shall grow rich, and attain to great Possessions, being belo­ved of their Friends and Neighbours.

To have a Mole on the Eye-brows, shews a Man to be incontinent, and given to the love of Women; but if it be a Woman, it signifies a good Husband.

He or she that has a Mole on their Nose, it signifies they love their pleasure more than any thing else.

A Mole on the Chin, shews the Party shall never stand in need of his Kin, but shall get Mony, and grow very rich.

A Mole on the Neck, denotes him honou­rable and prudent in all his Actions. But if a Woman, it shews her of a weak Judg­ment, and apt to believe the worst of her Husband.

A Mole on a Man's Shoulder, signifies Ad­versity, and threatens him with an unhap­py end. But a Woman having a Mole on the same place, it shews she shall abound in Honour and Riches.

A Man or Woman having a Mole on their Wrist or Hand, denotes encrease of Chil­dren, but Affliction in old Age.

A Man or Woman having a Mole near the Heart, upon the Breast, shews th [...]m ir­religious, wicked, and malicious.

A Mole on the Belly, shews the Person to be addicted to Gluttony and Lasciviousness.

A Mole on the Knee, shews a Man shall be fortunate in marrying; and that his Wife shall be beautiful, vertuous and very wealthy. A Woman having one in the same place, shews she shall be vertuous, happy, and fruitful in Children.

A Mole on the Ancle, denotes the Man to be Effeminate, and act the part of the Woman, like Sardanapalus at the Spinning­whole. And the Woman has the like Mole, she shall affect to be Lord over her Husband.

A Mole on the Foot, shews a Man pro­sperous in getting Riches, and happy in his Children. If a Woman has the same Mole, also [...]etokens her the same Happiness.

THE Wisdom of the Ancients, IN THE Interpretation of Dreams: Collected Alphabetically OUT OF Approved Authors.

To Dream that you
  • HAve your Business delayed by an Adversary, signifies Dispatch and Expedition.
  • To commit Adultery, signifies Quarrels.
  • See the Air serene, signifies Pain.
  • See the Air Cloudy, signifies Di­spatch of Business.
  • See Ants, signifies strife.
  • [Page 78]Discover an Alter, shews Rejoycing.
  • Eat Apples, denotes Choller.
  • Gather Apples, signifies Vexation.
  • Have weak Arms, signifies torment.
  • Have your Arm dried up, is very unfortunate.
  • See Armed Men, signifies good luck.
  • See Armed Men fly, signifies Victory
  • See an Ass, signifies Malice.
  • See an Ass sitting on his Crupper, signifies Labour.
  • Hear an Ass bray, is a sign of re­ceiving loss.
To Dream that you
  • Cut Bacon, signifies the Death of some Person.
  • Eat Bacon, or falt Meats, signifies Murmering.
  • Bath in a clear Fountain, fignifies Joy.
  • Bath in stinking Water, shews Shame, or to be falsely accus'd.
  • See yourself in a Bath, denotes An­guish.
  • Eat Beans, signifies Sickness.
  • Have a little Beard, shews Suits at Law.
  • Have a long Beard, shews Strength or Gain
  • [Page 79]Wash your Beard, is Gladness.
  • Have your Beard shav'd, signifies Tribulation.
  • See your Beard dry, signifies Joy.
  • See your Beard pull'd up by the roots, signifies great Danger.
  • Hear Beasts, signifies Gain.
  • Tame Wild Beasts, signifies Da­mage.
  • Walk with four-footed Beasts sig­nifies Sickness.
  • See a Bed well furnished, signifies Joy.
  • Take Bees, signifies Profit and Gain.
  • See one Beheaded, signifies Sickness.
  • Hear Bells ring, signifies Disgrace.
  • See Black-birds, signifies Tribula­tion.
  • Find a Bird's Nest, is a good sign.
  • Hear Birds Chirp, the same.
  • See Birds fighting, signifies Adver­sity.
  • See Birds fly over your Head, sig­nifies Prejudice by Enemies.
  • See a flock of Birds, signifies a Sui [...] at Law.
  • Take Blood, signifies a Pain in the Fund [...]ment.
  • Make a Breach▪ signifies Molestation.
  • [Page 80]Cut Barly-bread, signifies Rejoy­cing.
  • Carry hot Bread, signifies Accusa­tion.
  • See Breasts full of Milk, signifies Profit.
  • Discourse with your Brethren, sig­nifies Vexation.
  • Go over a broken Bridge, signifies Fear.
  • Fall upon a Bridge, signifies Ob­struction.
  • See your deceased Brother and Si­sters, signifies long Life.
  • Carry a Bow, signifies Desire, or Torment.
  • Shooting a Bow, signifies Honour.
  • Feel a Burning, signifies Danger.
  • Manage Business of great concern­ment, signifies Obstruction.
To Dream that you
  • Make Candles, signifies Rejoycing.
  • See Candles burning, signifies Anger.
  • See Candles not lighted, signifies Reward for something you have done.
  • Eat Carrion, signifies Sadness.
  • Eat Cheese, signifies Profit and Gain.
  • See Children born, signifies Damage.
  • [Page 81]Discourse with JESUS CHRIST, shews Consolation.
  • Build a Church, or erect an Altar, signifies that some of your Kindred or Family will be made a Priest.
  • See yourself sitting or lying in a Church, signifies change of Apparel.
  • Hear Clocks strike, signifies Infancy.
  • Have a new Suit of Cloaths, signi­fies Honour.
  • See your Cloaths burnt, is an ill Sign.
  • See yourself in Black Cloaths, sig­nifies Joy.
  • Take your Cloaths to put them on, signifies Loss.
  • Come out of a Coach, signifies your being degraded from great Honour, and Disgrace upon a Criminal Ac­count.
  • See Dead Coals, signifies expediti­on of Business.
  • See burning Coals, signifies Shame and Reproach.
  • Hear a Cock crow, is Prosperity.
  • Command any one, signifies Trou­ble.
  • See one Command, signifies Anger and Authority.
  • [Page 82]See a comely Countenance, unlike your own, signifies Honour.
  • See Cream spilt upon you, signifie the Infusion of some Grace by the Ho­ly Ghost.
  • See a Cross carried along, signifie Sadness.
  • Carry a Crown of Gold in you [...] Hand, signifies Honour and Dignity
  • Wear a Crown of Gold upon you [...] Head, signifies Wrangling and Con­tention.
  • Wear a party-colour'd Crown, sig­nifies Temperature of the Weather.
To Dream that you
  • See Darkness, signifies Sin.
  • Give any thing to one that is Dead signifies Loss.
  • Destroy any Place, signifies Decei [...]
  • See yourself with the Devil, signi­fies Gain.
  • Fall in the Dirt, signifies Treach [...] ­ry or Disturbance by some Person [...] other.
  • Go over a Ditch upon a sma [...] Plank, signifies deceit by Lawyers.
  • Go to divine Service, signifies Hon­our and Joy.
  • Hear Dogs bark, and to be disturb [...] [Page 83] thereat, signifies the overthrow of Enemies.
  • Play with a Dog, is a good Sign.
  • See Dragons, signifies Gain.
  • Are Drunk, signifies Sickness.
To Dream that you
  • See an Eagle fly over your Head, signifies Honour.
  • See broken Eggs, is an ill Sign.
  • Talk with an Enemy, signifies you must have a care of him.
  • Lose your Eyes, signifies the Death of some good Friend.
To Dream that you
  • Wash your Face, signifies Repen­tance of your Sin.
  • See a black Face, signifies long Life.
  • Carry a Faulcon upon your Fist, and walk with it, signifies Honour.
  • Wash your Feet, signifies Molesta­tion and Disturbance.
  • Walk when your Feet are sore, sig­nifies Fasting.
  • Cut your Fingers, or see them Cut by another, signifies Damage.
  • Fire fall from Heaven, signifies strange things that will ensue.
  • See yourself thrown into a Fire, sig­nifies Sickness, or violent heat by a Feaver.
  • [Page 84]See Fire burning, signifies a Deluge, or change of Place.
  • See live Fish, is an ill Sign.
  • Eat Fleas, signifies Disquiet.
  • Gather Flowers, signifies Mirth and Jollity.
  • See a swarm of Flies, signifies Ene­mies, and unreasonable Persons that will Scandalize you.
  • See a Fountain spring up in your House, signifies Profit and Honour.
  • See Fountains, and believe that you are inchanted, signifies Sadness.
  • Fall into a troubled Fountain, signi­fies Accusation.
  • Fall into a clear Fountain, signifies Honour and Gain.
  • Walk in a Forrest, signifies Trou­ble.
  • See your Friends or Relations dead, signifies Joy.
To Dream that you
  • Walk in a Garden signifies Joy.
  • Have a red Garment on, signifies Blood, or Bleeding.
  • See a Gelding, signifies Accusation.
  • See a Gyant, or a large siz'd Person, is a good sign.
  • See Persons hanging on a Gibbe [...] [Page 85] signifies Damage, and great Afflicti­on.
  • Are girt with an old Girdle, signi­fies Labour and Pains.
  • Have a new Girdle, signifies Ho­nour.
  • Have an old worn Girdle, signifies Damage.
  • Worship God, signifies Joy.
  • Handle or chew Gold, signifies Gain Profit, and Joy.
  • Do Good to any one, signifies Jol­lity.
  • Tread Grapes, signifies the Over­throw of Enemies.
  • Gather white Grapes, signifies Da­mage.
  • Fall on the Ground, signifies Dis­honour and Scandal.
To Dream that you
  • Pluck the Hair off your Head, signi­fies Loss of Friends.
  • Have your Hair cut, signifies Loss.
  • Have long Hair on your Head, sig­nifies Harm.
  • Have gray Hairs, signifies Gain, Profit, and Joy.
  • Wash your Hands, signifies Disquiet and Vexation.
  • [Page 86]Look upon your Hands, signifies Sick­ness.
  • Have two Heads, signifies Company.
  • Wash your Heads, signifies Delive­rance from Danger.
  • Feel a Heat, signifies Grief.
  • Ascend up to Heaven, signifies Gran­deur.
  • Hear Hens Cackle, or that you catch them, signifies Joy.
  • See yourself turn'd into a Hen, sig­nifies Disquiet.
  • See a Hen lay Eggs, signifies Gain.
  • See a Hen with her Chickens, signi­fies Damage.
  • Walk upon Holy Ground, is a good Sign.
  • See Horses of several colours, sig­nifies Expedition in Business.
  • See White Horses, signifies Joy.
  • See Black Horses, signifies Sadness.
  • See Red or Roan colour'd Horses, signifies Prosperity.
  • See Horses pace, signifies Mirth.
  • See a Horse mount, signifies Prospe­rity.
  • Build an House, signifies Comfort.
  • Burn a House, and see it burnig, sig­nifies Scandals will be thrown upon you, and loss of Estate.
  • [Page 87]See the top of your House burn, sig­nifies the Death of your Wife, Lord, or Friend's Wife.
  • See the Beam of a House fall, signi­fies, the Death of some Grandee.
  • Go a Hunting, signifies some Accu­sation.
  • See yourself become a Husbandman, signifies great Toil.
  • Sing a Hymn or Psalm, signifies Hin­drance of Business.
To Dream that you
  • Are inchanted, signifies Secrets and Sorrows.
  • See yourself hurt with Iron, signi­fies Damage.
  • Hear playing in Consort upon In­struments, it signifies Consolution in Aduersity.
  • Have eaten up your Intrails, signi­fies Gain by the Death of your Dome­sticks.
To Dream that you
  • Lose your Keys, signifies Anger.
  • Kill a Man, signifies Assuredness of Business.
  • Kill your Father, is a bad Sign.
  • Receive Audience of the King, sig­nifies Gain.
  • [Page 88]See the King or Queen, signifies Ho­nour and Joy.
  • Receive a Gift of the King, or some Prince, signifies great Joy.
  • Discourse with the King, signifies Honour when absent.
  • Kiss a Person, signifies Loss.
  • Are Kiss'd by Men of great Quality, signifies Consolation.
  • Bestow a Knife upon any one, signi­fies Injustice and Contention.
To Dream that you
  • Ascend a Ladder, signifies Honour.
  • F [...]ed or bring a Lamb to the slaugh­ter, signifies Torment.
  • See a Lamb, or young Kid, signifies great Comfort.
  • See the Body of our Lord, signifies Honour.
  • Discourse with great Lords, or to go into any Place with them, signifies Honour.
To Dream that you
  • Carry a young Maid, signifies Joy.
  • Take away a Maid by force, signi­fies Poysoning.
  • See Maids that are singing, signifies weeping.
  • Eat Man's Flesh, signifies Labour and Trouble.
  • [Page 89]Do the Act of Marriage, signifies Danger.
  • Marry, signifies Danger, and some­times Death.
  • Take hold of the Privy Members, signifies that you have left the Faculty of Procreation.
  • See the Meat you have Eaten, signi­fies Loss.
  • Drink Milk, is an extraordinary good Sign.
  • See Breasts full of Milk, signifies great Profit.
  • See the New Moon, signifies Expe­dition of Business.
  • See the Moon decrease, signifies the Death of some Prince or great Lord.
  • See the Moon pale, is Joyfulness.
  • See the Moon dy'd with Blood, sig­nifies Travel or Pilgrimage.
  • See the Moon dark, signifies Sad­ness.
  • See the Moon fall from the Firma­ment, signifies Sickness.
  • See two Moons appear, is increase of Sorrow.
  • See your Mother living, signifies Joy.
  • See your Mother Dead, signifies Misfortune.
  • [Page 90]Lie with your Mother, signifies cer­tainty in Dispatch of Business.
  • Ascend a very high Mountain, sig­nifies Honour.
To Dream that you
  • Ride on a white, grey, or dapled Nag, signifies Prosperity.
  • Bite your Nails, signifies Wrangling and Vexation.
  • Are stark Naked, signifies Loss and Damage in your Estate.
  • See Fishing-nets is an ill Sign.
  • Take hold of ones Nose, signifies Fornication.
To Dream that you
  • Make an Ointment, signifies Vexa­tion and Trouble.
  • See Old Folks, is a bad Sign.
  • Hear the Sound of Organs, signi­fies Joy.
  • See an Oven burning hot, signifies change of Place.
  • See fat Oxen, signifies a fruitful Year.
  • See lean Oxen, signifies Scarcity of Provision and Famine.
  • See black Oven, signifies Danger.
  • See Oxen plowing in the Field, sig­nifies Gain.
  • [Page 91]Feed Oxen, is a good Sign.
  • See Oxen go to Water, is a bad Sign.
To Dream that you
  • Write on Paper, signifies Accusa­tion.
  • Write on, or read in Paper, signifies News.
  • Blot or tear your Paper, signifies the [...]ll ordering of Business.
  • Bray, or pound Pepper, signifies [...]elancholly.
  • Dispute with Philosophers, signifies Profit and Gain.
  • Are turn'd a Physition, signifies Chearfulness.
  • Give or take Physick, signifies li­ [...]ing in Poverty.
  • See your Picture drawn, signifies long Life.
  • Fall into a Pit or Ditch, signifies the Loss of a Cause or Suit in Law.
  • Put up Prayers and Supplications to God, signifies Happiness.
To Dream that you
  • See the King or Queen, signifies Hon­or and Joy.
  • See Quails, signifies bad News at Sea, Pi [...]acy, Ambusca [...]oes, and Trea­ [...]hery.
To Dream that you
  • Hear a Raven croak, signifies Sad­ness.
  • See a Raven fly over you, signifies Danger and Damage.
  • See Ravens flying, signifies Com­plaints and Sadness.
  • See it Rain, signifies great Riches.
  • Bestow a Ring upon any one, sig­nifies Damage.
  • See a River flow into your House, signifies plenty of Riches.
  • See a troubled River, signifies An­noy and Discontent.
  • See a River flow out of your House, signifies that your Life is in danger, or some Loss that will accrew by Injury done to you.
  • See a clear River glide along, sig­nifies Security.
  • Have Rods in your Hands is Jollity.
  • Eat Roots, signifies Discord.
  • Eat Roast-meat, signifies falling in­to Sin.
  • See Red-roses, siignifies Joy and Recreation.
To Dream that you
  • Eat a Sallad, signifies Evil or Sickness that will happen.
  • [Page 93]Eat Salt Meat, signifies a Disease.
  • Study the Sciences, signifies Chear­fulness.
  • Wash yourself in the Sea, signifies Loss and Damage.
  • Catch Sea-Fish, it is a bad Sign.
  • Fight with Serpents and Adders, signifies the Overthrow of Enemies.
  • See many Serpents, signifies that you will be deceiv'd by a Woman.
  • Hear a shaking, signifies Deceit, which will happen to the Dreamer in the place where he Dreams.
  • See Ships full fraught with Goods, signifies Prosperity,
  • See Ships endanger'd by a Tempest, signifies Peril.
  • Sail in a Ship, or see Ships sailing, is a good Sign.
  • Have old Shooes and Stockings, sig­nifies Sadness.
  • Have new Shooes and Stockens, sig­nifie Comfort.
  • See Old Shooes, signifies Loss.
  • See yourself sick; signifies Sadness or Imprisonment.
  • Are cloatned with Silk, signifies Honour.
  • See Silver eaten, signifies great Ad­vantage.
  • [Page 94]Eat Silver, signifies Wrath and An­ger.
  • See your deceased Brothers and Sist­ers, signifies long Life.
  • Marry your Sisters, signifies Dan­ger.
  • Talk with your Son, signifies Da­mage.
  • Take a Sparrow-hawk, signifies Gain.
  • Have a Staff in your Hand, signifies Sickness.
  • See the Stars of Heaven, signifies Loss to the Emperour, or your own Lord.
  • See the Sun clear, signifies Assured­ness among Great Persons, who will accomplish th [...]ir Designs.
  • See the Sun in a Cloud, signifies Dan­ger to the said Great Persons.
  • See the Sun and Moon fall together, is an ill Sign.
  • Taste sweet things, signifies Sub­tility.
  • Trade in Swine or Lead, signifies Sickness.
To Dream that you
  • See Tapstery or Pictures, signifies Treachery, Deceit, and Cozenage.
  • [Page 95]Draw out your Teeth, signifies Death.
  • Lose your Teeth, signifies Honour: It signifies also the Death of some near Relation or in intimate Friend.
  • Walk upon Thorns, signifies De­struction of Enemies.
  • Unsettl'd in your Thoughts, signi­fies Joy.
  • Are turn'd into a Tree, signifies Sickness.
  • Sell Trees, signifies Loss.
  • See Trees, or are Climbing them, signifies future Honour.
  • See wither'd Trees, signifies Deceit.
  • See Trees bearing Fruit, signifies Gain and Profit.
  • See Trees without Blossom, signifies Expedition in Business.
  • See yourself chang'd into a Tree, signifies Joy and Profit.
To Dream that you
  • Eat Variety of Meats, signifies Loss.
  • Embark in a small Vessel, signifies Sickness.
  • Drink Vinegar, the same.
  • Discourse with the Virgin Mary, signifies Joy.
  • Undo a Man, signifies Sickness.
To Dream that you
  • Walk apace or run, signifies Gain.
  • Drink clear Water, is a good Sign.
  • Drink hot Water, signifies Sickness.
  • Drink stinking Water, signifies a Violent Distemper.
  • Bathe in stinking Water, signifies Shame and false Accusation.
  • Fall into the Water, signifies Death, or Danger to your Person.
  • Cleanse a Well, or fall into it, sig­nifies Injury.
  • Drink white Wine, signifies Health.
  • Eat white Bread, signifies Gain.
  • Lie with a Whore, signifies certain­ty in dispatch of Business.
  • Hear your Wife Scold, signifies great Torment.
  • Drink Sophisticated Wine, is an ex­traordinary good Sign.
  • See She▪ goats, or Wolves, signi­fies that you will be Robb'd.
  • Marry a Wife, signifies Loss.
  • Take away a Woman, signifies change of Place.
  • See yourself turn'd Woman, signifies Sickness.
  • See a Woman naked, signifies the Death of some Person.
  • [Page 97]Walk in the Dirt, or among Thorns, signifies Sickness.
  • Walk in the Water of some Tor­rent, signifies Adversity and Grief.
  • Write Letters to your Friends, or receive Letters from them, signifies good News.
  • Walk in the Night, signifies Trou­ble or Melancholly.
  • See and eat Almonds, Wall-nuts and Hazle-nuts, signifies Difficulty and Trouble.
  • Are stung by Wasps, signifies Vexa­tion and Troubles, occasion'd by en­vious Persons.
  • A Woman runs, it signifies Dis­grace and Damage.
  • Trade with a Stranger in Wool, it signifies Profit.
  • Carry Wood upon your Back, it signifies to the Rich Servitude, to the Poor Profit.
  • Piss against a Wall, signifies Assist­ance in Business.
  • Come out of your Mother's Womb, it signifies being freed from unlucky Business, and rais'd to Preferment.

XXI. Examples of Dreams that have had a true Event.

JOseph, the Son of Jacob, dream'd that his Brother's sheaves did Obeysance to those he had made; and soon after he dream'd, that the Sun, Moon, and eleven Stars, seemed to worship him: All which was true; for being by the inscrutable Methods of Divine Providence, made Governour of all Aegypt, and his Brethren being forc'd to come thither for Corn, by reason of the universal Famine in Canaan, they all bow'd down to him as he had dream'd, tho' they knew him not: And after he had discover'd himself, he sent for his Father and all his Family, and gave them the Land of Goshen to dwell in.

King Pharaoh's Butler being cast into Pri­son by the King, dreamed in the Night, and saw a Vine with three Branches, which by degrees flourish'd; and after it had blos­som'd, the ripe Grapes appear'd, and he seem'd to have the King's Cup in his Hand, pressing the Grapes, and straining out the Wine, which over-flow'd, the Cup he pre­sented to the King. Joseph being then in the same Prison, interpreted this Dream [Page 99] and told the Butler, that the three Branches were the three Days that he was still to re­main in Prison; which time being expir'd, the King, mindful of him, re-establish'd him in his Office, to serve him as before; which had a true Event.

At the same time the King's Baker, who was then a Prisoner also, dream'd, That he carried three Baskets of Meal upon his Head; and that in the uppermost Basket there were all Sorts of Viands that could be prepared by the Baker's Art, and that the Birds eat of it. Joseph interpreted his Dream also; and told him, That the three Baskets were three Days, at the end where­of, the King would cause the poor Baker [...]o be hang'd. And this was accordingly fulfill'd.

Now about a Year after, King Pharaoh dream'd, that he was standing near a River, out of which there came seven well-fa­ [...]our'd and fat Kine, which were devour'd [...]y seven others, meager and [...]l-feavour'd: The same Night he dream'd again, That [...]e saw seven full Ears of Corn, which were [...]wallow'd up by seven other dry and w [...] ­ [...]her'd Ears. Joseph interpreted this Dream [...]hus: That the seven sat Kine, and the [...]even full Ears of Corn signify'd seven [Page 100] Years of Plenty in the Kingdom of Aegppt; and the seven meager Kine, and dry wi­ther'd Ears of Corn, did denote seven Years of Dearth and Famine, during which time they should consume all that was ga­thered up in the seven Years of Plenty. Which Interpretation was afterwards ve­rified by the Event.

Vespasian being with the Emperour Nero in the Island of Achaia, saw in a Dream an [...] unknown Person, who acquainted him, that his good Fortune would commence, when Nero should have a Tooth drawn: The first Person Vespasian met, after he was awake, coming out of his Chamber, was a Chirur­geon, that told him he came just at that time from drawing one of Nero's Teeth Shortly after Nero died, and Galba also who succeeded him; and Vespasian making his Advantage of the Dissention between Otho and Vitellius, was created Emperor.

Simonides the Poet having interr'd a dea [...] Corpse which he found on the Sea-shoa [...] the Night after he dream'd, that that sam [...] Body appear'd to him, and advis'd him no [...] to venture to Sea; upon which he remain' [...] on Shoar; and his Associates setting sai [...] in order to a Voyage, unfortunately pe [...]sh'd by a Tempest.

Septimus Severus dream'd, that he saw the Emperour Pertinax break his Neck by a fall, and that his Horse made towards him, whereupon he mounted. Which fell out truly, Severus being chosen Emperour in his place.

The Emperour Constantine leading an Ar­my which he had rais'd against Maxentius, saw in a Dream, a beaming and resplen­dent Cross; and dreamed, that he heard a Voice which told him, That in that Sign he should overcome his Enemies; where­upon he caused a Cross adorned with Gold and precious Stones, to be carried on the Day of the Battel, and committed the Cu­stody of it to the most valiant Men in his Army; and under these happy Presages, he totally defeated the Army of Maxentius, who was slain upon the place.

Amilcar the Carthagenian General, besieg­ing a Town in Sicily, dreamed he heard a Voice that assur'd him, he should Sup in the Town to morrow: This Dream wrought so effectually with Amilcar, that he believ'd he should take the Town that Day; and to that end, having given order to his Souldi­ers for a General Assault, a Dissention a­rose among the variety of Nations that made up the Composition of his Army; of [Page 102] which the Town taking an advantage, sal­lied out; and attacking that place where Amilcar then was, took him Prisoner, and conducted him into their Town; where he supp'd according to his Dream, but con­trary to his Expectation.

By what has been related, the Reader may see what Notices of future things Men often-times receive in their Dreams, and therefore the fore-going Alphabetical Col­lection of them, may be very profitable, and of great use to those that are curious Observers of them.

XXII. A Catalogue of Proverbs, with the Names of the Countries wherein they are particularly used.

A Proverb is a wise Saying, verified b [...] long Experience; and the Wisdom o [...] the Antients in all Nations, is to be seen no [...] thing more evidently, than in their Prover [...] bial Sentences. I have therefore for the be [...] nefit of the Reader set down those Prover [...] bial Sentences which are peculiar to ever [...] County in England, in an Alphabetical Or [...] der. And these Proverbial, or Wise Say [...] ings, are so essential to a Book of Know [...] ledge, that this had not been complea [...] thout it.


The Vicar of Bray, will be Vicar of Bray still.


As plain as Dunstable Road.
As crooked as Crawley Brook.
The Bayliff of Bedford is coming.


Buckinghamshire Bread and Beef:
Here, if you beat a Bush, it's odds you'll
start a Thief.


Cambridgshire Camels.

An Henry Sophister

Cheshire chief of Cheshire Men.

Better wed over the Mixon, than over the Moor.


By Tre, Pol, and Pen,
You shall know the Cornish Men.
To give one a Cornish hug.
Hengsten-town well is wrought,
Is worth London-town dear bought.
He is to be summon'd before the Mayor of Halgaver.
When Dudman and Ram-head meet
He doth Sail into Cornwal without a Bark.


If Skiddaw hath a Cap,
Scrussel wots full well of that.
Skiddaw, Lauvellin, and Casticand,
Are the highest Hills in all England.
Ingleborough, Pendle, and Penrigent,
Are the highest Hills between Scotland and Trent.


To Devonshire, or Denshire Land
A Plimouth Cloak; [ i. e. a Cane or Stick]
He may remove Mort Stone.
First hang and draw,
Then hear the Cause by Lidford Law.


As much a Kin as Lenson-hill to Pilson-pen.
Stabb'd with a Byrdport Dagger; [that is hang'd.]
Dorsetshire Dorsers.


Essex Stiles, Kentish Miles, and Norfolk Wiles many a Man beguiles.
Essex Calves.
The Weavers Beef of Colchester; [that is, Sprats, brought thither in vast quantities.]
Jeering Cogshal.
Braintree for the Pure, and Bo [...]king for the Poor;
Cogshal for the Jeering Town, and Kelvedon for the Whore.


As sure as God's in Gloucestershire.
You are a Man of Daresby,
It's as long in coming as Cotswald Barley.
He looks as if he had liv'd on Tewksbury Mustard.
The Tracy's have always the Wind in their Faces.
As fierce as a Lion of Cotswald; [i. e. a Sheep.]


Manners maketh Man,
Quoth William of Wickham.
Canterbury is the higher Rack, but Winchester is the better Manger.
The Isle of Wight hath no Monks, Lawyers, nor Foxes.


Hartfordshire Clubs, and clouted Shoon.
Hartfordshire Hedge-hogs.
Ware and Wade's Mill, are worth all London.
Hartfordshire Kindness.


Blessed is the Eye
That is between Severn and Wye.
Lemster Bread and Weably Ale.


This is the way to Beggers-Bush.
Ramsey the Rich.


A Knight of Cales, a Gentleman of Wales, And a Laird of the North Countree;
A Yeoman of Kent with his yearly Rent, Will buy them out all three.
Kentish Long-tails.
The Father to the bough, the son to the plough.
Dover Court, all Speakers and no Hearers.
A Jack of Dover.
Some part of Kent hath Health and no Wealth, viz. East Kent
Some Wealth and no Health, viz. the Weald of Kent.
Some hath both Wealth and Health, viz. the middle of the County, Parts near London.


Lancashire fair Women.
It is written upon a Wall in Rome,
Ribchester was as rich as any Town in Chri­stendom.
As old as Pendle-hill.
If Riving-pike do wear a Hood,
Be sure that Day will ne'er be good.


Bean-belly Leicestershire.
If Bever hath a Cap,
You Churles of the Vale look to that.


Lincolnshire where Hogs shite Soap, and Cows shite Fire.
Lincolnshire Bag-pipes.
As loud as Tom of Lincoln.
All the Carts that come to Crowland, are shod with Silver.
As Mad as the Baiting-Bull of Stamford.
He was born at Little Wittham.
Grantham-Gruel, nine Grits, and a Gallon of Water.
They hold together as the Men of Marham when they lost their Common.


Middlesex Clowns.
He that is at a low Ebb at Newgate, may soon be aflote at Tyburn.
When Tottenham-Wood is all on Fire,
Then Tottenham-Street is nought but Mire.
Tottenham is turn'd French.


A London Jury, hang half, and save half.
London Lick-penny.
A London-Co [...]kney.
Kirby's Castle and Megse's Glory,
Spinala's Pleasure and Fishers Folly.
He was born within the sound of Bow-bell.
St. Peter's in the Poor,
Where's no Tavern, nor Ale-house, nor Sign at the Door.
Good Manners to except my Lord Mayor of London.
I have din'd as well as my Lord-Mayor of London.
As old as Paul's or Paul's Steeple.
You make Paul's (Vulgarly call'd Powl's Work on it,
He is only fit for Ruffians Hall; [ Stow in his Annals tells us West-Smithfield was for­merly so called, where Ruffians met to try Masteries.]
A Loyal Heart may be Landed under Trai­tor's Bridge.
To cast Water into the Thames.
He must take a House in Turn-again-lane
He may Whet his Knife on the Threshold of the Fleet; [or at the Counter-gate.]
All goes down Gutter-lane.
As lame as St. Giles's Cripple-gate.
You are all for the Hoistings, [or Hustings.]


There's no Redemption from Hell.
As long as Meg of Westminster.
A Westminster Wedding; [ i. e. a Whore and a Rogue.]


Norfolk Dumplings.
A Yarmouth Capon, [ i. e. a Red-herring.]
He is arrested by the Bayliff of Mershland; [i. e. an Ague.
Gimmingham, Trimmingham, Knapton and Trunch,
North Repps and South Repps, are all of a Bunch.


The Mayor of Northampton opens Oysters with his Dagger.
He that would eat a butter'd Faggot, let him go to Northamtnon.
Brackly-Breed, better to hang than to feed.


From Berwick to Dover,
Three hundred Miles over.
To take Hector's Cloak,
We will not lose a Scot.
A Scottish Man, and a New-castle Grind­stone travels all the World over.
If they come, they come not: And if they come not, they come.


As wise as a Man of [...]otham.
The little Smith of Nottingham,
Who doth the Work that no Man can.


You were born at Hogs Norton.
To take a Burford Bait.
Banbury Veal, Cheese, and Cakes
Testons are gone to Oxford to study in Bra­zen-n [...]se
Send Verdingales to Broad-gates in Oxford.


Rutland Ruddleman.


He that fetches a Wife from Shrewsbury, must carry her into Staffordshire, or else he shall live in Cumberland.


'Ch was bore at Taunton-dean, where shou'd I be bore else?
The Beggars of Bath.
Bristol Milk.


In April, Dove's Flood,
Is Worth a King's Good.
Watton under Weaver
Where God came never.


Suffolk Milk.
Suffolk fair Maids.
You are in the High-way to Needham.
Bettles for a Puritan, Bungey for the Poor,
Haselworth for a Drunkard, and Bliborough for a Whore.
Between Cowhithe and merry Caffingland,
The Devil shit Benacre, look where it stands.


The vale of Holins-dale
Was never won, we ever Stall.
Twittle twattle, drink up your Posset-drink.


A Sesley Cockle, an Arundal Mullet, a Pul­borough Eel, an Amberly Trout, a Rye Herring, a Bourn Wheat-ear.


Let Ʋter-Pendragon do what he can,
The River Eden will run as it ran
As Crafty as a Kendal Fox.


It is done Secundum usum Sarum.
Salisbury Plain
Is seldom without a Thief or twain.


From Hell, Hull, and Hallifax,—deliver us.
A Scarborough Warning
As true Steel as Rippen-rowels.
A Yorkshire Way-bit, or Wee-bit; that is, a small-bit.]
Merry Wakefield.
Pendles, Ingleborough, and Penigent
Are the three highest Hills betweet Scotland and Trent.
Pendle, Penigent, and Ingleborough,
Are the three highest Hills all England tho­row.
If Brayton bargh, and Hambleton hoagh, and Durton bream,
Were all in thy Belly, 'twould never be team.
When Bighton is pull'd down,
Hull shall become a great Town.
Cleaveland in the clay,
Bring in two Soles, and carry one away.

Proverbs Omitted.

Every Day of the Week, a shower of Rain,
And on Sunday twain.
Oxford Knives, and London Wives.
Who goes to Westminster for a Wife, to Paul's for a Man, and to Smithfield for a Horse, may meet with a Whore, a Knave, and a Jade.
Grays-Inn for Walks, Lincolns-Inn for a Hall;
The Inner- Temple for a Garden, and the middle for a Hall.
Dunmow Bacon, and Doncaster Daggers,
Monmouth Caps, and Lemster Wool, Darby-Ale, and London Beer.
Like Banbury Tinkers, who in mending one hole, make three.
You may sip up the Severn, and swallow Mavorn as soon.
Little England beyond Wales; [that is Pem­brookshire.]
Little London beyond Wales; [i. e. Beaumaris in the Isle of Anglesey, where most of the Inhabitants speak good English, and many can speak no Welsh.

XXIII. General Proverbs.

LOng absent, soon forgotten.

He that's afraid of every Grass, must not piss in a Meadow.

Lose nothing for want of asking.

Every Ass thinks himself worthy to stand with the King's Horses.

Awe makes Dun draw.

Bare Walls makes giddy House-wives.

A good Face needs no Band.

Sir John Barley-Corn's the strongest Knight.

'Tis a hard Battle where none escapes.

Every Bean hath its Black.

Beggars must be no Chusers.

Sue a Beggar and get a Louse.

A good Beginning makes a good Ending.

Well begun is half done.

The best is best Cheap.

Make the best of a bad Bargain.

Birds of a Feather flock together.

A Bird in the Hand, is worth two in the Bush.

That that's bred in the Bone will never out of the Flesh.

All is not Butter the Cow shites.

Who Bulls the Cow, must keep the Calf.

Care will kill a Cat.

A pound of Care won't pay an ounce of Debt.

A muffl'd Cat is no good Mouser.

Change of Pasture makes fat Calves.

Children and Fools speak Truth.

A close Mouth catches no Flies.

You must cut your Coat according to your Cloth.

A ragged Colt may make a good Horse.

Don't count your Chickens before they be hatch'd.

When Fortune pipes, a Man may soon danc [...] well.

You'd as good be in the Dark as withou [...] Light.

The longest Day will have an end.

One may see Day at a little hole.

He that waits for dead Mens Shooes, ma [...] go bare-foot.

Out of Debt, out of Danger.

An Ounce of Discretion's worth a Pound [...] Wit.

He must needs go whom the Devil drives.

Hungry Dogs will eat dirty Puddings.

The Ducks fare well in the Thames.

Early up and never the near.

Eaten Bread is soon forgotten.

All's well that ends well.

Exchange is no Robbery.

A bad Excuse is better then none at all.

Experience is the Mistress of Fools.

[...]e that winks with one Eye, and sees with t'other,

[...] wou'd not trust him, tho' he were my Brother.

[...] fair Face is half a Portion.

[...]raise a fair Day at Night.

[...]ommon Fame's seldom to Blame.

[...] a Man once fall all will tread on him.

[...]o Fence against a Flail.

[...]ols build Houses and wise Men buy 'em.

Fool's Bolt is soon shot.

[...]orbearance is no Acquittance.

[...]o forget a Wrong, is the best Revenge.

[...]rove thy Friend e'er thou have need.

[...]ll are not Friends that speak us fair. he'll

[...]ouch a gall'd Horse on the Back, and winch.

Gentleman without an Estate, is like a Pudding without Sewet.

Gentility without Ability is worse than plain Beggery.

[...]an does what he can, and God what he will.

[...]ell me with whom thou go'st, and I'll tell thee what thou do'st.

[...]hat that's sauce for a Goose, is sauce for a Gander.

[...]e's hand some that hand some does.

[...]elp Hands for I have no Lands.

[...]ard fare, makes hungry Bellies.

Harm watch, Harm catch.

N'er lose a Hog for a ha'pa'th o' Tarr.

Home is home, though it be never so homely

'Tis a good Horse that never stumbles, and a good Wife that never grumbles.

'Tis an ill Horse that won't carry his ow [...] Provender.

Jack wou'd wipe his Nose if he had it.

Every Jack must have his Jill.

Idle Folks lack no Excuses.

'Tis ill jesting with Edge-tools.

Ill-will never speaks well.

Jone's as good as my Lady in the dark.

Ka me, and I'll ha thee.

The Kettle calls the Pot Black-arse.

Kissing goes by Favour.

Knaves and Fools divide the World.

Better Kiss a Knave then be troubled wit [...] him.

The more Knave the better luck.

Light Gains make a heavy Purse.

Let them laugh that win.

A Lark's worth a Kite.

Little said, soon a mended.

Little Strokes fell great Oaks.

Lightly come, lightly go.

Long look'd for, comes at last.

Many Hands make like work.

Man proposes, God disposes.

Meat and Mattin's hinder no Man's Journy.

Might over-comes Right.

Merry in the Hall when Beards wag all.

Misunderstanding brings Lies to Town.

Necessity has no Law.

Need makes the old Wife trot.

Near is my Petticoat, nearer my Smock.

Old Men are twice Children.

Old Men and Travellers may lie by Autho­rity.

One Swallow don't make a Summer.

Patience is a Plaister for all Sores.

Penny wise and pound foolish.

Penny in Pocket's a good Companion.

Prayers and Provender hinders no Man's Journy.

Quick at Meat, quick at Work.

Rome was not built in a day.

Saying and Doing are two things.

Time and Tide tarry for no Man.

Use makes Perfectness.

When the Wine is in, the Wit's out.

Young Men may die, old Men must.

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But there are divers sorts of Years, as saith [...]he Ancients, according to divers Nations, which [...]re different from one another, reduced to the Rule of the Celestial Motions: The Year is di­vided into Astronomical and Political.

The Astronomical Year is also two fold; that Solar and Lunar.

The Solar Year is the time in which the Sun, by [...]is proper Motion departing from one Point of [Page 2] the Ecliptick, returns to the same again. And this is called either Natural or Sydrial.

1. The Natural or Tropical Year, is the Space of Time in which the Sun departing from out of the Tropical, Equinoctial or Solstitial Points, and running through the Ecliptick, returneth to the same again.

This Natural or Tropical Year is also two fold, mean or equal, and true, called also inequal.

The mean or equal Tropical Year, contains 365 Days, 5 Hours, 49 Minutes, 15 Seconds.

The true or inequal Tropical Year, is some­times more, and sometimes less, there the equal, by 6 or 7 Minutes; so it increaseth or decreaseth according to the swift or slow Progress of the E­quinoctial or Solstitical Points.

2. The Syderial Year, is the Space of Time in which the Sun returns to the same Star from whence he departed; and is 365 Days, 6 Hours, 9 Minutes; but in the Seconds there is a diffe­rence among Authors.

Now the Lunar Year, is likewise two fold; the Common, which is 12 Moons, or 354 Days, 8 Hours, &c. The Embalismal, which is 13 Moons or Lunations containing 383 Days, 21 Hours, &c.

The Political or Civil Years, be such as be commonly used for the Distinction of Times; wherein respect is had either to the Motion of the Sun or Moon only, or to them both toge­ther, according to the Custom of divers Nations.

The Julian, or old Roman Year consisting of 365 Days and six Hours: I his Julian Account, or [Page 3] Year, is used by the English, Muscovites, Syrians, Abassines, and Ethiopians, tho' the Name of their Months differ. It is held to begin (with the Vulgar) on the first of January: Which is therefore call'd New-year's Day: But, according to the State Accounts, the Year begins not till the 25th Day of March, at which time they alter the Date of the Year: As for Example: The first Day of January next will be reckon'd the first Day of the Year 1698; but because the State Account begins not till the 25th of March, they commonly write the Date double, thus 1697 / 8 from the 1st of January to the 25th of March; after which they write only 1698.

The Gregorian or new Roman Year, is so cal­led, because mended by Pope Gregory the 13th, consists of 365 Days, 5 Hours, 49 Minutes, and 12 Seconds: It begins on our 22d of December, being 10 Days before the Julian: And is recei­ved in all Countries owning the Authority of the See of Rome, and in some Prostant Countries al­so, as in the six or seven Provinces, Ʋtretcht keeping the Julian Account.

Of Months.

The Months by which we measure the Year, are of two [...]orts, viz. Astronomical and Political, and each hath several Divisions: Astronomical or Natural, are according to the Motion of the Sun and Moon; and be either Solar or Lunar; the Solar, are the Spans of Time in which the Sun runs through a twelfth part of the Zodiack, of which there are two sorts, mean, or e­qual; [Page 4] true, or unequal: An equal Solar Month is the Time in which the Sun [...]n by his mean Motion goeth a twelfth part of the Zodiack, and is always 30 Days, 10 Hours, 29 Minutes, 6 Seconds, &c. But the true, or apparent, is according to the true Motion of the Sun thro' the Zodiack; for when he is in or near his Apo­geon, the Month [...] are longer; but when he is in or near his Perigeon they are shorter. Lunar Months are referred to the Moon's Motion, and are chiefly three fold, viz. First, Periodical, which is the Space of Time in which the Moon by her mean Motion goeth through the Zodiack, and is about 27 Days, 8 Hours. Secondly, Sy­nodical, which is the Space of Time from one Conjunction to another, being performed accord­ing to the Moon's mean Motion in 29 Days, 12 Hours, 44 Minutes, and about 4 Seconds; but according to the Moon's true Motion, it is some­times greater or lesser, by about 12 Hours. Thirdly, The Month of Illumination or Appari­tion, is said to be 28 Days, or 4 Weeks, it be­ing the longest time that the Moon is to be seen between Change and Change. Lastly, The Po­litical Months are civil and usual, as every Nati­on best pleaseth; which differ both in Proporti­on and Name.

Of Days and Hours.

Days are either Natural or Artificial: A Day Natural, is one entire Revolution of the Sun a­bout the Earth, which is performed in 24 Hours, containing both Day and Night: And this Day [Page 5] the English begin at Mid-night; but the Astro­nomers begin it at Mid-day, or Noon. An Ar­tificial Day is from Sun-rising to Sun-setting: dif­fers in length of equal Hours, according to the Sun's place in the Zodiack, and Latitude of the Region. But in unequal Hours, (call'd Planeta­ty Hours) there are 12, so that one Hour is the 12th part of a Day, be it long or short, and the Hours that make an Artificial Day, are from 6 to 6; that is, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

I shall now give some brief Directions for the Knowledge of the Weather.

Signs of Fair Weather.

The Sun rising bright and clear; if he drive the Clouds before him into the West. If at his Rising there appears a Circle about him, and it vanisheth equally away. If the Sun set Red. If the Moon be clear three Days after the Change, or three Days before the Full. If the Clouds ap­pear with yellow Edges. A cloudy Sky, clearing against the Wind. The Rain-bow after Rain, ap­pearing meanly Red. Mists coming down from the Hills, and setling in the Valleys; or white Mists rising from the Waters in the Evening. Crows or Ravens gaping against the Sun. Bee­tles flying in the Evening. Batts flying abroad sooner than ordinary. Many Flies or Gnats play­ing in the Sun-shine at Evening.

Signs of Rain.

If the Sun be fiery Red at his Rising. If he shew pale and wan. If red and black Clouds be [Page 6] about him at his rising. If his Rays look dark or blue. If the Moon three or four Days after the Change is [...]lunt at both Ends, the thicker, the more. A Circle about the Moon. If the great Stars be only seen, and they look dim. The Rain-bow appearing in a fair Day, the greener it is, the more Rain. Birds washing themselves. The Chattering of the Pye, Peacocks, and Ducks often crying. The Owl crying Chiwit often; Swallows flying low; the working of the Insect call'd a Spinner. Many Worms appearing above Ground. The B [...]ast eating greedily, and lick­ing their Hoofs. The biting of Fleas, Gnats, &c. The Soot falling much from Chimneys. The sweating of Stones. A circle round a Candle. Aches in ancient Peoples Limbs or Corns. Bells heard at a further distance than usual. Sparks gathering together in the Fire. No Dew Morn­ing nor Evening, &c. All these sure Signs of Rain.

Signs of Wind or Tempest.

Red Clouds appearing in the Morning. Much Shooting of Stars. The Rain-bow red. Black Circles, with red Streaks, about the Moon. Stars dim and fiery. Autum fair, a Windy Winter. Clouds flying swift in the Air. Fire burning pale or huzzing. Ravenes clapping themselves with their Wings. The high flying of the Hern. Crying of Swine. The Herb Treefoil looking rough.

Of the Rain-bow.

The Rain-bow is that Bow which the Almighty was pleased to place in the Firmament, as a Token to Noah that he would drown the Earth no more: But as to the natural Cause of it, it is caused by the Sun-beams striking upon a hollow Cloud, when its Edge is repelled and driven back against the Sun; and thus ariseth variety of Colours by the mixing of Clouds, Air, and fiery Light to ge­ther; therefore it is seen in Opposition to the Sun, for the most part in an Evening.

Of Rain.

The Ancients describe Rain to be a cold and earthly Vapour, or Humour exhaled from the Earth and Waters by the Beams of the Sun, and carried into the middle Region of the Air, where­by the Extremity of the Cold, it is thicken'd into the Body of a Cloud; and afterwards being dis­solved through an accession of Heat, it falleth up­on the Earth: And this is done by God's Power, and at his Appointment, as the Prophet Amos witnesseth, Amos 4. 7. and 96.

Of Hail.

Hail is nothing but Rain congealed into Ice by the coldness of the Air, freezing the Drops after the dissolving of the Cloud; and the high­er it comes, and the longer it tarries in the Air, the rounder and lesser it is: We have sometimes great showers of Hail in the heat of Summer af­ter a Thunder-clap; which doth manifest, that [Page 8] the Air at that time is extream cold, thus to congeal the Water therein, notwithstanding the heat then upon the Earth.

Of Snow.

Snow (as say the Ancients) is of the same hu­mour that Hail is, but only of looser parts; and therefore in the Summer-time it is melted into Rain before it cometh down.

Of Frost and Dew.

In the Day-time, through the heat of the Sun, there is a cold and moist Vapour drawn up a little from the Earth; which after the setting of the Sun des [...]ends upon the Earth again, and is called Dew; but if by the sharpness of the Air it be congealed, it is called Frost; and therefore in hot Seasons, and windy Weather, Dews are not so frequent, nor so much, as after a calm and clear Night: For when frosts happen, they dry up Wet and Moisture; for the Ice being melted, the Water is proportionably less.

Of the Wind.

Wind is said to be an Exhalation hot and dry; engendered in the Bowels of the Earth; and being gotten out, is carried side-long upon the face of the Earth, and cannot mount upwards above the middle Region of the Air, which by reason of its cold doth beat it back; so as by such strife, and by meeting other Exhalations rising, its mo­tion is forced to be rather round than right in its [...]; and this makes it a Whirl-puff, or [Page 9] Whirl-wind, which oftentimes by its violence car­rieth many things with it from place to place, &c.

Of Earthquakes.

The Ancients affirm, That the cause of Earth­quakes is plenty of Winds gotten and confined within the Bowels of the Earth, which in striving to break forth, shaking, or sometimes a cleaving of the Earth; and thereby the de­struction of many People, and ruine of whole Towns and Cities, as the sad fate of Sicily has but lately shown us, by sinking of Mountains, and raising of Valleys. But tho' what I have said may be the Natural Cause of Earthquakes, yet doubtless the Final Cause is God's Anger against a provoking sinful People; which ought to make all our Hearts to tremble, lest God for our sins should cause the Earth under us to do so.

Of Thunder and Lightning.

Thunder and Lightning is occasioned by an Exhalation hot and dry, and being carried up in­to the middle Region of the Air, and there in clo­sed in the Body of a Cloud: Now these two Contrarities being thus shut or enclosed in one place together, they fall at varience, whereby the Water and Fire agree not until they have broken through, so that Fire and Water fly out of the Clouds, the breaking whereof making that Noise which we call Thunder, and the Fire is the Light­ning; which is first seen, tho' the Thunder-crack be first given; because our sight is quicker than our hearing: For the sooner the Thunder is heard after the Lightning is seen, the nearer it is to us.

Of the Four Quarters of the Year; and, First of the Spring.

The Spring, or Vernal Quarter, begins when the Sun enters into the Ram, or Aries, (which is with us on the ninth day of March, Astrono­mically) thereby making the Days and Nights equal to all the World, the Sun then rising due East, and setting due West. This Quarter con­tinues while the Sun goes through Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.

This Quarter is naturally hot and moist; the most temperate in all the Year, being both plea­sant and healthful, and most convenient for the taking of Physick, either to remove Cronical Di­stempers, or to prevent them for time to come.

II. Of the Summer.

The Summer, or Estival Quarter begins when the Sun touches the first minute of Cancer, or the Crabb, thereby making the longest Days, and shortest Nights, to those that dwell on the North side of the Equinox, which usually happeneth up­on the 11th of June; after which the Days de­drease. This Quarter continues till the Sun hath gone through Cancer, Leo and Virgo.

This Quarter is hot and dry; for then the Sun with us in his full height and strength, bring­ing to persection the Productions of the Earth, the time of gathering in the Harvest being chiefly in the last Month of this Quarter.

III. Of the Autumnal Quarter.

The Autumnal Quarter begins when the Sun is said to touch the first minute of Libra, or the Ballance, thereby making the Days and Nights again of equal length, which is usually upon the 12th day of September, for then likewise the Sun riseth due East, and sets due West. This Quar­ter continues while the Sun goes through Libra, Scorpio and Sagitary.

This Quarter is generally held to be cold and [...]lry, tho' it often proves very moist and wet; for the Sun now with-draws his heat, and there­ [...]y causeth the falling of the Leaves from the Trees, whence this Quarter is also called the [...]all of the Leaf.

IV. Of Winter.

The Winter or Hyemnal Quarter begins when [...]he Sun touches the first minute of the Tropical [...]ign Capricorn, which is for the most part about [...]he 11th of December, thereby making the short­ [...]t Days and longest Nights, to those that dwell [...] the North side of the Equinoctial, and the [...]ontrary to those that dwell on the South-side. This Quarter continues while the Sun makes his [...]rogress thro' Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

This Quarter is counted cold and moist, being [...]irectly opposite to Summer: for now the Fields [...]ok barren, and the Trees naked.

The Country-man's Observations on every Month in the Year.


PLant Vines and lay them for increase, and plant Apple and Pear-trees, and all sorts o [...] Wall-fruit-trees; if the Weather be open, tri [...] Wall-trees, cut and nail them: Set and so [...] Kernels and Stones, in this and in the next Month [...] breaking only the Stones or Shells, and sow only the Kernel: Set Beans and Pease: Cut, and set and lay Quicksets and Roses: all these may b [...] done also the next Month. Drench weak and sic [...] Cattel.


Now is a very good time for Grafting the fo [...] ward sorts of Fruit-trees: If the weather be te [...] perate, sow hardy Seeds, as, Pease, Beans, Redi [...] es, Parsnips, Carrots, Onions, Parsley, Spi [...] nage: Make up Hot-beds for Melons, Cucu [...] bers, and such like: Lay Branches of Vin [...] Roses, Wood-bines, Jessamines, Lauresti [...] Phille [...]oy, Pyracantha, &c. Plant Goosberri [...] Currans, Rasberries; and begin to plant ha [...] Herbs, towards the latter end of the Mont [...] Transplant Cabbage and Colliflowers, sow [...] sparagus.


This is the Principal Month for [...]rafting [...] sorts of Fruit trees; transplant all sorts of ha [...] [Page 13] Herbs and Flowers, make up Hot-beds for Cu­ [...]umbers, Melons, Colliflowers to come late; [...]he Russia Cabbage and [...]ender Flower-seeds, as, Amaranths of all sorts, Africans, Marvail of [...]eris, &c. Sow most sorts of Garden-seeds, as, Endive, Succory, Leeks, Radish, Beets, Pars­ [...]ips, Skirrets, Parsley, Sorrel, Bugloss, Burrage, [...]hirvil, Sallery, Lettice, Redish, Onions, O­ [...]ce, Purslain, Carrots, Cresses, Spinnage, Ma­ [...]igolds, &c. and most sorts of Flower-seeds; [...]kewise Turnips in this and the next Month, to [...]ave them early. This is the principal Month [...]or sowing of Seeds, and planting of Flowers and [...]lips. Sow Pinks, and Carnations, and Gilly­ [...]owers at the Full Moon, and the Seeds of all Winter-Greens; Plant out Colliflowers, and [...]ll sorts of Cabbages, where they are to stand; [...]nd likewise Carna [...]ion-layers in this and in the [...]ext Month. In this Month also sow Oats and [...]arley.


You may graft some sort of Fruit-trees in the [...]eginning of this Month: Sow all Garden-seeds [...] dry weather; and plant all sorts of Garde [...] ­ [...]erbs in wet weather. You may yet sow those [...]rt of Seeds spoke of in Ma [...]ch: Sow tender [...]e [...]ds, as, sweet Marjoram, Basil, Pinks, Carna­ [...]ons, Hys [...]op, Thyme, Savoury, and Purslain, [...]utch and English Savoys. Set all sorts of Winter-greens in this and in the former Month, [...]t Sage and Rosemary, sow Lettice, Spinnage [...]hervil, and Cresses, once in three or four Weeks [Page 14] to have it young. Plant Cucumbers, Melon [...] and Artichoaks. In this Month also sow Hem [...] and Flax, pull Hops, and open your Beehives [...] and Bark Trees for Tanners.


About the beginning, or within a fortnight un­der or over, sow French-beans in fine Mold: sow tender Garden-seeds, as, sweet Merjoram, Thim [...] and Basil, Dutch and English Savoys, Plant ou [...] Cucumbers and Amaranthus, &c. Of the Hot [...] bed, take up Tulips whose stocks are dry; sow Purslain. Set your stills on work. Weed you [...] Hop-gardens, cut off superfluous Branches, Mos [...] Trees, and Weed Gardens and Corn.


The beginning of this Month sow English and Dutch Savoys; sow Sallad-seeds for latter Sallads Take up your best Anemonies, Tulips and Ranu [...] culuses: Sow Turnip-seed in this and the nex [...] Month; and transplant those Savoys that were sowed the last Month; Plant Slips of Mirtle Shear your Sheep, the Moon encreasing.


This is the principal Month to Innoculate A [...] pricocks, Peaches, Nictarines, and Roses, &c. Prune your Wall-trees, lay Gilliflowers and Ca [...] nations; sow Lettice, and Spinnage, for latte [...] Sallading; transplant or remove Tulips, or other Bulbous-roots; Plant Cuttings of Myrtles but let 'em not have too much Sun at first. Remove [Page 15] your large sided Cabbages planted in May, [...]o head in Autumn. Keep Weeds from growing [...]o seed, and begin your Hawing. Gather the Snails from your Wall-fruit, but pull not off the [...]itten Fruit, for then they will begin with o­thers.


The beginning of this Month sow Cabbage and Colliflower-seed; prune superfluous Branches [...]rom the Wall-fruit-trees, unbind the Buds you [...]nnoculated the Month before, if they take. Sow Spinnage and Lettuce for latter Sallading: Set Cuttings of Bays, Laurustinus, Laurel and Honi­ [...]uckles, plant them rather in the Shade then in [...]he Sun: Sow Lark-spur, Canditaft, Column­ [...]ines, Robin in the Bush, and such hardy Plants [...]s will endure the Winter: Plant Strawberries, [...]nd other Garden-plants. Reap and gather in your Harvest, while the Weather continues fair, [...]or you must reap and carry in your Corn, as well as make Hay, whilst the Sun shines.


Transplant Colliflowers and Cabbages that were sowed in August: Plant Tulips, and other [...]lbos Roots you formerly took up: Take off your Carnation-layers, and plant them where [...]hey are to stand the Winter: Remove Fruit­ [...]rees from September till March, except in Frost: Set Cuttings of Bays, Lawrels, &c. Transplant most sorts of Herbs and Flowers. Gather Hops [...]he beginning of this Month, and sow your Wheat [...]nd Rye.


Set Beans and Pease; sow sorts of Fruit­stones, as, Nuts, Kernels, and Seeds, either for Trees or Stock, in this or the next Month: Plant Rose-trees, and your bulbous Roots of all sorts Plant all Fruit-trees that have shed their Leaves French Stiff-lands.


Sow Beans and Pease, prune all sorts of Fruit▪ trees, and begin to cut and trim Wall-trees; lay up Carrots, Parsnips, Cabbages, either for you [...] use, or for Seed. Cover your Asparagus an [...] Artichoakes: Set Nuts and Kernels: Yet yo [...] may plant Tulips. Kill your Swine in or near th [...] full Moon.


Set Pease and Beans, if the Weather be mode rate: Set and transplant all sorts of Fruit-trees especially such as are not very tender, and su [...] ject to the injury of the Frost; prune Vines the Weather be open: Nail and cut all s [...]ts o [...] Fruit-trees: Sow Bay and Lawrel-berries dropping [...]ipe.

The Names of the Market towns in eve­ry County throughout England and Wales; with the Days of the Week when the Mar­kets are kept: As also their Distance from London; with an Account what Commo­dities each County produceth; and in what Diocess or Bishoprick it is.

ABbington M. F. 46
East-Isley W. 44
Farringdon Tu. 56
Hungerford W. 54
Lambourn 55
Maiden-head W. [...]2
Newberry Th. 47
Ockingham Tu. 28
Reading Sat. 32
Wallingford Tu. Fr. 38
Wantage Sat. 50
New Windsor Sat. 20

Chief Commodities of this County are Sheep, Wool, and Corn. Salisbury Di [...]ss.

Ampthil Th. 36
Bedford Tu. S [...]t. 40
Biggleswade W. 34
Dunstable W. 30
Leighton Tu. 33
Luton Mond. 28
Potton Sat. 37
Shefford Fr. 34
Tuddington Sat. 34
Woburn Fr. 37

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, Butter, Cheese, and Poultry. Lincoln Diocess.

Ailsbury Sat. 33
Amersham Tu. 24
Beaconsfield Th. 22
Buckingham Sat. 44
Chesham W. 24
Colebrook W. 15
Suingo Fr. 30
Marlow Sat. 26
Newport-paynel Sat. 44
Oulney M. 47
Risburrow Sat. 30
Stonistratford Fr. 44
Wendower Th. 30
Wiccomb Fr. 27
Wistow Th. 39

Chief Commodities are, Corn, Cattel [...] Wool, Wood, Bone­lace. Lincoln Diocess.

Cambridge Sat. 44
Caxton Tu. 52
Eli Sat. 57
Linton Th. 39
March Fr. 67
Wisbich Sat. 75

Chief Commodities are, Cheese, Butter, Corn, Cattel, Mault and Saffron. Ely Diocess.

Altrincham Tu. 137
Congleton Sat. 123
Fordsham W. 140
Huntsford Sat. 128
Malpas M. 130
Maxfield M. 124
Middlewich Sat. 128
Nantwich Sat. 126
Norwich Fr. 125
Sandbich Th. 125
Stopford Fr. 134
Tarvin 139
Westchester W. S. 140

Chief Commodities, Cheese, Corn, Cattel, Sheep, Fish, Fowl, Salt, and Mill-ston [...]s. Chester Diocess.

Bod [...]in Sat. 193
Camelford Fr. 184
St. Columb Th. 200
Fowy Sat. 229
F [...]mouth W. S. 214
S. Germ [...]in Fr.
Grampord Sat. 206
Helston Sat. 228
St. Ives W. S. 229
East-Looe Sat. 196
Launston Sat. 175
Liskard Sat. 180
Listhiel Fr. 190
Matket-Jew Th. 228
Pad [...]tow Sat. 194
Penrin W. S. 223
Penzance Th. 230
Saltash Sat. 181
Stratton Tu. 174
Tregonny Mon. 209
Truroe W. S. 214

Chief Commodities, Tin, Copper, Fish and Fowl. Ex­eter Diocess.

Abby-Holen Sat. 231
Aston-More Sat.
Bootle W.
Brampton Th. 225
Carlisle Sat. 233
Cockermouth M. 226
Egr [...]mont Sat. 222
Ireby Th. 225
Keswick Sat. 218
Kerkswild Th. 210
Long-town Th. 234
Penreth Tu. 221
Ravenglass Sat. 214
Whitehaven Th. 227
Wigton Tu. 229

Chief Commodities, Sheep, Copper, Fish, Fowl, Cloth, Sea-coals, &c. Chester and Carlile Diocess.

Alsreton M. 100
Ashburn Sat. 108
Bakewel M. 115
Bolsover Fr. 104
[Page 20]Chesterfield Sat. 106
Derby Fr. 98
Dronfield Th. 112
Tidesate W. 120
Wirksworth Tu. 107

Chief Commodities, are Iron, Lead, Coal, Marble, Free­stone, and Mill stones. Litch field and Coventry Diocess.

Ashburton Sat. 153
Axminster Sat. 120
Barnstable Fr. 154
Biddiford Tu. 161
Bradnich 135
Chidley Sat. 146
Chulmleigh-bow Tu. 149
Columpton Sat. 134
Comb-Martin 194
Crediton Sat. 147
Culliton Th. 125
Dartmouth Th. 165
Dalbrook W. 170
Exeter Wed. Sat. 138
Hatherly Fr. 160
Honiton Sat. 126
Houlsworthy Sat. 169
IIfracomb 142
Kingsbridge Sat. 170
Medbury Th. 170
Morton Sat. 150
South-molton Sat. 146
Newton-abby W. 152
Oak-hampton Sat. 158
O [...]tery Tu. 133
Plimouth M. Th. 173
Plimpton Sat. 178
Sidemouth 130
Tavistock Sat. 168
Tiverton Tu. 136
Torrington Sat. 158
Totness Sat. 160

Chief Commodities are, Tin, Lead, Kersies, Serges, Bone lace. Exeter Diocess.

Ablatsbury Th. 105
Bemister Th. 110
Blanford Sat. 85
Bridport Sat. 115
Cerne-abbas Th. 105
Corf-castle Th. 193
Cranburn W. 76
Dorchester Sat. 97
Everistwit Tu. 106
Frampton Th. 102
[Page 21]Lime Th. 120
Melcom-regis Fr. 105
Middleton 91
Pool M. Th. 88
Shaftsbury Sat. 88
Sherborn W. 100
Sturmister Th. 94
Warham Sat. 90
Weymouth Tu. Fr. 104
Winborn-minst. Fr. 82

Chief Commodities are, Cattel, Sheep, Corn, Wood, Cloth, &c. Bristol Diocess.

Aukeland Th. 188
Baynard's Castle W. 187
Durham Sat. 200
Darlington M. 185
Stainthorp 190
Sunderland 200

Chief Commodities are, Sea coals, Lead, Iron, and Fish. Durham Diocess.

Barking Sat. 7
Billerikay Tu. 20
Braintree W. 34
Brentwood Th. 15
Chelmsford Fr. 25
Chipping-Ongar Sat. 19
Cogshal Sat. 30
Colchester Sat. 43
Dunmore Sat. 31
Epping Fr. 15
Harwich Tu. 60
Hatfield Sat. 25
Haulstead Fr. 30
Horndon Sat. 21
Maldon Sat. 32
Manningtree Tu. 51
Raleigh Sat. 30
Rumford Wed. 10
Thaxted Fr. 35
Walden Sat. 35
Waltham-abbey Tu. 12

Chief Commodities are, Cloth, Stuffs, Hops, Bacon, Saffron, Oysters, &c. London Diocess.

Blackley W. 89
Campden W. 67
Cheltenham Th. 77
Chipping-sudbury Tu. 77
Cirencester M. Fr. 70
Dean Magna M. 90
Dursley Th. 84
Fairsord Fr. 62
Gloucester W. S. 82
Horton Fr. 83
Lechlade Tu. 84
Leonard-Stanley Sat. 82
Marshfield T. 84
Mincing-hampton Tu. 77
Newent Fr. 89
Newnham Fr. 90
Panswick Tu. 78
Stow on the Would Th. 64
Stroud Fr. 78
Tewksbury W. S. 79
Tedbury W. 77
Thornbury Sat. 89
Wickware Tu.  
Winchcomb Sat. 72
Wotton Fr. 83

Chief Commodities are, Corn, Timber, Cheese, Wool, Cloth, Cyder, Perry, and Steel. Glocester Diocess.

Alreston Th. 46
Alton Sat. 38
Andover Sat. 55
Basing-stoke W. 39
Christ's Church 80
King's Clear Tu. 45
Lemington Sat. 72
Odiam Sat. 34
Newport in wight W. S. 72
Petersfield Sat. 45
Portsmouth Tu. Sat. 60
Ramsey Sat. 55
Ringwood W. 78
Southampton Tu. Th. 62
Whitchurch 94
Winchester W. S. 54

Chief Commodities are, Corn, Cattel, Iron, Wool, Ho­ney, and Kersies. Winchester Diocess.

St. Albans Sat. 20
Baldock Th. 29
Barnet M. 10
Bishop-stafford Th. 27
Berkhamstead M. 24
Buntingford M. 28
Hartford Sat. 21
Hampstead Th. 22
Hatfield Th. 17
Hodsdon Th. 17
Hitching Tu. 30
Rickmunsworth Sat. 17
Stevenag [...] Fr. 25
Stondon Fr. 23
Tring Fr. 28
Watford Tu. 15
Ware Tu. 20
Royston W. 34

Chief Commodities are, Wheat, Barley and Mault. London and Lincoln Diocess.

Bramyard M. 96
Hereford W. S. 101
Kingston W. 114
Lem [...]ster F. 104
Lidbury Tu. 90
Pembridge Tu. 108
Ross Th. 91
Webley Th. 108

Chief Commodities are, Cyder, Corn, Wood, Sheep, and Lemster- wool, which is accounted the best in Eng­land. Hereford Diocess.

H [...]ntington Sat. 49
St. Ives M. 49
Kimbolton Fr. 47
St. Neots Th. 41
Ramsey W. 55
Yaxley Tu. 59

Chief Commodities are, Corn and Cattel. Lincoln Diocess.

Appledore 54
Ashford Sat. 51
Bromley Th. 7
Canterbury W. S. 46
Cranebrook Sat. 44
Cray W. 13
Dartford Sat. 14
Dover W. S. 55
Eltham M. 48
Feversham W. S. 44
Tokestone Th. 62
Goldhurst W. 40
Gravesend W. S. 29
Hithe Sat. 48
Lenhams Tu. 40
Lidd Th. 63
Maidstone Th. 28
Malling Sat. 25
Milton Sat. 37
Rochester Fr. 27
Rumney Th. 61
Sandwich W. S. 60
Sevenoak Sat. 20
Smarden Fr. 42
Tenderden Fr. 50
Tunbridge Fr. 28
Westram W. 28
Woolwich Fr. 8
Wrotham Tu. 20
Wye Th. 49 Chief Commodities are, Corn, Fruit, Oysters. Can­terbury and Rochester Diocess. Lancashire.
Blackbourn M. 154
Bolton M. 146
Bury Th. 143
Cartmel M. 192
Charley Tu. 154
Clithero Sat. 158
Coln W. 153
Dalton Sat. 20
Eccieston 170
Gasting Th. 170
Haslingdon W. 150
Hawshead M. 202
Hornby M. 170
Kirkham Tu. 162
Lancaster Sat. 188
Leigh 145
Leverpool Sat. 150
Manchester Sat. 138
Ormskirk Tu. 156
Prescot M. 147
Preston W. S. 160
Poulton M. 163
Rochdale Tu. 145
Ulverstone Th. 197
Warrington W. 140
Wigan M Fr. 148

Chief Commodities, Coals, Cattel, Fish, Fowl, and [...]lax. Chester Diocess.

Ashby-de-la-zouch S. 89
Billesden F. 72
[...]osworth W. 83
[...]allaton Th. 68
[...]arborow Tu. 66
[...]inckley M. 79
Leicester S. 78
Loughborow Th. 80
Lutterworth Th. 71
Melton-mowbray Tu. 78
Mountsorrel M. 81
Waltham-would Th. 70

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, and Wool. Lin­ [...]oln Diocess.

Alford Tu. 107
Barton M. 130
[...]inbrook W. 114
[...]oston S. 90
[...]ourn S. 75
[...]urgh Th. 104
[...]urton Tu. 127
[...]ullingbrook Tu. 100
[...]rowland 72
[...]ennington S. 84
[...]olkingham Th. 83
[...]lamford Th. 122
Grantham S. 85
[...]reat Grimsby W. 124
[...]olbich Th. 84
[...]orn-castle S. 102
[...]i [...]ton S. 117
Gainsborow Tu. 115
Lincoln F. 102
Louth W. S. 112
Market-resen Tu. 114
Market-deeping Th. 70
Navenby Th.
Spitsby M. 100
Saltfleet 115
Sleaford M. 88
Spalding Tu. 78
Stamford M. F. 70
Stanton M. 109
Tatershal F. 98
Thongcaster S.
Wainfleet S. 102
Wragby Th.

Chief Commodities are Wool, Cattel, Fish, Fowl, and Horses. Lincoln Diocess.

Brentford Tu. 8
Edgworth Th. 10
Enfield S. 10
Stanes F. 19
Uxbridge Th. 1 [...]

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, and Fruit. London Diocess.

The City of London, the Metropolis of the Nation, stand [...] within this County; as does likewise the City of West­minister; but tho' both Cities be in it, yet neither o [...] them are properly of it, being two distinct Cities o [...] themselves; and having in them, and the Libertie thereof 120 Parishes; in and about which Cities an [...] also fifteen Markers, whose Names are,

St. James's
Newgate Market
  • Honey-lane, or Milk-street,
  • Stocks
  • Leaden-hall
  • Spittle-fields
  • Shadwell
  • And Billinsgate for Fish.
Alesham S. 99
A [...]tleborow Th. 80
Buckenham S. 79
Burnham S. 9 [...]
Caston Tu. 9 [...]
Cromer S. 10 [...]
[Page 27]E. Dearham F. 83
Dis F. 76
Downham S. 69
Falkenham Th. 85
Foulsham Tu. 90
E. Harling Tu. 75
Harlston W. 82
Hingham. 80
Holt S. 7 [...]
Lin Regis Tu. S. 80
Norwich W. S. 90
[...] S. 92
[...] W. M. 72
[...]tcham F. 82
Swaffnam S. 77
Thretford S. 70
Walton W. 74
Walsingham F. 89
N. Walsham T. 100
Worfred S. 98
Wym [...]ndham F. 85
Yarmouth S. 92

Chief Commodities are Stuffs, Stockings, Wool, Corn, Fish, and Coneys. Norwich Diocess.

Brackley VV. 48
Daventry VV. 60
Highham-ferris S. 47
Kettering F. 57
King's Cliff Tu. 59
Northampton S. 54
Oundle S. 56
Peterborough S. 62
Rockingham Th. 62
Rothwell M. 58
Thrapston Tu. 53
Toucester Tu. 50
VVellingborow VV. 52

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, She [...]p, Wood, and Shooes from Northampton. Peterborow Diocess.

Alewick S. 238
Berwick S. 262
Nexam Tu. 226
Morpeth VV. 224
Newcastle Tu. S. 212
VVooler Th. 239

Chief Commodities are Sea-coal, Fish, Fowl, and Salt. Berwick is not properly in this County, but lies between it and Scotland. Durham Diocess.

Bingham Tu. 86
Blith Tu. 116
Mansfield Tu. 98
Newark VV. 95
Nottingham VV. S. 96
Redford S. 110
Southwel S. 94
Tuxford M. 105
VVorksop VV. 110

Chief Commodities are Pit-coal, Corn, Wood, Fish, Fowl, and Liquorice. York Diocess.

Bampton VV. 56
Banbury Th. 53
Bistow 43
Burchester F. 45
Burford S. 62
Chipping-norton VV. 59
Deddington S. 51
Henly Th. 29
Oxford VV. S. 47
Tame Tu. 37
VVatlington S. 36
VVitney Th. 54
VVoodstock Th. 57

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, Wood, Fruit, and Mault. Oxsord Diocess.

Oakham S. 72
Uppingham VV. 64

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, Wool, and Wood. Peterborough Diocess.

Bishops-castle F. 115
Bridgenorth S. 100
Clebary VV. 98
Draiton VV. 118
[Page 29]Elsoneer Tu. 127
Hale [...]wen M. 90
Ludlow M. 105
Newpo [...]t S. 112
Oswestry M. 130
Shrewsbury VV. S. 189
Shipton Tu. 110
Tretton Th.  
Great Wenlog M. 105
Wem Th. 121
Whitchurch F. 126
Willington Th. 111

Chief Commodities are Wheat, Barley, Wood, Cattel, Iron, and Pit-coal. Hereford and Litchfield Diocess.

Axbridge Th. 105
Bathe W. S. 87
Bridgewater Th. 116
Bristol W. S. 97
Bruton S. 93
Canesham Th. 95
Chard M. 116
Crookshorn S. 110
N. Currey Tu. S. 114
Dulverton S. 136
Dunster F. 130
Shipton-mallet F. 92
T [...]unton W. S. 120
Watchet S. 126
Wells W. S. 96
Evil F. 108
Frownselwood W. 85
Glastenbury Tu. 103
Ilichester W. 104
Illmister S. 113
Langport S. 109
North-pedderton Tu. 114
South-pedderton Th. 109
Pensford Tu. 94
Phillips-norton Th. 84
Somerton M. 105
Wellington Th. 124
Wincaunton W. 93
Wives-comb Tu. 128

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, Lead, Bristol­ stones, Broad-cloths, &c. Bathe and Wells Diocess.

Betels Tu. 120
Brewood Tu. 101
Burton on Trent Th. 96
Cheidle Th. 110
Eccleshal F. 110
Leek W. 116
[Page 30]Litchfield Tu. F. 94
Newcastle under-line M. 116
Pagees Brumly Tu.  
Pankridge Tu. 100
Ridgsley Tu. 109
Stone Tu. 110
Stafford S. 104
Tomworth S. 89
Tutbury Tu. 99
Utoxiter W. 104
Walsal Tu 92
Wolverhampton W. 98

Chief Commodities are Copper, Iron, Lead, Alabaster, and Pit-coal. Litchfield and Coventry Diocess.

Alborough S. 76
Aye S. 74
Beccles S. 90
Bildestow W. 54
Budsdale Th. 75
Bungry Th. 85
Bury W. 60
Clare F. 50
Debenham F. 68
Dunwick S. 82
Halesworth Tu. 83
Neyland F. 47
Orford M. 73
Saxmundham Th. 75
Sowley Th.  
Hadley M. 53
Haveril W. 43
Ikesworth F. 54
Ipswich W. S. 60
Lavenham Tu. 52
Fremlingham S. 74
Lestaff W. 94
Mendlesham Tu. 65
Middle-hall F. 57
Needham W. 61
Newmarket Tu. 55
Stow-market Th. 60
Sudbury S. 46
Woodbridge W. 66

Chief Commodities are Butter, Cheese, Linnen, and Woollen-cloth. Norwich Diocess.

Croydon S. 10
Darking Th. 20
Ewel Th. 12
Farnham Th. 31
[Page 31]Guilford S. 25
Kingston S. 10
Rygate Tu. 20
Southwark M. W. F. S.  

Chief Commodities are Corn, Box, Fullers-earth, and Nuts. Winchester Diocess.

Arundel VV. S. 46
Battel Th. 48
Bettworth VV. 39
Chichester VV. S. 50
Cuxfield F. 34
East Grinstead Th. 25
Hastings VV. S. 54
Helmston Th. 44
Horsham S. 28
Lewis S. 40
Midhurst Th. 42
Rye VV. S. 46
Stening VV. 40
Stovington VV.  
Tarring S. 45

Chief Commodities are Corn, Wood, Wool, Iron, and Mault. Chichester Diocess.

Atherston Tu. 84
Aulchester Tu. 72
Bromicham Th. 8 [...]
Coleshil VV. 82
Coventry F. 74
Henley M. 72
Kineton Tu. 61
Nuneaton S. 81
Rugby S. 6 [...]
Southam M. 64
Stratford Th. 76
Sutton-coefield M. 88
VVarwick S. 67

Chief Commodities are Cattel, Corn, Wood, Wool, I­ron, Knives, &c. Mault and Cheese. Litchfield and VVorcester Diocess.

Ambleside VV. 206
Appleby S. 197
Burgh VV. 191
Burton Tu. 18 [...]
Kendal S. 196
Kirby Loundal Th. 185
Kirby Stevens F. 188
Oxton VV. 194

Chief Commodity is Cloth. Chester and Carlile Di­ocess.

Wil [...]shire.
Amersbury F. 65
Auburn Tu. 56
Bradford M. 33
Calne Tu. 72
Chipnam S. 77
Cricklade S. 65
Devizes Th. 72
Dunction F. 96
Highworth VV. 60
Hindon Th. 80
Lavington VV. 73
Malmsbury S. 74
Malborow S. 62
Men M. 87
Ramsbury Tu. 60
Salisbury Tu. S. 70
Swindon M. 62
Sundon M.
Troubridge S. 80
VVarminster S. 80
VVestbury F. 80
VVilton VV. 72
VVotton-basset Tu. 66

Chief Commodities are Wool, Wood, Sheep, and Cloth. Sal [...]sbury Diocess.

Broomsgrave Tu. 82
Bewdley S. 92
Droitwich F. 82
E [...]esham M. 73
Kedderminster Th. 89
Pershore Tu. 79
Shipton S. 82
Sturbridge F. 90
[Page 33]Tenbury Tu. 100
Upton Th. 83
VVorcester VV. S. 85

Chief Commodities are Salt, Cyder, Perry▪ and Hops. VVorcester Diocess.


This County, being the largest in England, is divided into three Parts, called Ridings, and are distinguished by the Names of the East, the VVest, and the North Ridings.

The East Riding.
Beverly S. 141
Burlington S. 160
Headon S. 141
Howden S. 139
Hull Tu. 135
Killham Th. 154
Pocklington S. 152
VVighton VV. 147
The West Riding.
Bantrey S. 117
Barnsby W. 126
Borough-bridge S. 162
Bradford Th. 145
Doncaster S. 123
Hallifax Th. 140
[...]erds Tu. S. 139
[...]naresborough 140
[...]ely Tu. 146
[...]ontfract S. 133
[...]ipley F. 152
[...]ippon Th. 158
Rotheram M. 117
Selby M. 141
Settley Tu. 165
Sheffield Tu. 115
Sherbourn S. 137
Skipton S. 155
Snathe F. 136
Tadcaster Th. 142
Tickhil S. 119
Wakefield Th. F. 133
Wetherly Th. 143
The North Riding.
A [...]krigg Tu. 175
Abberforth W. 139
Bedal Tu. 167
Gisborough M. 183
Helmley S. 166
Kirby-moreside W. 167
Molton S. 162
Masham Tu. 165
Northallerton W. 176
Pickering M. 176
Richmond S. 175
Scarborow Th. 185
Stokesly S. 175
Thrusk M. 162
Whitney S. 181
Yarum Th. 170
York Th. S. 150

Chief Commodities are Cloth, Corn, Cattel, Edg-tools, Spurs, &c. York Diocess.

Counties in WALES.

Isle of Anglesey.
Beaumaurice W. 184
Newburg Tu. 190

Chief Commodities are, Cattel. Bangor Diocess.

Bealt M. S. 125
Brecknock W. S. 122
Crecowel Th. 114
Hay M. 116

Chief Commodities are Cotton, Corn, Cattel, Fis [...] Landaff Diocess.

Aberistwith M. 145
Cardigan S. 162
Lanbedar Tu. 146
Tregeron Th. 140

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, Fowl, Fish and Lead. St. David' s Diocess.

Caermarthen W. S. 156
Kidwellin Tu. 257
Lanchern F. 164
Landitonawre Tu. 130
Lanely Tu. 157
Langadock Th. 140
Lanymdiffry W. S. 137
Newcastle F. 156

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, Salmons and Pit-coals. St. David' s Diocess.

Aberconway F. 174
Bangor W. 180
Carnarvan S. 186
Creketh W. 171
Newin S. 180
Pulkelly W. 177

Chief Commodities are Cattel, Sheep, Fish, and Fowl. Bangor Diocess.

Denbigh W. 160
Lanrosti Tu. 165
Ruthen M. 150
Wrexham M. Th. 138

Chief Commodities are Sheep and Goats; for there are many Mountains. St. Asaph' s Diocess.

St. Asaph S. 162
Cajervis Tu. 155
Holy-well S.

Chief Commodities are Butter, Cheese, Honey, Pit-coal, and Lead Ore. St. Asaph' s Diocess.

Aberavon S. 150
Bridgend S. 135
Caerphilly Th. 12 [...]
Cardiff W. S. 126
Cowbridge Tu. 131
Landaff 123
Lantressent F. 127
Neath S. 144
Penrise Th. 155
Swansey W. S. 146

Chief Commodities are Corn, Cattel, Sheep. Landaff Diocess.

Bala S. 145
Delgelbe Tu. 155
Harlech S. 161

Chief Commodities are Sheep, Fish, Fowl, and Cotton. Bangor Diocess.

Abergavenny Tu. 111
Caerlion Th. 112
Cheapstow S. 102
Monmouth S. 100
Newport S. 115
Pont Pool S.  
Usk M. F. 108

Chief Commodities are Cattel, Corn and Sheep. Lan­daff Diocess.

Llanidloes S. 131
Llanvilling Th. 132
Machynleth M. 139
Montgomery Th. 120
Newton Tu. 123
Welsh-pool M. 125

Chief Commodity is Horses. St. David' s Diocess.

St. David's 186
Fishgard F. 170
Haverford Tu. S. 176
Kilgaren W. 160
Narbeth W. 168
Newport S. 166
Pembrook S. [...]72
Tenby W. S. 168
Wiston S. 173

Chief Commodities are Pitcoal, Fish, and Fowl. St. David' s Diocess.

Knighton Th. 114
Prestain S. 111
Radnor Th. 115
Riaderguy W. 125

Chief Commodities are Cheese and Horses. Hereford Diocess.

Note, That in the foregoing Account of the several Mar­ket-Towns, throughout England and Wales, under the Name of every County or Shire, is set down the Names of all the Market-Towns in that Shire; and the Letter or Letters that follow after, shews the Day of the Week, on which the Market of that Town is kept: M. standing for Monday, Tu. for Tuesday, W. for Wednesday, Th. for Thursday, F. for Fryday, S. or Sat. for Saturday; [Page 38] and so if there be two Market-days in a Week, they are both set down accordingly. And then the Figures following after, shew the distance of that Town from London. For Example: Ʋnder Glamorganshire you will find there Cardiff W. S. 126: Which shews that in Cardiff there are two Market-days, one on Wednesday, the other on Sa­turday, and that it is distant from London 126 Miles.

A Catalogue of the Names of the principal Fairs in England and Wales, together with the Month, Day and Place where they are kept.

IAnuary. The 3 Day at Llanibither: 5 Hicket­ford in Lancashire: 6 being Twelfthday Salisbu­ry, Bristow: 7 Llanginny: 25 Bristol, Churching­ford, Gravesend: 31 Llandyssel.

February. The 1 Day at Bromely in Lancashire: 2 Bath, Bicklesworth, Bugworh, Faringdon, Godle­mew, Lin, Maidstone, Reading, Beckelsfield, the Vizes in Wiltshire, Whiteland: 3 Boxprove, Brim­ly: 6 Stainford for 6 Days of all kind of Merchandise, without arrest: 8 Tragarron: 9 Landaffe: 14 Own­dle in Northamptonshire, Feversham: 24 Baldoc, Bourn, Froom, Henly upon Thames, Higham-ferrers, Tewskbury, Uppingham, Wolden: 26 Standford, an Horse-fair.

March. The 1 day at Llangadog, Llangevellah, Madrim: 3 Bremwell-braks in Norfolk: 4 Bedford, Okeham. 8 Tragarron. 12 Spaford, Wobourn, Wrex­am, Bodnam, and Alsome in Norfolk. 13 Wye, Bod­win in Cornwall, Mountbowin. 17 Patrington. 18 Sturbridge. 20 Ailesbury, Duroam. 22 Lutterworth. 24 Llaverchemith: 25 St. Albanes, Ashwell in Hartford­shire, Burton, Cardigan, Walden in Essex, Hunting­ton, [Page 39] St. Jone in Worcest. Malden, Malpas, Newcastle, Northampton, Onay in Bucking. Woodstock, White­land, Great Charte. 31 Malmsbury.

April. The 2 Day at Hitchin, Northfleet, Roch­ford: 3 Leek in Staffordsh. 5 Wallingford: 7 Dar­by: 9 Billinsworth: 11 Newport-pagnel: 22 Staf­ford: 23 Amptill, Bewdley, Brewton, Bristock, Bil­son, Bury in Lancashire, Castlecombs, Charing, Chi­chester, Engfield in Sussex, Gilford, Bishops-Hat­field, Hinningham, Ipswich, Kilborough, Lonpuer, Northampton, Nutlay in Sussex, St. Pombes, Sabridg­worth, Tamworth, Wilton, Wortham, Riliborough, Harbin in Norfolk, Sapfar in Hartfordsh. 25 Bourn in Lincolnsh. Buckingham, Calne in Wiltshire, Clisse in Sussex, Colebrook, Dunmow in Essex, Darby, In­nings in Bucking. Oakham, U [...]toxeter, Winchombe: 28 Tenterden in Kent, Clere, Sudbury the last Thurs­day, Fryday and Saturday in April.

May. The 1 Day at Andover, Brickhill, Black­hourn in Lancash. Chelmsford, Congerton in Chesh. Fockingham, Grighowell, Kimar, Leighton, Lei­cester, Lichfield, if not Sunday, Lexfield in Suffolk, Linfield Llatrissent, Louth, Mainstone, Oswestry in Shropsh. Perin, Phillips-norton, Pombridge, Read­ing, Rippon, Stanstead, Stow the Wold, Stoaknail, and Tuxford in the Clay, Uske, Have-ill, Warwick, Wendover, Worsworth. 2 Powlthely in Camarthensh, Abergavenny, Ashborn-Peak, Arundell, Bramyard. Bala, Chersey near Oatlands, Chipnam, Church-stre­ton in Shropsh. Bowbridge in Glamorgansh. Darby, Denbigh, Elstow by Bedford, Hinningham, Meythyr, Mouncon, Non-eaton, Hundersfield, Ratsdale in Lan­cash. Tidnell, Waltham-Abbey, The [...]ford in North­folk: 5 Marchenleth in Montgom. 6 Almesbury, Hay, Knighton: 7 Bath, Beverly, Hanstop, Newton [Page 40] in Lancash. Hatesbury, Oxford, Stratford upon Avon, Thunderly in Essex: 9 Maidstone: 10 Ashborn in the Peak: 11 Dunstable: 12 Graies, Thorock in Es­sex: 12 and 13 Albrighton in Salop: 14 Bala in Me­rionethsh. 15 Welchpool in Montgom. Llangara­nohg in Cardigan: 19 Mayfield, Odohill, Rochester, Welow: 20 Malesbury: 25 Blackbourn: 29 Cram­brool. 31 Pershore in Glostershire, Maidenhead, Whit­son Wednesday.

Iune, The 3 at Alesbury: 9 Maidstone: 11 Holt, Kinwilgare in Carmarthsh. Llanybither, Llanwist, Llan­dilauador in Carmathsh. Maxfield, Newborough, New­castle in Emlin, Okingham, Wellington, Newport­pagnell, skipton upon Stow, Bremell in Norfolk: 13 Newpown in Kedewen in Montgom. 14 Bangor: 15 Vizes, Nershore, from Worcester 7 miles: 16 Bealth in Breck. Llewport in Keames: 17 Hadstock, High­am-ferris, Manvilling, Stowgreen: 19 Bridgnorth: 21 Ysteadfoerick: St. Albans, Shrewsbury, Dereham in Norfolk: 23 Barnet, Castle-ebichenin, Monmouth, Dolgelly in Merioneth: 24 Ashborn, S. Annes Awkin­brough, Bedford, Bedle, Beverly, Bishops-castle, Boughton-green-marker, Bosworth, Brecknock, Bromesgrove, Cambridge, Colchester, Crambrook, Croydon, Farnham, Glochester, Hallifax, Hartford, Harestone, Horsham, Hurst, Kingston-war, Kirkham­aunnd, Lancastar, Leicester, Lincoln, Ludlow, Pem­sey, Preston, Reding, Rumford, Shafsbury, Straitstock, Tunbridge, Wakefield, Wenlock, Westchester, Wind­sor, Wormster, York: 26 Northop: 27 Burton Trent, Folkstone, Llangdogoin: 28 Hescorn, Marchenleth, St. Pombes: 29 Ashwell, Bala, Berkhamsted, Ben­ni. gron, Bibalance, Boltan, Bromely, Buckingham, Bunningford, Cardiffe, Gorgang, Hodesdon, Hold­worth, Horndon, Hudderfield, Lower, Knotsford, [Page 41] Lemster, Llamorgan, Llambeder, Mansfield, Malb [...] ­ [...]ou [...]h, Moun [...]sorrel, Mountstrill, Onay, Peterborough, Peterfield, Ponstephen, Sarstrange, Sennock, Sou­ [...]ham, Stafford, Stockworth, Thorockgraies, Tring, [...]pton, Wem, West [...]inster, Witney, Woolverhamp­ [...]on, Woodhurst, York: 30 Maxfield, Chesh.

Iuly, The 2 Day at Ashton under Lin. Congerton [...] Days, Huntington, Richmansworth, Smeath, Swan­ [...]ey, Wooburn: 3 Haverson: 5 Burton upon Tr. 6 Haveril, Llanib [...]ther, Llanidlas: 7 Albrighton, Burnt­wood, Chippi [...]gnorton, Castlemain, Chapple-frith, Canterbury, Denbigh, Emlin, Haverford, Richmond, Royston, Shelford, Sweaton, Tenbury, Tershevimich, [...]zes, Uppingham: 11 Liddle, Partney: 13 Fother­ [...]nghay: 15 Greenstead, Pinchback: 17 Stevenage, [...]elth, Knelmes, Leek, Llanvilling: 20 Winchomb, Awferton, Barkway, Barlay, Boultons, Bowlin, Cate­ [...]by, Chimmeck, Coolidge, Llannibithiner, S. Marga­ [...]ets, Neath, Odhiham, Tenby, Uxbridge, Wood­stock: 21 Barnardscastle, Battlefield, Bicklesworth, Billericay, Bridgenorth, Broughton, Calne, Clitheroe, Colchester: 22 Ickleton, [...]swick, Kimbolton, Kin­ [...]ton, Maidenhead, Mawdl. Hill, Win, Hey, Marlbo­ [...]ough, Newark, Trent, Northwich, Ch. Pouterly, [...]idwally, Roking, Stony-stratford, Stokesbury, Tut­ [...]ry, Witherall, Withgrige, Yadeland, Yarn: 23 Carnarvan, Gheston: 25 Abbington, Aldergame, Ashwell, Baldock, Berkhamstead, Bilson, Bistower, Boston, Bristoll, Bromesgrove, Bromely, Broadoke, [...]uttingford, Cambden, Cappeljago, Chichester, Chil­ [...]olme, Darby, Doncaster, Dover, Dudly, Erith, [...]atfield, St. James London, S. James near Ipswich, Kingston, Lille, Kirkham, Linfield, Leverpool, Llan­ [...]ergiram, Louth, Malpas, Malmesbury, Machenbleth, [...]aden, Skissnal, Skipton, Crav. Stamford, Stone, [...]ack, Pool, Themblegreen, Thickam, Thropston, [Page 42] Tilbury, Towbridge, Walden, Warrington, Wether▪ by, Wigmore: 26 Bewdly, Rajadirgwy, Tiptery: 27 Ashwell, Canterbury, Chapplefrieth, Horsham: 30 Stafford.

August, The 1 Day at Bath, Bedford, Chepstow, Dunstable, [...]. Edes, Exce [...]er, Feversham, Flint, Hay, Hersnay, Kaermarthen, Kaergwilly, Llantissent, Lla­win, Ludford, Loughborough, Malling, Newton in Lancash. Newcastle, Trent, Northamchurch, Rum­ney, Selby, Shrewsbury, Selbourn, Thaxted, Wi­sbich, Yelland, Y [...]rll: 4 Radnor, Linton, Thunder­ley, Essex: 6 Bardney, Peterborough: 9 Aberlew: 10 A [...]church, Banbury, Blackamoor, Bodwin, Brain­ford, Chidley, Chorlay, Croyley, Diffringolwick, Doncaster, Farnham, Frod [...]sham, Fulsea, Harleigh, Hawkhunst, Horn-castle, Hungerford, Kellow, Ken­wilgall, Kilgaron, Ludlow, Maras, Melton, Mowbr. Meirworth, Newborough, Gwndle, Rughby, Sedle, Sherborn, Toceter, Waltham-Abbey, Waldon, Wai­don, Wormster, Winstow: 15 S. Albins, Bolton, Cambridge, C [...]r [...]i [...]e, Cardigan, Corby, Dryfield, Dun­mow, Eglewilbate, Ekesmare, Gisborough, Good­hurst, Hinkley, Huntington, Luton, Marlborough, Newin, Nor [...]hampton, Newport, Monmsh. Preston, Rajadargwy, Rosse, Stow, Lincolnsh. S [...]rowd, Swan­sey, Tutbury, Wakefield, Whiteland, Yminth: 24 Aberconway, Aborough, Ashby de la Zou, Beggars­bush, Bromly-Pagets, Brigstock, Chorley, Croyley▪ Lanc. Crowland, Dover, Farringdon, Grimsby, Hare­wood, Kiderminster, London, Monmouth, Montgo­mery, Na [...]twich, Northallerton, Norwich, Oxford, Tewllesbury, Tuddington, Watford: 28 Ashford, Daintry, Sturbridge, VVar, Talisarngreen, VVelsh­pool: 29 Brecknock, Golby, Karrwis, Kaermarthen, Oakham, VVarford.

Septem [...]er, The 1 Day at Chapplesilvy: 5 Lut­terworth, S. Giles, Neath: 7 Ware, Woodbury-kill: 8 Atherstone, Bewmaris, Blackbourn, Brewood, Bu­ry, Lancash. Cardigan, Cardisse, Chetton, Chaulton, Draiton, Dryfield, Gisborough, Gilbourn, Hartford, Huntington, Llandisel, Malden, Northampton, Part­ney, Reculver, Smeath, Snide, Southwark, Sturbridge, Camb. Tenby, Utchester, Wakefield, Waltham, Wou. West-name, Whiteland: 12 at Worsmouth, Wool­pit, Luxford: 13 Newtonred, Win, Polwtheley, Vah­slay: 14 Abergavenny, Barsley-Churchstreeton, Che­sterfield, Denbigh, Hidome, Helsbury, Monckton, Newborough, Newport, Penhad, Rippon, Richmond, Rosse, Rockingham, Smalding, Stratford Avon, Wal­tham-Abby, VVotton under Hedge: 15 Rajadargway: 17 Cliffe, Llanidisse: 20 Llanvelly, Ruthin: 21 A­bergwilly, Baldock, Bedford, Braintry, Bracklimai­den, Bulwick, Canterbury, Clapon, Croydon, Dain­try, Dover, Eastred, S. Edmunsbury, Helmsley, Hol­den, Katherine-hill, Knighton, Kingston, VVar, Marl­borough, Maiden, Mildna [...]l, Nottingham, Peterbo­rough, Shrewsbury, Stratford, Vizes, VVendover, VVetheral, VVoodstock: 23 Pancridg, Staf. 24 Llan­villing, Malton a week: 29 Dolgeth, Kaermarthen: 30 Abercanway, S. Albans, Ashborn-peak, Balmstock, Basingstock, Bishop-stratford, Blackburn, Brunning­ham, Buckland, Burwel, Canterbury, Chichester, Cockermouth, Market-deeping, Michael, Dean, Head­ly, Hay, Higham-serries, S. Ives, Kingston, Hull, Kil­lingsworth, Kingsland, Levenham, Lancaster, Leice­ster, Llanidlass, Llanihangle, Llochyr, Ludloe, Mai­den, Marcheneth, Methyr, Newbury, Selby, Shel­ford, Bed, Sittingborn, Sto [...] Linc. Tottington, Ux­bridge, VVeyhill by Andover, VVeymer 7 days, VVest­chester, VVitham, VVoodham-ferry.

October, The 1 Day at Banbury, Caster: 2 Sa­lisbury: 3 Boultonmoors: 4 S. Michaels: 6 Havent, Hamshire, Maidstone in Kent: 8 Bishopstratford, Chichester, Hereford, Llanibither, Ponstephen, Swan­sey: 9 Ashburn-peak, Blyth in Noth. Devizes, Gainsborough, Harborough, Sawbridgworth, Tho­rockgraies: 12 Boulton, Farnac. Llangoveth, Aber­stow, Charing, Chuston, Colchester, Draiton, Ed­mundstow, Gravesend, Hitchen, Newp. Hodnet, Leighton Buz. Ma [...]hfield, Newport, Mon-royston, Stopford, Stanton, Tamworth, Windsor: 18 Ash­well, Banbury, Barnet, Brickhill, Bridgnorth, Bi­shopshatfield, Burton upon Trent, Charlton, Cliffe Regis, Ely, Farringdon, Henly in Arden, Holt, Kid­welly, Isk, Lowhaddon, Marloe upon Tham. Mid­dlewich, Newcastle, Radnor, Thirst, Tisdale, Tun­bridge, Uphaven VVellingborough, VViham, VVrick­ley, York: 19 Fridiswid by Oxford: 21 Saffron-wal­den, Cicester, Coventry, Hereford, Lentham, Lla­nibither, Stokeesle: 23 Bickelsworth, Knotsford, Low-Ratsdale, Priston, VVhitchurch: 25 Beverly, El­stow: 28 Aberconway, Ashby de la Zow. Bidderdeer, Hellaton, Hart, Lempster, Llanedy, Newmarket, Oxford, Preston, And, Stanford, Tallifarngreen, VVarwick, VVilton, VVormester: 29 and 30 Al­brighton in Salop: 31 Abermales, Chelmsford, Powl­thely, Ruthin, Stoaksly, VVakefield.

November, The 1 Day at Bicklesworth, Castle­main, Kellom, Montgomery, Ludlow: 2 Bichingly, Bishops-castle, Ellesinere, Kingston Tham. Leek, Coughhorough, Maxfield, Mayfield, York: 3 Kaer­marthen, VVelshpool: 6 Andover, Bedford, Breck­ [...]ock, Hartford, Lesford, Mailing, Marton, Holder, Newport-pond, Pembridge, Salforth, Stanly, Trig­ney, VVarlington, VVershod: 10 Aberwingren, Len­ [...]on, Nottinghamsh. Llanibither, Rugby, Shifnal, [Page 45] VVem, Aberkennen, Bretingham, Dover, Folking­ham, Marlborough, Monmouth, Newcastle, Elm, Shaftsbury, Skipton-crave, Tream, VVithgridge, York: 13 S. Edmundusbry, Gilford, Sur. 15 Lla [...] ­nithinery, Marchenleth, VVellington: 17 Harlow, Hide, Lincoln, Northampton, Spalding: 19 Hor­sham, Kent: 20 S. Edmunds Bur. Health, Inger­stone: 22 Penibout, Sawthey: 23 Bangor, Buelith, Caerlin, Froom, Ludlow, Katescross, Sandwich, Tud­ding [...]on: 25 Higham-ferris: 28 Ashborn-peak: 29 Lawreste: 30 Amptil, Baldock, Bedford, York, Bewoly, Boston, Mart, Bradford, Col [...]ingborough, Cobham, Cubley, Enfield, Gar [...]reen, Greenstead, Harleigh, Kimbolton, Maidenhead, Maiden-brack, Narbert, Osestry, Peterfield, Pecores, Preston, Ro­chester, VVakefield, VVarington.

December, The 5 Day at Dolgeth, Newton, Pluck­ley: 6 Arundel, Cajed, S. Eedes, Exeter, Grantham, Hendingham, Hethin, Hormse, Norwich Ch. Senoch Kent, Spalding, VVoodstock: 7 S [...]ndhurst: 8 Bew­moris, Clitheral, Helxome, Kaerdigan, Kimar, Lei­cester, Malpas, Northampton, VVhiteland: 11 New­port Pagnel: 21 Hornby: 22 Llandilavass: 29 Can­terbury, Salisbury.

The Moveable Faires in England and Wales.

FRom Christmass till June every Wednes. at Nor­thallerton: 3 Mondays after Twelfth-day at Hink­ley Leic [...]stsh. Tuesd. aft. Twelfth-day at Melton-Mow­bray, an Horse-fair at Salishury, Thursd. aft. Twelf­day at Banbury, Lutterworth, every Thursd. aft. for 3 weeks: Frid. after Twelf-day at Lichfield.

On Shrovemonday at Newcastle under Line: Ash­wedned. Abbi [...]gton, Candain, Glostersh. Ciceter, Dunstable, Eaton by Windsor, Excetor, Folking­h [...]m, Lichfield, Royston, Tamworte, Tunbridge: on [Page 46] the 1 Thursd. in Lent Banbury: 1 Mond. in Lent, Chersey, Chichester, Winchester: 1 Tuesd. in Lent Bedford: 3 Mond. in Lent an Horse-fair at Stamford: 4 Mond. in Lent Odiham, Saffron-walden, Stamford: on Frid. and Saturd. before [...] Sund. in Lent Hartford: on Mond. before Annunciat. [...]enbigh, Kendal, Wis­bich: Palmsund. Llandissel: Palmsunday-eve Ailesbu­ry, Leicester, Newport, Pomfret, Skipton Wisbich: Palmsund. Billingsworth, Kendale, Lancash. Llandau­ren, Worcester: Wednesd. before Easter, Kaerline, Llanvilling: Mond. Thursd. Kettering, Sudminster: Good-frid. Action-Burnel, Ampthill, Bishopscastle, Brewton, Bury, Charing, Enfield, Gilford, Hunning­ham, Ip [...]wich, Lonquer-Mellain, Nutly, S. Pombes, Risborough, Rotheram: Mond. in Easter-week, Gains­borough a Mart, Onay, Buckinghamsh. Dryfield, Yorksh. Tuesd. Easterweek, Ashby de la Zouch, Brails, Daintery, Hitchin, Northfleet, Rochford, Sambri [...]h, Wednesd. Easterweek Wellingborough, Beverly: Frid. Easterweek Darby: Saturday Skipton in Cravan: Mond. after Lowsund. Bicklesworth, Eeversham, New­castle under Line: 3 Sund. after Easter Lowth, Lin­colnsh. Rogationweek, Beverly, Englefield, Lancash. Rech: Ascension-eve Abergely, Dorking: Ascension­day, Bewmoris, Bishopstratford, Brasted in Kent, Brunningham, Bridgnorth, Burton upon Trent, Chap­plefrith, Chapplekinon, Eccleshal, Egglestrew, Hal­laton, Leicestershire, Kidderminster, Lutterworth, Middlewich, Newcast, Rippon, Rosse, Stappot in Chesh. Sudminster, Vizes, Wigan, Yarn: Sund. af­ter Ascension-day Thaxted, Burlington, Yorksh. Wed­nesd. after Ascension-day Shrewsbury: Frid. after As­cension day Ruthin: Whitsund. eve New-In [...], Skipton upon Craven, Wisb [...]ch, Whitsund. Cribb, Kirby, Stephen, Westmorel. Lenham, Ratsdale, Ryhill, Sa­lisbury: Whitsun. mond. Agmonsham, Amerson, Ap­pleby, [Page 47] Bicklesworth, Bradford, Bromyard, Burton, Chichester, Cockermouth, Darrington, Eversham, Exceter, Harstgreen, St. Ives, Linton, Owndle, Ry­ga [...]e, Sheldford, Sittingborn, Sleeford, Midlam, Whit­church, Darrington in the North, Dryfield, Yorksh. Stokecleer: Whitsun-tuesd. Ashby de la Zouch, Can­terbury, Daintry, Ellesmere, Epping, Farringdon, High Knotsford, Laiton-buzzard, Lewis, Longuer, Longmilford, Llanimthevery, Melton Mowbray, Mid­hurst, Monm. Perith, Rochford, Oringstoke: Wednesd. Whitsun week Llanbedden, Llandeby, Leek, Newark upon Trent, Ponstephen, Royston, Sandbar; Cake­field, Kingston: Frid. Cogshall, Darby, St. Win Gu­lin: Trin. eve Pomfret, Rowel, Skipton in Craven, Trin. sunday, St. Mary Awk, Kendal, Hounslow, Southcove in Yorksh. Stolielly: Trin. Mond. Creswel, Ratly, Spisby, Usk, VVatford, Tunbridge, Vizes: Tuesd. after Trin. at Abergavenny Radnor: VVednesd. Abersrow: Corp. Christ. day St. Annes, Banbury, Bishopstratford, Bremmingham, Catewid, Egglesfew, Hakaton, Haligh, Kidderminster, Llanwist, Lanimer­chimeth, Neath, Newport, Monmouthsh. Prescote: 3 Edes, Stoppost, Newbury, Hemsted, Rosse: Frid. after Corp. Christi Coventry, Chepstow, Monmouthsh. Sund. after at Belton, Stamsord: Sund. after 3 July Haveril: on Relique Sunday (being the Sund. fort­night after Midsum.) Fotheringay: 1 Sund. after St. Bartholomew at Sanbich Chesh. Mond. after S. Michael Faseley, S. Faithsby, Norwich, St. Michaels: Tuesday Salisby: Thursd. Banbury: Friday before Simon and Jude Lichfield.

A plain Description of the High-ways in England and VVales.

From London to Cambridge 44 miles, thus;

FRom London to VValtham 12 miles, thence to VVare 8 m. to Puckeridg 5 m. to Barkway 7 m. to Fulmire 6 m. to Cambridge 6 miles.

From London to Oxford 47 miles, thus;

From London to Uxbridge 15 m. to Beckonsfield 7 m. to VVickham 5 m. to Stokenchurch 5 m. to Tets­worth 5 m. VVheatly-bridge 5 m. to Oxford 5 miles.

From Oxford to Cambridge 52 miles, thus;

From Oxford to Bisciter 10 m. to Buckingham 9 m. to Newport 8 m. to Bedford 7 m. to Gamlinghay 9 m. to Cambridge 9 miles.

From Bristol to Oxford 48 miles, thus;

From Bristol to Sudbury 10 m. to Cicester 12 m. to Farrington 14 m. to Oxford 12 miles.

From York to Barwick 108 miles, thus;

From York to Topcliff 17 m. to North-Allerton 7 m. to Darrington 10 m. to Durham 14 m. to Newea­stle 12 m. to Morpit 12 m. to Anwick 12 m. to Bel­ford 12 m. to Barwick 12 miles.

From London to York 151 miles, thus;

From London to VValtham 12 m. to VVare 8 m. to Royston 14 m. to Huntington 15 m. to Stilton 9 m. to Stanfo [...]d 12 m. to Grantham 15 m. to Newark 10 m. to Tuxford 10 m. to Doncaster 18 m. to VVemdtidge [...] m. to Tadcaster 12 m. to York 8 miles.

From Cambridge to York 114 miles, thus;

From Cambridge to Huntington 12 m. to York 102 miles.

From Oxford to York 118 miles, thus;

From Oxford to Panbury 17 m. to VVeedor 10 m. [Page 49] to Welford 14 m. Leicester 12 m. to Monsoril 5 m. to Nottingham 11 m. to Mansfield 12 m. to Doncaster 20 m. to York 27 miles.

From Shrewsbury to York 103 miles, thus;

From Shrewsbury to Price 12 m. to Whitchurch 4 m. to Beeston-wood 10 m. to Norwich 6 m. to Man­chester 16 m. to Rochdale 8 m. to Black-stone-edg 9 m. to Hallifax 6 m. to Bradford 6 m. to Otely 6 m. to Wetherby 13 m. to York 7 miles.

From Nottingham to York 95 miles, thus;

From Nottingham to Mansfield 12 m. to Doncaster 20 m. thence to York 27 m.

From London to Norwich 95 miles, thus;

From London to Barkway 32 m. to White-ford­bridge 10 m. to New-market 12 m. to Icklingham­sands 10 m. to Thretford 6 m. to Attleborough 10 m. to Windham 10 m. to Norwich 5 miles.

From London to Walsingham 86 miles, thus;

From London to Ware 20 m. to Newmarket 34 m. to Brandon-ferry 10 m. to Pickham 10 m. to Walsing­ham 12 miles.

From London to Yarmouth 92 miles, thus;

From London to Rumford 10 m. to Brentwood 5 m▪ [...]o Ingerstone 5 m. to Chelmsford 5 m. to Kelvedon 10 [...]. to Colchester 8 m. to Ipswich 12 m. to Woodbridge [...] m. Snapbridge 6 m. to B [...]idbur 8 m. to Lestoffe 10 [...]. to Yarmouth 6 m.

From London to Lincoln 99 miles, thus;

From London to Stilton 58 m. to Gunwort [...]-ferry 4 [...]. to West deeping 5 m. to Bourn 5 m. to Sleeford 13 [...]. to Lincoln 14 m.

From London to Boston 94 miles, thus;

From London to Stilton 58 m. to Gunworth-ferry [...] m. to West-deeping 5 m. to Bourn 5 m. to Boston [...] m.

From London to Nottingham 94 miles thus;

From London to Barnet 10 m. to St. Albans 10 m. to Dunstable 10 m. to Brick-hill 7 m. to Stony-strat­ford [...] m. to Northamto [...] 10 m. to Harborough 12 m. to Leicester 12 m. to Loughborough 8 m. to Notting­ham [...] miles.

From Coventry to Chester 68 miles, thus;

From Coventry to Colefield 8 m. to Litchfield 12 m. to Stone 18 m. to Wich 15 m. to Chester 15 miles.

From London to Coventry 74 miles, thus;

From London to Stony-stratford 44 m. to Toceter 6 m. to Daventry 10 m. to Coventry 14 miles.

From London to Lancaster 182 miles, thus;

From London to Coventry 74 m. to Litchfield 20 m. to Newcastle 20 m. to Warrington 20 m. to Wigan 12 m. to Preston 14 m. to Lancaster 20 miles.

From London to Ludlow 106 miles, thus;

From London to Wickham 27 m. to I slip 20 m. to Chippingnorton [...]2 m. to Evesham 14 m. to Worcester 12 m. to Tenbury 16 m. to Ludlow 15 miles.

From Worcester to Caermarthen 72 miles, thus;

From Worcester to Preston 26 m. to Belth 12 m. to Landovery 14 m. to Caermathen 20 miles.

From London to Bristol 37 miles, thus;

From London to Colebrook 15 m. to Maidenhead 7 m. to Reading 10 m. to Newbury 15 m. to Hungerford 8 m. to Malborough 7 m. to Chipnam 15 m. to Maxfield 10 m. to Bristol 10 miles.

From London to Exeter 138 miles, thus;

From London to Stanes 15 m. to Bagshaw 8 m. to Hartlerow 8 m. to Basingstoke 8 m. to Andover [...] m. to Salisbury 15 m. to Shaftsbury 18 m. to Sherbor [...] 12 m. to Crookhorn 10 m. to Chard 6 m. to Hunnito [...] 10 m. to Exeter 12 miles.

From London to St. Davids 202 miles, thus;

From London to Maidenhead 22 m. to Henly 7 m. to Dorchester 12 m. to Abbington 5 m. to [...]arrington 10 m. to Cicester 12 m. to Glocester 1 [...] m. to Rosse 12 m. to Hereford 8 m. to Hay 14 m. to Brecknock 10 m. to Lanbury 16 m. to Newton 10 m. to Caermarthen 12 m. to Axford 24 m. to St. Davids 12 miles.

From London to Southamton 64 miles, thus;

From London to Kingston 10 m. to Cobbam 5 m. to Ripple 5 m. to Guilford 5 m. to Farnham 9 m. to Al­ton 7 m. to Aile [...]ford 7 m. to Twyford 8 m. to Sou­thamton 8 m.

From London to Rye 51 miles, thus;

From London to Cheap-stock 17 m. to Tunbridge 7 m. to Plimwell 12 m. to Rye 1 [...] miles.

From London to Dover 55 miles, thus;

From London to Dartford [...]2 m. to Gravesend 6 m. to Rochester 5 m. to Sitingborn 8 m. to Canterbury 12 m. to Dover 12 miles.

From London to Chichester 50 miles, thus;

From London to Gilford 25 m. to Chid [...]ington 8 m. to Midhurst 10 m. to Chichester 7 miles.

Fixed Feasts and Remarkable Days.

Fixed Feasts.
  • CIrcumcision, or New-years day Jan. 1
  • Epiphany, or Twelfth-day Jan. 6
  • Conversion of St. Paul Jan. 25
  • Martyrdom of King CHARLES I. Jan. 30
  • Purification of the V. Mary, or Candlem. day — Febr. 2
  • St. Matthias [in Leap-years Feb. 25.] Feb. 24
  • Lady-day, or Annunciation of the V. Mary March 25
  • St. Mark Evangelist April 25
  • [Page 52]St. Phillip and Jacob, or May-day May 1
  • Birth and Return of King CHARLES II. May 29
  • St. Barnabas Apostle June 11
  • Midsummer, or St. John Baptist June 2 [...]
  • St. Peter Apostle June 29
  • St. James Apostle July 25
  • St. Bartholomew Apostle Aug. 24
  • St. Matthew Apostle Sept. 21
  • Mith [...]elmass, or St. Michael the Arch-angel Sept. 29
  • St. L [...]ke Evangelist Octob. 18
  • St. Simon and St. Jude Octob. 28
  • All Saints Nov. 1
  • Powder Treason Nov. [...]
  • St. Andrew Apostle Nov. 30
  • St. Thomas Apostle Dec. 21
  • Chris [...]mass, or Birth of our Lord God Dec. 25
  • St. Stephen Protomartyr Dec. 26
  • St. John Evangelist Dec. 2 [...]
  • Innocents Dec. 28
Remarkable Days.
  • VAlentine Feb. 14
  • Equal Day and Night Mar. 16
  • St. George April 23
  • Longest Day, or Barnaby June 11
  • [...]lection of Sheriffs in London June 24
  • Swithin July 15
  • Dog days begin July 19
  • Lammas Aug. 1
  • Dog-days end Aug. 27
  • Equal Day and Night Sept. 12
  • Sheriffs of London Sworn Sept. 28
  • Election of the Lord Mayor of London Sept. 29
  • Lord Mayor's day when he is Sworn at W. Octob. 29
  • Shortest Day Dec. 11

REDUCTION of Troy Weight.

Troy Weight.     Grains
    Peny Weight. 24
  Ounce 24 480
Pound. 12 240 5760

BY Troy Weight is weighed Gold, Silver, Jewels; Amber, Electuaries, Bread, Corn and Liquors, and from this Weight all Measures for wet and dry Commodities are taken.

The Pound Troy is in proportion to the pound Aver­dupois as 17 to 14, and the Ounce as 51 to 56.

A TABLE for the Assize of Bread, for Bakers that live in Corporations.
[...] the Bu­ [...]hel.         Troy Weight.           Averdupois W.          
Pen White.         Wheaten.     Houshold     Peny white   whea ten.   Hou shold.  
[...]. [...]. li. oz. dw. li. oz. dw. li. oz. dw. oz. qu [...]z. qu. oz. qu.
2 0 1 3 6 1 11 0 2 6 12 17 0 25 1 34 0
2 3 1 2 2 1 9 2 2 4 4 16 0 23 0 32 0
2 6 1 1 0 1 7 10 2 2 0 15 0 21 1 30 0
2 9 1 0 1 1 6 0 2 0 2 13 [...] 19 3 27 0
3 0 0 11 [...] 1 4 18 1 10 10 12 1 18 3 24 2
3 3 0 10 11 1 3 16 1 9 2 11 2 17 1 23 0
3 6 0 9 1 1 2 17 1 7 16 11 0 16 1 22 0
3 9 0 9 8 1 2 1 1 6 16 10 1 1 [...] 2 20 2
4 0 0 8 18 1 1 7 1 5 16 [...] [...] 14 3 19 2
4 3 0 8 9 [...] 0 12 1 4 17 9 1 14 0 18 2
[Page 54]4 6 0 8 1 1 0 0 1 4 2 8 3 13 1 17 2
4 9 0 7 13 0 11 10 1 3 6 8 1 11 3 16 2
5 0 0 7 7 0 11 0 1 2 14 8 0 11 0 16 0
5 3 0 7 1 0 10 10 1 2 1 7 3 11 2 15 2
5 6 0 6 15 0 10 2 1 1 10 7 2 11 0 15 0
5 9 0 6 10 0 9 14 1 1 0 7 0 10 2 14 0
6 0 0 6 5 0 9 6 1 0 10 6 3 10 1 13 2
6 3 0 6 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 6 2 10 0 13 0
6 6 0 5 16 0 8 15 0 11 12 6 1 9 2 11 2
6 9 0 5 12 0 8 9 0 11 2 6 0 9 1 12 1
7 0 0 5 9 0 8 3 0 11 5 5 3 8 3 11 3
7 3 0 5 5 0 7 18 0 10 11 5 2 8 2 11 2
7 6 0 5 2 0 7 13 0 10 5 5 2 8 1 11 1
7 9 0 4 19 0 7 9 0 9 19 5 1 8 1 10 3
8 0 0 4 16 0 7 5 0 9 12 5 1 7 3 10 2
8 3 0 4 14 0 7 1 0 9 8 5 0 7 2 10 1
8 6 0 4 11 0 6 17 0 9 2 5 0 7 2 10 0
8 9 0 4 9 0 6 13 0 8 18 4 3 7 1 9 2
9 0 0 4 6 0 6 10 0 8 12 4 2 7 0 9 2

Note, That Bakers who live out of Corporations are to make their Bread of the Weight of the Rate of three Pence less than the Corporation Bakers, as when the Corporation Baker makes Bread of the Weight against 5 s. The Country Baker must make it of the Weight against 4 s. 9 d.

When Wheat is at 5 Shillings per Bushel then the Corporation Baker's Penny Wheaten Loaf is to weigh [Page 55] 11 Ounces Troy, and Three Half-penny White Loaves the like Weight, and the Houshold Penny Loaf is to weigh 1 Pound, 2 Ounces, and 14 Penny Weight, Troy; and so for a greater or lesser weight proportionably. And if a Baker want but one Ounce in 36, for the first, second, and third fault he may be amerced, but for the fourth he is to stand in the Pillory without re­demption.

A TABLE of Troy Weight.
32 Grains of Wheat make 24 Artificial Grains. gr.
24 Grains 1 Penny Weight. p. w.
20 Penny Weight 1 Ounce. oun.
12 Ounces 1 Pound. lib.
A TABLE of Averdupois Weight.
4 Quarters make 1 Dram.
16 Drams 1 Ounce.
16 Ounces 1 Pound.
28 Pounds 1 Quarter of a 100 of 112 Pounds.
20 Hundred 1 Tun.
A TABLE of Liquid Measure.
1 Pound of Wheat Troy Weight make 1 Pint.
2 Pints 1 Quart.
2 Quarts 1 Pottle.
2 Pottles 1 Gallon.
8 Gallons 1 Ferkin of Ale, Soap, Herrings.
9 Gallons 1 Ferkin of Beer.
10 Gallons and a half 1 Ferkin of Salmon or Eles.
2 Ferkins 1 Kilderkin.
2 Kilderkins 1 Barrel.
42 Gallons 1 Tierce of Wine.
63 Gallons 1 Hogshead.
2 Hogsheads 1 Pipe or Butt.
2 Pipes 1 Tun of Wine.
A TABLE of Dry Measure.
2 Pints make 1 Quart.
2 Quarts 1 Pottle.
2 Pottles 1 Gallon.
2 Gallons 1 Peck.
4 Pecks 1 Bushel Land-measure.
5 Pecks 1 Bushel Water-mea­sure.
8 Bushels 1 Quarter.
4 Quarters 1 Chalder.
5 Quarters 1 Way.
A TABLE of Long Measure.
3 Barly-corns in length make 1 Inch.
12 Inches 1 Foot.
3 Foot 1 Yard.
3 Foot nine Inches 1 Ell.
6 Foot 1 Fathom.
5 Yards and a half 1 Pole or Perch.
40 Poles 1 Furlong.
8 Furlongs 1 English Mile.
A TABLE of Time.
60 Minutes make 1 Hour.
24 Hours 1 Day natural.
7 Days 1 Week.
4 Weeks. 1 Month of 28 Days.
12 Months 1 Day and 6 Hours 1 Year very near.

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