The Complaint of the Coun­ty of Brecon, against the undue pro­ceedings of the Sheriff of that County, and false return by him made of Edmond Jones as Knight for that Shire. With Articles and Exceptions, set­ting forth the incapacity of the said Edmond Jones, to sit as Representative in Parliament, he being a Compounded Delinquent on Record at Gold­smiths-Hall, and therefore not qualified ac­cording to the Articles of the Government, &c.

To the right Honorable the Council of State to his High­ness the Lord Protector, The humble Petition and Certificat of the Gentry, Free-holders, and Inhabitants of the County of Brecon.

Humbly Shewing,

THat according to a Writ issued from his High­ness the Lord Protector and his most honorable Council, for the free Election of two Knights to serve for this County of Brecon in the next insuing Parliament to be held for this Common­wealth of England the third day of September next, and directed to John Williams High Sheriff of the said Coun­ty; [Page 2] we did upon Proclamation and Summons, in obedience to the said Writ assemble our selves in the Castle Green of Brecon, up­on the 12 day of this instant July in all quiet and peaceable manner, and without any Armes, according to a private Order of Sessions that day proclaimed for the purpose therein mentio­ned: And being persons Qualified according to the Act of The Government of the Commonwealth, were divers wayes interrup­ted, menaced, and terrified from giving our Votes according to our Consciences, and not enjoying a free Election according to his Highnesse and his Councils Articles therein provided, Oc­casioned chiefly by the said Sheriff (not performing (as we con­ceive) his duty according to the 13th Article,) his Under Sheriff, Bayliffs, and Jaylors, and other Agents, (being with divers o­thers all armed, contrary to their own Order) who did dragg and hale many of the Inhabitants to vote for Mr. Edmond Jones, a person uncapable of such Trust, according to the 14th Article being in service against the Parliament, and a Compounded De­linquent.

And notwithstanding that we being allowed and thought fit to be a number competent for the Pole, in the behalf of another person capable of the said Trust, and qualified accor­ding to the said Articles, were denied to put in our just excepti­ons made against divers persons, who were in many respects un­capable and disabled of Voting in his behalf, and not qualified according to the 18th Article: We were therefore constrained, both in respect of our Duty to God, obedience to his High­nesse the Lord Protector, his Honourable Council, and Pub­lique good, and interest of our whole County, To declare and pro [...]e [...] publiquely and unanimously against the undue Carriage and illegall Proceedings of the said High Sheriff, Edmond Jones and their parties interessed therein; And do hereby make bold to certifie your Honour of the said ille­gal Election of Edmond Iones, continuing our protestation against [...], and humbly beseeching your Honors due Exa­mination of their whole proceedings in the said businesse before he be approved, being ready to make due proof of the premises, submitting our selves to your Honors [Page 3] grave judgements for our Redresses herein in what man­ner shall seem fittest to your Honours for a new and free Election.

  • Henry Williams
  • Edward Vaughan
  • Richard Herbert
  • Morgan Iones
  • Iohn Vaughan
  • Thomas Vaughan
  • Robert Walbeife
  • Thomas Powel
  • Jeffery Lewes
  • Roger Vaughan
  • Iames Watkins
  • Iohn Prosser,
  • William Powel
  • Philip Williams
  • Iames Williams
  • Rich: Winter
  • Walter Winter
  • William Powel
  • William Awbrey
  • Thomas Iohn David
  • Roger Lloyd
  • Llew. Ienkins
  • Llewes Watkins
  • Henry Parsons
  • Walter Williams
  • Jenkin William.

With hundreds more much aggrieved.

Exceptions against Edmund Jones Esq setting forth his incapaci­ty of being intrusted or elected as a Member of Parliament.

1 FIrst, For that he was notoriously disaffected to the late Par­liament, for whom he never did any Service.

2. That he deserted his Chamber in Grays-Inne, and repaired in the time of the war to Oxford, and did there agitate for the Po­pish Forces of Ragland and other Enemies of the Commonwealth, against the Parliament.

3. That he during his aboad there, did much further the Irish Rebellions, by suing out Commissions for divers of the Irish Re­bels, and furthering their designes.

4. That by that means he came into such favour with the late King and the Earl of Worcester, that he was nominated Comm [...]ssi­oner of Array and Association for the County of Monmouth, where he did use his uttermost endeavours (being a Counsellor at Law) to draw the said County to yield obedience thereto.

5. That he was Treasurer for the said King in the said County, and received several vast sums of money, for which there is no ac­compt as yet given to the Commonwealth.

6. That he did presse men, and raise horses and arms for the late King and his Forces against the Parliament, and did thereby much advance the late Kings service in those parts.

7. That he was a main agent and instrument for the Popish par­ty, and forces under the E. of Worcester in the Garison of Ragland, being one in whom he so much confided, that he did convey the [Page 4] said Earl in a disguise in safety through the Parliaments-Quarters and Garisons.

8. That for these and for other his delinquencies, the said Ed­mond Iones was voted a delinquent by the Committee of the County of Monmouth, with whom he compounded at an under value for his personal Estate, and since likewise compounded at an under value with the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall for his reall Estate, by that means owning his said Guilt, and submitting to the Parliaments mercy for the said offences, and therefore not capable (as we humbly conceive) to be a Member of Parliament, having ne­ver been in the service of the Parliament, nor given any signal te­stimony of his affection to the present cause, further than by a Po­litick complyance with some in power in those parts when the war was ended, by which means he hath avoided an accompt for the monies received by him as Treasurer for the late King and by the favour of some persons (to advance a particular interest [...] into some places both of honour and profit to him­self, viz. to be [...]torney Gen. of Southwales, which he obtained by an Order of some of the Council of State, appointed by the last Paul▪ who were wholly ignorant of the said Iones high delinquency, which place the said Edmond Iones doth now hold and execute contrary to the several Acts and Ordinances of Parliament in that behalf made, wherein he hath miscarried himself in many particu­lars, as will be sufficiently proved, if this honourable Council think fit to direct a proceeding therein.

THese are to certifie whom it may concern, That Edmond Jones of Landsoy in the County of Monmouth Gent. paid into the Treasury at Goldsmiths Hall the 20 of March 1646, the sum of Thirty five pounds, three shillings, and four-pence in part, and the 7 of Feb. 1647 the like sum of Thirty five pounds, three shillings, & four-pence, being the last mo [...]ety, and in full of his Seventy pounds six shillings and eight-pence Fine, imposed upon him as a Fine for his Delinquency against the Parliament. And for which monies paid as aforesaid, was given him two Printed Receipts under the hands of Richard Waring, and Michael Herring, late Treasurer at Goldsmiths Hall, which at the re­quest of Sir Hen: Williams is certified this 25. of July 1654. by

  l. s. d.
  35 03 4
  35 03 4
Fine paid, 70 06 8
  • Michael Herring.
  • Examined by Jo: Bateman.

Exceptions against the undue election of Edmond Jones Esq as Knight for the County of Brecon, seting forth the grosse partiality of John Williams Esq higb Sheriff of the said County, and the im­perfect, irregular, and false retorn by him wittingly and willingly m [...]de, contrary to the expresse letter of the Government of the Comonwealth of England, &c. Published by his Highness the Lord Prote­ctors special Commandment.

1 FIrst we do aver, and shall be ready to prove and make good, That the said High Sheriff hath born Arms for the late King, and otherwise hath ayded, advised, abetted, and assi­sted in the late warr against the Parliament, and in that respect un­capable (as we humbly conceive) to make a retorn of Election of Members to sit in Parliament.

2. That the said Sheriff out of his desire to promote persons of the like Principles as himself to the next Parliament, did by all ways and means labour to preingage divers of the Gentlemen and Freeholders of the said County to give their votes for the said Ed­mond Jones, And for that purpose did procure divers of them to subscribe for the said Iones three weeks before the election.

3. That upon the day of election, being the 12 of July instant, the said Sheriff did shew himself most grosly partiall on the behalf of the said Jones, in these particulars following.

In admitting such to vote for the said Jones; who were not quallified, nor capable to vote, particularly, Mr. Edward Gwyn, who was for a long time a Captain in Armes for the late King, and as Colonel did lead the Country against the Parliaments For­ces: Watkin Vaughan Esq who was likewise Colonel for the said late K [...]g: Edward Williams Esq who as Colonel did lead his divisio [...] against the Parliaments Forces, and vigorously acted as Commisioner of Array for the King: Meredith Lewes Esq [Page 6] who was an active Commissioner of Array for the late King: Thoma [...] Williams Esq who was Judge Advocate, and in Armes for the late King: Thomas Vaughan an Officer under Colonel Price for the late King: John Roberts, Morgan Awbrey, and others listed Souldiers under the said Colonel Price, Mathew Herbert, Henry Herbert, Richard Vaughan, Richard Lewes, David Phillip, Iohn Lewes, and most of the rest of the Electors retorned, have under the command of the said persons, or other­wise ayded, advised, assisted and abetted in the late War against the Parliament, whereby they became uncapable to Vote in ele­ction of Members for Parliament (as we humbly conceive) accor­ding to the Government of the Commonwealth of England, &c. and several other Acts and Ordinances of Parliament, having not been since in the service of the Parliament, nor given any signal testimony of their good affection thereto.

4. In admitting persons to Vote for the said Jones who had not a competent estate according to the direction and quallificati­on of the said Government.

5. In putting off and thrusting by such Freeholders as came to the place to give their Vote for Henry Williams Esq though quallified to Vote.

6. In hindering the Clerks appointed by Williams party to take notice of and except against such persons as were not qualli­fied and capable to vote for Jones.

7. In suffering all that were for Jones to be in Armes, and a­mongst them the most notorious in the late Kings party in those parts, and disarming, threatning and discountenancing such who were for Williams.

8. In permitting if not abetting divers persons who were ar­med of Jones his party to lay violent hands and to hale in to their partie divers of those who were for Williams, whereby they were forced to Vote for Jones.

9. For the better performance thereof, the said Jones did o­penly threaten such who Voted against him, and Ieffery Williams the Deputy Sheriff (whose name is retorned as an Elector) did o­penly say, that such as would not give their Votes with Jones should lie by it.

10. William-Watkins (formerly Lieutenant under Major Gen. [Page 7] Harrison) did lay hold on his Sword, and threatned to draw his Sword against William Iames, who was of Williams party, and had only a whip to defend himself, all which was done by the said William Watkins because the said William Iames did appear and Vote on the behalf of Mr. Henry Williams.

11. The High Sheriff himself said, that he was resolved to re­torn Jones, though he were sure to pay the Fine; who made good his Word therein, although the said Mr. Williams had by far a greater number of voices, of Freeholders and others quali­fied and capable to elect Members for Parliament, and himself a person of known worth and integrity, The said Jones being a Voted and compounded Delinquent of Record at Habberdashers and Goldsmiths Hall, as by a true Copy of his Petition, particu­lars and Fine paid, attested by the Clerks and Treasurer, hereto annexed, may appear; Whereby the said Edmond Jones is (as is humbly conceived) uncapable to be elected a Member for Parlia­ment, by the expresse Articles of the said Government of the Commonwealth of England, and the several former Acts and Ordinances of Parliament.

12. That the said Sheriff in the Indenture retorned by him doth not mention the places of abode of the Electors subscribed thereto, whereby they might be the better known and distingui­shed from those that Voated for Henry Williams Esq and their delinquency and incapacity more clearly detected and discovered. The said Sheriff having retorned the names of Morgan Iones, William Williams, Thomas Williams, Thomas Powell, Ienkin Williams, Walter Williams, Iames Watkins Gent. and others who Voted for Henry Williams, so that the retorn is imperfect and erroneous in that particular as is humbly conceived.

13. That the said Sheriff (to make a greater shew of appea­rance of persons of quality on the behalf of the said Iones, and the better to countenance his said false retorn) did retorn William Morgan Esq Edward Gwyn Esq Walter Vaughan Esq Ri­chard Games Esq as Electors, whereas in truth there are no such persons within the said County of Brecon.

14. Mr. Edmond Iones came to the Poal and held it in his own hand and said, he would be even with most of those that Voted against him whatsoever it cost him, so that all the Inhabitants [Page 8] that Voted not for Iones are unsafe in their persons and estates, if the said Iones should be admitted a Representative for the said County.

15. William Morgan voting for Iones layed violent hands on Iohn Powel, and Llewelin Ienkins Gent. to force them from the place, and hinder them to give their voices for Henry Williams Esq for whom they did declare.

16. Edward Williams a person that formerly assisted, advised and abetted in the late war against the Parliament, and impeached in the charge of the Army as a Person uncapable of trust for the Parliament, and now charged with apparant disaffection; if not high Treason against his Highnesse the Lord Protector, was per­mitted to stand by the Poal and not only to Vote for Iones, but also to affront; discourage, and discountenance such as offered to Vote for Mr. Williams.

17. Howell Llewelin Servant to Col Iefferies who have been both in all the late wars against the Parliament, was permitted by the Sheriff and his Officers to dragg several persons to Vote for Iones.


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