The COMPANY of SCOTLAND, Trading to Africa and the Indies, Do hereby give Notice.

THAT their Bookes of Subscription, will be opened at Edinburgh on Wednesday the 26 of this Instant February at the House of Mrs. Purdie in the North side of the High-street over against the Cross, and will so continue every day of the Week, Lord's Days only excepted, from Ten in the Clock in the Morning till Twelve, and from Two in the Afternoon till four, untill the [...] day of March next, or untill the Compleat Sum of Three Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling shall be Subscribed; One Quarter part whereof shall be payed to Two, or more of the Persons Named in the Act of Parliament, upon or before the first day of June now next ensuing: But in Regard of the occasion the Com­pany may have for present Money, such as pay in the same sooner, will be allowed a Discompt, at the Rate of Twelve per Cent▪ per Annum, or Eight pence per Diem upon each Hundred Pound Sterling, from the time of their payment to the said first of June.

And for the greater Ease and Conveniency of such as are willing to be Concerned: The Company do further Declare, That for such as live at a distance, or cannot come in person to Subscribe; A Deputation in Writ­ing to any other to Subscribe for him her, or them, together with one Fourth par of the Money to be Subscribed, or Bond for the same pay­able the first of June next will be accepted by the Company, and be as sufficient, as if the parties were personally present themselves to Sub­scribe.

And as to the Remaining Three fourth parts of Every Man's Subscrip­tion to be payed to the Company whensoever the same shall be called in; it shall be in Three equal parts or payments. The first whereof will not be called for in less than a Year to come. And for the Two last payments, The Company Resolve to let them Remain as a Fund of Security to the Company, and not to call for the same or any part thereof, unless upon some pressing occasion; And further that no Advantage or Forfalture will be taken by the Company for the Non▪payment of the Remaining parts of any ones Subscription; But the Company will only Sell or Dis­pose of such a share of Stock in the Company to pay the Money to be advanced, And the Remainder thereof shall be returned to the Owners thereof.

Here followeth a Copy of the Preamble for Subscription.

PUrsuant to an Act of Parliament, Entituled, Act for a Company Trad­ing to Africa and the Indies, We under-subscribers, do each of us for himself, become obliged for the payment of the Respective Sums se­verally Subscribed by us subject to the Rules, Conditions, and Constituti­ons of the said Company.

Form of a Deputation to be subscribed by such as cannot be present to Subscribe in the Book.

I [...] Do hereby Depute [...] To Subscribe for me in the Books of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies the Sum of [...] pound Sterling.

Form of a Receipt to be given upon the first Payment.

REceived then of [...] The Sum of [...] Being the First Fourth part of his Subscription in the Capital Fund of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies, We say Received for the use of the said Company.

By Us.

The Form of the Bond, to be Subscribed by such as do not pay in their Fourth Parts.

I [...] Oblige me my Heirs and Execu [...]ors to pay to the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Inlies, or to whom they shall appoint the Sum of [...] As the Fourth part of t [...]e Sum S [...]bscribed for by me, in the Capital Stock or Fund of the said Comp [...]ny, and that betwixt and the first day of June Next, with the Sum of [...] Money foresaid of Liquidate Expe [...]ces in case of Failȝie by and attour the said principal Sum with the due, and ordinary Annualrent of the said Principal Sum after the said day of Payment, Yearly, Monthly, and proportionally, during the not pay­ment And for the more Security I am content and Consent, That thi [...] Presets be Registrate in the Books of Council and Session, or in any other Judges Books competent, to have the Strength of a Decreet of any of th [...] Judges thereof Interponed hereto, That Letters and Executorials of H [...]ning and poinding on a Charge of six Days, and all others needful may ass hereupon in Form as Affairs; And for that Effect constitute [...] My Procurators In W [...]tness whereof I have Subscribed these Presents at [...] The [...] Day of [...] One Thousand six Hundred and [...] Years

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