THe Committee of the Militia of Lon­don, and the Liberties thereof, taking into their serious consideration the im­minent danger that the Parliament and City are in: And that divers Appren­tices and other Persons inhabiting within the Limits aforesaid, who are able and fit in their own persons to bear Arms in the Auxiliary Forces, are not Listed accordingly; by means whereof divers of the said per­sons are abused and misled by dis-affected and dange­rous persons, to the endangering of the peace and safety of the Parliament and City: Therefore the said Committee in discharge of the great Trust com­mitted to them by divers Ordinances of Parliament, doe pray and desire you (calling the Constables to your assistance) forthwith to compleat your Roll of Auxiliaries, with such Apprentices and other persons within your Division, as are not already Listed upon the Trained Bands; and this shall be your warrant.

To the Deputy and Common-councell-men in the Ward of ⟨Farrington wthin⟩

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