THe Committee of the Militia London, and the Liberties thereof, carnestly desire you to enquire what Armes are in your Ward, which belong to Auxiliaries; and to take care that good and sufficient Guards be set upon them, because the Committee hath information that there is a purpose of some evill disposed Persons spee­dily to seize the said Armes, and use them upon a mischievous design: And within a very few days the Committee will ease of this trouble, and provide a convenient place for them, where they may be safely kept for the publike good of the City, if you shall think fit.

Signed in the Name, and by the Warrant of the Committee of the Militia London, ⟨BY Adam Banckes⟩ Clerk to the said Committee.

To the Deputy and Common-councell-men in the Ward of ⟨farington w thin⟩

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