THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE TREATY Between the KING'S Majesty, and the Com­missioners of PARLIAMENT At NEWPORT.

THe Commissioners came to Newport late last night: This morning (Sa­turday) at 10. they waited on the KING. The Earle of Northumber­land made a short Speech to His Majesty, who returned answer,

That none could have more hearty desires of Peace then He. How He had nothing of ill will to any, but indeed was, and would to the utmost, endeavour to appeare a Friend to all, especially to the languishing Kingdome.

The KING desired the Treaty might not be­gin on a broken part of the last day of the weeke, so that to morrow, Gods day, prepares (we hope happily) and Munday the 18 day at 9 a clock in the morning begins the Treaty.

A PRAYER, Drawne by HIS MAJESTIES speciall di­rection and Dictates, for a blessing on the TREATY at NEWPORT.

O Most mercifull Father, Lord God of Peace and Truth, we a People sorely afflicted by the scourge of an unnaturall Warre, doe earnestly beseech Thee, to command a blessing from Heaven upon this present Treaty, begun for the establishment of an happy Peace. Soften the most obdurate Hearts with a true Christian desire of saving those mens bloud, for whom Christ himself hath shed his. Or if the guilt of our great sins, cause this Treaty to breake off in vaine, Lord let the Truth clearly appeare, who those men are, which under pretence of the Publicke good doe pursue their own private ends; that this People may be no longer so blindly miserable, as not to see, at least in this their Day, the things that belong un­to their Peace. Grant this gratious God, for his sake who is our Peace it selfe, even Jesus Christ our Lord.



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