THE Collectors of the old Clothes for the distressed Protestants in Ire­land, doe, (to the glory of God, the comfort and praise of these charita­ble and well affected People of the Citty of London) signifie that they have received as much clothing as will Cover the Nakednes of about 12. thousand poore Soules for which they desire praises may bee returned to the God of mercyes in all the Churches.

And because the charges of repayring, packing, cartage, fraight, and other expences for the well and orderly transport of the said Clothes will advance to about 300 l. they desire that every well dis­posed Person will send their further Charity in money to the ware­house apointed in Basing-hall street, a little from every one will doe the worke, and if a greater proportion shall come in, then is propounded, it shall bee carefully sent over to those in greatest ne­cessity with the Clothes.

They humbly desire that each Mans Charity may bee sent in before the tenth of November next, 1642.

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