The Coat of Armes OF Sir JOHN PRESBYTER.

HE beares party perpale indented, Gods Glory and his owne Interest, over all Honor, Profit, Pleasure counterchanged; Ensigned with a Helmet of Ignorance, Opened with Confidence be­fitting his Degree, Mantled with Gules and Tyranny, Doubled with Hypocrisie over a VVreath of Pride and Covetousness; for his Crest a Sinister Hand holding up a Solemne League and Covenant re­verst and torn; in a Scroll underneath the Shield these VVords for his Motto, AƲT HOC AƲT NIHIL.

This Coat Armor is dupall'd with another of four Pieces, signi­fying thereby his four Matches.

The first is of the Family of Amsterdam; she beares for her Arms in a Field of Tolleration, three Jewes Heads proper, with as many Blue Caps on them.

The second is of the House of Geneva; she beares for her Armes in a Field of Separation, Marginall Notes on the Bible false Quoted.

The third is of the Countrey of New England; she beares for her Armes, a Prick-ear'd Preach-man pearcht upon a Pulpit proper, holding forth to the People a Schismaticall Directory.

The fourth and last is Scotland; she beares in her Eschucheon the Field of Rebellion, charg'd with a Stool of Repentance.

Printed in the Year, 1658.

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