Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh, Anno Dom, 1661.

THE REMONSTRANCE AND ADDRESSE Of the Officers of all the Regiments of Horse, Trained-Bands, and Auxiliaries of the Honorable City of LONDON.

Dread Soveraign:

YOur most Loyall and most Devoted Sub­jects, Your Major General, Field Officers and Captains, with all the inferiour Officers of Your two Regiments of Horse of Your City of London, whiles some mens zeal, through unrigh­teous Seducements, seems a little cooled towards Your Majesties Service, Do with all humble boldness Remonstrate the Constancy of theirs; And in a deep sense of their Duty and high Obli­gations to Your Sacred Majesty for Your especi­all Indulgencies to this Your Native City, do De­dicate their Lives and Estates to Your Majesties Service, Hereby adding to their Oath of Allegi­ance, That they will not only bear Faith and Obe­dience [Page 4]to Your Majesty, but upon all Occasions joyfully employ and improve their uttermost power and vigilancy, with their Lives and Fortunes, to destroy Your Enemies in defence of Your Royall Person and Authority, and securing all Your just civil Interests, with the Interest of Religion as 'tis now established by Law, For Your Majesty being eminently the most Pious, Gracious, and Worthy Prince in the World, we cannot without exceeding all other Subjects in Loyalty and Affection, de­serve the Title of

Your Majesties True, Dutifull, Humble, and Obedient Subjects and Servants.
  Lieutenants. Cornets. Quar. Masters.
Richard Brown Maj. Gen. Chr. Shaw. Capt. L. Jos. Blomley.
Ben. Henshaw Major. Robert Blackston. Is. Garard. John Carew.
Jam: Mudyford Capt.   John Jones. Will. Pawlet.
John Clark. Capt. Tho. Roycroft.   Edw. Powel.
Robert Morris. Capt. Tho. Walker.   Tho. Hobday.
Tho. Barret. Capt. John Ryland. Sam. Put.  
Nich. Crisp. Col. John Shaw L. Col. Tho. Founds.  
Kendrick Capt. Band Capt. L.    
Swaile. Capt. John Hearne    
John Burroughs, Muster Mr. Zankey    

The like Address (only with the words of the several Regiments of Your Trained-bands instead of Your two Regiments of Horse) was subscribed by the Officers following.

I. Black and White Regiment.
  Lieutenants. Ensignes.
Col. Rich. Brown Maj. Gen. Fran. Turner Capt. Lien. Rich: Clowdesley
Lieu. Col. Tho. Player, jun. William Walker. Thomas Hixon.
Major Humphrey Kilby. William Knight. Will. Bowdler.
Capt. Tho. Bostock. Job Croft. John King.
Capt. Thomas Rose Charles Langworth. Tho. Knowlis.
Capt. John Dade. Robert Rodway. Roger Dade.
II. Green Regiment.
Col. John Robinson. William Keen Capt. Lieu. Roger Crook.
Lieu. Col. Andrew King. Richard Cawthorn. Adrian Quiney.
Major Ralph Tasker. Edward Knight. Fran. Wilson.
Capt. William Fisher. William Cam. William Tiverton.
Capt. Jeffery Northleigh. Thomas Marishal.  
Capt. Nicholas Coleborne. Fred. Ixem. James Seely.
III. Red Regiment.
Col. Anthony Bateman. Richard Cox Capt. Lieu. Robert Alsop.
Lieu. Col. John Cutler. Roger Ive. Robert Adams.
Major Abraham Stanyon. John Milton Tho. Lingard.
Capt. John Swaile. Peter Smith. Will. Woodward.
Capt. Edward Micoe. George Cox. Vincent Izatt.
Capt. John Ryves. Tho. Abrahall. John Bellamy.
Capt. William Parker. Tho. Fouk. Adam Willis.
IV. White Regiment.
Col. William Wale. Nich. Coxeter Capt. Lieu.  
Lieu. Col. Jos. Throckmorton. William Brewer. John Battersby.
Major Stephen Bolton.    
Capt. John Steventon. Sam. Slaney. William Strange.
Capt. Charles Everard. Robert Welsted. George Best.
Capt. William Stroud. John Russon. James Damaske.
Capt. John Casby.    
V. Blew Regiment.
Col. William Vincent.   Tho. Soley.
Lieu. Col. George Smith.   Tho. Needham.
Major Tho. Cox.    
Capt. Robert Dawes. Richard Newlin. Lancelot Rider.
Capt. Will. Throckmorton. John Young. Steph. Lodington.
Capt. Tho. Bonfoy. Geo. Bromley. Hugh Harvey.
Capt. [...] [...] [...]
VI. Yellow Regiment.
  Lieutenants. Ensignes.
[...]ol. Tho. Bludworth. Rich. Bratley Capt. Lieu. John Sanders.
[...]ieu. Col. Robert Peake. Thomas Staynoe. John Chittey.
Major Will. Rosewell.   Hen. Hanslapp.
Capt. John Wallis. John Hammond. Will. Mouse.
Capt. James Bradshaw. Will. Roybould. James Barret.
Capt. Rich. Colchester. Will. Beamont. Franc. Bourchier.
Capt. John Clarke. Hen. Strode. Henry Johnson.
  • [...]ohn Carron.
  • [...]en. Phillips.
  • [...]an. Pepper.
  • [...]im. Singleton.
  • [...]ohn Hoe.
  • [...]ames Cooke.
  • Charles Cooke.
  • [...]ho. Birch.
  • [...]ndr. Prime.
  • [...]ohn Empson.
  • [...]ob. Burden.
  • [...]rth. Hall.
  • [...]b. Lapworth.
  • [...]o. Fouke.
  • [...]ohn Pearce.
  • [...]ohn Rumball.
  • [...]ohn Prior.
  • [...]ich. Page.
  • [...]ohn Hatton.
  • [...]ho. Addis.
  • [...]an. Morris.
  • [...]ich. Whitlock.
  • [...]um. Taylor.
  • [...]eo. Singe.
  • [...]ra. Nash.
  • [...]ervas Leaton.
  • [...]ohn Ward.
  • [...]eo. Allin.
  • Jos. Brook.
  • Rich. Phillips.
  • John Basford.
  • Will. Hurde.
  • Edw. Hales.
  • Will. Hinton.
  • Will. Dodd.
  • Jos. Palmer.
  • Tho. Hunt.
  • Will. Maxon.
  • Tho. Hinton.
  • Geo. Pemberton.
  • Jer. Stephens.
  • Rich. George.
  • Tho. Hunt.
  • Rob. Brearley.
  • John Wharton.
  • Will. Rudd.
  • John Lathum.
  • Geo. Philips.
  • Theo. Dorrington.
  • Osnall Farr.
  • Geo. Reynolds.
  • Dan. Ireland.
  • Tho. Hobday.
  • Tho. Westraw.
  • John Merry.
  • Edward Cottrel.
  • John Mitchell.
  • Ben. Ladd.
  • Bar. Alder.
  • Joshua King.
  • John Major.
  • Arth. Brown.
  • Tho. Hanson.
  • John Summerell.
  • Rich. Kennon.
  • Jer. Arnold.
  • Edw. Gage.
  • Sam. Wootrond.
  • John Blisse.
  • Will. Gardner.
  • Will. Branch.
  • John Rawson.
  • Tho. Vincent.
  • Rob. Twyford.
  • Peter Emonson.
  • Tho Hatton.
  • Jos. Mottershed.
  • Will. Edwards.
  • Posthumus Sare.
  • Rich. Webster.
  • Rich. Simmons.
  • Matth. Tarbett.
  • Rich. Moor.
  • T. Thackor.
  • Rich. Read.
  • John Readman.
  • Edw. Everett.
  • John Foulks.
  • Will. Bolton.
  • Tho. Insley.
  • Will. Bristow.
  • Ben. Stafford.
  • Rob. Hooper.
  • Tho. Hutchins.
  • John Reynolds.
  • Tho. Soulter.
  • Rich. Swan.
  • Rich. Clark.
  • Matth. Harries.
  • John Smith.
  • Rich. Danser.
  • Edm. Freeman.
  • Tho. Mills.
  • Will. Page.
  • Elisha Wallis.
  • John Tew.
  • Tho. Mills.
  • John Evans.
  • H. Whittingham.

The like Addresse, with the words of the several Regiments of Your [...]

I. White Regiment.
Rich. Brown Maj. Gen. Lieutenants. Ensigns.
Col. Rich. Ford. Will. Kemp Capt. Lieut. John Glanvill
Lievt. Col. Ben. Baron. Tho. Frith. Ben. Mann.
Major John Brett. John Maxfield. Will Bowles
Capt. John Wheake. William Bennet. Barth. Bywall.
Capt. John Parker. Rich. Senior. Rich. Miller.
Capt. Rich. Cartwright. Tho. Ives. Fra. Trenley,
Capt. Rich. Kinsey. Edw. Parker. Edw. Kinsey.
II. Green Regiment.
Col. Will. Gardiner. Hen. Stead. Capt. Lieut. Edw. Foster.
Lieut. Col. Tho. Coats. Arth. Manwaring. Mat. Hutchinson.
Major John Maurois. Ralph. Silverton. Tho. Wathen.
Capt. Fra. Isaacson. John Sands. Guthlake Folliot.
Capt. Tho. Kaly. Hum. Griffith.  
Capt. John Seed. William Beedam. Rob. Chaplain.
III. Yellow Regiment.
Col. Tho. Nevill. Will. Malthy. Cap. Lieut. Joseph Sheldon.
Lieut. Col. Ch. Fowke Tho. Newman. Tho. Palen.
Major Edw. Crosse. John Walkly. Hen. Atkinson.
Capt. Tho. Templer. Edw. Townsend. Rich. Hollins.
Capt. Robert Hatton, Hen. Brigham. John Dickenson.
Capt. Rand. Bird. Fran. Hall. Tho. Smeaton.
Capt. William Powell. John Hamond. John Birkhead.
IV. Red Regiment.
Col. Edw. Clagget. Rob. Minchard Capt. Lieut. Tho. Hickman.
Lieut. Col. Tho. Padnol. Rich. Burdon. William Sudbury.
Major Tho. Gunston. Roger Newman. Wil. Grosvenor.
Capt. Tho. Scarlett. George Alsop. Dan. Lindal.
Capt. William Cooper Edw. Simmons. James Carpenter.
Capt. Udall Walker. Zach. Grant. Will. Hill.
Capt. Will. Williams. Robert Pratt. John Jolley.
V. Black Regiment.
Col. William Allot. Robert Pemel. Capt. Liev.  
Liev. Col. Hen. Fewterel. Tho. Vere. Rich. Paine.
Major Tho. Bywater. Tho. Rush.  
Capt. Fran. Burton. Tho. Harbert. Roger Bower.
Capt. Rich Bri [...] Tho. W [...]king [...]
VI. Blew Regiment.
  Lieutenants. Ensignes.
Col. Edward Trussel.   Cha. Hinton.
Liev. Col. Fran, Manby. John Abbot. Fra. Rainsford.
Major Walter White. James Whitechurch. Will. Faulconer.
Capt. John Povall. Geo. Coles. Robert Cooke.
Capt. Tho. Chester. Rich. Sudbury. James Town.
Capt. Tho. Smith. Rich. Winston. John Mitchell.
Capt. Tho. West. Rich. Winter. Will. Woodrofe.

Jo. Burroughs Muster Mr.

  • Tho. Aynsworth.
  • Rich. Salter.
  • Fran. May.
  • Tho. Sanderson.
  • Tho. Ingle.
  • Rice Jones.
  • John Hilliard.
  • Tho. Blechle.
  • John Langham.
  • Matth. Massey.
  • Will. Thruckstone
  • Will. Dudners.
  • Jos. Wilson.
  • Tho. Fordell.
  • Will. Woodley.
  • Edw. Chester.
  • John Dunstate.
  • Theo. Pickering.
  • Tim. Skinner.
  • John Money.
  • John Mayson.
  • John Leeson.
  • Julian Searl.
  • Jul. Griffith.
  • Tho. Lucas.
  • Jo. Alexander.
  • John Hodges.
  • Ja. Green.
  • Chri. Harris.
  • Will. Bashford.
  • John Bamster.
  • Tho. Stanley.
  • Edw. Robins.
  • Edw. Mainwaring
  • Fra. Jaques.
  • Fra. Ince.
  • Rich. Jones.
  • John Goodeen.
  • Hen. Elmes.
  • Edward Gough.
  • Jam. Branson.
  • Roger Leigh.
  • Dan. Linyard.
  • John Kiffin.
  • Jos. Watson.
  • Rob. Fassit.
  • Will. Levett.
  • Nath. Swanwick.
  • Rowland Reade.
  • Augu. Davies.
  • John Herring.
  • John Walden.
  • Nath. Cooper.
  • Ralph Whistler.
  • Rich. Ledingham.
  • Tho. Lingard.
  • Will. Jackson.
  • Nick. Northop.
  • John Kiffin.
  • Tho. Cooper.
  • Hen. Halsey.
  • Rich. Hill.
  • Tho. Rotherham.
  • Wil. Comberback.
  • Edw. Tew.
  • Fra. Drinkwater.
  • John Brian.
  • L. Dangerfield.
  • John Fling.
  • Edward Hall.
  • Mich. Wilkinson.
  • Rich. Hopkins.
  • Edw. Fox.
  • Fra. Estwich.
  • Owen Hammond.
  • Ralph Crosse.
  • John Wyatt.
  • Will. Sodden.
  • Peirce Orlon.
  • Tho. Corbett.
  • Da. Maxwell.
  • Rich. Selle.
  • Dan. Youghton.
  • Tho. Wilkison.
  • Math. Harrison.
  • Will. Comers.
  • Sam. Mabbs.
  • Rich. Mason.
  • Geo. Collins.
  • Tho. Hamersley.
  • Hum. Filer.
  • Will. Jones.
  • Will. Chearsley.
  • Jer. Lammus.
  • Leon. Izard.
  • John Wall.
  • Jos. Blacklock.
  • James Davies.
  • John Skelton.
  • Fran. Moor.
  • Sam. West.
  • John Bames.
  • Rich. Kell.
  • Tho. Shew.
  • Geo. Poysor.
  • John King.
  • Hum. Trye.
  • Anth. Palmer.
  • Isaac Saywell.
  • James Sanders.
  • Tho. Sagood.
  • Rich. Halford.

All which three Addresses were presented to His Majesty, by the [...] Officers April [...], 1661.

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