The Cities Farevvell to the PARLIAMENT.

FArewell the Parliament with hey,
Farewell the Parliament with ho,
Your deare delight the City,
Their wants have made them witty.
And a fart for the close Committee,
With a hey trolly lolly lo.
Farewell my Lord of Essex with hey,
Farewell my Lord of Essex with ho,
Hee sleeps till eleven,
And leaves the cause to six and seven,
But 'tis no matter, their hope's in Heaven
With, &c.
Farewell my Lord Wharton with hey,
Farewell my Lord Wharton with ho,
While the sawpitt did hide him,
Hastings did our ride him,
Then came Brooke, and he out li'd him,
With, &c.
Farewell Will. Strode with hey,
Farewell Will. Strode with ho,
He swore all Whartons lies were true,
And it concern'd him so to doe,
For he was in the saw pitt too,
With, &c.
Farewell my Lord Brooke with hey,
Farewell my Lord Brooke with ho,
Hee sayd (but first hee had got him a rattle,
That but a hundred fell in battell,
Besides dogs, whores, & such Parliament cattle,
with, &c.
Farewell Say and Seale with hey,
Farewell Say and Seale with no,
And those valiant sonns of Aymon,
May they hang as high as Hamon,
With the old Anabaptist they came on,
With, &c.
Farewell Kimbolton with hey,
Farewell Kimbolton with ho,
Thy Father writ a godly booke,
Yet all was fish that came to his booke,
Sure he is damn'd though but for his looke,
With, &c.
Farewell Kimbolton with hey,
Farewell Kimbolton with ho,
Thy house had beene confounded,
In vaine he had compounded,
If he had not got a Roundhead,
With, &c.
Farewell Master Hollis with hey,
Fare well Master Hollis with ho,
'Twas his ambition or his need,
Nor his religion, did the deed,
But his widow has ta'ne him off his speed,
With, &c.
Farewell Master Hampden with hey,
Farewell Master Hampden with ho,
He's a sly and subtile Fox,
Well read in Buchanan, and Knox,
And is now gone downe to goad on th'Oxe,
With, &c.
Farewell John Pym with hey,
Farewell John Pym with ho,
He would have had a place in Court,
And ventur'd all his party for't,
But bribing prov'd his best support,
With, &c.
Farewell John Pym with hey,
Farewell John Pym with ho,
For all the fain'd disaster,
Of the taylor and the plaister,
Thou shalt not be our Maister,
With, &c.
Farewell good Madam Carlile with hey,
Farewell good Madam Carlile with ho,
The Legishtive Lady,
Who now makes Pym her baby,
Once fooled the Lord Raby,
With, &c.
Farewell Major Skippon with hey,
Farewell Major Skippon with ho,
Ye have ordered him to kill and slay,
To rescue the king and bring him away,
Provided you Vote faire weather, and pay.
With, &c.
Farewell all our Worthies with hey,
Farewell all our Worthies with ho,
For they insteed of dying,
Maintaine the truth by lying,
And get victories by flying,
With, &c.
Farewell our Scottish brethren with hey,
Farewell our Scottish brethren with ho,
They'le march but to their border,
And will be brought no further,
For Vote, Ordinance, or Order,
With, &c.
Farwell my little Levites with hey,
Farewell my little Levites with ho,
Let God looke roo't, or Mafter Case;
Shall tell him his owne in due time and place.
And call him a Cavalier to his face,
With, &c.
Fare well my little Levites with hey
Fare well my little Levites with ho,
For though you seeme to feare him,
You can scarce forbeare him,
And when you thanke him, you but jeere him,
With, &c.
Farewell feares and jealousies with hey,
Farewell feares and jealousies with ho,
Which with lying Declarations,
Tumults, Pikes, and Protestations,
Have beene the ruine of two nations
With, &c.
Ferewell little Isaack with hey.
Farewell little Isaack with ho,
Thou hast made us all like asses,
Part with our Plate, and drinke in Glasses,
Whil'st thou grow'st rich by twelve penny-Passes,
With, &c.
Farewell Plate and Money with hey,
Farewell Plate and Money with ho,
'Tis going downe by water,
Or some thing neere the matter,
And Publike faith is going after,
With, &c.
Farewell Members five with hey,
Farewell Members five with ho,
Next Petition we deliver,
Sends yee packing downe the river,
And there the Devill be your driver,
With, &c.

Printed at London for M.P.

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