Some Particulars Concerning the Law, SENT TO Oliver Cromwell, Who is chief Ruler in these Nations, according to man: And to the Counsellors, who sit in Counsel with him: wherein is plainly laid down the difference betwixt the righteous Law of God, and those Laws which are made and acted in the will of man; and how they who make and act those Laws, which are according to the Will of man, and contrary to the Law of God, are found opposing the righteous Law of God, and so are transgressors of that Law which is according to that in the Conscience.

With a vvord of discovery of the cruel oppression of the Priests, who call themselves Ministers of Christ and the Gospel, which gives freedom; but they are found to be Opposers, and out of the life that gave forth the Scriptures, and so with it judged, which is according to the Law of God, which gives freedom to the righteous seed, but have cleared themselves from Christ, who dis­obey his Doctrine, and sue men at the Law, and take treble da­mages, contrary to the Scriptures.

With a word of Exhortation to the Rulers and Magistrates, to own the righteous Law of God, which will cut down sin, and cleanse the Land of evil doers, and discover the Deceivers of the People.

London, Printed, Anno Dom. 1654.

FRiend, thou saiest, That in thy conscience tells thee, that there is no Law that is extant by which the people of God are kept in bondage; to thee I did alledge the Act of Mary, which I say is contrary to that in the Conscience, which is of God, for her Law did cause the righteous to suffer, which guarded the Jesuites, which guard the Priests now; which thou with it wouldst limit the holy one, and cast the Saints into holes, and prisons, and dun­geons, and countest it just; and some are beat and stockt, and cruelly persecuted, and then after sent to Prison; see if thy Law here do keep Peace, or break it, and give liberty to all the peace breakers and fighters, and strikers, for them to beat, to stock, and after send them to pri­son, and there the wicked, the fighters, and strikers rejoyce over them, and they can scarce walk in the streets; and this Law thou countest just, which prisons the righteous, and encourages the evil doers, which is contrary to the Law of God, which is according to that in the Conscience, and which is contrary to Paul the Minister of Christ, who said, if any thing be revealed to him that stands by, let the first hold his peace; and if Paul were here again to go up and down the Synagogues, and dispute with them, to bring them off the figures and shadows, to bring them up to the substance. Queen Maries Act would take hold of him; and he was made manifest to the Consciences of all; and here thy Act is contrary to that in the Conscience, which would limit the Spirit of the Lord.

And thy Act, as Queen Maries, would take hold upon Am [...]s, and the rest of the Prophets, and Christ, who was supposed to be the Carpenters son, who went up and down in the Synagogues, and was hated of the Priests, and when he spoke in the Synagogues, they were full of fury; and there again thy Law is contrary to that of God in the conscience, and except thou doest repent, God will remove thy Kingdom: and if thy Laws were upon them that act, con­trary to that in the conscience, fighters, envious, quarrellers, drunkards, mur­derers, and all unrighteous, such Law; we own, this is wholsom and good, but that which would limit the holy One, and the Just, we cannot own.

Secondly, there is another Law which is acted contray to that in the con­science, to put men to death for Cattle or money, when they were (according to the Law of God) to make restitution, if not, they were to be sold for their Theft, and there they had space to repent, for that in the conscience will let them see what they have done.

Thirdly, and another thing is acted in the N [...]ion, contrary to the light of Christ in the conscience; men that cannot swear, but abide in the Doctrine of Christ, who saith, swear not at all, for what is more then yea and nay, is evil; and the Apostle said, My Brethren swear not at all, lest you fall into con­demnation, [Page 3]and some that cannot swear, such are fined and prisoned, and ma­ny suffer now, because they cannot swear; and so you would bring them into condemnation, and into the evil contrary to the Doctrine of Christ

Fourthly, another Law is acted contrary to that of God in the conscience, that men are forced to pay Priests tithes, and so deny Christ come in the flesh; and if they will not pay Priests tithes, they sue them at the Law, or im­prison them, and that Law requires treble damages, and this Law is oppressi­on, contrary to that of God in the Conscience, neither is there honesty in it; I charge it upon you, for Moses, which had the Law, and gave it forth to the Priests and people, and the Priests that should receive Ti [...]hes, they were to have a Store-house to put it in, and it was to be filled with Tithes, but it is not so with you; and all the strangers and the widdows, and the Fatherless were to come to be filled within the Priests Gates: and this the Priest was to Minister out of the Store-house; a figure of the everlasting Priest, who Ministers out of the everlasting treasury: the Apostle who preached him, said, the Priest­hood that received Tithes was changed, and the Law was changed also; and yet you have a Law, that if any one do not pay the Priests Tithes he must pay treble damages, or lye in Goal, as many lye in Goal now, because they cannot deny Christ come in the flesh, pay the Priests Tithes; but they witness him, and deny the changable Priesthood, which you give Tithes to, but no Store­house; who deny Christ come in the flesh, though you talk of him in words, but no Store-house to fill all the widdows, the fatherless, and strangers in Eng­land, that there might be no beggar in England, as there was no beggar to be in Israel, but be fed within the Priests Gates which receive Tithes: But by this Law, by which your Priests receive Tithes, you help the Priests to make many beggars, which is contrary to the Scriptures, and that of God in the conscience both, and by that Law many righteous ones suffer; all who own Christ in life, suffer by your Low, and are opprest; and all your Laws acted contrary to that of God in the Conscience: that of God in the Conscience will testifie and witness against you, and your Laws, and witness the Law of God, which is according to that in the Conscience, which is perfect, and endures for ever.

You that swear, deny the Lord Jesus Christ that bought you, and his Do­ctrine; and you that compel men to give Tiches, and you that take them are men that deny the Lord Jesus Christ come in the flesh, the substance; you that sue men at the Law, deny the Lord Jesus Christ, for he saith, in all your com­munications, let your yea, be yea, and your nay be nay.

And if you had a Law given forth to keep peace upon them that act contrary to the light of Christ in their conscience, and put in just mens hands, to be executed; but such are turned forth that are faithful, that are just, and so here you encourage evil doers, fighters, quarrellers, and drunkards, that they that fear the Lord, can scarce pass; to that in all your Consciences I speak, that with it you may see your selves, and what is acted in the Nation.

There is another thing in the Nation, acted by them in Authority, which is contrary to that of God in the Conscience; with such many have been fined and imprisoned, because they could not respect persons, for if they did, they were convinced by that in the Conscience, to be transgressors of the righteous Law of God; and their Judges, Justices, and Maiors would force them to sin against, and contrary to that of God in the Conscience, in bowing to them [Page 4]with hat, and respect the person, which that in the Conscience, which is accord­ing to the righteous Law of God, saith, Thou shalt not bow down to any, nor worship any but God; and he that respects persons and would have others to re­spect persons, is convinced by that in the conscience, to be a transgressor of the righteous Law of God; to that of God in all your consciences I speak, which lets you see you should not do so, and yet you do so, and would have others to do so; and them that do not, ye persecute, prison or fine with great summes of money; to the light of Christ in all your consciences I speak, which shall con­demn all you that act contrary to it, and witness me eternally; to that in the conscience I speak which respects no mans person: He that receives the Law from God, dwells in the Light of God, and he doth not respect any mans per­son, nor the Law which is received from God: and he that doth respect per­sons, this Law goes upon him, and that in his conscence, which is according to this Law of God, doth convince him to be a transgressor of this Law.

And whereas the Priests should have Store-houses, that the Fatherless chil­dren, and widdows might thither come and be refreshed, that there might be no beggars in England, as there was to be no beggar in Israel; but the Priests and their Agents in raking terble damages, by vertue of your Law, have made both widdows and Fatherless to beg by reason of their cruel oppression, for they took of one widdow in lieu of her Tithes 11 s. 4 d. when all her whole estate, after her debts were paid, would not yield to so much, and so left widdow and fatherless both to beg or starve; and this is their charity to the poor; and many more in Westmerland, Lancashire, and Cumberland, who stand in obedience to the righteous Law, made manifest, and witness the substance, and deny the types, and so cannot put into the Priests mouths they make them pay, somedouble damages, and some treble damages, to the making many poor; for they that de­part from iniquity are a prey to this Generation; For the Law that is made by the Will of man, is made a snare, and a trap to take hold of them who stand in obedience to the righteous [...]aw of God, which is according to that of God in the conscience, and this other is contrary to the Law of God in the con­science.

And this was I moved to write to the Heads and Rulers of the Nations, who sit in Counsel together, to exhort and charge them to stand in the Counsel of God, and to mind the righteous Law of God, which is according to that in the conscience, and that this Law of yours may be put in Execution, to be executed by righteous men, who respect no mans person, and then it will take hold upon the transgressors: and they who live up in obedience to this Law of God, which is pure, which endures for ever, will own and witness you and your Law, if you be obedient to this Law of God which is pure, and accor­ding to that of God in every mans conscience, for his Lavv is not made for the righteous, but for the transgressor: and if these be owned by you in your lives, you will put it in execution and it will take hold upon all lyars, swearers, drunkards, whore mongers, dissemblers, cheaters, hypocrites, and persecu­tors of those who obey this righteous Law of God; and it will take hold upon all fighters, quarrellers, and vain-Contenders, and upon all false teachers, who pretend themselves Ministers of Christ, but abide not in the Doctrine of Chirst, which respect mens persons, but are Antichrists, and deny the Scri­ptures [Page 5]in their lives, but take them to trade withal, and so deceive the people, telling them they are gifted, and sell them a Carnal letter, and so kill them, for the letter killeth, and so devour souls for dishonest gain: the Lord hath a controversie with them, hold them not up; for if you partake with them in their sin, you will partake with them in their plagues, for their fruits make them manifest; for if any in obedience to this righteous Law, put not into their mouthes, they prepare war against them, and sue them at Law, or Agents for them, and take treble damages, as many can witness in these four Northern-Counties; and so they oppress the righteous, and none resisteth them; and now it is come to you who are over the Nations, and it stands at your door, and if you suffer those things to be, and count it just, I will visit you for these things, saith the Lord: For I bear testimony against them, and my witness is true, that they are cruel oppressors, greedy devourers, Caterpillars, who have done no good at all, but kept the people in blindness and ignorance, making them light and vain, strengthning their hands in in iquity, and shut the Kingdom of heaven against men, that if any would return from their evil waies, they pull them back: all the Scriptures witness against them, if you will own Scriptures, and that in your Conscience witnesseth against them; for you had experience of them; and if you hold up that which is contrary to your conscience, God is greater, and will condemn you, and cut you down; were not your Promises and Covenants to take oppression from off the people of God? have you for­gotten the dayes of your calamity and hardship, when you vowed unto the Lord? and prayed unto him and he hath preserved you? and were not all your pretences to take off oppression? and now the power is in your hand, and the Lord hath left you without excuse; for now you have time to pay your vows unto the Lord, and to take off oppression, and to take away all those Laws which are contrary to the Law of God, which is pure; and if ye will not own the Lord in his own work, he will do it another way, and you shall be cast by, as not worthy, with the rest that were cast out before you, who were not wor­thy: and therefore if you will own the righteous Law of God, which is pure, he will own you, and preserve you; but if you uphold those Laws which are ac­cording to the will of man, and contrary to the will of God, you shall be as dust before the wind, the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. And thus I have cleared my conscience unto you, and that of God in your consciences shall eternally witness me to be a lover of your souls, and of the righteous seed of God, a well-wisher of the Peace of Sion, called by the world,

John Camm.

I Will arise now, saith the Lord, and thresh, and scatter, and beat to pieces; now will I arise saith the Lord, and all bonds must be broken asunder, which are made with the earthly will, and all Churches gathered with the earthly will, with the earthly letter, who hath not the life, will be scattered and broken asunder, that the pure it self may arise which is bound with those bonds, which the carnal mind makes Laws and Acts; but now will I arise saith the Lord, who is the King, the Law-giver, and all who have not received the Law from him, but make Laws with their inventions, must fall, and all their coun­sel come to nothing in the end; though they may stand, and have their time [Page 6]a while; and therefore to that in every one of your Consciences I speak, which is the light of Christ, in it wait, to guide your minds to God, and it is but one, and it will call you out of your reasonings, and turn your minds towards God, and deny all that which doth protect and preserve that which is not of God, and condemn it: and where God is made manifest to raign, for that doth protect the just, and is a terrour to the unjust, in your selves and without, so wait all in your measure on the light of God within, to guide your minds to God, that ye may grow as plants to receive the living water, to nourish you to eternal life, to that which is pure in every one of you do I speak, which shall witness me, and condemn all you that hate it: which if you take heed to it, it will call your minds out of the world, to forsake the lusts and pleasures of it, and turn your minds towards God, and let you see that God is near and present, who is terrible and dreadful to the wicked; in him the righteous rejoyce and are glad, so wait all for Counsel from God, and God Almighty direct your minds; for all your Laws which have been made and acted in that na­ture, from the light, and contrary to it, and the Law of God, which is accord­ing to the light of Christ in your consciences, all those Laws that have been acted from it, and contrary to the light of Christ, have been murder with the murderous nature; and with the light which Christ hath enlightned every one that comes into the world withal, vvith this light they are all to be condemned, and with the perfect Law of God to be judged, which is according to the light of Christ in the Conscience, which light of Christ owns the Law of God, and which Law of God owns the light of Christ in every mans conscience; and the light of Christ in every mans conscience which is perfect, witnesseth the Law of God to be perfect, and witnesseth against all [...]aws which is con­trary to the Light of Christ in every mans conscience, and which is contrary to the Law of God, which is according to that in the Conscience: So to the light of Christ in all your consciences I do speak, that you with it may wait upon God, to receive your Laws from God, which is perfect, and endures for ever; else your Laws which you make in your own wills, which is not perfect and doth not endure for ever; which the Law of God doth, and that in the con­science: so with the light of Christ, all such Laws, Law-givers, and Law­makers, are to be condemned with the light of Christ, which doth endure for ever: and the Law of God which is perfect and doth endure for ever, all such are judged with it, which are contrary to it: So this is the word of God to you, and a warning to you all.

They that be in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, do not respect per­sons; they that be out of the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, do respect persons, though they may profess him, and then the life makes the difference: as it is manifest now in England, who be in the Faith, who be out of the Faith: and they that be in the perfect law of God, according to the light of Christ, in the conscience, do not respect persons: for he that doth respect persons, is convinced by the light of Christ in the conscience, to be a transgressor of the law of God; so that they that do respect persons, do walk contrary to that in the conscience, and the law of God, and are convinced by the light of Christ in the conscience, and to be transgressors; and this is for all the powers on earth; take warning, that with the light of Christ you may see what you act, and what you acted from, contrary to this light: you are to be condemned by [Page 7]it: all ye that respect persons, walk contrary to the Law of God, contrary to the Faith: There is the difference, the one lives in the light of Christ, which witnesseth the Law of God, which is perfect, and the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, which none of these that do live here doth respect persons: now all those that do profess the Law of God, and Faith, and re­spect persons, are out of it, and here it is the life that makes the difference, and in it is the Unity.

TO the Heads and General of this Land, to stand in the Counsel of God that you may be directed by his wisdom which orders all things, for by it all things were made, and if you make a Law with your own wills, over that in the consciences of men, that God will throw down, you and your Laws: For that which exerciseth the conscience, is the pure light of God, which leads up to God, out of all filthiness, and uncleanness, and corruption, which the Law of God takes hold upon; he or them that act contrary to a pure conscience: Let every soul be subject to the higher powers, for there is no power but of God, and the powers that be, are ordained of God, for conscience sake; now if a Law be made over the conscience that is pure, that Law is against God, and ma­ny for keeping their conscience clean, did suffer death; as God hath given to every one a light, and a measure to profit withal, minde every one that which is of God in you, to teach you to walk to God before him; and as it teacheth you, and enlightens your understandings, it will teach how to direct others, and so to judge of things eternal, so far as that is born up in your understandings, which is eternal; and as every one hath a measure, so every one to improve his talent, and not limit God to learned men, as hath long been, which have learned but their natural languages, so their original grounds is external, their word and light is external, and their preaching and gift is an external gift, and they go to you Magistrates who hath an external Law, to uphold them in their external Ministry, for your Law doth alter and change, which is external; now that which is ex­ternal, with it to judge things eternal, that cannot be but to limit God; for he that hath the first gift of God, hath that which is perfect, and that which is perfect is eternal, & such have a descerning to know the gift of God, from the gift of man; and who are sent to preach the everlasting Gospel, hath that which is eternal, that which is everlasting hath no end; and he that judgeth of these things is eternal, that can discern the everlasting Gospel from words; and the promise was, that the seed of the woman should bruise the Serpents head; now thou that canst witness the head of the Serpent bruised in thee, and the seed of the woman heads in thee, which is Christ, witnesseth the Promises of God fulfilled in thee, which is the glad tidings to the soul, and the soul come out of death; and here is Christ Jesus re­vealed within, and this ministry is not man not by man, but by the Will of God, which the will of man knows not; For the natural man knows not [Page 8]the things of God; now every man in his first birth and state may see him­self to be natural, and is not able to judge of the things of God, which be eternal; the spiritual man judgeth all things, yea the deep things of God; but this is the second man: therefore all friends take heed of judge­ing with evil thoughts, that minde that respecteth persons, Judgeth with evil thoughts, and it is the Carnal part within, who is not of the Faith: but who i [...] of the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, is without respect of persons; and therefore as God hath given you a measure of a light within, let that guide your minds, and keep you in the fear of the Lord, and if you love that light and walk in it, there is no occasion of stumbling; and if you hate that light, then you stumble at noon-day, and there is your condemnation: loving this light, and bringing your works to this light; so far as this light hath Judged you in particular, so far you may judge in general; for that Judge is but one, and waiting in that light which keeps you in the fear of the Lord, waiting upon the Lord, to be made partakers of the precious Faith, for the mysterie of Faith is held in a pure Con­science, and walking in this light, it enlightens your consciences, and under­standings, walking in it you have union one with another, for the light is but one, which will discover all imagined lights, false worships, wayes and Churches, and draw you up to the Church in God, the fountain of light; and their Faith is but one, which purifieth the heart, which stands in God, which is a mysterie held in a pure Conscience, and all who are in it are one, if they be ten thousand. God Almighty bless, direct and keep all you that fear him, how to wait upon and walk before him, and be low, and stand in the Counsel of God, that whatsoever you do may prosper: But if you go out of the Counsel of God, pride, high-mindedness and oppression, and grinding the faces of the poor gets up; now your minds being guided by that which is pure, it is cross to the carnal, which oppresseth the poor in particular, if it be not crost; and out of it ariseth pride, if the pure Spirit of the Lord be not your guide and head; and if there be no oppres­sion within, then there is none without; for wo is unto him that is covered, but not with the Spirit of the Lord—Therefore minde every one what you are covered withal.


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